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Analysis of Maximization Strategy Intangible Assets through
the Speed of Innovation on Knowledge-Driven Business
Performance Improvement
I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati 1, * , Ferry Jie 2 , Puah Chin Hong 3 and Gede Adi Yuniarta 1

1 Faculty of Economics, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja 81116, Indonesia;

2 School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA 6027, Australia;
3 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan 94300, Malaysia;
* Correspondence:

Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of human capital, structural capital, and consumer
capital on financial performance and moderate the speed of innovation. The type of research used in
the study is quantitative—data collection techniques in distributing questionnaires measured using a
Likert scale. The sampling technique used was random sampling and was determined by the slovin
formula. The population in this study was MSMEs in Buleleng Regency, and the samples used in this
study amounted to 392 MSMEs. Data or statistical analysis techniques in the study were considered
using the Structural Equation Model with WarpPLS 5.0 software modelling. The results show that
the technology and commitment variables have no significant effect on the development of religious
ecotourism villages. In contrast, cultural changes significantly impact the development of religious
ecotourism villages. This study uses the speed of innovation as a moderating variable, the speed of
innovation is one of the essential things for MSMEs to improve financial performance. The speed of
Citation: Purnamawati, I Gusti Ayu,
Ferry Jie, Puah Chin Hong, and Gede
innovation supports intellectual capital, which is currently focused on knowledge-driven business to
Adi Yuniarta. 2022. Analysis of create a competitive advantage.
Maximization Strategy Intangible
Assets through the Speed of Keywords: intellectual capital; thespeed of innovation; financial performance
Innovation on Knowledge-Driven
Business Performance Improvement.
Economies 10: 149.
10.3390/economies10060149 1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Nick Drydakis Financial performance can provide a tangible form in assessing whether a company
is growing and developing well or not to determine the company’s viability. Changes
Received: 2 May 2022
in the company’s growth base from labor-based to knowledge-based lead to knowledge
Accepted: 10 June 2022
management that improves performance (Suseno and Pinnington 2017). Companies com-
Published: 16 June 2022
pete by running a knowledge-based business to use the available resources efficiently and
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral economically.
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Almost all companies now in their management develop knowledge-based business
published maps and institutional affil- performance, which considers current assets and fixed assets as not a differentiator for
iations. competitive advantage (Nikolaou 2019). Competitive advantage in today’s companies can
be seen based on the knowledge and skills possessed by employees. To attract investors,
the market value becomes the dominant value higher than the book value. This causes
intellectual capital to be the capital that is most considered an intangible asset but can
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
produce quality financial performance (Osinski et al. 2017). This intangible asset is not seen
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
in traditional financial reporting, which only measures financial assets in the short term
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
(Zambon 2017). In large companies, intangible assets have been presented and become a
conditions of the Creative Commons
measurement of reporting to stakeholders and evaluating internally. In knowledge-based
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// business, Hashim et al. (2015) said that high-quality resources are a priority for developed countries.

Economies 2022, 10, 149.

Economies 2022, 10, 149 2 of 20

These resources in the company are realized in intellectual capital; three capitals
include human capital concerning the knowledge, skills, and experience each employee
brings in carrying out the company’s operational activities (Kianto et al. 2017). Structural
capital covers non-human resources in an organization such as databases, organizational
charts, procedures, administrative processes, strategies, and everything of high value
to the organization (Hejazi et al. 2016). The third capital is consumer capital by having
knowledge in marketing activities and then establishing relationships with consumers and
being a determinant in increasing market value (Harmeling et al. 2017). Human capital
describes what an employee brings into a company so that the company’s market value
increases; structural capital describes how employees are connected within the company
and how and when the employee leaves the company. Consumer capital describes how
the company relates to external stakeholders (Dženopoljac et al. 2016). So human capital
includes professional competence, employee motivation, and ability in leadership.
In contrast, structural capital includes collaboration with internal parties, understand-
ing of IT and management tools and optimally in corporate culture, and consumer capital
refers to the relationship between partners, consumers, and suppliers. as well as investors
who have an overall effect on intangible assets (Wataya and Shaw 2019). Management can
define, classify, assign, report and manage intangible assets in the company. These assets
are the basis for claiming rights to future benefits that affect the creation of quality market
Its development and growth require competitiveness to generate profits; it is stated that
human capital is the most complex factor in developing competitive advantage (Ployhart
et al. 2014). However, the total cost of labor in various companies is larger than the cost
of maintaining production and operations. These costs are different for each company,
whether related to industry, goods or services. According to (Fathi et al. 2013), market value
in a company is created based on intellectual capital, namely human capital, structural
capital, and consumer capitalism, where the efficiency of the measured value is on the
company’s intangible and tangible assets.
Human capital is a genetic inheritance that includes education, training and expe-
rience, and business life. When companies can treat employees as well as possible, it
impacts profits, and of course, this capital supports structural capital and consumer cap-
ital (Dumay et al. 2020). Structural capital in the company is the knowledge capable of
fulfilling the company’s activity processes and can support a high level of intellectuality
(Komnenic and Pokrajčić 2012). However, when an organization has poor procedures
and systems, it cannot achieve optimal performance and its potential is not utilized
optimally. (Aghamirian et al. 2015) Consumer capital becomes potential in organizations,
whereas knowledge already exists in the organization in establishing relationships with
consumers, suppliers, competitors and the government. The better the relationship,
the more excellent the opportunity for companies to learn from consumers and suppli-
ers (Maharani and Fuad 2020). These three capitals are indispensable in improving a
company’s performance.
The current performance of MSME companies for the government can support the
Indonesian economy (Hadiyati 2015), but MSME actors still feel some obstacles. The
obstacles included here are both financial and non-financial. Economic barriers include the
still weak MSMEs in the availability of funds, limited knowledge in managing finances,
the lack of a systematic approach to MSME funding, and the lack of information obtained
in seeking bank credit or operating costs that are still too high (Irjayanti and Azis 2012).
Meanwhile, non-financial barriers include a lack of knowledge of the production aspects of
MSMEs. They still use traditional technology, lack maximum quality control and product
competitiveness, have not maximized innovation and creativity, have not been able to
keep up with environmental changes, and are still weak in identifying marketing targets
(Jovanovski et al. 2019). The product or service being marketed is not yet targeted at the
needs or wants of the market. In addition, the problem that often occurs is that products
circulating from neighbouring countries have product prices that are much cheaper with the
Economies 2022, 10, 149 3 of 20

same quality, causing heavy competitiveness for local MSMEs. Both the lack of knowledge
and skills possessed by MSME actors make the financial performance of MSMEs less than
optimal, where their business is not productive, inefficient or ineffective (Casalino et al.
2014). MSMEs must be able to develop their potential and build a competitive advantage.
The maximum financial performance obtained by MSMEs is based on intellectual capital
that can be appropriately managed and accompanied by the speed of innovation so that
MSMEs can run sustainably.
The whole world has indeed felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including
Indonesia where what was supposed the most was the weakening of people’s purchasing
power due to workers who lost a lot of work (Affandi et al. 2020). The perpetrators of
MSMEs certainly felt a reasonably significant impact, and some even went bankrupt. It
is a formidable challenge for MSME actors, who were initially able to survive, and must
innovate quickly (Hamdani and Wirawan 2012). The speed of innovation for MSME actors
is significant to advancing their business. After the pandemic, MSMEs must rise to improve
the Indonesian economy (Reardon et al. 2021). Indonesia is currently the largest market
in Southeast Asia for agriculture and consumer goods; even the value of online sales
transactions or e-commerce, which is growing more and more, is becoming the largest in

2. Methodology
2.1. Financial Performance
The stakeholder theory by R. Edward Freeman in 1984 stated that the existence of
a company is strongly influenced by stakeholder support for the company (Dawkins
2014). Stakeholder power is seen as control over company resources (Miller et al. 2014).
The higher the authority and attention given by the company to stakeholders, the
stronger the relationship between the two parties (Lentjušenkova and Lapina 2016).
Stakeholders can also influence management but must still see how stakeholder control
functions over the company’s resources (Beringer et al. 2013; James 2013). The Resource-
Based View theory by Wernerfelt in 1984 focuses on significant company resources and
capabilities as the basis for competitiveness and operational performance (Leonidou
et al. 2017; Tehseen and Sajilan 2016; Barney and Mackey 2016). To achieve a competitive
advantage, companies can utilize and develop sources of company capital, one of which
is intellectual capital, which means using strategic assets in the form of intangible assets
(Wijaya and Suasih 2020). This means that this theory views the company as having
different assets, capabilities, experience, and organizational culture to give the company
a sustainable competitive advantage.
Financial performance as a series of operational activities that focus on finance
within a certain period is reported in financial statements, including income state-
ments, changes in capital, balance sheets, cash flows and notes to financial statements
(Abuzayed 2012), (Przychodzen and Przychodzen 2015). Financial performance in its
measurement looks at implementation, financing and strategic decisions (Churet and
Eccles 2014). Analyzing the financial performance of a company aims to find weaknesses.
It can determine reliable strengths in financial performance so that they can make critical
decisions for the company in the future (Revelli and Viviani 2015). Financial perfor-
mance measurement by analyzing financial statements helps evaluate performance to
improve it. (Teeratansirikool et al. 2013) Achievement of performance depends on the
management, where every decision taken positively or negatively impacts financial
Economies 2022, 10, 149 4 of 20

2.2. Human Capital

The characteristics of human capital that are considered the most important in cre-
ating a relevant performance in organizations are education, knowledge and experience
(Cherkesova et al. 2016). Teaching, learning gained, and previous experiences lead to
innovative and creative discoveries to support the progress of operational activities, and
implementing structural aspects helps achieve quality and success. Human capital is an
investment in a company by providing education and training for its employees to improve
employees’ knowledge, skills, and competencies to maximize the productivity and output
of a company (Malaolu and Ogbuabor 2013; Wright et al. 2014). These resources are essen-
tial for economic productivity, and skills are enhanced through education and experience.
Human capital is divided based on competencies, namely knowledge, skills, and talents
possessed by employees and attitudes, namely the willingness of employees to use abilities
in providing a company benefits (Iwamoto and Suzuki 2019).
Human capital is one of the intangible assets of the company where intelligence,
ability, creativity and innovation, as well as the experience possessed by all employees, can
support the sustainability of the company, so that human capital is declared to be the main
stakeholder in the company (Nuryani et al. 2018). Human capital is part of intellectual
capital where companies employ employees who prioritize mindsets rather than physical
ones to deal with technological developments (Sima et al. 2020). Investment in improving
employees is expected to have a positive impact both in the short and long term of the
company. As a form of an intangible asset, human capital is expected to create future
economic value in the company by increasing employee competence and organizational
ability (Silva et al. 2019). This illustrates how the quality of a company’s workforce, the
best quality, is beneficial for investors to assess efficiency and predict future profitability
and company productivity (Yusuf 2013).

2.3. Structural Capital

Structural capital is a concept or system created by employees but owned within the
company’s scope. In companies based on a combination of internal structures that can im-
prove the development process, establish initiatives, and improve technology, the structural
capital also increases (Ling 2013). Structural capital includes non-human resources within
the company, which have databases, organizational structures, organizational culture,
strategies or other high value. Structural capital functions as leverage in company growth
based on rules, databases, and corporate culture (Gogan et al. 2015). Structural capital
includes the things in the company to be organized and integrated; this capital becomes
the supporting infrastructure for performing well (Paunović 2021). Structural capital is a
unique approach to carrying out operational activities because other competitors can hardly
imitate it. By investing in structural capital, companies can improve their work processes
so that services and quality of production and operational activities can be more efficient
and effective (Aramburu et al. 2013). Structural capital in the company can produce high
quality and reduce operating costs to lead to successful operational performance (Matos
et al. 2017). This capital can direct to put aside unnecessary things in the process of creating
value, helping achieve employee productivity and increasing income.

2.4. Consumer Capital

Consumer capital grows based on trust, commitment, norms, and interactive relation-
ships between companies and stakeholders (Fisher 2019). Consumer capital is a facility
for exchanging knowledge, learning and cooperation so that they can find ways to solve
problems. This capital allows companies to develop good relationships with partners or
customers so that organizations can learn from the experiences of others (Archer-Brown
and Kietzmann 2018). Without good consumer capital, a company has difficulty interacting
with its partners. Consumer capital embodies how continuous communication is applied
by companies in serving external parties to add market value. Consumer capital has market
share characteristics, customer retention, and profits from consumers (Kirmaci 2012). Man-
Economies 2022, 10, 149 5 of 20

aged consumer capital is expected to overcome the worst conditions because the company
can find out who its customers are. Without consumer capital, it is impossible to achieve
market value and performance. Consumer capital is linked to the company’s ability to have
quality relationships with its clients and form a company’s external business network, such
as communicating with consumers and suppliers and having a reputation and brand (Jalali
et al. 2014; Bagher Taghieh et al. 2013). Consumer capital is a relationship that companies
must foster in running a business that includes consumers and suppliers. Consumer capital
is a relational value between companies and other people, including consumer satisfaction,
durability, reputation, suppliers, investors, government and business networks and other
stakeholders (Isanzu 2015).

2.5. Speed of Innovation

Innovation in the economic aspect means introducing new goods or services that
customers do not know about or unique qualities of an item, introducing new production
methods, or opening new markets (Snyder et al. 2016). Innovation is the most crucial factor
in MSMEs to improve operational performance (Kuncoro and Suriani 2018). These three
things are significant to avoid failures such as inappropriate strategies, non-innovative
product designs, and costs incurred for product innovations that are too high or unable
to compete with others (Lendel and Varmus 2014). The speed of innovation is expressed
as the time required by the company from the concept and process to offering the new
product to the market (Wang and Wang 2012). The speed of innovation has a reason as
an innovation strategy, namely the result of the speed of innovation making superior new
products to affect the company’s performance (Hecker and Ganter 2013). The speed of
innovation provides a sustainable competitive advantage, and intense competition and
rapid technological developments make the pressure to innovate faster. A company’s
speed in innovating is very much needed, especially MSMEs, where MSME actors expect
their business to survive and develop (Akman and Yilmaz 2019). Innovation is the main
supporting factor in a company’s success by looking at the basic innovation dimensions,
including products, processes, marketing, and organization. A clear understanding of
which direction to take in realizing innovation significantly assists a company in priori-
tizing market strategies. The speed of innovation is essential in competitive competition
(Casadesus-Masanell and Zhu 2013). The ability to develop and launch innovative products
quickly before being preceded by competitors is the right step for the key to the success
of a company competing in the advanced technology industry. According to (Ngari and
Muiruri 2014), in his research, the application of financial innovation has a significant effect
on financial performance.

3. Results
The outer model is used to test the validity and reliability of a research instrument
(Hair et al. 2014).

3.1. The Effect of Human Capital on Improving Financial Performance

In employees, there is human capital with the attitudes, competencies, knowledge
and skills, innovation, creativity and experience needed in an organization or company
to achieve a target (Campbell et al. 2012). Companies realize that when they invest in
their employees, they can easily enjoy better operational performance, which indirectly
leads to increased financial performance (Wang et al. 2014). (Joshi et al. 2013) states
that the existence of human capital in a company provides benefits, namely the loss
of the threat of opportunism, the creation of synergies, reducing uncertainty, control
and protection of assets, and the ability to access and follow the latest technological
developments (Bendickson and Chandler 2017).
Economies 2022, 10, 149 6 of 20

Human capital is needed to increase capabilities and maintain a competitive advantage

to support sustainable investment and a knowledge-based economy (Chatterjee 2016).
This capital is one of the differentiating factors for performance between companies that
can bring economic value to the company. Increasing human capital internally can be
performed by providing training and development programs and providing high-level
knowledge and skills in facing the job competition market (Scafarto and Dimitropoulos
2018). According to Ogunyomi and Bruning (2016), human capital refers more to education,
training, and other developments in improving employees’ skills, knowledge, values, and
social assets, resulting in employee satisfaction and indirectly affecting the company’s
financial performance. Nimtrakoon (2015) also states that the impact of human capital
efficiency consistently affects financial performance.

Hypothesis 1 (H1). Human capital affects improving financial performance.

3.2. The Effect of Structural Capital on Improving Financial Performance

Structural capital influences financial performance. High structural capital certainly
impacts efficiency in carrying out the production process and can reduce production costs.
It increases company profits that affect assets (Yong et al. 2020). Good organizational
management certainly impacts the creation of competitive advantage by expanding the
company’s capabilities. The existence of a structure that supports employees to produce
intellectual rules and corporate culture is applied to provide optimal business performance
(Nejati 2016). Structural capital is a strategic intangible asset in an organization which
includes: organizational culture, procedures, information systems, hardware and software,
databases, patents, copyrights, etc. When the organization strongly supports structural cap-
ital by fostering a culture of innovation and organizational commitment and involving top
to bottom management, it creates a performance advantage, which means structural capital
creates corporate value (Felício et al. 2014). Research conducted by Babai et al. (2016) shows
that structural capital shows a company’s ability to fulfil company processes and structures
in supporting employee efforts to produce operational performance, especially optimal
financial performance, for example, the company’s operational system, organizational
culture, organizational structure or technology system. According to research conducted
by Thiagarajan and Baul (2014), structural capital becomes a means of infrastructure for
employees to work optimally. When employees have a high intellectual level but the
company’s system is terrible, intellectual capital and financial performance are not able to
be achieved optimally.

Hypothesis 2 (H2). Structural capital affects improving financial performance.

3.3. The Effect of Consumer Capital on Improving Financial Performance

Consumer capital is stated to influence financial performance; where consumer capital
gets better and more competitive, it will affect maximum sales and use capital more
efficiently to improve company performance (Ranani and Bijani 2014). Increased sales on
consumer capital is due to a harmonious relationship between the company and its partners,
such as quality and reliable suppliers, loyal and consistently satisfied customers with the
services provided by the company, as well as good relations between the company and the
government and the surrounding community (Hashemnia et al. 2014). Consumer capital is
also external because it consists of relationships with outside parties and a network based
on company satisfaction and loyalty (Deniswara et al. 2019). This means that this capital
is a company’s ability to meet consumer demand. When the organizational structure is
reasonable, skilled employees providing quality services improve performance (Adnan
et al. 2013). In consumer capital, the organization must determine the control and where its
business is and how many chains to build for various people. Expanding the organization’s
business value chain is essential and pays attention to costs, risk mitigation, managerial
decisions and the exploitation of the economic scope that impacts performance (Wuttke
Economies 2022, 10, 149 7 of 20

et al. 2013). The benefits of empowering consumer capital are improving coordination,
having interaction with consumers and suppliers, having the opportunity to create an idea
or product differentiation and having control.

Hypothesis 3 (H3). Consumer capital affects improving financial performance.

3.4. Speed of Innovation Moderates the Effect of Human Capital on Improving

Financial Performance
When creating innovation, knowledge and skills are needed to impact the product
on the relationship between customers and company competitors (Meihami and Meihami
2014; Budi 2019). This indirectly indicates that the role of human capital is significant
and related to increasing the productivity of MSMEs. Innovation decisions are made
quickly and accurately based on environmental and external analysis. As MSME actors
can speed up innovation, human capital must be accompanied by training in developing
their skills; besides, they can also add insight to their business from financial and non-
financial aspects (Agostini et al. 2017). With sufficiently mature knowledge and skills, and
experience in building a business, the possibility of failure can be avoided and become a
competitive advantage in the target market (Omotayo 2015). The performance of MSMEs
can provide optimal results. Research by Wang et al. (2018) and Leitner (2018) showed that
the speed and quality of innovation fully mediate the impact of human capital on financial

Hypothesis 4 (H4). Speed of Innovation moderates the effect of human capital on improving
financial performance.

3.5. Speed of Innovation Moderates the Effect of Structural Capital on Improving

Financial Performance
Structural capital reflects non-human resources involved in organization, such as
values, business processes, and behavior patterns. This capital facilitates the creation of
innovation with information retrieval, retrieval, storage, processing, and analysis using
technology systems (Wang et al. 2016). It means that structural capital is used to incor-
porate knowledge in a company so that there are acceptable standards to avoid conflicts
due to changes in the realization of innovation (Wang et al. 2014). Innovation planning
and decision-making become more productive and efficient when the capital structure is
effective. It makes it faster to satisfy customer needs based on new products or services
developed by the company (Costa et al. 2014). The existence of structural capital makes
it easy to increase acquisitions, share knowledge, and build corporate culture. In the
end, it can support the speed of innovation, fulfill process facilities and collaboration in
developing innovations to improve financial performance (Soo et al. 2017; Ndubisi et al.
2015; Hartono and Halim 2014; Lestari et al. 2020). The speed of innovation is successful
in improving the financial performance of MSMEs. Optimization is inseparable from the
system and structure built by MSME actors in their business. These efforts include: the use
of sophisticated technology, keeping up with the rapidly changing environment, optimally
applied organizational culture, and the ability to adapt to processes. Innovative productiv-
ity becomes added value in the world market, achieving status by producing quality goods
or services.

Hypothesis 5 (H5). Speed of Innovation moderates the effect of structural capital on improving
financial performance.
Economies 2022, 10, 149 8 of 20

3.6. Speed of Innovation Moderates the Effect of Consumer Capital on Improving

Financial Performance
To achieving satisfactory innovation results, a company utilizes internal resources,
science and technology, and external stakeholders’ capabilities. Consumer capital forms
an atmosphere of communication and provides feedback so that it is faster to develop the
innovation process (Ungerman et al. 2018). Consumer capital embodies the company’s
solidarity with stakeholders, thereby creating an opportunity. Companies involve cus-
tomers or suppliers, thus encouraging continuous innovation (Kianto et al. 2017). Activities
in developing new products, work processes and quality, and services in the future lead
to better company financial performance. The speed of innovation is very important for
MSMEs in introducing and marketing new products through communication and estab-
lishing relationships with customers (Al-Ansari et al. 2013). The relationship fostered
with customers, especially loyal customers, is considered to have a significant impact on
responding to the introduction of innovations created by MSME actors. Here, MSME
actors take a communication approach while introducing new products to customers and
then allowing them to respond; if there are still some shortcomings, they can be corrected
immediately (Aksoy 2017). In addition, this can build a more comprehensive network
of cooperation with the government or other business partners. MSMEs can move more
efficiently and effectively in procuring resources, producing, and even marketing to take
advantage of business opportunities with other parties (Distanont and Khongmalai 2020).
It is the right step in making decisions to innovate to provide operational and financial
performance for MSMEs.

Hypothesis 6 (H6). Speed of Innovation moderates the effect of consumer capital on improving
financial performance.

The research used is a quantitative approach, and a particular population or sample

was researched. The data collection technique was distributing questionnaires to measure
five variables: human capital, structural capital, consumer capital, innovation speed, and
financial performance. The questionnaire used a Likert scale from 1- to 5 points. Summary
of sample presentation as presented in Table 1. The sampling technique used was a random
sampling technique determined by the solving formula. The population was MSMEs in the
Buleleng Regency, which were recorded at the in 2020 with a
total of 54,489 MSME actors with a margin of error of 5%, so the sample obtained was 401
MSME actors. However, only 392 samples were in this study because nine questionnaires
were not returned. Data or statistical analysis techniques in the study were considered
using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with WarpPLS 5.0 software modelling. Variable
measurements are summarized in the presentation of Table 2.

Table 1. Summary of sample presentation.

Sample Criteria Number of Observations

Total questionnaires distributed 401
Complete questionnaires that were not returned (9)
Total returned questionnaires 392
Complete questionnaires that cannot be processed 0
Total questionnaires that can be processed 392
Economies 2022, 10, 149 9 of 20

Table 2. Variables Definition.

Variable Definition Data Source

A company’s financial condition in a certain
Improved Financial period regarding aspects of fundraising and its
Performance distribution is presented in the financial
statements (Frias-Aceituno et al. 2014)
Value is added in the form of knowledge,
expertise, abilities and skills possessed by
Human Capital humans and then makes humans capital or Questionnaire
assets of an organization to achieve strategic
goals (Pasban and Nojedeh 2016)
Supporting infrastructure, organizational
databases, and organizational design
Structural Capital structures that enable human capital to carry Questionnaire
out its functions for better performance
(Sumedrea 2013)
The knowledge possessed in aspects of
marketing channels and relationships that
occur with outside parties such as customers,
Consumer Capital Questionnaire
suppliers, communities and governments that
develop in the organization through
operational activities (Kim et al. 2012).
The pace of progress manifests a bold
appearance in innovating and commercializing
Speed of Innovation new products, which means the company can Questionnaire
accelerate its operational activities in
developing new products (Engel 2015).

Research Model:
Y = γ1 X + γ2 M + γ3 XM + ε
Y: Endogenous variables;
X: Exogenous variable;
γ: The influence coefficient of the exogenous on the endogenous latent variable;
M: Moderating variables;
The criteria for this validity are met if the loading value is 0.5 to 0.6. Convergent
validity in this study is based on Tables 3 and 4; it is known that the combined loadings
and cross-loadings have met the criteria, so the validity is fulfilled.
Table 3. Convergent validity.

Variable Indicator X1 X2 X3 Z Y p-Value Description

X1.1 0.631 * <0.001 Valid
X1.2 0.663 * <0.001 Valid
Human X1.3 0.677 * <0.001 Valid
Capital (X1) X1.4 0.709 * <0.001 Valid
X1.5 0.741 * <0.001 Valid
X1.6 <0.001 Valid
X2.1 0.973 * <0.001 Valid
Structural X2.2 0.992 * <0.001 Valid
Capital (X2) X2.3 0.978 * <0.001 Valid
X2.4 0.981 * <0.001 Valid
Economies 2022, 10, 149 10 of 20

Table 3. Cont.

Variable Indicator X1 X2 X3 Z Y p-Value Description

X3.1 0.638 * <0.001 Valid
X3.2 0.768 * <0.001 Valid
Consumer Capital
(X3) X3.3 0.745 * <0.001 Valid
X3.4 0.718 * <0.001 Valid
X3.5 0.823 * <0.001 Valid
>Z1 >0.832 * ><0.001 >Valid
Speed of Z2 0.776 * <0.001 Valid
Innovation (Z) Z3 0.807 * <0.001 Valid
Z4 0.797 * <0.001 Valid
Y1 0.646 * <0.001 Valid
Improvement of
Y2 0.786 * <0.001 Valid
performance (Y) Y3 0.844 * <0.001 Valid
Y4 0.913 * <0.001 Valid
Source: processed data (* the validity has fulfilled the criteria with the loading value being 0.5 to 0.6).

Table 4. Convergent validity.

Z × X1 Z × X2 Z × X3 p-Value Description
Z1 × X1.1 0.596 Z1 × X2.1 0.977 Z1 × X3.1 0.867 <0.001 Valid
Z1 × X1.2 0.876 Z1 × X2.2 0.997 Z1 × X3.2 0.852 <0.001 Valid
Z1 × X1.3 0.831 Z1 × X2.3 0.977 Z1 × X3.3 0.688 <0.001 Valid
Z1 × X1.4 0.829 Z1 × X2.4 0.985 Z1 × X3.4 0.716 <0.001 Valid
Z1 × X1.5 0.934 Z2 × X2.1 0.978 Z1 × X3.5 0.852 <0.001 Valid
Z1 × X1.6 0.792 Z2 × X2.2 0.988 Z2 × X3.1 0.838 <0.001 Valid
Z2 × X1.1 0.892 Z2 × X2.3 0.972 Z2 × X3.2 0.932 <0.001 Valid
Z2 × X1.2 0.704 Z2 × X2.4 0.957 Z2 × X3.3 0.760 <0.001 Valid
Z2 × X1.3 0.866 Z3 × X2.1 0.984 Z2 × X3.4 0.721 <0.001 Valid
Z2 × X1.4 0.823 Z3 × X2.2 0.986 Z2 × X3.5 0.827 <0.001 Valid
Z2 × X1.5 0.808 Z3 × X2.3 0.991 Z3 × X3.1 0.798 <0.001 Valid
Z2 × X1.6 0.780 Z3 × X2.4 0.990 Z3 × X3.2 0.943 <0.001 Valid
Z3 × X1.1 0.861 Z4 × X2.1 0.962 Z3 × X3.3 0.794 <0.001 Valid
Z3 × X1.2 0.932 Z4 × X2.2 0.992 Z3 × X3.4 0.728 <0.001 Valid
Z3 × X1.3 0.744 Z4 × X2.3 0.953 Z3 × X3.5 0.937 <0.001 Valid
Z3 × X1.4 0.897 Z4 × X2.4 0.964 Z4 × X3.1 0.868 <0.001 Valid
Z3 × X1.5 0.852 Z4 × X3.2 0.837 <0.001 Valid
Z3 × X1.6 0.791 Z4 × X3.3 0.730 <0.001 Valid
Z4 × X1.1 0.850 Z4 × X3.4 0.779 <0.001 Valid
Z4 × X1.2 0.800 Z4 × X3.5 0.953 <0.001 Valid
Z4 × X1.3 0.851 <0.001 Valid
Z4 × X1.4 0.795 <0.001 Valid
Z4 × X1.5 0.848 <0.001 Valid
Z4 × X1.6 0.844 <0.001
Source: processed data.
Economies 2022, 10, 149 11 of 20

Table 5 shows that the AVE value of each variable from 392 respondents is greater
than the correlation between latent variables in the same column. It indicates that it can
accept discriminant validity. It shows that it can accept discriminant validity.

Table 5. Discriminant validity.

Correlations among l. vs. with sq. rts. of AVEs

X1 X2 X3 Z Y Z × X1 Z × X2 Z × X3
Human Capital (X1) 0.634 *
Structural Capital (X2) 0.902 *
Consumer Capital (X3) 0.603 *
Innovation Speed (Z) 0.739 *
Improvement of financial
0.613 *
performance (Y)
Z × X1 0.588 *
Z × X2 0.708 *
Z × X3 0.520 *
Source: processed data. (* Cronbach’s alpha value is greater than 0.5. All variables meet the reliability standards).

From Table 5, the composite reliability value of each variable is above 0.7, and the
Cronbach’s alpha value of each variable is above 0.5. It is concluded that all variables
have met the reliability criteria. In addition, Table 6 shows the R-square in this study is
0.393, which means that 39.3% of the variables of increasing financial performance can be
explained by the variables of human capital, structural capital, and consumer capital and
the speed of innovation as moderating variables, while the remaining 60.7% are influenced
by other variables. The standard method bias of the research results are worth less than
3.3, so the total collinearity value of VIFs is accepted. In the measurement of Q-square,
coefficients are used as an assessment of predictive validity, which can be negative. They
have a value greater than 0, and Table 6 shows that the value is more significant than 0, so
it is declared valid.

Table 6. Latent variable coefficients.

X1 X2 X3 Z Y Z × X1 Z × X2 Z × X3
R-squared coefficients 0.393
Adjusted R-squared coefficients 0.311
Composite reliability coefficients 0.798 0.946 0.732 0.828 0.693 0.876 0.941 0.806
Cronbach’s alpha coefficients 0.696 0.923 0.547 0.722 0.513 0.854 0.933 0.749
Average variances extracted 0.401 0.813 0.364 0.547 0.363 0.238 0.501 0.177
Full collinearity VIFs 2.893 1.035 1.732 2.181 1.448 1.506 1.013 1.264
Q-squared coefficients 0.335
Source: processed data.

The significance level of testing this hypothesis is performed by looking at the value
of the p-value. (Davcik 2014) The inner model test or structural model evaluation is a
specification in determining the relationship between latent constructs and other latent
constructs. Research is declared good if the structural model meets the required standards
(Kock 2015). In Table 7 below, there are test items and standard test values for the inner
model used to measure the model’s strength.
Economies 2022, 10, 149 12 of 20

Table 7. Model fit and quality indices.

No. Model Fit and Quality Indices Fit Criteria Indeks Description
Average path coefficient
1 p < 0.05 0.169 Fulfilled
Average R-squared
2 p < 0.05 0.311 Fulfilled
3 Average adjusted R-squared (AARS) p < 0.05 0.293 Fulfilled
Average block VIF acceptable if ≤5, ideally
4 1.341 Fulfilled
(AVIF) ≤3.3
Average full collinearity VIF acceptable if ≤5, ideally
5 1.634 Fulfilled
(AFVIF) ≤3.3
small ≥0.1, medium ≥0.25,
6 Tenenhaus GoF (GoF) 0.364 Fulfilled, Categori Large
large ≥0.36
acceptable if ≥0.7,
7 Sympson’s paradox ratio (SPR) 0.767 Fulfilled
ideally = 1
acceptable if ≥0.9,
8 R-squared contribution ratio (RSCR) 0.951 Fulfilled
ideally = 1
9 Statistical suppression ratio (SSR) acceptable if ≥0.7 0.833 Fulfilled
Nonlinear bivariate causality
10 acceptable if ≥0.7 0.833 Fulfilled
direction ratio (NLBCDR)
Source: processed data.

Based on the results of the output in Table 7, the fit and quality indices model for all
criteria are known. The values of APC, ARS, AARS, AVIF, and AFVIF to GoF have met the
requirements so that the structural model can be accepted and used for analysis.
Figure 1 shows a direct relationship for the variables studied where the output results
are in the form of a model and the results of the path analysis test. Table 8 output results
in path coefficient values are used to determine the magnitude of the influence of direct
and indirect relationships (moderation). The results of the direct influence test in this
study are shown in Figure 1 and Table 7: the path coefficient value of human capital,
structural capital, and consumer capital, towards improving financial performance is
0.205 (p-values < 0.001), 0.157 (p-values 0.007 < 0.05), and 0.362 (p-values < 0.001), which
means that all variables have a positive and significant effect on improving financial
performance; The path coefficients of the speed of innovation to moderate human capital
on improving financial performance are 0.054. The p-values of >0.202 with a significance
level of 0.05 stated that the speed of innovation does not moderate the effect of human
capital on improving financial performance. The path coefficients of the speed of innovation
moderating structural capital on improving financial performance are 0.119 and p-values of
0.031 < 0.05 significance level—the speed of innovation moderates the effect of structural
capital on improving financial performance. The value of path coefficients from the speed
of innovation to moderate consumer capital on improving financial performance is −0.113
and p-values of 0.038 < 0.05 significance level. It is stated that the speed of innovation
is not strong enough to moderate the effect of consumer capital on improving financial
Economies 2022,
Economies 10, x10,
2022, FOR149PEER REVIEW 13 of1321of 20

Figure 1. The
1. The analysis
analysis results
results of the
of the direct
direct andand indirect
indirect effects.

Table 8. Path
Table coefficients.
8. Path coefficients.

Criteria Description
Variable Path Coefficients
Path Coefficients p pValues
Human Capital (X1) 0.205 <0.001 *** Highly Significant
Human Capital (X1) 0.205 <0.001 *** Highly Significant
Structural Capital (X2) 0.157 0.007 *** Highly Significant
Structural Capital (X2) 0.157 0.007 *** Highly Significant
Consumer Capital (X3) 0.362 <0.001 *** Highly Significant
Consumer Capital (X3) 0.362 <0.001 *** Highly Significant
Innovation Speed×
0.054 0.202 Not significant
Capital (Z ××X1)
0.054 0.202 Not significant
Human Capital (Z × X1)
Innovation Speed×
0.119 0.031 ** Significant
Structural Speed
Capital (Z× × X2) 0.119 0.031 ** Significant
Structural Capital (Z × X2)
Innovation Speed×
Innovation Speed× −0.113 0.038 ** Significant
Consumer Capital (Z × X3) −0.113 0.038 ** Significant
Consumer Capital (Z × X3)
Source: processed data (** a p-value of 0.05 = significant; *** a p-value of 0.01 = highly signif-
Source: processed data (** a p-value of 0.05 = significant; *** a p-value of 0.01 = highly significant).
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
Intellectual capital, which has three components, is increasingly important for MSME
actors to,
Theywhich has three
must follow components,
increasingly is increasingly
sophisticated importantdevelopments
technological for MSME
actors to apply. They must follow increasingly sophisticated technological
and difficult business competition, so MSME actors must change business patterns into developments
difficult businessbusinesses.
competition, so MSME
MSMEs actors
continue to must change
strengthen thebusiness
foundationpatterns into
and amount
of employee talent businesses.
they haveMSMEs continue
to face to strengthen
the digital world so thethat
foundation and amount
the company does not
of employee talent they have to face the digital world so that the
experience economic downturns in the future. The use of tangible assets and intangible company does not
experience economic downturns in the future. The use of tangible assets
assets for MSME actors is expected to be more efficient in improving their business financialand intangible
assets for MSME actors is expected to be more efficient in improving their business
shows that the first hypothesis is accepted. The results of this study are similar
toH1 showsconducted
research that the firstbyhypothesis
(Martin etisal.accepted.
2013; Kim The
et results
al. 2016;ofPost
this study are similar
and Byron to
2015; Gam-
et al. 2013)bywho
al. the
2013; K. Kim
higher et al. of
the value 2016;
human Postcapital,
and Byron 2015;the
the higher
achievement et al.
of2013) whoperformance.
financial found that theHuman
higher the valueisofthe
capital human capital,of
component theintellectual
achievement of financial performance. Human capital is the component
that has the most significant role in an organization. When the company treats of intellectual
capital that hasasthe
employees humanmostcapital
significant role in
or assets, an organization.
greater When the
profits are obtained company
than treats as
when treated
resources. as human
assets, greater profits are
a competitive andobtained
sustainable thansuperior
when treated as so
resources. Human capital
that it becomes becomes
valuable capital,a cannot
competitive and sustainable
be imitated and cannot superior resource so
be substituted. Asthat
it becomes
by Ployhartvaluable
imitated and cannot
be replicated be substituted.
because it is basedAs onstated by
Ployhart (2012),are
Individuals human capital
the basis cannot organizational
for forming be replicated because
structures it and
is based
systemson that
are difficult
Individuals are the basis
for other competitors for forming
to follow. Many organizational
companies make structures and systems
labor productivity that are
a measure of the
difficult financial
for other performance
competitors to see how
to follow. Many thecompanies
company has make carried
laborout the performance
productivity a
measure a period
company’s(Shaw et al. 2013).
financial Human capital
performance is anthe
to see how advantage
companyinhas thecarried
Economies 2022, 10, 149 14 of 20

where it is extracted from the knowledge of an employee and becomes the most valuable
asset (Crane and Bontis 2014).
Furthermore, the following study results indicate that H2 is accepted, where the results
of this study are the same as the research of Alipour (2012) and Musibah and Alfattani
(2014). Structural capital creates a work environment that helps MSME actors increase
knowledge about the business they are running to improve their financial performance
(Sardo et al. 2018). Structural capital includes the company’s operational systems, pro-
duction processes, organizational culture, management philosophy, and everything the
company owns. Managing structural capital can develop knowledge, shorten the time
of a job, and have a clear strategy (Sydler et al. 2014; Surya et al. 2021) This management
produces something new and can be learned so that MSME actors have progressive and
increasing productivity.
The results of the study indicate that H3 is accepted. As is the case in research
by Baporikar et al. (2016), who found that consumer capital is one of the sources of
income components in improving financial performance, one of which can be performed by
retaining old customers and attracting the attention of new customers so that it becomes an
essential aspect for MSMEs. MSME actors determine and then select the selected customers
and market segments to target for their business. In consumer capital, how much value is
given by consumers or customers can be seen from the products issued, good relations with
customers, and brand image (Callarisa et al. 2012). A product is valuable if it approaches
or even exceeds what consumers perceive. This creates potential consumers, so it is also
necessary to provide the best service based on existing capabilities and resources (Teece
2018); this certainly impacts company performance, especially financial performance.
Furthermore, the results of the moderation research show that H4 is rejected, which
means that the speed of innovation cannot moderate the influence of human capital on
improving financial performance. It is inconsistent with research conducted by Aryanto
et al. (2015) and Zhou et al. (2013), who found that human capital practices are positively
related to innovation ability, which positively affects innovation performance. The speed of
innovation does not only rely on human capital, but companies sometimes mostly prefer to
use technology (Murray et al. 2016). One of the reasons is because technology is easier to
apply when compared with human capital, which must be given education and training
which requires more time and costs. In addition, innovation using human capital is more for
small companies than large-scale companies (McGuirk et al. 2015). Human capital utilized
efficiently is a determining factor in increasing productivity, but this is not entirely the case
because it sometimes triggers waste and inefficiency, significantly so when speeding up
innovation without sufficient knowledge and experience (Tzabbar and Margolis 2017). This
reduces the financial performance of a company.
Further research indicates that H5 is accepted, which means that the speed of innova-
tion can moderate the effect of structural capital on improving financial performance. The
results of this study follow research conducted by Bayraktaroglu et al. (2019), who found
that innovation has a moderating effect on the relationship between structural capital and
profitability. Structural capital is an indicator of the added value of a company, which in-
cludes the database, organizational structure, corporate culture, strategy and other matters
related to the company. Structural capital becomes a liaison for resources that have more
value; this is because structural capital is a means and infrastructure in supporting the
performance of MSME actors, especially in creating an innovation (Chahal and Bakshi 2015;
Alrowwad and Abualoush 2020). When employees have high knowledge, but they are not
supported by adequate facilities in applying the speed of innovation, they are not able to
improve financial performance. Structural capital plays an essential role in all activities of
MSME actors, especially in realizing innovations that enhance the financial performance of
their businesses (Han and Li 2015).
Following the study results, H6 is rejected, which means that the speed of innovation
is not strong enough to moderate the effect of consumer capital on improving financial
performance. The results of this study follow research conducted by Ratnawati (2020),
Economies 2022, 10, 149 15 of 20

who found that consumer capital does not always provide financial benefits for MSME
actors. This is because customers do not all have a high level of loyalty, especially new
customers (Li 2014); sometimes, these customers become a threat to SMEs, where they
prefer to compare products with other competitors. Especially for the innovations created
by MSME actors, sometimes having the speed of innovation can be an opportunity for other
competitors to follow and even exceed the products that have been made (Mehdivand
et al. 2012; Campo et al. 2014). So, here, it is related to which MSME actors can respond as
quickly as possible but still follow the needs of outsiders, especially customers. So MSME
actors who have the speed of innovation then take advantage of consumer capital, but it is
not to the needs of outsiders; of course, this has an impact on the financial performance
expected by MSME actors.

5. Conclusions
The study results, using five variables, show shown differences between the research
results and the hypothesis in this study. Developments in Industry 4.0 have caused the
business environment to become increasingly uncertain. It will also affect the decline
in the national economy, so companies are expected to need to make quick and steady
management decisions to maintain their sustainability and strengthen their position in the
market supported by the government. Currently, most of the business world has adopted
a knowledge-based business that emphasizes using the intellectual capital owned by the
company, including human capital, structural capital, and consumer capital. Intellectual
capital is also one of the important assets in the success and survival of MSMEs. For the
government, micro, small, and medium enterprises are an essential part of the backbone of
the Indonesian economy. To maintain the sustainability of MSMEs, a competitive advantage
is needed by utilizing their intellectual capital. Intellectual capital is an intangible asset
that helps create the best product and service innovations to increase the performance of
MSMEs. The Resource-Based View (RBV) theory states that a competitive advantage is
achieved if a company can use and maximize its resources. The RBV theory is considered
appropriate to describe the company’s internal strength, which is carried out through
intellectual capital, which impacts financial performance. The limitations of this study are
that the variables used are only three independent variables: human, structural capital,
and consumer capital, as well as the moderating variable, namely the speed of innovation,
so that it still does not show a role in improving financial performance. They represent
MSMEs outside the Buleleng Regency area.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, methodology, writing—original draft, I.G.A.P.; data cura-

tion, formal analysis, supervision, F.J.; writing—review and editing, P.C.H.; resources, investigation,
visualization, G.A.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: Thank you for the support provided by the Institute for Research and Commu-
nity Service Ganesha University of Education, and the Ministry of Research Technology, National
Innovation Research Agency, Republic of Indonesia.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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