Morimoto - Wide Speed Operation of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Morimoto - Wide Speed Operation of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Morimoto - Wide Speed Operation of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Abstract-Interior permanent magnet synchronous motors can [4].In the flux-weakening region, the terminal voltage is
be applied to applications requiring wide-speed operation. The nearly the maximum available voltage of the inverter, and
current vector control algorithm of an interior permanent mag-
net synchronous (IPM) motor for constant power operation over
as a result, the commanded voltage vector sometimes
the base speed is proposed. As the available voltage controlling exceeds the maximum available voltage in transient oper-
the armature current vector is small in the flux-weakening ations. In this case, the d- and q-axis current regulators
constant power region, the current vector sometimes becomes are saturated and affect each other. As a result, the
uncontrollable in transient operations because of the current responses of current, torque, and speed become worse.
regulator saturation. The high-performance current regulator is
also proposed to improve the current responses in the flux- Variable speed control system of the IPM motor is
weakening region, which includes the decoupling current con- proposed in this paper for wide-speed operation over the
troller and the voltage command compensator. The control base speed. The effects of the armature reaction and the
performances are confirmed by several drive tests with respect cross-coupling effects on the control performances are
to the prototype IPM motor. examined. The high-performance current regulator with
the decoupling of the d and q axis and voltage command
compensation is also proposed. The proposed control
I. INTRODUCTION algorithms are implemented in the fully digital speed
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v, = -
4 IV,,. (4)
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I,------------------- -I-,
e- mbosc
- - - - : decoupling feedforward compensation
Fig. 3. Block diagram of decoupling current controllers.
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Vdc= Vd
v q c = vq
v q c = vqo
Vdc , V q c
ps, in which the algorithm described in Section I1 is
executed. The three phase voltage commands are deter- Fig. 5. Diagram illustrating action of voltage command compensation
mined by the current control processor every 100 p s , in (U: -+ L'c*1, U; -+ &).
which the algorithm described in Section I11 and the
vector rotator ( d , q % U , U , w ) are executed. The specifi-
cations of the laboratory IPM motor drive system are IPM motor, the constant power operation can be achieved
shown in Table I. In the experimentation, the maximum from 1200 to over 3000 rpm.
voltage V,, and the base speed @base are set to 50 V and
1200 rpm, respectively. This is due to the constraint of the C. Transient Characteristics
experimental equipment such as the torque meter and the
load equipment. Therefore, K, and wbase are three or The effects of the proposed voltage command compen-
four times larger in the practical applications. sation in the flux-weakening region are shown in Fig. 8.
The d- and q-axis currents controlled by the conventional
current regulator cannot follow the current commands
B. Steady-State Characteristics
because of the current regulator saturation. The current
The experimental torque versus speed characteristics responses as well as the speed response are greatly im-
taking both of the constraints given by (3) and (4) into proved by the proposed voltage command compensation.
account are shown in Fig. 7. In the conventional id = 0 As the control performance of the d-axis current is very
control method, in which the d-axis current is always kept important in the flux-weakening region, the proposed
at zero, the terminal voltage reaches the limited voltage voltage command compensator is very useful in improving
V,, at 1000 rpm. The torque decreases extremely above the performance of the current control as well as the
1000 rpm and becomes zero at the overexcitation thresh- flux-weakening control.
old speed w, ( = 2200 rpm). In the proposed control Fig. 9 shows the step responses of speed which includes
method, the terminal voltage reaches V,, at 1200 rpm transition from the maximum torque-per-amp control
( = base speed mbase). The maximum torque in the maxi- mode to the flux-weakening control mode. The current
mum torque-per-amp control is about 40% larger than vector is controlled to produce the maximum torque T,,
that in the i, = 0 control below the base speed (i.e., in the considering the current constraint [point A in Fig. 9(b)],
constant torque region). Above the base speed, the oper- and the motor is accelerated by the maximum torque
ating limits are greatly expanded by the flux-weakening below the base speed. The smooth transition between the
control. In the experimental drive system of the prototype two control modes occurs when the rotor speed exceeds
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TABLE I ........................................................................
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
n " " . . _ ' ' '
. .. .. .. .'. .. .. .. .~. .
E "
. .
. .
' '
. ......................
. . . ....:.
' ~
. . .
.. .
. . .
h n
z -7
1- !
I ..... ............... ......
. . . . . .
. .
4000 Time t (50ms/div)
OO 1000 2000 3000 (b)
Rotorspeed U, (rpm) Fig. 8. Step responses of speed with and without voltage command
compensation (w: : 2200 + 2600 rpm). (a) Without voltage command
Fig. 7. Torque versus speed characteristics. compensation. (b) With voltage command compensation.
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I Torque-per-Amp
Torque-per-Amp Flux-Weakening Trajectory
‘9 Control Control
., . .
.% i ....................................... I. .......
.. .. . \ .
d .
2 ; j i. ‘ \ t !
c 0- . . . . . . .
....... ............... .\,,\\................
..... :....... i .......
...... :
Time t (200ms/div) speed in this paper. The speed control system was estab-
lished based on DSP, and the drive tests were carried out
with respect to the prototype IPM motor. The results of
this investigation are summarized as follows.
1) The maximum available torque can be produced by
the maximum torque-per-amp control below the base
speed, and constant power operation can be achieved by
the flux-weakening control above the base speed. As a
result, the operating limits are greatly expanded, and the
maximum available output power is obtained at any speed
considering both current and voltage constraints.
2) The current regulators are sometimes saturated in
transient operations, especially in the flux-weakening re-
;. 10 gion. The decoupling current control and the voltage
d-axis current id (2Ndiv) command compensation are very useful in improving the
performance of the current vector control and the flux-
(b) weakening control.
Fig. 9. Step responses of speed from 0 to 2500 rpm. (a) Transient 3) The ability of the proposed drive system has been
responses of rotor speed and currents. (b) Current vector trajectory. verified by several experimental results with respect to the
laboratory IPM motor drive, which include the speed
the base speed. Above the base speed, the current vector responses, the current vector responses, and the transition
is controlled to follow the cross point of the current-limit between two control modes.
circle and the voltage-limit ellipse, and as a result, the
motor is accelerated by the maximum available torque at REFERENCES
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[7] T. M. Jahns, G. B. Kliman, and T. W. Neumann, “Interior perma- Masayuki Sanada (M94) was bom in Japan on
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[8] S . Morimoto, K. Hatanaka, Y. Tong, Y. Takeda, and T. Hirasa, Prefecture, Japan, in 1989, 1991, and 1994, re-
“High performance servo drive system of salient pole permanent spectively.
magnet synchronous motor,” in Proc. IEEE IAS Annu. Meet., 1991, He joined the Department of Electrical and
pp. 463-468. Electronic Systems, University of Osaka Prefec-
[9] S . Morimoto, Y. Takeda, and T. Hirasa, “Flux-weakening control ture, in 1994, where he is presently a Research
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P ~ o c I. P E C - T O ~ ~ O ’ W1990,
, pp. 942-949. are linear motors for direct drive applications
and their control systems.
Dr. Sanada is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of
Japan and the Japan Society for Power Electronics.
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