Site Assessment report-MUM 02

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Audit Details
Site Name:- MUM-02, Rabale
State:- Maharashtra
Opening date:- 12 Oct 21 Closing date:- Nov-22 Contractual closing:- Nov-22
Assessment date:- 23 Feb-22 Project Manager:- Bharat Banger Site Manager:- Yogesh Mahajan
EHS officer:- Vinod Jadhav WW Employees:- 2 No of Contractor:- 1 No of contractor employees:- 35

Sr. No Element of site Audit Assessment rating

1 Leadership commitment 3
2 Planning 3.4
3 Consultation and participation of workers 3
4 Objectives 5
5 Legal obligations 3
6 Roles, Responsibility and Authority 4
7 Contractor management 4
8 Electrical Safety 3.6
9 Excavation civil work 3
10 Hot Work ( Welding Cutting brazing) 3
11 Access equipment 3
12 Lifting equipment and tackles 3.3
13 Radiation safety NA
14 Material storage and stacking 3.5
15 Health hygiene & Welfare 4
16 Vehicle movement 3.75
17 Hazardous substance & Hazardous waste/ E Waste/Other waste 3
18 Portable tool and equipment 3
19 Machine Guarding 3
20 Permit to Work (PTW) 4
21 Emergency Preparedness 3
22 Competence and awareness 3

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23 Communication 3
24 Performance evaluation-Monitoring and control 5
25 Internal Audit/ Assessment NA
26 Incident, Non conformity, Corrective action NA
27 Management Review 4
Overall Assessment rating Yellow

Key Points
Noteworthy Points Key Findings Key Recommendations
1) Till date no accident/incident recorded at site. Electrical Safety:- 1) ITI holder electrician not available. Electrical Safety:- ITI holder electrician required at site
2) Till date 17856 Safe man hrs. Completed 2) 30 mA ELCB not available. 3) ELCB tester not to avoid electrical related issues 2) Electrical supply
at site without any incident. available at site. 4) Open connections, naked wires, should be routed through 30 mA ELCB 3) ELCB tester is
Glands missing, Electric shock treatment chart, and required to check the healthiness of ELCB. 4) IS
rubber mat not available. standard rubber mat is required near every electrical
Legal Non Compliance:- 1) Medical fitness certificates point.
are not available for some workers. 2) WC policy is Legal Non Compliance:- 1) its legal requirement
getting expired in next month. that every worker should have medically fit before
Hot Work Safety:- 1) Welder test certificate not deployment at site.
available 2) Unfit welding machine getting used at site. Hot work safety:- Welder should have relevant
Height Work Safety:- 1) Sufficient ladders are not qualification, testing certificate should be available with
available at site. 2) Locking pins are not available for H him. 2) Every machinery and tools shall be checked by
frame scaffolding. concern team before its actual use at site.
Emergency system:- 1) Qualified first aider not Height work safety:- 1) Sufficient ladders to be made
available at site.2) PA system, Siren not available, available at site. 2) H frame scaffolding- locking pins to
Safety committee/ Emergency team not formed. 3) be made available before start of the work.
Only 4 fire extinguishers are available at site. Emergency System:- 1) Qualified first aider, PA System,
Material storage:- 1) Need overall improvement in Siren, sufficient fire extinguishers shall be available at
material storage and housekeeping. 2) Unwanted site to fight against unforeseen emergency situations.
material to be removed from site. Material storage:- 1) Need overall improvement in
Heavy vehicles and Machinery:- Periodic material storage and housekeeping 2) Unwanted
inspections are not getting done at site.2) HMV material to be removed from site.
License holder driver not available at site. Heavy vehicles and Machinery:- Periodic inspections of
Training and Awareness:- 1) Not a single training heavy machineries to be done. 2) HMV license holder
organized to heavy vehicles driver 2) Very few training driver required to operate the heavy vehicles.
session organized at site. Training and Awareness:- 1) Periodic training sessions
Risk Assessment/ Safe work Method:- 1) SWMS not to be organized with workers and drivers to improve
available for excavation and concreting work activity. 2) their awareness level.

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Risk assessment not available for concreting work Risk Assessment/ Safe Work Method:- 1) SWMS and
activity. HIRA to be made for each activity before start of the
Tools and tackles:- 1) Tools and tackles inspection is work and it should be approved from web werks team.
not getting done periodically. 2) Inspection tag not Tools and tackles:- Tools and tackles inspection shall be
available on tools and tackles. done periodically and after inspection put inspection
Miscellaneous:- 1) Illumination level need to be tag on tools and tackles.
checked and record to be maintained at site. 2) Safety Miscellaneous:- 1) Illumination level to be checked
Induction training record not available for 2 workers. and record to be maintained at site. 2) Every worker
should undergo through Safety Induction training
before their deployment at site.

Sr. Sub Element Sub- ISO Assessme Score Reason Observation Action Respon Target Photo Status
No Element 14001;2 nt sibility date
015 Criteria’s
1 1.1 Leadership Commitme 5.1;7.4;9.1 Managemen 3 EHS review PM/LM 15/3/2 Open
& nt by t visits and reports are not 2
Commitme leadership EHS reviews- available.
nt at various Managemen
levels- SM, t
PM, LM involvement
in EHS
EHS cost
n before
start of the
project sites

2 2.1 Planning Resources 4.2; 4.3; Safety 3 Toilet urinals, Safety park PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
6.1; resources Drinking water arrangement 2
7.1;8.1.4 like welfare and rest required for
facilities, available for workers safety
competent workers rest.

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manpower, induction
covid training.
3 2.2 Planning Contractor 4.2; 6.1; Contractor is 4 Contractor is Closed
7.1; 8.1.4 aware about aware about
the EHS the web werks
system or EHS system.
not, core
of contractor
deployed by
are as per
s or not
4 2.3 Planning EHS Plan, 5.2; 5.3; EHS policy 3 EHS policy EHS Policy EHS/SM 15/3/2 Open
EHS Policy 7.3; 7.4 available and communication communication 2
understood not done. to be done with
by team, all stakeholders.
on of the
5 2.4 Planning Risk and 6.1.1; Risk 3 Risk Risk assessment EHS/SM 15/3/2 Open
opportuniti 6.1.2; assessment assessment/ to be approved 2
es, EHS Risk 8.1.1; for all the SWMS-Not before start of
assessment 8.1.2; 8.1.3 construction available for the work.
activities excavation
6 2.5 Planning Work 4.2; 4.3; EHS to be 4 DPR is getting Closed
planning at 5.4; 6.1.2; part of DPR shared on what
site 7.1; 7.2; sup
7.4; 8.1;;

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7 3.1 Consultatio Consultatio 5.4 Consultation 3 EHS committee EHS committee PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
n and n and and is not formed. to be formed at 2
participatio participatio participation site.
n of n of of workers in
workers workers EHS related
8 4.1 Objectives EHS 6.2 EHS related 5 Management Closed
Objectives promotional program like
& activities. Road safety day
Manageme celebrated at
nt Program site.
9 5.1 Legal Legal and 6.1.3; 9.1.2 BOCW, CLRA, 3 Medical fitness PM/LM 15/3/2 Open
Obligations other WC, Medical certificate not Get medical 2
requiremen fitness and available for 2 fitness
ts other workers. certificate
activities before
related legal deployment of
requirement any worker at
s. site.
10 6.1 Roles, Roles, 5.3 Defined roles 4 Roles and Closed
Responsibil Responsibil and responsibilities
ity and ity and responsibiliti of all the
Authority Authority es of all stakeholders
stakeholders are defined.
11 7.1 Contractor Contractor 5.4; 6.1; PO Copy, 4 PO Copy Closed
manageme Manageme 6.2.2; 7.1; Periodic EHS available at site.
nt nt 7.2; 7.3; performance
7.4.1; review
12 8.1 Electrical Distributio; Six safety 3 Rubber mat, Rubber mat, 30 PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
Safety n system; electrical SLD,30 mA mA ELCB, SLD, 2; golden rules ELCB, Electrical Electrical Shock; implementat Shock treatment chart,
7.2; 7.3; ion treatment emergency
8.1.2; chart, contact number
8.1.3; 9.1 emergency to be provide
contact number

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not found near near electrical
electrical DB. DB.
Improper cable
observed at
13 8.2 Electrical Testing 4.2; 4.3; Six safety 4 Testing Closed
Safety commissio 5.3; 5.4; electrical commissioning-
ning & 6.1; golden rules Minimum EHS
equipment; implementat requirement
energizing 7.2; 7.3; ion documents to
7.4.1; be prepared.
14 8.3 Electrical Service/ 4.2; 4.3; Six safety 4 Till date NA Closed
safety Operation 5.3; 5.4; electrical
and 6.1; golden rules
maintenan; implementat
ce 7.2; 7.3; ion
9.1.1; 10.2
15 8.4 Electrical Energy 4.2; 4.3; Six safety Till date NA Closed
safety Isolation- 5.3; 5.4; electrical
Electrical 6.1; golden rules
mechanical; implementat
, hydraulic 7.2; 7.3; ion
pressure, 7.4.1;
pneumatic 7.4.2;

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pressure, 7.4.3;
chemical, 8.1.1;
thermal, 8.1.2;
kinetic, 8.1.3;
gravity, any 8.1.4;
energy or 9.1.1
16 9.1x` Excavation/ Excavation 4.2; 4.3; Excavation 3 Safe work Safe work EHS/SM 15/3/2 Open
Civil Work 5.3; 5.4; related method method 2
6.1; SWMS statement not statement to be; prepared for prepared for
7.2; 7.3; the excavation excavation
7.4.1; work. work, get it
7.4.2; approved prior
7.4.3; to start the
8.1.1; activity.
9.1.1; 10.2
17 10.1 Hot work Hot work 4.2; 4.3; Welder 3 Welder Welder SM/PM 15/3/2 Open
(Welding, (Welding, 5.3; 5.4; qualification qualification qualification 2
cutting, cutting, 6.1; certificate, certificates not certificate to be
brazing brazing; NRV, Fire available, Poor made available,
etc.) etc.) 7.2; 7.3; Extinguisher, healthiness of check
7.4.1; Fire blankets, the welding healthiness of
7.4.2; Healthiness machine. the machine
7.4.3; of the prior to start the
8.1.1; machinery work.
9.1.1; 10.2
18 11.1 Access Scaffold & 5.3; 5.4; Erection/Dis 3 Sufficient Need to arrange PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
equipment Ladder 6.1.1; mantling ladders are not sufficient 2; methodology

Web Werks (Confidential); , Pre available to ladders prior to
6.1.3; deployment work at height. start the work.
6.1.4; 7.1; inspection
7.2; 7.3; visit to check
7.4.2; healthiness,
7.4.3; 8.1; Scaffold
8.1.4; inspection
19 11.2 Access Mobile 5.3; 5.4; Healthiness NA NA NA Closed
Equipment working 6.1.1; of the
platforms; mobile
(Scissor lift,; working
man lifter, 6.1.3; platforms
Chery 6.1.4; 7.1;
picker, 7.2; 7.3;
Boom lifter 7.4.2;
etc.) 7.4.3; 8.1;
8.1.4; 9.1;
20 12.1 Lifting All types of 5.3; 5.4; Pre 3 HMV license HMV license SM/PM 15/3/2 Open
equipment cranes 6.1.1; deployment not available operator to 2
and tackles; inspection with Farana depute at site to; visit, Legal operator. operate the
6.1.3; documents. Farana.
6.1.4; 7.1;
7.2; 7.3;
7.4.3; 8.1;
8.1.4; 9.1;
21 12.2 Lifting Mobile 5.3; 5.4; Pre 3 Inspection tag Lifting tools and EHS/SM 15/3/2 open
equipment crane 6.1.1; deployment not found on tackles to be 2
and tackles; inspection lifting checked on; visit, Legal equipment’s periodically and
6.1.3; documents. record of the
6.1.4; 7.1; same to
7.2; 7.3; maintain at site.
7.4.3; 8.1;

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8.1.4; 9.1;
22 12.3 Lifting EOT/Goliat 5.3; 5.4; Pre NA NA NA Closed
equipment h crane, Jib 6.1.1; deployment
and tackles Crane; inspection; visit, Legal
6.1.3; documents.
6.1.4; 7.1;
7.2; 7.3;
7.4.3; 8.1;
8.1.4; 9.1;
23 12.4 Lifting Lifting 5.3; 5.4; Unloading 4 TPI certificates Closed
equipment tackles 6.1.1; methodology available for
and tackles (wire rope,; , Rigging Lifting tools and
chain,; Plan, Legal tackles,
pulley, D- 6.1.3; documents, Healthiness are
shackle, 6.1.4; 7.1; Healthiness getting checked
Bow 7.2; 7.3; at site.
shackle, 7.4.2;
web slings, 7.4.3; 8.1;
nylon belts, 8.1.4; 9.1;
eye-bolt) 10.2
24 13.1 Radiation Radiation 4.2; 4.3; Statutory NA NA Closed
Safety Safety 5.3; 5.4; requirement
6.1.1; eg; Certified; Radiation; safety
6.1.3; officer,
6.1.4; 7.1; permission
7.2; 7.3; to handle
7.4.2; Radioactive
7.4.3; 8.1; substance,
8.1.4; 9.1; calibration of
10.2 Radiation

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25 14.1 Material Use of 4.2; 4.3; Indoor 3 Need overall Need overall PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
Storage Storage 5.3; 5.4; material improvement improvement 022
and rack 6.1.1; storage indoor material indoor material
Stacking 6.1.2; arrangement storage, storage,; / Rack labelling and labelling and
6.1.4; 7.1; arrangement proper proper
7.2; 7.3; segregation is segregation is
7.4.2; required for required for
7.4.3; easy easy traceability
8.1.1; traceability of of the material.
8.2.2; the material.
9.1; 10.2
26 14.2 Material Storage/sta 4.2; 4.3; Outdoor 3 Need overall Need overall PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
Storage cking on 5.3; 5.4; material improvement in improvement in 022
and ground 6.1.1; storage material material
Stacking 6.1.2; arrangement stacking and stacking and; housekeeping housekeeping
6.1.4; 7.1;
7.2; 7.3;
9.1; 10.2
27 15.1 Health, Health, 4.2; 5.4; Welfare 4 Toilet/ Urinals Closed
Hygiene & Hygiene &; facilities like arrangement
Welfare Welfare; rest room, provided by the
6.1.4; 7.1; toilet urinals RCC.
7.3; 7.4.2; etc...
9.1.2; 10.2

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28 16.1 Vehicle Common 4.2; 6.1.3; Vehicle 4 All the legal Closed
Movement Requireme 7.3; 7.4.2; movement documents of
nts 8.1.2; measures at the vehicles
8.1.3; 9.1.2 site, Legal available at site.
29 16.2 Vehicle People 4.2; 7.4.2; People 4 Workers are Closed
Movement Transportat 7.4.3; 8.1.4 transportatio staying nearby
ion n to project site,
arrangement they commute
form colony by walking.
to site.
30 16.3 Vehicle Transport 7.2; 7.3; Transport 4 Vehicle Closed
Movement (Material) 8.1.2; 8.1.4 vehicle movement at
Vehicles measures at site is guided by
site. Security and
site team.
31 16.4 Vehicle Earth 7.2; 7.3; Pre 3 Signal man not Need to arrange Open
Movement Moving 8.1.2; Deployment available during dedicated signal
Equipment 8.1.4; 9.1.2 inspection, vehicle man
(JCB, Legal movement at
dumper, documents site.
Poclain etc)
32 17.1 Hazardous Hazardous 4.2; 7.3; Tie up with 3 Tie up not done Tie up to be LM/SM 15/3/2 Open
Substances Substances 7.4; 8.1; CPCB with CPCB done with CPCB 022
& 9.1.2 Approved approved approved
Hazardous agency for agency for the agency for
Waste / E disposal of disposal of disposal of the
Waste / hazardous hazardous hazardous
Constructio waste, waste. waste, E waste,
n and Secondary Bio-medical
Demolition containment waste and other
(C&D) arrangement construction
waste . waste.

33 17.2 Hazardous Hazardous 4.2; 6.1.3; Tie up with 3 Need separate Need separate LM/PM 15/3/2 Open
Substances Waste/Ewa 7.3; 7.4.2; CPCB storage storage 2
& ste/C&D 7.4.3; Approved arrangement arrangement for
Hazardous Waste 7.5.3; 8.1; agency for for hazardous hazardous
Waste / E 9.1.2 disposal of waste with waste with

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Waste / hazardous secondary secondary
Constructio waste, containment containment
n and Secondary arrangement. arrangement.
Demolition containment
(C&D) arrangement
waste .
34 18.1 Portable Portable 4.2; 6.1.3; Healthiness 3 Inspection tag Healthiness of EHS/SM 15/3/2 Open
Tool and Tool and 7.3; 7.4.2; of the not available on the tools needs 2
Equipment Equipment 7.4.3; portable portable tools, to be checked
7.5.3; 8.1; tools and healthiness of periodically.
9.1.2 equipment’s, the equipment
Inspection, not getting
Calibration checked
reports periodically.
35 19.1 Machine Machine 4.2; 6.1.3; Guarding of 3 Rotating parts Rotating parts PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
Guarding Guarding 7.3; 7.4.2; all rotating of earth needs to be 2
7.4.3; parts compaction guarded
7.5.3; 8.1; machine not effectively.
9.1.2 guarded.
36 20.1 Permit to Permit to 4.2; 5.3; Implementat 4 PTW system is Closed
Work Work 6.1.3; 7.3; ion of PTW, getting
(PTW) (PTW) 7.4.2; properly followed at site.
7.4.3; filled.
8.1.4; 9.1.2
37 21.1 Emergency Emergency 4.2; 5.3; Site specific 3 Qualified first Need to depute PM/LM 15/3/2 Open
Preparedne Preparedne 6.1.3; 7.1; emergency aider not qualified first 022
ss ss & 7.3; 7.4.2; plan( First available at site. aider at site.
Response 7.4.3; aider, Fire
7.5.2; fighter,
7.5.3; 8.1; Stretcher,
8.2; 9.1.2; Mock drills
10.3 etc.
38 22.1 Competenc Competenc 4.2; 5.3; Records of 3 Competency Competency PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
e& e 6.1.2; competency record of site records of 2
Awareness 6.1.3; 7.2; of site technical team electrician and
7.3; 8.1.4; technical not available. other technical
9.1 staff. staff to be kept
at site.

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39 22.2 Competenc Awareness 5.2; 5.3; Training 3 Training Need to arrange SM/EHS 15/3/2 Open
e& 6.2.1; calendar, calendar is training sessions 2
Awareness 6.2.2; 7.3; Frequent prepared at site as per the plan.
8.2; 10.2 training but training is
sessions not getting
imparted as per
the schedule.
40 23.1 Communic Internal & 4.2; 5.2; Internal & 3 Internal, Internal/Externa SM/PM 15/3/2 Open
ation external 5.3; 6.1.3; external External l record to be 2
7.4; 8.1.4; communicati communication maintained at
8.2; 9.1.2; on records record to be site.
need to be maintained at
maintained site.
at site.
41 24.1 Performanc Monitoring 4.2; 5.1; Monthly 5 Monthly MIS, Closed
e , 5.2; 5.3; MIS, UAUC UAUC reports
Evaluation- measurem 6.1.3; 7.4; Register and are getting on
Monitoring ent, 7.5.3; other EHS time
and control analysis & 8.1.4; 8.2; Documents.
evaluation 9.1.2; 10.2
42 25.1 Internal Internal 4.2; 7.4.2; Internal NA NA Closed
Audit/Asse Audit / 9.2.2 audit/
ssment Assessment Assessment
report status
43 26.1 Incident, Incident, 4.2; 6.1.3; Status of NA NA Closed
non- non- 7.4.2; 9.1; Nonconformi
conformity conformity 10.2; 10.3 ty and
corrective corrective corrective
action action. actions.
44 27.1 Manageme Manageme 5.1; 6.1.2; Top 4 EHS to be part Closed
nt Review nt Review 6.1.3; 7.1; management of business
7.5.3; involvement review meeting
9.1.2; 9.3;
10.2; 10.3

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