Site Assessment report-MUM 02
Site Assessment report-MUM 02
Site Assessment report-MUM 02
Audit Details
Site Name:- MUM-02, Rabale
State:- Maharashtra
Opening date:- 12 Oct 21 Closing date:- Nov-22 Contractual closing:- Nov-22
Assessment date:- 23 Feb-22 Project Manager:- Bharat Banger Site Manager:- Yogesh Mahajan
EHS officer:- Vinod Jadhav WW Employees:- 2 No of Contractor:- 1 No of contractor employees:- 35
Key Points
Noteworthy Points Key Findings Key Recommendations
1) Till date no accident/incident recorded at site. Electrical Safety:- 1) ITI holder electrician not available. Electrical Safety:- ITI holder electrician required at site
2) Till date 17856 Safe man hrs. Completed 2) 30 mA ELCB not available. 3) ELCB tester not to avoid electrical related issues 2) Electrical supply
at site without any incident. available at site. 4) Open connections, naked wires, should be routed through 30 mA ELCB 3) ELCB tester is
Glands missing, Electric shock treatment chart, and required to check the healthiness of ELCB. 4) IS
rubber mat not available. standard rubber mat is required near every electrical
Legal Non Compliance:- 1) Medical fitness certificates point.
are not available for some workers. 2) WC policy is Legal Non Compliance:- 1) its legal requirement
getting expired in next month. that every worker should have medically fit before
Hot Work Safety:- 1) Welder test certificate not deployment at site.
available 2) Unfit welding machine getting used at site. Hot work safety:- Welder should have relevant
Height Work Safety:- 1) Sufficient ladders are not qualification, testing certificate should be available with
available at site. 2) Locking pins are not available for H him. 2) Every machinery and tools shall be checked by
frame scaffolding. concern team before its actual use at site.
Emergency system:- 1) Qualified first aider not Height work safety:- 1) Sufficient ladders to be made
available at site.2) PA system, Siren not available, available at site. 2) H frame scaffolding- locking pins to
Safety committee/ Emergency team not formed. 3) be made available before start of the work.
Only 4 fire extinguishers are available at site. Emergency System:- 1) Qualified first aider, PA System,
Material storage:- 1) Need overall improvement in Siren, sufficient fire extinguishers shall be available at
material storage and housekeeping. 2) Unwanted site to fight against unforeseen emergency situations.
material to be removed from site. Material storage:- 1) Need overall improvement in
Heavy vehicles and Machinery:- Periodic material storage and housekeeping 2) Unwanted
inspections are not getting done at site.2) HMV material to be removed from site.
License holder driver not available at site. Heavy vehicles and Machinery:- Periodic inspections of
Training and Awareness:- 1) Not a single training heavy machineries to be done. 2) HMV license holder
organized to heavy vehicles driver 2) Very few training driver required to operate the heavy vehicles.
session organized at site. Training and Awareness:- 1) Periodic training sessions
Risk Assessment/ Safe work Method:- 1) SWMS not to be organized with workers and drivers to improve
available for excavation and concreting work activity. 2) their awareness level.
Sr. Sub Element Sub- ISO Assessme Score Reason Observation Action Respon Target Photo Status
No Element 14001;2 nt sibility date
015 Criteria’s
1 1.1 Leadership Commitme 5.1;7.4;9.1 Managemen 3 EHS review PM/LM 15/3/2 Open
& nt by t visits and reports are not 2
Commitme leadership EHS reviews- available.
nt at various Managemen
levels- SM, t
PM, LM involvement
in EHS
EHS cost
n before
start of the
project sites
2 2.1 Planning Resources 4.2; 4.3; Safety 3 Toilet urinals, Safety park PM/SM 15/3/2 Open
6.1; resources Drinking water arrangement 2
7.1;8.1.4 like welfare and rest required for
facilities, available for workers safety
competent workers rest.
33 17.2 Hazardous Hazardous 4.2; 6.1.3; Tie up with 3 Need separate Need separate LM/PM 15/3/2 Open
Substances Waste/Ewa 7.3; 7.4.2; CPCB storage storage 2
& ste/C&D 7.4.3; Approved arrangement arrangement for
Hazardous Waste 7.5.3; 8.1; agency for for hazardous hazardous
Waste / E 9.1.2 disposal of waste with waste with