Lesson 3 - MSP Lesson Plan
Lesson 3 - MSP Lesson Plan
Lesson 3 - MSP Lesson Plan
- Prepare and organise all materials to create a 1. Relax and refocus their attention for
comfortable environment and facilitate smooth what’s to come
- Welcome everyone individually and begin to ask
QTM Elements: questions about last week and sport, birds, etc. to
promote thinking but disguise these so students
Significance know the conversation is casual and fun
o “Do you play sport?”
- Connectedness
o “Have you ever hit a bird playing golf?”
Quality Learning Environment
o “Do you wish you could fly?”
- Explicit quality criteria
- Student Direction Resources for the lesson:
- Whiteboard
- Whiteboard markers
- Projector connected to screen
- Paper (A4 & Butcher’s)
- Texta’s
- Numbered lined paper for scategories
Learning Intentions: Introduction/hook: Introduction/hook: Students can apply
forces concept to real-
- Students begin to relate to how the concept - Video of Flugtag (different groups design a flying
world experiences such
relates to outside connections craft to fly over water to try and get the longest
as different sports
QTM Elements: distance)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nUR_PLyFZg
o “What are some examples you can think of
- Connectedness
which might fly?”
- Students will begin to relate the forces of
o “What do they look like?”
flight to other examples
- Students will begin brainstorming in their
groups through “think, pair, share” and bring
back to the whole class what they came up
- Open-ended questioning allows students
imaginations to flow and gives the teachers
an indication of what background they know
and real-world experiences they have had.
- This gives relevance to the topic
Learning Intentions: Development/consolidation/practice: Development/consolidation/practice: 5 mins Students can recognise
the result of balanced
- Brainstorm in groups what they can recall - Create 4 randomised groups of 3 using uno cards
1. Students work collaboratively to answer and unbalanced forces
about each of the forces. - Each group is given one of the forces
questions without assistance (what do and relate changes in an
- Apply scenarios to real-world problems to - To recall content from previous week they remember?) object’s motion to its
create successful outcomes. o “What is it?” 2. Allow access to last week’s PPT if they mass and direction of
QTM Elements: o “What direction does it act on flying objects?” need reminding forces acting on it
Quality Learning Environment o “Does it help or hinder flight?”
- Explicit quality criteria o “What force acts in the opposite direction?” Students can implement
- Explicit teaching to express that there will be o What happens when x is greater than this real-world scenarios and
three roles per group (Leader, scribe & force? create examples based
presenter) from their paper plane
- Collaborative pedagogy used for group test.
discussion and sharing of roles Pedagogies/strategies
- Explicit focus for the students on their
- Heterogenous groupings
specific force given.
- Expert learners
- Students must include specific criteria which
- Roles and responsibilities of leader, scribe, and
includes 3 questions and additional helpful
- Collaborative pedagogy
o What is it?
o What direction does it act on flying
o Does it help or hinder flying objects?
Learning Intentions: Development/consolidation/practice: Development/consolidation/practice: 10 mins Students can come up
with flying objects and
- Brainstorm separately different types of - Organise modified game of Scattergories
1. Students list as many things as possible justify which forces are
flying objects/animals. - Hand out sheet with numbered lines for structure
in one minute more dominant.
and easy counting 2. Students begin linking the forces with an
- If another student(s) says the same word, they outside perspective of what they have
QTM Elements:
cross it out done in the class
Quality Learning Environment - Student with the most unique answer wins 3. Students will begin to think about
o “What else flies?” different objects/animals which are able
o “Try to think outside the box to gain the most to fly.
- Explicit Quality Criteria points, but don’t overlook the most obvious as
- Students are encouraged to try their hardest. even they might score you a point!”
- Use imagination to come up with as many
options as possible
- Students will be able to confer if they believe
an object should be allowed as a point. This Pedagogies/strategies
will determine the quality of their work
o Game/competition
o Background knowledge and connection
- Student direction
- Students are given the choice to come up
with their own ideas about what they believe
flies and justify their answers.
- Students are given the freedom to write
down words they believe will get them points
or not.
- Connectedness
- Throughout the scattegories game, students
will be able to relay flying objects from their
school experience as well as real-world
experience where more objects is
- Friendly competition is encouraged to try and
assist students in widening their imagination.
Learning Intention Development/consolidation/practice: Development/consolidation/practice: 15-20 mins Students will apply
forces concept to real-
- Apply scenarios to real-world problems to - In groups of 3, students choose to explore one of 1. Students are given choice and able to
world problems of their
solve and create successful outcomes. the following problems self-regulate by choosing their own topic
choice and create
- Apply positive collaboration to learn team and attempt to create successful
dynamics and presenting their findings. Option 1: outcomes.
2. They will apply different forces concepts
- An emergency has come up and you need to get to and how the shape of flying objects can
QTM Elements: Melbourne as soon as possible. The weather is influence positively or negatively in their Students will work
terrible and there are very strong winds. Money is own scenario. collaboratively to find
Quality Learning Environment not an issue, and anything is available. Design a 3. Problem-based learning where they can out solutions or
mode of transport that will get you there fast and choose their interest and research.
- Explicit Quality Criteria information and present
safe. You need to mention at least 4 design 4. Students can practice breaking down the
- Students will be encouraged to get as many to the class.
choices and how they impact the forces of flight. tasks to create roles and responsibilities
ideas down as possible but will need to
expand on these to ensure they have and present their findings to the class.
relevance. Option 2:
- Students will be able to discuss and
collaborate to confirm if they believe an idea - You are competing in the Mawson Lakes Flugtag
is worth writing down and how important it competition tomorrow! Due to a lack of time
may be to the set of questions. students choose one of the flying machines on the
- Collaborative pedagogy used throughout. video but you have to make 4 changes to make
- Explicit instructions explaining what they sure you at least beat them when they compete
need to include. tomorrow.
- Students must justify their changes and explain
how this will help the machine fly.
- Student Direction
- Students will be given the chance to choose
one of the four options and research the Option 3:
- Students will be given to choice as to how - You’re a star athlete and your athletics coach has
they would like to research and display their asked you to start considering the physics behind
information as well as presentation to the the events to get to the next level. Watch the
rest of the class. video at the world athletics championship
- Students will have free choice to decide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO-
which role they would like and delegate their _Dtk7vj0) and then evaluate how the forces of
responsibilities amongst the group. flight might impact the flight of a shotput, discus,
and javelin.
Significance Option 4:
Conclusion- reflection: 5 mins