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TREATISE ON DIVINITY This work is published under the Community Content

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MAHATHALLAH and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Section 1: Mahathallah Page 03 Treatise on Divinity is a trademark of David Gower.

A recapping of the canon information on the dowager of
illusions from several sources. The information presented is only Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah © 2021, David Gower. All
for context and reference as to the nature of Mahathallah and is rights reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the
therefore paraphrased from several sources. People wanting to Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder
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Section 2: Dawn Wings Page 06 Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder
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worship of Mahathallah, make the dowager of illusions a more Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder
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Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying
Section 3: Transitions Page 10 Game, Pathfinder Adventure path #98 Turn of the Torrent,
A collection of new options for player characters, including Pathfinder Adventure path #99 Dance of the Damned, and
spells, a feat, and a class option for almost every non-prestige Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
class released as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. A little
extra spice to help characters lean more into the new aspects of
Mahathallah’s worship or simply to add a twist to a game. Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. See /pathfinder
Section 4: Gods Bones Page 14 for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo
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Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah

So Mahathallah left the Boneyard and traveled to the mortal
planes. She waited for the perfect opportunity and followed a
MAHATHALLAH spirit into the river of souls. The rivers length changes for all
Lawful Evil creatures, and for Mahathallah it was long and winding. By the
time she emerged into the Boneyard yet again, all her shrines
Titles Dowager of Illusions, Maiden of Mists were rubble. She stood before Pharasma once more, and without
Species Queen of the Night[Psychopomp usher] a word the Lady of Graves peeled back the restraint on the
Favored Weapon Net maiden's sight to reveal her final moment.
Domains Death, Evil, Law, Trickery Mahathallah had never understood the mortal fear of death, and
Sub-Domains Deception, Devil, Thievery, Undead so was unprepared for the terror that gripped her upon the
revelation she saw. So she fled. Few know how far Mahathallah
Symbol Bejeweled hand and eye surrounded by occult sigils wandered. The eldest sahkils of the Ethereal plane recount her
Sacred Animal Dragonfly passing with fury and bearing torturous scars. Tales in mortal
Sacred Colors Gold, Ivory cultures tell of an old woman who spoiled the end; unraveling the
The Dowager of Illusions is one of the Hells few female fates of entire worlds. Ultimately her journey led her into Hell
nobility; a member of a group of near divinities known as the itself wherein she met with Asmodeus himself.
"Queens of the Night". Her form is constantly changing, aging Only Mahathallah knows what the Prince of Darkness
from a young woman, through a corpse-like angel wearing a promised, but he calmed her as none other had. Taking on her
dusk-hued burial gown, to a rotting old woman trailed by tatters place at Asmodeus' side, the new Dowager of Illusions brings her
and her own shattered wings. This cycle of decay and knowledge and wisdom to bear in service of Hell itself.
regeneration is unpredictable and erratic, passing in as little as a
look or as long as a day. Although normally cold and uncaring, Mahathallah's Church
some believe her appearance is affected by her emotions, with the
youthful form being a mask for her anger, and the older forms The main concern of the 'church', in so much as it is a church,
that of her nihilistic wisdom. Artists attempt to depict the of Mahathallah is the ability to spread the core tenet of her faith:
Dowager of Illusions as a vaguely feminine form in thick somber Mortal existence is limited and meaningless. Through whispers
mists. Alternatively, many use her unholy symbol; a glaring eye and drug-induced visions she pulls back the veil that hides the
surrounded by an assortment of occult sigils, as a direct stand-in truths of reality. Every stage of her teachings further works to
in her place. reveal the pure meaninglessness of life, and she claims to mislead
only in order to reveal deeper truths. However, the Dowager of
Mahathallah's pleasure takes the form of lucid dreams, euphoric Illusions is not an anarchist; Her lessons teach the
visions, fires hissing like gentle laughter, and the disappearance meaninglessness of life but also how the faithful can peel back
of aging(whether dramatic or subtle, but always temporary). Her these falsehoods themselves and how to craft their own from the
anger comes in the forms of candles that refuse to light, rapid truths of reality. Those who recognize a lie can dismiss it, but
aging, suddenly ineffective drugs, and—rare but most those who understand it can make it true, or twist it to serve
dramatically—blindness. Some believe that her favored weapon, them. Her teachings strive to make her followers false arbiters of
the net, is a metaphor for obsession and ensnaring magic. Her reality; convincing the faithful they are gods in themselves.
priests are primarily clerics, mesmerists, oracles, and witches. Mahathallah's teachings promote and enhance arrogance and
vanity, raising her followers above the masses and teaching them
Understanding Mahathallah to distrust assumed wisdom and instead put faith in the world as
Mahathallah is destined to die, a fate she has seen for herself. she tells it. She also promotes callousness to those outside the
She was originally a psychopomp usher, a being praised for their faith, her faithful working to spread the power of illusion, serve
work in the boneyard. She judged countless souls; generations, as guides to hallucinations and interpreters of dreams in order to
worlds, eons of life passed through her court on their way to the capitalize on ignorance and gullibility.
afterlife. Her title at this time, "Maiden of Mists" reflected her Ceremonies in the name of Mahathallah are exceptionally rare,
piercing gaze able to see through any veil, while her whisper and short even when they do occur. Most revolve around
parted any fog. While Pharasma never praised Mahathallah, divinations conducted at solstices or equinoxes and the sacrifice
many agree she was likely at the least pleased with the work the of portentous animals(blind birds, albino reptiles, multi-headed
maiden was doing. However, some believe that the worship of goats and so forth). More elaborate displays are reserved for
mortals gnawed away at her; the faithful beseeching her claiming tricking those outside the faith. For the most part the faith of
she knew every beginning, every end, and everything in between, Mahathallah appears to focus on study, arcane and alchemical
but this wasn't true. Mahathallah knew the existence of mortals, experimentation, and the seeking of visions from their goddess—
and predicted the death of greater beings. But her own end was preceded and followed by prayers to the queen of the night.
beyond her knowledge. Some believe ignorance of how you will Many of Mahathallah's philosophies call to outcasts. She offers
die is a blessing, but this blindness may have tortured the maiden insight where others can't, visions confirming superiority over the
of mists. Over time she became so preoccupied attempting to find masses, and the power to turn the mysteries of life and death
her answer that she was incapable of performing her normal against your foes. Mahathallah likely has no care for who follows
duties. Understanding this, she sought out Pharasma herself, to her or how mortals comfort themselves. Her clergy is however
whom she begged to know why she couldn't see her own end. dominated by women, especially in areas where gender roles are
Mahathallah was permitted to witness and predict every death but strictly enforced or where tensions between genders is almost
her own. It's believed that at this point the Lady of Graves paused palpable. However the Dowager of Illusions has no special
for only a moment as she reminded Mahathallah that only those regard for her female followers, with men who feel powerless
who 'travel the River of Souls' may learn their final fate. gravitating to her faith as well. Members of third, flexible, or
nonbinary genders are also common in her church.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 3

Temples and Shrines Holy Texts
The church of Mahathallah don't keep temples. Where the Mahathallah has no universal holy text, but her followers share
congregation numbers more than one or two members, meetings a great deal of wisdom in the libraries of the Adyton, passing
tend to be held around the homes of individual elders. The homes along discoveries and researching lost secrets. Many of
of these women are often ancient caves marked with ominous Mahathallah’s followers keep records of their studies in journals
rock formations and a surplus of sulfur. Though moss huts and widely referred to as “mysteries.”
dark yurts aren't unheard of. The interiors of these homes are The Mysteries of Salaur: Widespread among her faithful in
often a mess of ritual tools for communion and the stench of toxic Qadira, this large tome focuses on the cultivation of
herbs and natural gasses. Although these places are used for hallucinogenic plants, particularly bloody methods of haruspicy,
minor rituals and fortune-tellings, the more devout followers interpretations of dreams, and predictions of cosmic alignments.
believe Mahathallah's temples lie within their own minds; where
Salaur, a Keleshite mystic born in 1500ar is said to have found a
only the worthy are granted the key.
way to preserve her body near death so she could wander the
This key is both a state of being, and a closely guarded drug; halls of Adyton.
'Adyton'. Only the Dowager of Illusions' most devoted
Knowledge(arcana or nature) DC 20: large sections of the text
worshipers know how to create the drug. Adyton is a fine,
are complete lies.
magically violet powder which is imbibed by dusting onto the
eyes. Someone administered Adyton immediately falls into a Wisdom DC 25: Several sections of lies are metaphors encoding
trancelike state while their mind enters the Adyton mindscape. prayers and rituals to Mahathallah.

A Priest's Role Holidays

The faithful of Mahathallah only ever swear loyalty to the The faithful of Mahathallah hold sacred one day above all
goddess and themselves. They consider congregations, rooting others.
out heresy, evangelizing, erecting monuments, and repetitive Fateless Day[Calistril 29]: Devotees of the Dowager of
ceremonies to be pointless and frivoless wastes of time; wastes of Illusion mark this day as the time when fate loosens its bonds,
the already short mortal existence. For the truly devoted, life is promises don't stand, and the River of Souls halts its flow. The
about warning your place alongside the goddess and her grand faithful believe that a back door to death opens at some point on
disciples in death, where one can share in the secrets of reality. this day and that those who know to look for it can pass by
The faithful are a quiet and secretive group, preferring outsiders Pharasma without being judged. Many faithful celebrate this day
assume things about them rather than actually answering with sacrifices to their dark lady, sometimes including their own
questions. Rumors say many live in squalor, focusing on lives.
indulging in hallucinations and psychic exploration. Many
confirmed worshipers gain a reputation as skilled seers. There is
a distinct distaste among the faithful for blind squabbling and
meaningless pursuits of 'so-called civilizations'. Rather than
planning to ruin nations and cities, devotees of the dowager of Mahathallah’s faithful speak in veiled wisdom and subjective
illusions manipulate 'city folk', cultivating favors among the truth. The most common phrase among her followers is;
powerful or taking control of addicts they can easily feed. If a We Are as You See Us: Many of the faithful stylize themselves
devotee exists that would share a secret beyond to another as ragged as possible, both personally and in their clothing. To
faithful, they're yet to be found. most, they look like hermits or outcasts and are usually ignored.
Despite the stereotype that Mahathallah only accepts female However, devotees have learned to recognize the magical
worshipers, no such limit has been expressly stated so long as a reagents they carry and the signs of experience. So this phrase is
prospective worshiper displays true devotion to her; exploring the used to summarize the duality in their perception and offer
secrets of reality and refusing to share any of them. This is likely outsiders a bit of wisdom that many mistake as a greeting.
to attract primarily selfish spellcasters, especially those who trade
on secrets and half-truths as sources of power. Some of her
faithful avoid the darker mysteries and more wicked members,
while more bitter souls seemingly vainly believe she speaks truth
to them and lies to everyone else.
The priests of Mahathallah seem to tend to sleep during the day.
Whether to avoid the hottest hours or to recover from late-night
rituals is unclear. In the evening, many tend their gardens, collect
plants under the dying sun, and prepare their homes for visitors.
After dusk, venerators arrive seeking fortune-telling or simply
needing counsel. Their magic comes most often around midnight,
though many nights seem lost in a meditative or drug induced
stupor. Perhaps the worthiest of her faithful live a second life in
the Adyton; studying or teaching those permitted to hear.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 4

Relations with other Religions
Agra the Ridwife admits, in her standard mysterious method,
that Mahathallah is her mother.
Asmodeus seems to actively protect Mahathallah against the
machinations of other natives of Hell. Whatever it was he
promised her when the Dowager of Illusions fell, Mahathallah's
loyalty remains strong even after millennia.
Barbatos shares Mahathallah's interest in the future, the two
trade prophecies and predictions. While the Dowager of Illusions
follows her own form of logic to create her predictions, she is yet
to understand exactly how barbatos does it.
Beiltod Goremouth's attitude seems to indicate a deep-seated
and ancient grudge against Mahathallah.
Doloras, like Mahathallah, values Wisdom over mortal
distractions. The two seemingly have a trade agreement,
exchanging secrets of nature and the cosmos for innovations of
science and suffering.
Eil the Cancer has admitted to owing Mahathallah countless
Eiseth, despite being an Angel of Vengeance akin to
Mahathallah, has little tolerance for the Dowager of Illusion's
patience and slow revenge.
Geryon and Mahathallah share an interest in the darkest secrets
of the multiverse.
Pharasma seems to not care about Mahathallah's rebellion, and
neither she nor her church pay any mind to the Angel of
Vengeance's faithful.
While Desna, Andoletta, and Immonhiel themselves don't
interact with Mahathallah much, their worshipers frequently
attempt to stymie her faithful's efforts; viewing them as hoarders
of truth and corruptors of secrets.

Adyton[Mindscape]: The realm of Adyton is a massive,
labyrinthine temple that floats in a calm sunless expanse.
Devotees of Mahathallah from across planes trade mysteries and
raise praises to the Queen of the Night. Various devils(such as
bone and cabal devils), intelligent undead, and Sahkils travel to
the realm where they may share and barter secrets. The realm is
nearly infinite, each shadow and veiled shrine connecting to
further curving corridors. Those visiting Adyton never feel
hunger or thirst and find time passes far faster inside the realm
than on the material plane.
Voiporl[Hell]: Mahathallah’s divine realm is a dank, cavernous
land where rents in the distant ceiling reveal the dizzying spin of
alien constellations. Occupying caverns connecting Phlegethon
and Stygia, Voiporl consists of a great desert of violet sand dotted
by ancient temples with onion-shaped domes, cavernous pillars,
and oasis gardens as big as jungles. Souls escaped from
Phlegethon’s mines and workshops often flee into this dim desert,
where they are typically picked off by gigantic serpents or
dragonflies, or by the desert witches, medusas, and various
undead who seek wisdom in the land.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 5

Religion isn’t stagnant and locked, no matter how much a The faithful of Mahathallah may believe the act of lying or in
particular worshiper or even deity wishes it were. Some worship general deceiving those outside the faith as being the primary
of the Dowager of Illusions deviates quite significantly from the form of offering to the dowager of illusions. Proper rituals are
baseline. What follows is the current best attempt to fill out some rare, and some suspect even the rituals undertaken as part of the
of the missing lore on those who follow Mahathallah. faith proper are simply to deceive those lower in the hierarchy.
Additional Titles: Angel of Vengeance, Queen of Vanity, Styxy Some devotees will instead provide small shards of mirror as
Queen offerings to Mahathallah, though it is unclear if this is an
accepted offering or simply a practice that has spread through the
SECTS church's internal lies.
The Purple Eye
Considered the least dangerous worshipers of the Dowager of
Illusions, the purple eye also claim to be the most open or least TABOO
likely to deceive others directly. Many members of the Purple Given what is known about the church, it's reasonable to
Eye believe simply that Mahathallah was justified in her demand suspect that the major taboo among the faithful of Mahathallah is
to know her own fate, given the role she had been given. Many to ever be honest about the faith itself. As a result most
believe that the way the information was presented to the Maiden information about the worship of the Dowager of Illusions is pure
of Mists was intended to terrify the psychopomp. heresay and conjecture.
It is a common belief among the purple eye that the timeshifting
nature of Mahathallah's form is another insult to her on
Pharasma's behalf. As such, the faithful spend much of their
attentions maintaining a youthful and 'beautiful' appearance. To ADVENTURERS
the typical purple eye, one's true self is unknowable, and the only The faithful of Mahathallah keep the reasons for their travel and
possible to surmise in the way others see you and the way you adventure secret even from those closest to them. Some outsiders
see yourself. Interestingly, several members of the purple eye believe that being told the reason for a mahathallan's quest to be
admit to keeping dream journals on the chance it will offer the ultimate sign of trust, while others suspect it's simply another
insight into their own minds. lie intended to manipulate their companions. Given the intentions
Of all worshipers of Mahathallah, the purple eye are the most of the church, the most likely reason for a worshiper to adventure
socially acceptable. The public opinion of the group seems to be is probably rumor mongering; the spreading of lies to adjust
that they worship not out of true dedication but more as vain public perception of something making another task easier for
veneration to protect one's beauty. The faithful of Irori, while others in the faith.
opposed to the self-centered worldview of these worshipers, do However it's quite possible some faithful are respected enough
seem to regard their stance on the true self as partially to be given the duty of acquiring specific knowledge and passing
enlightened. it on to the cavemothers or someone else higher in the church.
Rotten Hand How these people know the voracity of the gathered information
The rotten hand, sometimes called the 'secret sect' is the least is a matter of debate. Finally, it's likely several faithful of the
understood group of worshipers of the Dowager of Illusions. The dowager of illusions adventure specifically to manipulate a
most likely group to interact with undead, the rotten hand particular person or situation for the benefit of the church.
apparently believe their queen to be the perfect symbol of
adaptability and self-realization; her transition into the male
dominated hierarchy of hell, along with her willingness and drive
to fight against her own fate motivate these faithful to emulate CLASSES
The accepted driving motivation of the rotten hand is the desire Most of Mahathallah's faithful appear to be Clerics, Mesmerists,
to stave off death. Vampirism and Lichdom are typically seen as a Oracles and Witches. A strong connection to the ethereal nature
cowardly loophole, and only considered as a last resort. Most of reality is clearly useful, as is a more charismatic approach to
caves dedicated to Mahathallah that do not have an 'official' other people at times.
cavemother, are likely dens of the rotten hand. The number of While they are unlikely to take leadership positions in the faith,
scrolls and wands of divination and abjuration magic found in the existence of Alchemists, Investigators and Psychics appears
these caves speaks volumes about the paranoia intrinsic to this encouraged by the church. This is likely due to the nature of
group. Adyton, with those studied in alchemy or mindscapes being the
Curiously, this sect has the largest association with the most reasonable to create more doses of the sacred drug.
dragonfly of all Mahathallah's faithful. Many rotten hand While they have not been observed, the existence of Bards,
members have only been found out by the presence of a Rogues, Rangers, and Wizards can be assumed of the faith given
dragonfly tattoo on the back of a wrist. Dragonfly swarms are the diversity of skillsets of these groups as well as their ability to
especially common in areas suspected of the cult's activities. collect information to locate and manipulate the lies of others.
Some believe the insect's quick, darting movement and predatory
speed may inspire emulation by the cult. If this is true, it would
also imply ritual living sacrifices being common or at least
present among isolated cults of the rotten hand.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 6

The Queens of the Night are a group of four of Hell's most It's uncommon for the faithful of Mahathallah to dress in some
powerful women, holding sway over the legions of devils in unified or consistent manner. Some elements do seem common
some cases purely by virtue of their position in the hierarchy. among the faithful however. The first of which is that tattoos are
While most of these minions serve begrudgingly, there are a not surprisingly common among the faithful, most often stylized
insignificant number of creatures that are far more willing to dragonfly's depicted on the wrist or a shoulder, though broken
serve each of the Queens. The Dowager of Illusions counts four wings occur often enough to bear mentioning. These tattoo's are
main groups of creatures as her most willing and trusted agents; usually in gold and black ink, or gold and ivory ink depending on
The forlarren, half-fiend fey that pray frequently to the Dowager the skin tone they need to contrast with. There is some suspicion
of Illusions and pay for her aid by aiding her faithful. Achaierai, that some of these tattoos are in fact tattoo familiars, though that
Hell's Vultures, which are exceptionally common in Voiporl and cannot be confirmed in a general sense. Most of the faithful also
the more open areas of Adyton. Uniila(Cabal Devils), who some wear makeup whenever possible, with purple or violet
believe simply serve her as she is female, while others suspect eyeshadow being perhaps the most distinct stylistic element.
her focus on drugs and illusions is seen as an extreme state of
their own intent to corrupt the lazy who seek quick forms of
magical advancement. And finally the Anisocadlan, unique
undead that some believe were crafted by the Queen of Vanity
herself as a particularly vindictive act against Pharasma. Several phrases are common enough in the faith to warrant note
In addition to these general groups, Mahathallah counts two besides "We are as you see us".
unique outsiders as her direct and trusted agents. Death makes life meaningless: No matter what you do in your
"The Maiden"[advanced female hamatula]: This unique devil life, no matter how much you enjoy things, you won't experience
is believed to exist in its current form as a punishment for the fruits of your labors once you die. So live life, but remain
attempting to attack the Dowager of Illusions shortly after her ever vigilant for dangers that it poses. Most commonly used by
acceptance by Asmodeus into the ranks of Hell. The Barbed devil members of the Rotten hand or by faithful of the dowager of
had believed the existence of a woman in the hierarchy of Hell to illusions who are aware of a cult of the grim harvestman in the
be an insult, and so their punishment was to be twisted into this area.
unique form in which they suffer eternally. Some believe that Midday witnesses decay: The middle of your life is when
Asmodeus himself found the punishment so fitting as to write it everything begins going downhill. Once you allow yourself to
permanently into the Maiden's true name, forever binding her to pass the peak, the worst parts of life compound day by day until
serve Mahathallah. you die. Often used primarily as a mantra to not stop or falter in
"The Suitor"[unique deimavigga evangelist 6]: This twisted your efforts in life. However it can and is sometimes used as an
apostate devil is one of the primary sources of information on the insult to those happy in their place in life, implying that they are
Dowager of Illusions and possibly the only male member of about to lose everything, or that it has already begun.
Hell's hierarchy except Asmodeus himself to respect Mahathallah Windows Beyond: A symbolic term for eyes, representing the
as a power in her own right. While he goes publicly by the title belief that a person's eyes hold a plethora of meanings from
'the suitor', many suspect he willingly volunteered his true name emotion, to personality, wisdom, fear, pain, truth, and belief.
to Mahathallah in an attempt to court the demigoddess. Some of the faithful have been seen mumbling this phrase when
taking Adyton.

Some believe that the holidays and rituals held in public regard
by the faithful of Mahathallah are simply a means to manipulate Mahathallah's antipaladins are few and far between. The few
outsiders. However two things are common among most of these known tyrants who serve her are all women. Most of these few
secondary holidays regardless the location of the faith; Tyrants of the Dowager of Illusions vie for positions of influence
Firstly; While rituals and rites vary depending on group, with over lawmakers and nobility, seemingly uninterested in the
some groups performing a different rite for childbirth than positions themselves. According to the Suitor, the few uniting
another. The use of these rites remain fairly consistent inside each tenants of these antipaladins are as follows:
group. This means they are either consistent purely for the case of • Reality is as I claim. The few people who do not believe my
improving the lie, or they are born from local tradition and do truths are insane or evil, not me.
actually mean something to the faithful in that location. • The throne is a bodyguard. I am the power behind the throne,
Secondly; While rituals themselves are exceptionally rare, the and that throne will always be my shield.
observation of anniversaries are reliable and in some cases appear • Hell’s hand reaches as far as its shadow. There is no point to
to be considered necessary. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, enforcing hell’s control, I will expand it.
divorce anniversaries, and the date of the death of a loved one or
• I am not above my own sins. Everyone can be exploited, and
close friend are the most frequent events maintained by the
I must remain vigilant to those who would play me.
faithful of the Dowager of Illusions. This reliability may imply
several of the faithful working in public office may enforce
public holidays or festivities.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 7

Khepri is among the few good deities to claim a positive
RELATIONSHIPS relationship with Mahathallah; calling her his friend. To this day,
the painting of a blue scarab on a mirror is seen as a threat of
As a Queen of the Night, Mahathallah is one of the few
ceaseless divine punishment in some areas of Osirion.
powerful women in Hell's hierarchy. As such, she is often viewed
as lesser by her fellow near-divine devils and generally Kols considers the Dowager of Illusions to be one of his most
considered "one of the bad ones" by most other divinities outside difficult charges. Faithful of Mahathallah claim that it was the
hell. Despite this, she does have a few notable interactions or Queen of the night herself that began the rumor of Kols true
opinions of other divine and near divine figures. mother. Though given the faiths penchant for lies, this can't be
Aesdurath is confused with Mahathallah surprisingly often by
those not in the faith of either. The two appear to have an Kroina has offered the Dowager of Illusions pity on many
agreement to torment those who make such a confusion occasions, and been accosted each time. Some believe that Lady
whenever they have the chance. All-Sight knew of Mahathallah's death before she did. Others
claim the empyreal lord would have seen the Maiden of Mists
Andak has stated to his priests on several occasions not to trust
transition to the Dowager of Illusions as her death instead.
the faithful of the Dowager of Illusions. While Mahathallah's
church is able to assist with the drugs and magic that make the Lythertida knew Mahathallah before her fall, often standing by
Dismembered's rites safer, the faith also delights in ensuring souls for judgment in her court. Since becoming the Dowager of
these practices go awry in some way. Illusions, Mahathallah has not spoken of the Voiceless Tragedy.
Atropos is considered by many to be Mahathallah's main Magdh claims to have been one of Mahathallah's final stops
opponent. Even other powerful devils prefer not to attempt to before entering Hell. Some believe the Three cursed the Dowager
provoke either quasi-deities against each other out of concern of of Illusions with her decaying visage, though Mahathallah seems
being caught in the crossfire themselves. to show her no enmity if this is the case.
Baalzebul is perhaps the only archdevil to treat the Dowager of Magrim once violently attacked the Dowager of Illusions when
Illusions as an equal. Given his relationship to Asmodeus, some she attempted to enter Runebarrow. He has made no secret of his
believe he plays part in the Archfiend's deal with Mahathallah. hatred of "she who violated the strictest oath".
Bifrons has admitted to owing the Dowager of Illusions a Picoperi frequently refers to Mahathallah as 'Maiden of
substantial number of favors. Some suspect he even pays her with Illusions' or 'Styxy Queen' and will often visit battles she's
some of Mammon's power periodically. participating in purely for the purpose of heckling her.
Calistria refuses to speak of Mahathallah, though a significant Shyka does not speak of Mahathallah, and the one time they
portion of the Savored Sting's wayward faithful end up in the were asked; displayed a fury that had the questioner afraid they
arms of the Dowager of Illusions. were to be smote. Some believe that before becoming a
psychopomp usher, Mahathallah may have had the title of Shyka
Chadali recounts that when she heard that the maiden of mists
for a period. How reasonable this is remains unknown.
was distraught over her own fate, she had gone to comfort the
psychopomp usher. Mahathallah apparently spat in the face of the Skrymir traveled with Mahathallah for some of her wanderings
Serendipitous Path before setting out on her wanderings. through the planes. He claims to have left when the maiden of
mists met with the pirate queen for the first time. The seeker of
Chaldira claims to be hurt personally by the Maiden of Mists
sunsets appears to be among the few good deities that
deal with Asmodeus. She also refuses to refer to Mahathallah by
Mahathallah does not actively despise.
any title connected to her new role in Hell.
Ssila'meshnik is a frequent adversary of the Dowager of
Chamiaholom visits Mahathallah frequently, being one of the
Illusions, some claiming he continues to hold a grudge after her
only sahkil tormentors to turn their powers against the near
previous visit to the Maelstrom.
divinities of Hell. It is believed that the Dowager of Illusions
seeks to undermine the Skull Staff's efforts against the House of Yhidothrus claims to have offered the maiden of mists a deal
the Itinerant Soul simply out of spite. much in the same manner as Asmodeus. Unlike the price of
darkness he was unable to secure Mahathallah's assistance and
Damerrich appears uncertain on how Mahathallah should be
has harbored a grudge against both ever since.
punished for the evil she has committed, claiming that the
knowledge of her eventual death must haunt her far more than
any punishment he could devise. Mahathallah herself appears to
not be aware of the Weighted Swing's existence at all. LEGENDS
Fandarra claims to have been there when Mahathallah first Faithful of the Dowager of Illusions whisper an interesting tale
gained her position in Pharasma's court. The Dowager of of their mistresses exploits in the Maelstrom. According to the
Illusions attitude toward the Blood Mother has led some to legend, she had a tryst with Besmara the Pirate Queen during her
believe she was present in the vision of Mahathallah's death. enraged wanderings of the outer planes. During their final
Fumeiyoshi apparently owes a favor to the Maiden of Mists. encounter before the then maiden left the Maelstrom, sahkils
Whether this extends to the Dowager of Illusions is unknown. apparently set upon the pair in attempt to destroy both while they
Hanspur apparently destroyed one of the maiden of mists were weakened or exposed. In thanks for her assistance, Besmara
original shrines by hand during her journey along the river Styx. mounted one of the sahkil corpses at the prow of her ship and
Many believe Mahathallah must have traveled through the Water carved the maiden of mists symbol on its eyes. It's believed this
Rat's domain on her journey. is the source of the eye and bejeweled hand in the Dowager of
Illusions modern symbol, though such a legend has never been
Kabiri had at one time attempted to court the Dowager of
Illusions. It is unclear how Mahathallah responded, though their
lack of interaction since has lead to many rumors.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 8

MAGIC OPINIONS Traveler shrine
The few traveling faithful of Mahathallah will generally find
Depending on a deities interests and teachings, some kinds of their own unique ways to assemble or carry shrines with
magic might be encouraged or endorsed while others could be themselves. However, the most common 'shrine' found with
considered taboo. travelers who carry the Dowager of Illusion's symbol is possibly
a bedroll. The bedroll is stained purple near to where the eyes
Concerning magic would be placed should the sleeper lay on either side.
Additionally, the inside of these bedrolls are frequently laden
Several dedicates of Mahathallah believe that healing magic is
with pockets for the storing of a collection of items such as
against the 'tenets' of the faith, though this position has never
Adyton, small weapons, and other things of interest to the
been officially stated by a cave-mother. Nonmagical forms of
healing do seem preferred, though the magic has been
documented in several instances. The faiths of the dowager of
illusions do however seem to take a particularly staunch stance Public shrine
against divination magics with definite or reliable results. Spells A large mosaic image of a young woman on either the floor or a
such as Commune, Contact other Plane, Augury, and wall of a structure serves as a public shrine to the Dowager of
Clairaudience are fine, though the spells Scrying, True seeing, Illusions. These shrines typically depict a single woman in a
and Arcane Sight are distrusted as being too 'obviously accurate' beautiful scene such as at a gala or in a wooded area. Strangely,
to be trusted. only parts of these mosaics are actually tended to, resulting in
A part where the faithful of Mahathallah seems to grow irate large swaths of decay creeping into the image. The maintained
regarding magic is the existence of spells that utilize Pesh as a section is usually either the background or the woman, but never
component. Whether it is that these spells consume the drug both. The faithful will often place their forehead against a wall
without actually affecting the caster with the side effects, or that mosaic in these cases, or simply kneel on one on the floor while
the cults have issues with the drug itself is unknown. whispering prayers to Mahathallah.

Endorsed magic Temple

Spells that enhance lies or implicitly trick or manipulate others The most common temples to the dowager of illusions take the
are likely to be exceptionally common among the faith of form of primitive looking cave dwellings. The home of high
Mahathallah. Glibness, Silent Image, Disguise Self, and Magic ranking priestesses of Mahathallah, called 'cavemothers', these
Aura may be among the most common possibilities in this regard, caves are usually filled with animal pelts, bones, and items taken
being exceptionally easy to teach newer recruits to the faith and from adventurers or dangerous creatures in the area. A cave
among the first spells learned by many. To the higher degree temple often contains a large number of samples of plants used to
spells that possess others, such as magic jar, may be known by create drugs, and a ring of stones at the center that are filled with
the more skilled clergy for the purpose of working toward the ash. Rituals are performed frequently in these caves, ranging
aims of the faith from a safe distance. from simple talisman crafting to elaborate prayers and rites for
A surprising number of spells, including 'Create Drug' were things such as power or whatever some gullible rube seeks. More
created by the faith of the Dowager of Illusions. often than not, these rituals simply endow the participants with a
false view of the world that inevitably works to further the goals
of the church itself.
Most shrines to the archdevils of Hell are in an attempt to bribe
the near divine entity into helping with some small aspect of life,
or to appease them so as not to disturb a daily task. The Queens
of the night are less commonly venerated in this way, most
offerings being driven by a personal acknowledgment of the sin
associated with the queen. Mahathallah is often seen as the
Queen of Vanity, and her shrines reflect that fact.

Home shrine
Some women will keep a rolled of fabric above a mirror
somewhere in their house. This fabric is often pinned to the top
of the mirror and can be unfurled to cover the rightmost third of
the surface. The unfurled roll depicts the woman's own face with
makeup, as well as several indicators of where she believes she
needs more work. These 'shrines' are typically made of blue
fabric or are stained with blue dusting and lipstick marks. It's
believed that using the image as a reference is itself a prayer to
the Queen of Vanity, and that a lipstick laden kiss before rolling it
back up closes out the prayer.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 9

TRANSITIONS False Reality (Spell 4)
The following character options are intended to help players [Enchantment][Illusion][Mahathallah]
show more diverse connections to Mahathallah. But it should be Traditions arcane, occult
stressed that these materials vary in balance and should be Deities Mahathallah
seriously considered by a GM before being allowed. Even if the
Cast <2> verbal
GM approves of the lore in this file, it doesn't immediately mean
they approve anything that follows. Range 30 feet; Targets 1 intelligent creature
MAHATHALLAH (Dowager of Illusions) Duration 1 hour; Saving Throw Will
Category Queen of the Night You implant an idea of how reality works in the mind of the
target. For the duration of the spell, a creature that failed the
Edict Become an arbiter of reality, reject conventional wisdom
saving throw believes your account of reality and interprets all
as falsehood, capitalize on the ignorance of others
evidence both for or against as being evidence toward the reality
Anathema become too invested in mortal affairs, refuse to hear you suggest. A creature attempting to convince the target of the
a truth out of preference for ignorance falsehood of their belief takes a penalty to diplomacy as if they
Areas of Concern death, fate, vanity were attempting an impossible lie.
Follower Alignments LN, LE, NE
Devotee Benefits Field of Dismay (Spell 8)
Divine Ability Wisdom or Charisma [Illusion][Mahathallah][Visual]
Divine Font harm Traditions arcane, occult
Divine Skill Deception Deities Mahathallah
Favored Weapon bola Cast <2> somatic, verbal
Domains fate, trickery, truth, undeath Area 30-foot emanation
Cleric Spells 1st: illusory disguise, 2nd: misdirection, 5th: Duration 1 minute
illusory scene You create a fluctuating area of unpredictable reality. Any attack
Divine Intercession made against a target inside the area is instead resolved against a
Mahathallah usually bestows her gifts on those assured of random creature inside the effect. An attacker cannot harm
themselves and who take measures to exploit another's ignorance. themselves as a result of this effect. Attack rolls must still exceed
She curses those who get swept up in mortal business or who the targets Armor Class in order to deal damage.
ignore truth that could have been properly twisted. Additionally, a creature attempting to leave the area of the spell
Minor Boon: Mahathallah's hand silently hides something for must succeed at a Will save or be forced to move to a random
you. One object on your possession is invisible and intangible to open space in area.
everyone but yourself until you hold it in your hand.
Moderate Boon: The knowledge of Adyton ensures a peaceful
rest, even when you don't attend it yourself. If you are rendered
unconscious for 8 hours, whether by damage, a spell, or some CLASS SPECIALS
other effect, you gain the benefits of a night's rest.
Major Boon: You are shielded by the mind bending state of Dragonfly Animal Companion
Adyton. You are immune to the penalties of addiction. [Rare][Mahathallah]
Minor Curse: You stumble over yourself at the worst moment. Size Medium
Once when you roll a critical success on a Deception check, you Melee<1> jaws, Damage 1d8 piercing
instead gain a critical failure. Str +1, Dex +3, Con +2, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha +2
Moderate Cure: The veil of reality is dropped over your eyes Hit Points 6
once again. You take a -2 circumstance penalty on Will saving
throws. Your saving throws against Illusion effects are treated as Skill Acrobatics
one degree of success worse. Senses darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Major Curse: You are the victim of your own creations. Any Speed fly 30 feet
illusion spells you cast affect you as if you weren't the original Special mount
caster. Support Benefit Your dragonfly makes it difficult to target you.
Until the beginning of your next turn, attacks against you must
succeed at a DC 3 flat check or miss.
[Mahathallah]: The Mahathallah trait indicates items that can Advanced Maneuver Dart Charge
only be selected by creatures that worship Mahathallah. Magic Dart Charge<3> The dragonfly moves up to an opponent,
effects with the Mahathallah trait do not detect as magical. strikes, steps, and then strides away from the target.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 10

FEATS You treat Breath of Life as a primal spell. Additionally, you can
cast it on yourself as a <F> even if unconscious.

Dedicated use (Feat 1)

[Mahathallah] Denier of Fate<F> (Fighter 1)
Prerequisites addiction for 1 type of drug [Fighter][Mahathallah]
While you are affected by the drug you are addicted to, you gain Trigger you are able to reroll a saving throw
a +2 circumstance bonus on Will saving throws.
You gain a +1 status bonus to the triggering saving throw.
At every 4 levels, this status bonus increases by +1.
Gore Grenade<F> (Alchemist 8)
[Uncommon][Additive 1][Alchemist][Mahathallah]
Driven by Visions (Fighter 12)
Frequency once per round
Trigger You use Quick Alchemy to craft an alchemical bomb
Prerequisite master in Religion or Occultism
with a level at least 1 lower than your advanced alchemy level.
You can perform the Commune ritual. When you perform this
You cause the bomb to explode with viscera and toxins, adding
ritual, you do not require a secondary caster. If you act as the
a dose of poison. A creature that takes a direct hit from the bomb
secondary caster for someone else performing the Commune
must save against the infused poison.
Ritual, you automatically succeed at the secondary caster check.

Adyton Brew (Alchemist 14)

Know it's coming (Investigator 8)
You can craft Adyton as if it were a poison.
When you are required to roll a Will or Fortitude saving throw
against an effect caused by a creature's innate ability such as a
Styxphobic<R> (Bard 2) poisonous bite(but not a poisoned blade), you may use the
[Rare][Bard][Mahathallah] modifier for the skill that would be used to Recall Knowledge on
the creature, instead of your normal saving throw modifier.
Frequency once per day
Trigger you fail a saving throw
Know it's coming<F> (Investigator 10)
Reroll the saving throw, taking the second result even if it's
worse. [Uncommon][Investigator][Mahathallah]
Frequency once per day
Addictive Healer (Cleric 4) Trigger you roll a saving throw against a creature's natural
You may roll the applicable skill to Recall Knowledge on that
Prerequisite communal healing
creature in place of your saving throw.
Your healing fills creatures with a need for more. When you cast
the heal spell to heal a single creature other than yourself, that
target must make a Fortitude save against the spell. On a failure, Adyton creation (Investigator 14)
the creature develops an addiction to your spells. Each day [Rare][Investigator][Mahathallah][Psychic]
without the creature does not benefit from one of your spells, it is Frequency once per week
sickened 1. This penalty increases each day to a maximum of
You create a single dose of the Adyton drug
sickened 4.

Adyton Brew (Investigator 16)

Malicious Vanity<R> (Champion 2)
Frequency once per day
Frequency once per day
With 10 minutes of work, you create a single dose of the
Trigger you roll a natural 1 on a saving throw.
Adyton drug.
The saving throw is not automatically a critical failure, and you
gain a status bonus equal to half your level on the save.
Arcane Nihilism<R> (Magus 6)
Spit in the face (Champion 4)
Trigger you critically fail a will saving throw against an effect
with the emotion or fear traits.
If you cast Augury and receive a result of Woe, you gain a +1
You reroll the saving throw.
status bonus to Armor Class and saving throws for an hour when
following that course of action. If you have Resolve, you gain Greater Resolve as well.
Terrifying Strike<1> (Monk 2)
Breath of Spite (Druid 12) [Uncommon][Attack][Flourish][Mahathallah][Monk]
[Druid][Mahathallah] You make a strike attempt. If you succeed, the target is
frightened 1, or frightened 3 on a critical success.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 11

Sense of Self<R> (Monk 14) Arcane Mistress (Wizard 1)
[Uncommon][Mahathallah][Monk] [Rare][Mahathallah][Wizard]
Frequency once per day Prerequisites must be female
Trigger you succeed at a saving throw Whenever you gain the stupefied condition, you treat it as 1 step
You critically succeed at the saving throw. less severe. If your class DC is at least master, you instead treat it
as 2 steps less severe.

Homeground Brilliance (Ranger 6)

Steal Facade<R> (Wizard 4)
Prerequisites favored terrain
Trigger you would dispel an illusion spell or effect.
Select one terrain with which you have favored terrain. When
you roll a critical failure on a strike in that terrain, you gain a The effect does not end and you become the effect's controller,
failure instead. you may make any decisions for the spell as if you had originally
cast it and attempts to dispel the effect use your DC instead of the
original DC.

Strike the veil<R> (Rogue 8)

[Uncommon][Mahathallah][Rogue] ITEMS
Trigger you attack a creature with the mirror image or
Dragonfly charm (Item 5)
chromatic image spells active.
Roll a Will saving throw against the target's Will DC. If you
succeed, the attack ignores the additional images. Price 20 gp; Usage worn
Activate<F> envision; Trigger you are subject to an effect you
did not see coming such as an attack from an invisible creature,
Drug Immunity (Rogue 12)
trap, or hazard.
This dragonfly-shaped charm is typically crafted from folded
You cannot become addicted to drugs. wire and pieces of glass. When you activate the charm, you may
move up to your speed. This movement does not have the move
trait and occurs before the triggering effect is resolved.
Towering Ego<R> (Sorcerer 2)
[Uncommon][Mahathallah][Sorcerer] Figgara (Item 5)
Trigger you attempt a Will saving throw. [Uncommon][Alchemical][Consumable][Drug][Inhaled]
Frequency once per day.
Price 20 gp
You add your Charisma modifier as a bonus on the saving
throw. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate<1> interact
Pride of life (Sorcerer 12) When smoked, figgara calms users, sometimes bringing greater
Saving Throw DC 15 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Maximum
You can substitute a spell attack in place of the Nature check
Duration 2 hours; Stage 1 clumsy 1 and a +2 item bonus to all
required for performing the Reincarnate ritual. If the Reincarnate
Will saves(1 minute); Stage 2 +1 item bonus to spell DCs, +2
ritual is cast on you, you count as a secondary caster.
item bonus to all Will saves, slowed 1 and clumsy 1(1 minute);
Stage 3 clumsy 2 and slowed 2(1 hour)

Charmed to Death<F> (Swashbuckler 6) Gloves of the Nihilist (Item 6)

[Rare][Mahathallah][Swashbuckler] [Invested][Magical][Necromancy]
Trigger you reduce a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a Price 1000gp
melee weapon with the agile and finesse traits.
Usage worn gloves; Bulk L
Frequency once per minute
Activate<F> envision; Trigger you kill a creature
You gain an additional reaction until the start of your next turn.
These tanned leather gloves bear a broken holy symbol of
Pharasma and a small prayer of spite for the lady of bones. A
I make it look good<R> (Swashbuckler 8) creature affected by the gloves ability cannot be targeted by
[Rare][Mahathallah][Swashbuckler] spells that speak with the dead or gather information from a
corpse such as speak with dead or grave words. Additionally,
Trigger you are targeted by an illusion spell or are within the
spells that return the dead to life fail if the caster has fewer hit
area of an illusion spell.
dice than the wearer of these gloves.
The spells save DC is increased by +4

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 12

Amulet of the Lustrous Eye (Item 7)
Price 6,000gp; Usage worn
This gold chain necklace supports a single massive amethyst
surrounded by a gold frame.
Reduce the penalty conditions such as stunned, stupefied, or
enfeebled from drugs by 2.
If you worship Mahathallah, you also see the dreams of sleeping
creatures. These dreams appear in bubbles floating above the

Fools Adyton (Item 8)

Price 300 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate<1> interact
While the drug Adyton is common in Mahathallah's worship,
some of her faithful who attempt to make the drug result in a far
inferior product that's best sold to those who can be tricked into
believing it works.
When dusted onto the eyes like its namesake, fools adyton
renders users unconscious and subjects the to painful and
terrifying dreams.
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Maximum
Duration 8 hours; Stage 1 unconscious(1 hour); Stage 2 2d4
mental damage and unconscious(1 hour); Stage 3 4d4 mental
damage and unconscious(1 hour);

Pellet of Choking terror (Item 10)

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate<1> Strike
This bomb creates a cloud of thick smoke in a 10-foot-radius
burst. Creatures in the area take a -2 item penalty to saving
throws against fear effects while in the cloud and for 1 minute
after leaving. The cloud persists for 1 minute.

Adyton (Item 20)

Price 1200gp; Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate<1> Interact
The drug adyton is central to Mahathallah’s worship and the
spreading of her mysteries. It can be purchased only from
worshipers of Mahathallah, and typically only by servants of the
Unlike other drugs, Adyton does not behave as a poison. When
the drug is dusted onto the eyes of a willing creature, they
immediately fall unconscious for 2d4 hours. The effects allowed
by Adyton are dependent on how long the target is unconscious.
2 hours target is healed as if by a night's rest.
4 hours target enters a secret mindscape, protecting them from
any effect that requires a Will saving throw while unconscious.
6 hours target is affected as if by the commune spell.
8 hours target is targeted by a remove curse effect with a spell
attack modifier of +32.
After waking from Adyton, a creature is enfeebled 2 for 4 hours.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 13

The following are just suggestions and advice for GMs. As a
GM, the story and campaign are your world. But sometimes it's
nice to have external information to build off of in a hurry or use
when necessary. The contents included here is not meant to be a
canonical declaration of what you must do, just advice for what
can be done to flesh out the presence of the Dowager of Illusions
in your campaigns.

The Planar Ally and Planar Binding spells are exceptionally
The spell Commune is very useful but can be difficult for a GM powerful but can be difficult for a GM to balance and roleplay
to respond to well without a decent amount of preparation. This without a decent amount of preparation. This section includes
section includes advice to try and help make roleplaying the advice to try and the use of these spells by worshipers of
responses to Commune more manageable with little preparation. Mahathallah more manageable with little preparation. This
The use of "commune" in this context refers to both the section includes advice to try and help roleplaying those who can
Commune spell, as well as Contact Other Plane and similar be summoned with the Planar Ally spells.
Forlarren enjoy being summoned by the faithful of
Forlarren are unlikely to be contactable by most casters, given Mahathallah and seem more than happy to assist there summoner
their lowly stature and lack of presence in any of Mahathallah's in all tasks. They aren't willingly suicidal but otherwise quite
planes. Though if one is called upon, they typically have willing to undertake most tasks in an effort to prove themselves
bittersweet personalities, and low intellect, being mostly useful useful, reliable, and worthy of existing. Their remorse ability
for motivation or translation of the Sylvan language. makes them poor choices to summon for direct combat though
Achaierai most commonly answer communes from faithful of they are useful for combat support, particularly with their heat
the Dowager of Illusions regarding the safety of certain drugs, metal ability. They enjoy payment in praise.
poisons, or makeup for the contacter. These conversations bore Achaierai are sadistic and gleeful combatants that enjoy darting
them however and they tend to respond curtly with either "yes", through a battlefield to strike at exposed opponents or those
"no" or "I don't care" to try and end the spell as quickly as approaching their summoner. When summoned in groups, Hell's
possible. vultures excitedly affect as many creatures with their black
Uniila are the most common respondents to communes by the clouds and prove to have excellent tactical acumen. Achaierai are
faithful of Mahathallah. They advise on a large range of topics, almost never summoned for non-combat tasks and prefer
able to answer extremely difficult questions about magic, the payment in raw meats and corpses.
planes, religions, psychology, and 'practical' matters such as Cabal Devil patiently await payment before starting their
whether a particular process will successfully create a drug or agreed task. Many take a mentorship role, explaining how to
not. They push the bounds of commune spells very slightly, some properly interact with a summoned creature, to their own
going so far as to answer in different languages so as to compress summoner. These lessons are usually highly informative and
as much information in as small an answer as possible. These quite accurate though have a tendency to result in a far better
compressed answers are usually detailed but slightly misleading. outcome for the Uniila than the summoner. Uniila are masterful
The Maiden answers only the commune's directed to her by infiltrators, manipulators, rumormongers, and mentors. Some
Mahathallah herself, or that call for her specifically. The barbed have been known to willingly remain by their summoner even
devil can answer questions in the normal fashion for her kind; after the spell that summoned them ends. They negotiate their
types of security magic, protective wards, the ways to break those price readily, seemingly preferring to make it a tough but
measures, locations of treasures, how to preserve a trophy. acceptable price to the summoner.
However she is more often contacted or even summoned to be a The Maiden is often aggressive and rude when summoned,
sympathetic ear. The Maiden drops all cruelty and aggression clearly unhappy with the ability of mortals to command her. In
when speaking to a creature suffering from physical or sexual combat she rampages much like any other barbed devil,
dysphoria. This includes people maimed by wounding weapons delighting in whatever carnage she can cause. A selection of the
or affected by spells that change their physical form or race. faithful of the Dowager of Illusions summon The Maiden for the
The Suitor speaks in a forceful and commanding manner, and same reason one might attempt to commune with her, though
is one of the few entities who's answers can be heard by those taking advantage of the longer duration afforded by summoning.
around the caster as if the caster were speaking. He prefers to The Maiden prefers payment in holy symbols, statues, or art of
answer questions regarding the practices and goals of the church good deities(and Pharasma), which she excitedly destroys and
of Mahathallah. Any caster attempting to reach the hierarchy of defiles.
Mahathallah can accidentally contact him. There are even a few No-one has yet succeeded at summoning The Suitor or any
reports that on occasion; he has cast spells such as dominate Anisocadlans.
person, insanity, and mind fog through spells that contact him.
If Mahathallah answers commune’s at all, it is likely under the
guise of one of her own servants.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 14

SAMPLE NPCS Igossi(NE agender swamp vine leshy druid 4) is a perhaps
unique vine leshy; while most of her kin assume their bodies will
The following are a couple sample npcs related directly to the find a new form after death, she is instead intent on crafting
worship of Mahathallah, each a great way to introduce the herself greater and greater forms. Inspired by the mortal fear of
various facets of her worship into your game if you feel you need death, Igossi seeks to prove herself immortal by crafting an
an NPC face for it. These are merely premade suggestions, indestructible form. She has so far succeeded in accidentally
remember; almost any class can be almost any sect. producing sargassum fiends and shambling mounds. She has
Crok Dhonem(NE male orc investigator 1) is a weak, slightly even crafted living wood armor to reinforce and protect her
frail, young orc man. Having been driven from the hold of dragonfly companion.
Belkzen for his stature, Crok has attempted to take up a career in
healing in a more 'civilized' city. His social abuse has not ceased
though Crok does find some relief in his prayers to 'The social PLOT HOOKS
one,' a mysterious orc woman he met in a drug fueled dream.
Tittra(LE female nagaji gunslinger 7) is a lithe gold scaled It can be hard to come up with an interesting plot hook to draw
nagaji who regularly paints the scales around her eyes a vibrant players into experiencing a new piece of lore. Below are some
purple color. She spends much of her time in noble courts, examples you can use in your game, or just use as inspiration to
whispering in the ears of lords and ladies and providing insightful sprinkle elements of this file into your campaign.
advice that only a gunslinger can. People all across town have been having vivid dreams of the
Dryvakki(LE nymph alchemist 6) is an immensely curious fey. same bizarre place, and even spoken to each other in it night after
The mother of no less than 3 forlarren, Dryvakki prays to the night. Each waking from this strange dream with strange purple
Dowager of Illusions for two main reasons. Firstly, she prays her discoloration around their eyes. Why is this happening? Has
sons are accepted and find peace and companionship. Secondly, anyone not woken up? Why?
she prays to bear no more children out of fear the next birth A local hunter recently broke into a noble estate and began to
would kill her. slaughter the occupants. When captured he screamed of monsters
threatening the town but no evidence could be found. What
caused him to go insane? Or is he actually right?
A tarot reader at the local tavern's readings have gotten
Cydrass Cyldaed(NE male drow investigator 6) is a brilliant progressively darker and more depressing. In at least one case
drow man who has escaped the city he was born to after the death prompting her to recommend the client kill himself to end the
of his mother and sisters. Originally a poison brewer for another suffering. Is something influencing the cards? Or is the reader
drow family, Cydrass turned to Mahathallah shortly after herself manipulating her clients?
realizing his female family members were killed by the poisons
he made. While the drow would love vengeance on his previous The Purple Eye
employers, he has settled for attempting to survive the surface People around town have become paranoid about mirrors,
world by passing for an elf. taking them down wherever they can. Some claim to see
Zurrin(LE female locathah summoner 11) is the matriarch of a monsters in their reflection and can't stand to spy them out of the
small tribe that focuses on farming various shellfish off the south corner of their eyes. What are these creatures? Is there anything
coast of Qadira. Zurrin makes frequent forays to the surface for at all? Might it be a vampiric plot?
trade, and is perhaps one of the most personable locathah in the The ex-wife of a nobleman has steadily grown more attractive
area. An open worshiper of the Dowager of Illusions, she is fond day by day, becoming almost a supernatural visage that halts all
of artistically framed mirrors from the surface and has coated her work in her presence. What kinds of impacts would she have on
personal chambers with at least fifty that were gifted to prevent the local economy? Would all work simply stop when she
her tribe attacking ships. approaches? How is she so supernaturally attractive?
Praeel(LN female duskwalker oracle 10) was an elven woman One of the players has a dream of an old woman showing them
returned to life by a deal with an unknown psychopomp. how they will die, when the vision ends the woman is younger
However, after manifesting traits similar to a dhampir, she found and clearly saddened, she offers a way to avoid this fate. Will the
herself shunned in the community she joined and even hunted by PCs trust this vision? What does the vision show? Will the course
some faithful of Pharasma. Praeel has since taken up an of action actually change the outcome or is it just a trick?
extremely visible position in politics, from which she endeavors Rotten Hand
to keep attention on herself as a protective measure. A massive flood ripped away part of town recently, days later a
few of those who had gone missing during the flood returned.
ROTTEN HAND They were dripping wet and deathly cold but otherwise
Opha(LE female gnome bard 8) is a talkative and arrogant unharmed and happy to just be home. One tells the story of being
gnomish woman who appears to be at the beginning of her plucked from "a strange river" and given the chance to come
bleaching. She is one of the few cavemothers known in more back. Who pulled them from the river? Why are they unharmed?
civilized circles, dressing her home dark and rotting cave hand Is there any nefarious reasoning behind all this?
painted with thousands of overlapping murals. Opha claims she The players encounter an enemy they were certain they'd killed
had been completely bleached and that her current state is a previously(someone they incidentally killed, nothing gory). They
freedom brought "by the wonders of Adyton and the beauty in bear the scars of the encounter and flee in fear the moment they
myself". Given how often she claims that she turned to recognize the party. How did they survive? What are they doing
Mahathallah as a last resort from the bleaching, it's either her here?
default lie or the actual truth.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 15

Whether you're running a campaign for worshipers of
Mahathallah, your players are violently against the church of the
Dowager of Illusions, or an ally of the party is a member of one
of the Mahathallahan sects; Mahathallah themed creatures can
help to spice things up. Included here are several creatures and
templates tied to Mahathallah or her enemies that you can include
in your campaigns.

This human shaped creature's rotten flesh is encased in a shiny

carapace and stitched together by dragonfly membranes.
Anisocadlan (Creature 7)
Perception +15; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +15
Str +6, Dex +7, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +4
Unbelievable speed The anisocadlan is always affected as per
the haste spell.
AC 25; Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +13
HP 115 (negative healing); Immunities death effects, disease,
paralyze, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses fire 7
Speed 30 feet, fly 60 feet
Melee<1> slam +18, Damage 2d10+9 bludgeoning plus grab
Darting Charge<2> The anisocadlan moves up to its speed,
strikes an opponent, then moves again up to its speed.
Rending Hold<3> Requirement the anisocadlan has grabbed a
creature Effect the anisocadlan deals 2d12+12 damage to the
target. This counts as the action to maintain a grapple.

The origin of these 6 armed humanoid undead is unknown.

However, they frequently appear after floods or in
swampland(though have been seen just about anywhere). They
hunt in small groups or with the aid of giant dragonflies, picking
up and tearing apart humanoids with apparently no reason other
than to simply kill them. A few have been bargained with, and if
offered food or sacrifices, do appear willing to perform strange
tasks for locals. Some groups are even considered protectors of
small fishing villages against invading forces.

Dragonfly Swarm (Creature 2)

Perception +11; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+8 to Maneuver in Flight), Athletics +8,
Stealth +8
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +3, Int -5, Wis +3, Cha +1
AC 18; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +5
HP 22; Immunities disease, precision, swarm mind;
Resistances physical 5(except bludgeoning); Weaknesses area
damage 4, splash damage 4
Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feet
Swarming Bites<1> Each enemy in the swarm's space takes
2d6+4 piercing damage and must attempt a DC 15 basic Reflex
save. A creature that fails its save is stunned 1.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 16

BUILDINGS A grand cathedral hall stretches out, the interior bearing
It can be hard to come up with fun, flavorful buildings to show alcoves along each side bearing statues that depict the life of a
the impact of lore on the world. Below are some example single beautiful woman. The statues start young and beautiful
buildings you can use in your game, or just use as inspiration if near the door and progress older and more decrepit until statues
you like. of skeletons on either side of the far end. A large stone altar
draped in a gold sheet stands at the center of the far end, loomed
over by a statue of a woman who's left side is a beautiful woman
The dimension that lies while her right is skeletal. It's unclear how long this place as
The dimension of false adyton is a seemingly inescapable been left abandoned, though it appears immaculately maintained
pocket apparently designed to capture those attempting to cheat and as if simply waiting the next sermon. The walls are painted
into Adyton. with endless writing, a sea of text drowned out by the noise of its
Category dimension own presence.
Traits The statues lining the walls depict Mahathallah's transition from
beauty to undead, while the writing is a collection of prayers to
Gravity normal
Mahathallah written in every languages manageable by the
Time flowing (1 day: 1 hour) builders. These temples are almost never built originally as a
Realm unbounded temple to the Dowager of Illusions. Instead, the interior of
Structural sentient another gods' cathedral is converted to an apparent worship space
for Mahathallah. The few of these churches that have been found,
Essence mixed
regularly support elaborate and difficult rituals and complex
Alignment mildly lawful-aligned prayers that call on the assistance of members of the community.
Magic dead magic(see Escape) Ritual sacrifice is rare, but not unheard of in these churches,
Denizens though most rituals tend more toward elaborate occult mechanics
that could easily be 'ruined' by a single 'mistake' on the part of
Core Divinities Asmodeus
any member of the community. These rituals are likely false all
Other Divinities Mahathallah along, and simply designed to lure the locals back repeatedly for
Outsiders half-fiend minotaurs, hallucinated creatures, various further tithes and to reinforce the power the clergy have over the
devils masses. GM Note: One of these temples appears in Pathfinder
Petitioners none Adventure Path #98: Turn of the Torrent.
Infusions Some of these temples to Mahathallah do possess interesting
magical effects, the most common of which is a constant
Basic You are adept at seeing through deceptions and
prestidigitation like effect that constantly cleans and maintains
falsehoods in reality. You gain a +2 insight bonus on saving
everything within the area to present an eternally beautiful state
throws against illusions and the maze spell and on skill checks to
to the building. This cleaning effect does not remove blood or
avoid becoming lost.
viscera, meaning the locations where battles have occured in such
Improved You have the ability to cast Know Direction at will a temple presents a stark contrast between the immaculate
as a spell-like ability. furnishings and the rotting carcasses of those who fell.
Greater none It is also believed that these temples make drugs more potent,
A twisted labyrinthine hellscape filled with the rotless carcasses increasing the benefits by 50% while making it extremely hard to
of those who have come before. False Adyton is a planar trap avoid addiction. This is likely intentional so as to allow the clergy
seemingly designed to capture those who attempt to enter the to create mass addictions during rituals with little effort.
realm of Adyton without use of the drug, such as via gate or plane Church: While the ‘official’ hierarchy of Mahathallah’s faith
shift. These 'back door' methods of reaching Mahathallah's do not generally seek out to construct these buildings, they do not
mindscape instead drop the caster in this nightmarish plane in work against them either. The church seems to take the position
which magic does not function. Some claim that Asmodeus uses that the conversion of these buildings is too much effort, but once
the plane as a temporary punishment for some devils attempting completed, that work is not worth wasting. There are rumors
to circumvent one rule or another. Interestingly, in addition to its among the faithful at some of these churches that they contain a
dead magic state, the plane also prevents even non-magical secret tunnel that leads to a cavemother’s den.
methods of flight. The plane also appears to twist its own
Purple Eye: Are the most likely group of worshipers to create
landscape so as to torment its prisoners as long as it pleases.
these churches, treating their conversion itself as a metaphor for
Only Asmodeus and Mahathallah have shown to have divine Mahathallah’s ejection from Pharasma’s boneyard. Some even go
influence over the plane, though other divinities have visited and so far as to refer to the renovation are revealing the true nature to
left unimpeded by the plane's restraints. the building itself. Some members of the purple eye intentionally
Escape The plane isn't entirely dead magic however. There is a purchase abandoned churches for this exact purpose, claiming
small wayshrine, appearing as a collapsed and ruined church to another connection to the original wayshrines of the Maiden of
the Maiden of Mists. Its perfect, unblemished mirrored floor Mists.
reflecting true adyton and Mahathallah's throne itself. Creatures Rotten Hand: Members seem incredibly unwilling to enter
standing on this mirrored floor are able to cast spells to cross these churches, calling them an insult to the Dowager of
planar boundaries only at the agreement of the Dowager of Illusions, and claiming that the faithful that use them are simply
Illusions herself. It's typically believed that this area will only misled by the desire to be like everyone else. Strangely however,
present itself to those trapped in False Adyton either as evidence several of the rituals witnessed in these churches have been found
Mahathallah is ready to let them out, or to torment them with her to be written by members of the Rotten hand.

Treatise on Divinity: Mahathallah Page 17

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