Print Treatise2Mahathallah - v2
Print Treatise2Mahathallah - v2
Print Treatise2Mahathallah - v2
Adyton[Mindscape]: The realm of Adyton is a massive,
labyrinthine temple that floats in a calm sunless expanse.
Devotees of Mahathallah from across planes trade mysteries and
raise praises to the Queen of the Night. Various devils(such as
bone and cabal devils), intelligent undead, and Sahkils travel to
the realm where they may share and barter secrets. The realm is
nearly infinite, each shadow and veiled shrine connecting to
further curving corridors. Those visiting Adyton never feel
hunger or thirst and find time passes far faster inside the realm
than on the material plane.
Voiporl[Hell]: Mahathallah’s divine realm is a dank, cavernous
land where rents in the distant ceiling reveal the dizzying spin of
alien constellations. Occupying caverns connecting Phlegethon
and Stygia, Voiporl consists of a great desert of violet sand dotted
by ancient temples with onion-shaped domes, cavernous pillars,
and oasis gardens as big as jungles. Souls escaped from
Phlegethon’s mines and workshops often flee into this dim desert,
where they are typically picked off by gigantic serpents or
dragonflies, or by the desert witches, medusas, and various
undead who seek wisdom in the land.
Some believe that the holidays and rituals held in public regard
by the faithful of Mahathallah are simply a means to manipulate Mahathallah's antipaladins are few and far between. The few
outsiders. However two things are common among most of these known tyrants who serve her are all women. Most of these few
secondary holidays regardless the location of the faith; Tyrants of the Dowager of Illusions vie for positions of influence
Firstly; While rituals and rites vary depending on group, with over lawmakers and nobility, seemingly uninterested in the
some groups performing a different rite for childbirth than positions themselves. According to the Suitor, the few uniting
another. The use of these rites remain fairly consistent inside each tenants of these antipaladins are as follows:
group. This means they are either consistent purely for the case of • Reality is as I claim. The few people who do not believe my
improving the lie, or they are born from local tradition and do truths are insane or evil, not me.
actually mean something to the faithful in that location. • The throne is a bodyguard. I am the power behind the throne,
Secondly; While rituals themselves are exceptionally rare, the and that throne will always be my shield.
observation of anniversaries are reliable and in some cases appear • Hell’s hand reaches as far as its shadow. There is no point to
to be considered necessary. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, enforcing hell’s control, I will expand it.
divorce anniversaries, and the date of the death of a loved one or
• I am not above my own sins. Everyone can be exploited, and
close friend are the most frequent events maintained by the
I must remain vigilant to those who would play me.
faithful of the Dowager of Illusions. This reliability may imply
several of the faithful working in public office may enforce
public holidays or festivities.
Home shrine
Some women will keep a rolled of fabric above a mirror
somewhere in their house. This fabric is often pinned to the top
of the mirror and can be unfurled to cover the rightmost third of
the surface. The unfurled roll depicts the woman's own face with
makeup, as well as several indicators of where she believes she
needs more work. These 'shrines' are typically made of blue
fabric or are stained with blue dusting and lipstick marks. It's
believed that using the image as a reference is itself a prayer to
the Queen of Vanity, and that a lipstick laden kiss before rolling it
back up closes out the prayer.
The Planar Ally and Planar Binding spells are exceptionally
The spell Commune is very useful but can be difficult for a GM powerful but can be difficult for a GM to balance and roleplay
to respond to well without a decent amount of preparation. This without a decent amount of preparation. This section includes
section includes advice to try and help make roleplaying the advice to try and the use of these spells by worshipers of
responses to Commune more manageable with little preparation. Mahathallah more manageable with little preparation. This
The use of "commune" in this context refers to both the section includes advice to try and help roleplaying those who can
Commune spell, as well as Contact Other Plane and similar be summoned with the Planar Ally spells.
Forlarren enjoy being summoned by the faithful of
Forlarren are unlikely to be contactable by most casters, given Mahathallah and seem more than happy to assist there summoner
their lowly stature and lack of presence in any of Mahathallah's in all tasks. They aren't willingly suicidal but otherwise quite
planes. Though if one is called upon, they typically have willing to undertake most tasks in an effort to prove themselves
bittersweet personalities, and low intellect, being mostly useful useful, reliable, and worthy of existing. Their remorse ability
for motivation or translation of the Sylvan language. makes them poor choices to summon for direct combat though
Achaierai most commonly answer communes from faithful of they are useful for combat support, particularly with their heat
the Dowager of Illusions regarding the safety of certain drugs, metal ability. They enjoy payment in praise.
poisons, or makeup for the contacter. These conversations bore Achaierai are sadistic and gleeful combatants that enjoy darting
them however and they tend to respond curtly with either "yes", through a battlefield to strike at exposed opponents or those
"no" or "I don't care" to try and end the spell as quickly as approaching their summoner. When summoned in groups, Hell's
possible. vultures excitedly affect as many creatures with their black
Uniila are the most common respondents to communes by the clouds and prove to have excellent tactical acumen. Achaierai are
faithful of Mahathallah. They advise on a large range of topics, almost never summoned for non-combat tasks and prefer
able to answer extremely difficult questions about magic, the payment in raw meats and corpses.
planes, religions, psychology, and 'practical' matters such as Cabal Devil patiently await payment before starting their
whether a particular process will successfully create a drug or agreed task. Many take a mentorship role, explaining how to
not. They push the bounds of commune spells very slightly, some properly interact with a summoned creature, to their own
going so far as to answer in different languages so as to compress summoner. These lessons are usually highly informative and
as much information in as small an answer as possible. These quite accurate though have a tendency to result in a far better
compressed answers are usually detailed but slightly misleading. outcome for the Uniila than the summoner. Uniila are masterful
The Maiden answers only the commune's directed to her by infiltrators, manipulators, rumormongers, and mentors. Some
Mahathallah herself, or that call for her specifically. The barbed have been known to willingly remain by their summoner even
devil can answer questions in the normal fashion for her kind; after the spell that summoned them ends. They negotiate their
types of security magic, protective wards, the ways to break those price readily, seemingly preferring to make it a tough but
measures, locations of treasures, how to preserve a trophy. acceptable price to the summoner.
However she is more often contacted or even summoned to be a The Maiden is often aggressive and rude when summoned,
sympathetic ear. The Maiden drops all cruelty and aggression clearly unhappy with the ability of mortals to command her. In
when speaking to a creature suffering from physical or sexual combat she rampages much like any other barbed devil,
dysphoria. This includes people maimed by wounding weapons delighting in whatever carnage she can cause. A selection of the
or affected by spells that change their physical form or race. faithful of the Dowager of Illusions summon The Maiden for the
The Suitor speaks in a forceful and commanding manner, and same reason one might attempt to commune with her, though
is one of the few entities who's answers can be heard by those taking advantage of the longer duration afforded by summoning.
around the caster as if the caster were speaking. He prefers to The Maiden prefers payment in holy symbols, statues, or art of
answer questions regarding the practices and goals of the church good deities(and Pharasma), which she excitedly destroys and
of Mahathallah. Any caster attempting to reach the hierarchy of defiles.
Mahathallah can accidentally contact him. There are even a few No-one has yet succeeded at summoning The Suitor or any
reports that on occasion; he has cast spells such as dominate Anisocadlans.
person, insanity, and mind fog through spells that contact him.
If Mahathallah answers commune’s at all, it is likely under the
guise of one of her own servants.