Hbo Finals
Hbo Finals
Hbo Finals
• Informal Group - this group type neither formally structured nor • Attitude – We fosters positive attitudes when organizational group
organizationally determined. behavior is constructive and supportive
- it is formed by individuals and developed around common interest
and friendship rather than around deliberated design. • Well-being – allowing more opportunities to share stories and
Types of Informal Group emotions.
> Interest Group - one that formed because of some special topic • Learning – Every person has something unique to contribute,
interest. in general, disbands when the interest declines or a goal which enhances the knowledge of other people in the group
has been achieved
> Friendship Group - one where members are brought together The Stages of Group Formation
because they share one or more common characteristics such as
age, political beliefs, or ethnic background Bruce Tuckman (1965) – an American psychological researcher,
identified five stages of group formation
Meaning and Characteristics of Types of Group Behavior
1. Forming – individuals get to know each other but there’s no real
• Mass Action - refers to the action of a large number of people at a openness though there isn’t any conflict either.
particular time; can be positive or negative; If the participants have
good motive and express their feelings in a peaceful manner 2. Storming – group members share their perspectives, opinions and
(positive) ideas in this stage. Conflict may arise and it’s important to manage
- refers to the situations where numerous people behave intra-group conflict before things get difficult
simultaneously in similar but individually and without coordination
3. Norming – everyone has a mutual understanding and abides by
the group’s norms and procedures. There is acceptance, agreement
• Communal Labor/Service - a gathering for mutually accomplishing
and identification of common goals
a task or for communal fundraising.
4. Performing – group work leads to self-management. Members are
• Joining a Protest/March - an occasion where people show that
not only cooperative but also autonomous and require less
they disagree with something by walking somewhere, often shouting
supervision. There is trust and loyalty
and carrying signs.
5. Adjourning – people have completed their tasks and fulfilled their * Helps an individual or group identify its goals, and then motivates
targets at this stage. They wrap up their activities and the group and assists in achieving the stated goal.
parts ways. * It is the catalyst that transforms potential into reality.
1. Knowledge contributor – he is technically proficient enough and Leader is someone whom people follow or someone who guides or
he will be providing useful and valid information. He/she can be a directs others.
great help in task accomplishment and the value sharing technical
expertise with another member of the group Manager is someone who is responsible for directing and controlling
the work and staff in an organization, or of a department within it.
2. Process Observer – the person occupying this role forces member
to look at who the group function The main difference between the two is that a leader works by
example, while a manager dictates expectations.
3. People Supporter – some groups members are not emotionally
strong to face various difficulties heaped upon them in the Few subtle differences between the two −
performance of their function so that this role must assume by 1 - A leader is an innovator and creator whereas a manager is a
member if the group which can provides emotional support to commander.
teammates and resolve the conflict - A leader can’t be a manager but the opposite is possible, a
manager is more than a leader.
4. Challenger – the group needs someone who confronts challenges - A leader does what is right, while the manager makes things right.
and bad ideas. This will prevent complacency and non-critical - A leader deals with change whereas a manager plans for a change.
thinking - A leader gives direction to do something whereas the manager
plans for everything that is to be done.
5. Listener – this is a need for someone - A leader encourages people whereas
to listen to whatever ideas or proposal TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS the manager controls people.
presented by any member of the group Primary Traits Second Traits - A leader handles communication,
credibility, and empowerment whereas
6. Mediator – it is not uncommon for 1.Personal drive and energy 1. Cognitive Ability
a manager deals with organizing and
group members to get involved in 2. Honesty and Integrity 2. Charisma
disputes between each other, when 3. Desire to lead 3. Knowledge of Business
this happens, it will affect the 4.Self-confidence 4. Creativity and originality
performance of the whole group. 5. Positive affectivity(Warmth)
6. lexibility and adaptiveness
7. Gate Keeper – is to provide the
opportunity for every member to express his or her opinion. He or
she will also remind everyone.