Guidelines For Writing Standard Operating Procedures
Guidelines For Writing Standard Operating Procedures
Guidelines For Writing Standard Operating Procedures
Definition: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are defined as detailed descriptions
of each step in the flow of a process and the way in which these steps are performed.
For research purposes this will include the steps or detailed methodology to be followed
to successfully satisfy the Aim and the Objectives of the work to be carried out.
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of written instructions that document a
routine or repetitive activity used by an organisation/department/laboratory etc. SOPs
detail the work processes that are to be conducted or followed. They document the way
activities are to be performed to facilitate consistent conformance to safety and quality
system requirements. These standard methods are further defined in terms of (1)
accuracy, (2) precision and (3) reproducibility of the results. They also prescribe how
the procedures are to be carried out within the parameters of all Health and Safety
measures1, where applicable.
SOPs are intended to be specific to the organisation or laboratory whose activities are
to be described in detail. They assist that organisation or facility in maintaining their
safety and quality control and in ensuring compliance with regulations.
The Significance of SOPs:
Inadequate standard operating procedures (SOPs) are one of the most frequently cited
causes of many deficiencies and observations in any organisation. While specific SOP
issues can often be traced back to poor communication, monitoring, and/or
enforcement, a poorly written SOP can quietly grow into a host of other major
compliance problems including research rejection through lack of adherence to best
practices, and law suits where non-compliance or inadequate SOP description and
implementation has led to injury, loss of life and property damage or destruction.
A well-crafted SOP offers clear direction and instruction that is specifically designed to
avoid deviations from best practice. These are absolute necessities for maintaining
compliance and delivering quality.
SOPs should contain adequate detail to clearly guide researchers or other staff through
a particular procedure and thereby establish uniformity in the everyday functions of the
organisation/department/laboratory. Each SOP should have a specific aim but be
written in a general format that it can be easily followed by a broad audience. By laying
out defined processes, the primary function of an SOP is to specifically avert procedural
This implies that the measure fall within the confines of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).
It’s simple: Developing SOPs ensures your researchers/team knows the most efficient
and effective way to go about a certain task. This means you’ll be expending fewer
resources to attain optimal results, regardless of the task at hand. It also radically
reduces the possibility of a Serious Adverse Event occurring.
brought to the organisation will stay within the organisation. From an education
(student) and researcher point of view, this is vitally important – one doesn’t want to
invent the wheel over and over again. A SOP provides one wheel that can be used by
In documenting your SOP, you’ll ensure this information stays within your organisation
allowing new team members to pick up right where the old ones leave off.
2.5 Develops Health and Safety Standards to avoid Serious Adverse Events
Many environments, and the machinery, technology and materials that are used in
those environments, present opportunities for potentially hazardous situations to occur,
both for the environment and for the people working in that environment. If there are
effective SOPs in place, then the chances for these occurrences are minimised. And if
they do occur they are known as Serious Adverse Events (SAEs). If the SOP has been
followed, most insurance claims will accept this as an “accident”.
However if (1) there are no SOPs (or if they are inadequately written) and/or (2) they
have not been followed leading to the “accident,” the people who are involved in the
event will in all likelihood be held liable.
So, to avoid liability in the case of SAEs effective SOPs should be generated and
adhered to. Any investigation following an accident will compare the sequence of
events that led to the event with the SOP in place.
3. What are the Challenges of Developing a Standard Operating Procedure?
While there are many benefits to developing SOPs within your organisation, doing so
comes with its fair share of challenges, as well.
3.1 Compartmentalised Development
There’s a reason your development of SOPs should be an “all-hands-on-deck” affair:
Basically, if only certain stakeholders are involved, you’ll run the risk of your SOPs
missing the mark in some way or another.
For example, if an SOP is created solely by C-level executives, it may focus more on
the goal to be attained than the process required to attain it. This can cause the ground-
level team to run into a variety of obstacles that the executives may not have
anticipated, meaning the SOP in question actually isn’t in-line with what would be
considered “best practices” for the given circumstances.
On the other hand, if the SOP is created solely by managerial staff, the SOP may not
take into consideration C-level goals, such as minimising resource consumption and
improving the bottom line. In this scenario, you may have on-the-ground teams
completing tasks in a way that may seem efficient, but that isn’t really doing all that
much for the business as a whole.
In a university laboratory, lab technicians think about the usage of the lab in one way,
cleaners in another, researchers in a third, and lecturers in a fourth. And then there is
the Occupational Health and Safety Official, too, who has specific expectations to make
sure that the lab operates according to the Act.
That said, the process of developing SOP always needs to involve all stakeholders. This
will ensure that the processes being developed are made in the best interest of the
company or institution. (It is often useful to have the developed SOP benchmarked
against other, similar, facilities or processes, for validation reasons).
A final note, here. When machinery of any type is purchased the machinery comes with
a user manual. Such a user manual should form part of the SOP for the environment in
which the machinery is to be used.
3.2 Problems with Accessibility, Visibility, and Centralisation of Information
Even after standard operating procedures have been developed, you’ll need to ensure
that all stakeholders are able to access and engage with said documentation whenever
Without this accessibility and visibility, it can be relatively easy for SOPs to fall onto the
backburner, leading team members to go back to the “old way of doing things.”
Obviously, this defeats the purpose of developing SOPs in the first place.
Moreover, it’s essential that the SOP documentation is accessible to various team
members and they all must have access the exact same documentation across the
board. The most effective way to ensure this is to keep the document in a centralised
database that all stakeholders have access to. For research purposes we also advise
that you allocate a specific SOP number so that this can be referred to in any internal
application form. That way, you can guarantee that all team members are always
following the right documentation.
(Of course, it stands to reason that in a laboratory set up a copy should be readily
available for those who work in that laboratory).
• Write in the active voice and present the main idea first
Be mindful of what you write as well as how you write it. Simple action-oriented verbs
such as "identify," "direct," "evaluate," and "review" get the point across without
requiring interpretation. If possible, do not use the passive voice when structuring
sentences as this has been shown to confuse and misdirect attention away from
important ideas. KEY: describe “doing things with things.”
• Purpose
Explain the objective the SOP is intended to achieve.
• Scope
State the range of activities the SOP applies to, as well as any limitations or
• Responsibility
State the personnel, departments, groups, contractors, and/or subcontractors
responsible for both performing and complying with the SOP. State the person or
group responsible for assuring the appropriate personnel are trained on the
• Procedure
Explain the procedure in simple steps. Carefully think about how a procedure is
performed from the very beginning. Draft the SOP in a flow diagram to help
visualise the entire process. Describe specifically what to do, not how to do it.
Then state who does each step and where it is recorded to be certain that
whoever is performing the procedure can prove that they have done it.
• Review and Revision
State how often the SOP is reviewed, and/or under what circumstances it is to be
• The page header should include the name of the Organisation, address and, if
possible, the department or group.
• The header will then include the SOP number, title, version number, page
number, and effective date.
• Often, the author's name of the SOP is in the header.
• At the end of the SOP, indicate a section for documenting SOP reviews with
space for reviewer's signature and date signed.
• If the SOP is to be archived, regularly revised, or retired, add a line to document
this purpose.
• The page footer should include the complete filename and path.
# Stage Notes
• Make notes on what you already do
Process • Look at the relevant regulations and policies
Mapping • Look at SOPs from other labs or institutions
7. In Conclusion
Creating standard operating procedures is perhaps the best way to ensure your team
puts their talents to maximum usage. It enhances research reliability and reproduction, it
maximises safety procedures, and it speeds up training.
In contrast, even the most talented of professionals may not be able to be productive
and effective in their position if not given proper and explicit guidance.
Moreover, even if your new SOPs aligns with absolute best practices, it won’t do any
good if your team isn’t able to access it. This is why a centralised internal knowledge
base is vital to the implementation of new SOPs.
With clear-cut, comprehensive standard operating procedures on-hand at all times, your
team members will always know exactly what to do in any situation they face. In turn,
your organisation’s productivity will all but certainly skyrocket.