Postgraduate - 17 October 2023

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Showcase of
global academic
ON Oct 7, Asia e University (AeU) 13 individuals graduated through the
celebrated its 12th Convocation Ceremony innovative APEL.Q. Among the DBA
at the renowned World Trade Centre alumni who reflect AeU’s dedication
Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL), witnessing to fostering intellectual rigour and
nearly 1,950 students from various professional leadership are group
corners of the globe marking their managing director of WTCKL and the first
academic milestones. Since 2007, AeU has Malaysian elected to the board of directors
embodied academic excellence, boasting of World Trade Centers Association
more than 30,000 alumni who make (WTCA) Datuk Seri Dr Haji Irmohizam
significant global contributions across Ibrahim, group managing director of
various sectors. Dancom Group Datuk Dr Liu Thim Soon
The event commenced with the and president of the Congress of Unions of
conferment of an Honorary Doctorate Employees in the Public and Civil Services
to Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, (CUEPACS) Datuk Dr Adnan Mat.
former Minister in the Prime Minister The 12th AeU Convocation also Close to 1,950 AeU graduates attended the ceremony at WTCKL.
Department in charge of economy for his emphasised AeU’s commitment to
immense contributions to the nation and advancing global learning under the Asian educational methodologies amidst rapidly enriching AeU’s academic offerings
AeU’s establishment. It further recognised Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), showcasing evolving technological landscapes. and fostering a dynamic educational
stellar students through prestigious its acclaimed standings in Setara ratings On the global stage, AeU has now ecosystem that’s resonant with
awards like the Chairman’s Award and across various categories. AeU’s vice extended its reach to China, courtesy of technological innovation, academic
the President’s Award, spotlighting chancellor, Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Datuk the validation from the Chinese Service excellence and cross-cultural interactions.
exceptional academic prowess. Dr Nik Mustapha Raja Abdullah, Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE),
Promoting lifelong learning, AeU accentuated the pivotal role of Artificial opening doors to robust R&D n For more information, call 1300 300 238
introduced numerous candidates to Intelligence (AI) in education, particularly collaborations, academic exchanges and or 03-5022 3456, email enquiries@aeu.
elevated academic realms. Notably, highlighting the necessity for adaptive dual degree programmes, significantly or visit

AeU boasts more than 30,000 alumni who make significant contributions across various
AeU students celebrating their momentous graduation. sectors.

Improving study memory

USING time effectively is an essential skill rewards for various study tasks, you will
for adults, especially for those who are be able to rewire your brain into being
currently enrolled in a postgraduate more productive toward a desired result.
course while still holding a full-time job. The most effective reward is entirely up
Here are some effective methods for to personal choice. Some good examples
making the most of one’s study time include a hearty meal, spending time on
during a busy week. hobbies or watching a favourite TV show best when we are able to link these Associating academic topics to specific
after a long study session. concepts through existing relationships, cues can be an effective way to help your
Use a reward system such as cause and effect. It is a good idea mind imprint what you have learned into
Mental associations to find connections between study long-term memory. For example, the use
The human mind is highly responsive material and everyday life to help of flash cards for revision creates a
to positive reinforcement, which Memorising vague and difficult memorise complex ideas. dynamic and interactive experience that
motivates us to stay disciplined and get concepts can become tedious very quickly, Another form of mental association makes it easier to recall topics through
through difficult tasks. By setting up especially in a vacuum. Our minds work is creating cues for your memory. memory cues.
2 Postgraduate THE STAR, TUESDAY 17 OCTOBER 2023

Unravelling health
HEALTH informatics and
analytics is a discipline that
combines healthcare,
information technology and

informatics and analytics

artificial intelligence. As one of
the fastest-growing economic
sectors worldwide, health
informatics (also referred to as
digital health) is, in many
countries, creating job
opportunities twice as fast as
any other economic sector. Uddin, a family medicine postgraduate diploma and
During the Virtual Postgraduate specialist with the Malaysian master’s), and allows for multiple
Info Week on July 24, a group of Ministry of Health (MOH) who exits from the programme.
current and graduated students enrolled in the Postgraduate Students who enrol in the
shared their passion and Diploma in Health Informatics & master’s programme can exit
experience pursuing the Analytics (PgDHIA) in 2022. He with a postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate Studies of Health had more than 20 years of (after one semester) and a
Informatics & Analytics (PGHIA) clinical experience and postgraduate diploma (after one
and how it helps them to leap acknowledged the importance and a half semesters). Students
into the digital revolution in of integrating digital technology can choose to complete all
healthcare. into his practice to help his modules of the master’s
Dr Nuraini Muhammad Naim, patients. He shared that the programme within one year as
a PhD scholar at Kyoto digital skills that he learned full-time students or within a
University, is from the first from the PgDHIA programme maximum period of six years as
cohort of the Master in Health allowed him to easily adapt to part-time students.
Informatics & Analytics (MHIA) the digital transformation efforts International Medical
programme. She shared that of the MOH at his current University (IMU) also aims to
technical skills and knowledge hospital. Dr Irfan, who is also an equip working adults in the area
from the MHIA programme avid member of the Family of health informatics through
provided her with the right Medicine Specialist Association micro-credential courses.
skills needed to leap into the is now encouraging his peers to “Introduction to Health Data
medical informatics field at join the programme. Engineering” will be offered
Kyoto University. Dr Nuraini, The PGHIA programme is an from Oct 16 onwards, with the
who has close to 15 years of ideal programme for current aim to build an understanding
clinical, hospital management, health and social care on the needs of data science, data
policymaking and consultancy IMU’s informatics and analysis courses allow students to explore the practitioners who are looking to management and data
experience said the MHIA intricacies of digital health. gain additional knowledge and engineering in the healthcare
allowed her to confidently skills in digital innovation. This sector.
speak about the need and trend equipped him with the right venture builder, he iterated the accelerated, modular and If you are interested in joining
of digital transformation in knowledge and skills. He added curriculum provided a good blended learning initiative this programme, make an online
healthcare services. that the advantage of being able understanding of the healthcare offers exceptional flexibility to application today.
Ts Tajul Asni Ahamad is to meet and work together with landscape, allowing him to those currently working in the
currently a part-time MHIA peers who come from various comprehend healthcare data field. n For more information on IMU
student who graduated in backgrounds enriched his analytics and eventually advance The MHIA is a 40-credit postgraduate programmes, call
electronics engineering more experience in the master’s into the digital health business. programme in two semesters, 03-2731 7272, email
than 20 years ago. He agreed programme. Currently a Another invited speaker was offered in three levels [email protected] or
that the curriculum of the MHIA healthtech entrepreneur and Dr Muhamad Irfan Yasin Ali (postgraduate certificate, visit
4 Postgraduate THE STAR, TUESDAY 17 OCTOBER 2023

Accessible education for all

LIFELONG learning refers to the process courses in Music, Hospitality, Culinary
of gaining knowledge and learning new Arts, Fashion and Beauty, Account and
skills throughout your life. Many people Finance, Business and Marketing, Media
continue their education for personal Science and Graphic, Medical and Health
development and fulfilment, while others Sciences, Language and Communication,
see it as a significant step toward career Education and Social Sciences and
advancement. Information Science and Technology.
As one of the national Accreditation of Blending technical vocational education
Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) and training (TVET) with traditional
centres, Management and Science academic curricula, MSU enhances
University (MSU) offers breakthrough competencies with industry internship,
ways for working adults wishing to community and creative entrepreneurship
further their studies. A wide range of as well as global exposure; empowering
programmes are offered with the MSU graduates with the well-roundedness
student’s convenience as well as their desired and sought after by employers.
educational and professional Among the best in the region, MSU’s
backgrounds in mind. programmes of study are meticulously
With 10 locations including in Sabah crafted to enhance graduate potential,
and Sarawak for potential candidates to producing graduates who are a popular
take the APEL Aptitude Test as the non- pick among employers.
conventional pre-qualification for entry MSU comprises the Faculty of Health
into higher studies, MSU currently offers and Life Sciences, the Faculty of Business
APEL (A) and APEL (C) at T-3 (certificate), Management and Professional Studies, the
T-4 (diploma), T-6 (bachelor’s degree), and The APEL Aptitude Test evaluates the eligibility of candidates for higher studies. Faculty of Information Sciences and
T-7 (master’s degree) levels. Engineering, the International Medical
Introduced and approved by the allows the assessment of credits against established with the aim to excel at School, the School of Pharmacy, the School
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), matching modules in a programme of providing continuing education in tandem of Education and Social Sciences, the
APEL widens access to higher education study. The APEL C pathway provides with society’s current needs. Promoting School of Hospitality and Creative Arts,
for adult learners who have work credit transfer for entry into diploma lifelong education, CEdEC offers the School of Graduate Studies and the
experience but lack academic programmes right up to a PhD. Once an programmes that best suit those in need of Graduate School of Management
qualifications. APEL C applicant’s competency level is flexibility in the scheduling and overall In all, as an applied, enterprise, holistic
APEL (A) allows working professionals determined, those credits can conduct of the teaching and learning and international university, MSU offers
a direct pathway towards higher considerably shorten the study duration, experiences. foundation, undergraduate, postgraduate
education without prior formal saving time and money. Apart from APEL, CEdEC also offers and flexible programmes through an
educational qualifications. It is a An applicant presenting only SPM micro-credentials qualifications that are entry system that facilitates admission of
systematic process that involves the results for university entrance application, awarded upon completion and assessment students from all walks of life, where it
identification, documentation and for example, would usually qualify for of short, competency-based training that aims in transforming lives and enriching
assessment of prior experiential learning diploma studies only. With APEL C, it’s are designed to fulfil a growing need for futures.
to determine the extent to which an possible to pursue a bachelor’s degree comprehensive education in preferred
individual has achieved the desired directly. areas of study. These stackable n For more information on postgraduate
learning outcomes, for access to a The MSU APEL Centre is managed by programmes will allow for exemptions programmes offered at MSU, call 03-5521
programme of study or award of credits. the MSU Continuing and Extended into academic programmes at MSU. 6868, email [email protected] or visit
Otherwise, APEL (C) via credit transfer Education Centre (CEdEC). It was MSU currently offers micro-credential

The importance of
educational technology
IN today’s rapidly evolving world, programmes often required students to be
education has undergone a significant physically present on campus, limiting the
transformation, driven in large part by the opportunities for working professionals or
integration of technology. This individuals with geographical constraints.
transformation is not just limited to However, with the advent of online
primary and secondary education, it has courses, webinars and digital learning
also permeated the world of postgraduate platforms, education has become more
studies. Educational technology, often inclusive and accommodating.
referred to as EdTech, plays a pivotal role Online programmes allow students to
in enhancing the postgraduate learning access course materials, lectures and
experience, offering a myriad of benefits assignments from anywhere in the world.
that impact both students and institutions. This flexibility not only attracts a diverse
cohort of students but also enables them
Enhanced accessibility and flexibility to balance their studies with other
commitments, such as full-time jobs or
One of the most noteworthy advantages family responsibilities. The ability to learn
of educational technology is the increased at one’s own pace and schedule
accessibility and flexibility it provides to
learners. Traditional postgraduate > SEE NEXT PAGE

Educational technology provides students with the necessary guidance when it comes to
THE STAR, TUESDAY 17 OCTOBER 2023 Postgraduate 5

Widening your horizons

MBA programmes provide students with a
well-rounded understanding of business
functions and allows them to develop
expertise in their chosen area of
Additionally, MBA programmes often
provide opportunities for students to developments in the industry, as well as teacher, some lessons can be time- programmes, call 011-1058 5971 or visit
network with industry professionals offer mentorship and guidance to their consuming to learn. Studying for an MBA
which can lead to valuable connections students, helping them navigate the offers the opportunity to learn from
and job opportunities after graduation. challenges of building a successful career. experienced lecturers and professionals Pursuing an MBA allowed Saravanan to flex
If taking up an MBA is part of your I was confident that I would acquire a from diverse fields, which has equipped his skills as a business owner.
career plan, then you should pursue it at wealth of knowledge and skills beyond me with the necessary skills and
Tunku Abdul Rahman University of what is taught in the classroom from knowledge to avoid mistakes and perform
Management and Technology (TAR UMT). them. better. In my experience, pursuing an
Its Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and “The MBA programme transformed my MBA has been an invaluable
Business (FAFB) which runs the MBA mindset, allowing me to think beyond the investment that has helped me save
programme, has an excellent track record obvious and understand people better – a time and become a more capable
of more than 50 years. The MBA crucial skill in my industry. Moreover, it business professional.”
programme itself has been offered since equipped me with the necessary tools for Various financial aid and
2016. Malaysian students can complete the long-term business planning.” merit scholarships are
MBA programme for approximately Saravanan expressed that from a available for qualified
RM18,000 on a full-time basis or part-time personal standpoint, having this exposure students.
study at about RM19,000. For international allows him to have a glimpse into the
students, they can pursue the programme future and feel confident about his n For more information about
at around RM24,000. actions. “In addition to gaining a TAR UMT’s postgraduate and doctorate
One student who has chosen to pursue foundational understanding of
an MBA is Saravanan Poighai Ganeson, accounting which helps me analyse the
who previously graduated with a Bachelor progress of other companies, I have also
of Public Relations (Hons) from TAR UMT. acquired knowledge about proper
He is a proud owner of a business in organisational management,” he said.
events and entertainment which he He found that the programme was
established in 2016, before pursuing the expertly designed with a syllabus that
MBA, which he completed in one and a closely aligns with current industry
half years. needs, and facilities such as the 24-hour
Saravanan explains, “I opted to enrol in postgraduate library to be useful for those
the MBA programme because I believe it taking the programme. Apart from that,
will enhance my critical thinking abilities the students benefited greatly from the
and enable me to delve deeper into continuous guidance and support offered
business concepts. The faculty members at by the lecturers which enabled them to
TAR UMT not only possess exceptional enhance their skills and abilities.
teaching skills but also provide practical Saravanan goes on to say that while it
insights and examples that help students is true that business is a learning curve
apply the concepts they are learning in the and one does not necessarily need a
classroom to real-world situations. They degree or master’s to succeed, pursuing
also foster critical thinking and provide an MBA can provide a valuable shortcut.
up-to-date examples of the latest “Although experience is an important

Dynamic, interactive learning

> FROM PREVIOUS PAGE video conferencing and cloud-based
document-sharing platforms facilitate
has been a game-changer for postgraduate seamless teamwork, transcending
students, making education more geographical barriers. This not only
accessible than ever before. enriches the research experience but also
fosters international collaborations that
Personalised learning experiences contribute to the global academic
Educational technology empowers
students with personalised learning Enhanced assessment and feedback
experiences. Adaptive learning algorithms,
for example, can assess a student’s Assessment and feedback are integral
strengths and weaknesses and tailor the components of the learning process.
course content accordingly. This adaptive Educational technology has introduced
approach ensures students receive innovative ways to assess students’
targeted support where they need it most, understanding of course materials and
ultimately leading to better learning provide timely feedback. Online quizzes,
outcomes. peer assessments and automated grading
Moreover, learning management systems streamline the evaluation process,
systems (LMS) provide students with a allowing professors to focus on providing
centralised platform to access resources, constructive feedback rather than
collaborate with peers and communicate administrative tasks.
with professors. These platforms facilitate Furthermore, the use of data analytics
asynchronous discussions, allowing in educational technology enables
students to engage in meaningful educators to gain insights into student
academic conversations even if they are in performance trends. By analysing data
different time zones. The result is a more generated from online assessments and
dynamic and interactive learning student interactions with course materials,
environment that caters to diverse instructors can identify areas where
learning styles and preferences. students may be struggling and intervene
accordingly. This data-driven approach
Efficient research and collaboration enhances the quality of education and
helps institutions make informed
For students engaged in research, decisions to improve their programmes.
educational technology is indispensable. Educational technology enhances
Digital libraries, databases and research accessibility and flexibility, tailors
tools have revolutionised how research is learning experiences, facilitates efficient
conducted. Scholars can access a vast research and collaboration, streamlines
repository of academic journals, articles assessment and feedback, and prepares
and research papers with just a few clicks, students for the future. As education
significantly expediting the research continues to evolve, embracing
process. educational technology is not just an
Collaboration is another area where option but a necessity. It empowers
technology has made significant strides. learners to thrive in an increasingly digital
Students often collaborate with peers, world and ensures education remains a
professors and researchers from around transformative and accessible experience
the world. Virtual collaboration tools, for all.

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