SFAR 73 Robinson

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt.

61, SFAR 73
61.407 What aeronautical knowledge must I specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section is
have to apply for a flight instructor cer- completed and the person’s logbook has been
tificate with a sport pilot rating? endorsed by a certified flight instructor au-
61.409 What flight proficiency requirements thorized under paragraph (b)(5) of this sec-
must I meet to apply for a flight instruc- tion.
tor certificate with a sport pilot rating? (2) A person who holds a rotorcraft cat-
61.411 What aeronautical experience must I egory and helicopter class rating on that
have to apply for a flight instructor cer- person’s pilot certificate and meets the expe-
tificate with a sport pilot rating? rience requirements of paragraph (b)(1) or
61.413 What are the privileges of my flight paragraph (b)(2) of this section may not ma-
instructor certificate with a sport pilot nipulate the controls of a Robinson model R–
rating? 22 or R–44 helicopter for the purpose of flight
61.415 What are the limits of a flight in- after April 26, 1995, unless the awareness
structor certificate with a sport pilot training specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this
rating? section is completed and the person’s log-
61.417 Will my flight instructor certificate book has been endorsed by a certified flight
with a sport pilot rating list aircraft cat- instructor authorized under paragraph (b)(5)
egory and class ratings? of this section.
61.419 How do I obtain privileges to provide (3) Awareness training must be conducted
training in an additional category or by a certified flight instructor who has been
class of light-sport aircraft? endorsed under paragraph (b)(5) of this sec-
61.421 May I give myself an endorsement? tion and consists of instruction in the fol-
61.423 What are the recordkeeping require- lowing general subject areas:
ments for a flight instructor with a sport (i) Energy management;
pilot rating? (ii) Mast bumping;
61.425 How do I renew my flight instructor (iii) Low rotor RPM (blade stall);
certificate? (iv) Low G hazards; and
61.427 What must I do if my flight instruc- (v) Rotor RPM decay.
tor certificate with a sport pilot rating (4) A person who can show satisfactory
expires? completion of the manufacturer’s safety
61.429 May I exercise the privileges of a course after January 1, 1994, may obtain an
flight instructor certificate with a sport endorsement from an FAA aviation safety
pilot rating if I hold a flight instructor inspector in lieu of completing the aware-
certificate with another rating? ness training required in paragraphs (a)(1)
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701– and (a)(2) of this section.
44703, 44707, 44709–44711, 45102–45103, 45301– (b) Aeronautical Experience:
45302. (1) No person may act as pilot in command
of a Robinson model R–22 unless that person:
SOURCE: Docket No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr.
(i) Has had at least 200 flight hours in heli-
4, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
copters, at least 50 flight hours of which
were in the Robinson R–22; or
SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION (ii) Has had at least 10 hours dual instruc-
NO. 73—ROBINSON R–22/R–44 SPECIAL tion in the Robinson R–22 and has received
TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRE- an endorsement from a certified flight in-
MENTS structor authorized under paragraph (b)(5) of
this section that the individual has been
Sections given the training required by this para-
1. Applicability. graph and is proficient to act as pilot in
2. Required training, aeronautical experi- command of an R–22. Beginning 12 calendar
ence, endorsements, and flight review. months after the date of the endorsement,
3. Expiration date. the individual may not act as pilot in com-
1. Applicability. Under the procedures pre- mand unless the individual has completed a
scribed herein, this SFAR applies to all per- flight review in an R–22 within the preceding
sons who seek to manipulate the controls or 12 calendar months and obtained an endorse-
act as pilot in command of a Robinson model ment for that flight review. The dual in-
R–22 or R–44 helicopter. The requirements struction must include at least the following
stated in this SFAR are in addition to the abnormal and emergency procedures flight
current requirements of part 61. training:
2. Required training, aeronautical experi- (A) Enhanced training in autorotation pro-
ence, endorsements, and flight review. cedures,
(a) Awareness Training: (B) Engine rotor RPM control without the
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of use of the governor,
this section, no person may manipulate the (C) Low rotor RPM recognition and recov-
controls of a Robinson model R–22 or R–44 ery, and
helicopter after March 27, 1995, for the pur- (D) Effects of low G maneuvers and proper
pose of flight unless the awareness training recovery procedures.


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Pt. 61, SFAR 73 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition)
(2) No person may act as pilot in command dures, and the instructor has found the ap-
of a Robinson R–44 unless that person— plicant proficient to solo a Robinson R–44.
(i) Has had at least 200 flight hours in heli- This endorsement is valid for a period of 90
copters, at least 50 flight hours of which days. The dual instruction must include at
were in the Robinson R–44. The pilot in com- least the following abnormal and emergency
mand may credit up to 25 flight hours in the procedures flight training:
Robinson R–22 toward the 50 hour require- (i) Enhanced training in autorotation pro-
ment in the Robinson R–44; or cedures,
(ii) Has had at least 10 hours dual instruc- (ii) Engine rotor RPM control without the
tion in a Robinson helicopter, at least 5 use of the governor,
hours of which must have been accomplished (iii) Low rotor RPM recognition and recov-
in the Robinson R–44 helicopter and has re- ery, and
ceived an endorsement from a certified flight (iv) Effects of low G maneuvers and proper
instructor authorized under paragraph (b)(5) recovery procedures.
of this section that the individual has been (5) No certificated flight instructor may
given the training required by this para- provide instruction or conduct a flight re-
graph and is proficient to act as pilot in view in a Robinson R–22 or R–44 unless that
command of an R–44. Beginning 12 calendar instructor—
months after the date of the endorsement, (i) Completes the awareness training in
the individual may not act as pilot in com- paragraph 2(a) of this SFAR.
mand unless the individual has completed a (ii) For the Robinson R–22, has had at least
flight review in a Robinson R–44 within the 200 flight hours in helicopters, at least 50
preceding 12 calendar months and obtained flight hours of which were in the Robinson
an endorsement for that flight review. The R–22, or for the Robinson R–44, has had at
dual instruction must include at least the least 200 flight hours in helicopters, 50 flight
following abnormal and emergency proce- hours of which were in Robinson helicopters.
dures flight training— Up to 25 flight hours of Robinson R–22 flight
(A) Enhanced training in autorotation pro- time may be credited toward the 50 hour re-
cedures; quirement.
(B) Engine rotor RPM control without the (iii) Has completed flight training in a
use of the governor; Robinson R–22, R–44, or both, on the fol-
(C) Low rotor RPM recognition and recov- lowing abnormal and emergency proce-
ery; and dures—
(D) Effects of low G maneuvers and proper (A) Enhanced training in autorotation pro-
recovery procedures. cedures;
(3) A person who does not hold a rotorcraft (B) Engine rotor RPM control without the
category and helicopter class rating must use of the governor;
have had at least 20 hours of dual instruction (C) Low rotor RPM recognition and recov-
in a Robinson R–22 helicopter prior to oper- ery; and
ating it in solo flight. In addition, the person (D) Effects of low G maneuvers and proper
must obtain an endorsement from a certified recovery procedures.
flight instructor authorized under paragraph (iv) Has been authorized by endorsement
(b)(5) of this section that instruction has from an FAA aviation safety inspector or au-
been given in those maneuvers and proce- thorized designated examiner that the in-
dures, and the instructor has found the ap- structor has completed the appropriate
plicant proficient to solo a Robinson R–22. training, meets the experience requirements
This endorsement is valid for a period of 90 and has satisfactorily demonstrated an abil-
days. The dual instruction must include at ity to provide instruction on the general sub-
least the following abnormal and emergency ject areas of paragraph 2(a)(3) of this SFAR,
procedures flight training: and the flight training identified in para-
(i) Enhanced training in autorotation pro- graph 2(b)(5)(iii) of this SFAR.
cedures, (c) Flight Review:
(ii) Engine rotor RPM control without the (1) No flight review completed to satisfy
use of the governor, § 61.56 by an individual after becoming eligi-
(iii) Low rotor RPM recognition and recov- ble to function as pilot in command in a
ery, and Robinson R–22 helicopter shall be valid for
(iv) Effects of low G maneuvers and proper the operation of R–22 helicopter unless that
recovery procedures. flight review was taken in an R–22.
(4) A person who does not hold a rotorcraft (2) No flight review completed to satisfy
category and helicopter class rating must § 61.56 by individual after becoming eligible
have had at least 20 hours of dual instruction to function as pilot in command in a Robin-
in a Robinson R–44 helicopter prior to oper- son R–44 helicopter shall be valid for the op-
ating it in solo flight. In addition, the person eration of R–44 helicopter unless that flight
must obtain an endorsement from a certified review was taken in the R–44.
flight instructor authorized under paragraph (3) The flight review will include a review
(b)(5) of this section that instruction has of the awareness training subject areas of
been given in those maneuvers and proce- paragraph 2(a)(3) of this SFAR and the flight


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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 61.1
training identified in paragraph 2(b) of this of the following documents, which must
SFAR. show the date of assignment outside the
(d) Currency Requirements: No person may United States and the date of return to the
act as pilot in command of a Robinson model United States:
R–22 or R–44 helicopter carrying passengers (a) An official U.S. Government notifica-
unless the pilot in command has met the tion of personnel action, or equivalent docu-
recency of flight experience requirements of ment, showing the person was a civilian on
§ 61.57 in an R–22 or R–44, as appropriate. official duty for the U.S. Government out-
3. Expiration date. This SFAR No. 73 shall side the United States and was assigned to a
remain in effect until it is revised or re- U.S. Armed Forces’ operation some time be-
scinded. tween September 11, 2001, to termination of
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997, as SFAR 100–2;
amended by SFAR 73–1, 63 FR 666, Jan. 7, (b) Military orders showing the person was
1998; 68 FR 43, Jan. 2, 2003; Amdt. 61–120, 73 assigned to duty outside the United States
FR 17246, Apr. 1, 2008; Amdt. SFAR 73–2, 74 and was assigned to a U.S. Armed Forces’ op-
FR 25650, May 29, 2009] eration some time between September 11,
2001, to termination of SFAR 100–2 ; or
SFAR NO. 100–2—RELIEF FOR U.S. MILI- (c) A letter from the person’s military
TARY AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL WHO commander or civilian supervisor providing
the dates during which the person served
outside the United States and was assigned
STATES IN SUPPORT OF U.S. ARMED to a U.S. Armed Forces’ operation some time
FORCES OPERATIONS between September 11, 2001, to termination
of SFAR 100–2.
1. Applicability. Flight Standards District
4. Expiration date. This Special Federal
Offices are authorized to accept from an eli-
Aviation Regulation No. 100–2 is effective
gible person, as described in paragraph 2 of
until further notice.
this SFAR, the following:
(a) An expired flight instructor certificate [Doc. No. FAA–2009–0923, 75 FR 9766, Mar. 4,
to show eligibility for renewal of a flight in- 2010]
structor certificate under § 61.197, or an ex-
pired written test report to show eligibility SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION
under part 61 to take a practical test; NO. 108
(b) An expired written test report to show
eligibility under §§ 63.33 and 63.57 to take a NOTE: For the text of SFAR No. 108, see
practical test; and part 91 of this chapter.
(c) An expired written test report to show
eligibility to take a practical test required
under part 65 or an expired inspection au-
Subpart A—General
thorization to show eligibility for renewal
under § 65.93.
§ 61.1 Applicability and definitions.
2. Eligibility. A person is eligible for the re- (a) This part prescribes:
lief described in paragraph 1 of this SFAR if: (1) The requirements for issuing
(a) The person served in a U.S. military or pilot, flight instructor, and ground in-
civilian capacity outside the United States
structor certificates and ratings; the
in support of the U.S. Armed Forces’ oper-
ation during some period of time from Sep- conditions under which those certifi-
tember 11, 2001, to termination of SFAR 100– cates and ratings are necessary; and
2; the privileges and limitations of those
(b) The person’s flight instructor certifi- certificates and ratings.
cate, airman written test report, or inspec- (2) The requirements for issuing
tion authorization expired some time be- pilot, flight instructor, and ground in-
tween September 11, 2001, and 6 calendar structor authorizations; the conditions
months after returning to the United States
or termination of SFAR 100–2, whichever is
under which those authorizations are
earlier; and necessary; and the privileges and limi-
(c) The person complies with § 61.197 or tations of those authorizations.
§ 65.93 of this chapter, as appropriate, or com- (3) The requirements for issuing
pletes the appropriate practical test within 6 pilot, flight instructor, and ground in-
calendar months after returning to the structor certificates and ratings for
United States, or upon termination of SFAR persons who have taken courses ap-
100–2, whichever is earlier.
proved by the Administrator under
3. Required documents. The person must
send the Airman Certificate and/or Rating other parts of this chapter.
Application (FAA Form 8710–1) to the appro- (b) For the purpose of this part:
priate Flight Standards District Office. The (1) Aeronautical experience means
person must include with the application one pilot time obtained in an aircraft,


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