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Cambridge International AS & A Level


Practical Teacher’s Guide

Graham Jones, Steve Field,

Chris Hewlett and David Styles

Original material © Cambridge University Press

Graham Jones, Steve Field, Chris Hewlett
and David Styles

Cambridge International

AS & A Level

Practical Teacher's Guide

Original material © Cambridge University Press

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Introduction vi
Safety vii
AS Level Practical Skills viii
A Level Practical Skills xi

1 Using apparatus 1.1 Determining the density of water 2
1.2 Determining the spring constant of a spring 4
1.3 Determining the resistance of a metal wire  5
1.4 Determining the average speed of a cylinder rolling down a ramp 7

2 Limitations and

3 Kinematics and dynamics


Thermal energy loss from water in a polystyrene cup
Loaded rubber band
Balanced metre rule

Acceleration of connected masses

Energy and amplitude of a pendulum 
Range of a projectile
Terminal velocity of a ball falling through water in a tube

4 Forces, work and energy
4.1 Effect of load position on beam supports  21
4.2 Determining the density of a metal sample 22
4.3 Equilibrium of a pivoted wooden strip 23
4.4 Using kinetic energy to do work against friction 24

5 Matter and materials 5.1 Finding the Young modulus for nylon 26

5.2 Using a spring to find the Young modulus for steel 28

5.3 Water pressure and flow rate 29

6 Electric current, potential

difference and resistance
6.1 Power and resistance of a lamp 31
6.2 Resistors in series 32
6.3 Resistors in parallel 33

7 Resistance and resistivity 7.1 Resistivity of the metal of a wire 35

7.2 Internal resistance of a dry cell 36
7.3 Potential divider 38

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics

8 Waves 8.1 Stationary waves on a wire carrying a current 40

8.2 Inverse-square law for waves from a point source 42
8.3 Refraction of light waves by a lens 43

9 Planning and data analysis 9.1 Planning data analysis 45

9.2 Treatment of uncertainties 46
9.3 Planning how the acceleration of a vehicle rolling down an
inclined plane varies with the angle of the plane 47
9.4 Investigation into the acceleration of a vehicle rolling down an
inclined plane 49
9.5 Planning how the current in an LDR varies with the distance

from a light source 50
9.6 Investigation into the resistance of an LDR 51
9.7 Planning how the electromotive force (emf) of a photovoltaic cell
varies with the thickness of an absorber 52

10 C
 ircular motion and

gravitational fields

11 Oscillations and
10.1 Circular motion
Conical pendulum
Conical pendulum
Planetary motion
Gravitational potential

11.1 The period of oscillation of a steel blade


11.2 Damped oscillations 63
11.3 Simple harmonic oscillation of a mass on a spring 65
11.4 Attenuation of a coaxial cable 67

12 Thermal physics and

ideal gases
12.1 The thermocouple 69

12.2 Boyle’s law  70

12.3 Planning an investigation into specific latent heat of
vaporisation of water 72
12.4 Specific latent heat of vaporisation of water 73

13 Coulomb’s law, capacitance

and electronics
13.1 Planning how the time for the potential difference across a
capacitor to halve varies with the resistance 76
13.2 Determination of the capacitance of a capacitor in a d.c. circuit  77
13.3 Planning how the peak current in a capacitor circuit varies with
the frequency of the a.c. supply 78
13.4 Determination of the capacitance of a capacitor in a a.c. circuit  79
13.5 Planning how the resistance of a thermistor varies with temperature 80
13.6 Investigation into an op-amp circuit 81

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14 M
 agnetic fields,
electromagnetism and
charged particles
14.1 The variation of the force on a conductor in a magnetic field 83
14.2 Planning how the separation of two foils carrying a current
varies with the current 84
14.3 Investigation into the magnetic field of a coil using a hall probe 85
14.4 Investigation into how the strength of a magnetic field in a coil varies 86
14.5 Observing charged particles investigation 88

15 E
 lectromagnetic induction
and alternating currents
15.1 Planning investigation into the height of a metal ring above a

current carrying coil 90
15.2 A bar magnet moving through a coil  91
15.3 Planning an investigation into eddy currents 93
15.4 Planning an investigation into the effect of the iron core
of a transformer 94

15.5 Investigation into ripple voltages in a rectification circuit

16 Q
 uantum physics, nuclear
physics and medical imaging 16.1 Determining Planck’s constant 
Measuring a radioactive decay constant
X-ray attenuation
The Larmor frequency

103 v

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Practical work is an essential part of any advanced apparatus required has been chosen to be as commonly
physics course. For the Cambridge International AS & available as possible and is largely listed as ‘apparatus
A Level Physics examinations, the assessment of that is used regularly’ in the syllabus.
practical skills in Paper 3 makes up 23% of the total
Paper 3 requires candidates to undertake a practical
marks at AS Level. Paper 3 and Paper 5 together make up
examination and this may appear daunting at the start
23% of the total marks at A Level.
of the course. It is only by actually undertaking practical
The practical investigations in the Cambridge work and considering the problems, difficulties and

International AS & A Level Physics Practical workbook safety aspects that learners will become confident
have been carefully chosen to: and able to give their best effort in their examinations.
Ideally, learners should work on their own, as they will
• meet the requirements of all the learning objectives
do so in the examination, but during the course they
for specific practical activities
may work in groups of two to provide mutual support


provide progressive guidance and practice of
Assessment Objective 3 (AO3) skills.
The order of the investigations presented follows the
order of the topics in the Cambridge International
AS & A Level Physics Coursebook, but please note
that this does not mean that they must be completed
in that order. Many of the investigations can be
answered without knowing the particular theory, but
it is hoped that you will find some investigations to
and encouragement. The ultimate aim should be for
learners to take readings and undertake the analysis
for themselves. Paper 5 does not require an actual
experiment to be undertaken. Most of the investigations
where data is analysed in these later chapters have data
that is given to learners. However, some investigations
can be performed by the learners themselves and, where
possible, you are encouraged to allow this to happen.
Although practical work requires time, it is time well
enhance your teaching of the theory, while building spent. Practical work enables learners to acquire
up the confidence and ability of learners during the transferrable skills and gives them the confidence
course. that the theory they have learned works in practice.
The navigation grids summarise the practical skills that are Because of this, the details of the theory are more
assessed in Paper 3 (AS Level) and Paper 5 (A Level). You easily understood and retained. The important learning
can use these grids to search for practical investigations experiences while carrying out practical work are the

that involve a particular skill or skills. At the beginning of range of skills that are being used and developed – the
each practical investigation, the learning objectives and processes of planning, carrying out, observing, recording
skills that are supported are also listed. and analysing. The workbook gives the learners
experience in developing these skills. It is not designed
These points have been provided to give extra to be a series of mock practical examination papers! In
support to students who may be struggling with the carrying out the investigations, the learners will practise
investigation. and acquire the skills that will enable them to be more
confident when tackling the practical examination.
These points provide additional tasks to extend
more able learners. Learners should also be aware that there is guidance
on practical skills for Paper 3 and Paper 5 in Chapters
Each chapter of the workbook offers more than one P1 and P2 of the coursebook in this series. You may like to
investigation so that you can choose those that suit use these chapters as an introduction or reference
the equipment and time that you have available. The for learners.

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Working safely in a physics laboratory is an essential Many safety issues in a physics laboratory concern the
aspect of learning which characterises practical work. It prevention of damage to the equipment rather than to
is the duty of the school to make it clear to learners just the learner.
what is expected of them when they are working in a

Working with water Place all the apparatus in a tray so that any spillage does not affect

paperwork. If working with hot or boiling water, use tongs to handle
containers such as beakers.
Using a liquid-in-glass thermometer Place the thermometer securely on the bench, when not in use, so that it does
not roll off the bench. If a thermometer breaks, inform the teacher immediately.
Do not touch either the broken glass or the liquid from inside the thermometer.

Loading thin materials such as wires

Connecting electrical components

Toppling retort stands

Wear safety goggles in case of fracture of the wire. Beware of falling weights
when the wire fractures and place a cushion or similar object on the floor.

Do not exceed the recommended voltage for the component: for example,
a 6 V lamp.

If a stand is moving or in danger of toppling, secure it to the bench using a

Rolling objects such as cylinders Place a suitable object such as a box to collect the object so that it does not
fall to the floor or affect somebody else’s experiment.

Dry cells such as 1.5 V batteries Do not connect the terminals of the cell to each other with a wire.

Using sharp blades or pins Tape over sharp edges; keep points of pins downwards, away from eyes.

Table S1

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AS Level Practical Skills
The following grids map the practical investigations from the workbook to the mark categories for Papers 3 and 5, as
listed in the Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry syllabus.
The grids are designed to aid you when planning practical and theory lessons, to ensure learners develop the practical
skills required as part of this course.

Manipulation, measurement and observation (MMO)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Successful collection of data
(a) Set up apparatus, follow 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.2; 5.1; 5.2; 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
instructions and make 1.3; 1.4 2.3 3.3; 3.4 4.3; 4.4 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3

laboratory apparatus


circuit diagram
(d) Use a multimeter
(e) Use a micrometer
measurements using common

(b) Repeat readings where

(c) Set up a circuit from a

(f) Measure time intervals

1.2; 1.4


1.4 2.1
3.1; 3.2;
3.3; 3.4

3.1; 3.4
5.2; 5.3

5.2; 5.3
6.1; 6.2;
6.1; 6.2;
7.1; 7.2;
7.1; 7.2;

(g) Measure the period of an 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3; 5.1; 5.3 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
oscillating system 1.3; 1.4 2.3 3.3; 3.4 4.4 6.3 7.3 8.3
(h) Collect an appropriate 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
number of sets of data, make 1.3; 1.4 2.3 3.3; 3.4 4.4 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3
measurements that span the
largest possible range

Presentation of data and observations (PDO)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Presentation of data
(a) Present numerical data in a 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
single table of results, Include 1.3; 1.4 2.3 3.3; 3.4 4.4 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3
columns for raw data and for
values calculated from them
(b) Use column headings that 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
include both quantity and unit 1.3; 1.4 2.3 3.3; 3.4 4.4 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3
(c) Record raw readings of a 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3; 5.1; 5.2; 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
quantity to the same precision 1.3; 1.4 2.3 3.3; 3.4 4.4 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3
(d) Use and justify the correct 1.1; 1.2; 2.2 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.2; 5.1; 5.2; 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
number of significant figures in 1.3; 1.4 3.3; 3.4 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3
calculated quantities

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AS Level Practical Skills

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) Label axes with both 1.1; 1.2; 2.2; 2.3 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1; 5.3 8.1; 8.2;
quantity and unit 1.3; 1.4 3.3 8.3
(b) Choose scales for axes such 1.1; 1.2; 2.2; 2.3 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1; 5.3 7.3 8.1; 8.2;
that the data points occupy at 1.3; 1.4 3.3 8.3
least half of the graph grid in
both x- and y-directions
(c) Use a false origin where 1.1; 1.2; 2.2; 2.3 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1; 5.3 7.3 8.1; 8.2;
appropriate 1.3; 1.4 3.3 8.3

(d) Choose scales for axes that 1.1; 1.2; 2.2; 2.3 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1; 5.3 7.3 8.1; 8.2;
allow the graph to be read 1.3; 1.4 3.3 8.3
(e) Place regularly spaced 1.1; 1.2; 2.2; 2.3 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1; 5.3 7.3 8.1; 8.2;


numerical labels along each

(f) Plot data points to an

accuracy of better than 1 mm
(g) Draw straight best-fit lines
or curves to show the trend of
a graph
(h) Draw tangents to curved
trend lines
1.3; 1.4

1.1; 1.2;
1.3; 1.4
1.1; 1.2;
1.3; 1.4
2.2; 2.3

2.2; 2.3

3.1; 3.2;
3.1; 3.2;
4.1; 4.3

4.1; 4.3
5.1; 5.3

5.1; 5.3

6.1; 6.2;
6.1; 6.2;
7.1; 7.2;
7.1; 7.2;

8.1; 8.2

8.1; 8.2

Analysis, conclusions and evaluation (ACE)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Interpretation of graphs

(a) Relate straight-line graphs 1.1; 1.2; 3.2; 3.3 4.1; 4.3 6.2; 6.3 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2
to equations such as y = mx + c 1.4 7.3
and derive expressions that
equate to the gradient and
(b) Read the coordinates of 1.1; 1.2; 2.3 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1 6.2; 6.3 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2
points on the trend line 1.3; 1.4 3.3 7.3
(c) Determine the gradient 1.1; 1.2; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1; 5.3 6.2; 6.3 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2
of a straight-line graph or a 1.3; 1.4 3.3 7.3
(d) Determine the y-intercept 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.1 6.2; 6.3 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2
of a straight-line graph 3.3 7.3

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Drawing conclusions
(a) Draw conclusions from 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 4.3 5.2; 5.3 6.1; 6.2; 7.1; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2;
an experiment including 1.3; 1.4 3.3; 3.4 6.3 7.3 8.3
determining the values
of constants, considering
whether experimental data
supports a given hypothesis,
and making predictions
Estimating uncertainties

(a) Estimate, quantitatively, the 1.2 3.4 5.2 6.3 8.3
uncertainty in a measurement
(b) Determine the uncertainty
in a final result

(c) Express the uncertainty
as an absolute, fractional or
percentage uncertainty
(d) Express the uncertainty in a 1.2
repeated measurement as half
the range of the readings
Identifying limitations
(a) Identify and describe
limitations in an experimental

1.1; 1.2 2.1; 2.2;



4.2 5.3

6.2 7.2

(b) Identify the most significant 4.2; 4.4 5.3 7.2; 7.3 8.3
sources of uncertainty in an
(c) Show an understanding 7.1
of the distinction between

systematic and random errors

Suggesting improvements
(a) Suggest modifications to 1.1 2.1; 2.2; 4.4 5.1; 5.3 8.3
an experimental arrangement 2.3
that will improve the accuracy.
Describe these modifications
clearly in words or diagrams

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A Level Practical Skills

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
(a) Defining the problem, 9.1, 9.3, 10.2 11.2, 11.4v 12.3 13.1, 13.3, 14.2, 14.3 15.1, 15.3, 16.3
variables and controls 9.5, 9.7 13.5 15.4

(b) Describe methods to 9.3, 9.5, 10.2 11.2 12.3 13.1, 13.3, 14.2, 14.3 15.1, 15.3, 16.3

measure, change and control 9.6, 9.7 13.5 15.4
(c) Method of analysis; explain 9.1, 9.3, 10.2 11.2, 11.4 12.3 13.1, 13.3, 14.2, 14.3 15.1, 15.3, 16.3
how a proposed relationship is 9.5, 9.7 13.5 15.4

(d) Give detail in planning an
experiment, including safety,
assessing risks, describing
precautions and giving
detailed use of apparatus
9.3, 9.5,

Analysis, conclusion and evaluation

(a) Draw an appropriate
results table
9.3, 9.4,
9.5, 9.6,



13.1, 13.3, 14.2, 14.3

13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2,

13.3, 13.4, 14.3, 14.4,
15.1, 15.3, 16.3

15.1, 15.2, 16.3

15.3, 15.4,
9.7 13.5, 13.6 14.5 15.5

(b) Use logarithms or 9.6 10.4 11.1, 11.2, 13.2, 13.3 16.2, 16.3
exponentials 11.3, 11.4

(c) Draw a graph, including 9.4, 9.6 10.1, 10.3, 11.1, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 13.2, 13.4, 14.1, 14.4, 15.2, 15.5 16.1, 16.2,
matching axes to an equation 10.4, 10.5 11.4 12.3, 12.4 13.6 14.5 16.3, 16.4

(d) Draw error bars and a worst 9.4, 9.6 10.1, 10.3, 11.1, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 13.2, 13.4, 14.1, 14.4, 15.2, 15.5 16.1, 16.2,
acceptable line 10.4, 10.5 11.4 12.4 13.6 14.5 16.4

(e) Analyse a graph including 9.1, 9.3, 10.1, 10.3, 11.1, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1, 15.2, 16.1, 16.2,
gradient and intercept 9.4, 9.5, 10.4, 10.5 11.4 12.4 13.3, 13.4, 14.3, 14.4, 15.3, 15.4 16.3, 16.4
9.6, 9.7 13.5, 13.6 14.5 15.5

(f) Use, combine and calculate 9.2, 9.4, 10.1,10.3, 11.1, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 13.2, 13.4, 14.1, 14.4, 15.2, 15.5 16.1, 16.2,
uncertainties 9.6 10.4 11.4 12.4 13.6 14.5 16.4

g) Evaluation of experimental 9.4, 9.6 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 13.2, 13.4, 14.1, 14.4, 15.2, 15.5 16.1, 16.2,
techniques and the effect of 10.3, 10.4 11.3, 11.4 12.3, 12.4 13.6 14.5 16.3, 16.4

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Chapter 1:
Using apparatus
Chapter outline
This chapter relates to Chapter 1: Kinematics – describing motion, Chapter 7: Matter and materials and
Chapter 9: Electric current, potential difference and resistance, in the coursebook.
In this chapter learners will complete investigations on:
■ 1.1 Determining the density of water
■ 1.2 Determining the spring constant of a spring

■ 1.3 Determining the resistance of a metal wire
■ 1.4 Determining the average speed of a cylinder rolling down a ramp.

Practical Investigation 1.1:
Determining the density of water
Skills focus
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
skills developed and used in this investigation.


250 cm3 beaker

Vernier or digital callipers.

Access to:
jug of water

top-pan balance.

Safety considerations
The practical work will take 30 minutes; the analysis and • Clear any spillages of water.
evaluation questions will take 30 minutes.
Carrying out the investigation
Preparing for the investigation • Learners may find it difficult to measure the height of the
• Learners should be able to recall and use the equation water in the beaker because the 30 cm ruler does not
start from zero and may not be held vertically. Using a
ρ=mV. clamped metre rule is a better option.

• In Part 1, learners are asked to record the mass of water

• Learners should be aware that reading from a clamped
for a particular volume.
metre rule could involve a parallax error because the rule
• In Part 2, learners will measure the diameter d of the cannot be placed close to the water surface.
beaker. They will change the height h of the water in the
• Learners may find it difficult to measure the height of the
beaker and plot their results as a graph of mass against h.
water for a number of other reasons including the shape
The density of water can be found from the gradient of
of the meniscus and the curvature and thickness of the
the graph.
bottom of the beaker.
• This practical can be conducted at the start of a course
• Learners may find it difficult to measure the diameter of
and does not have to coincide with the teaching of the
the beaker because it may vary, for example, where the
lip of the beaker opens out. Also, placing the ruler or rule
exactly across a diameter is difficult.
Some learners may need help choosing a scale
Each learner or group will need: to make good use of the graph grid. To help them gain
• metre rule confidence with their graph skills, produce some data
that will prove challenging to plot on a 24 cm × 16 cm grid.
• 30 cm ruler An example is given in Table 1.1.

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Chapter 1: Using apparatus

h / cm m/g density of water (e.g. temperature), and consider whether

these factors account for any discrepancy.
2.1 72.1
2.9 95.8 Sample results
3.8 121.8
Table 1.2 provides sample results learners may obtain in
4.6 144.1 the investigation.
5.6 173.9 d = 6.6 cm (using metre rule) = 6.612 cm (using digital
6.4 196.2 callipers) Mass of beaker = 99.0 g
Table 1.1 h / cm Balance reading / g m/g
2.1 167.1 68.1
• If a learner needs to redraw their graph, supply a graph
3.1 195.6 96.6

grid of identical size (24 cm × 16 cm) to the one in the
workbook. Learners can insert the new grid in the 4.1 250.4 151.4
appropriate place in the workbook. 5.7 281.2 182.2
6.7 320.8 221.8
Learners should consider how close their values
are to the accepted value for the density of water. They 7.8 357.7 258.7

should research factors that may affect the value of the

Answers to the workbook questions

(using the sample results)
See Table 1.2.

b, c See Figure 1.1.

Table 1.2

d Gradient = 33.04

e m = ρV so m =

f Proof
ρπd 2h

4 × 33.04
g d = 6.6 cm so ρ = π × 6.62 = 0.966 g cm−3
h Advantages of callipers:

• able to measure the inside diameter of the beaker

• more certain of measuring the maximum distance
between opposite sides of the beaker.






2 3 4 5 6 7 8
h / cm

Figure 1.1

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics

Practical Investigation 1.2: Carrying out the investigation

Determining the spring constant • Learners may find it difficult to measure the length of the
coiled section of spring because two positions of the rule
of a spring must be viewed at the same time. The exact positions where
the coiled section starts and ends are unclear and the spring
Skills focus may be moving while measurements are being taken.
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the • Learners should be made aware that any zero error in the
skills developed and used in this investigation. newton-meter could result in a systematic error in the
readings unless the zero error is taken into account.
Duration Some learners may need help choosing a scale to
The practical work will take 30 minutes; the analysis and make good use of the graph grid.

evaluation questions will take 30 minutes. Data on springs would normally be given in N m−1.
Learners will probably have measured in centimetres and
Preparing for the investigation newtons. Encourage them to represent their results in
other units, such as kN m−1 or N mm−1.
• Learners need to be able to recall and use the equation
k = eF . Learners should discover the accepted value for k.


In Part 1, learners are asked to determine the extension of
a spring for a particular mass suspended from the spring.

In Part 2, learners determine the extension of the spring

when a newton-meter is attached to the spring. They
change the position of the newton-meter and the force F
acting on the spring and plot their results as a graph of
extension against F. The spring constant of the spring can
be found from the gradient of the graph.
They could look at the catalogue that the springs were
purchased from.
Learners could repeat the experiment to see if all the
springs from the same batch have the same value of k.
Learners could research which metals springs are
made from.
When the topic is dealt with later on in the course,
learners could debate whether this is a suitable method
for studying the elastic properties of a material. Would it
• This practical can be conducted at the start of a course and work for a thick metal rod?
does not have to coincide with the teaching of the theory.
Challenge more able learners to suggest why force–
extension (and stress–strain) graphs are normally shown
Equipment with extension as the independent variable plotted along
Each learner or group will need: the x-axis and force as the dependent variable along
the y-axis? (Answer: In a tensile-testing machine, the
• expendable steel spring

sample is extended by a known amount and the resulting

• 100 g mass hanger tension in the sample is measured.)

• 0–10 N newton-meter Common learner misconceptions

• Learners may incorrectly assume that the value of a
• 30 cm ruler
slotted mass is equal to the value marked on it.
• four 100 g slotted masses
Sample results
• two stands Table 1.3 provides sample results.
• two bosses x0 = 2.0 cm
F/N x / cm e / cm
• two clamps
1.0 5.6 3.6
• G-clamp. 2.0 10.1 8.1
3.0 14.4 12.4
Safety considerations 4.0 18.7 16.7
• Learners should take care when the bottom clamp is 5.0 22.8 20.8
moved because the newton-meter and/or the spring 6.0 27.0 25.0
could roll off the end of the rod.
Table 1.3
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Chapter 1: Using apparatus

Practical Investigation 1.3:

Answers to the workbook questions
(using the sample results) Determining the resistance of a
a See Table 1.3. metal wire
b, c See Figure 1.2. Skills focus
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
skills developed and used in this investigation.

The practical work will take 30 minutes; the analysis and

evaluation questions will take 30 minutes.

Preparing for the investigation

• Learners need to be able to recall and use the equation
R = VI .
e / cm


PL •

In Part 1, learners are asked to tape a length of
constantan wire to a metre rule. They set up a circuit
using a cell, switch, two digital multimeters, connecting
leads, crocodile clips and the wire from a circuit diagram.
They determine the resistance (resistance per unit
length) of the wire using one reading from each meter.

In Part 2, learners use the rheostat to vary the potential

difference across the wire and plot their results as a
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 graph of current I against potential difference V. The
F/N resistance of the wire can be found from the gradient of
the graph. The learners measure the diameter of the wire
Figure 1.2
and use the diameter and the resistance of the wire to
d 4.27 (cm N−1) identify it from a table of wires with different swg.
e Gradient = e and k = eF so k = • The jaws of the crocodile clips should be cleaned so
F gradient that they make a good electrical contact with the

f k= = 23.4 N m−1 resistance wire.
g If x0 is larger, values of x would be smaller, but • This practical can be conducted at the start of a course
it is the difference between the x values that and does not have to coincide with the teaching of the
determines the gradient. However, the value of theory.
x0 has probably become progressively bigger
throughout the experiment so this would lead to a
smaller gradient and a larger value of k. Equipment
h Smaller gradient, same y-intercept (0, 0). Each learner or group will need:
• 1.5 V cell
i See Table 1.4
• connecting leads
Advantages Disadvantages
measures in newtons zero error • crocodile clips
loaded spring is stable small scale so difficult to • power supply
when measuring length estimate fractions of a
newton • two digital multimeters
Table 1.4 • rheostat

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• metre rule the wire can withstand. Learners could calculate if their
result is within 5% of the value of the swg (once revealed)
• switch. and also calculate the power using V × I.
Access to:
Common learner misconceptions
• reel of 36 swg constantan wire
• Learners may assume the length of the wire is the same
• scissors as the distance between the crocodile clips. This might
lead to an error if the wire is not straight and therefore
• adhesive tape longer.
• wire cutters
Sample results
• micrometer.
Tables 1.5 and 1.6 provide sample results learners may

obtain in the investigation.
Safety considerations
Part 1
The switch in the circuit should be opened between readings
so that the battery does not become discharged and the See Table 1.5
circuit components do not become overheated.


Carrying out the investigation
Learners should be aware that meter readings fluctuate
causing uncertainties in readings.

The learner should be aware that moving the slider on

the rheostat through regular distances does not produce
a set of evenly spaced readings.
600 V
200 V
20 V
2000 mV
200 mV
Table 1.5

Part 4
Scale Reading
• The learner should be aware that the connecting wires
contribute towards the resistance of the circuit (see See Table 1.6
Investigation 7.1).
Some learners may need help choosing a scale to
make good use of the graph grid. 0.77 0.0442
0.87 0.0494
Learners will probably have measured in milliamps
0.95 0.0538

and volts. Encourage them to represent their results in

amps to give the final value in ohms. 1.04 0.0591
1.13 0.0640
If a learner has a negative reading on a meter,
explain why this has happened. Identify the positive and 1.19 0.0674
negative terminals of the meters. Table 1.6
Data on resistance would normally give the
tolerance as a percentage and the maximum power that

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Chapter 1: Using apparatus

Answers to the workbook questions c 0.0556

(using the sample results) d 18.0 Ω
Part 2 e Measure the length of rod along which the slider
3 i Six connecting leads moves and divide it into six equal lengths for the
ii Two crocodile clips positions of the slider.

Part 3 Part 5
See Table 1.7 a Diameter = 0.19 mm and resistance per unit length = 18 Ω;
wire C
Connections Does the resistance reading change

when the slider is moved? b R = 18 Ω and d = 0.19 mm suggest the wire is C (16.8 Ω,
A and B yes 0.19 mm)
B and C no c Smaller diameter → bigger resistance → smaller
A and C yes gradient.

Table 1.7

Part 4

a, b See Figure 1.3.




0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2

Figure 1.3

Practical Investigation 1.4: Duration

Determining the average speed of The practical work will take 30 minutes; the analysis and
evaluation questions will take 30 minutes.
a cylinder rolling down a ramp
Preparing for the investigation
Skills focus
• Learners should be able to recall and use the equation:
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
skills developed and used in this investigation. distance travelled
average speed =
time taken

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• In Part 1 learners are asked to investigate their reaction • book or pencil case to act as a barrier at the bottom of
time and calculate the percentage uncertainty in a the ramp.
stopwatch reading.

• In Part 2 learners determine the average speed v of

Safety considerations
the cylinder as it rolls down the inclined plane using • Learners should use the book or pencil case to stop the
measurements of distance and time. cylinder after it has reached the bottom of the wooden
• In Part 3 learners are asked to measure the angle θ
between the board and the bench.
Carrying out the investigation
Learners vary θ and take readings of θ and time t and plot
their results as a graph of v against t sin θ. • The cylinder does not always follow the same path down
The acceleration due to gravity g can be found from the the slope.
gradient of the graph.

• Friction between the cylinder and the board has an effect
• Learners will appreciate in Part 1 what percentage of on the value of g. Will it be bigger or smaller than the
measured time is human reaction time. accepted value?

• This practical can be conducted at the start of a course • There is more scatter on this graph than on the other
and does not have to coincide with the teaching the graphs drawn in this chapter.



Each learner or group will need:
wooden cylinder of approximate diameter 2 cm and
approximate length 10 cm

wooden board of approximate dimensions

100 cm × 20 cm × 2 cm

Learners should be aware that distance travelled must
remain constant throughout.

Learners should be aware that there is a maximum value

of θ before t is too short to measure.

Some learners may need help choosing a scale to

make good use of the graph grid.

Learners will probably have measured in centimetres.

Encourage them to record their value(s) of distance in
• stand metres to an appropriate precision, e.g. 0.986 m.

• boss Some factors such as latitude and altitude affect the

value of g. Learners could consider if any of these factors
• clamp locally mean that the predicted value of g will be far
from the accepted value of 9.81 m s−2. Some learners may
• metre rule comment that they use the value of 9.8 in A Level Mechanics.

• protractor This is for convenience because 9.8 is divisible by 7.

• stopwatch

Sample results
Table 1.8 provides sample results learners may obtain in the Part 3 investigation.

θ/° sin θ t1 / s t2 / s t3 / s tmean / s t sin θ / s v / cm s−1

4 0.070 2.34 2.34 2.31 2.33 0.16 42.9
5 0.087 2.16 2.13 2.22 2.17 0.19 46.1
8 0.14 1.56 1.57 1.62 1.58 0.22 63.3
10 0.174 1.53 1.47 1.56 1.52 0.264 65.8
12 0.208 1.34 1.37 1.40 1.37 0.285 73.0
14 0.242 1.28 1.25 1.25 1.26 0.305 79.4
Table 1.8

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Chapter 1: Using apparatus

Answers to the workbook questions d Gradient = 252

(using the sample results) e 7.56 m s−2
Part 1 f Yes by 225 cm s−2
a See Table 1.9
g No: the y-intercept is 1.88
t1 / s t2 / s t3 / s h No, there is scatter about a best-fit straight line using
0.19 0.16 0.22 all plotted points.
Table 1.9
Mean value of t = 0.19 s

b 1.44 ± 0.03 so percentage uncertainty = × 100 =

Part 2

Part 3
a 1.37 s, 1.47 s, 1.43 s so mean t = 1.42 s

b d = 99.2 cm so average speed =

b, c See Figure 1.4.

= 69.9 cm s−1





v / cm s−1 60




0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
t sin θ / s

Figure 1.4

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Chapter 2:
Limitations and improvements
Chapter outline
This chapter relates to Chapter 4: Forces – vectors and moments and Chapter 7: Matter and materials, in the
In this chapter learners will complete investigations on:
■ 2.1 Thermal energy loss from water in a polystyrene cup
■ 2.2 Loaded rubber band

■ 2.3 Balanced metre rule.

Practical Investigation 2.1: • stirrer

in a polystyrene cup
Skills focus PL
Thermal energy loss from water

See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
skills developed and used in this investigation.


paper towel.

Access to:
• electric kettle or other means to heat water to boiling

top-pan balance

jug of cold water

waterproof pen.
The practical work will take about 30 minutes; the analysis
and evaluation questions will take about 30 minutes. Safety considerations
• Students should take care when using hot water.
Preparing for the investigation
• When the thermometer is not in use it should be placed
• Learners will investigate how the rate of temperature on a paper towel so that it does not fall onto the floor.

decrease of hot water depends on the mass of the water.

• Learners will be taking measurements using a Carrying out the investigation

thermometer and a stopwatch.
When discussing limitations and improvements explain
• Learners will consider limitations of the procedure and why the improvements listed in Table 2.1 are not relevant or
suggest improvements. appropriate.

• This practical can be conducted at the start of a course and Inappropriate improvement
does not have to coincide with the teaching of the theory. Limitation (and reason)
The lines on Provide a ruler.
Equipment the cup are not (It is not necessary for the lines to
equally spaced. be evenly spaced to conduct this
Each learner or group will need: investigation.)
• long stem thermometer: −10 °C to 110 °C × 1 °C Heat was lost Provide a lid for the cup.
from the surface (The investigation is about heat
• 200 cm3 polystyrene cup of the water. loss from the surface of the liquid.)
• stopwatch Table 2.1

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Chapter 2: Limitations and improvements

• Explain that some limitations cannot be addressed by

an improvement but it is still justifiable to mention them
Practical Investigation 2.2:
giving a reason; for example, ‘it was difficult to draw the Loaded rubber band
bottom line as a straight line because I could not see
what I was doing from above the cup’. Skills focus
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
Sample results skills developed and used in this investigation.
The learners’ results should be similar to the data below.
Mass of cup = 2.2 g Duration
The practical work will take 30 minutes; the analysis and
t / s for starting evaluation questions will take 30 minutes.

Mass of
Mark on cup and Preparing for the investigation
cup water / g m/g 85 °C 80 °C
• In Part 1 learners will suspend a rubber band from two
bottom     33.1     30.9 39.63     45.03 rods and attach a mass to the bottom of the rubber
middle     75.4     73.2 59.94     75.84 band. They will investigate how the extension of the
Table 2.2

118.8 116.6

Answers to the workbook questions

(using the sample results)

a See the values in the completed table of results,

Table 2.2.

rubber band varies with the separation of the rods.

In Part 2 learners will suspend the same loaded rubber

band from one rod and compare the extension of the
rubber band with that in Part 1.

Learners will consider limitations of the procedure and

suggest improvements.

This practical can be conducted at the start of a course

and does not have to coincide with the teaching of the
b t increases as m increases.
c The same starting temperature and temperature
change were used because heat loss depends on Each learner or group will need:
the difference between the temperature of the • two stands
object and room temperature.


two bosses
d See Table 2.2. If the starting temperature is lower,
the times will be greater because the excess • two clamps
temperature is lower and the rate of heat loss will
be less. The times will be in the same order. • G-clamp

e There are many possible answers. Table 2.3 • 100 g mass hanger
provides one possible limitation and improvement. • four 100 g slotted masses

Limitation Improvement • protractor

E The lines drawn Use a finer pen.
• metre rule
on the cup are not
straight / too thick. • rubber band with approximate cross-section
Table 2.3 2 mm × 1 mm and approximate circumference 20 cm.

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Safety considerations Sample results

• Learners should take care when moving the stand. It may The learners’ results should be similar to the data below.
topple when the separation of the stands is large.
Part 1: Suspending the rubber band from two rods
• Learners should not extend the rubber band too much.
This could fracture the rubber band, causing the masses Unextended length of rubber band C = 20.0 cm
to fall to the bench or the floor.
x / cm θ/° (θ / 2) ° sin (θ / 2) L / cm e / cm
10.0 42 21 0.358 37.9 17.9
Carrying out the investigation
13.1 46 23.0 0.391 46.6 26.6
When discussing limitations and improvements, explain
16.9 56 28.0 0.469 52.9 32.9
that the improvement given in Table 2.4 is not appropriate
because it could have been achieved with the existing 20.4 71 35.5 0.580 55.5 35.5

apparatus. Table 2.5

Limitation Improvement
Part 2: Suspending the rubber band from one rod
The bottom of the Raise the height of the
mass rested on the bosses and clamps. When the rubber band is suspended from one clamp,

Table 2.4

Answers to the workbook questions
(using the sample results)

Part 1: Suspending the rubber band from two rods

a See the completed Table 2.5.
R = 21.6 cm

x / cm



b L increases as x increases.
c See Table 2.5. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
e / cm

Part 2: Suspending the rubber band from one rod Figure 2.1

a e = 2R – C = (21.6 × 2) – 20 = 23.2 cm c Possible limitations and improvements are shown in


Table 2.6.
b x ≈ 12 cm
Limitation Improvement
    Learners could answer this at different levels. The properties of the rubber band Measure C
   Looking at the data in Table 2.5 suggests that because could change as a result of loading. before the
It could be permanently deformed. experiment.
23.2 cm is between 17.9 cm and 26.6 cm the value of x
is between 10.0 cm and 13.1 cm. The moveable stand toppled over Use another
for large values of x. G-clamp.
   If learners assume that there is a linear relationship,
It was awkward to use a metre rule Use a 30 cm
then the following calculation can be used:
to measure x because the rule was ruler instead.
    26.6 – 17.9 = 8.7 too big
    (23.2 – 17.9 = 5.3) Table 2.6
   Take 5.3 × (13.1 – 10) added to 10.0 The suggestions should be realistic and achievable
8.7 in a school laboratory. They could relate to either
    This equals 11.88, which is approximately 12 cm.
the apparatus, the experimental procedure or the
   Learners could plot a graph of e against x as shown in sources of error learners have identified. If the learners
Figure 2.1, and extrapolate for an extension of 23.2 cm. needed to make improvements whilst carrying out the
investigation, these could also be included.

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Chapter 2: Limitations and improvements

Practical Investigation 2.3: Carrying out the investigation

Balanced metre rule When discussing limitations and improvements,
explain why the improvement in Table 2.7 is not appropriate
Skills focus (because it could have been achieved with the existing
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
skills developed and used in this investigation.
Limitation Improvement
The slot in a mass means Turn the masses so that the
Duration that its centre of mass is not slot is at right angles to the
at its centre. length of the metre rule.
The practical work will take about 30 minutes; the analysis
and evaluation questions will take about 30 minutes. Table 2.7

Theory predicts that a straight line results from plotting
Preparing for the investigation 1 against m. Students could plot 1 against m and use
• Learners will balance a metre rule using two masses. y y
x = 48 ( 1 = 0.0208) to read off the value of M from their graph.
• Learners will vary one of the masses and balance the rule Figure 2.2 shows how this graph would appear based on the


again by adjusting its point of suspension from a string

Learners will determine one of the masses, which is

unknown, using their graph.

Learners will consider limitations of the procedure and

suggest improvements.

This practical can be conducted at the start of a course

and does not have to coincide with the teaching of the
sample results.

y / cm





Equipment 0.019

Each learner or group will need: 0.018

• stand
0 20 40 60 80 100
• boss


• clamp
Figure 2.2
• metre rule
Sample results
• loop of thick string of circumference 20 cm
Table 2.8 provides results the learners may obtain in the
• 50 g slotted mass investigation.

• three 10 g slotted masses m/g y / cm

10 56.1
• sphere of modelling clay (e.g. Plasticine)® of mass 40 g
20 53.1
• small triangular pivot. 30 50.5
50 45.9
Safety considerations
60 44.2
• Learners should take care that the masses and modelling 70 42.1
clay do not fall off the metre rule when the rule slides
through the string loop. 80 40.3
Table 2.8

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Answers to the workbook questions

(using the sample results)
a y decreases as m increases.

b, c  Graph of y (in cm) against m (in g).

d The value of M is found where y = 48 cm. From

Figure 2.3, the value of M is 40 g.






y/m 50





10 20
PL 30 40
50 60 70 80
Figure 2.3

Limitation Improvement
B The masses moved Use a small quantity
on the rule. of adhesive putty to
keep them in place.

C The string loop was Use a larger string

too small so the loop.
rule rotated when
Table 2.9

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Chapter 3:
Kinematics and dynamics
Chapter outline
This chapter relates to Chapter 1: Kinematics, Chapter 2: Motion and Chapter 3: Dynamics, in the coursebook.
In this chapter learners will complete investigations on:
■ 3.1 Acceleration of connected masses
■ 3.2 Energy and amplitude of a pendulum
■ 3.3 Range of a projectile

■ 3.4 Terminal velocity of a ball falling through water in a tube.

Practical Investigation 3.1: • 20 steel washers (steel rings) each of the same

Skills focus
Acceleration of connected masses

See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
skills developed and used in this investigation.

The practical work will take about 30 minutes and the

approximate mass of 3.3 g (size M10 is suitable)

two paper clips to act as hooks for the washers


metre rule with a millimetre scale

thick cardboard mat.

See Figure 3.1 in the workbook for the arrangement. The two
mass hangers must be able to pass each other.
analysis will take about 30 minutes.

Safety considerations
Preparing for the investigation
• One of the masses will hit the cardboard mat on the floor.
• If a string over a pulley has a mass attached to each The learners must keep their feet away from this area.
end, any difference in the masses causes the system to
accelerate. In this experiment the learner transfers part
Carrying out the investigation

of the mass from one end to the other in stages. For each
stage the motion is timed from rest over a fixed distance.
• The measured times are short, so the length of string
• In this investigation part of one mass is transferred to the between its end loops should be as long as possible.
other so that the mass difference is changed but the total
• Learners need to be reminded how to interpret the
mass is constant.
stopwatch display.
• The mass transferred is a number n of steel washers,
In step 8 the learners will have to develop a reliable
so the accelerating force is the weight of 2n washers.
technique to start the stopwatch when the upper mass
A graph of acceleration against n should be a straight line.
is released and then judge the moment to stop the
stopwatch when the mass hits the mat. They should be
Equipment encouraged to practise before recording their readings.

Each learner or group will need: Given the mass of one washer, more able learners
will be able to use their value of gradient from step e to
• pulley wheel to clamp to edge of bench deduce a value for the acceleration of gravity.
• thin string

• two mass hangers, each with a total mass of 500 g

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Common learner misconceptions

e Gradient = 3.61 and intercept = −12.8
• In this experiment both mass hangers together make up
f The first washers overcome friction in the
the accelerating body. To investigate the relationship
pulley. After this more washers can produce an
between force and acceleration, the mass of the
accelerating body is kept constant.
force = mass × a
Sample results nmg = mass × a   where m = washer mass = 3.3 g
h = 53.9 cm a mg
(or gradient) =
n mass
Learner’s results should be similar to those in Table 3.1
g = 1093 cm s−2
(shaded section).

n first second third mean a / cm s−2
6 3.35 3.38 3.47 3.40 8.95 Practical Investigation 3.2:
8 2.60 2.60 2.66 2.62 15.2 Energy and amplitude of a

Table 3.1

Answers to the workbook questions

Skills focus
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
skills developed and used in this investigation.

The practical work will take about 30 minutes and the
analysis will take about 30 minutes.
(using the sample results)
a, b See Table 3.1 (unshaded section)
Preparing for the investigation
c, d See Figure 3.1. • In this practical exercise the learner sets up a pendulum
50 in its rest position and then hits it with a marble and
measures the amplitude of its first swing. This is repeated
for different lengths of the pendulum.

Each learner or group will need:
• pendulum consisting of a table tennis ball with length of
a / cm s−1 thread attached to it by a spot of glue. The thread should
be approximately 70 cm long.
• stand, boss and clamp. The jaws of the clamp must grip
the thread securely, so some packing may need to be
added to the jaws.

• glass marble of approximate diameter 15 mm in

small tray
0 5 10 15 20

Figure 3.1

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Chapter 3: Kinematics and dynamics

• inclined rigid pipe held in second stand. A rigid plastic

pipe of approximate diameter 2.5 cm and approximate Answers to the workbook questions
length 30 cm is suitable. It should be clamped securely
in a stand with one end 4 cm above the bench and the
(using the sample results)
other end 9 cm above the bench (see Figure 3.2 in the a See Table 3.2 (unshaded section)
b, c See Figure 3.2
• rectangular block with approximate dimensions    
15 × 7 × 7 cm. It could be a wooden block or a small brick.
• metre rule.

Safety considerations d 2 / cm2 350

There are no special safety issues with this experiment. 300

Carrying out the investigation 250

• In step 4 learners will have difficulty in determining d. A 200

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
good technique is to start with the block too far away l / cm

and then repeat the swing several times, bringing the
block a little closer each time until the ball just touches it.
d can then be measured to the block.

In step 1 there is an instruction that the inclined

pipe must not be adjusted during the experiment.
Learners should be told that only the clamp holding the
thread can be moved to position the ball at the end of
the pipe.

Values for d2 in step a should be recorded to the

    Figure 3.2
d Gradient = 7.2 and intercept = 56
e A = 7.2 cm and B = 56 cm2
f The marble might be given a velocity at the top of
the tube when it is released.
same number of significant figures as (or one more than)
the significant figures in d.
Practical Investigation 3.3:
If more able learners have finished the investigation,
Range of a projectile
suggest they help others who are struggling. Skills focus
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the
Common learner misconceptions

skills developed and used in this investigation.

• Learners may need to be reminded that the length l in
step 2 is measured to the centre of the ball. Duration
The practical work will take about 30 minutes and the
Sample results analysis will take about 30 minutes.
Learner’s results should be similar to those in Table 3.2
(shaded section). Preparing for the investigation
l / cm d / cm d2 / cm2 • This investigation uses a launching tube to give a
consistent horizontal velocity to a steel ball.
56.6 21.7 471
49.8 20.3 412 • The launching tube can be made as described in the
42.9 18.9 357 equipment section, but an equivalent alternative can be
used if available.
37.0 18.2 331
29.3 16.4 269 • Learners launch the ball at different heights above a tray
of sand, measuring the horizontal range of the ball for
23.4 15.0 225
each height.
Table 3.2

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Equipment Carrying out the investigation

Each learner or group will need: • In step 2 learners are asked to measure the height h of
the tube above the sand. The metre rule is provided for
• curved tube fixed to a rigid cardboard rectangle, as shown in
this measurement because its scale starts right at the
Figure 3.3. The cardboard rectangle should be approximately
end of the rule. For measuring D in step 4 the ruler has to
20 cm high and 30 cm wide corrugated cardboard: 3 mm
be used because the metre rule is too long to lie flat on
thick is suitable. The cut-outs enable the cardboard to be
the sand.
held securely by a stand and clamp. The tube can be flexible
plastic tubing with an internal diameter of 8 mm. It can be • If the ball rolls after landing, D should be measured to the
fixed to the cardboard with glue or tape, and the lower end landing position.
should be parallel to the edge of the cardboard.
In step 1 learners are asked to lay a pencil on the
cardboard sand vertically below the end of the tube (this is a marker

from which to measure the range of the projectile). It may
cut-outs help to demonstrate how this can be done using the set
square and ruler.
tube In step 7 learners have to reposition the cardboard.
It is important that the bottom edge of the cardboard


Figure 3.3

steel ball with approximate diameter 6 mm in a small tray;
suitable ball bearings can be obtained from bicycle shops

tray of sand. The tray should be approximately 30 cm

wide and 40 cm long, and the dry sand should be about
2 cm deep.

remains parallel to the bench so that the projectile is
always launched horizontally.

More able learners could compare the value of v

from step e with the theoretical launch velocity based on
energy transformation in the tube
mgx = mv2
where x is the change in height inside the tube.
• stand, boss and clamp Common learner misconceptions
• set square • Some learners may be unsure about the independence
of the horizontal and vertical components of the
• 30 cm ruler ball’s velocity. Once the ball has left the tube there
is no horizontal force acting on it (if air resistance is
• metre rule. ignored) so the horizontal component of its velocity is
constant. If it is in the air for longer it will travel further

Safety considerations horizontally.

There are no special safety issues with this experiment.

Sample results
Learner’s results should be similar to those in Table 3.3 (shaded section).

D / cm
h / cm 1 2 3 4 mean D2 / cm2
24.3 31.0 32.0 32.5 30.0 31.4 984
21.6 27.5 29.0 30.5 28.0 28.8 827
17.5 25.7 26.5 25.7 26.8 26.2 685
13.0 19.5 19.7 23.5 23.5 21.6 464
10.0 18.7 21.5 19.0 21.5 20.2 407
6.7 9.7 14.0 18.0 18.5 15.1 227
Table 3.3

x = 19.3 cm
Original material © Cambridge University Press
Chapter 3: Kinematics and dynamics

learner or group will only need the U-tube for about

Answers to the workbook questions 10 minutes so it can be shared between groups.
(using the sample results) • The learner drops a steel ball into the tube and times its
a   See Table 3.3 (unshaded section) fall between two marks so that the terminal velocity can
be calculated. The internal diameter of the tube is also
b, c See Figure 3.4 measured so that the area of the gap between ball and tube
can be calculated. This is repeated for the second size of ball.

1000 Equipment
Each learner or group will need:

a tall U-shaped plastic tube with an internal diameter of
D / cm 600
2 2 8 mm. It should be filled with water as shown in Figure 3.5.
The height of the U-tube should be 1.4 m and the two marks
400 (made with a marker pen) should be 98.5 cm apart. The tray
is to catch spilt water and the weight is to keep the tubing in
position. The clamps must not crush the tubing: it may be

Figure 3.4

e v = 143 cm s−1
0 5

v = 194 cm s−1
10 15
h / cm

d Gradient = 41.4 and intercept = −42.6

20 25 30
necessary to fix the tubing to them with tape.

tubing supported by
stands and clamps
on bench behind



tray floor
Practical Investigation 3.4:
Terminal velocity of a ball falling

through water in a tube

Figure 3.5
Skills focus
See the Skills grids at the front of this book for details of the • short sample of the same plastic tube
skills developed and used in this investigation. • two sizes of steel ball (five of each size) in a small tray.
Ball bearings with diameters of 3.17 mm and 5.53 mm are
Duration suitable (both can be obtained from bicycle shops)

The practical work will take about 15 minutes and the • digital calipers
analysis will take about 30 minutes.
• stopwatch reading to 0.01 s

Preparing for the investigation • bar magnet (for lifting the balls from the tube)

• The investigation does not involve a graph. Instead it • metre rule.

measures two sets of results and compares how well
they fit a suggested relationship.
Safety considerations
• This exercise uses a tall plastic U-tube which must be set
There are no special safety issues with this experiment.
up ready for them to carry out the investigation. Each

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics

Carrying out the investigation

• In step 2 the tubing may not be circular. In this case the
Answers to the workbook questions
value of D must be the average of several diameters. (using the sample results)
a, b, c, d and e
• The main difficulty will be measuring the time T in step 4
as some values will be less than 2 seconds and the learner T/s v / m s−1 A / mm2 k
has to watch the ball passing each of the marks. They
may want to practise first in which case they will have to Smaller balls 1.56 0.641 42.4 0.0151
retrieve the balls using the magnet. Larger balls 2.25 0.444 26.2 0.0169

In step e learners may need to be reminded that the Table 3.5

percentage difference between the k values is given by
(k1 − k2) f Percentage difference = 11.3%

100 × . 100 × 0.2
average k g Percentage uncertainty = 1.56 = 12.8%
If there is time, learners could be asked to describe a h The variation in k values could be due to variation in
timing method which would reduce the uncertainty. the data because the percentage uncertainty in the
data is greater than the percentage variation in k.

Sample results

Small balls
Large balls
Learner’s results should be similar to those provided here.
This data can be used to answer the data analysis questions
if learners are unable to do the investigation.
L = 0.992 m D = 8.0 mm

d / mm
Values of T / s
F or an extension, the learner could suggest
recording a video of the tube with a timer in view,
or using light gates at the measurement positions
linked to a timer.
Table 3.4

Original material © Cambridge University Press

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