Unit 1 Module 1

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MODULE 1: Information Technology in Basics

Unit 01: Information Technology Defined

Technology has reshaped our lives at home, at work and in education.
Almost all businesses have an online presence and most business
processes require the use of computers in some way.

Information Technology is the use of any computer, storage, networking and other physical device
to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. IT focuses on the
information processing from the collection, to the processing, and the sharing of information. IT
deals with the methods and tools used in the information processing.

Information is now a necessity in today’s society, sometimes even provided real-time and reaches
people in different parts of the world. This is an engagement in the 21st century that is lucrative in a
business setting. IT, beyond communications, offers many personal career paths and company
growth leading to competitive advantage in each respective field. To become more competent in
each respective field, one must know basic computer skills and must build a foundation using the
fundamental technology concepts.

We go beyond learning the basic definition of information technology in the classroom, but also in
an online or digital presence. An individual’s ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear information
through writing and other media on various digital platforms is known as digital literacy. Computer
literacy is also known as digital literacy. An individual must keep up with the changes in technology
and become computer literate.

Now why do we need to study information technology? Simply because we use these technologies
in our everyday lives, and we need to further understand how these hardware and software are
working. Computer skills are needed regardless of setting and field, whether at home, work, school
or play. By understanding computers, you become self-sufficient whether you use it for research,
communications or time management. By mastering fundamentals, you will develop a strong
base to support furtherance of your knowledge in the years to come.

Some computer roles in our lives

1. Tiny embedded computers control alarm clocks, entertainment centers and home

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2. Today’s automobiles cannot run efficiently without embedded computer systems
3. An estimated 10 mil people work from home instead of commuting to work because
of PCs and networking technologies
4. People use social media for communications nearly 10 times as often as snail mail
and 5 times more than a telephone.
5. Routine daily tasks such as banking, buying groceries are affected by computer

In a world that being defined by technology and digital trends, the demand for digital literacy has
increased exponentially. We need to expand our knowledge to avoid unfamiliar situations and
modernize our skills to stay relevant in a dynamic work environment. That is why it is important for
us to learn the fundamentals of information technology.

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