junjiraporn,+01+Fiseha+M +guangul
junjiraporn,+01+Fiseha+M +guangul
junjiraporn,+01+Fiseha+M +guangul
Research Article
Fiseha M. Guangul*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East College, Muscat, Oman
Girma T. Chala
International College of Engineering and Management, Muscat, Oman
In the new era with advanced technologies, fuel cell has been widely used as source of power both for portable
and stationary applications. The application has become more popular nowadays as it is an eco-friendly device
and has no noise due to absence of rotating components. Fuel cells are designed with high efficiency compared to
conventional energy sources. However, the benefits have come with weaknesses and threats that might deter its
prevalent application. This paper is, therefore, aimed at comparing the seven mainly used fuel cells. The SWOT
analysis of the fuel cells are also presented separately, and the pros and cons of each cell were summarized.
Keywords: Fuel cell, SWOT analysis, Hydrogen, Chemical energy, Electrical energy
Please cite this article as: F. M. Guangul and G. T. Chala, “A comparative study between the seven types of
fuel cells,” Applied Science and Engineering Progress, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 185–194, Jul.–Sep. 2020.
186 Applied Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 185–194, 2020
F. M. Guangul and G. T. Chala, “A Comparative Study between the Seven Types of Fuel Cells.”
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500 kW power generation. Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) 2.7 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
fuel cell can function at high temperature (up to 200°C)
without a problem as opposed to the PEMFC. This Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) are best suited for
feature reduces the sensitivity to carbon monoxide large-scale power plants that could generate electricity
poisoning and increases the reaction that takes place to supply for grid system or factories. SOFCs use a
in the electrode. As the operating temperature of the prefabricated hard, non-porous ceramic compound
system can be as high as 200°C, the waste heat can as the electrolyte, sandwich between electrodes.
be used for space heating, and many PAFC systems The electrolyte can be manufactured in variety of
are appropriate for combined heat and power plant geometries: tubular, plate or planar, corrugated plate,
facilities. etc. SOFCs operate at relatively high temperatures
PAFC can be operated by using air rather than around 1000°C, and are expected to be around 50–60%
pure oxygen. Although phosphoric acid is a poor efficient at converting fuel to electricity [2].
conductor the cell would not reduce electrochemically SOFC systems are known as a high-performance
during operation compared to other electrolytes system with low environmental pollution ratio among
[11]. Furthermore, PAFC usually operates at both other fuel cells. Since all the SOFC components are
atmospheric and high pressures which enables to solid, the problem of electrolytes loss and corrosion of
operate at increased overall efficiency. In a combined electrodes is not significant [12]. As the SOFCs cell
power and heat application system the overall operates at high temperature, the presence of impurities
efficiency can reach up to 87%. Besides, PAFC can be is not a big concern.
operated with a lifetime up to 40,000 h in a wide range The emission levels of SOFCs are negligible, and
of atmospheric conditions; with temperatures as low in addition the integration of the system with other
as –32°C and as high as 80℃ [11]. thermal systems was found suitable. Precious metals
are not required as a catalyst and hence the cost of
2.6 Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) constructing the cell would be reduced [13]. As these
cells are functioning at high temperature, conversion of
Currently molten carbonate fuel cells are being carbon monoxide and hydrogen is easier and internal
developed for various power plants in the area of reforming of gaseous fuel promotes rapid kinetics to
electricity generation, industrial applications and in produce high quality heat for energy conversion [14].
the military applications using natural gas and coal
as a fuel [2]. 3 Weakness
MCFC uses a ceramic matrix impregnated
with carbonate-salt as an electrolyte suspended in a 3.1 Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
porous, chemically inert ceramic lithium aluminum
oxide matrix. Its operating temperature is very high Methanol crossover (MCO) is one of technological
(450–650°C) in which precious metal catalysts are not challenges where it showed the unreacted methanol
required at the anode and cathode reducing the material located at anode catalyst layer is able to permeate
cost for construction. through the membrane to cathode. In DMFC system,
Their improved efficiency offers another reason the fuel diffuses through Nafion membrane [4]. MCO
for significant cost reductions over phosphoric acid reduces the overall cell voltage, fuel efficiency and
fuel cells (PAFCs) when the system is applied only oxygen consuming as the permeated methanol gas
for electricity generation. Besides, high temperature created mixed potential with oxidization in cathode.
operation facilitates the internal reforming process, With the effect of MCO, the cathode catalyst and
eliminating the need for an external reformer as used membrane could be degraded [15]. As a result, severe
in alkaline, phosphoric acid, and polymer electrolyte flooding would take place in the cathode with the
membrane fuel cells. In addition, MCFCs are not prone oxidation of permeated methanol. The water generated
to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide poisoning inside the cathode due to electrochemical reaction and
making them more attractive when gases produced oxidation of permeated methanol causes flooding.
from coal are used as a fuel [2]. Water crossover (WCO - large fraction of unused water
F. M. Guangul and G. T. Chala, “A Comparative Study between the Seven Types of Fuel Cells.”
188 Applied Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 185–194, 2020
from anode permeates to cathode) has significant is above 800°C, or else the carbon will be oxidized
influence on cathode flooding where it was used to (Table 1).
control the flooding [16].
On the other hand, the membrane would swell Table 1: Progress and problems in hydrogen storage
from absorbing water during fuel cell operation due method
to the delamination of electrode from the membrane. Type of
Progress Problems
This phenomenon is called interfacial degradation Storage
which could decrease the conductivity of electron and Compression Compress and store Achieving a high
proton and increase the over-potentials afterward. The hydrogen in a cylinder tensile strength, low
of pressure up to 20 density, non-reactive
degradation in catalyst layers called ruthenium MPa. with hydrogen &
crossover can diffuse through the membrane to cathode, non-diffusive storage
reducing anode kinetics of oxygen reduction reaction cylinder
and carbon monoxide (CO) resistance capacity [17]. Liquefaction A process enables to The process is intensive
store hydrogen in energy and time
liquid phase at –253°C. consuming.
3.2 Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
(PEMFC) Physisorption Reversible hydrogen Dependent on
release upon physical absorbent geometry
absorption. and absorption
Water management is the most hindering issue on temperature.
the performance of PEMFC. The membrane requires Hydrides Make use of metal Dependent on the type
enough hydration level for conducting the proton for absorption of of metal properties.
efficiently. In contrast, an excessive liquid water hydrogen to form
floods the pores of the catalyst layer (CL) and the gas
diffusion layer (GDL) which result in resistance for
mass transportation. Hence, the water management Generally, the main challenges of hydrogen
requires a subtle equilibrium condition between storage are weight, volume, cost, codes, standards
membrane drying and liquid water flooding to for different applications. For instance, for on board
guarantee a high performance level and prevent fuel application of hydrogen in vehicles, the weight, volume
cell degradation [18]. and cost are very high that make the hydrogen fueled
Heat management is also considered as one of vehicles incompetent to the petrol or diesel fueled
the significant influences on the performance. Due to vehicles. The use of compressed hydrogen in a
the restriction of electrochemical kinetics of oxygen pressurized cylinder has also problem as the density
reduction, the additional losses could be enhanced in is low and at high pressure the cost is very high.
the fuel cell stack. Moreover, the ohmic resistance and Application of liquid hydrogen is acceptable if only
mass transport losses are able to deviate the operating the cost unit is comparable with gasoline. However,
voltage from the theoretical cell voltage. All these the inevitable boiling off liquid remains as a concern
losses are acting as heat release to the surrounding [19]. in the application [20].
3.3 Reversible Fuel Cell (RFC) 3.4 Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC)
Hydrogen storage is a significant issue because of AFC system is vulnerable to be affected by carbon
the gas state characteristic. The gas is required to dioxide. Little amount of CO2 in the air can affect the
be stored in a chamber tank to prevent any reaction cell operation adversely. Hence, purifying of hydrogen
with the surrounding. Abdalla et al. discussed that and oxygen that are used in the fuel cell makes
the material used for hydrogen storage must not have AFC costlier. CO2 can combine with KOH to form
chemical reaction with hydrogen and other materials. potassium carbonate which increases the resistance.
They mentioned that the reversibility of the uptake and Susceptibility to poisoning of AFC by CO 2 also
release of the gas is the key to store hydrogen since affects the cell’s lifetime (the amount of time before it
it would only be released when heating temperature must be replaced) further adding to cost. The chemical
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reactions that are responsible for poisoning of the AFC economic category among other fuel cells [23].
are the following [21].
3.7 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
CO2 + 2OH– → CO23 + H2O and/or
CO2 + 2KOH → K2CO3 + H2O One of the weaknesses, as similar with PAFC, is that
SOFC would be degraded due to carbon deposition
This affects the hydroxyl ions available and and sulphur poisoning. SOFC also requires an elevated
therefore reduces the conductivity of ions of the temperature for effective operation. However, the
electrolyte solution. In addition, it may affect the high-temperature operation has some disadvantages.
porosity of the electrode and block the movements or It results in a slow startup and requires significant
may stay as a liquid and reduce the conductivity of the thermal shielding so as to retain heat and protect
ionic conductivity of the electrolyte [21]. personnel, which may be acceptable for utility
applications but not for transportation and small
3.5 Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) portable applications. The high operating temperatures
also place stringent durability requirements on
Similar with DMFC, the water is produced at the cell materials, and the development of low-cost materials
cathode and this must be removed to prevent the water with high durability is a key technical challenge facing
from dissolving in the electrolyte and affecting cell this technology. The current research emphasis is on
performance. Removal is achieved by passing excess exploring the potential for developing lower-temperature
air through the cathode to carry the water away as SOFCs operating at or below 800°C that have fewer
water vapor [22]. As mentioned in previous section, durability problems and cost less [2], [12], [24].
since it is operated by using acid at high pressure with
a favorable efficiency, the acid reaction is high, and this 4 Opportunity
leads higher expenses due to the high cell component
corrosion rate. 4.1 Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
Moreover, flooding would happen in PAFC,
where the water could affect the efficiency on In a contrast to the micro fuel cell, DMFC provides better
dissolving the electrolyte. While starting PAFC services in combination with the thin firm batteries,
requires preheating, on the other hand after starting, which creates a hybrid power system with rechargeable
and when it reaches to the required temperature, features. By applying DMFC in the mobile phones, the
regulating the temperature by removing the excess period of usage can be improved to readily available
heat is required. [11]. electrical power to at least 5 to 10 times greater energy
densities than rechargeable batteries, and less costly
3.6 Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) compared to the alternative battery technologies [25].
DMFC can also be used in the stationary electric
For the long-term operation of MCFC, the efficiency generation application more efficiently than producing
would be affected by handling problem of the liquid due electricity directly from fuel using internal combustion
to the electrolyte configuration. The other challenge engine. DMFC can be applied to residential, commercial
is depletion of liquid electrolyte caused by leakage, and industrial sectors for electricity as well as for heat
metal reaction and evaporation. Apart from that, the production. As DMFC do not need any reforming of
tolerance to sulfur in anode is very low which is no methanol, there are no losses in the reformer [26].
more than 1–5 ppm and this situation (sulfur poisoning)
leads to performance loss of the fuel cell. The performance 4.2 Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
loss of the fuel cell will become obvious gradually (PEMFC)
when there is 1–5 ppm of the sulfur in the anode.
MCFC is suitable for continuous power supply that PEMFC is very functional and provides a lot of
requires large-scale and needs a big hydrogen tank convenience to the society. The major application
to produce electricity, while the application is in less includes mainly transportation sector as it is environment
F. M. Guangul and G. T. Chala, “A Comparative Study between the Seven Types of Fuel Cells.”
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with the longer warm-up period to reach the operating Besides, if the thermal conductivity is too low, the fuel
temperature and also it has slow response to changing cell temperature would be high that adversely affects
power demands [23]. With the ideal temperature of in use of the cell portably. Lesser water content is able
650°C from system design perspective, most of the to result in higher membrane resistance to proton, and
catalysts are suitable to be used under this temperature this reduces the PEMFC performance [34].
and internal reforming could be carried out under this
condition. MCFC has sufficient capacity to generate 5.3 Reversible Fuel Cell (RFC)
the high-grade waste heat since its scale is very huge. It
was observed that MCFC has the steepest polarization For reversible fuel cell, the operation is safe with
curve compared to other fuel cell, resulting in low almost zero threat to the surrounding. The only threat
current density operation. exists is on the hydrogen storage itself, especially the
storage in pressurized cylinder tank. Hydrogen is a
4.7 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) non-toxic compound, but it is flammable, especially
in a highly pressurized condition in a cylindrical tank.
The systems of SOFC provide a cleaner environment From the International Consortium for Fire Safety,
compared to other systems. Apart from that, it provides Health and Environment (ICFSHE), hydrogen would
a completely new businesses and employment areas have high burn and explosive velocity whenever the
with the realization of economic independence. With concentration is high [27].
the latest breakthroughs in the automotive industry, With this regard using RFC in fuel cell vehicle
electric cars are being considered as the ways for the car system could create trouble with the ignition source
future. Nevertheless, they found that electric car is especially during starting up of the engine. Fuel cell
taking time to charge, and this hinders their growth. vehicles have installed ultra-capacitor for storing
Therefore, the invention of SOFC would be one means electrical energy under high voltage for rapid release
to solve the prolonged charging time [12]. upon usage whereby this ultra-capacitor retains the
risk for critical undesired electrical discharges [20].
5 Threat
5.4 Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC)
5.1 Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
Similar with the reversible fuel cell (RFC), the
When bad methanol is mixed with oxygen during hydrogen is a safe element to be used in various
cross-over section, the methanol concentration experiments or even equipment as it is not toxic and
would be reduced, and this leads to slower reaction not carcinogenic. However, a proper mixture ratio of
rate. The oxygen flow rate would affect the fuel cell hydrogen with oxygen has a likelihood to be ignited
performance, where sufficient amount of oxygen by a spark which consider as high energy source.
with extensive flow rate is able to dry the membrane Furthermore, static electricity is a good possibility for
efficiency, and this could reduce the overall conductivity sparks as it ignited a leakage of hydrogen which can
simultaneously. The lower the oxygen flow rate, the cause the hydrogen storage tanks to burst into flame.
lower the cell voltage and power density [32]. Cell could get irreparable damage when trace amounts
of carbon dioxide react with the electrolyte [34].
5.2 Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell
(PEMFC) 5.5 Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC)
The ambient temperature is playing a significant role The pure hydrogen is required to be supplied at anode
on the performance of PEMFC. The flow velocity of of PAFC, since most of them rely on providing their
air reduces with temperature gradient. As a result, the fuel by reforming natural gas. The overall efficiency
mass transfer increases and the oxygen transfer would could be reduced during this energy intensive process
decrease which affects the water removal rate in the since some parts of them must be used to drive the
cathode that would cause flooding [33]. reformation reaction [35].
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192 Applied Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 185–194, 2020
On the other hand, the significant amount of carbon On top of that, from the previous section the pros
dioxide would be produced and released to the and cons of different fuel cells can be summarized as:
surrounding when the gas burns in a gas or steam • PAFCs are relatively matured as they have
turbine [10]. Hence, the extra procedure has to be been used to power buses as well as stationary
taken to capture CO2 after reforming hydrogen. In applications. Nevertheless, the cost is still high, and
order to protect the lifetime of platinum catalyst, the efficiency is relatively low.
sulfur compounds have to be removed to avoid sulfur • MCFCs are high efficiency, resistant to
emission poisoning on platinum catalyst [35]. contamination and can run on hydrocarbon fuels. They
run at high temperatures and are being developed for
5.6 Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) utility applications. Because of high temperatures,
durability is often an issue.
Production of the carbon dioxide is always the threat • SOFCs use ceramics in their electrodes. For
to the MCFC. Although certain amount of the carbon their operation catalyst is not required as they can work
dioxide is recycled but there is still small amount of it at very high temperatures. Although the efficiency of
being flushed out together with the water and this leads SOFCs is good, the startup time is slow, and hence
to water pollution. Users will rather choose other fuel they are not suitable for vehicle applications.
cell while considering the impact to the environment. • PEMFCs are commonly used in vehicle
applications with their fast response time characteristic.
5.7 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) However, the cost is the main concern since platinum
is used as catalyst and it is not cheap.
There are only few threats in SOFC. One of the threats • AFCs are applicable for potential production
is that the systems are risky to be used and it is costly. of current and power density. However, alkaline
It also requires exotic materials such as ceramic which electrolyte could absorb carbon dioxide and forms
is costly [13]. The complexity for manufacturing and insoluble carbonate.
its exaggerated cost are considered as a challenge in • RFCs are producing the electricity using
using the cell. hydrogen which is generated from solar or wind turbine.
• DMFCs use liquid methanol as a fuel. It is
6 Discussion and Conclusions being developed mainly for small portable applications
such as laptop and cell phone batteries.
In this paper seven types of fuel cells were considered, Although the preference of a specific fuel cell
and their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats depends on the type of application, Molten Carbonate
(SWOT) were investigated. Based on the study it was Fuel Cell (MCFC) appears to be the best option when
found that the choice of the cell mainly depends on the there is a high energy demand. In addition, MCFC is
intended application. List of fuel cells appropriate for a matured technology compared to other fuel cells.
various applications, i.e., for portable use, stationary It is also suitable for manufacturing industry which
use and transportation use, are shown in Table 2. involves many types of machineries in the production
line that need to operate all day long. Indeed, the release
Table 2: Application of fuel cell of carbon dioxide to the surrounding cannot be neglected
Application Portable Stationary Transportation
and needs further improvement to minimize its setback.
Typical 1 W–20 kW 0.5 W–400 kW 1 kW–100 kW
Fuel cells that can be operated at high temperatures
power range are well-suited for combined heat and power (CHP)
Typical PEMFC, DMFC PEMFC, SOFC, PEMFC, applications as the overall efficiency is better than to
technology MCFC, PAFC, AFC DMFC that of fuel cells used for power applications only.
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