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Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

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Maastrichtian-Danian Northpatagonian rocky shore, Argentina

N. Foix a,b,⁎, S.M. Ocampo a, J.M. Paredes a, J.O. Allard a, R.E. Giacosa c,d, P.D. González b,c,d, S.X. Olazábal a,b
Dpto. Geología, FCNyCS-UNPSJB, Ruta Prov. N°1 S/N, 9005 Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina
CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Argentina
SEGEMAR, Centro General Roca, Río Negro, Independencia 1495, Parque Industrial 1, 8332 General Roca, Argentina
Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Avda. Roca 1242, 8332 General Roca, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Atlantic Maastrichtian-Danian (K/P) transgression over northern-central extra-Andean Patagonia
Received 3 May 2023 (Argentina) covered both Mesozoic sedimentary basins and the Northpatagonian Massif (NPM). The flooding
Received in revised form 1 July 2023 of the NPM resulted in a regional unconformity/nonconformity (70.000 km2) between the pre-Cretaceous base-
Accepted 3 July 2023
ment (Jurassic Chon Aike Silicic Large Igneous Province and igneous-metamorphic Paleozoic basement) and the
Available online 08 July 2023
K/P marine transgressive record, constituting the widest known ancient rocky shore of South America
Editor: Dr. Brian Jones (Northpatagonian rocky shore).
The transgressive stratigraphic record over the basement is mainly composed of isolated carbonate bioclastic de-
posits up to 40 m thick with predomination of bivalves, echinoderms, bryozoan, coralline red algae, and forami-
Keywords: nifera skeletal remains; we interpreted these bioclastic near-shore deposits as rocky shore associations. The hard
Continental flooding substrate, irregular seacoast and low accommodation space over the NPM provided a preferential ecological
Northpatagonian Massif niche for encrusting biota (i.e., Oyster reefs) during the K/P epicontinental flooding. The colonization of “engineer
Cool-water carbonate factory ecosystems” organisms over thousands of square kilometers probably enhanced the coastal biodiversity. The K/P
Northpatagonian rocky shore favored the conformation of a short-lived, transgressive, cool-water carbonate fac-
tory in the south-eastern extreme of South America.
© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015; Sørensen et al., 2011, 2012; Schrøder et al.,
2019; Puig López et al., 2023; among others). Biologically, rocky shores
Coastal marine environments have been profusely studied because are very well-studied dynamic marine ecosystems where the substrate
they represent a dynamic interplay between physic/biological and con- provides varied habitats for encrusting biota (i.e., Lewis, 1964, 1986;
tinental/marine processes. Although >70 % of the world's coastlines are Dayton, 1975; Paine, 1994; Johnson and Baarli, 1999; Cebrián et al.,
rocky shores (Nyberg and Howell, 2016), ancient examples of this envi- 2000; Reise, 2001; Spencer and Viles, 2002; Johnson, 2006; Buatois
ronment have been somewhat neglected by paleontologists and geolo- and Encinas, 2011; Chappuis et al., 2014; Pineda-Salgado et al., 2015;
gists until the 90s (Johnson, 1988a, 1988b, 1992). Geomorphologically, McAfee et al., 2017, 2022, and cites therein). In this way, rocky shores
rocky shores often contain coastal cliffs, sea caves, bays, boulder shores and bioclastic deposits are a very frequent configuration during trans-
and islands (i.e., Semeniuk and Johnson, 1985; Johnson et al., 1996; de gressive events because combine shallow marine conditions and hard-
Gibert et al., 1998; Betzler et al., 2000; Moura et al., 2006; Andriani substrate (i.e., Webb, 1994; Jia-yu and Johnson, 1996; Sanders, 1998;
and Walsh, 2007; among others). Geologically, ancient rocky shores de Gibert et al., 1998, 2012; Betzler et al., 2000; Larsen et al., 2003;
are unconformities or nonconformities between hard-substrates and D'Alessandro et al., 2004; Shepard, 2006; Felton et al., 2006; Buatois
shallow marine deposits (i.e., Surlyk and Christensen, 1974; Johnson, and Encinas, 2011; Bover-Arnal et al., 2011; Brlek et al., 2018; Sanders
1988a, 1988b, 1992; Johnson and McKerrow, 1995; Johnson et al., et al., 2019).
1996; Surlyk, 1997; Johnson and Baarli, 1999, 2012; Felton, 2002; The worldwide cartography of marine shores for the last 250 Ma
Desrochers, 2006; Surlyk and Sørensen, 2010; Sørensen and Surlyk, (Smith et al., 1994; Johnson, 2006; Johnson and Baarli, 2012) shows a
maximum during Paleocene times with major seaways that deeply pene-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Dpto. Geología, FCNyCS-UNPSJB, Ruta Prov. N°1 S/N, 9005
trated the North America, South America, Africa, and Europe (Fig. 1). In
Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina. South America, the Upper Cretaceous sequences display progressive
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (N. Foix). overstepping of older terranes during the epeiric flooding (i.e., Biddle
0037-0738/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 1. Global Early Paleocene paleogeographic configuration displaying major seaways penetrating most of the continents during a higher stand in sea level (taken from Johnson and
Baarli, 2012, based on Smith et al., 1994). Location of Fig. 2 in the southern extreme of South America.

et al., 1986; Uliana and Biddle, 1988), producing a spectacular increase in region (Fig. 2A) with several lithostratigraphic units in different geolog-
the size of areas under marine influence of Argentina (i.e., Malumián et al., ical settings. This regional volcanic record also constitutes the synrift
1983; Uliana and Biddle, 1988). stage in several Jurassic-Cretaceous Patagonian sedimentary basins
This first Atlantic transgression widely flooded Andean and extra- (i.e., Uliana et al., 1990; Franzese et al., 2003; Lovecchio et al., 2020)
Andean regions of Patagonia (southern Argentina) during the such as Golfo San Jorge (Clavijo, 1986; Fitzgerald et al., 1990; Figari
Maastrichtian-Danian (Fig. 2), representing the widest Cenozoic conti- et al., 1999; Sylwan, 2001; Figari and Hechem, 2021), Cañadón Asfalto
nental flooding in this region (Malumián and Caramés, 1995). Most of (Figari and Courtade, 1993; Figari et al., 2015; Figari and Hechem,
the regional contributions about the Maastrichtian-Danian transgres- 2021), Austral-Magallanes (Franzese et al., 2003; Fildani et al., 2008;
sion over central-northern Patagonia were dedicated to lithological/ Sachse et al., 2016), Valdés (Continanzia et al., 2011) and San Julián
paleoenvironmental characterizations (i.e., Feruglio, 1949; Spalletti (Homovc and Constantini, 2001).
et al., 1993; Malumián, 1999), paleontologic/biostratigraphic studies Simplified, the basement of the NPM is mainly characterized by
(i.e., Burckhardt, 1901; Feruglio, 1936, 1949; Bertels, 1973, 1975, three groups of rocks: 1) Paleozoic igneous-metamorphic rocks such
1995; Camacho, 1992; Casadío, 1998; del Río, 2004, 2021; Guler et al., as Mina Gonzalito Complex, Yaminué Complex, Nahuel Niyeu Forma-
2019; Brezina et al., 2021), paleobiogeographic/paleogeographic recon- tion, El Jagüelito Formation and Punta Sierra Plutonic Complex
structions (i.e., Malumián et al., 1983; Malumián and Náñez, 2011; (i.e., González et al., 2018, 2020), 2) Triassic volcanic/volcaniclastic
Aguirre-Urreta et al., 2011), diagenetic studies (Matheos and Tunik, suites represented by Los Menucos Complex (Cucchi et al., 2001;
1998; Matheos et al., 2003) or subsidence analysis (i.e., Gianni et al., Labudía and Bjerg, 2001; Lema et al., 2008), and 3) extensive outcrops
2018a, 2018b; Dávila et al., 2019). Although the K/P transgressive record of the Jurassic Chon Aike SLIP represented by the Marifil Volcanic Com-
was described as lying over Jurassic volcanic rocks in the NPM plex (MVC), mainly composed of rhyolites, ignimbrites, and breccias
(i.e., Feruglio, 1936, 1949; Simpson, 1941; Camacho, 1992; Aragón (Pankhurst et al., 1998; Márquez et al., 2010; Strazzere et al., 2022).
et al., 2014; Aguilera et al., 2014, among others) conforming a carbonate The NPM was strongly eroded from the Middle Jurassic to the Late Cre-
platform (Spalletti et al., 1993), just locally was interpreted as a rocky taceous, conforming a regional planation surface (Aragón et al., 2010,
shore (Foix et al., 2015). 2014; Aguilera et al., 2014). Fig. 2A displays a simplified pre-K/P distri-
This work aims to characterize the K/P transgressive rocky shore and bution of pre-Jurassic basement, Jurassic volcanic rocks (Chon Aike
their associated deposits over the NPM, to estimate their areal exten- SLIP), and Cretaceous sedimentary basins in Patagonia.
sion, to approximate the main control factors in its development and The first K/P Atlantic transgression covered a significant part of Pat-
contributing to understand the stratigraphic evolution of the extra- agonia (i.e., Feruglio, 1949; Camacho, 1967, 1992; Yrigoyen, 1969;
Andean Patagonia (Argentina). Spalletti et al., 1993; Malumián and Caramés, 1995; Malumián, 1999,
2002; Náñez and Malumián, 2008; Aguirre-Urreta et al., 2011; Scasso
2. Geological and paleontological framework et al., 2012; Foix et al., 2021); paleogeographic estimations from forami-
nifera record indicate that about 500.000 km2 of the current emerged
The break-up of Gondwana resulted in different Mesozoic volcanic area was flooded by the K/P sea (Fig. 2B), exceeding any other Cenozoic
provinces developed over pre-Mesozoic basements in South America, transgression in Patagonia (Malumián and Caramés, 1995).
including the Chon Aike SLIP in Patagonia (Kay et al., 1989; Pankhurst Most complete marine stratigraphic records took place over Mesozoic
et al., 1998; Bryan and Ernst, 2008; Bryan et al., 2010; Bryan and sedimentary basins (i.e., Malumián and Caramés, 1995; Malumián, 1999;
Ferrari, 2013; Lovecchio et al., 2020; Navarrete, 2021; Navarrete et al., Náñez and Malumián, 2008), but the continental flooding also covered
2021; among others). This SLIP covers 675.000 km2 (Pankhurst et al., the NPM (Feruglio, 1949; Camacho, 1992; Spalletti et al., 1993;
1998), constituting one of the most important geologic features of the Malumián and Caramés, 1995; Aragón et al., 2010, 2014; Scasso et al.,

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 2. A) Simplified geologic configuration before the K/P transgression in Patagonia. Location of the study area. B) Paleogeography of the Maastrichtian transgression (taken from Náñez
and Malumián, 2008) with flooded and emerged areas. References: 1) Neuquén basin, 2) Salado basin, 3) Northpatagonian Massif, 4) Cañadón Asfalto basin, 5) Valdés basin, 6) Rawson
basin, 7) Golfo San Jorge basin, 8) Deseado Region, 9) Austral-Magallanes basin, 10) Malvinas basin, 11) High Andes (Tunik et al., 2004) and 12) Colorado basin. A) Tandilia High (taken
from Lovecchio et al., 2018), B) Camarones High, C) San Bernardo Fold-Belt, D) Eastern Patagonian High, E) Deseado High, F) Malvinas High, G) Dungeness High, H) Northern Patagonian
Andes and I) Southern Patagonian Andes. Location of the study area on the Northpatagonian Massif.

2012; Foix et al., 2021). Roughly, the K/P marine stratigraphic record in (Feruglio, 1949; Andreis et al., 1975; Spalletti et al., 1993; Ardolino
the sedimentary basins is a 200–300 m thick, siliciclastic tidally- et al., 2003; Foix et al., 2015).
dominated succession overlying Cretaceous continental units, mainly The K/P transgression contains an abundant paleontologic record in
characterized by quartz-glauconitic, transgressive/regressive sandstones the central-northern Patagonia (Table 1). Particularly, the molluscan
(few tens meters thick), inner shelf mudstones (up to 150–200 m thick) Danian assemblage in Patagonia incorporates 35 genera of gastropods
and scarce bioclastic deposits (Legarreta et al., 1990; Legarreta and and 31 genera of bivalves, but Oysters constitute the dominant mollus-
Uliana, 1994; Malumián, 1999; Foix et al., 2021; and cites therein). The can group throughout almost all basins (del Río, 2021). Also, these Oys-
K/P marine flooding in the NPM mainly took place over a Middle Jurassic ter communities support a wide variety of boring and encrusting biota,
to the Late Cretaceous erosive planation surface (Aragón et al., 2010, including sponges, polychaetes, bivalves, fungi, algae, barnacles, and
2014; Aguilera et al., 2014). Gianni et al. (2018a, 2018b) suggested that bryozoans (Brezina et al., 2014, 2017).
a Late Cretaceous-Paleocene regional subduction-related subsidence Maastrichtian and Danian foraminiferal assemblages were recog-
(flexural + dynamic) drove this marine flooding over Patagonia during nized in the marine record (i.e., Kaasschieter, 1963; Méndez, 1966;
a large flat-slab event. Chebli and Serraiotto, 1974; Malumián and Caramés, 1995; Náñez and
Several equivalent lithostratigraphic units have been defined for the Malumián, 2008; Malumián and Náñez, 2011; Simeoni, 2014) (see
K/P marine flooding over extra-Andean Patagonia (Feruglio, 1949; Table 2). Most of Maastrichtian endemic calcareous foraminiferal spe-
Camacho, 1967, 1992; Yrigoyen, 1969; Spalletti et al., 1993; Malumián cies disappear during the K/P transition (Malumián and Náñez, 2011).
and Caramés, 1995; Malumián, 1999, 2002; Náñez and Malumián, Later, Danian cosmopolitan Midway type foraminiferal assemblages of
2008; Scasso et al., 2012; Foix et al., 2021), such as Salamanca Formation Patagonia include at least 234 benthic endemic species (Malumián
(Golfo San Jorge basin), Roca Formation (Neuquén basin-NPM), Arroyo and Caramés, 1995).
Salado and El Fuerte formations (central-eastern NPM), Bustamante for-
mation (southern NPM), La Colonia formation (Cañadón Asfalto basin), 3. Material and methods
among others. K/P near-shore carbonate deposits over the NPM mainly
comprise bioclastic rocks and were included in the “Northpatagonian We present a regional dataset constituted by both previous works and
platform” (Spalletti et al., 1993). Offshore epiclastic deposits usually own information. This contribution includes a regional stratigraphical,
cover this carbonate record during the transgression deepening lithological, and paleontological characterization of initial transgressive

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Table 1
Main K/P marine paleontologic record in central-northern Patagonia.

Fossil record References

Bivalves Burckhardt (1901), von Ihering (1903), Celeste (1940), Feruglio (1936, 1949), Petersen (1946), Camacho (1992), Spalletti et al.
(1993), Griffin and Hünicken (1994), Casadío (1998), del Río (2004, 2012, 2021), Griffin et al. (2005, 2008), del Río et al. (2011),
Scasso et al. (2012), del Río and Martínez (2015)
Gastropods Feruglio (1949), Camacho (1992), Griffin and Hünicken (1994), del Río (2012)
Brachiopods Feruglio (1949), Chebli and Serraiotto (1974), Spalletti et al. (1993)
Echinoderms Feruglio (1949), Parma (1989), Spalletti et al. (1993) Parma and Casadío (2005), Martínez et al. (2011), Foix et al. (2015)
Barnacles Brezina et al. (2014, 2017)
Briozoans Brezina et al. (2014, 2021)
Coral reefs and stromatolites Baron-Szabo et al. (2003), Kiessling et al. (2005), Aguirre-Urreta et al. (2011), Scasso et al. (2012), Carrera and Casadío (2016)
Boring polychaetes Brezina et al. (2014)
Nannofossils, foraminifera, palynomorphs Méndez (1966), Bertels (1969, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1995), Archangelsky (1973, 1976), Chebli and Serraiotto (1974),
and dinoflagellates Malumián et al. (1983), Concheyro and Náñez (1994), Malumián (1999, 2002), Palamarczuk et al. (2002), Náñez and Malumián
(2008), Malumián and Náñez (2011), del Río et al. (2011), Simeoni (2014), Vellekoop et al. (2017), Guler et al. (2014, 2019)

K/P marine sedimentary rocks and their substrate in the NPM. Freely ac- up to 10 m in thickness (Ardolino et al., 2003) being characterized by
cessible satellite images were used to characterize some stratigraphic re- bioclasts ranging between 0.1 and 10 cm in large (Fig. 5A) with some
lationships. The regional cartography of the studied rocks was made using volcanic clasts (1–4 cm) near the basal contact (Fig. 5B). The bioclastic
a free Geographic Information System (QGIS). Complementary, thin sec- deposits display meter-scale low-angle cross-bedding and reactivation
tions were used for qualitative petrographic characterizations. surfaces dipping away from the Jurassic outcrops, interpreted as fore-
shore deposits over paleo-islands (Fig. 5C). Bivalves with minor bryo-
4. Results zoan and echinoderms are the most abundant marine fossil remains in
the bioclastic deposits (Fig. 6). Overlying the basal bioclastic interval,
We analyzed the basal K/P transgressive stratigraphic record over the stratigraphic succession continues with inner shelf mudstones de-
70.000 km2 in the NPM, central-northern extra-Andean Patagonia posited during the marine deepening.
(Argentina). 64 localities were described/compilated in the Chubut At Tetas de Pineda (locality 1), the Salamanca Formation also over-
and Río Negro provinces (Fig. 3), mainly conformed by isolated out- lies the MVC with a 15–20 m thick, parallel stratified, basal bioclastic
crops. The substrate of K/P marine deposits is constituted by Jurassic stratigraphic interval that surrounds the local paleohighs (Fig. 7A, B).
volcanic rocks (83 % = 53 localities), Cambrian metamorphic rocks Oyster remains are frequent and some volcanic clasts up to 3–4 cm in di-
(12 % = 8 localities), Triassic volcanic rocks (3 % = 2 localities) and Or- ameter were described (Fig. 7C). Petrographic analysis of thin sections
dovician plutonic rocks (2 % = 1 locality). shows skeletal packstones mainly constituted by bivalve remains with
felsitic volcanic lithoclasts (Fig. 8A, B). Also, echinoderm plates
4.1. Chubut province (Fig. 8C) and spines (Fig. 8D, E), coralline red alage (Fig. 8D), bryozoan
(Fig. 8E) and benthic foraminifera (Fig. 8F) were recognized.
In the south-eastern extreme of the NPM (Fig. 3), near the Atlantic Other nearby quarries, such as Bahía Bustamante (locality 5) and La
seacoast, the K/P bioclastic record was named Rocanense by Feruglio Esther (locality 7), contain bioclastic deposits about 4 m and 9 m in
(1936, 1949), Bustamante Formation (Simpson, 1941; Ardolino et al., thickness respectively (Ardolino et al., 2003). The stratigraphic relation-
2003) or Bustamante Member/Salamanca Fm (Andreis et al., 1975; ship between MVC/bioclastic deposits was also described at the
Sciutto et al., 2000; Foix et al., 2015). We described this bioclastic unit Aristizábal (locality 2) and Gravina (locality 3) peninsulas (Feruglio,
in two carbonate quarries: Cantera El Tablón (locality 4) and Tetas de 1949; Ardolino et al., 2003), with bioclastic deposits ranging 4–5 m in
Pineda (locality 1). At El Tablón quarry, the bioclastic deposits overlie thickness (Ardolino et al., 2003).
the MVC (Fig. 4A, B), even preserving mollusc shells (oysters?) on the On the banks of both lower Chico and Chubut rivers (Fig. 3), the K/P
unconformity (Fig. 4C, D). In this locality, the carbonate record reaches bioclastic deposits also overlie Jurassic volcanic rocks (Feruglio, 1949;

Table 2
K/P foraminifera record in central-northern Patagonia.

Age Benthic foraminifera Planktonic foraminifera References

Maastrich. Discorbis correcta

Bulliminella isabelleana Náñez and Malumián (2008)
Charltonina acutimarginata
Angulogavelinella? sp.
Danian Bulliminella isabelleana
Lagenoglandulina neuquensis
Favolagena atilai
Ammoelphidiella? sp. Malumián and Caramés (1995)
Discorbinella castellaroae
Guttulina luisae
Lagena archangelsky
Lenticulina wichmanni
Migros hanseni
Palmula budensis rocanense
Globigerina pseudobulloides
Globigerina triloculinoides Kaasschieter (1963)
Globigerina compressa
Globigerina daubjergensis
Chiloguembelina midwayensis
Globoconusa daubjergensis Chebli and Serraiotto (1974)

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al.

Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 3. Study area and distribution of localities where the K/P marine record overlies Jurassic (Chon Aike SLIP) or pre-Jurassic basement in the NPM.
N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 4. Unconformity between Jurassic volcanic rocks (VMC) and K/P bioclastic deposits, El Tablón quarry (Chubut). A, B) The bioclastic carbonates over the Jurassic rhyolitic rocks (VMC). C,
D) Mollusc shells (Oysters) over the Jurassic volcanic rocks (VMC). The coin is 2.3 cm in diameter.

Ylláñez, 1979; Panza et al., 2002; Ardolino et al., 2003; Sacomani et al., seems to preserve a 0.5 m thick altered profile with volcanic boulders
2007). At the Paso Arroqui (locality 8), bioclastic deposits up to 20 m (Fig. 9B). In the lower Chubut River valley, downstream of the
thick are interbedded with sandstone (Ylláñez, 1979 in Sacomani Florentino Ameghino dam, several carbonate quarries have been
et al., 2007). At the Puesto Álvarez (locality 10), the basal sedimentary exploited with carbonate thickness ranging 2–6 m (Panza et al., 2002;
record is composed of a 3 m thick bioclastic sandstones with large- Sacomani et al., 2007): Cantera La Alicia (locality 20), Cantera Don
scale cross-stratification (Fig. 9A). In this case, the substrate (MVC) Pedro (locality 21), Cantera La Esperanza (locality 23), Cantera San

Fig. 5. Basal bioclastic deposits at El Tablón quarry. A) Very fragmented bioclastic carbonates. B) Frequent volcanic clasts near the basal contact with de MVC. C) Meter-scale low-angle
cross-bedding and reactivation surface interpreted as foreshore deposits. The coin is 2.3 cm in diameter.

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 6. Invertebrate fauna in K/P bioclastic deposits (El Tablón quarry). A–D) Bivalve remains, including Oysters. E) Bryozoan. F) Echinoderms (Linthia?). G) Corals? remains. The coin is 2.3
cm in diameter.

Benito (locality 24). At the Cañadón Iglesias outcrops (Feruglio, 1949; palaeopatagonica, Patagocardia peterseni, Phacoides sp., Lucina sp., Meretrix
Lapido and Page, 1979; Lapido, 1981), Celeste (1940) described a rothi, Solecurtus sp., Panopea sp., Lima sp., Pecten sp., Ostrea ameghinoi,
bioclastic record up to 15 m in thickness (locality 22). Gryphaea rostrigera, Exogyra mendozana, Modiola aprilis), schaphopods
Tabular outcrops of the K/P bioclastic deposits often conform struc- (i.e., Dentalium sp.), grastropods (i.e., Natica sp., Ampullospira dubia,
tural terraces over the MVC, such as at Dique Florentino Ameghino (lo- Calyptraea sp., Scalaria sp., Turritella malaspina, Melania ameghiniana,
cality 17, Fig. 10A) or near Estancia Las Mesetas (locality 26, Fig. 10B) Arrhoges gregaria, Perissoptera sp., Triton sp., Cominella praecursor, Retusa
with 10 m in thickness (Sacomani et al., 2007). sculata, Cinulia pauper) and echonoids (i.e., Linthia joannis-böhmi).
Westward of Puerto Madryn city (Fig. 3), the K/P marine deposits
were described as Puesto La Picada (Cortés, 1980) or La Colonia Forma- 4.2. Río Negro province
tion (Haller, 1981; Haller et al., 2005) (locality 32). Near Sierra Chata
(locality 27), Haller et al. (2005) described the unconformity between In the northeastern NPM, the K/P transgression conformed a widely
the marine sedimentary and the Jurassic VMC, where the transgressive distributed carbonate platform composed of skeletal fragments
record includes mudstones and silicified carbonates up to 7 m thick. (Spalletti et al., 1993), including Roca, Arroyo Barbudo, El Fuerte and Ar-
Feruglio (1949) resumed the marine paleontological record of this royo Salado formations (Fig. 3). Along the Salado creek, northward of Si-
carbonate interval over the Chubut province, including bivalves erra Grande city, the Arroyo Salado Formation shows several
(i.e., Pectunculus feruglioi, Trigonia wilckensi, Venericardia carbonate outcrops overlying both Paleozoic igneous-metamorphic

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 7. Basal bioclastic deposits of the Bustamante Formation/Member (Salamanca Fm.) over the MVC (Tetas de Pineda quarry), Chubut (modified from Foix et al., 2015). A) Tetas de Pineda
quarry. B) Tabular strata of bioclastic carbonates. C) Domain of bioclasts of bivalve molluscs (Oysters?) with the presence of volcanic clasts (substrate). The coin is 2.3 cm in diameter.

basement and the MVC (Busteros et al., 1998) (Fig. 3). The unconfor- up to 9 m of bioclastic deposits (Spalletti et al., 1993; Cucchi et al.,
mity over Cambrian high-grade metamorphic rocks (locality 38) and 2001) at the Meseta de Colitoro (locality 64).
Jurassic volcanic rocks (locality 32) can be observed on satellite im- In this region of the NPM, Spalletti et al. (1993) described a variable pa-
ages (Fig. 11A, B). leontological record, including Gryphaea sp., Gryphaea rothi,
Nearly Valcheta city (Fig. 3), the Arroyo Barbudo/Roca Formation usu- Odontogryphaea, Exogyra sp., Ostrea clarae, Ostrea rionegrensis, Venericardia
ally overlies metamorphic rocks of the Nahuel Niyeu Formation (localities sp., Leda, pectinids and terebratulid brachiopods.
57, 58 and 60) or the MVC (localities 53, 56 and 59), often used as carbon-
ate exploitations (Espejo, 1999; Caminos, 2001). The Cantera La Calera 4.3. Summary and interpretations
(locality 59) is a carbonate quarry that contains massive, silicified carbon-
ates up to 5 m thick (Fig. 12). The Arroyo Barbudo Formation contains a The work includes 64 localities where the K/P bioclastic marine record
bioclastic basal record up to 30 m thick over the MVC (Espejo, 1999; overlies volcanic (MVC - Chon Aike SLIP) or igneous-metamorphic rocks
Caminos, 2001) at the upper Pajalta Creek (locality 54), with equivalents over ~70.000 km2. These results show a regional rocky shore occurred
in the Gran Bajo del Gualicho (localities 61 and 62) (Sepúlveda, 1983; during a major transgressive event over rocky reliefs, the right
Martínez et al., 2001). This relationship also occurs in isolated outcrops paleoenvironmental scenario for their formation (i.e., Surlyk and
of the Roca/Arroyo Barbudo Formation surrounding the Somouncurá ba- Christensen, 1974; Bromley and Asgaard, 1993; Webb, 1994; Jia-yu and
salts, such as Ventana creek (locality 44), Sierra Campana Mahuida (local- Johnson, 1996; Sanders, 1998; de Gibert et al., 1998, 2012; Betzler et al.,
ity 45), Puesto Durazo (locality 46), El Tembrao (locality 47), Corral Chico 2000; Larsen et al., 2003; D'Alessandro et al., 2004; Shepard, 2006;
(locality 49) (Franchi et al., 2001; Caminos, 2001). At Cantera Cayuqueo Felton et al., 2006; Surlyk and Sørensen, 2010; Buatois and Encinas,
(locality 48), Ravazzoli (1982) describes 40 m of carbonate sandstones 2011; Bover-Arnal et al., 2011; Brlek et al., 2018; Sanders et al., 2019).
overlying the MVC. This extra-Andean ancient rocky shore is the widest known in South
The El Fuerte Formation outcrops on the Atlantic seacoast between America, and here is named as “Northpatagonian rocky shore” (Fig. 14).
San Antonio Oeste city and Punta Colorada with carbonate sandstones The sedimentary record of rocky shores usually contains bioclastic
ranging about 4–6 m in thickness (Rodríguez, 1990; Busteros et al., deposits because they constitute a favorable environment for benthic
1998), but reaching up to 9 m few kilometers northward of Punta Sierra carbonate production (cf. Surlyk and Christensen, 1974; Surlyk, 1997;
(Weber, 1983). At the mouth of Salado Creek and Playas Doradas (local- Libbey and Johnson, 1997; de Gibert et al., 1998, 2012; Sanders, 1998;
ity 34), the El Fuerte Formation overlies El Salado pluton (Fig. 13A, B), an Betzler et al., 2000; Cebrián et al., 2000; Johnson and Baarli, 1999,
intrusive body that integrates the Ordovician Punta Sierra Plutonic 2012; Taylor and Wilson, 2003; D'Alessandro et al., 2004; Surlyk and
Complex (Busteros et al., 1998). At the Punta Colorada (locality 33) is Sørensen, 2010; Sørensen and Surlyk, 2013, 2015; Sanders et al.,
outcropped the unconformity between low-angle cross-bedded 2019), as we have described in the K/P studied example. We suppose
bioclastic sandstones (El Fuerte Formation) and the Cambrian, low- that the molluscan death assemblage has a high environmental fidelity
grade metamorphic rocks of the El Jagüelito Formation (Fig. 13C). to the rocky shore life assemblage, but the low representation of gastro-
In the central-western MNP, the Roca Formation overlies volcanic/ pods can also result from differential taphonomic loss (Sørensen and
volcaniclastic rocks of the Los Menucos Complex (Fig. 3) and contains Surlyk, 2015).

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 8. Thin-section photomicrographs of bioclastic deposits (locality 1, Tetas de Pineda). A) Skeletal packstone mainly constituted by bivalve remains (B), with presence of felsitic volcanic
lithoclasts (LC). Sparry calcite cement. Crossed nicols. B) Foliated structure of bivalve shell (B), benthic foraminifera (F) and fragment of echinoderm spine (ES). Sparry calcite cement.
Crossed nicols. C) Fragment of echinoderm plate (EP) with uniform “honeycomb” microtexture. Crossed nicols. D) Coralline red algal grain (CRA) showing a fine-scale reticulate structure.
Transverse section of an echinoderm spine with single-crystal optical behavior. Parallel nicols. E) Tangential section of bryozoan fragment (Br) with a regular box-like arrangement (note
sparry carbonate infilling the porous). A transverse section of echinoderm spine is also observed. Crossed nicols. F) Multicamerate benthic foraminifera (F). Parallel nicols.

Most of encrusting communities are restricted to shallow marine en- interpret intertidal and shallow subtidal paleoenvironmental conditions
vironments, colonizing subtidal and intertidal zones (cf. Bromley and during the basement flooding over a very wide area of the extra-Andean
Asgaard, 1993; Libbey and Johnson, 1997; Cruz-Motta et al., 2010; Patagonia. Considering a tabular thickness of about 2–4 m covering only
Santos et al., 2011; Bover-Arnal et al., 2011; Brlek et al., 2018). In this half of the Northpatagonian rocky shore (35.000 km2), the volume of K/
way, the dominant macrobiota of K/P bioclastic deposits allows us to P bioclastic carbonate deposits could be about 70–140 km3.

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 9. A) Large-scale cross-bedded bioclastic sandstones, Puesto Álvarez locality (Chico River). B) Transgressive surface over acid volcanic rocks (MCV), which seems to preserve a 0.5 m
thick altered profile, Puesto Álvarez locality (Chico River). B).

5. Discussion 2007; Bover-Arnal et al., 2011; Buatois and Encinas, 2011; de Gibert
et al., 2012; Brlek et al., 2018; Sanders et al., 2019). However, epiconti-
Long-term continental flooding episodes are mainly controlled by nental flooding usually covers both sedimentary basins and basement
sea-level rise (i.e., Hays and Pitman, 1973; Vail et al., 1977; Haq et al., rocks, where the basement-onlapping shallow marine successions con-
1987, 1988), regional subsidence (i.e., Gurnis, 1991, 1993; Müller stitute rocky shores (i.e., Surlyk and Christensen, 1974; Johnson, 1988a,
et al., 2008, 2018) or a combination of both (Miller et al., 2005; 1988b, 1992; Johnson et al., 1996; Surlyk, 1997; Johnson and Baarli,
Spasojevic and Gurnis, 2012; Haq, 2014; Dávila et al., 2018, 2019; Cao 1999, 2012; Domènech et al., 2001; Desrochers, 2006; Surlyk and
et al., 2019). Highest frequency of rocky shore occurs on volcanic Sørensen, 2010; Sørensen and Surlyk, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015;
islands, active orogenic wedges and convergent-plate margins Sørensen et al., 2011, 2012; Puig López et al., 2023).
(Johnson, 1988a), with very well documented examples (Johnson The K/P transgressive marine record over central-northern extra-
et al., 1996; Sanders, 1998; Felton, 2002; Spencer and Viles, 2002; Andean Patagonia has been studied for over a century. However, most
D'Alessandro et al., 2004; Felton et al., 2006; Andriani and Walsh, contributions are local studies or monodisciplinary methodological

Fig. 10. A) K/P bioclastic deposits overlying the MVC (unconformity), Lower Chubut River (downstream of Florentino Ameghino Dam). Picture courtesy of Juan Manuel Turra. B) Tabular
relictic outcrops of K/P marine deposits over the MVC, Estancia Las Mesetas (Chubut).

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 11. Google Earth satellite images of K/P marine outcrops (Arroyo Salado Fm.) in the NPM, Río Negro Province. A) Unconformity over Paleozoic high-grade metamorphic rocks (Mina
Gonzalito Complex), nearly Estancia Santa Rosa. B) Unconformity over Jurassic volcanic rocks (Chon Aike SLIP), Mesada Blanca locality.

approaches. Although this K/P marine record disposed over the Jurassic 5.1. Geology
and Paleozoic basement probably conforms to the widest outcropped
unconformity/nonconformity has not yet been interpreted as a regional The pre-K/P extra-Andean Patagonian geology is a first-order fac-
rocky shore. This local scenario reinforces the global idea that rocky tor on the regional substrate distribution during the continental
shores have received insufficient attention from stratigraphers flooding (Fig. 14). The Chon Aike SLIP constituted the widest sub-
(Johnson, 1988a, 1988b, 1992) and their deposits might be more com- strate for the K/P Northpatagonian rocky shore, with more restricted
mon in the geological record than previously thought (Puig López Paleozoic igneous-metamorphic examples. The basement rocks were
et al., 2023). We discussed the main control factors for the K/P flooded by the K/P sea where there was no previous Cretaceous sed-
Northpatagonian rocky shore, including geological, paleogeographical, imentary record, or where it was eroded (Aragón et al., 2010, 2014;
and paleoecological implications (Fig. 15). Aguilera et al., 2014). The rapid sea level rise during the advance of

Fig. 12. A) The Arroyo Barbudo/Roca Formation at Cantera La Calera, nearly Aguada Cecilio locality. B) Detail of massive, silicified carbonates. The coin is 2.3 cm in diameter.

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 13. A) Nonconformity between El Salado pluton (Ordovician Punta Sierra Plutonic Complex) and El Fuerte Formation (K/P bioclastic sandstones), Playas Doradas locality. Location of
panel B. B) Detail of the nonconformity between Ordovician igneous basement and bioclastic marine deposits. C) Unconformity between Cambrian, low-grade metamorphic rocks (El
Jagüelito Fm.) and the El Fuerte Formation, Punta Colorada locality.

the transgression probably inhibited the development of more of rocky shores (Manikam et al., 2022; Puig López et al., 2023). In ad-
encrusting invertebrates, reducing the biodiversity and community dition to providing less favorable substrates to encrusting biota, sed-
net production (i.e., Rilov et al., 2021) and favoring the preservation imentary basins (Golfo San Jorge, Cañadón Asfalto, Valdés-Rawson,

Fig. 14. A) Simplified distribution of main extra-Andean Mesozoic geological settings, Patagonia (Argentina). Location of A and B sections. B) Regional distribution of K/P transgressive
deposits over sedimentary basins and the Northpatagonian Massif (A–B section is about 1000 km in length, without vertical scale). The Northpatagonian rocky shore included at least
70.000 km2 in the Northpatagonian Massif.

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

Fig. 15. Main control factors on the K/P transgressive deposits over Mesozoic sedimentary basins and the Northpatagonian Massif, Patagonia (Argentina).

Colorado, Neuquén) had relatively high subsidence rates and sedi- 2012; Johnson and Baarli, 1999, 2012; Betzler et al., 2000;
ment supply than the NPM (Fig. 15). D'Alessandro et al., 2004; Sørensen and Surlyk, 2008; Bover-Arnal
et al., 2011; among others), even present in K/P rocky shore successions
5.2. Paleogeography (i.e., Sanders, 1998). In this sense, Late Cretaceous carbonate platforms
reached high latitudes in the northern and southern hemispheres
The type of substrate partially determines the type of biota that may (Kiessling et al., 2003), with benthic carbonate factories dominated by
occur. For example, suspension feeders prefer a hard substrate bivalves (oysters), echinoids, bryozoan, brachiopods, and red algae
(i.e., Bromley and Asgaard, 1993; de Gibert et al., 2012; Bayne, 2017; (i.e., Surlyk and Christensen, 1974; Surlyk, 1997). Oysters are consid-
Reijmer, 2021). The NPM, and particularly the Chon Aike SLIP, provided ered as habitat-forming species or ecosystem engineers that enhance
a continental-scale hard substrate for the conformation of K/P the biodiversity from attenuation wave energy, improvement of water
encrusting rocky shore biota. The pre-K/P relief included a regional ero- quality by biofiltered, creation of habitats for fish species, and support
sive planation surface with large, rounded landforms (whaleback type) of a wide diversity of epibenthic invertebrates (Newell, 1988; Coen
and isolated inselbergs (Aguilera et al., 2014). The initial K/P marine in- et al., 2007; Grabowski and Peterson, 2007; Parras and Casadío, 2006;
undation probably turned the inselbergs into islands, the negative land- Padilla, 2010; Gutiérrez et al., 2011; Bayne, 2017; Coen and
forms into gulfs/bays and the positive rounded landforms into Humphries, 2017; McAfee et al., 2017). Therefore, the Northpatagonian
peninsulas/barriers. Thus, the irregular seacoast configuration rocky shore provided a regional ecological niche for oyster reefs and
(Feruglio, 1949; Foix et al., 2015) would have increased/controlled the probably enhanced the K/P coastal biodiversity (Fig. 15).
ecological niches for encrusting invertebrates (cf. Betzler et al., 2000) The interplay of local/regional factors (substrate, paleorelief, subsi-
and related bioclastic deposits (Fig. 15). A K/P archipelago of volcanic dence) and external controls (sea level rise) favored the conformation
rocks is a very probable paleogeographic scenario for de NPM during of a K/P, short-lived, transgressive, cool-water carbonate factory
the initial transgression because positive landforms have no bioclastic (sensu Surlyk, 1997; Schlager, 2000, 2003; Reijmer, 2021) or heterozoan
record (i.e., Tetas de Pineda). Though geographic distribution suggests factory (sensu Michel et al., 2018, 2019) over the NPM. This example is
that the world's rocky shores are segregated along tectonically active partially synchronous (Late Cretaceous-Danian) with one of the largest
as opposed to passive coasts (Johnson, 1988a), the Northpatagonian and longest-lived cool-water carbonate platforms occurred in the Baltic
rocky shore represents an example of a flooded divergent margin. Shield (Surlyk, 1997), mainly conformed by oyster bank communities
along the rocky shorelines. The inclusion of the K/P cool water carbon-
5.3. Paleoecology ate sedimentation over Patagonia in the worldwide carbonate platform
reconstructions (i.e., Kiessling et al., 2000, 2003) will extend its distribu-
Most of the data presented here reveals that the K/P transgressive tion to higher latitudes and would increase the global carbonate pro-
bioclastic deposits are mainly composed of skeletal fragments of Oysters duction (70–140 km3).
(Feruglio, 1936, 1949; Spalletti et al., 1993). In addition, oysters are the
dominant molluscan group throughout almost all Patagonian basins for 6. Conclusions
this time (del Río, 2021) and support a wide variety of boring and
encrusting biota, including sponges, polychaetes, bivalves, fungi, algae, - We recognized the K/P Northpatagonian rocky shore over 70.000
barnacles and bryozoans (Brezina et al., 2014, 2017). Though oysters km2 in central-northern extra-Andean Patagonia (Argentina), the
colonized both hard and soft substrates (Seilacher et al., 1985; widest known ancient rocky shore of South America. The substrate
Machalski, 1998; Kidwell and Brenchley, 1994; Anderson et al., 2004), is mainly composed of Jurassic volcanic rocks (Chon Aike SLIP), with
they are typically encrusting fauna of rocky shores from the Mesozoic more restricted Triassic volcanic rocks and Paleozoic igneous-
(i.e., Johnson, 1988a; Zítt and Nekvasilova, 1996; de Gibert et al., 1998, metamorphic complexes.

N. Foix, S.M. Ocampo, J.M. Paredes et al. Sedimentary Geology 454 (2023) 106463

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