Bot Med Final CHART
Bot Med Final CHART
Bot Med Final CHART
Fever with moist skin (can be dry), strong pulse, flushed Dec BP and HR with long term use
Short painful cough/hack that lasts for weeks Fresh plant more potent than dry
#1 herb for PLEURISY Galitoxin can irritate mucous mem
Glucosides (asclepidine, Expectorant (cathartic with
Asclepias tuberosa Patchy infiltrates or linear pattern on radiograph V high doses --> resp paralysis
asclepione) higher dose)
(Pleurisy root) <motion (as clip to chair) OD: N/V, GI upset, D, anorexia, death
Resins (galitoxin) Anti-tussive
Inflammation of serious membranes of thoracic cavity Tx: Emesis, gastric lavage, cathartics, hydration and
PNS stimulator
Usually unilateral electrolyte replacement
Wants to hold chest CI: preg. uterine stimulant.
Aids expectoration and improves expansion of lungs (lung pump!)
Dyspnea, pale face, cyanotic lips, anxious, soft small irregular Alkaloids: inc depth and rate of respiration - use only for
Aspidosperma quebracho Alkaloids (aspidosamine, compressible pulse, palpitations with cough short term
(Quebracho = breaking the quebrachine) Chronic heart and lung disease Resinous alkaloids: antimicrobial and aids expectoration,
axe) Tannins Cardiac asthma, emphysema (tripod position) leads to mucosal irritation
Hemoptysis with TB Tannins: inc HR and BP
Low vitality
Eczema’s such as poison oak and ivy, dry irritated tissues such
as dermatitis - resins decrease pruritis and dec spread of irritation
Chronic cough with abundant secretions – throat may be dry, but
Eriodictyon californicum Resins Sialogogue and Carminative
lungs are wet, pneumonia, phthisis (difficult to expectorate, sputum Essential oil - eriodictyol - irritates mucous membranes
(Yerba Santa) Flavonoids (eriodictyol) (aids in digestion)
is deep)
Bitter tonic
Anorexia, impaired digestion, emanciation
Soothes dry, irritating persistent cough
Expectorant Cold extremities with cold perspiration, perspiration during chills Bug repellant
Anti-periodic Sense of weight and coldness in intestines Inhibits mast cell degranulation and cyt p450
Volatile oils (eucalyptol) Anti-septic/disinfectant Yellow mucopurulent discharges OD: dec BP, cold, pale, gastroenteritis, death
Eucalyptus globules
Flavonoids (quercitin) Anti-bacterial Wet asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, mycoplasma, malaria, Gleet Tx: nux-vomica (causing emesis), beladonna (slows
Rubifacient Externally for aching joints, sprains, congestion. Lymph congestion peristalsis), monitor 24 hr creatinine
Febrifuge and bruises. CI: hypotension, inflamed KI or GI tract
Flu with deep muscle and bone pain along the rib cage; feels bones
are broken - bone pain due to influenza
Essential oil (tremerol) SOB and hard full pulse (like a bone)
Febrifuge Polysacc are immune stimulatory (inc phagocytosis)
Flavonoids (quercitin, Cough with measles, asthma, hoarseness, common cold
Emetic (high doses) Essential oil tremerol - drying dec concentration
Eupatorium perfoliatum eupatorin) Persistent embarrassed cough, chest pain and dyspnea, severe or
Anti-periodic OD: N/V, anorexia, thirst, constipation, muscle tremors,
(boneset) Terpenoids (sesquiterpene periodic fever, muscle spasm, swollen, moist skin
Stomachic (bitter) rapid shallow resp, coma, death
lactones) Turbid urine, inc frequency
Bacteriostatic Tx: GI lavage, saline cathartic, electrolytes
Bitter glucosides Alcoholism (to stimulate digestion)
Intermittent headache (digestion related), GI/musc spasm
Tertiary syph - bone pain
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Amino acids Lead colic Ursolic acid: anti-viral (good for EBV), inhibits tumors
Flavonoids Headache with cough Essential oil irritates mucus mem in high doses
Glechoma hederaceae Expectorant
Steroids Deep lung cough with pectoral pain Tx: flush with water
(Creeping Charlie) GI and Mental Stimulant
Terpenoids (ursolic acid) Dry asthma with cough CI: essential oil: GI and oral ulcers, sensitive skin, dermatitis
Volatile oils Hypochondrial pain and distension
Phlegm can be heard but cannot be coughed out
Anti-spasmodic Dec HR - do not use in bradycardic patients
Resin (grendolin) Non-productive/dry cough
Sialagogue Se and Mg overdose
Grindelia robusta Alkaloids (grendaline) Cough with cyanosis, dyspnea, arrhythmias
Respiratory stimulant Caution with chronic renal disease (resins)
(Gum plant) EO (barenol, pinene) Asthma, walking pneumonia
High in selenium External for skin ulcers, burns, rashes, herpes zoster, poison
Cardiac tonic
Immune System - Cough
Glycosides (diosmine) GI catarrh where mucous --> congestion and poor digestion
Volatile oils (limonen, B- Sore throat assoc with cold and flu - gargle Muscle relaxant for Gi spasms (IBS)
Hyssopus officinalis Dypeptic
pinene - both monoterpenes) Tea for bronchitis and wet asthma Caution with GI bleeding and spongy KI due to volatile
(Hyssop) Vulnerary
Resins External for bruises, trauma, ulcers - not as good as Grindelia. oils
Expectorant (weak)
Tannins Soothing for eczema and psoriasis.
Chronic persistant irritating cough, chronic smoker Prunasin aids with digestion
Bronchitis, whooping cough Prunasin can be made into cyanide
Prunasin (source of cyanide) Anti-tussive Expectorant for profuse mucopurulent discharge OD: difficult respiration, spasms, stupor, vocal cord
Prunus serotina
Organic acids Mild sedative (specific to Heart pain due to coughing (palpitations, weak pulse, poor paralysis, twitching, convulsions, coma, death
(Wild black cherry)
Tannins, resins, VO respiratory tract) circulation) Tx: IV diazepam (seizures), GI lavage, B12 counteracts
Dyspnea, anorexia (due to bitters) cyanide
External for wounds, ulcers, opthalmias CI: preg - cyanide is teratogenic
Historically for fevers due to Yersinia pestis Sesquiterpines - inti-inflammatory (inh lipoxygenase, down
Smooth muscle spasm regulates LT synthesis)
Sesquiterpenes (petasin) Anti-spasmodic (asthma,
Petasites hybridus Smasmotic cough - asthma, whooping cough Migraine prophylaxis
Flavonoids cough, migraine, urinary tract)
(Butterburr) Poor digestion with colic, obstructed bile flow Prevents SI ulcers, dec seasonal rhinitis
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids Cholagogue
Obstructed urinary flow (especially from Gleet) Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: unsaturated are hepatotoxic and
Menstrual colic carcinogenic. No studies on saturated.
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Tickling, dry, irritated throat & cough
Burning in air passages on inspiration, anxious
Immune System - Cough
Red, irritated mucosa; cold extremities Isoquinoline alkaloids can cause gastric irritation, contact
Stomach queasy and uneasy with nausea dermatitis
Isoquinoline alkaloids - Ulcerous skin lesions (eschariotic) OD: N/V/D, irregular pulse, cold extremeties, dilated pupils,
Sanguinaria canadensis Emmenagogue
berberine, sanguinarine Amenorrhea (anemic and chilly, prone to headaches); vicarious glaucoma, severe HA, inc thirst, vertigo, shock, coma, death
(Bloodroot) Eschariotic
Organic acids (citric, malic) menses Tx: Charcoal and GI lavage, demulcent
Emetic (at high doses)
Hepatitis A (small doses) CI: preg, breast feeding
Topical: Cervical dysplasia, anti-fungal (warts, scabies, ringworm) Cautions: acute angle glaucoma
Snuff: Nasal polyps
(Skunk cabbage) Substitue for atropine in glaucoma or fundal disease OD of entire botanical: slurred speech, dilated pupils
Gums, resins, tannic acid Anti-spasmodic
Eclectics: antidote to mushroom poison (antagonizes muscarinic (impaired vision), loss of motor control, tired, loss of
action on heart) sphincter control, inc then dec in temperature, seizure
Smoker's cough, sharp pain on coughing
Aching pectorals < deep breathing/exertion/fever
Anti-tussive HA with sinusitis or hayfever, sneezing/ corrhyza with hayfever
Pulmonaria offcinalis Silicic acid, silicon
Expectorant Pleurisy, acute bronchitis
(Lungwort, Sticta) Minerals (K, Mg, Ca)
Anti-rheumatic External: Mild burns and traumas, swelling, bruises,
Saponins, Tannins
haemorrhoids, elarged lymph nodes and thyroid
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Immune S
Cough with pain in shoulders, extrinsic repiratory muscles - pain to
occiput - rheumatism
Soft, wiry pulse
Muscular pain. Pains < deep breath (soreness as if bruised)
Sticta pulmonaria Chills, fever, night sweats of TB
Stictic acid
(Lungwort) Cough: raspy, wheezing, dry, persistant, especially July-Aug,
hayfever, summer influenza
Bronchitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, croup, catarrhal asthma
La grippe - hot watery mucus, thick, yellow green, bloody
Fresh juice: cutaneous tumors or injected into tumors fluids while monitoring BUN, Ca, 24hr creatinine
Used for treponema infections, scrofula and CA
Rumex acetosella
Patients with difficulty urinating (destructive tissue process)
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Immune System - Infection
Dry, irritated, red mucous membrances
Skin lesions that appear red moist and irritated
Alterative Blood dyscrasia (leukemia) with weakness
Alkaloids (stillingine) Toxicity due to sylvacrol (alcohol)
Stillingia sylvatica Cathartic Paroxysmal, hoarse, croupy cough, irritating, cough of cold
Alcohol (sylvacrol) OD: GI burning, D/N/V, tachycardia, muscular weakness
(Queen's root) Cholagogue winter
Gum, starch, oil and prostration
Astringent Anti-syphilitic (tertiary) - cachexia of tertiary syphilis
Weak pale sick children with anemia, anoreia, GI and LIV atony,
otitis, debility and weakness
Historical use: daily as tea to ward off disease and "give life"; bone
Alkaloids inc Ig's in cancer patients
pain and wound healing; KI cleanser; recovery post childbirth;
Anti mutagenic, appears to need ST acid for effect
gonorrhea; dysentry; female urinary tract cancer
Uncaria tomentosa/ Rynchophylline decreases BP, HR, cholesterol,
Alkaloids (rynchophylline, Infections
guainensis Immunostimulant vasodilates heart and central and peripheral BV's (inhibitis
hisutine) Female urinary tract cancer; leukemia
(Cat's claw) SNS)
Hisutine is a diuretic, decreases bladder contractions
Arthritis, bursitis, rhematism
Historically for disinfectant for cuts, infections, fungus, impetigo
Usnea barbata Organic acids (usnic acid, Anti-viral: use for patients refractory to Echinacea spp. Usnic acid inhibits gram + bacteria. Antidotes tetanus and
Anti-microbial: anti-bacterial,
(Old Man's Beard) barbatic acid) Rheumatoid arthritis: jts that are < from Echniacea spp diptheria toxins. Smooth muscle relaxant.
Douche intravaginally for Trichomonas vaginalis
Native Americans used this for fever, GI colic and spasm, and as a
Iridoid glycosides hemostatic. Epilepsy. Glycosides are toxic, have an analgesic effect
(verbenanine) Fever and HA associated with cold or flu Verbanine: inc milk flow in lactation. Inhibits SNS
Verbena hastata Expectorant
Essential oil (limonene) Throat and lung congestion, with spasm nerves of heart, blood vessels, intestines, salivary glands.
(Blue vervain) Anti-periodic
Flavonoids (luteolin, Liver dysfunction, worms, jaundice Promotes blood coagulation. Inc urinary output in
scutellarin) Irregular menses with dysmenorrhea Schistosomiasis.
Topically: leaves in rheumatism, wound healing, ulcers
Galium aparine Iridoid glucosides Exanthem diseases (rubella, rubeola, varicella, roseola, fifth's) Decreases BP without decreasing HR
(Cleavers) (asperuloside) Treatment of UTI's associated with pain (anuria caused by stones, Anti-cancer for leukemia
Tannins KI and BL inflammation, gonorrhea)
External: psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus. Cancer nodules or
Historical use: secondary syphilis
Thyroid or Lymphatic enlargement More effective/stronger than taraxacum for Liv cleansing
GI/endocrine: bilious HA or fever with nausea <motion, vomiting, Toxicity - oleoresin (iricin).
and indigestion <fatty food. HA starts in occiput --> eyes and Topically: contact irritant. Tx: soap and water.
Oleoresins (iresin, iridin) Lymphatic alterative
forehead. Hepatitis with constipation, steatorrhea, jaundice. Acute Internally: increase salivation in very high doses (known as
Iris versicolor Organic acid (salicylic acid) Cholegogue
diarrhea/dysentry. Chronic pancreatitis especially with vegetable Hg). Tx: decrease dose.
(Blue flag) alpha-phytosterol, volatile oil, Laxative (with fresh root and/ or
splenomegaly: blanched or pale skin (anemia), dropsy (due to OD: Oral/GI/esophageal burning, N/V/D with heat in
gum, tannins higher doses)
stones and excessive alcohol consumption) rectum, GI colic, HA.
Reproductive system: uterine hypertrophy and enlarged ovary. Tx: flush with saline cathartic, emesis, GI lavage, monitor
Leukorrhea. Ulceration of cervical os (HPV). Spermatorrhea. hydration and electrolytes
Skin: greasy and oily. Eczema, acne, psoriasis, pigmentation
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Purgative: enhances peristalsis, may produce gastric pain
and severe diarrhea in large doses
Historical use: diptheria
Convulsive: increases resp and BP, after longer use
Saponins (phytolaccagenin) Hard, indurated, painful, glandular swellings (orchitis due to
Lymphatic respiration and HR decrease
Lectins mumps, mastitis, diptheria)
Phytolacca americana Anti-viral Diuretic: increase blood flow to KI
Formic acid, tannins, Oral: pale mucosa, ulcerations, cough, sore throat, SOB,
(Poke root) Emetic <10 berries fatal in thildren. <2g root.
phytolaccotoxin diptheria, difficult respiration due to extent of illnees
Purgative, Laxative OD: N/V tingling throughout body, hypotension, resp failure,
Alkaloid (phytolaccine) External: conjunctivitis, mastitis, lymphadenopathy, ulcers/
plasmocytosis, death
hemorrhoids, blisters
Tx: emesis, GI lavage, monitor vitals, diazepam if
Deep colicky lumbar pain with unseasy sensation from KI and
hips to umbilicus and genitals (tip of urethra)
Chronic GB problems with low ST acid
Urinary atony and decreased KI fxn leading to dropsy, dribbling
GU System
Volatile oils
Genitourinary tonic with cough May cause photosensitivity and hypoglycemia
Agrimonia eupatoria Bitters
Astringent Cyctitis, incontinence, gonorrhea, catarrhal discharge Hypotensive in high doses
(Agrimony) Tannins
Bitter Urine has a muddy smell and look Hypertensive in low doses
Coumarin (agrimol)
UTI with dropsy
Chronic mucous discharge: leukorrhea, icterus/itchy skin, TB
HA on side of head
External: throat, mouth, tongue ulcers (gargle)
Frequent dysuria (irritable bladder) - pain extends to the back
Chronic cystitis, incipient nephritis (early stages)
Saponins (laevulose, triticin)
Weak diuretic Discharge with urination, gonorrhea
Agropyron repens Organic acid (malic acid,
Anti-irritant Enlarged prostate, chronic prostatitis - often with hematuria Non-toxic
(Couch grass) silicic acid)
Prostatic herb and Tonic Gravel/sediment in urine
B carotene
Gout, rheumatism, joint pain
Europe: spring tonic to get KI working after long winter
Historical use: anuria
Anuria, urethral and cystic irriation, burning, stinging pain with
constant desire to urinate and little urine produced
Ascites, post-scarlatina ascites
Ovarian congestion, cyst with menorrhagia, amenorrhea, edema of
Urethral sedative external genitalia
Apis mellifica Anaphylaxis in acutely allergic individuals, may develop from
Anti-histamine Swollen sore throat with edema, diff swallowing
(Honey Bee) repeated exposures.
Diuretic Urticaria, hives, injury with swelling
Injuries producing swelling/stinging/burning pains
Rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis - Apitherapy - allow a bee to
sting one joint, increase by one bee eact visit
Especially useful in autoimmune conditions
Angina, dropsy
Chronic urinary bladder irritation with a lot of pain, tenesmus,
catarrh, cystitis Increase anti-inflamm effect of prednisolone
Blood, mucus discharge from GU tract (gonorrhea/leukorrhea) Inhibits cell maturation of B lymphocytes
Genitourinary System
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Irritation in the GU tract
Glycoside (arbutin) Alkaline urine
Arbutin: undergoes enzymatic reaction in alkaline
Organic acids (ursolic Catarrh of the bladder with offensive urine, mucus in urine,
Chimaphila umbellate Genitourinary anti-septic environment (kidneys) to become hydroquinone and glucose
acid) mucupurulent urine, hematuria, burning dysuria
(Pipsissewa) Kidney tonic Contact dermatitis from volatile oils in fresh plant
Methyl salicylate Chronic protatic irritation, prostatitis with discharge, gonorrhea
Tannin Scrofula associated with inguinal lymphadenopathy, with
prostatic/urinary tract symptoms
Thiaminase: causes B1 deficiency - caution for long
Internal: Dropsy and supression of urination with dysuria, irritation
term use
of UB. Dropsy of legs, <after menopause. Hematauria due to
Aconitic acid (highest in fresh plant)
gravel/stones. Nocturnal enuresis, chronic UTIs, gleet, Connective
Saponins Chronic deficiency: Beri-beri (wet is CHF, edema. Dry is
tissue weakness (hair, nails); tendon and ligament problems
Equisetum arvense Silica Diuretic neurological)
External: Sitz bath for female pelvis spasm, muscle tone
(Horsetail) Aconitic/equisetic acid, Astringent Tx: GI lavage, emesis, charcoal
changes in pelvis (PMS). Chilbains (frostbie with tingling, burning,
salicilic acid, mucilage CI: hypertension, CV conditions because it may
irritation, itching, chapping, damp cold exposure). Arthritis (RA/OA),
increase potassium excretion, in vitro it has increased
limb fracture. Weak tendons and ligaments, flat arches, eczema,
platelet coagulation
neruodermatitis. Post thrombotic swelling.
Caution CV drugs
Dissolves renal calculi
Edema/dropsy from renal insufficiency, post scarlatina dropsy
Dysuria with frequency, pain and weight from thighs to bladder,
Eupatorium purpureum Oleoresins (euparin, Diuretic milky urine, mucus urine
Euparin: diuretic, anti-lithic
(Gravel root) eupurpurin) Anti-lithic Hematuria from prostatitis
Incontinence from BL irritation in children and in pregnancy
Gout, rhematism
Chronic cough, chronic catarrh, asthma, whooping cough
Aids in the passage of stones
Pain of passing kidney calculus/gravel Does not dissolve stones but eases the irritation they cause
Glucoside (hydrangin)
Acute nephritis on passing
Hydrangea arborescens Acids (sulphuric, phosphoric) Renal sedative
Chronic gleet OD: vertigo, oppression of chest
(Seven barks) Saponins Litholithic
Urethral mucus irritation, especially in post menopausal females Tx: Decrease dose or stop use altogether, can also give
Hepatic pain or irritation white salts or crystals
Irritated bronchi (soothes mucous membranes)
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Urinary incontinence, senile dribbling
Enuresis in children due to infection or irritation
Alpha-thujone (volatile oil) - irritant to CNS, HT stimulant
Volatile oils (thujone, alpha- GU catarrh, gonorrhea
OD: GI irritant, convulsions (cerebral lesions), hypotension,
thujone, pinene) Diuretic Chronic prostatitis
Thuja occidentalis coma, death
Prinipicrin (bitter glycoside GU anti-septic Fever, cough, bronchitis (aids expectoration)
(Yellow cedar) Tx: emesis, GI lavage, cathartic, monitor heart, establish
similar to quercetin) Emmenagogue External for: anal fissures, anal/rectal prolapse, warts,
respiration, seizures (IV diazepam)
Tannins condylomata, syphilic chancre, leukorrhea, gonorrhea, trachoma,
CI: pregnancy (abortifacient)
gangrene, ulcers, bed sores, malignant growth, Bronchitis,
diptheria, coup
Irritations of GU mucus membranes
Chronic cystitis, renal catarrh and mucus in urine
Essential oils (cineol, cymol,
Respiratory system: mucus, hypersecretion with cough from
Turnera aphrodisiaca irritation
Arbutin Urinary nervine
(Damiana) Impotence or frigidity associated with sexual nervousness,
Hydrocyanic glycoside
anxiety, depression, neurosis, excess sex or age
Bitters, tannins, resins
Irritation and burning in urinary tract or in colds and coughs when
the person has lots of mucus; as if drowing in the mucus
Uterine hemorrhage Formic acid: causes stinging and raised red irritation of the
Anti-hemorrhagic Poor milk production skin. Tx: avoid contact, water
Urtica urens
Formic acid Astringent Painful burning with cystitis CI: pregnancy - uterine contraction
(Dwarf stinging nettle)
Galactogogue Nettle juice: increases urine excretion Caution with diuretic meds so as not to exacerbate diuresis
Myocardial insufficiency to decrease load on heart Anti-dote: rumex spp, platago major
UT inflammation/irritation (UB/urethral tract), Chronic cystitis, Slight diuretic effect caused by NaCl secretion: may
Diuretic anura, gonorrhea. Bladder symptoms in children effect BP (hypotensive due to diuresis)
Zea mays Volatile oils
GU sedative (for spasm and Renal calculi, gravel, phosphate and uric acid crystals Decrease blood glucose - rabbits
(Corn silk) Organic acids, sugars, gums
irritation) Dropsy of KI or HT origin, tonic to circulatory system (heart and Increase secretion of bile
peripheral blood vessels) Increased platelet counts and PT
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Plant Constituents Actions Indications Pharmacology/Toxicity
Delayed labour: feeble circulation with signs of edema in both feet and face;
weakness and coldness Ergotamine used as a drug for migraine headaches (with caffeine)
Weak uterine contractions, no dilation of the os Alkaloids: cause contractions, especially in uterus
Alkaloids (ergotamine)
Used in final stages of pregnancy, low doses in false labour pains with Acute OD: HA. N/V/D, dec temp, edema of head and extremities, miscarriage, muscular twitching,
Ergotic/ergotinic acid,
sensation of weight in pelvis convulsions, coma, death from respiratory and/or cardia paralysis
Claviceps purpurea Hemostatic Active haemorrhage; post-partum haemorrhage (DO NOT administer if Chronic OD: develop gangrenous conditions, tingling, altered circulation, reddened or cyanotic
(Rye ergot) Motor excitant anything remains in the uterus) extremities, sanguinous fluits from vesicles/ulcers, tissue sloughs, cataracts
Clavicititaceae family
Congestive headache with sense of venous fullness in head, vertigo, Chronic low dose: spasms, tremor, vertigo with convulsions, tinnitus, photophobia, HA, V/D, both
Grows on rye, wheat,
tinnitus, hemiplegia mental and physical depression
Chronic mania and epileptic mania Tx: GI lavage or saline cathartic - may need heat and O2
Feeble circulation with dilated pupils, palor and cold to touch CI: early preg and 1st and 2nd stages of labor but ok after placenta has been delivered
Hypotensive conditions: orthostatic hypotension, sclerosis
External: oil for hemorrhoids, small bleeding wounds, boils. Gargled for sore
throat. Topical for tympanitis.
Historically - Hemorrhoids due to dysentery/diarrhea. Aescin: Prevents alterations in vein wall, and inhibits adherence of (PMNs) to the wall of the vein
Vascular engorgement: Leads to dull aching pain, throbbing sensation in Varicose veins: ↓ capillary permeability
veins (not Chronic venous insufficiency: equal to compression therapy
arteries); general feeling of fullness & malaise Europe: Use IV for post-operative tissue swelling – especially concussions (and other edema
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI): Varicose veins (these people will tell associated with trauma)
you their legs ache and/or are very tired Toxicity - Fairly safe long term- 1 case of liver damage reported with IV
Glycoside lactones (aesculin) Vascular congestion (hemorrhoids; class II or III) in the rectum: Large, Aesculin: Mucous irritant, ↑ anti-thrombin activity ↑ bleeding time, nerve stimulation
Aesculus Astringent
Saponins (aescin = escin) purple, don’t bleed, sense of fullness in rectum (patient feels like they Toxic/Fatal: A few nuts can cause severe symptoms and have been reported to be fatal to children.
hippocastanum Vasoconstrictive
Rutin and hesperidin for have to have a bowel movement); hemorrhoids from D Seed coat is neutralized by roasting
(Horse Chestnut) Expectorant (weak action)
vascular fragility Vascular wall fragility: Leading to edema or exudate; leg swelling OD: Nausea, vomiting/emesis, diarrhea, vertigo, incoordination, paralysis, increased core
Visceral neuralgia temperature (fever), visual changes (strabismus & amblyopia), opisthotonus (rigid supine arch;
Edema of the urethral mucosa (varicosity of urethra) uncommon), stupor, elevated state, coma, death from respiratory failure/paralysis, possible elation
Hepatic aching (aching pains over the liver) Tx: Charcoal, emesis, gastrointestinal lavage, monitor fluids &
External:Ointment, gel or oil: Apply morning and evening to varicose veins electrolytes, oxygen
or hemorrhoids; Contact dermatitis from contact with seed or husk of seed (Tx: Flush
also useful externally for painful night leg cramps with water and drink lots of water)
Internal: Flatulence with gastric debility: Foods sits in the stomach and does S. plebeia & S. officinale: Anti-asthmatic effect, decrease histamine production in guinea pigs with
not digest induced asthma
Volatile oils - 2.5% (Thujone
Poor digestion and anorexia S. miltiorrhizae: Hypotensive effect, dilates peripheral blood vessels.
- up to ½ of volatile oils,
Very cold extremities; easily chilled – infusion helps to warm patient up S. plebeian, S. miltiorrhizae, S. officinalis: Inhibition of Staphylococcus spp., E. coli, Proteus, B.
salvene, pinene, camphor,
Sore throats, ulceration or inflammation of the throat dysentery, B. Typhi
cineol, borneol)
Salvia officinalis Astringent Peritonsillar abscess; tonsillar catarrh (gargle q 1-2 h) S. miltiorrhizae: Inhibition of M. tuberculosis reproduction
Salvene esthers (similar to
(Garden/Red sage) Anti-bacterial Stomatitis, gingivitis All species have fungostatic and virustatic properties
volatile oils)
Cystitis where patient is weak and chilly ↓ Alzheimer’s disease symptoms
Post-lactation: To dry up milk production Toxicity OD (from Sage oil): Dry mouth, irritated mucosa, estlessness, tremor, tachycardia,
External: Gargle (q1-2h in acute stage) for laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, convulsions, Kidney damage Tx: Gastrointestinal lavage
gingivitis, glossitis tonsillar catarhh. CI Pregnancy (potential emmenagogue): May ↓ milk production (thujone)
Fresh crushed leaf on warts q 12 h Cautions Thujone: Possible teratogenic properties and reduces milk supply
S. canadensis Flower (Internal):
Nasal catarrh or obstruction, sinusitis, nasal obstruction in infants & children
Skin: Edematous, full, flabby, pitting; discharge of serum from skin and
mucous membranes, post scarlatina dropsy
Skin ulcers: Soft with soft edges, skin deterioration, mucous (diabetic S. nigra: Increases bronchial mucous secretions, soothing to mucous membranes, diuretic, anti-
or associated varicose veins) inflammatory, anti-viral
Colds, flus and chills: Warming infusion to bring perspiration, Scrofula S. formosana: Hepatoprotective effects (animal studies)
Throughout plant:
Flower (External): Rinse skin, burn, scalds, eczema, ulcer with soft edge; Toxicity S. canadensis:
• Volatile oils
rheumatism Edematous skin with serum discharge, Can be extracted in lard, Sambunigrin (cyanogenic glycoside): Found throughout plant (greater amounts in the bark),
• Quercitin Flower: Diaphoretic,
olive oils, for burns destroyed with heating
Sambucus canadensis • Rutin astringent
Berry: Rheumatism, especially wtih sciatica and other neuralgias OD: Headache, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, tachycardia,
(Elderberry) • Tannic acid Berry: Anti-rheumatic
Used to stimulate appetite convulsions
• Mucilage Bark: Purgative
Made into wine, 1 oz of berry juice can be purgative Tx: Gastrointestinal lavage then charcoal, IV diazepam for convulsions
In the berries, inner bard and
Inner bark: Cathartic effects with doses of 15-30 ml of fresh juice; emetic in S. ebulus: Root:
leaf: cyanogenic glycoside
large doses Contains slightly different cyanogenic gycosides than S. canadensis
S. nigra: Internal: OD: Vomiting, bloody diarrhea, headache, dizziness, unconsciousness, death
Bark: Constipation, helps with anuria or poor urinary output Fruit: Raw plant: Nausea (no side effects when cooked; ripe fruit OK too)
Flowers: Induce sweat during fevers
External: Flowers: Rinse for burns, scalds, eczema, ulcerations with soft
edges, compress for rheumatism, compress for 1st and 2nd degree burns (in
lard or olive oil)
Sarrecind and platyphylline: Reduces gastrointestinal ulcerations & hypermobility decreases spasm
and irritation
Allantoin: Binds cornified layers together, moistens & prevents drying; positive effect on keratin by
helping skin and keratin to hold water
Heavily used in WW1 for wounds infested by maggots: Healing is due to Increases epithelial growth of skin (burns and ulcers)
allantoin secretion Increases leukocyte infiltration, reduces necrotic tissue
Leaf: Mucilage, Tannins,
Internal, Root: Increases granulation tissue in wounds
Dysentery or diarrhea, often bloody, Uterine, bowel, kidney bleeding Reduces inflammation in wounds (animal trauma studies)
Unsaturated pyrolizidine
Cough with hemoptysis or with pulmonary exudate of mucous & blood (TB, Rosmarinic acid: Anti-inflammatory, inhibits microvascular pulmonary injury
alkaloids/UPA’s (symhytine,
pneumonia - cough is persistent and difficult to stop) Ankle sprain, Psoriasis: Increases peeling of lesions without exasperating symptoms when applied
Root and/or leaf: Gastrointestinal ulcers especially in the stomach topically, Leg ulcers, Molluscum contagiosum (also responds to dec dairy in diet), Burns and scalds,
Rosmarinic acid
External, Fresh leaf: Parasitic eczema of hands and feet (with cracks), HPV of the hand, Pyoderma or boils, Epicondylitis:
Symphytum officinale Root - Includes all of the Vulnerary
Poultice or compress on leg ulcers (decubitus and diabetic - only when there Reduced inflammation when used topically as a salve
(Comfrey) constituents in the leaf plus Demulcent
is still healthy pink granulation tissue present; if gangrenous or necrotic Toxicity In Canada, not approved for internal use
the following: Inulin UPA's
tissue is present, it is necessary to use a debriding herb like Sanguinaria Symphtine, echimidine (UPA’s): Limit UPA intake to 100 mcg/year, for a maximum of 4-6 weeks per
(asparagine), >10 times the
canadensis first) year (some references suggest limiting UPA use to 10-100 цg/day)
UPA’s of the leaf, Saturated
Bruises, sprains, wounds, trauma – especially with suppuration or infection, Chronic exposure to UPA’s: Veno-occlusive disease leading to liver damage
pyrolizidine alkaloids
thrombophlebitis Fresh leaf for ulcers: Toxicity is less of a concern when used topically (if internal limit to 2-3 weeks)
(sarrecind, platyphylline,
Compress for mastitis or trauma to breast Animals: Leaf was 0.8% of their diet or root - 1% of their diet, animals developed hepatocellular
osmarinic acid)
Topically for fractures or osteomyelitis adenomas after 9-12 months (due to UPA’s)
Infusion of leaf: Gargle for gingivitis or pharyngitis Saturated PA’s are considered to be safe (Tussilago farfara, Inula helenium, Senecio spp.,
Echinacea purpurea)
Fatal dose: 40 mcg/kg/day for 2 years in humans (equivalent to 2 leaves/day for 2 years)
OD sx: Dull, dragging sensation on right side of abdomen; distension; hepatomegally; decreased
urinary output; elevated AST, ALT, GGT
Integumentary Herbs
The focus of research on this herb is with respect to its estrogenic activity: Shown to affect plasma
estrogen and as a result is often discouraged with estrogen positive breast cancers, however recently
it has been shown to be safe for estrogen positive breast cancers
Isoflavones: Improve the systemic symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, etc.) without altering
Spasmodic coughs: Bronchitis, measles, laryngitis, TB, pertussis, asthma,
plasma estrogen levels
whooping cough
Integumentary Herbs
Promensil is a product made from the isoflavones isolated from T. pretense used to manage the side
Internal: Dry cough, often explosive (internally or as a gargle)
Phenolic glycosides (trifoliin) effects of menopause
Ulcerations, especially of the tibia
Flavonoids Biochanin A (isoflavone): Anti-carcinogenic activity in mice
Cancerous and apthous ulcers
Coumarin Anti-bacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Burns or ulcerations with jagged edge & poor healing; consider for someone
Resin Anti-spasmodic Coumarins: Anti-coagulant activity (in vitro) however, most coumarins when studied in-vivo (taken
Trifolium pratense with poor skin condition
Fat Anti-tussive orally) have very little anti-coagulant effect (compared to in vitro)
(Red clover) Carcinomatous cachexia, cancer with Larrea tridentata
Tannin Anti-tumor CI: Coumarins: Caution with individuals with bleeding disorders, pre-surgery or pre-labor and in those
Acne or other skin eruptions (unhealthy skin)
Isoflavoness (genistein, already taking heparin, coumarin, warfarin, ASA, fish oil or vitamin E
TB or inflammatory lung conditions
daidzein, biochanin, Most plant coumarins do not cause bleeding in-vivo, as they do in-vitro but it is best not to combine
Gout, arthritis40
formononetin) them with other anti-coagulant therapy.
External: Eczema, psoriasis – itchy, sore, inflamed skin
Minor estrogenic activity: Don’t use T. pretense with individuals with breast cancer or with
Cancerous growths
endometrial proliferative conditions
Sore eyes – compress from infusion
Cautions: Bleeding disorder, heparin therapy, presurgery, prelabor (coumarins), Anti-coagulant drugs
Estrogenic activity: Breast cancer, endometrial proliferative disease
Skin rash may occur from topical use.
Anthocyanidins: Enters the cell wall of bacteria and slows the growth and reproduction
Leaf: Acute or chronic dysentery/summer diarrhea: Due to ingestion of bad
Reduces vascular permeability and redistributes microvascular blood flow in the back of the eye
especially in the retina (anastamosis formation) and aids in the formation of interstitial fluids providing
Mouth or throat ulcers, apthous ulcers: Gargle, take internally
a cushion in the back of the eye - changes in circulation
Cystitis with urgency and anuria or oliguria (better efficacy in alkaline pH)
Anti-oxidant, ↓ Diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy
Leaf: Flavones. Hydroqinine, Diabetes mellitus (glucose in urine, hyperglycemia): As a tea tid or as a
Dysmenorrhea, PMS: Reduces pelvic pain (spasms), reduces nausea, beneficial for breast
Tannic acid tincture
tenderness, and headache
Berry: Ascorbic acid Fresh berry: Constipation (Europe: puree with milk & sugar), Scurvy, Early
Single best herb to use for dry macular degeneration with slow leakage of blood and
Tannic acid, quinnic acid Hypoglycemic myopia
occasionally floaters in the patients vision
Glycoside (myrtillin) Anti-diarrhea Retinopathies due to hypertension or diabetes, especially age-related (dry)
Vaccinium myrtillus Dry macular degeneration has micro-bleeding as compared with wet macular degeneration which
Anthocyanidin pigments Laxative macular degeneration
(Bilberry/Blueberry) has frank bleeding at the back of the eye leading to blindness
(found mostly in the skin but Nutrient Night vision deficiencies
Wet macular degeneration: Green filter on ophthalmoscope shows bleeding, this is a medical
also in the pulp of the berry - Astringent Dried berry: Diarrhea in infants and adults, Sig.: 1 tbs q few hour; also take
emergency; without laser repair as soon as possible, patient may go blind
gives the berry its blue color; for acute emesis
Decrease LDL oxidation (due to anthocyanidins in combination with other components)
protects berry from sunlight) Stomatitis, gingivitis, chronic pharyngitis, glossitis, peridontitis, smoker’s
NOTE: Prunus domestica (prunes) have greater anthocyanidin content (about 5x the amount).
Other flavonoids cough: Infusion from the dried berry, gargle or consume internally
Dark cherries, dark grapes and blackberries also some anthocyanidin content
Degenerative retinal disease, atherosclerosis
Hydroquinone: Anti-septic properties in the kidney but long term use may cause kidney damage
Juice (succus of the fruit): Anti-diarrhea agent for summer
Myrtillin: Has insulin-like effect but is weaker than insulin
diarrhea/dysentery: In Europe V. myrtillus is mixed with Quark to make the
Shown to reduce blood glucose in de-pancreatized dogs (have no insulin), < toxic, can last days
Toxicity: Not considered toxic but LT use of the leaf may cause KIdamage due to hydroquinones
LD50: >720 mg/kg (rat, mice over 6 months)
Digestive stimulant that increases salivation and is protective to GI tract, some studies even show
this effect with ulcers but use on an individual basis.
Pepper juice as scurvy treatment in 1864 by Dr. Nikolic-Miskovicev, Army for
Lowered cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL:HDL ratio, may decrease absorption of lipids (rabbits) - ↓
military; due to ascorbic acid content discovered in 1928
LDL oxidation, due to β-carotene, capsanthin, capsorubin
Depression & debility of function
Prevents increased liver cholesterol by enhancing fecal excretion via bile (rats)
Atonic dyspepsia in alcoholics
Decreases platelet aggregation
Phenolics/capsaicinoids - Delirium tremens (withdrawal)
Reduces thromboxane B2 formation
1.5% (Capsaicin - hydro, Colic with abdominal distension & flatulence
Reduces erythrocyte hemolysis, perhaps via interference with activation of phospholipase A2
norhydro, homodihydro Congestion of sinuses with chills
Increases production of substance P which dilates arteries and reduces blood pressure, then ↓
forms, homo) General chilliness of the elderly: Blanched lips, chills, cold extremities, small
substance P ↓ pain transmission
Organic acids (cinnamic, Circulatory and vasomotor week pulse
Stimulates production of collagenase as an anti-inflammatory (OA, RA)
Capsicum frutescens coumaric, protocatechuic, stimulant Capillary atony; chronic hemorrhoids due to circulatory atony
Protect stomach mucosa by decreasing muscular contraction and increasing mucus production,
(Cayenne) caffeic) Rubifacient/counterirritant Tongue dry, scanty salivation in fever
Effective against H. pylori
Ascorbic acid, Ca, P, Fe, K, Gastric stimulant Stimulant addition to many formulas
5 g fresh cayenne: ↑ metabolic rate, ↓ glucose within 30 minutes of ingestion
B1, B2, B3, β-carotene External: Cold feet (sprinkle in socks!)
Low back pain: decreased pain in 42% in 67% vs. 31% in 49% placebo
Capsanthin, capsorubin Toothache, dental caries (1-2 gtt on cotton)
Toxicity: Capsaicin: Internal use, Action: Mucous irritant
(carotenoid - red color) OA, RA (if pain responds to heat), neuralgia’s, rheumatism (cream for
Sx: Salivation, perspiration, gastric flow, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, purging, pain and burning in
Saponin (capsicidin) stiffness)
stomach and bowels, vertigo, decreased urination
Diabetic & post-herpetic neuralgia’s (via a ↓ in substance P)
Tx: GI lavage, avoid use, Capsaicin: External use
Psoriasis (improves circulation)
Sx: Contact dermatitis, blistering is rare, Tx: Rinse with water, avoid use
Chronic laryngitis
CI Pregnancy due to GI upset (reflux and irritation) and leaf and stem act as uterine stimulants
Cream for migraines (nasal mucosa) – depletes substance P
Cautions 1st generation ACE inhibitors because C. frutescens may exasperate the persistent dry
cough side effect of ACE inhibitors
Cardiovascular Herbs
Elevated LDL
Inflammation: OA
Nodulocystic acne
Other info: Avena sativa can be used for maintenance once cholesterol
levels have been lowered ↑ up to 87% hepatic binding sites for LDL
The active part in the fiber is the β-glucan and it complexes with the Inhibits cholesterol synthesis in LV
cholesterol ↑ fecal excretion of bile acids, cholesterol
helping it to be excreted Hyperlipidemia IIb (familial combined hyperlipidemia), IV (familial prebetalipoproteinemia, familial
May not be effective for familial hyperlipidemia - does not ↑ hepatic binding combined hyperlipidemia): ↓ cholesterol 17-27%, ↓Tg 22-30% (does not work in all patients - more
Cardiovascular Herbs
sites; it binds bile acids and is better method (long term) lower cholesterol likely to work in Ayurvedic pictures that include coolness and dampness) - If Tg are elevated, ensure
Commiphora mukul
than with Commyphora mukul the reading was fasting
(Indian Bdellium, Guggolestrones E, Z Anti-cholesterol
Dose: At least 3 heaping tablespoons/day Does not appear to affect HDL in a negative fashion
Guggul lipid)
Commiphora myrrha: ↓ pain of OA in knee after 1 month
Body converts sugars and simple CHOs into Tg Guggul and phosphate and hyroxycitric acid and tyrosine and exercise: Modest
Even one glass of OJ can significantly ↑ Tg readings (Tg test is a 12-14hr weight loss
fasting test) Toxicity GI discomfort in some individuals
HIV/AIDS drugs can ↑ Tg by causing dyslipidemia (↑ obesity in some body Contraindications Inflammatory bowel disease
areas and ↓ in other areas) Cautions With propanolol, diltiazem: Single dose ↓ bioavailability of drugs
Most C. mukul is quite dilutes and is ∴ not high quality
Needs to taste resinous and sticky in order for it to be effective
Does not have effect for everyone
Does not appear to adversely affect HDL and most anti-cholesterol drugs
lower HDL
Serious heart failure is the best use, tachycardia with heart failure heart muscle degeneration, aneurysm, angina
Use the smallest dose possible for 2-3 days Look at notes for interactions
Not for long term use except in rare cases
Larger dose required in thyrotoxicosis
Historically used for snake bites, insect bites, fear, agitated psychosis,
insomnia, Slows HR, anti-arrhythmic (mild). Has the potential to induce euphoria
Indole alkaloids (>50
schizophrenia, vasospasm attacks, fever, abdominal pain, sedative Depletes catecholamines and serotonin stores--> dec BP (but may lead to inc migraines)
alkaloids identified, reserpine
Gandhi took the tea at night if overstimulated by lecture or heated discussion Sedation - dec amine stores in CNS. CI if patient is depressed
- best known)
Hypertension: Adequate reduction in ~40% of mild and 30% of medium- T1/2=11.5-16 days! All alkaliods excreted in urine but independent of KI function. If combined with
Anti-hypertensive alkaloids
severe cardiac glycosides, dec dose by 1/2.
(alseroxylone, corganthine,
hypertension (not for severe hypertension) Sx of Toxicity: Bradycardia, hypotension, contracted pupils, ↑ GI peristalsis (diarrhea, ↑ GI
voxinil, rescinamine)
Main indication: Stress and anxiety related hypertension - Acts on secretions – ulcers/hemorrhage, flushing, hypothermia after tachycardia, vertigo, stupor, tremor,
Anti-arrhythmic alkaloids
diencephelon autonomic centers coma
Rauvolfia serpentina (ajmaline) Anti-arrhythmic
Head congestion, headache, vertigo, Restlessness, Fever Sx from overdose can persist for 3 hr to 7 days
(Snake root) The whole plant is fairly safe Anti-hypertensive
Abdominal pain, Anxiety, fear, agitated psychosis (may allow you to handle Tx of Toxicity: Emesis, GI lavage
and effect due to the
stressful situations better) If patient develops Parkinson-like symptoms or hyper GI symptoms: Atropine (alkaloid extracted from
combination of different
Acute or severe schizophrenia (use higher doses) Atropa belladonna with a parasympathetic action dilate pupils and stop neuromuscular spasm).
alkaloids therefore there is a
Insomnia, vasospasm attacks Keep patient warm (for hypothermia) and maintain fluids (for hypotension)
greater tolerance for the
Sedative: Calming to help ppl sleep at night CI: depression, peptic ulcer, Parkinson's, pregnancy (teratogen, abortifacient), avoid with Digitalis
whole plant than for the
Cardiac oppression (does not ↓ coronary circulation)41 because digitalis decreases HR
Dr. Paul Saunders reserves Rauvolfia for patients who have severe Cautions: There is a tendency to dizziness when taking Rauvolfia serpentina because there is ↓
alkaloids (e.g. reserpine)
hypertension and their medical doctor has given them 6 weeks to get their blood flow to the brain on rising.
blood pressure under control on their own before putting them on medication
IV: Rapid onset, altered pulse within minutes of delivery, done in Europe and Africa
Orally: Weak heart from muscular debility
Mechanism: Myogenic cardiac stimulant with rapid action (5-10 minutes) and rapid peak (30-120
Cardiac insufficiency
Steroidal glycosides: Sx of Toxicity: GI irritant with emesis, diarrhea, weak muscles then twitching, rigor mortis (visual
Cardiotonic and sedative
Strophanthin-k (S.k): Milder color changes) of heart and body, brief rapid systole with elevated MBP, cessation of HT and LU -->
Rapid pulse, hypertension from weak heart muscle (not cumulative)
than strophanthin G Cardiac stimulant death
Strophanthus kombe Pre-cordial pain (angina), cardiac dyspnea, shortness of breath
Strophanthin-g Diuretic Tx of Toxicity: Emetics, epsom salt purge (giving Epsom salts (mg-sulph) until person vomits;
Mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis
(S.g/ouabain): Milder than drinking copious amounts of salty water will have a laxative effect too), CPR, atropine 0.6 mg IV for
IV: Dyspnea of cardiac origin
Digitalis spp. bradycardia, monitor K+, phenytoin for heart block or electric pacemaker
Leaves heart sooner than Digitalis ∴ less cumulative toxicity
CI: Pregnancy (because uterine stimulant in animals), myocardial degeneration, valve lesions,
Acute heart failure from infection, scarlet fever
arteriosclerosis (relative CI because with ↑ arterisclerosis the heart cannot respond to ↑ demands),
Cardiac insufficiency and associated angina
atheromas, aneurism (because cardiac glycosides ↑ contractive force that will put more pressure on
the heart), K+ depleting herbs (similar to Digitalis spp.), drugs, foods, etc…
Cardioactive polypeptide transfer to another herb (i.e. Veratrum spp., Rauvolfia serpentina)
block and collapse
CHO (β-phenylamines, Flushed face, congestive headache
Caution with MAOIs because of tyramine content and caution in pregnancy because tyramine is a
choline, tyramine, viscotoxin) Hypotensive Epilepsy, hysteria, nervousness – unable to lie down due to heart symptoms
Viscum album uterine stimulant
Oleanolic acids Cerebral circulatory stimulant Tearing, neuralgic or rheumatic pains
(Mistletoe) Caution with Migraine headache
Histamine Tumor inhibition (injection) Weak, irregular heart with hypertrophy, shortness of breath, valvular
Iscador toxicity: derivative of V. album used in treatment of cancer - from apple, pine, oak & elm
Alkaloid (content varies with insufficiency
CI: Fever, intracranial, intraspinal tumor - increased risk of ↑ pressure, pregnancy, known allergy
host tree) Nervous tachycardia
Sxs of Toxicity (IV): Fever, chills, headache, angina
Tumor inhibition due to special protein or lectin – not cytotoxic; Iscador
Effect: Red, swelling up to 5 mm, fever to 38°C
shown good in clinical trial given IV SC Does not need to be injected near
Induction: Start at 0.01 mg (or lower) and gradually increase dose
tumor, can be injected in abdomen like insulin (sub Q). Injections appear to
Progression: Inject q2d for 14 injections, rest 2 weeks, ↑ dose [] with each series
be safe in pregnancy and lactation/ Cancers include mainly difficult to treat
cancers: Ovarian cancer, leiomas
Bark: Nervous atony and despondent bleeding
Sluggish circulation: ↑ heart output, slow pulse ( ↑ pulse and cardiac output
slightly), mild diuretic
Intermittent claudication, Raynaud’s
Capillary engorgement in infected tissue (especially in legs) X. clava-hervulis:
Isoquinoline alkaloids
Dried root, bark: Tympanic GI with low gastric secretions, bowel spasm, gastric catarrh Nitidin: ↓ blood pressure, anti-leukemia effect, lowers liver enzymes
(chelerythrine, magnoflorine)
Anti-spasmodic Uterine cramps, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea with neuralgia (commonly due to Chelerythrine: Affects GM+ bacteria, potentiates barbituates
Benzo. alkaloids (nitidin,
Xanthoxylum Heart stimulant ovarian cysts) Asarinin: Anti-TB
lauriflorine, asarinin
americanum Sialogogue Dry oral mucosa (moistens and helps with expectoration) Alkaloids in general: Neuromuscular block (death in fish, cattle & chickens)
Bioflavonoids (diosmin,
(Prickly ash) Berry: Excess mucus and sputum, increases GI secretion without irritating stomach Relative CI: Acute GI inflammation or ulceration (increases HCl production); effect on GI tract is due
Carminative Chronic rheumatism and sluggishness, ↓ peripheral circulation (increases to volatile oils and resins
Mucous peripheral blood flow to musculoskeletal system) Potential CI: Pregnancy
Toothache Caution with liver disease --> monitor liver enzymes
Berry: Main indication: Sluggish circulation (with capillary engorgement) with
chronic rheumatism
Painful bowels, Cramps, Circulatory stimulant
Pulse: Slow and weak; weak heart, Capillary engorgement
Sensory and motor Early fever with or without restlessness: scarletina, measles use with Atropa
Benzaconine is clear during poisoning
depressant belladonna
Aconitum napellus Tropane alkaloids Toxic: 10 gtt, Fatal: 5mL tincture, 1g plant, 2 mg aconitine
Sedative Heart dilation, poor vessel tone: increased power of the heart contraction
(benzoylaconine) Sxs of OD: numb mouth, throat and hands; dizzy, restlessness, loss of speech control, headache,
Anti-pyretic and
Gum, sugar pinpoint pupils, arrhythmia, chest pains, ventricular fibrillation in 1-6 hr, sweat and hypothermia,
vessel tone
anxiety, diarrhea, convulsion, death from respiratory/cardiac paralysis within 4-5 hrs of overdose
Neuralgia: trigeminal, intercostals, facial
Labs: ECG suggests MI due to T-wave depression
Arthritic or gout pains especially with neuralgia, with Colchicum autumnale
Tx of OD: Activated charcoal to absorb then GI lavage or emetic and cathartic, CPR, O2, recumbent
External Uses
with head below feet, stimulants (coffee, Strychnos nuxvomica), digitalis for the heart, atropine for
Topical ointment over neuralgia – use small quantity
slow heart
CI:Pregnancy, lactation
Toxic: Tasting flower nectar, eating honey from flowers, 0.5 g/child, 2-3 g/adult
Bight eyes with miosis
Sx of overdose: Prostration, lax muscles, visual disturbances (diplopia, ptosis; visual disturbances
Arterial throbbing with ↑ sensibility to light and noise
can persist up to a couple of weeks), slowed respiration, hypotension, hypothermia, ↓ pulse
Indole alkaloids (Gelsemine, Migraine headache (does not necessarily have to be a migraine but a
o Slowed rate and force of contraction, drowsy, loss of sensations,
gelsemicine, gelsemoidine, headache
Stimulates then depresses death from respiratory and cardiac paralysis
Gelsemium gelsidine, gelseverine, with severe/significant debility)
neural function o In non-fatal doses visual disturbances may last for several days
sempervirens sempervirine) Extrasystoles, functional heart disease, depresses excessive reactivity in
Antispasmodic Tx of overdose: GI lavage, strong tea or coffee, oxygen and artificial respiration when needed,
(Yellow Jasmine) B-methyl aesculetin, vascular system
Cardiosedative atropine 2 mg SC q 4 hr, seizures IV diazepam
Pentatriacontane, Mono- Neuralgic pains (Aconitum napellus is better): Trigeminal neuralgia
Strychnos nux vomica q2h8
methyl ether or emodin Severe fever, chilliness (see homeopathic picture) when moving body, ok if
External toxicity: Contact dermatitis
they are sitting still
Tx: Rinse with cold water
Nervousness hysteria
CI: Hypotension, myasthenia gravis, pregnancy (uterine stimulant in animals), respiratory or cardiac
Reduced sympathetic and parasympathic irritation
disease/deficiency, weak vital force
Severe dysmenorrhea
May potentiate aspirin, phenacetin
Rigid os (delivery), rigid dry os (delivery)
Dose dependent inhibition of reuptake for NE and serotonin at presynaptic axon membrane (not due
to hypericin or hyperforin alone). May have reserpine-like effect (deplete storage vesicles)
Internal: Spinal injury, shock, concussion
Hyperforin – may ↑ serotonin, lower cortisol, act on GABA receptors
Lacerations, puncture wound with excruciating pain
Hypericin, pseudohypericin, hyperforin are not stable in light or clear capsule, > in orange, red, white,
Throbbing body without fever
or amber capsule
Climacteric depression with anxiety and restlessness
Volatile oils with mono and Hyperforin not stable with slightest heat
Mild to moderate depression (up to 4-6 weeks for effect); less effect in
sesquiterpenes Suppresses inflammation, leukocyte infiltration of wounds
severe depression, Neurotic depression
Dianthrone derivatives: Interactions Research: Any drug that works at/via CYP 450 3A4 may be affected/interact with
Alterative Frequent bed-wetting in older children, adult
Hypericum perforatum hypericin, hyperforin, Hypericum. Hypericum may work at GABA A and B receptors, therefore may effect same
Anti-depressant External: Oil for pain of gastric ulcer, gastritis – effect my be due to flavonoid
(St. John's Wort) pseudohypericin target as benzodiazepines. Hypericum has been used to wean patients off of MAOIs, but Hypericum
Vulnerary content
Flavonols: quercitin, rutin, may also have an SSRI effect
Inflamed colon – retention enema of warmed oil
catechin Hypericin – phototoxic, during use humans and animals should avoid bright sun, common in animals
Inflamed hemorrhoids
Xanthones, coumarins (dermatitis, hair loss), humans only at high doses (0.5-8 mg hypericin extract/day)
Combined with linseed oil in psoriasis, oil for tattoo trauma, burns, myalgia:
Doses of 0.5-8 mg to HIV males over 12 weeks caused mild diarrhea,
Soothes skin, pain relief
indigestion, itchy rash, fatigue, depression, reversible elevated hepatic
Varicose veins prone to leg ulcers:soothing, pain relief; DOES NOT CURE
transminases; 2.0 mg qd considered safe (may be related to anti-retroviral use; see interactions
Cleans cuts, wounds; traumatic bruise/injury
Interactions: BCP, digitalis, anti-retroviral (Indinavir is the most common antiretroviral drug
CNS Herbs
Nervous stomach associated with anxiety and depression; relieves spasm,
colic, dyspepsia, stomach sedative, GI sedative
Tannins (labiatic acid)
Combines well with Mentha X piperita for IBS (1:1)
Volatile oils of terpene Limbic sedative
Melissa officinalis Dyspepsia, from anxiety, depression
aldehydes (citral, citronella, Anti-spasmodic
(Lemon Balm) Insomnia from nervous stomach, flatulence, vegetative dystonia
geraniol, linalool) Carminative
Herbal tranquilizer – autonomic nervous problems; acts on limbic system
Cardiac problems associated with nervousness & depression (tachycardia,
palpitations, reactive heart)
External: Cream & bath helps for skin irritations
Nervousness with insomnia, headache, or cold with upset stomach
Volative oils: citronellol, Animal study where mice were given catnip oil and hexobarbitol: Cats first
Leaves can be rolled and smoked for colds with spastic respiratory coughs
geraniol, citrol; Organic acid: become stimulated, and secondarily euphoric and relaxed.
nepetalic acid Sedative Excellent mosquito repellent, one of the best except it will attract all types of cats
Nepeta cataria Cis-trans-nepetelactone Carminative including big ones like mountain lions, etc.
Respiratory problems with associated nervousness
(Cat nip) (compound that affects cats Anti-spasmodic Toxicity: Emmenagogue
Leaf can produce “happy intoxication”
– similar to valpotriates in Diaphoretic Irritating to mucous membranes
Delayed menstruation
Valerian) Side effects: Headache, malaise – from tea, smoked
Bitter, tannin Hexobarbitol with catnip oil - increases sleep time in mice
Hemorrhoids (crushed leaves applied directly or sitz bath from leaves)
Poultice for swelling – bruises or other injuries
CNS Herbs
Morphine, narcotine, codeine – sedative, analgesic
Anti-tussive: lower excitation of CNS and inhibits cough reflex
Anti-diarrhea: inhibits GI peristalsis to prevent diarrhea
Depression – difficult, persistent hypochondriac (only in low doses,
Toxicity: Alkaloids lower CNS excitation, inhibit cough reflex, inhibits peristalsis
contraindicated in higher doses (i.e. morphine) because it may aggravate)
Therapeutic: Codeine 15-60 mg
Lots of melancholy & feelings of guilt with depression, menopausal
CNS Herbs
May bind benzodiazepine receptors (apigenin)
Spasmodic disorders: worms in children; chorea, especially in girls
Decreases amphetamine induced hypermotility, aggressiveness, restlessness
approaching first menstruation
Alkaloids (passiflorine, Increase pain threshold
Restlessness, wakefulness from exhaustion or debility from nervous
harmitol, harmine, harman, Alkaloids may act via monoamineoxidase mechanism
harmaline, harmin) Passicol – antibacterial, antifungal
Insomnia from worry, infants, elderly, mental overwork, fever
Cyanogenic glycoside, Decreased dyspnea in New York Heart Association II cardiac insufficiency with
Nervous from menstrual disturbances, prolonged illness
Passiflora incarnata / passicol Nervine Crataegus spp.
Sleep induced is peaceful, patient awakes quiet and refreshed
coerulea Flavonoids (vitexin, Sedative Decreases anxiety
Convulsive movements, tetanus
(Passion Flower) isovitexin, vitexin 4-0- Anti-spasmodic Anticonvulsant (animal)
At the first warning of an epileptic attack
rhansmoside, rutin, Toxicity: Harmaline has marked CNS effects - 200 mg is considered toxic
Nervous headache, headache of debility or cerebral fullness
quercetin, Some sources suggest herb is non-toxic
Palpitations from excitement, shock, nervousness
apigenin) Sxs of overdose: Convulsion, motor paralysis, CNS depression, hypothermia, hypotension,
Nervous tachycardia
Calcium oxalate bradycardia, ↓ myocardial strength, ↓ respiration
Spasmodic asthma
CI:Pregnancy, uterine stimulant (harmane, harmaline)
Usually not strong enough on its own, works well with other nerviness
Cautions:SSRIs, MAOIs, tyramine containing foods and may potentiate barbiturates, sedatives
External: Soothing bath, hemorrhoids, burns, inflammation
Note: With some people this does not induce sleep and they get wired (too much liver heat -
caterius which cause cat External:
occurs about 5% of cases)
ecstacy Add to bath for sleeplessness
Sedative mechanism unknown – not volatile oil or valpotriates
Avoid use with alcohol (may potentiate) – may potentiate anesthetics, thiopental, phenobarbital
Caution with centrally acting drugs i.e. benzodiazepines, barbiturates, epileptic drugs (dilantin; side
effect of long term dilantin use is osteopenia, osteoporosis irrespective of sex)
Anti-fungal stomachic
Similar to S. nux vomica but milder in action - More energetic than S. nux
Alkaloids, acid, glycoside: CNS stimulation by selective block of motor inhibitors at postsynaptic
membrane in ventral horns of spinal column,
Atony, nervous debility
Rapidly absorbed in GI tract (high % absorption), metabolized in 24 hours by the liver, excreted in
Amenorrhea, chlorosis (anemia)
Dysmenorrhea with colic pains and heaviness in uterus, ovaries, pains in
Strychnine (indole alkaloid): Accumulates with chronic use, causing liver damage
lumbar (used acutely or day before onset of pain)
Brucine: 1/20th the potency of strychnine (similar effects)
Right hypochondrium pains
Fatal: Strychnine 30-90 mg (adult), 15 mg (child)/ 30-50 mg bean ~ 5 mg strychnine
Menopause with coldness of extremities
Sx: Prodrome (sense of doom), muscle cramps and spasm, stiffness, agitation, extreme convulsions
Indole alkaloids (strychnine Brain anemia with hysterical, choreic, epileptoid, melancholic
in 15-60 minutes (5 minutes if inhaled), lactic academia, spasm, opisthotonos, depressed respiration,
Strychnos ignatia (2-3%), brucine (1-1.5%)) Neuromuscular stimulant hypochondriacal behavior from nervousness, muscular debility, facial
death d/t hypoxia; ↑ SGOT, LDH, CPK, leukocytosis
(Ignatia) Tannic acid (igasuric acid) Tonic twitching
Tx: Immediate emesis or lavage but not if tetany has begun; keep quiet, recumbent, protected from
Glycosides (loganin) Disposition to grieve, nervous depression
draft in dark room; diluted KmnO4 or I, charcoal or tannin then remove from stomach; monitor arterial
Atonic dyspepsia, chronic catarrh of ST
blood gases, IV NaHCO3 for acidemia, IV diazepam for seizure, curare (found in frogs, some plants
Sick congestive h/a
and helps to completely sedate the patient with respect to to muscular
Sexual coldness – impotence in male, sterility or frigidity in female
movement or to paralyze heart function in certain surgeries) for refractory convulsions,
Visual atonia, sensation of dust in the eye, eyelid twitching
mechanical ventilation
Tinnitus (also indication for selenicereus grandiflorus, gingko biloba) and
Patient has to be kept quiet because stimulation (i.e. talking, light, touching them) exacerbates
impaired hearing from atony
the poisoning
CI: Strychnine accumulates in the liver, spinal cord but not in the CSF therefore CI with
hepatitis where there would be difficulties with metabolism. Pregnancy
PSK Inhibits sarcoma 180, ↑ liver function, normal spleen in irradiated mice, ↑
phagocytosis of macrophages
↑ NK against lethal CMV, prolong anti-bacterial anti-biotic effects
Anti-tumor to animals with adenosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, plasma cytoma, melanoma, sarcoma,
breast, lung, colon cancer
Injection into tumors (in animal models) ↓ metastasis
Increased therapeutic effect if used with radiation, chemotherapy
Stop HIV binding to lymphocytes, ↑ interferon in viral infections
Humans: 25% of Japan anti-cancer expenditures (1987)
Beta-sitosterol 3 g/day - ↑ INF, free radical scavenger; > with chemotherapy agents than alone
Triterpenoid (ergosta 7, 22 > with radiation for cervical cancer stage III (3-6 g/day): ↑ lifespan, 36% had no cancer cells after
dien 3B – ol (sterol), ergost – Mexico - impetigo, ringworm treatment
Coriolus versicolor/ 7-en-3-β-ol, ergosterol) Benefits (PSK): Glomerulonephritis, sarcoidosis, idiopathic nephritic Therefore cancer deaths – 21% with PSK, 52% without PSK
Trametes versicolor Polysaccharide (PSK syndrome, SLE, PSP: Oral, IP injection: ↑ T cell #, ↑ interferon, ↑ IL-2, ↓ thymus atrophy in mice with tumors and ↑ IgG
(Turkey tail) (Krestin with β-1,4 glucan), RA, sclerosis, Bechet’s disease (can also give Lactobacillus acidophilus, L-glutamine to ↑ IgG)
PSP (polysaccharide – PSK: ↓ cholesterol, ↓ LDL 3 g/day orally with radiation and chemotherapy in esophagus, stomach, lung: ↓ side effects of
peptide), tiredness, weakness, dry mouth and throat
coriolan) Individuals gained weight (not weight loss as in controls) also ↑ T cell, NK cell activity, IL-2 vs.
controls↑ 1 year survival by 11% (↑ T cell, NK cell, complement C3)
Breast CA: Stabilized and prevented ↓ WBC with 4’ epidoxorubicin, cyclophosphamide
Ergosterols: Control tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), cytotoxic to hepatoma
Toxicity LD50 of PSP = 10 mg/kg (mice)
Negative on Ames and chromosome distortion tests (Ames test is a test to determine if a
substance causes DNA mutations)
Cautions May ↓ acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity
Aside: Canadians are #1 in the world for the following drugs: Codeine, NSAIDS (per
capita) and our level of side effects from NSAIDS are among the highest in the world.
C. sinensis:
↑ erythroid in mice bone marrow during chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, harringtonine)
↓ bone marrow suppression in mice undergoing chemotherapy (↓ RBC and ↓ WBC were the main
values used to assess bone marrow suppression)
C. ophioglossides: C. ophioglossoides:
Ideally this fungi would be standard with all treatments with these chemotherapy drugs, however it is
Ophiocordin (antibiotic) Stimulate blood circulation
very expensive
Polysaccharides (CO-N, SN- Regulates menstruation
↑ phagocytes, macrophages, ↑ mice lifespan with lymphoma
C, CO-1) - anti-tumor activity C. sinensis:
4 g/kg immunosuppressive = cyclosporine A in mice: Caused 80% survival 60 days following Ehrlich
C. sinensis: Anti-asthma (relaxes smooth muscles)
ascites carcinoma of mice
Cordyceps sinensis Unsaturated fatty acids Anti-cancer
Sedative: Glutamine, tyrosine, l-tryptophan
(Caterpillar fungus) (82%) Potentiates epinephrine
Inhibit monoamine oxidase from brain
Oleic acid (31%) Excessive tiredness
↑ platelet formation
Linoleic fatty acids (68%) Persistent cough (↓ excess phlegm)
Humans: 64% improvement in sexual hypofunctioning
Amino acids Impotence, debility, seminal emissions with weak knees
↑ 17-hydroxycorticosteroid, ↑ 17-ketosteroids (adrenal function)
Adenosine, adenine, uracil, Anemia (builds bone marrow)
↓ cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL, ↑ HDL
uridine Hemostatic in phthisis
Arrhythmia: 77% improvement (0.25 g tid for 3 weeks)
Chronic renal failure: 54% at 3-5 g/day ; ↑ renal function, ↑ immune function
Tinnitus due to fluid in the ear: 34% cured, 39% saw improvement
Toxicity LD50 = 27 g/kg IP (intraperitoneal) in mice
Gum Malarial fever (1/2 oz - 4 drachm φ, 2 doses 3 hr apart) Large amounts: Skeletal muscle weakness, CNS depression (animals)
Rats: Decreased blood pressure without changing cholesterol, effect is rapid, short lived, and dose-
NIDDM: Decreased glucose
Increased water in stool ~ 120%
Mice: Increased NK, cytoxic T-cells, 86% tumor growth inhibition in tumor bearing mice
Polysaccharides (β-1,3
Fraction D: ↑ IL-1, ↑ delayed type hypersensitivity reaction
glucan, β-1,6 glucan, β,D- Cancer prevention
Anti-tumor in mice with implanted tumors, slowed metastasis of existing cancer
glucan, α glucan) Support during chemotherapy
Grifolia frondosa Inhibit sarcoma 180 by 90% with treatment on day of innoculation
Grifolan, grifolin-LE, LELFD, Diabetes
(Maitake) Inhibit tumor growth rate 43%: Breast, prostate, liver
grifolan NMF-5N Hypertension
Humans: Anti-cancer effect in lung, stomach, hepatocellular, leukemia, breast, prostate, liver (China)
N-acetylgalactasamine- Food: Soups
over 3 months
specific lectin
Beneficial in karposi sarcoma and AIDS
Decreased blood pressure (systolic 7% & diastolic 9%) 1500 mg bid
Chronic hepatitis B: 72% recovered vs. 57% placebo
44% vs. 13% (placebo) converted from hepatitis B positive to hepatitis B neg
Toxicity None known
Increased stamina, circulation
Diabetes, arthritis, colds, preserve health
Pharmacology started:
LEM: Slowed rate liver cancer progression, ↑ antibodies to hepatitis B
Mice: Lentinan: Inc T-helper cells after 1 month, to normal T-helper after 8
Other: Polysaccharides: ↑ phagocytoxic activity
week without lentinan (mice)
10% of diet ↓ sarcoma 180, MM-46 by 40%, not B-16 melanoma, Lewis lung
Lentinan effects serotonin, 5-HT, histamine, catecholamines; synergistic with
JLS (polysaccharides) blocks release of herpes simplex I in animals
IL-2 in cancer
EP3, EPS4 (polysaccharides): Antiviral Herpes I, II; equine encephalitis,
Ergosterol ( vitamin D in Used with cyclophosphamide (chemotherapeutic drug) to increase survival
polio, measles, mumps, HIV
sunlight) time, e.g. stomach cancer, ↑ cytotoxic T cells in spleen (Japan)
Eritadenine: 0.005% of rat diet ↓ cholesterol 25% in 1 week
LEM (lentinula mycelium ↑ complement C3 C3a + C3b macrophage activation; ↑ tumor specific
Eyrosinose: ↓ blood pressure, Inc lipids in liver and thus dec lipid in circulation
extract) antigen; ↑ complement C3, ceruloplasmin, NK, T-helper, IL-1a, IL-1b, TNF-α;
Humans: Lentinan: Increased survival time in stomach cancer
Polysaccharides (lentinan, 11 ↑ Ig, peripheral interferon, IL-6, produce cytokines to ↑ PMN bacteriocidal
Lentinan with chemo > chemo alone or lentinan alone in patients with stomach cancer; best protocol
Lentinus edodes other identified effect
- lentinan then chemotherapy
(Shitake) polysaccharides) Lentinan: Action ↓ by thyroxin, hydrocortisone
Lentinan: Injected in malignant peritoneal effusion, 80% of lesions responded
Minerals Lentinan is used in Japan for run down, cancer prone, elderly, low NK cell
LEM: Hepatitis B: LEM helped 25% seroconvert, drug R TB
Lignin (~CFS)
Animal: Antibacterial: Antifungal:
Eritadenine, peptidomannan, Lentinen IM produces improvement in patients with drug resistant M.
Toxicity: Shitake dermatitis, Antibodies to spores, among those who work in grow operations, Chronic
bisdisulfide tuberculosis; wards off toxic shock from bacterial endotoxins
Medicinal Mushrooms