srwsp2022 02
srwsp2022 02
srwsp2022 02
Panel of Authors*
November, 2022
Research Department
(Special Studies and Fiscal Affairs Wing)
Bangladesh Bank
*The authors are working in various wings of the Research Department of Bangladesh Bank. The authors would like
to express gratitude to Executive Director (Research) Mr. Md. Julhas Uddin for his valuable comments and
Estimating the contribution of SMEs output on GDP growth in Bangladesh-
A VECM Approach
The output of SMEs has been regarded as essential to achieve long-term development through
industrialization of a country. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the contribution of
the manufacturing sector, which includes cottage, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, to GDP
was 24.45 percent in FY22, up from 23.36 percent in FY21. The accelerated contribution of the SME
sector to the GDP of Bangladesh has raised the necessity of conducting a study in this area. This study
endeavors to analyze the potential role of SME output on the economic growth of Bangladesh considering
some macroeconomic variables using unit root tests, cointegration techniques, and the Vector Error
Correction Model (VECM) with yearly time series data from 1978 to 2020. This study has used GDP as a
dependent variable and the GDP of small-scale industry (as a proxy of SME output) as an independent
variable, with some other control variables. The findings of the study confirm a positive and significant
impact of SME output on GDP growth. The results show that the contribution of the SME sector to GDP
growth is about 30.4 percent. This study has policy implications for formulating economic policies to
boost the economic growth of Bangladesh. However, the sector still requires a policy design to overcome
the rooted problems that remain in this sector. These policies require a proactive strategy that can cater
to more economic growth through the progress of SMEs. Investment in R&D to ensure SME
intensification may be urged.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article are of the authors own and does not necessarily
reflect the views of the organization they work. Comments and suggestions on any aspect of the
article are highly welcomed and can be sent to [email protected],
[email protected] and [email protected].
1. Introduction
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are globally recognized for their intrinsic contribution to
economic growth and creating employment opportunities. Both developed and developing
countries comprehend that SMEs have become one of the key instruments to achieve sustainable
economic growth. World Bank data (2022) has shown that SMEs represent about 90% of
businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. Formal SMEs contribute up to 40% of
national income (GDP) in emerging economies.1 In many Asian countries, it has been estimated
that SMEs contribute more than 90 percent of industrial output and create employment
opportunities for 60 percent of the labor force (Veskaisri, Chan, & Pollard, 2007).
SMEs significantly contribute to the development of domestic industry by supporting both major
and minor economic activities that generate employment. The contribution of this sector is more
relevant in developing countries like Bangladesh as the production processes and products
manufactured in this sector require less investment relative to large-scale enterprises.
The government of Bangladesh has launched sector-wise initiatives to boost economic growth,
one of which is to make the SME sector more vibrant. SMEs contribute to economic growth in
various ways, including desirable economic sustainability, innovation, and trade. GDP growth in
FY17 was 6.59 percent, which increased to 7.32 and 7.88 percent in FY18 and FY19,
respectively. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, growth in FY20 was 3.45
Figure-1: Trends in SME Output and Share of SME to GDP
450 4.0
in percentage %
300 3.4
BDT Billion
150 2.8
0 2.2
*Base year 2005-06
According to estimates from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the SME sector
contributed 21.36 percent of GDP in FY17, followed by 21.98 percent in FY18 and 22.86
percent in FY19. However, In FY20, this sector's contribution declined to 22.40 percent due to
the pandemic. This scenario of rising GDP growth, along with the contribution of the SME
sector to GDP at an increasing rate, raised the necessity of conducting a study on this area.
The time series data demonstrates that the output of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
remained steady from 1978 to 1992, while the GDP of Bangladesh expanded due to the other
determinants of GDP. After 1992, however, the output of SMEs began to rise; in 1994, the
output of SMEs was BDT 67.56 billion, and it rose to BDT 94.33 billion in 2000, which
increased more than 100 percent to BDT 194.85 billion in 2005. Ten years later, it reached BDT
200.40 billion, and by 2020, it had risen to BDT 437.8 billion. Similarly, the share of GDP
contributed by SMEs has increased steadily over the past two decades, from 2.55 percent in 1994
to 3.44 percent in 2015, and it was estimated at 3.74 percent in 2020.
Globally, all SMEs face the same constraints, but they differ in terms of determining the role of
SMEs in the growth of the economy and the creation of job opportunities. In Bangladesh, the
National Industrial Policy, published in 2005, classified industries as cottage, small, medium,
and large according to the number of workers and size of capital for the case of Bangladesh.
Afterwards, the National Industrial Policy (2010) included the term "micro" in the classification
of enterprises.
Small and medium enterprises are thought to be the driving force behind the rapid economic
growth in Bangladesh. Despite its significance in the economy, this sector has not realized its
maximum capacity yet, facing some constraints to reach its full potential. Some studies
demonstrate a strong and positive relationship between GDP growth and the output of SMEs.
(e.g., Hu, 2010; Pandya, 2012; Mujahid and Begum, 2019; Alauddin et al., 2015). Therefore, the
goal of this study is to determine the impact of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on GDP
growth in our economy and to address some potential policies to ensure the intensification of this
Economic census 2013
Table 1: Scenario of CMSMEs of Total Industrial Sector
Total Number of Establishments Total Number of People Engaged (TPE)
(Location wise)
Type of industry Urban Rural Areas Total Male Female Total
Cottage 1730150 5112734 6842884 11759565 1408762 13168327
Micro 41112 62895 104007 435043 123827 558870
Small 450601 408717 859318 5844088 756597 6600685
Medium 4141 2965 7106 538526 167586 706112
Total CMSMEs 2226004 5587311 7813315 18577222 2456772 21033994
Source: Economic Census 2013.
In both urban and rural areas the number of cottage industry is higher than other industries. The
same scenario is for employment; both male and female employment is higher in cottage
industry followed by small, micro and medium enterprises.
Table 2: Volume, Growth Rate and Sectoral Share of Manufacturing Industry Sector
(Tk in crore)
Type of Industry FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20
Cottage industry 72127 78829 84700 96704 100257
(-) (9.29 ) (7.45) (14.17) (3.67)
[3.63] [3.72] [3.73] [3.94] [3.94]
Small, Micro, Medium 129108 142102 157882 174632 179325
Industry (-) (10.06) (11.10) (10.61) (2.69)
[6.5] [6.71] [6.95] [7.11] [7.04]
Total Industry 644940.1 698290.5 769486.9 859003.7 890023.1
(-) (8.27) (10.2) (11.63) (3.61)
[32.5] [32.98] [33.85] [34.99] [34.94]
Source: Bangladesh Economic Review 2022.
Note: Figures in () and [] parentheses indicate rate of growth and sectoral share of GDP (%) respectively.
* Provisional
The number of contributions made by CMSME enterprises has gradually increased over the
course of the years. The cottage industry contributed 3.63 percent share of GDP in FY16 then
increased that share to 3.73 percent of GDP in FY18 and reached to 3.94 percent in FY19. In
addition, the share of the sector held by the Small, Micro, and Medium industry climbed from
6.5% in 2015-16 to 6.95% in 2017-18 and then extended to 7.11% in 2018-19. On the other
hand, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the containment measures in the form
of a statewide lockdown, the sectoral share of cottage industry (3.94) remained unchanged,
whereas small, micro, and medium-sized industries (7.04) witnessed a falling trend in FY20.
Moreover, the volume of the total industry has been on an upward trend, going from BDT
644940.1 crore in FY16 to as much as BDT 890023.1 crore in FY20.
3. Literature Review
Substantial research has been done on the roles that SMEs play in fostering economic growth.
Evidence from various studies and research suggests that SMEs appear to be essential to
economic growth in both high and low-income countries throughout the world.
According to Harvie (2008), SMEs are crucial to East Asian economies, but the dynamic role
they play differs greatly among different states. The findings of the study show that although
they are not as numerous or employ as many people, SMEs are vital in Singapore because they
offer a flexible, skilled manufacturing base that draws larger international corporations.
Additionally, SMEs' contributions to exports vary substantially; they are more export-focused in
China, Korea, and Taiwan than in Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Hu (2010) demonstrated a systemic favorable association between SMEs and economic growth
using panel regression analysis. In addition, the author noted that in developed economies, the
entrepreneurial spirit inherited from the SME sector drives economic growth, while in
underdeveloped economies; these sectors primarily contribute to employment creation.
Dixit and Panday (2011) looked at the causal links between SMEs' output, exports, employment,
and fixed investment, as well as the GDP of India, total exports, and employment (public and
private) for the years 1974 to 2007. The findings confirm a positive causal association between
the GDP and the production of SMEs as well as a short-term relationship between the SMEs-
related variables and GDP growth.
Pandya (2012), a study to trace the importance of SMEs for economic development in both
developed and developing countries, found that SMEs make a significant contribution in both
industrialized and developing nations. In addition, he emphasized that emerging nations should
adopt policies that will aid the SME sector in becoming the foundation of the country, just as
industrialized nations.
Bouazza (2015) assessed the impact of SME businesses on employment creation and economic
growth in the case of Algeria. The research revealed that as Algeria's SMEs struggle to generate
employment possibilities, it brings significant detrimental effects on the economy, particularly
among young people.
An ARDL bound testing method was used by Mujahid and Begum (2019) to examine data from
1980 to 2017 for Pakistan. The dynamic model's estimation results demonstrated a clear and
strong relationship between GDP growth and the output of SMEs. They also mentioned that a
framework for policy is still needed to address the sector's problems.
According to Ahmed (1999), Bangladesh's SME sector cannot operate effectively in both local
and international markets due to a lack of favorable regulatory measures and appropriate
initiatives, highlighting that the absence of institutional finance options prevents SMEs from
raising enough funding. As a result, the main obstacle to the development of SMEs in
Bangladesh is a lack of operating capital investment.
Analyzing the data, Raihan (2001) estimated that just 49.5% of SMEs have access to legal
sources of funding. Only 35.8% of these SMEs can access official sources of finance without any
restrictions, while the remaining 13.7% can but face severe obstacles. Bank credit is only utilized
by roughly 20% of entrepreneurs and represents only about 20% of their total spending.
Although 50% of SMEs can get cash or loans via the financial system, 59.6% of SMEs choose to
manage their working capital through bank credit.
A policy paper from Bangladesh Bank (2008) represents SMEs in the manufacturing sector are
underperforming due to limited financial access, insufficient utilities, and outdated technology.
Banks and other financial institutions are always attempting to fund large company clients in
order to reduce transaction costs and increase the receipt of collateral. SME financing is also a
priority of Bangladesh Bank for reducing borrower’s dependency on costly borrowing from
microfinance institutions and informal sources.
Ahmed and Chowdhury (2009) attempted to pinpoint the issues that SMEs face in Bangladesh
with the help of a descriptive research study, discovering that this sector's performance is below
standard for a variety of reasons. They underline that the rate of development of SMEs falls short
of expectations.
The economic potential of SMEs in Bangladesh was examined by Chowdhury, Azam, and Islam
(2013) with the help of a survey analysis that revealed, based on a sample of 100 SME units, that
SMEs had enormous potential for growth and poverty reduction. The report also lists some
financial difficulties faced by small enterprises.
Using descriptive statistical tools, Alauddin, Rahman, and Rahman (2015) investigated the role
of SMEs in Bangladesh's development. This study found that SMEs significantly contribute to
the GDP and other areas. They claimed that lack of funding, political instability, and other
factors prevent SMEs from operating efficiently.
Chowdhury (2019) analyzed the challenges and obstacles experienced by female entrepreneurs
in Bangladesh's cottage, micro, small and medium enterprise (CMSME) sector and showed that
legislative and regulatory change can ease many of these issues. This article examines the gender
gap in formal loan availability, which has hampered the sector's growth. The paper studied the
reforms using liberal feminist philosophy and showed that female entrepreneurs in Bangladesh
are treated differently than men by financial institutions (2010–2018).
Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to analyze the link between SME output and GDP
growth of Bangladesh. In addition to the existing studies discussed so far, this study will cover
the said linkage for the case of Bangladesh using the latest available data.
private sector by banks3 (% of GDP) have been considered as explanatory variables as these
variables are one of the main factors that affect the GDP of a country. The data of GDP of small-
scale industry (as a proxy of SME output) is collected from various issues of National Account
Statistics, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics whereas all other variables are from The World
Development Indicators.
In percentage %
350 8
BDT Billion
300 6
200 4
100 2
0 0
SME output (LHS) GDP growth rate (RHS)
Source: BBS, National Accounts Bangladesh*
Figure-2 presents the trends in SME output and GDP growth in Bangladesh from 1978 to 2020. As
illustrated in the figure, GDP growth in Bangladesh increases over the years with some ups and downs along
with rising SME output. In 2020, GDP growth falls due to worldwide pandemic situation of COVID-19. It's
worth noting that SME output was at increasing trend in pandemic situation. The increasing trend of SME
output represents the potentials of SME sector in Bangladesh.
Refers to financial resources provided to the private sector by banks through loans, purchases of non-equity securities, and trade
credits and other accounts receivable.
The econometric specification can be represented as follows
The coefficients β1, β2, β3 and β4 show the elasticity of all those exogenous variables.α0and εt
represents the intercept and white noise error term respectively. Although the sings of the
coefficients are intrusive in nature, our focus will be on the magnitude of the coefficients.
5. Empirical Findings
5.1 Unit root test
It is a common practice to check the underlying stationarity or, in other words, the presence of a
unit root in the case of time series data, which is a precondition to avoid any sort of spurious
outcome. Of the several practices available for this, generally, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller
(ADF) and the Phillips Peron (PP) test methods have been adopted in this case. The results of the
ADF and PP are shown in table-3.
Table 3: Unit Root Test
Level 1st difference Level 1st difference
Constant Constant Constant Constant
Constant & linear Constant & linear Constant & linear Constant &linear
trend trend trend trend
lngdp -1.00 -3.27 -6.77* -6.66* -0.97 -2.23 -6.87* -6.81*
lnsmeo -0.44 -1.82 -6.43* -6.39* -0.43 -1.94 -6.52* -6.44*
lnge 2.05 -1.21 -19.28* -19.61* 3.57 0.01 -19.46* -62.12*
lndc -0.66 -1.99 -6.32* -6.27* -0.66 -2.06 -6.33* -6.27*
lnopen -1.11 -1.60 -8.03* -7.95* -1.12 -1.68 -7.95* -7.87*
*denotes significant at 5% level
This result of both methods ensures that all of the lngdp, lnsmeo, lnge,lndc, and lnopen are
integrated of order one, i.e., I(1), which means that all of the variables tend to be stationary after
differencing once only. At the same time, as all of the variables are I(1), it permits us to go for a
VECM model in case any cointegration is found among the variables of interest.
5.2 Granger Causality
Before proceeding to test for any relationship, it is recommended to test for pair-wise causalities
among the variables. This kind of test is powered not only with the causalities but also with the
direction of causality within the variables. The table below displays the results of the pair-wise
causality test developed by Engel and Granger.
Table 4: Pair-wise Granger Causality Test
The test results disclose that, although there is no bidirectional causality, there are unidirectional
causal relationships among all the variables and the direction of causality is seen from the last
column of the above table.
Table 5: Lag Selection Criteria
0 228.41 NA 0.00 -10.16 -9.95 -1.70
1 497.94 465.55 0.00 -21.27 -20.05 -10.47
2 545.49 71.33* 0.00* -22.30* -20.06* -21.47*
* indicates lag order selected by the criterion
The results presented in table 7 i.e. the long run component, can alternatively be represented in
the following equation form
This equation (4) states that, as expected, SME output has a positive and significant impact on
GDP. In a more specific way, assuming all other things are constant, a 1 percent increase in
SME output will push the GDP to increase by, on average, 0.30 percent. Likewise, government
expenditure showed a positive and significant impact as well and numerically a 1% increase in
GE will increase GDP by 0.60 percent on average. However, domestic credit to private sector
sectors and trade openness also showed a positive impact on GDP, even though this is not
statistically significant. The short run dynamics of the VECM model are presented in table 9.
As stated previously, this short run dynamics depicts the convergence path, if any, following
any sort of shock that caused temporary disequilibrium.
Table 8: Error Correction Equations
Dependent Variable: ∆GDP
Regressors Coefficient Std. Dev. t-statistic
Constant 0.0816 0.032 2.56**
𝐸𝐶𝑡−1 -0.174 0.0654 -2.66**
∆GDP(-1) 0.185 0.141 1.31
∆GDP(-2) 0.216 0.090 2.37*
∆GE(-1) -0.039 0.1086 -0.37
∆GE(-2) 0.150 0.055 2.69**
∆SMEO(-1) -0.107 0.084 -1.27
∆ SMEO (-2) -0.157 0.102 -1.54
∆DC(-1) 1.672 0.378 4.42**
∆DC(-2) 0.350 0.390 0.896
∆OPEN(-1) -0.136 0.176 -0.77
∆OPEN(-2) 0.050 0.153 0.33
R2 = 0.825
Adjusted R2 = 0.763
F-Statistics = 13.29
**and *denotes significance at 1% and 5%
∆lnGDP= 0.0816 –0.174 ECt−1-0.601 lnGEt−1- 0.304 lnSMEOt−1 -0.280 lnDCt−1-0.505 lnOPENt−1-
The most important component of the short run dynamics i.e. ECt-1 is presented in table 9.
Table 9: Error Correction Term
The coefficient of ECt-1 (i.e. -0.17) which is termed as the speed of adjustment and the negative
sign indicates that the short run dynamics act to converge to the long run equilibrium. The fact
that the absolute value of less than one indicates its convergence path will not be oscillatory in
nature and the absolute value of 0.17 of the error correction signifies that approximately 17
percent of the shock of any particular year will disappear in the very next year. This implies that
this adjustment toward long run equilibrium will require almost six years. Last but not least, the
adjusted R2 of 0.763 points out that approximately 76.3 percent variation in the dependent
variable is explained by the independent variable included in the model.
The SME sector has been contributing to the economic development of marginal people by
ensuring access to institutional financing for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs across the
country. It is observed from our study that the SME sector significantly contributes to our
economic growth and is expected to promote employment and increase income which virtually
increases the standard of living and eradicate poverty. Despite its significance to the economy,
SMEs have not reached their full potential due to several constraints which limit their
expansions. The government has been providing necessary support to Small and Medium
enterprises to increase self-reliance, create jobs, and promote entrepreneurship. Bangladesh
Bank has been continuing its refinancing facilities in SME sectors in order to promote SME
loans at a low cost, which will contribute various emerging sectors and potential segments of
people and ensure women’s empowerment through the expansion and development of the SME
sector. Yet, some policy recommendations are represented for the policymakers as it may
support to SMEs to build on their strengths in the future.
Government and financial institutions may provide adequate finance for modernization and
technological advancement for the SME sector to compete in the advanced international
To accelerate the potential output of SMEs, it is necessary to expedite the export orientation
of the country in new area/sectors as it will foster the process of internationalization in the
The government and Bangladesh Bank should adopt import substitution policies. Some
relevant policies should be formulated to restrict massive imports of SMEs’ products and
encourage the local producers via easing interest rates who are facing competition with
foreign products.
To encourage young people to emerge as SME entrepreneurs, the government may decide
to enhance the Start-Up Fund for new entrepreneurs on easy terms and conditions.
As a developing country, adopting appropriate policies will enable the SME sector to
emerge as a key driver along with the ready-made garment industries.
In this era of intense competition, continuous planning and quality improvement act as a
prerequisite for the survival of SMEs. Thus, the government should take initiatives to
prepare an SME sector database and invest in R&D to ensure the intensification of SME for
future research.
Our study provides evidence that SME output has a positive and substantial impact on
economic growth. The next area of investigation by researchers may be how SMEs'
expansion helps to enhance our country's inclusive growth.
A solid focus on the SME sector by the government and other organizations can make this
sector another well-known one alongside the RMG sector as Bangladesh moves from being
the least developed country to developing.
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