Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet

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Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet

Intrusive thoughts occur

spontaneously and contain highly
emotional content. Often we
would never consider behaving in
such a way or acting on these
thoughts, but the thought itself is
enough to instill worry, distress
and interfere with daily life.

Use this worksheet to help you

manage intrusive thoughts.
Everyone experiences intrusive
thoughts differently, so you may
find some tips more hepful than
others. A thought diary has been
created at the end of this
worksheet, which can help manage
intrusive thoughts in the future.

Lived Experience Telephone Support Service

1800 013 755
Acceptance and Mindfulness Strategies

When you avoid intrusive thoughts, or examine their meaning, their

occurrence becomes more frequent and distressing. These strategies are
useful to promote mindfulness and acceptance of intrusive thoughts to
reduce their frequency and associated distress.

Remind yourself that thoughts are

simply just thoughts, and there is no Continue with your
need to fear them or act on them daily task or activity

Recognise your thought as an intrusive Acknowledge how the

thought and acknowledge it thought makes you feel

Practice allowing your thought to float by Engage in meditation or

and remind yourself that it will pass guided mindfulness

Consider questioning whether it is a

helpful or unhelpful thought rather than Write down your intrusive
ruminating on distressing details thoughts

Remind yourself that your

Find an activity that you enjoy to engage
thoughts can be illogical
your mind (eg. walking, art, music)
and don't necessarily have
a hidden meaning
Acknowledge the emotions that are
present and when you are comfortable,
allow the unhelpful ones to pass
Other Strategies that Work for You
(Write them below)

Lived Experience Telephone Support Service

1800 013 755
My Thought Diary

How did you experience the What were you doing at the
thought? (eg. verbal thought, time that the thought
image, other sensory experience) occurred?

What was the thought How were you feeling before and
about? after the thought occurred?

Lived Experience Telephone Support Service

1800 013 755
How many times has this thought occurred?
(add a dot every time this thought occurs)

How distressing was the thought?

(0=not at all distressing, 10=extremely distressing)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

How did you manage the thought?

This program is funded by the Adelaide Primary Health Network - an Australian Government Initiative

Lived Experience Telephone Support Service

1800 013 755

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