Inclined For New Work 2022 (Add Intro)
Inclined For New Work 2022 (Add Intro)
Inclined For New Work 2022 (Add Intro)
Alexandria University
Department of Mathematics, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana State 500085, India
Department of Mathematics, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Hyderabad, Telangana State 500 088, India
Department of Mathematics, Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, Wadi Aldawaser, 11991, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University,
Saudi Arabia
Department of Physics, College of Science, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia
King Khalid University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department P.O. Box 9004 Abha, Saudi Arabia
Thermal Process Laboratory Research and Technologies Centre of Energy, BP 95, 2050 Hammam-lif, Tunisia
KEYWORDS Abstract The numerical study of the impact of thermal radiation, chemical reaction, and heat
Thermal Radiation; source on MHD Casson fluid flow over a nonlinear inclined stretching surface with velocity slip
MHD; in a Forchheimer porous medium is presented in this paper. The controlling equations are con-
Casson fluid; verted into nonlinear ODE’s with appropriate similarity variables. Numerical solutions of the non-
Heat generation; linear ODE’s are solved by the Runge-Kutta method along with the shooting technique with
Forchheimer porous medium MATLAB. It is vital to investigate the flow of Casson fluids (such drilling muds, clay coatings, var-
ious suspensions and certain lubricating oils, thermoplastic melts, and a variety of colloids) in the
incidence of heat transfer in order to optimize the preparation of toffee, chocolate, and other del-
icacies. Numerical findings were given via graphs and tables for various intervals of the physical
variables involved for velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles in addition to this, the coef-
ficient of skin friction, Nusselt number, and local Sherwood number are also discussed. It is inferred
from the graphs that the temperature of the plate decreases with increasing the values of the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Goud Bejawada), [email protected] (Y. Dharmendar Reddy), [email protected]
(W. Jamshed), [email protected] (K.S. Nisar), [email protected] (A.N. Alharbi), [email protected] (R. Chouikh).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
8208 S. Goud Bejawada et al.
radiation parameter and Forchheimer porous medium parameter. The concentration is decreased in
the presence of chemical reaction and Schmidt number. To ensure the validity of our findings, we
compared them to previously published work and found significant agreement.
Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
such linear materials due to traditional shear thinning and ical technology systems. Shear stress, concentration and tem-
thickening characteristics when carefully studying the non- perature gradients at the wall are also carefully estimated
Newtonian fluid subclass. For its rheological characteristics, since both have critical uses in engineering and industry. Addi-
Casson fluid is non-Newtonian due to its shear stress and tionally, the acquired findings are verified using a comparison
strain relationship. This fluid displays significant shear viscos- table, which establishes a standard for numerical communica-
ity and yield stress, making it a good choice for shear-thinning tion quality.
applications. Originally designed for ink printing and silicon
dispersion, the model was originated first by Casson [11]. Cas- 2. Mathematical modeling
son fluids include honey, jellies, soups, tomato sauces, and
concentrated fruit liquids. Siddappa and Able [12] also In the viscous, incompressible, and electrically conducting
explored non– Newtonian flow through a shield. The consis- boundary field, consider 2-dimensional, steady, Casson and
tency of the MHD flow of a viscoelastic fluid through a laminar fluid, along the nonlinear stretching surface, which is
stretching layer was addressed by Dandapat et al. [13]. Fang inclined vertical acute angle ðaÞ in a saturated homogeneous,
et al. [14] on the expanded Blasius equation are examined. porous medium of Forchheimer. which shows the high veloc-
Malouka et al. [15] studied comparison with the second- ity. In this study, the x axis is considered as the stretching
degree fluid problem flows across an extension sheet. In two surface and y axis and uniform magnetic, strength as normal
novel semi-analytic techniques, Khidir et al. [16] explored the to it. Also, in this process, the fluid path does not alter. Again,
solution of the Falkner-Skan general problem. Vijaya et al. take over that the Joule heating, induced magnetic field, Hall
[17] inspected the movement of a convective mixed nanofluid effect is negligible and fluid viscosity, thermal conductivity is
boundary layer through a vertical circular sphere under the constant.
magnetic field effect. Hayat et al. [18] inspected the MHD flow The temperature at the stretching surface is more than its
in Casson liquid by Soret and Dufour. Eldabe et al. [19] pro- free stream levels, which is the accumulation of heat and sol-
posed MHD non-Newtonian Casson fluid stream heat transfer vent density. In the sense of these assumptions, the non - New-
among two revolving cylinders. Ijaz Khan et al. [20] discussed tonian Eqs. for the fluid Casson is provided as following
the simulation and modeling of second order velocity slip flow manner [17,18].
of micropolar ferrofluid with Darcy–Forchheimer porous 8
medium. Shafiq et al. [21] studied the dual stratification impact >
< lB þ pffiffiffi
ffi 2eij ; p > pc ;
on stagnation point Walters’ B nanofluid flow via radiative sij ¼
Riga plate. Hussain et al. [22] discussed numerical analysis of >
: lB þ ppffiffiffiy
ffi 2eij ; p < pc
thermal energy distribution of electromagnetic Casson nano-
fluid through a stretching sheet. Wasim et al. [23] analyzed Here p ¼ eij eij and eij are the ði; jÞth elements of the deforma-
the analysis on copper-iron (II, III)/oxide-engine oil Casson tion rate, p is the product of the portion of the deformation
nanofluid flowing and thermal features in parabolic trough rate with itself. The Fig. 1 represents the geometry of the
solar collector, Numerical treatment of MHD flow of Casson problem.
nanofluid via convectively heated non-linear extending surface The governing Eqs. of the Casson fluid boundary layer flow
with viscous dissipation is presented by Hammad et al. [24]. can be abbrivated as (Ref. [46])
Swati Mukhopadhyay et al. [25] discussed the Casson fluid
flow over an unsteady stretching surface, Mustafa et al. [26]
examined the Casson fluid’sunsteady boundary layer flow
caused by an impulsively started moving flat plate and
Mukhopadhyay et al. [27] dealt with the exact solutions of
Casson fluid flow over a stretching sheet with transpiration.
Many researchers use this model in different flow characteris-
tics and combinations with distinct objectives in mind [28–45].
The present study develops numerical computational skills
which enable the young researchers to solve the two-
dimensional boundary layer problem of Casson fluid over an
inclined non-linear stretching sheet in a porous Forchheimer
medium. The behaviour of thermal radiation, magnetic field,
chemical reaction, and heat absorption are considered in this
investigation. The Casson fluid model is used to explain non-
Newtonian fluid behavior. Through appropriate transforma-
tions, the flow-narrating partial differential equations are
transformed to a set of non-linear ordinary differential equa-
tions. The result is achieved numerically by means of the
shooting technique in conjunction with the Runge-Kutta
method. The consequence logs of the flow regulating con-
straints are shown visually for velocity, temperature, and con-
centration profiles. Tables are used to provide the numeric
results for the local skin friction bounds, Sherwood number
and Nusselt number. Applications of the current research Fig. 1 Reflects the visualization of the geometry of the flow and
would be helpful in magnetic material transmission and chem- the systematic examination.
8210 S. Goud Bejawada et al.
4. Results and discussion the magnetic field grows, opposing fluid flow and so decreasing
the fluid’s velocity. Fig. 6 highlights the behavior of various
The focus of the study is to establish the consequences of radi- values of the non-dimensional permeability parameter. It is
ation, chemical reaction, and heat generation on the heat and critical to note that increasing the permeability parameter val-
mass transport properties of MHD Casson fluid flow with a ues increases velocity curves. The effect of the modified Forch-
Forchheimer porous medium over an inclined nonlinear sur- heimer parameters on the a graph illustrating the velocity is
face. The numerical results of velocity ðf0 ), temperature ðhÞ, shown in Fig. 7. This evidence suggests that the Forchheimer
and concentration ð/Þ with the boundary layer were deter- factor has a considerable upshot on velocity profiles. A reduc-
mined for various values of the flow parameters like Prandtl tion in velocity curves is caused by an increase in the Forch-
number (Pr), Schmidt number (Sc), and thermal radiation heimer parameter. Fig. 8 illustrates the upshot of the
parameter (R) suction parameters S. The table also includes radiation constraint on the over-temperature field. It is known
the skin friction, local Nusselt number, and local Sherwood that escalating the radiation parameter diminishes the thermal
numbers. Usually, the following values are used for the border thickness and temperature profile. The temperature
parameters. curves for a variety of Prandtl values are shown in Fig. 9.
When an enhance in Pr induces a reduction in temperature,
n ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 5;c ¼ 0:3;a ¼ 0:2; c ¼ 0:2; M ¼ 0:5; it implies that the fluid’s thermal conductivity is much lower
Kp ¼ 1; Sc ¼ 0:6; Q ¼ 1; R ¼ 1; Pr ¼ 0:7; Fs ¼ 1; Du ¼ 0:1; than its viscosity. It’s worth noticing that raising the Pr values
Da ¼ 1; Re ¼ 10; Kc ¼ 1 ; S ¼ 0:5; ku ¼ 0:5; kt ¼ 1; kc ¼ 1: significantly decreases the temperature. As a result, variable
thermal conductivity is a great instrument for assessing the
The Casson fluid factor has an effect on the velocity curves rate of heat transport. The Prandtl number is employed to con-
(Profiles) as seen in Fig. 2. This demonstrates that escalating trol the thickness of the thermal boundary layer during heat
the Casson fluid parameter reduces the thickness of the speed transmission. Fig. 10 portrays the behaviour of the Dufour v
constraint layer and therefore the velocity. Fig. 3 exposes the on the velocity profile, while the other parameters remain con-
influence of the buoyancy ratio parameter on the velocity pro- stant. By increasing the Dufour number values, the velocity
file. This is observed that when the buoyancy ratio function flow field improves. Fig. 11 illustrates the impact of various
improves, the speed restriction’s thickness grows. Fig. 4 depicts Dufour values on the temperature profile. The fluid tempera-
velocity curves for various solutal buoyancy parameter values. ture may be determined by increasing the Dufour number val-
It is revealed that when the solutal buoyancy parameter accel- ues. The variation of the temperature profiles for various levels
erates, so does the velocity. Fig. 5 depicts the velocity differ- of heat generation function is publicized in Fig. 12. It is well
ences between different magnetic field values Inflation of established that enhancing the heat generation factor typically
magnetic parameters is thought to imply a diminution in the improves the temperature dispersion. The Schmidt number has
flow velocity field. This is due to a resistive force identified a significant effect on concentration profiles, as shown in
as the Lorentz force, which is triggered as the amplitude of Fig. 13. It can be shown that when the Schmidt level rises,
Fig. 2 Impact of b on f ðgÞ.
8212 S. Goud Bejawada et al.
Fig. 3 Impact of c on f ðgÞ.
Fig. 4 Impact of c on f ðgÞ.
Radiation effect on MHD Casson fluid flow over an inclined non-linear surface with chemical reaction 8213
Fig. 6 Impact of Kp of f ðgÞ.
8214 S. Goud Bejawada et al.
Fig. 7 Impact of Fs on f ðgÞ.
the concentration profile decreases. This is due to the inverse diffusion values. The impact of assorted values of the chemical
association between the Schmidt number and mass diffusivity. reaction parameter on the concentration filed is shown in
As the concentration distribution diminishes, a fluid flow Fig. 14. The concentration profile is found to be decayed when
regime with a higher Schmidt number incorporates lower mass the chemical reaction parameter is increased.
Radiation effect on MHD Casson fluid flow over an inclined non-linear surface with chemical reaction 8215
Fig. 10 Impact of Du on f ðgÞ.
8216 S. Goud Bejawada et al.
Table 1 Numerical computations for the coefficient of skin friction, Nusselt, and Sherwood number with various values of flow
parameter c ¼ c ¼ n ¼ 0:5; a ¼ 0:2;ku ¼ 0:5; kt ¼ 1; kc ¼ 1 and Da ¼ Kp ¼ 1; Re ¼ 10; S ¼ 0:5:
Parameters - 1 þ b1 f00 ð0Þ h0 ð0Þ /0 ð0Þ
Table 2 Comparative study of f ð0Þ and h0 ð0Þ for diverse values of n with
M ¼ Kp ¼ Fs ¼ a ¼ g ¼ g ¼ Sc ¼ Q ¼ R ¼ Du ¼ Kc ¼ S ¼ k1 ¼ k2 ¼ k3 ¼ 0; b ¼ 1
n Cortell [47] Ullah et al. [48] Present Analysis
f00 ð0Þ h0 ð0Þ when Pr ¼ 1 f00 ð0Þ h0 ð0Þ when Pr ¼ 1 f00 ð0Þ h0 ð0Þwhen
Pr ¼ 1
0 0.627547 – 0.6276 – 0.627556 –
0.2 0.766758 0.610262 0.7668 0.6102 0.766838 0.610203
0.5 0.889477 0.595277 0.8896 0.5949 0.889545 0.595204
1 1.0 – 1.0 – 1.000001 –
3 1.148588 0.564472 1.1486 0.5647 1.148594 0.564670
10 1.234875 0.554960 1.2349 0.5549 1.234876 0.554890
100 1.276768 – 1.2768 – 1.276775 –
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