IIIpt Statecraft - Merged
IIIpt Statecraft - Merged
IIIpt Statecraft - Merged
ADITYA - 0723049
RAHUL- 0723023
TUSHAR- 0723041
IMMAMUDIN- 0723044
MULAYAM- 0723019
State craft
the theory of origin
of state
State craft
Theory of origin of kingship
The skillful
management of state why people should obey the ruler?
affairs, encompassing
various aspects of virtues and enterprises which a king should
governance. have.
• Describes the non-state region as one in which
"people ever devour one another like fish."
The doctrine of Matsya Nyaya in The feild of
Dharmapala of the Bengali Empire, c. 9th century:
• In the declarations of the Bengali emperor
Dharmapala, we are informed that his illustrious
dynasty owed its origin to an election by the people.
kingship and statecraft
• Kautilya advocates the idea of king’s divine nature
and divine sanction of his office.
• He reconciles it with the theory of elective origin of
the king.
• The state of nature without the king is of anarchy
where the strong devour the weak.
• Monarchy viewed as the only guarantee against
• Kautilya refers to the problem of the
origin of the king only incidentally
during a discussion among spies.
• One party argues that government
came into existence to counteract the
law of the jungle that prevailed in
• The work does not make any reference
to the golden age existing prior
• People themselves elected the king and
accepted to pay him the necessary
the king
The three powers of the king: