Amazon EC2 Lab2
Amazon EC2 Lab2
Amazon EC2 Lab2
Discover why you should use Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute
Cloud (EC2) and how you can set up a basic data science environment on
a Windows instance.
Dec 2017 · 7 min read
Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): A Brief Case
Learn about some of the advantages of using Amazon Web Services Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2). Then, the first part of the tutorial covers how to launch
and connect to Windows virtual machines or instances on EC2. The next part
goes over how to setup a basic data science environment (install R, RStudio,
and Python) on the instance.
Virtual machines on AWS EC2, also called instances, have many advantages.
A few of the advantages include being highly scalable (one can choose
instances with more RAM, CPU etc), they are easy to start and stop (outside
the free tier, customers pay for what they use), and they allow for the selection
of different platforms (operating systems). An important point thing to
emphasize is that although this tutorial covers how to launch a Windows
based virtual machine, there are many different types of virtual machines for
many different purposes.
1.On the Amazon Web Services site (here's the link), click on "Sign In to the
Console". Sign in if you have account. If you don't, you will need to make one.
2.On the EC2 Dashboard, click on EC2.
Create an Instance
10.Click on connect.
11.Click on "Download Remote Desktop File". Save the remote desktop file
(rdp) file somewhere safe.
12.Click on "Get Password". Keep in mind that you have to wait at least 4
minutes after you launch an instance before trying to retrieve your password.
13.Choose the pem file you downloaded from step 7 and then click "Decrypt
14.After you decrypt your password, save it somewhere safe. You will need it
to log into your instance.
15.Open your rdp file. Click on continue. If your local computer is a Mac, you
will need to download "Microsoft Remote Desktop" from the App Store to be
able to open your rdp file.
16.Enter your password you got from step 14
After you enter your password, you should see a screen like this
Download Firefox
Now that firefox is installed, you can install R and Python as you would on a
normal windows machine. If you need help installing, here are some links to
guides below.
If you plan on using the instance again, stop the instance. If you don't plan on
using the instance again, terminate the instance.
While the instance in this tutorial was in the "free tier", I would recommend
terminating the instance so you don't forget about it.
This tutorial provided a quick guide to launching and connecting to EC2
instances as well as how you would go about setting up a basic data science
environment. If you would like to continue your EC2 learning, I suggest you
check out the tutorial, "Deep Learning with Jupyter Notebooks in the Cloud "
which covers how to setup a linux based EC2 GPU instance for deep learning
applications. If you any questions or thoughts on the tutorial, feel free to reach
out in the comments below or through Twitter.