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Subject Description Form

Subject Code ABCT1D01/ABCT1301

Subject Title Chemistry and Modern Living

Credit Value 3

Level 1

Pre-requisite / No pre-requisite
This subject aims to provide opportunities for students to develop and
use chemical concepts and skills, so that the students would understand
the chemistry behind some issues and problems that may arise within the
Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
Intended Learning (a) realize the importance of chemical science and technology in our
Outcomes everyday life
(b) appreciate the benefits and shortfalls of technology
(c) analyze critically current issues in modern technology, including issues
in environment, renewable energy, new materials etc..

Please explain how the stated learning outcomes relate to the following three
essential features of GUR subjects: Literacy, Higher order thinking, and Skills
for life-long learning

Literacy: The students are required to read some assigned materials (e.g.
news articles, general science literature) before the lectures as a
preparation of the lecture topics. A few questions will be raised for each
reading materials to help the students to think about the context before
the lectures. [Outcomes (a), (b), and (c)]

Higher order thinking: This subject is a broad introduction to Chemistry

as a way of thinking and knowing. This subject will present key chemical
principles on need-to-know basis within a context of modern living. The
students will develop these concepts and principles in the lectures,
tutorials and laboratory classes. A student completing this subject ought
to be empowered by the way of thinking rationally and make judgment
based on evidence; and be able to apply it throughout life. [Outcomes (a)
(b) and (c)]

Life-long learning: Making rational judgment will be an emphasis of this

course and students are expected to keep a journal with entries stimulated
by the questions after the lectures. Some of the questions will be directed
to reflection on whether systematic observations, scientific reasoning and
rational judgment are being applied in their own decision making
processes in scenarios related to their academic study, career
development and personal issues. Students are required to organize into
groups to prepare a presentation on selected topics with individual report.
Literature survey techniques will be introduced to help students identify
information and access the credibility of the text based on whether the
evidence are supported by experimental data. [Outcomes (a), (b) and (c)]

Subject Synopsis/ Topics Contact Hours

Indicative Syllabus The nature of matter – elements, compounds and 4
mixtures; atoms and molecules
Periodic Table and Chemical Bonding 6
Modern materials –plastics 4
Chemistry of Air: Acid rain, ozone hole and global w 4
Energy for Today and Tomorrow 6
Chemistry of Water: Water treatment and recycling 4
Chemistry in Health and Medicine 6
Chemistry of Food
Chemistry that keep you beautiful and clean 4
Lectures: This is the major teaching method used in this subject. A few
questions will be asked for each reading materials to help the students think
about the context before the lectures.
Tutorials: Tutorials will be a venue to engage students in active learning
processes through discussing of some chemistry-related issues reported in
the newspapers. Students formed groups of four to six students to discuss
and express their opinions on some specific questions by invoking the
principles and concepts learnt from earlier classes. It is aimed to develop
the problem-solving skills of the students with real-world problems. In later
stage, each group will be assigned a topic for literature survey and
presentation in the tutorial.
Laboratory: Chemistry is an experimental science and it is the best way to
know the subject. Selected simple and interesting experiments will be
conducted by students in groups of two to three. The laboratory allows
students to have experiences on collecting data and think about the
reliability, accuracy and discuss how to make conclusion from the data.
The students are required to submit simple reports as a way to record their
observation systematically. This set a good example on making rational
decisions based on observations and evidences.
Individual Study: Students will be expected to spend two to three hours
on reading outside the classroom. Questions will be given to prepare the
students on the issues discussed. Since this may be an area of weakness
for Hong Kong students, clear guidelines and checks will be in place to
ensure that it occurs. Students are required to keep the answers of the
questions in a reflective journal which will be collected a few times and
marked. The emphasis in this subject on reading comprehension is
designed to give the student an essential experience of empowerment in
learning to study effectively.
Assessment Methods Specific assessment % Intended subject learning
in Alignment with methods/tasks weighting outcomes to be assessed (Please
Intended Learning tick as appropriate)
Outcomes a b c
1. Quiz 40%   
2. Laboratory work 20% 
3. Group presentation 30%   
4. Assignment/ Reading 10 %   
Total 100 %

Student Study Class contact:

Effort Required  Lecture 26Hrs
 Tutorial 13 Hrs
 Laboratory 9 Hrs.
Other student study effort (laboratory work,
 Preparing presentation and literature report 16 Hrs
 Self study 45 – 70 Hrs.
Total student study effort 109 – 134Hrs.

Reading List and 1. Lecture notes and supplementary materials (for some special topics)
References will be given.
2. A website where students would find some general information on the
relevance of chemistry to modern living are available:
3. Chemistry in Context, Applying Chemistry to Society; 5th edition (A
Project by American Chemical Society) Lucy Pryde Eubanks, Cathy
Middlecamp, Norbert J. Pienta, Carl E. Heltzel, Gabriela C.Weaver,
MCGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-282835-8
4. On Food and Cooking The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, Revised
Edition 2004, Harold McGee, Scribner, ISBN 0-684-80001-2

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