Glass Fractures and Fragments
Glass Fractures and Fragments
Glass Fractures and Fragments
FM 19-20 93
Radial fractures show up on the surface reliable.) Radial fractures follow the 4-R Rule.
opposite to the one where the fracturing blow Ridge lines on Radial fractures are at Right
or pressure was applied. These fractures tend angles to the Rear (side opposite the impact).
to lengthen after awhile because of internal This rule is valid only from point of impact to
stresses set up by the initial shock. The the first concentric fracture and valid only to
original radial fracture looks like a wavy line. the first bend in the glass. You must find the
Extensions to the original fracture run in a point of impact to be able to find the direction
straight line. Temperature changes cause of force.
extensions to take place more quickly.
The direction of a blow is rarely found by
Concentric fractures are made by a force checking a single piece of broken glass. If you
working in the opposite direction from that must show the way a pane of glass broke, you
which made the radial fractures. The glass need enough pieces to find which are the
bends, then stretches and breaks on the same radial edges. Finding the outside and inside
side as the first blow. Concentric fractures of the glass may be helped by examining the
extend from one radial fracture to another. glass surface. The amount of dirt, putty
marks, and other clues may help you
WINDOW GLASS mentally place the pane in its original form.
Edges of broken pieces of window glass bear
a number of curved lines, called ridge lines. WINDSHIELD GLASS
These ridge lines are almost parallel to one Determining the point of impact and
side of the glass and perpendicular (at right direction of force is more difficult in
angles) to the other. Ridge lines are often windshield glass. Windshield, or safety glass,
visible to the naked eye. If they are hard to is made with a transparent binding agent like
see, the glass can be turned at angles to the vinyl plastic sandwiched between two sheets
light so the reflection will show the lines. of plain glass. The binding agent halts the
Ridge lines show the increase in stress setup
in the glass until it breaks. shattering of the glass when it is struck. Due
to the structure of safety glass, cracking is
In radial fractures, the ridge lines are often incomplete. Neither the radial nor the
always perpendicular to the side opposite the concentric cracks go all the way through from
impact. (The use of ridge lines to determine one side to the other. If concentric cracks and
point of impact in concentric fractures is not no radial cracks are on one side this is the side
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of impact. If only radial and no concentric A lab expert can also test for the side of
cracks are found on one side, this is the side impact based on the property of safety glass.
away from the impact. The cracked side may Safety will bend, and remain bent, instead of
be found by sliding a fingernail or sharp- shattering when struck. The bending will
pointed instrument along the glass surface cleave in a concave surface on the impact side
across the apparent cracks. and a convex surface on the other.
Glass and glass fragments are collected Pick up the glass by the edges and avoid
much like other types of evidence. the flat surface as much as you can. Collect as
Differences are due to the nature of the glass many fragments as you can to make
itself and to the information you are seeking. reassembly as complete as possible. Collect
Glass and glass fragments must be and preserve particles too small to match or
photographed and located on your crime reconstruct. The lab can analyze these for
scene sketch before they are touched or their physical properties.
moved. Their obvious or suspected relation to Sometimes, when glass is broken out of a
the case must be noted. When you collect window or door, pieces remain in the frame.
fragments, avoid smudging prints or Remove the frame and keep it intact, if you
disturbing dust, dirt, bloodstains, or other can. This will help in the reassembly of the
foreign matter which may be on the glass. broken pieces. If this cannot be done, the
These may provide leads or be evidence in pieces left in the frame should be carefully
themselves. Wear rubber or fabric gloves. marked. Show both inside and outside
Use rubber-tipped tweezers or something like surfaces. Take them out to avoid further
them to handle small fragments. This will damage to the glass or disturbing anything
keep the glass from being scratched. Metal thereon. If the frame is not removed, samples
tweezers with adhesive tape over the inner of the wood, paint, putty and any other
surface of the points work well. materials should be taken from it.
Mark glass fragments with a diamond found. This helps in the reassembly of
point or Carborundum pencil. A piece of fragments and in the reconstruction of the
properly marked adhesive tape or a grease incident. Include a sequence number which,
pencil will also work. Include your initials, when keyed with your notes, photographs,
the date, and the time. Place marks where and sketches, will identify where the
there is no deposit of value as evidence. Place fragments were found. Place fragments too
marks on the side which was up (or inside if small for markings in containers. Mark both
taken from a window frame or door) when the container and lid.
Wrap glass or glass fragments in soft examined by the lab must be packed
paper, cotton, or like material so they don’t carefully. Friction, shifting, or contact with
break. Do this in a way to avoid damage to other items can destroy or contaminate the
prints or other substance to be sent to the lab evidence.
or saved as evidence. Put the wrapped glass Submit all pieces and fragments pertaining
in containers and fasten the containers so to an incident at the same time. Identify each
that the glass will not shift. Wrappings and piece of evidence clearly on separately
containers should be marked “Fragile.” wrapped items.
Evidence which you decide should be
Glass fragments and fractures are relation to all other evidence. Your
evaluated like other items of evidence. You evaluation begins as evidence is collected,
consider their value alone and also in and it continues until the case is closed.
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Early in your evaluation, consider the need specialists may, if enough glass from a
for scientific lab analysis. Glass is not vehicle is found, learn the vehicle’s make,
destroyed or appreciably altered in lab work model, and year. They may also eliminate the
except in spectrographic examination of small possibility that the glass came from a suspect
fragments. Thus, the evidence pieces can be vehicle, thus thinning the field. But
used later to compare with suspect pieces, if sometimes you may want to delay sending
they are needed. If lab examination is needed, some items to the lab. Keeping pieces of a
request it as soon as you can. Speed may be broken headlight lets you match it to
essential to halt the loss of odors or residue. remaining pieces found on a suspect’s
vehicle. This can be confirmed later by lab
Early submission for lab analysis may analysis.
help your case. For example, the lab
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It may be harder to tell the side from which HEAT FRACTURES
the impact came. But you can still tell by the Recognizing heat fractures in glass can
ridge lines on the edges of the radial help you eliminate areas of concern in your
fractures. investigation. Fractures due to heat are
First, partly reconstruct the object to find wave-shaped. They do not show a regular
the radial and concentric fractures. Then pattern of radial and concentric lines like
look at the radial fracture lines. The ridge fractures caused by impact. Heat fractures
lines on the side opposite the impact will be also show little, if any, curve patterns (stress
well-developed and distinctly individual. The lines) along the edges. Expansion of the glass
ridge lines on the front, or impact side, will be (stretching action) occurs first on the side
much less so. They tend to run together here exposed to the heat. Glass splinters will often
and lose their individuality. The 4-R Rule still fall toward that side. Reconstruction of a
applies. Because glass bends away from the glass object fractured by heat will show the
side of impact, the first (radial) fracture wave-shaped fracture pattern.
occurs on the rear side after the limit of
elasticity has been reached. This causes the If the ridge lines are smooth, or almost so,
distinct ridge lines on the stretching (rear) and no point of impact is found, and you have
edge of the radial fractures. At the same time, considered other factors like the
some grinding action takes place on the front circumstances under which the fragments
side. This causes some chipping and flaking were found and their location, you may
of the edge and partial obliteration of the conclude that the fracture was due to
ridge lines. excessive heat.
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