SP-1167-Specification For Welding On Pressurised Pipes
SP-1167-Specification For Welding On Pressurised Pipes
SP-1167-Specification For Welding On Pressurised Pipes
API RP 1107
Hot Tapping
Procedure Qualification Record
Welder Qualification
Welding Procedure Qualification
Welding Procedure Specification
This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part
of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior
written consent of the owner.
Specification for Welding on Pressurised Pipes Version 2.0
The following table lists the most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to
these are held on file by the issuing department.
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Changes to the Specification.......................................................................................1
1 General........................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Materials..................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Filler Metal................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Quality Assurance System...........................................................................................4
3. Welder Qualification...................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................... 5
4. Maintenance Welding..................................................................................................... 5
4.1 General....................................................................................................................... 5
4.8 Preheating and Interpass Temperature.........................................................................5
8. Documentation................................................................................................................ 6
8.2 Pre-Welding Documentation.......................................................................................6
8.2.1 Content of the Quality Plan.........................................................................6
Appendix C References........................................................................................................ 7
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This specification gives the minimum technical requirements for the welding of fittings on to
pressurised pipelines, using the SMAW process.
The DEP has been adopted by PDO as the basis for hot tap welding and related work.
Therefore, the technical content of this specification is confined to those aspects of the DEP
where the particular requirements of PDO are not adequately covered. These are presented in
Part II as amendments and supplements to DEP
This specification shall not be changed without approval from the Custodian, the Material
and Corrosion Functional Discipline Head (CFDH), UER (UEC /1), who owns this
specification. If you think any part of this specification is not correct, write your comments
on a copy of the User Comments Form. The form is included as the last page of this
specification. Send the copy with your comments and personal details to DCS.
Welding, and inspection shall be in accordance with the requirements of Part II of DEP, December 1998, (and API RP1107, Third Edition, April 1991), as further
amended and supplemented by Appendix B of this specification. The amendments and
supplements of the text in Appendix B have been necessary to incorporate special PDO
The Clause numbering in Appendix B follows that of API RP1107. Where clauses of API
RP1107 are amended or supplemented neither by this specification nor by DEP
they shall apply in their entirety.
Process deliverables comprise field welds to pressurised pipelines, flowlines and on-plot
piping, normally to attach pre-formed split tees, reinforced set-on branches and reduced
branch fittings for hot tap connections.
The owner of this specification, UEC/1, as CFDH of Material and Corrosion, is responsible
for authorising all proposed deviations or amendments to the specification and for the
instigation of periodic reviews and updates in accordance with Clauses 1.2 and 2.7.
See relevant weld inspection and testing acceptance criteria in API RP1107, DEP and the amendments/supplements given in Appendix B of this specification.
Requirements for monitoring welding process variables, welder performance and weld
quality are detailed in relevant sections of API RP1107 as amended/supplemented by Part II
of DEP and Appendix B of this specification.
The requirements of this specification shall remain in force indefinitely unless superseded by
an authorised revision.
This specification will be reviewed and updated once every three years. The review
authority will be UER (UEC/1, CFDH Materials and Corrosion).
General Definitions
Specific Definitions
1 General
1.4 Materials
Qualification welding, NDT and destructive testing shall be witnessed by the Company
unless otherwise stated in the Contract Document.
Previously qualified standard welding procedures listed in Company Procedure PR-1276 may
be used, subject to the approval of the Company, and the provisions given below:
The essential variables of Section 2.4 of DEP are fully satisfied. Particular
attention is directed to item 2.4p.
Any additional test requirements included in PR-1276 or otherwise specified by the
Company Welding TA-2 are met. (This may be completed during any welder
qualification and/or training required.)
Issue and control of standard PQRs is strictly in accordance with PR-1276. These
include preparation by the Contractor of a project-specific WPS for each application.
The Contractor’s own PQRs may also be submitted to the Company CFDH for consideration
provided all the above requirements are met.
Any changes in welding parameters which result in a variation of heat input greater than ±
10% of that qualified, with the following exception. For root and buttering runs deposited
directly on to run pipe of thickness 6.4mm and below, the permitted variation in qualified
heat input shall be limited to +0%, -15%.
2.6.1 Preparation
For material designated to meet the requirements of either ‘sour service’, NACE MR0175 or
DEP (sour services application), the maximum root and mid-thickness
hardness shall be 248 HV10. The maximum cap hardness shall be 275 HV10.
For material not designated to meet the requirements of either ‘sour service’, NACE MR0175
or DEP (non sour services application), the maximum root and mid-
thickness hardness shall be 325 HV10.
3. Welder Qualification
3.1 Purpose
Test welding shall be witnessed by the Company. Welding parameters shall be monitored by
the Contractor to demonstrate that consistent control of the heat input ranges specified in the
applicable WPS is achieved.
4. Maintenance Welding
4.1 General
The provisions for circumferential fillet welds shall also apply to the welding of reduced
branch fittings to pressurised run pipe. Where preheating is by induction or resistance-
heating methods, the procedure for preheat maintenance during welding shall be agreed by
the Company, based on previously established data.
NOTE: On thin wall run pipe (4.8 - 6 mm), a minimum preheat temperature lower than 150°C may be necessary
during deposition of the initial buttering and/or branch root runs. Any such change would be established
from the feasibility study (DEP and procedure qualification tests. In all cases, the
deviation shall be authorised by the Company welding CFDH and detailed in the approved WPS.
All field welding shall be witnessed by the Company at a minimum level of TA-3.
All magnetic particle inspection shall be performed in accordance with a Company approved
procedure meeting the requirements of SP-1176. The procedure shall be submitted to the
Company prior to test welding or production welding, whichever is the sooner.
All non-destructive examination personnel shall be qualified and certificated for the method
of NDT to be carried out in accordance with ISO 9712 to NDT Level 2 or higher. The roles
and responsibilities of NDT personnel shall be as defined in the levels of competence in ISO
9712. Personnel certified to ASNT Level II are acceptable provided that the certifying Level
III NDT Engineer has been approved by the Company.
8. Documentation
8.2 Pre-Welding Documentation
Appendix C References
The following changes are applicable to Appendix C of DEP
PDO Standards
Add the following references:
Technical Authorities System ERD-00-02
Non-Destructive Examination (Amendments/Supplements to ASME Section V) SP-1176
Guideline for Granting Technical Authority System GU-272
Standard Procedure Qualification Records for Welding on Pressurised Pipes PR-1276
Quality Assurance Specification for Engineering Works SP-1171
Recd.: To CFDH:
CFDH Actions
Recd. Decision: Inits.: Ref. Date:
Date: Ind.:
Accept, revise at next issue:
Accept, issue temporary amendment