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DLP-Practical Resaerch 1-COT-sampling-annotation

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the

instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

DLP No. Learning Area: Grade Quarter: Duration: Date:

Level: March 27, 2023
6 TLE 7 7 3rd 60 mins.
Learning Competency/ies: At the end of the lesson, the learner is able to: Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum LO1.Identify assembly and detailed drawing
Key Concepts/ Alphabet of Lines
Understanding to be
Domain Adapted OBJECTIVES:
(D.O. No. 8, s.
Knowledge Remembering a. Identify and discuss the alphabet of lines.
The fact or condition of
knowing something with
familiarity gained through
experience or association
Skills Applying b. Draw and illustrate the different alphabet of lines.
The ability and capacity
acquired through deliberate,
systematic, and sustained
effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability,
coming from one's
knowledge, practice,
aptitude, etc., to do
Attitude Valuing c. Value the importance of the alphabet of lines for a
drafting student.
Values Valuing
2. Content Understanding Data and Ways To Systematically Collect
3. Learning Resources Powerpoint and video presenting the alphabet of lines.
Piece of Paper

4. Procedures
Pre-Introductory Activity: Prayer, Checking of Attendance, Greetings & Reminding the learners about
TRIAGE Safety Protocol against COVID-19.
4.1 Introductory Review of the previous lesson:

(10 minutes ) Arrange the rambled words.

KRA 1. Content Knowledge

and Pedagogy Process
Objective1. Applied
knowledge of content within
and across curriculum
teaching areas - In this LRREU PMOCSAS RPRTOOTCAR
lesson, I incorporated
knowledge and awareness of
the students in the
Mathematics, Home
Economics and English.

Objective 2. Used a range of

teaching strategies that GLNEAIRT VIEIDRD U A Q S R E- T
enhance learner
achievement in literacy and Conversion:
numeracy skills In this
lesson, I was able to 12 inches to foot? 1 foot
enhance their literacy skills 1 inch to centimeter? 2.54 cm
through developing their 1 centimeter to millimeter? 10 mm
vocabulary. They were able
to answer the activity
vocabulary improvement. MOTIVATION
Their numeracy skills were
also enhanced when we Teacher will show a drawing of a stick man to the class.
tackle the topic on metric

Objective 6. Used
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to
address learners' gender,
needs, strengths, interests
and experiences. - In this
lesson, I used differentiated
instruction in the motivation
part. When they were asked
some questions, I have
solicited some of their Question:
experiences in childhood
memories. The overall class 1. Do you remember your first drawing of a person, on a sheet of
interaction was able to paper, can you draw it again, the first basic lines that your daycare
showcase student’s, needs, teacher introduce?
strengths, interests and 2. How about your favorite childhood games?
experiences in real life 3. In the drawing, what is the first step that you have learned?
scenario that makes the 4. How do you think this activity is related to our activity this morning?
class encounter interactive
and meaningful for them.

4.2 Activity . ACTIVITY- DRAW IT ALL

Directions: Using the basic lines that you already know, make a drawing
(10 MINS) out of it.

KRA 2. Learning
Environment and Diversity
Objective 4. Managed
classroom structure to
engage learners, individually
or in groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities within a
range of physical learning
environments. - In this
lesson, my learning
competency at the end of
the class encounter is that
the learner will know the
alphabet of lines In this
lesson, I was able to
manage the behaviors of the
students through well
managed classroom

4.3 Analysis Ask the following questions:

(10 MINS)

Objective5. Managed learner

behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-
violent discipline to ensure
environments. - In this 1. Why is it called the alphabet of lines?
lesson, I was able to 2. Why it is important to recognize the different types of lines?
manage the attitude of the
learners and I used
constructive criticism
whenever I correct their
mistakes. As a teacher I
don’t impose physical
punishment to the students
to have a harmonious
relationship with them.
Objective 3. Applied a range
of teaching strategies to
develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills -
In this analysis part when I
pose a picture they were
able to answer the questions
correctly which only means
the students were able to
develop their critical
thinking, creativity and
higher order thinking skills
4.4 Abstraction Show a video
(5 MINS)  What terms can you remember?
 Define the term that you can remember from the video.
KRA 3. Curriculum and
Planning Objective 8.
Selected, developed,
organized and used
appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including
ICT, to address learning
goals. - In this lesson, I was
able to use a powerpoint
presentation to deliver my
lesson . The material was
appropriate in the topic and
it was an attention-grabbing
to the students. My students
were engaged. I was able to
deliver my lesson on
4.5 Application APPLICATION

(10 MINS)
Direction: Sketch the line being referred to in the Table below.
Objective 7. Planned,
managed and implemented KIND OF LINES SKETCH OF THE LINES
developmentally sequenced HORIZONTAL LINE
teaching and learning BROKEN LINES
processes to meet VERTICAL LINES
curriculum requirements and LEFT
varied teaching contexts - In INCLINED TO THE
this lesson, the teacher RIGHT
carefully planned, managed CURVED LINE
and implemented
developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning
processes to meet
curriculum Requirements in
the subject Mechanical
Drafting. In the
generalization part it was
really evident that the
students were able to
achieve the competency
prescribed by the
department of education. I
was able to deliver my
lesson appropriately and
learning process really meet
the curriculum requirements
reflected in the lesson plan.
4.7 Assessment
(5 MINS) Directions: Identify the lines shown in the illustration.

Objective 9. Designed,
selected, organized and
used diagnostic formative
and summative assessment
strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements. -
The introduction and
evaluation part of the lesson
is an evidence that the
students conducted a
summative assessment. In
the evaluation part, I also
have my formative
assessment on the lesson in
which they have to answer Answer:
the activity which is in line of 1. Cutting Plane Line 6. Hidden Line
the competency prescribed
in the curriculum guides to 2. Object Line 7. Break Line
describe the importance of
recognizing alphabet of 3. Phantom Line 8. Center Line
4. Section Line 9. Dimension Line
5. Leader Line 10. Extension Line

4.8 Assignment Enhancing/improving Group Presentation: Present a Video Presentation

(5 MINS) the day’s lesson using the alphabet of lines, it may be in the

Arts/ Drawing
Video presentation (Tutorial of alphabet of lines)

4.9 Concluding Activity

“ A picture is worth a thousand words”
(5 MINS)
5. Remarks
6. Reflection
A. No. of learners who C. Did the remedial lessons
earned 80% in the work? No. of learners who
evaluation. have caught up with the
B. No. of learners who D. No. of learners who
require additional activities continue to require
for remediation. remediation.
E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

MARY NEOL V. Hilantagaan National High

Name: School:
Designation: T1 Cebu Province
Contact 9239124464 Email [email protected]
Number: address:

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