FR 1 Assignment 1 IAS 16 08112022 071429am 15102023 114037am

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Question 1:

PQR Enterprises was incorporated on 1 July 2012. The company depreciates its property, plant and
equipment on straight line basis over their useful life. It uses revaluation model for subsequent
measurement of the property, plant and equipment and has a policy of revaluing these after every two

Following information pertains to its property, plant and equipment:

Assets Cost as on WDV as on Value as Useful life in years
01-07-2013 01-07-2013 determined
on 30-06-2014
---------------- Rs. in million ---------------- Original at Remaining as
acquisition determined by
Office building 6,000 5,500 5,750 12 8
Warehouse 4,500 4,050 3,350 10 8

During the year there was no addition or deletion in the above assets

As per policy, PQR transfers the maximum possible amount from the revaluation surplus to retained
earnings on an annual basis.

Prepare necessary journal entries for the year ended 30 June 2014 and 2015.

Question 2:

Pilot Limited (PL) was engaged in manufacturing various bakery products. It needed certain
equipment which PL kept changing with the circumstances.
1. PL’s business commenced on 1 January 2010, and decided to fix its annual reporting
date as 31 December.
2. PL acquired a number of equipment on commencement for Rs. 5,000,000.
3. On 31 December 2010, it disposed off one of the equipment costing Rs. 1,000,000 for
Rs. 845,000.
4. PL purchased equipment on 1 July 2012 for Rs. 1,500,000.
5. On 1 January 2013 it got one of its equipment costing Rs. 2,000,000 exchanged against a
trade in allowance of Rs. 700,000. It paid Rs. 1,500,000 by cheque.
6. PL’s policy for depreciating its assets is 10% on reducing balance basis.

Ledger accounts for the year 2010 to 2014
- Equipment
- Accumulated depreciation
- Disposal account
Question 3:

Ammar is a manufacturer of personal products and has factories in two different cities. On 1
November 2011, he bought a new state-of-the-art plant from KronesInc. USA. The invoice value of
the plant was Rs. 250 million. Other relevant details are as follows:

i) Costs of import:

Rs. in ‘000
LC opening charges 1.00
Import duty 25.00
Sales tax paid, recoverable against production output 40.00
Clearing & transportation 5.00

ii) Costs incurred on SITE preparation:

Amount paid to consultants 2.00

Civil and electrical works 3.00
The above includes cost of equipment damaged due to mishandling 0.80

iii) The plant was received at the SITE on 1 February 2012. The installation and test run were
successfully completed in three months time at a cost of Rs. 6 million. The net sale proceeds of
test production were Rs. 1.2 million.

iv) Commercial production commenced on 1 May 2012. During the period in which the plant
was installed, administration and general overheads increased by Rs. 1 million as compared
to the previous period.

v) Salary of factory manager is Rs. 250,000 per month. He contributed 30% of his time in
supervising the installation.

vi) Staff training cost amounted to Rs. 0.25 million.

vii) The plant is expected to last fifteen years with no residual value.


In accordance with IAS-16 calculate:

 cost at which the plant would be capitalized.

 depreciation for the year ended 31 December 2012 under the straight line method.

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