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ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

Proceedings of
12th Structural Engineering Convention - An International Event (SEC 2022)

Available at https://asps-journals.com/index.php/acp

Confinement detailing of concrete encased steel concrete composite


Sunny Mishra1*, S.R. Satish Kumar 2

Department of Civil Engineering, Research scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 600036, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 600036, India

Paper ID - 010511
Steel concrete composite construction is now gaining popularity in our country. Concrete-encased
Concrete steel columns
have several advantages, but like RC columns, there is a need to ensure adequate concrete confinement so that it
has sufficient ductility under seismic loads. This study investigates the confinement of the concrete based on the
detailing of the transverse reinforcement. The ductilities of a typical encased section that satisfies the minimum
reinforcement criteria and a highly confined sectionwith special detailing are compared. A nonlinear 3D finite
element model is developed in ABAQUS for this purpose. The confined stress-strain strain curve for M30 grade of
concrete is carefully incorporated in the special confined section. The interaction between structural steel and
concrete is modelled with an 'embedded
embedded region
region' interaction tool available in the ABAQUS library. Based on the
eigen mode of the section, theiinitial geometric imperfection wasgiven. The significant increment in
displacement ductility factor, plastic hinge rotation and drift ratio are observed for a special confined encased
column. A parametric study has been carried out by varying the parameter parameters;; the axial load ratio, steel
contribution ratio, steel width to depth ratio and transverse reinforcement spacing. It was observed thatstructural
section aspect ratio (steel width to depth) and transverse reinforcement spacing significantly affect the ductility
of the section. The
he plastic hinge rotation and drift ratio
ratioss were also calculated for different sections.
Keywords: Encased composite columns
columns; confinement of concrete; Ductility;Finite element analysis; Axial load

1. Introduction primary concern for designers.Researchers

designers. have investigated
the encased composite column subjected to axial load and
In the developing era of high-rise
rise buildings, most buildings major or minor axis bending[1,2].
bending The composite column
in India are either non-engineered
engineered or poorly designed RC has increased load-carrying
carrying capacity, deformation capacity,
structures. The steel structure is also being used a lot in the energy dissipation, and the surrounding concrete prevents
last few decades, but the central problem
problems of steel are the local buckling of flanges and protects from fire [3].
corrosion andnd fire resistance. If we use a composite of Various Experimental and numerical studies have been
concrete and steel, a new, better structure can be made, conducted under low cyclic reverse loading, which shows
which can eliminate the shortcomings of steel and the composite section'ss good seismic behaviour (fairly
Although the initial cost will be higher than an RC enough deformation capacity and energy dissipation).
dissipation) At the
ame, the fast rate of construction and durability make it same time, the seismic behaviour worsens for a higher axial
economical in the long run, and sosteelteel concrete composite load ratio[4–6]. Chen et al. [7] proposed the formula for the
constructions are becoming very popular in our country. minimum transverse stirrup and embedded depth ratio
Therefore, it is necessary to know the behaviour of forstirrup areas lessthanthe
thanthe limiting value given by the
composite sections during an earthquake.
rthquake. Th
This study focuses Chinese code. The close-spaced
spaced tie bars are required to
on the ductility of concrete-encased
encased steel concrete composite provide effective confinement, and a minimum shear
columns. The concrete surrounding the steel in encased strength should be maintained during inelastic deformation.
sectionincreases strength and stiffness and protects from fire They compared different codal computational methods
damage. In this way, thehe composite column can become an against experimental resultss of axially compressed high-
ideal solution for seismic regions. The structural steel can strength concrete composite columns
column and found that all
take most of the dead load,so structures will remain codal provisions work adequately only over a small range of
standingeven if concrete spalling and longitudin
longitudinal bar parameters. Among many design codes, Euro code 4
buckling occurs during a severe earthquake. However, the provides more accurate resultsas
result compared to others [3,8,9].
detailing of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement is a

*Corresponding author. Tel: ++919675986781; E--mail address: [email protected]

Proceedings of the 12th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2022), NCDMM, MNIT Jaipur, India | 19-22 22 December, 2022
© 2022 The authors. Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
Published online: December 19, 2022
Mishra and Kumar / ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

Plan view (cross-section) Elevation View

(a) Chen et al., (c) Present
(b) AISC Fig. 2. Confinement of core concrete in RC sections
2017 study
Fig. 1. Cross section of different encased columns The ultimate compressive strain can be calculated based on
the first hoop fracture. The buckling of the longitudinal bar
is observed after the hoop fracture. Mander[12] proposed a
It is understood that the strength and deformation capacity rational method for longitudinal concrete compressive strain
can be increased by providing structural steel in the at first hoop fracture based on an energy balance approach.
section.Based on Chen et al. [10] experimental results, The most significant variable is the volumetric ratio of
structural steel reduces the transverse reinforcement criteria confining reinforcement (ρs).
for high ductile members. The effect of special confining
stirrups near structural steel on ductility is investigated in Fire and corrosion are the major drawbacks of using only
this study. As per codal provisions, the detailing of structural steel. The steel sharply loses its strength, stiffness
confining reinforcement is similar to the reinforced concrete and stability during the fire. Intumescent paints are
column, but different confinement stirrup patterns available, which protect the fire but are costly and have
areadopted for the encased composite column. A region of drawbacks. Providing a concrete cover (fire concrete) for the
high concrete confinementnear web flanges junction steel section can be helpful in fire and prevent local
increases the concrete crushing strain. While for less ductile buckling. The encased composite column may be as fire-
members, the transverse reinforcement can be reduced for resistant as a reinforced concrete column. The thermal mass
the composite columns. However, what degree of reduction of concrete isolates the steel section, and the light
can be provided to the composite column is not well reinforcement provides insulation during an earthquake. As
understood and can be a part of future studies.AISC per Indian standard, the minimum cover should be at least
equation does not provide a reliable level of ductility 40 mm for two-hour fire resistance. Here, 40mm unconfined
performance, resultingin an unconservative design concrete is provided as the cover, and a partially confined
according to the performance requirement for special concrete is supplied with minimum reinforcement criteria,
moment frames [2]. AISC 341-16 suggested a special called fire concrete, as shown in fig. 3 (a). The partial
detailing of closed hoops and cross-ties, as shown in fig. confinement of fire concrete provides partial ductility and
1(b); the steel shear connectors are provided for composite protects the steel flanges in the fire.
action between concrete and steel[10]. While Chen et al.
[11]suggested tie connectors to connect the inner tie, as A large amount of rotation can be observed near the fixed
shown in fig. 1(a). Studs barely affected the performance of end of a cantilever column subjected to lateral loading. The
composite columns, as adequate bond exists between steel rotation at the plastic hinge provides rotational ductility
and concrete [6]. Welding tie connectors and shear without a significant increase in moment capacity. The
connectors is a tedious job and not preferred by the plastic hinge length is spread over the column with an
industries. This study proposes a special detailing for increasing axial load ratio. A high axial load adds an
moderate to highly ductile members without shear additional moment at the base hinge of the column,
connectors and tie connectors, as shown in fig.1(c). primarily known as the P-Δ effect. In this study,a WPB
250×[email protected] kg/m section with flange slenderness(b/t)
2. Confinement of concrete of 11.35 is selected, which comes under a semi-compact
Ductility is a significant criterion for measuring the inelastic classification as per IS 800 (2007). An encased composite
behaviour of a member. For low seismic zones, moderately column is formed by encasing WPB 250×250at the centre of
ductile members are required, and for high seismic zones, the RC section, as shown in fig. 3 (a). As the different parts
the required ductility can be achieved by special detailing of of the section exhibit different confinement,the nominal
transverse reinforcement. The steel plasticity and confined cover for longitudinal reinforcement is assumed unconfined,
concrete core provide more inelastic strain before failure. In and the fire concrete is partially confined concrete. The
the seismic design of the column, the potential plastic hinge dashed line shows the highly confined concrete due to the
regions need to be carefully detailed for ductility. As the flange and web of the section. The stress-strain curve for
steel section provides a large amount of plasticity, the unconfined, partially confined, and highly confined is
ductility of the composite section primarily depends on the calculated based on Mander’s rational formula. Figures 3(b)
core confined concrete. The effective lateral confinement is and (c) show that two types of probable splitting paths may
generated by uniform hoop tension developed by transverse appear for confined concrete. For a narrow steel section,
reinforcement. The effective confined core area is concrete bursting may occur for a higher axial load ratio.
determined as a 2nd-degree polynomial (parabola) in the Still, the chances of this type of probable cracking in WPB
horizontal and vertical directions [12]. The horizontal legs are less, as the highly confined concrete near the web flange
are provided to increase the confined core area, and the junction prevents thisbursting. Fig. 3(c) investigates the
spacing of the vertical stirrup governs the core concrete chances of corner spalling of partially confined concrete. A
volume. The confined concrete is represented as shown in cross tie near the flanges of the section,
Mishra and Kumar / ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

cover concrete
(CDP) model is used for the plastic behaviour of concrete.
concrete Different mess size is tried for convergence issues and less
splitting computational time. A reasonable mess size of 20 mm for
concrete and steel and 5 mm for reinforcing bars provides
satisfactory results and less computational time.Fe345 grade
of structural steel with an elastic modulus of 210 GPa and
Poisson's ratio equal to 0.2 is provided in this analysis. The
Cross-section Probable path of Spalling of nonlinear part of the stress-strain curve is modelled as a
Splitting concrete plastic option available in ABAQUS.
Fig. 3. Cross-section of the composite section with
confinement and cracking path 3.2 Modelling of confined concrete
The spalling force on the cross-section of 𝑓 Based on Mander's rational equation, the stress-strain curves
the section is developed due to vertical are plotted for confined and unconfined concrete and used
pressure: 𝑓 = 𝜇𝜎𝑙𝑠 Where 𝜇 and s are the 𝑙
𝑓 for this analysis. Fig. 4 shows the uniaxial strain-stress curve
poison's ratio of the concrete and spacing of 𝑓 for concrete in compression. The unconfined stress-strain
transverse reinforcement, respectively. The 𝑙 curve for M30 grade of concrete is used in this study, in
force resisted by transverse reinforcement is Free body which ultimate strain (εcu) is taken as twice of ε0 (ε0=0.002).
𝑓 = 𝑓 𝐴 . The relationship between clear The confined concrete compressive strength (fcc) and
diagram ultimate confined strain (εcu) are used as proposed by
length (l) and spacing (s) is calculated based
on the criteria (𝑓 < 𝑓 ). Mander et al. [12]. The unconfined concrete is used for the
typical confined section without a cross tie, while confined
concrete is used in the core of the special confined section,
as shown in fig. 1(c) can delay partially confined concrete's
as shown in fig.1 (c). The concrete near web-flange joints is
crushing and provide better ductility. This study focused on
highly confined and modelled separately. For a typical
how much an increase in displacement ductility, plastic
section without a cross tie, an unconfined stress-strain curve
hinge rotation and drift ratio could be achieved by providing
is used throughout the cross section as the concrete is
a cross-tie. The concrete section is highly stressed due to the
partially confined.
high load ratio and forces required by the transverse
reinforcement to maintain the bursting pressure.Two types The plastic behaviour of the concrete is modelled with a
of confinement exist in the encased composite columns: (1) concrete damage parameter available in ABAQUS material
Stirrup induced confinement, which considers the stirrup library. The dilation angle φ = 300, flow potential
volumetric ratio and spacing of transverse bar; (2) Structural eccentricity ε = 0.1, fb0/fc0=1.16, K= 0.667 and viscosity
steel induced confinement, which covers the high parameter μ= 0 is used in this study [17]. The modelling of
confinement zone as shown in fig. 3 (a). the special confined concrete is done separately and
assembled with the model. The 'embedded region'interaction
The potential buckling mode and the corresponding
is used,in which the unconfined and confined concrete is
buckling length of longitudinal bars depend on the
assigned as a host region for embedded steel and
geometrical and mechanical properties of both longitudinal
reinforcement. The modelling of confined and unconfined
and transverse reinforcement. Dhakal and Su (2018)[13]
concrete is shown in fig. 5.
proposed a design recommendation to ensure the
satisfactory buckling restraint of lateral ties. Lateral ties 1.1 Modelling of interface and initial geometric
delay the buckling-induced instability until the desired level imperfection
of ductility is achieved. The tie stiffness ktis used to define The interaction of the steel, reinforcement and concrete parts
the buckling of main bars between two consecutive ties is modelled using embedded elements available in
derived from the energy-based approach. ABAQUS library. The reinforcement and steel section is
treated as an embedded region, while concrete behaves as a
3. FEM Modelling host region.
3.1 Modelling approach 45
Confined concrete
The parts of the encased composite column are modelled 40
Unconfined Concrete
and assembled in finite element-based software (ABAQUS). 35
Three types of effectively confined areasare considered for 30
the encased column:unconfined, partially confined, and
Compressive Stress (fc)

highly confined concrete, as shown in fig.3(a). Chen and Lin
[1] defined confining factor for partial and highly confined
concrete by varying the shape of structural steel and 15

reinforcement layout. The high confinement can be 10

simplified into rectangular sections up to half of the flange 5
width [14].A 3D solid element (C3D8R, an 8-node linear
brick with reduced integration) is available in the ABAQUS 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
element library for concrete and steel sections, and a 2-node Compressive Strain (Ɛc)

linear 3-D truss element (T3D2) for reinforcing bar and Fig.4. Stress-strain curve for confined and
stirrups[15,16] is used. The concrete damage plasticity unconfined concrete in compression

Mishra and Kumar / ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

experimental and numerical analysis.

Unconfined element model. The FEM results are reasonablymatching
with experimental data. Due to the brittle nature of high-
strength concrete, the post-peak deflection is not clearly
captured in the experiment.
3. Results
3.1 Failure mode
The typical failure sequencing for the composite column is
yielding of tensile reinforcement, crushing ofconcrete and
Fig. 5. FEM modelling of unconfined and confined bucklingof longitudinal reinforcement. For encased sections,
encased steel concrete composite column crushingof fire concrete reduces partial ductility. However,
the highly confined concrete gives adequate ductility to the
The buckling mode of the section is predicted with an section. The local buckling of steel flanges is resisted by
eigenvalue analysis,and the eigenvalue is normalised to concrete near to flange and provides a larger ductility
scale 1.0. The first Eigen mode is provided for the initial
capacity. The failure of the composite section is definedat
imperfection of encased composite column. The widely
the reduction of the maximum strength by 15%, as shown in
accepted initial geometric imperfection of L/2000 is
fig. 9.Fig. 7 shows the actual and idealised moment-
considered, and based on this magnitude, a factored curvature curves for the section; after the reduction of
buckling mode is incorporated in the initial step of the moment capacity by 15%, the encased section continues to
model[15]. take significant moments for higher curvatures. The
1.2 Boundary condition & load applications idealised moment-curvature of reinforced concrete, encased
section, and structural steel is plotted as shown in fig. 7.
The encased composite column is fixed at one end and free The crushing of partially confined concrete itself reduces the
at the top. The fixity is obtained by restricting all the nodes moment capacity by more than 15%. Based on the idealised
for displacement and rotation. The loading is applied in two bilinear moment-curvature curve, the encased section's
steps; in the first step,a defined axial load is applied on the ductility is less than the RC section for the zero axial load
top surface of the column as a pressure load and propagated ratio. Whereas for higher axial loads, the situation gets
in further analysis. In 2nd step of the loading, a lateral load is reversed, as explained in section 7.1. After spalling of
applied to the top of the cantilever-encased composite partially confined concrete, the core of the composite
column. The total lateral forces at the fixed end are plotted section (highly confined concrete and structural steel)
with the applied displacement. continues to take a moment up to a significant curvature. As
concrete is brittle, the special detailing of transverse
2. Validation of FEM modelling
reinforcement provides large curvature ductility. The
In this study, the finite element model of an encased confined concrete exhibits significant rotation and hence
composite column is validated with the experimental result provides large curvature before failure.
given by Lai et al. [9]. A concrete-encased column made
with high-strength of concrete (C100) and structural steel
The bulging of concrete near the fixed end (front-left in Fig.
(S355-H) is considered for the study.The inelastic stress-
8) is obtained for the high axial load ratio. The stress
strain curve for high-strength concrete is required for FEM
contour of the longitudinal and transverse bar on the
analysis. The post-peak branch of high-strength concrete is
compression side shows the failure of the reinforcing bar.
not captured in the experiment. The constitutive relation for
The failure of transverse reinforcement can cause the
concrete strength up to 100 MPa is given by Güleret al.[18],
buckling of compression reinforcement. Fig. 8 shows the
which is used here. A similar procedure in section3 is used
deformed shape, stress contour and plasticity spread.
for modelling the section. A 2800mm long specimen with a
square cross-section (250mm×250mm) is selected. The steel
area ratio and spacing of the transverse reinforcements are
10.02% and 100 mm, respectively. The horizontal and
vertical displacement is plotted against axial load. Fig.
6shows the result obtained from the experiment and
6000 6000

5000 5000

4000 4000

Exp. result 1000 Exp. result
FEM (Present study)
0 FEM (Present study)
0 2 4 6 8 0
Vertical Displacement (mm) 0 5 10 15
Lateral Deflection (mm)
Fig. 6. Comparison of load-displacement response between
Fig. 7. Moment curvature of the sections at zero axial load
Mishra and Kumar / ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

The member's lateral drift ratio capacity (αu) is defined as

the ratio of ultimate deformation to the effective column
length. Further sections explain each case's displacement
ductility factor, plastic hinge rotation, and drift ratio.
4. Ductility based on special detailing

As mentioned
tioned earlier, the increase in the area of transverse
reinforcement and reduction in spacing provides more
confinement to the column. The primary concern of the
(a) bulging of concrete (b) stress contour at failure composite column is the detailing of transverse bar; a large
ductility can be achieved by providing special detailing of
transverse bars at close spacing. Fig. 3(a) showsthat the
effective confinement area can exhibit large ductility while
the column failure is due to the crushingof partially confined
concrete. In this study, the effect of special detailing
detailin is
investigated. The effectiveconfined area can be increased by
providing an additional cross-tie
cross bar, as shown in fig 1(c).
For highly ductile members,
member AISC provides a complex
detailing of transverse reinforcement with shear connectors
to prevent the slippage of concrete on steel flanges.
flanges As per
(c) Development of plastic strain the Indian code for composite construction, IS 11384, the
shear transfer between concrete and steel is ensured through
Fig. 8. Failure mode and stress distribution of the model
bonds up to shear stresses of 0.3 N/mm2;mechanical shear
3.2 Deformation capacity connectors should be provided beyond these stresses.
stresses The
shear connectors complicate the section,
section and welding the
The inelastic deformation capacity is measured with the shear connector is a tedious job. A similar section provided
member'ss displacement ductility, plastic hinge rotation and by AISC is used without steel anchors in this study and
drift ratio capacity. The displacement ductility factor
factor(𝜇 ) is compared with the typical encased composite column.column The
the primary representation of the deformation capacity of effective fully confining stress is achieved by giving the
the member. The displacement ductility factor is defined as cross-tie. The confinement detailing of the special detailed
the ratio of ultimate displacement (𝛥 ) to yield displacement encased composite section on is shown in fig.10.
(𝛥 ).
The stress-strain
strain curve for unconfined and confined concrete
𝛥 was explained in modelling section 3.2. The post-peak
𝜇 =
𝛥 strength reduction is remarkably less after providing a cross
tie, as shown in fig.11.. The displacement ductility, plastic
The ultimate displacement corresponds to the residual lateral hinge rotations andnd drift ratios for a regular and special
force carrying capacity that has declined to 0.85Hmax;the detailed column are summarised in Table 1.
yield displacement is defined as the displacement
corresponding to the secant slope at 0.75 Hmax,as shown in
The plastic hinge rotation(𝜃 ) is defined as the ratio of
difference of ultimate and yield displacemeent to the length
of the member.

𝜃 = . Fig. 10. Effectively confined core for encased composite

Table 1. Effect of special confinement

Lateral force ρaxial 𝝁𝜟 𝜽𝒑 αu

0 3.53 0.034 4.7
0.2 3.11 0.025 3.7
0.4 3.08 0.021 3.1
0.75Hmax confinement
0.6 2.94 0.018 2.7
0.8 2.88 0.016 2.4
0 >8.2 - >7.5
0.2 >8.2 - >7.5
0 Δy Δu Displacement 0.4 8.15 0.066 7.5
0.6 5.77 0.043 5.2
Fig. 9. Definition of yield and ultimate displacement 0.8 4.70 0.032 4.0

Mishra and Kumar / ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

Composite section Steel section

Fig. 12. Load displacement response for different axial

Fig. 11. Load displacement response for regular and

special confined concrete
The special confined section provides a displacement
ductility ratio of more than 8.2 compared to 3.53 for the
typical section. For a higher axial load ratio (axial=0.8) also, Fig. 13. Load displacement response for steel and encased
the ductility ratio is quite reasonable (>4) for a special section
confined section. (Δ) amplifies the column's bending (P-Δ) effect
For the higher axial load ratio (0.8), 100% and 67% significantly. As in figure 12, the steel member's lateral load
increments are observed for plastic hinge rotation and drift capacity and inelastic deflection are much less for higher
ratio, respectively,which are pretty high. The results confirm ρaxial.
that a good amount of ductility can be achieved by special On the contrary, the composite section does not show the
detailing of transverse reinforcement.
column's sharp reduction of load capacity for a high axial
5. Parametric study load ratio. The composite section is analysed for different
axial load ratios, and its load-deformation response is shown
5.1 Effect of axial load ratio in fig. 12,which shows good deformation capacity for
encased composite sections for higher axial load ratios. The
The ratio of applied axial load to the column's designed bulging of concrete near the fixed end is observed for a high
axial load carrying capacity is defined asthe axial load ratio
axial load ratio, gradually reducing the strength. The
(ρaxial). The designed axial load carrying capacity of the
increase in the displacement ductility for the composite
column (𝑃 ) at the ultimate stage is given by IS 11384-2019
. section is primarily due to the reduction of yield
as:𝑃 = + + displacement as the stiffness of the section increases. The
yield displacement and failure displacement are calculated
Where m0, k and c are partial safety factors for concrete, as defined in section 5.2. The normalised horizontal force
structural steel and reinforcement, respectively[19].
(H/Hy) is plotted against normalised displacement (Δ/Δy) for
Five different axial load ratios ranging from 0 to 0.8 are two different axial load ratios, as shown in fig. 13.
considered in this study. The post-peak deflection gradually
increases with the axial load ratio. When an axial load is 5.2 Effect of steel contribution ratio
applied to a column, it induces two effects: one is the The steel contribution ratio is an important design parameter
compressive membrane effect that reduces the lateral for composite sections. The interaction diagram of the
column deflection, and the other one is the P-Δ effect that composite column is highly influenced by the steel
amplifies the lateral column deflection. When the axial load contribution ratio [21]. As per IS 11384 (2019), the steel
ratio is small, the compressive membrane effect is more
contribution (δ) is defined as 𝛿 = .The six encased
dominant and vice versa[20]. The steel section is known to
be ductile and provides more ductility to the composite structural steel sections are selected for parametric study.
section. A semi-compact WPB 250×[email protected]/m The web and flange slenderness of the sections are
section is encased in the concrete preventing the local calculated and classed as semi-compact and compact as per
buckling of the flange.First, the lateral load-deformation IS 800-2007[22]. The displacement ductility, plastic hinge
capacity was calculated for the pure steel section (WPB rotation and drift ratio for different sections are calculated
250×250). For a high axial load ratio, the compression and summarised in table 2. Due to space constraints, the
flange starts locallybuckling, and the column shows less lateral load-displacement curve for the six sections is plotted
ductility, as shown in fig. 12. The second-order effect is for ρaxial=0.4 only.
high for high ρaxial, and a small horizontal deflection

Mishra and Kumar / ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

Table 2. Ductility for different steel contribution ratios Table 3. Effect of member width to depth ratio
Steel section 𝝁𝜟 𝜽𝒑 αu
Dimensions Structural steel δ 𝝁𝜟 𝜽𝒑 α u
S-00 3.53 0.034 4.7
COM 400×600 WPB 220×40.40 0.43 3.68 0.024 3.2
S-20 3.11 0.025 3.7
COM 400×600 WPB 240×47.39 0.48 3.63 0.023 3.2
S-40 3.08 0.021 3.1
COM 400×600 WPB 200×50.92 0.50 3.11 0.02 3.0 S-60 2.94 0.018 2.7
COM 400×600 WPB 240×60.32 0.55 3.14 0.02 3.0 S-80 2.88 0.016 2.4
COM 400×600 WPB 250×67.21 0.58 3.08 0.021 3.1 SD-00 6.56 0.064 7.5
NPB SD-20 4.76 0.037 4.7
COM 400×600 0.64 3.59 0.025 3.4
350×250×79.1 SD-40 3.86 0.025 3.4
SD-60 3.57 0.021 3.0
SD-80 3.02 0.017 2.5

Fig. 14. Load displacement response for Fig. 15. Load displacement response for regular and deep
different steel contributions at ρaxial=0.4 section

The result shows the expected behaviour that by providing a 250×250×67.21), SD represents the deep section (NPB
higher steel contribution ratio, the stiffness and strength of 350×250×79.1), and the later part of the ID represents the
the composite column increase, as shown in fig. 14. percentage of axial load ratio on the column.

By increasing the steel contribution ratio from 0.43 to 0.64, Fig. 15 shows a significant increase in displacement
the displacement ductility, plastic hinge rotations and drift ductility for deep sections. The changes are more prominent
ratios arenot changing much. Table 2 shows that the for the lower axial load ratio, whilemore than three
displacement ductility decreases with increasing steel displacement ductility is observed for the deep section at
contribution ratio except for NPB 350×250×79.1. As higher axial load ratios. The increment of plastic hinge
stiffness and strength increase, drift ratio and plastic hinge rotation and drift ratio is up to 88% and 59% for regular and
rotation do not vary much by changing the steel contribution deep sections, respectively.In comparison, the steel
ratio. Section 7.3 shows that the steel section flange width to contribution ratio for NPB 350×250×79.1 is only 10.3%
section depth ratio comes across as the more significant higher than WPB 250×250×67.21.
governing criteria for ductile designing rather than the steel
contribution ratio. 5.4 Effect of transverse reinforcement spacing

5.3 Effect of section width to depth ratio The stirrup ratio increases the ductility by increasing the
core confined concrete area [7]. Closely spaced tie bars
The effect of structural steel width to depth ratio is increase the core confined area, resulting ina higher strain
investigated in this study. Two structural steel WPB capacity of the concrete. The effect of transverse
250×67.21 and NPB 350×250×79.1 sectionswith width to reinforcement is evaluated for different axial load ratios.
depth ratios of 1.02 and 0.73 are used to form the regular This study evaluates an encased column with 100 mm and
and deep encased sections, respectively. IS 11384 does not 50 mm tie bar spacing. The displacement ductility, plastic
specify the limiting flange slenderness of the steel for the hinge rotations and drift ratios are investigated for different
composite column. The flange slenderness of regular and axial load ratios and summarised in table 4.
deep steel sections is 11.35 and 8.93, respectively, satisfying
the criteria for semi-compact and compact sections. The As shown in Table 4, the displacement ductility, plastic
displacement ductility, plastic hinge rotations and drift ratios hinge rotations and drift ratios increaseby 42%, 56% and
are calculated for different axial load ratios and 43% for zero axial load ratio,respectively. The 50 mm
summarisedin table 3. The sections are designated as S-20 spaced specimen shows a displacement ductility ratio of
and SD-20, where Srepresents the regular composite column more than three, even for a higher axial load ratio. For an
(WPB axial load ratio of more than 0.2, the plastic hinge rotation
barely shows an increase of less than 20%. The lateral load-
displacement curve for a higher axial load ratio (0.6 and
0.8)is plotted in Fig. 16.

Mishra and Kumar / ASPS Conference Proceedings 1: 111-119 (2022)

Table 4. Effect of transverse reinforcement section. Providing stirrups too close is practically
difficult and creates concrete pouring congestion.
Tie αu Here a spacing of 50 mm of transverse
spacing (%) reinforcement shows good ductility at an axial load
0 26.7 94.0 3.53 0.034 4.7 ratio of 0.6.
0.2 23.7 73.8 3.11 0.025 3.7
0.4 19.9 61.2 3.08 0.021 3.1
0.6 18.4 54.1 2.94 0.018 2.7 Disclosures
0.8 16.9 48.8 2.88 0.016 2.4
0 26.7 133 4.99 0.053 6.7 Free Access to this article is sponsored by
0.2 23.7 81.4 3.43 0.029 4.1 SARL ALPHA CRISTO INDUSTRIAL.
50 mm 0.4 19.9 69.9 3.52 0.025 3.5
0.6 18.4 60.2 3.27 0.021 3.0
0.8 16.9 54.1 3.19 0.019 2.7
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