Cst309 Mangement of Software Systems, December 2021
Cst309 Mangement of Software Systems, December 2021
Cst309 Mangement of Software Systems, December 2021
Reg No.:
(Answer all questions; each question canies 3 marks) Marks
I Outline the advantages of incremental development model over Waterfall model. (3)
2 Differentiate plan-driven and agile software development approach. (3)
J Summarize the structure of a SRS document. (3)
4 Explain Personas, Scenarios, User stories and Feature identification. (3)
5 Define any four types of system testing. (3)
6 Identify the types of maintenance that a software product might need. Explain. (3)
- What is risk? Explain different types of softwarerisk. (3)
8 List out the factors that affect software pricing. (3)
9 Outline the elements of Software Quality Assurance. (3)
10 Describe different levels of the CMMI model. (3)
(Answer one full question from each module, each qaestion carries 14 marks)
Module -1
11 a) Explain the major phases in waterfall model of software development. Which (7)
phase consumes the maximum effort for developing a typical software product?
b) You are given a project which involves many risks, that are difficult to anticipate (7)
at the start of the project. Which life cycle model is best suited for the project?
Justify your answer. Explain that modei in detail.
12 a) Explain different process activities. (8)
b) Explain Agile Development techniques and Agile Project Management. (6)
Module -2
13 a) fllustrate Requirement elicitation and analysis process with the help of a diagram. (8)
b) Why is requirements elicitation considered as a critical task in requirements (6)
engineering? Explain any two methods for requirements elicitation.
t4 a) Briefly explain design concepts in Software Engineering. (8)
b) Explain different architectural styles used in Software design. (6)
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l5 a) Compare any two types of Black box testing strategies citing examples. (7)
Explain basis path White box testing strategy with an example. . (7)
t6 a) Discuss the Formal Technical Review (FTR) process performed by Software (6)
b) Describe Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD/CD) in (8)
, DevOps Automation.
Module -4
t7 a) List out and explain fundamental project management activities. (4)
b) Discuss Risk management process in detail with a diagram. (10)
18 a) Define software configuration management. Explain different activities involved (10)
,f in confi guration management.
b) Summarize Software Project planning process. (4)
Module -5
19 a) List out the metrics that are used to measure software quality. JustiS how these (5)
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