Badminton (English Version)
Badminton (English Version)
Badminton (English Version)
Amendment Tracker PLEASE NOTE - When referring to or otherwise using Sport England Design Guidance you should always download your reference at the time of use in order to ensure that you are referring to the most up-to-date information. Amendments, alterations and updates to Guidance documents may take place at any time without prior notice or detailed indication of the changes made. You should therefore always discard copies of the Guidance Notes once you have referred to them, and download or refer to the latest version at a future date when the need arises. No responsibility will therefore be accepted for the consequences of working to previous or out-of-date versions of Sport Englands Design Guidance documents.
Introduction This Design Guidance has been written specifically with Badminton as the primar y consideration. The modern game demands special playing conditions that many halls could easily have provided at the design stage but which would now be expensive to alter. Although some technical terms are used throughout this document they have been kept to the minimum so that the professional designer and the club player can both gain from this information. Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the U.K. and is frequently the single most popular sport in multi-sport halls. Sports halls are often built using the badminton courts as a standard to produce the size of the building i.e. a four-court hall will accommodate other sports within this area such as netball, basketball, ve-aside football, volleyball and cricket practice nets. Badminton has the most exacting visual requirements therefore the section on lighting is more detailed than other sections. Badminton requires that players are able to sight a fast moving shuttlecock against a suitable background, which can be varied by lighting and colour. Badminton requires space and runoff similar to other sports but requires different lighting and greater height than most other sports. Badminton requires a properly lit hall
with no natural daylight and a suitable background for sighting the shuttle. The hall should be warm with controlled ventilation and a resilient oor to prevent injuries.
Note - Contact the BADMINTON England, Development Department, National Badminton Centre, Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton Keynes, MK8 9LA. Tel: 01908 268400.
In accordance with the Badminton Facilities Strategy, BADMINTON England has introduced criteria for High Performance Centres, Performance and Development Centres and Development Centres. It has also introduced an accreditation system for special badminton centres, which enables any sports centre to be assessed by the BADMINTON England and if it achieves the required standard, is awarded an accreditation as a specialist badminton centre in one of the above three categories. This Design Guidance is written in two sections A and B: Section A covers dedicated badminton halls, where no other spor t is played and would normally be a High Performance Centre or a Performance and Development Centre. Section B covers multi-use halls in which badminton is played together with other sports and community activities. These may be Performance and Development Centres and Development Centres.
9.06 m
Linesmen's chairs 1.52 - 2.08m To wall or between undivided courts
Section A Dedicated Badminton Centres These centres will be to the highest standard and will have to comply specifically with the requirements of Badminton England as set out below. A1 - Flooring 1) The preferred ooring for playing badminton is a sprung oor covered with a vinyl absorbent covering. This is an area elastic oor covered with a point elastic covering; and is referred to as a oor with combielastic deection. A description of this oor would be as follows:A combined area and point elastic sports oor comprising a 22mm thick plywood decking secured to preservative treated battens supported by shock absorbent cradles. The playing surface is to comprise a 6.5mm thick close cell foam backed sheet oor covering. 2) The other type of sprung oor commonly used and accepted by BADMINTON England is a sprung oor covered with hardwood strip ooring. 3) The performance standard and testing method for sports oors is covered by British Standard 7044: Articial Sports Surfaces, Part 4 Specication for Surfaces for Multi-sports Use. CEN 217 is a
preferred but higher standard and is more relevant to the higher standards of play and competition. This is a wide specication and BADMINTON England prefers to be more specic in the type of oor used. A more detailed Performance Specication for Badminton Flooring is set out at Appendix 1 of this Design Guidance. 4) The nish to the ooring should be matt to avoid any glare and the overall effect dark in colour. The oor colours reectance value should be within 20 to 40%. A2 - Space and layout
Height requirements
The heights indicated in the schedule are the minimum heights, which should be over the whole of the court area, and are below any obstr uctions such as beams, basketball backboards, cricket net rails and lights, etc.
Layout of courts
1) Court markings should be 40mm wide and should be of a contrasting colour to the oor but it is usual for these lines to be matt white; they may be applied by paint or tape. 2) Should the courts be laid out end to end then there should be a curtain between the ends of the courts and it is essential that the minimum dimension is maintained on both sides of the curtain (i.e. 2.3metres). To avoid any distractions caused by movement and lights from the other courts, the curtain dividing the courts should be solid; netting will not be sufcient.
Note - Full details of the layout of a badminton court may be obtained on BADMINTON Englands website (click on Development and then Facilities)
1) A background against which a fast moving shuttle can be seen easily is critically important for the successful playing of the game. 2) The ideal badminton hall has four plain walls with no windows or roof lights. There should be no distracting attachments, particularly brightly coloured items. There should be no ledges or other projections likely to trap shuttles. The surface material, texture colour and reectance must be consistent and uninterrupted over the full height of the Hall. 3) Very careful thought should be given to the design of spectator galleries, these can sometimes create difculties and distractions when viewed from the court. These areas need to be of similar colour to the walls and the lighting should be subdued and carefully hidden when viewed from the court. Windows and doors at the rear of the spectators galleries should be curtained or designed so that no light can be seen from the court. If the spectator areas are glazed then specialist advice should be obtained from the Glazing Association so that no
4) Walls should be nished in medium to dark shades and have a matt surface. This applies just as much to sidewalls as to the end walls since many shots are played looking towards the side of the court. Walls can be built of many different types of material but it should be borne in mind that acoustics play an important part in the enjoyment of the hall. Colours with a reectance value of 30-50% were found to give the best playing conditions - green (Dulux Colour dimensions code 30 GG 45/362) or an equivalent blue (86 BG 43/321). Any doors or coverings should be nished in the same colour as the walls. 5) Where curtains are drawn at the ends of the courts, such as in a hall that has the courts laid out end to end, the material should be solid and the same colour as the surrounding walls. 6) The overall construction should be designed to provide sound absorption qualities with a maximum reverberation time of 2 seconds at 500Hz with a noise rating of 50.
New-build hall 9.1m high Length 33.00m No curtain 1.72m Width 18.00m With curtain 1.50m
Recommended new-build hall size for tournaments and accommodating spectators Length 34.80m No curtain 2.08m 2.08m 3.80m Width 21.00m
Notes: The dimension of 2.6m between courts is the recommended minimum when a curtain divides the courts; this maintains the 1.3m at the sides of each court affected. The dimension of 3.8m at the ends of the court is when additional space can be provided for spectators. In this situation it is more practical to provide 2.3m at one end and 4.3m at the other end for spectator seating, circulation and umpires/linesmans chairs.
The ceilings in spor ts halls are often the underlining to the roof, which is usually of a sandwich construction. The underlining can be of an acoustic material and as with the walls this is very important to the environment of the hall. Sometimes the self-nished acoustic lining is an ideal colour for the ceiling and complies with the required reectance values of 7090% - colours in excess of 90% i.e. white, causes visual problems and should not be used. A4 - Environmental services
reecting from the white feathers of the shuttle. The shuttle can best be seen when illuminated in this way against a dark background, therefore the rear does not need to be lit to such a high level as the centre of the court; in fact very little lighting is required at the rear. 5) Players must be able to follow the ight of the shuttle against the background without being troubled by glare or having their attention distracted by bright light sources. Badminton requires very carefully designed lighting to enable the game to be played at a high standard. It is often thought that badminton requires very high illuminance levels but this is not the case, badminton requires lighting to be concentrated in certain areas but not in others. 6) Lighting is one of the most important requirements in the design of a hall where badminton is played but has so often been ignored. It is essential to consider lighting early in the design stage so that the lamp type can be co-ordinated with the court layout and the background colours. Lighting and colours should be considered as an entity. 7) Luminaires must not be directly positioned over the court. Doors and windows to other lit areas are all distracting, and arrangements should be made for such light sources to be temporarily screened or switched off. 8) It is important to appreciate that the background and the lighting should be considered as an entity as both can alter the playing conditions. The walls need to be of a colour giving a reectance value (RV) of not more than 50% and the ceilings 70% 90%. It has been found that not all colours give the best background, even when all colours selected were 50% RV; green and blue were the preferred colours. With regard to the ceiling the reective value may be higher if the luminaires are suspended further from the ceiling - alternatively if the luminaries are positioned nearer to the ceiling then the ceiling fabric must be darker with a lower reectance value.
1) Lighting for badminton, as with most other activities, involves subjective opinions that may uctuate in respect of the degree of acceptability of a lighting installation. The aims and objectives in lighting a badminton court must take into consideration the requirements for provision of:
A safe environment for players. An effective illumination of court markings so as to aid player information and to assist match ofcials in the execution of their duties. A suitable and sufcient lighting for spectators.
2) In accordance with BS EN 12193 (1999) Sports Lighting, three area dimensions are described i.e. principal area (PA), total area (TA) and reference area (RA). The principal area is the actual playing area required for the performance of a sport. The total area comprises the principal area plus any additional safety area outside the principal area. The reference area is that area on which the main lighting requirements apply. 3) The respective dimensions for badminton court lighting are given as PA = (13.4m x 6.1m) and TA (Max) = (18m x 10.5m). 4) When designing the lighting for badminton halls it is useful to appreciate how the game is played. The shuttle can move at very fast speeds over the net requiring maximum light
9) The shuttle is also hit very high and over some distance, which demands a degree of uplighting to pick up the shuttle in ight. Preferred lighting conditions are obtained when the luminaires are suspended from the ceiling, as much of the game is spent with the players looking up at the ceiling to follow the ight of the shuttle. 10) The luminaires should be set at 5 metres from the oor and no closer than one metre from the side of the court. Luminaires should be concentrated from the midcourt to the centre; one positioned level with the net and the others positioned three metres in both direction and level with the midcourt area (see diagram gure 7). This layout has been proven to give suitable playing conditions and avoids situations where a player may be dazzled. 11) It is important that an appropriate type of luminaire is selected that allows a degree of shielding and/or diffusion to prevent the player looking into a direct light. Good lighting conditions have been obtained by using compact uorescents high frequency luminaries. 12) If a curtain is used between the courts then lighting is required on both sides of the curtain to maintain the same level of lighting.
lighting across the court but rather a higher level of lighting over the centre area of the court across the full width.
metres 0
Luminaires shall be cleaned at a frequency in keeping with the activities performed within the environment. Lamps should be changed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Records shall be kept of maintenance performed. Individually failed lamps shall be replaced as a matter of urgency since an inoperative luminaire will present a dark patch when players are looking upwards which is likely to result in difculty in following the trajectory and velocity of the shuttle.
systems are designed to operate around the perimeter of the hall to limit air movement over the court. The air velocities within the playing area should not exceed 0.1 metres per second. 3) The system most commonly used where badminton is played is high-level radiant panels tted to the walls in conjunction with a controlled ventilation system. Traditional low pressure hot water radiator systems or under oor heating could be used if appropriate to the type of ooring. Heating by warm air is not recommended, as it is difcult to control the air movement when the heating is operating. A5 - Other accommodation and facilities Badminton does not require large storage facilities for equipment in dedicated badminton centres as the posts and nets are permanently positioned in the oor of the hall. The only other items of equipment may be shuttles and umpires chairs. Other facilities required are as follows:
Changing rooms with showers for both male and female * Restaurant Physio/medical room Meeting/seminar room for 15 to 20 people Access to weights/CV training equipment Area for waiting/resting players Residential accommodation for 20 people Ofce with telephone to accommodate two people Car parking**
*Note Refer to Sport England Design Guidance Notes Sports halls Design, Sports halls Sizes and Layouts and Changing Rooms and Lockers. These are available free-to-download from: http// downloads/design_guidelines.htm **Note Refer to Sport England Design Guidance Note Car Parking and Landscape Design. This DGN is available free-to-download from: http// downloads/design_guidelines.htm
Figure 5 Note high-level radiant heaters on walls and extract fans at ends of building
Section B Badminton Centres in Multi-use Halls These centres would most likely be in sports centres, schools, academies or universities and may be classified as Performance and Development Centres or Development Centres The advice given in these notes, by Sport England and BADMINTON England, will provide the best conditions for playing the game. Professional designers may consider that there are other ways of achieving the same results, and alternatives would be considered but these must rst be approved by BADMINTON England and Sport England before commitment and construction. B1 - Flooring 1) The preferred ooring for playing badminton is a sprung oor covered with a vinyl absorbent covering. This being an area elastic oor covered with a point elastic covering, this being referred to as a oor with combi-elastic deection. A description of this oor would be as follows:A combined area and point elastic sports oor covering comprising a 22mm thick plywood decking secured to preservative treated battens supported by shock absorbent cradles. The playing surface to comprise a 6.5mm thick close cell foam backed sheet oor covering. A more detailed Performance Specication for Badminton Flooring is set out at Appendix 1 of this Design Guidance Note. 2) The other type of sprung oor commonly used and accepted by BADMINTON England is a sprung oor covered with hardwood strip ooring. 3) The performance standard and testing method for sports oors is covered by British Standard 7044: Articial Sports Surfaces, Part 4 Specication for Surfaces for Multisports Use. This is a wide specication and BADMINTON England prefers to be more specic in the type of oor used.
4) In existing halls solid oors are often used i.e. concrete, screed or composition ooring. This is NOT acceptable for the playing of badminton and injuries can be caused with this type of oor. It is appreciated that existing centres and halls may have this type of oor and that they can be improved by covering the existing hard oor with laminated timber planks on rubber strips or a foam-backed cushioned sheet material. Halls modied in this manner would be an improvement but would not be considered for accreditation or for funding through Sport England. It should also be noted that this upgrade will not comply with Part 4 of the British Standard 7044 and therefore a detailed risk assessment will need to be carried out. Anything less than Part 4 is not suitable for the playing of badminton or other sporting and movement activities such as dance or aerobics. The insurance industry in the United Kingdom regards a oor specication which complies with BS7044 Part 4 as the minimum against which to defend a claim for a sports injury caused by the oor specication and workmanship. Therefore any upgrade specication which falls short of this leaves the facility owner or lessee at risk of a claim. 5) The nish to the ooring should be matt to avoid any glare and the overall effect dark in colour. The oor colours reectance value should be within the range 20% to 40%. B2 - Space and layout
Table 4 Schedule of court sizes, Development Centres Minimum space around courts
Hall size Between courts Between courts where Sides at curtain is required end of hall 1.52m 2.40m 1.20m 1.72m 1.50m 2.30m End of court 1.50m
Existing hall height 6.7m Length 32.00m No curtain 1.52m Width 16.40m With curtain 1.40m
Recommended new-build hall height 7.6m Length 33.00m No curtain 1.72m Width 18.00m With curtain 1.50m 2.60m
Table 5 Schedule of court sizes, Performance and Development Centres Minimum space around courts
Hall size Between courts Between courts where Sides at curtain is required end of hall End of court
Existing hall - height 7.6m (as development centres) New-build hall height 9.1m Length 33.00m No curtain 1.72m Width 18.00m With curtain 1.50m 2.60m 1.72m 1.50m 2.30m
Recommended new-build hall size for tournaments and accommodating spectators height 7.6m Length 34.80m No curtain 2.08m 2.08m 3.80m Width 21.00m
Notes: The dimension of 1.2m at the sides of the court is the recommended minimum and this must be maintained when a curtain is introduced. The dimension of 2.4m between courts is the recommended minimum when a curtain divides the courts; this maintains the 1.2m at the sides of each court affected. The dimension of 3.8m at the ends of the court is when additional space can be provided for spectators. In this situation it is more practical to provide 2.3m at one end and 4.3m at the other end for spectator seating, circulation and umpires/linesmans chairs. BADMINTON England recognizes that not all existing halls will be able to provide the minimum dimensions but safety should be considered at all times. The applicant would need to carry out a detailed risk assessment.
matches as doubles is predominantly played rather than singles when the greater height would be desirable. It would also be suitable for Adult Education, recreational or childrens play. 3) A height of 6.1m is the recommended absolute minimum for small community centre halls designed only for recreational play.
1) A background against which a fast moving shuttle can be seen easily is critically important for the successful playing of the game. 2) The ideal badminton hall has four plain walls with no windows or roof lights. There should be no distracting attachments, particularly brightly coloured items. Basketball practice backboards behind a court should be removable. There should be no ledges or other projections likely to trap shuttles. 3) Very careful thought should be given to the design of spectator galleries, these can sometimes create difculties and distractions when viewed from the court. These areas need to be of similar colour to the walls and the lighting should be subdued and carefully hidden when viewed from the court. Windows and doors at the rear of the spectators galleries should be curtained or designed so that no light can be seen from the court. If the spectator areas are glazed then specialist advice should be obtained from the Glazing Association so that no interference is caused by lights or reection of activity from the playing area.
Note - Glass and Glazing Federation, 44, Borough High Street, London, SE1 1BX Tel: 0207 403 7177
Layout of courts
1) Court markings should be 40mm wide and should be of a contrasting colour to the oor, but it is usual for these lines to be matt white; they may be applied by paint or tape. Where a sports centre is accredited by BADMINTON England then the badminton lines should be dominant. 2) Where the courts are laid out end to end then there must be a curtain between the ends of the courts and it is essential that the minimum dimension is maintained on both sides of the curtain (i.e. 1.5m and 2.3m). To avoid any distractions caused by movement and lights from the other courts, the curtain dividing the courts should be solid; netting will not be sufcient.
Note - Full details of the layout of a badminton court may be obtained on the Badminton Englands website (click on Development and then Facilities)
4) Walls should be nished in medium to dark shades and have a matt surface. This applies just as much to sidewalls as to the end walls since many shots are played looking towards the side of the court. Walls can be built of many different types of material but it should be borne in mind that acoustics play an important part in the enjoyment of the hall. Colours with a reectance value of 30-50% were found to give the best playing conditions - green (Dulux Colour dimensions code 30 GG 45/362) or an equivalent blue (86 BG 43/321). Any doors or coverings should be nished in the same colour as the walls. Please also refer to Sport England Design
Figure 6 Hall/Spectator Gallery
very important to the environment of the hall. Sometimes the self-nished acoustic lining is an ideal colour for the ceiling and complies with the required reflectance values of 7090% - colours in excess of 90% i.e. white, causes visual problems and should not be used. B4 - Environmental services
Figure 7 Note acoustic blocks have been used in the wall construction
Guidance Sports Halls Design regarding reectance values for walls and ceilings, etc which needs to be taken into account when selecting the most appropriate value.
Note - Sport England Design Guidance Sports Halls Design is free-to-download from the Sport England website at _downloads/design_guidelines.htm
5) Where curtains are drawn at the ends of the courts, such as in a hall that has the courts laid out end to end, the material should be solid and the same colour as the surrounding walls. 6) The overall construction should be designed to provide sound absorption qualities with a maximum reverberation time of 2 seconds at 500Hz with a noise rating of 50.
The ceilings in spor ts halls are often the underlining to the roof, which is a sandwich construction. The underlining can be of an acoustic material and as with the walls this is
Figure 8 Note lights set in Badminton state (three luminaires only and lowered to 5 metres)
2) By using the high frequency uorescent lighting systems described previously, court level illuminance values can be varied, typically between 50% and 150% of the normal design lighting requirement. For those participants without visual impairment, the illuminance level can be adjusted so as to provide a 100% output. Where variation from the normal illuminance level is required when visually impaired or partially sighted individuals are playing badminton, the light output from the installation can be controlled accordingly depending upon the pathology, and subsequent lighting requirements, of the participants. It will be evident that individuals with mixed visual abilities are unlikely to participate on the same court simultaneously. 3) In all situations it is essential to ensure conformity with the terms specied in the UK Disability Discrimination Act 1995 together with all other current relevant legislation.
Note Please also refer to Sport England DGN Access for Disabled people which is free-to-download from: _downloads/design_guidelines.htm
Typical lux reading for a badminton court with ideal lighting conditions luminaires to be 5 metres above oor level, 1 metre from the edge of the court and no luminaires extending more than 3 metres from the net line at the centre of the court.
metres 0
openings must be carefully considered particularly in relation to the ight path of the shuttlecock. It is better if ventilation systems are designed to operate around the perimeter of the hall to limit air movement over the court. The air velocities within the playing area should not exceed 0.1 metres per second. 3) The system most commonly used where badminton is played is high-level radiant panels tted to the walls in conjunction with a controlled ventilation system. Traditional low pressure hot water radiator systems or under oor heating could be used if appropriate to the type of ooring. Heating by warm air is not recommended, as it is difcult to control the air movement when the heating is operating.
single-court hall with community use, a minimum of 45 square metres storage is required. Other facilities required for Development Centres as follows:
Changing rooms with showers for both male and female*. Catering - Basic i.e. vending. On site rst aid. Provision for hire of playing equipment. Car parking**.
*Note Refer to Sport England Design Guidance Notes Sports halls Design, Sports halls Sizes and Layouts and Changing Rooms and Lockers. These are available free-to-download from: http// downloads/design_guidelines.htm **Note Refer to Sport England Design Guidance Note Car Parking and Landscape Design. This DGN is available free-to-download from: http// downloads/design_guidelines.htm
Luminaires shall be cleaned at a frequency in keeping with the activities performed within the environment. Lamps should be changed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations Records shall be kept of maintenance performed Individually failed lamps shall be replaced as a matter of urgency since an inoperative luminaire will present a dark patch when players are looking upwards which is likely to result in difculty in following the trajectory and velocity of the shuttle.
In addition:
Physio/medical room. Meeting/seminar room for 15 to 20 people. Access to weights/CV training equipment. Area for waiting/resting players.
B5 - Other accommodation and facilities Badminton does not require large storage facilities for equipment only sufcient room for wheel-away posts, nets and shuttles. However, in multi-use halls, the general minimum storage provision for all spor ts activities must be equivalent to 12.5% of the hall oor area. This minimum provision should be increased where community use and storage requires it. In a
Appendix 1
Total nished thickness Property Fire Rating Dimensional Stability Colour Fastness Anti-Bacterial/ Fungicidal Treatment Chemical Resistance
Friction Coefcient Wear Layer Shock Absorption Energy Return Abrasion Resistance Dynamic Load Limit Indentation Resistance Static Load Limit Dynamic Load Limit Evenness Light Reection
prEN [German Method] UV Reticulated PU Surface Treatment BS 7044: Part 4 EN [%] EN 660 prEN 1569 (N) prEN 1516 (mm) psi psi prEN 13036.7 (mm) ISO 2813 (%)
Further reference
The National Badminton Facilities Strategy 2000-2005: (Summary Report price 3.00).
Further information may be obtained from The Badminton Association of England Ltd., Development Department, National Badminton Centre, Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton Keynes MK8 9LA. Tel: 01908 268400 Fax: 01908 268412, Email:[email protected]. Website:
BS 7044: Part 4
(Please note this document is currently being reviewed and a further update is anticipated during 2005. It is understood this will result in a harmonisation between the British Standard and the CEN 217 requirements)
CEN 217 Addendum to CIBSE Lighting Guide 4: Sports, 1990, issued February 2000
(Please note this document is currently being reviewed and a further updated document is anticipated during 2005)
Sport England Disclaimer When referring to or otherwise using Sport England Design Guidance you should always download your reference at the time of use in order to ensure that you are referring to the most up-to-date information. Amendments, alterations and updates to Guidance documents may take place at any time without prior Notice or detailed indication of the changes made. You should therefore always discard copies of the Guidance Notes once you have referred to them, and download or refer to the latest version at a future date when the need arises. No responsibility will therefore be accepted for the consequences of working to previous or out-of-date versions of Sport Englands Design Guidance Notes. Client organisations, their representatives or advisors, should not view the Design Guidance as a substitute for obtaining comprehensive expert or professional advice in relation to their specic Conditions of the projects and applications for Lottery and other funding. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Design Guidance and all information contained herein, Sport England, its servants or agents shall not at any time, in any circumstances, be held responsible or liable to any applicant or any other party in respect of any loss, damage or costs of any nature arising directly or indirectly from reliance placed on the information contained within this Design Guidance or any other Design Guidance or policies issued by Sport England.
Notes The term Design Guidance Note should be taken to imply the minimum standards required to produce best practice solutions acceptable to Sport England which in turn may enable funding to be provided. There may be occasions where these standards need to be reviewed to take into account project specic conditions. Applications for relaxation of the standards will be considered only with an accompanying reasonable justication. Relaxations will be exceptional. Relaxations will only be at the discretion of Sport England Architects, Community Investment, Support Centre, 3rd Floor, Victoria House, London WC1B 4SE who are responsible for Strategic Design Policy.
A full set of Design Guidance Notes is available from the Sport England website at: resource_downloads/design_guidelines.htm or Sport England Publications PO Box 255, Wetherby LS23 7LZ Tel: 0990 210255 Fax: 0990 210266
Sport England is the Brand name of the English Sports Council which is the distributor of the Sport England Lottery Fund Design concept by GDA Creative Solutions Produced by NBA Tectonics Printed in England by Webmaster, Dominic Moore, Sport England Tel: 020 7272 1788 Email: [email protected]