SR Elite, Aiims S60 & Neet MPL Aits Grand Test - 15 Paper Key (23-04-2023)

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AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
BOTANY C) Guttation- lose water, minerals, and
SECTION – A hormones

01. Collection of actual specimens of plant and D) Transpiration- lose only water
animals is the prime source of taxonomic 15. Leg-haemoglobin- Oxygen scavenger- Found
studies. in root nodules of Legumes
02. Nostocis a prokaryotic photosynthetic 16. Statement (A): Neither does any
organism with chlorophyll-a. complementarity exist between nucleotides
03. Anemophily was first seen inGymnosperms. and amino acids, nor could be drawn
04. Polysiphonia shows oogamy and complex
post fertilization developments in its life Statement (B): Change in genetic material
cycle. were responsible for change in amino acid in
05. In Salvinia, the female gametophyte is
retained on the parental sporophyte for 17. Photolysis of water takes place only at PS-II;
variable period. Both PS-I and PS-II take part in noncyclic
electron transport however in cyclic electron
06. In Grasses, leaf base expands into a sheath
transport only PS-I is involved.
covering the stem partially or wholly.
18. In aerobic respiration, presence of O2
07. In Pisum marginal placentation is present.
molecule is vital as it drives the whole
08. Length of the stamens cannot be expressed process of ETS by removing hydrogen from
either by floral formula or by floral diagram. the system
09. Stomatal apparatus does not include normal 19. A) Fatty acids- Enter the respiratory path
epidermal cells. way after converting into Acetyl-CoA
10. In vascular tissues of flowering plants, B) Glycerol- Enter the respiratory path way
companion cellsare not tube-like in structure. after converting into PGAL
11. Some chromosomes hold a satellite; Cells are C) Glucose- Favoured respiratory substrate
formed from pre-existing cells.
D) Acetyl-CoA- Common respiratory
12. Lipids are strictly micromolecules; intermediate seen when fats, carbohydrates
Bioenergetics delas with how do living and proteins undergo oxidation
organisms derive their energy? what
20. Measurement and comparison of total growth
strategies have they evolved? how do they
per unit time is called Absolute Growth Rate.
store this energy and in which form? how do
they convert this energy into work? 21. Winter varieties of rye usually is harvested
around mid-summer when its seeds were
13. In anaphase of cell division, leading edge of
planted in autumn.
chromosomes is directed towards poles and
their arms will be trailing behind 22. If malonate concentration is increased in
cells, then FADH+H+is not producedin Krebs
14. A) Apoplast path way- Mass flow
B) Symplast path way- Osmosis
23. Long ribbon like pollen grains is seen
AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
24. A) Achenes- Strawberry Statement (B): Mendelian dihybrid
B) Asteraceae- Apomixis phenotypic ratio 9:3:3:1 indicates that the
genes do not have linkage.
C) Mustard- Dry fruits
31. Presence of introns – Reminiscent of
D) Mango- Polyembryony
25. Plasmids and bacteriophages could replicate
32. NCERT Page No: 165
within the bacterial cells independent of the
control of chromosomal DNA because 33. Statement (A): A sparged stirred tank
Plasmid DNA and DNA of bacteriophage bioreactor has more surface area for oxygen
consists Autonomous Replication Sequence transfer.
(ori). Statement (B): Downstream processing and
26. A) Percentage carbon in dry weight of quality control testing vary from product to
organisms- 49 product.

B) Percentage of carbon found dissolved in 34. During PCR technique the primers annealed
oceans- 71 to the template DNA atits 31 - end

C) Percentage of carbon in atmosphere in 35. A. Biopiracy- Illegal use of bio- resources

total global carbon - 1 without proper authorization

D) Amount of carbon fixed in the biosphere B. Bio patenting- Right granted for discovery
through photosynthesis- 4 x 1013 Kg or use of biological entities.

27. A) Nucleo-polyhedroviruse- Narrow C. Reporter gene- For screening transformed

spectrum insecticidal applications cells.

B) Glomus- Resistance to root borne D. RNAi- Gene silencing

pathogens SECTION-B
C) Trichoderma harzianum- Deuteromycetes 36. A) Parenchymatous organization is not seen
biocontrol agent in some Chlorophyceae algae
B) Protonemal intervention is not seen in the
D) Oscillatoria- Add organic matter to the
life cycle of liverworts
C) In the evolution of plant kingdom
28. Carbon source used in nutrient medium of sporophylls have first appeared in
plant tissue culture is sugars pteridophytes
29. Phenotypic and genotypic ratios coincide in D) Angiosperms are advanced heterosporous
both incomplete dominance and co- tracheophytic non archegoniates
dominance because in both incomplete 37. Deuteromycetes: -Only asexual reproduction
dominance and co-dominance the is seen
heterozygotes can be distinguished from 38. A) Sepals with valvate /imbricate aestivation-
homozygotes. Fabaceae
30. Statement (A): Uniform distribution of four B) United persistent calyx- Solanaceae
types of phenotypes in the progeny of a C)Six tepals in valvate aestivation- Liliaceae
Mendelian dihybrid test cross indicates
D) Four sepals and two in each whorl-
independent assortment of factors.

AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
39. NCERT Page No: 214 ZOOLOGY
40. Flip-flop movement is usually seen in lipid SECTION - A
but not in proteins
51. (4) NCERT XI , page no. 101
41. During enzyme catalytic cycle binding of
substrate to the enzyme induces enzyme to Non – ciliated columnar epithelium is present
alter its shape in mucosa of small intestine. It has microvilli
(brush border). It increase the area of
42. During meiosis two chromatids per
absorption of digested food. Cuboidal
chromosome is seenfrom S- Phase to
epithelium with microvilli is present in PCT
Metaphase- II
of nephrons.
43. Transport proteins of endodermis cells of
rootcan function as control points at which a 52. (2) NCERT XI, page no.58,59
plant adjusts the quantity and types of solutes Aves (birds) and mammals are homeotherms
that reach the xylem as they maintain constant body temperature.
44. In this pump circulates a nutrient solution to 53. (3) NCERT XII page no. 134
the elevated end of the tube.
Branching descent and natural selection are
45. Statement (A): In plants of shade and dense the two key concepts of Darwinism.
forest light is a limiting factor for
photosynthesis. 54. (1) NCERT XI, page o.285
Statement (B): There is a linear relationship tricuspid and bicuspid valves are opened and
between the incident light and CO2 fixation semilunar valves are closed during joint
rates at lower light intensities. diastole. Dup sound, 2nd sound of heart beat
46. Chara is a Chlorophyceae member with is formed by closure of semilunar valves by
chlorophyll-a &b as photosynthetic pigments result of ventricular diastole.
47. Nucellus present in the ovules of 55. (2) NCERT XI page no. 326
angiosperms involves in formation of
diagram. Conceptual
archesporium, supplying nourishment for
embryosac development, embryo 56. (1) NCERT XI page no. 266
development and endosperm development Marasmus is one type of Protein Energy
48. Orchids do not have mature embryo with two Malnutrition which occurs by simultaneous
cotyledons as they are monocots deficiency of proteins and calories.
49. The height of Human is under the control of Kwashiorkar occurs due to protein deficiency
polygenic inheritance. The human having unaccompanied by calorie deficiency.
genotype aabbcc has 120 cm of height and
57. (3) NCERT XI page no. 335
the height of the tallest human is 240 cm.
Then the height of human having the Parathyroid hormone increases Calcium
genotype AaBbCc is 180 cm levels in blood by stimulating the dissolution
of bones, absorption of Calcium in renal
50. A) In green plants: -H2Oact as reductant
tubule of nephron, and absorption of Calcium
B) In light reaction: - H2O acts as reductant
from digested food.
C) In dark reaction: - CO2 acts as oxidant
D) In sulphur bacteria: - CO2 acts as oxidant
E) In Hill reaction: - H2O acts as reductant

AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
Carrier Normal Ascending limb of loop of Henle is
female male impermeable to water but allows transport of
XX XY electrolytes.
Descending of loop of Henle is permeable to
water but almost impermeable to electrolytes
65. (1) NCERT XII page no. 92
It is Kleinfelter’s syndrome which occurs due
Normal Normal Carrier Colorblind
daughter son daughter son to trisomy of 23rd pair of chromosomes
(allosomes) by result of aneuploidy.44XXY
59. (3) NCERT XI, Animal kingdom
Turner’s syndrome condition is 44XO. It is
Proboscis gland for excretion in due to monosomy of 23rd pair
66. (2) NCERT XII page no.168
Flame cells for excretion and osmoregulation
in flat worms. Mule is formed by cross between female
horse and male donkey which belong to
Parapodia for swimming in polychaetes like different species of same genus (interspecific
Comb plates for locomotion in ctenophores
Donkey – Equus asinus ; Horse – Equus
like Pleurobrachia.
60. (3) NCERT XI, cockroach Hissardale is formed as a new breed of sheep
Sperms are stored in seminal vesicles in male developed by crossing Bikaneri ewes and
cockroach Marino rams (two different breeds of sheep)
Mosaic vision has more sensitivity and less i.e. cross breeding.
resolution. 67. (2) NCERT XII page no.244
Tegmina/forewings are derived from Detritus with nitrogen and water soluble
mesothorax. sugars, warm and moist environment favor
61. (2) NCERT XI page no.272 quick rate of decomposition

TLC >VC > IC > FRC >EC 68. (4) NCERT XII page no. 226

5800 – 6500 > 4700 – 5300 > 3000 – 3500 At high altitudes, low atmospheric pressure
> 2200 – 2300> 1500 – 1600 and low oxygen partial pressure cause
altitude sickness.
62. (3) NCERT XI page no.324
69. (3) NCERT XII page no.137
Suspensory ligaments arising from ciliary
body hold lens in position. It causes disruptive selection and formation
of new species populations
Iris muscles regulate the diameter of pupil.
70. (3) NCERT XII page no. 267
63. (1) conceptual NCERT XI topic : Animal
kingdom i)Earth summit at Rio de Janeiro

64. (4) NCERT XI page no. 294 ii)Chipko movement – protection to trees.
iii)Montreal protocol, to save ozone layer

AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
iv)Kyoto protocol – reduce the releasing of 81. (2) NCERT XII page no. 282
green house gases Dobson units (DU) are the units to measure
71. (4) NCERT XII page no. 53 the thickness of ozone.
Embedding of blastocyst with endometrium dB (decibels)are used to measure intensity of
of uterine wall is considered as implantation. noise.
82. (3) NCERT XII page no.60
72. (1) NCERT XII – page no - 141
Multiload 375 is copper releasing IUD
Homo neanderthalensis was the human
cervical caps and vaults are barriers.
ancestor who used hide to protect body and
Lippes loop is non – medicated IUD.
buried their dead.
83. (4) NCERT XI page no. 287
Homo erectus probably ate meat.
Hepatic portal vein collects nutrient rich
Homo habilis first human like being blood from intestine and supplies to liver
Ramapithecus was more man like ape with first.
hairy nature Hepatic veins have urea rich blood as the
73. (2) NCERT XII – page no . 233 liver synthesizes urea.
Conceptual 84. (2) NCERT XII page no .235
74. (4) NCERT XII – page no. 43 Co – existence or living together concept is
Conceptual shown by some organism like warbler birds
75. (3) . NCERT XII – page no.152 which is a method of resource partitioning.
Ig A antibodies transferred from mother to 85. (3)NCERT XII page no. 266
newborn through colostrum provide natural In – situ conservation: National parks,
passive acquired immunity. Biosphere reserves, Sanctuaries,
76. (1) NCERT class XI page no.327 Sacred groves etc.,
Cristal ampullaris of semicircular canals and Ex – situ conservation : Botanical gardens,
macula of otolith organ (saccule and utricle) zoological parks, wild life safari parks, gene
maintain the balance and posture of the body banks, cryopreservation etc.,
77. (3) .NCERT XII page no.280 SECTION – B
As the radioactive and nuclear wastes will 86. (2) NCERT XII Environmental issues.
cause cancer, they should be stored in Eutrophication is the natural ageing of a lake
shielded containers buried within the rocks, by high levels of nutrients in its water.
about 500 m deep below the earth’s surface. High dose of UV – B causes snow –
78. (1) NCERT XI page no.274 blindness.
70% of carbon dioxide will be transported in 87. (3) NCERTXI page no.262
the form of bicarbonates. Conceptual
7 % in dissolved state 88. (2) NCERT XI page no. 105
20 - 25 % by RBCs Conceptual
79. (2) NCERT class XII page no.118,120,121 89. (1) NCERT XII page no .86
conceptual In fowls, sex of progeny depends on the type
80 . (1) NCERT class XII — Biodiversity of egg rather than sperm because females are
conceptual heterogametic.

AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
90. (2) NCERT XII page no. 249 1 2
S 2 = u2t + gt
Ecological pyramid of biomass is inverted in 2
aquatic ecosystem. 1
= 10 × 2 + × 10 × 22
91. (4) NCER XI page no. 303 2
Amoeboid or pseudopodial movement = 40 downwards
appears in the movement of macrophages ⇒ seperation=80m
and leucocytes. Alternate:
92. (3) NCERT XI .topic : Animal kingdom
ν r = 30 − ( −10 ) = 40 ms −1
93. (3) NCERT XII page no. 45
Conceptual diagram. a r = −10 − ( −10 ) = 0
94. (1) NCERT XI page no. 307 Distance = ν r t = 40 × 2 = 80m
Sliding of thin filaments over thick filaments
will occur during contraction of muscle 102. ma = V − mg
according to sliding filament theory.
400 × 5 − 100 ×10
95. (1) NCERT XI . conceptual a= = 10 ms −2
96. (2) NCERT XII page no. 230
Intrinsic rate of Natural increase is indicated ( m − µ m2 ) g = 30 − 0.1× 5 ×10
103. a = 1
by ‘r’. i.e. (b – d). m1 + m2 3+ 5
97. (3) NCERT XII 25 −2
= ms
conceptual 8
98. (1) NCERT XII page no.131. T = m1 ( g − a )
Analogous structures appear by result of
 25 
convergent evolution. = 3 10 −  N
 8 
Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of
= 20.625 N
Cucurbita represent homology.
99. (4) NCERT XII page no. 263 104. S = ut + at 2
1  −8  2
100. (3) NCERT XI page no..108 x = 10 × 5 +  ×5
2  0.4 
Blood glands in earthworm are present in 4th,
= ( 50 − 250 ) m = −200m
5th and 6th segments.
105. Internal forces don’t change state of C.O.M
They produce hemoglobin and blood cells
which are phagocytic. 106. V = 2 gl (1 − cos θ )
There are no erythrocytes in earthworms
= 2 × 10 × 0.8 ms −1 = 4ms −1
h 2cm
SECTION – A 107. l = = = 4cm
cos θ cos 600
1 2
101. S1 = u1t − gt 108. Conceptual
109. mg ×10 = 5 g ( 20 + 28 )
= 30 × 2 − ×10 × 22
2 48 × 5
m= = 24 gram
= 40 m, upwards 10
110. W = ∆KE

AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)

1 2  k2  122. From Malus law I =

cos2 θ
= mv  1 + 2  2
2  r 
2 1 
2 123. K = hc  − 
1 1
= × 50 ×   (1 + 1)  λ λ0 
2 4
3 1 
= 3.125 J 2K = hc  − 
1 9.8 × 84  λ λ0 
111. ms∆θ = ( mgH ) ⇒ ∆θ = 2 3λ − λ
2 2 × 4200 ⇒ = 0 ⇒ λ0 = λ
112. I − B, II − D; III − A, IV − C 1 2λ0 − λ
r r
113. ∆P = m v − u ( ) 124. n ∝ T ⇒
256 16
n−6 225 15
⇒ ∆P = 0.05 ( 6 + 6 ) = 0.6 kg ms −1 n = 186 Hz
114. mg =
ρ V22 − V12 A ) 125. φ = MI
2 dφ = M ( dI ) = 5 ( 20 − 0 ) = 100Wb
= × 902 − 602 × 20
)  eE 
 τ
126. µ = d =  
V m
10 × 4500
m= kg E E
µ ∝τ
115. T ∝ ; g surface > g d > g h 127.
⇒ T3 > T2 > T1 T = 2π
5× I
5 = 8 ms −1 T 1 = 2π
116. u cos θ = V cos ∝⇒ u = MBv
T1 B
1 =
KE = × 2 × 82 J = 64 J T Bv
1 2 2U 128. Conceptual
117. mv = U ⇒ m = 2 129.
2 v
118. ∆x × ∆P =
2π I
119. F=−
r > r0 , slope is + Ve
⇒ force is attractive I2 2
= ⇒ I 2 = 3 A , in opposite direction
r < r0 ; slope - Ve ⇒ Force is repulsive ( 2 + 1) 2
120. 20 − I c × 4 ×103 − 4 = 0 to I1
F µ0 I1I 2 2×3
Ic = = 4mA = = 2 × 10−7 ×
4 ×103 l 2π r 1
C t 750 s 3 = 1.2 ×10−6 Nm, repulsive
121. µ = 0 ⇒ µ = m = =
Cm t0 500 s 2
AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)

( x + y ).z = ( x. y ) .z
130. 140. PE : TE : KE = -2:-1:1
ρ 3
π 2π 141. =
131. = ⇒ λ = 6cm ρl 4
3 λ
λ 3λ ρl g − mg = Fnet
Nodes at x = , ρ
4 4
i.e x = 1.5cm, 4.5cm Fnet ρ  4  g
a= = g  l − 1 = g  − 1 =
⇒ ∆φ = π radian m ρ  3  3
132. d ≥ 4 f Speed while reaching surface
⇒ f max =
m v = 2as = 2 × ×1.5 = 10ms −1
4 3
1 4 Height raised above liquid
p= = D = +0.8 D
f 5 v2 10
= = = 0.5 m
2g 2 × 10
133. U = U B + U E = 142. Conceptual
1 q
Q2 Q2 143. V = 6 ×  
UB + = 4πε o  r 
4 ( 2C ) 2C
144. Conceptual
UB = U 145. Magnetic moment of electron in ground state
electron of hydrogen atom is known as Bohr
1 E
134. µ0ε 0 = and   = [V ] magneton.
C B M q  h  e 
= ⇒M =  
 232 − 208  L 2m  2π   2m 
α = =6
135.  4  146 Conceptual
β = 2 × 6 − ( 90 − 82 ) = 4 147. d1 + d 2 = 0
136 P = F .V
( µ1 − 1) A1 = − ( µ2 − 1) A2
F is perpendicular to V ⇒ P = 0  1.46 + 1.34  0  1.45 + 1.55 
2  − 1 × 5 = −  − 1 A2
mv  2   2 
137. T = + mg cos θ and v 2 = u 2 − 2 gr cos θ
r 0.4 × 5
A2 = − = −40
Where u = 5 gr 0.5
δ = δ1 + δ 2
138. V = 2as = 2a × π R
V2 ( ) (
= µVr1 − u R1 A1 − µV2 − µ R2 A2)
ac = = 2aπ
R = 0.12 × 5 − 0.1 × 4 = 0.20
a 
φ = tan −1  c  = tan −1 ( 2π ) l
148. V = =
 at  t µ
 F + F2  l 2 Tl ml 5 ×10−3 × 0.72
139. W = F1 s1 +  1  s2 = ⇒ T = =
 2  t2 m t2 9 ×10−6
 80 + 50 
⇒ W = 80 × 10 +   5 J = 1125 J
 2 

AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
4 µ F & 4 µ F are in series ⇒ C1 = 2µ F The bond dissociation energy of
149. 2µ F & 2µ F are in series ⇒ C2 = 1µ F x2 = 800 kJ / mol
C1 , C2 & 2 µ F are in parallel
158. (3) Diborane is an example of electron-
150. Conceptual deficient hydride.
CHEMISTRY 159. Ans : 1
SECTION – A 160. (2) When carbon dioxide is passed through
E1 λ2 4000 A0 2 lime water it turns milky due to the formation
151. (2) = = =
E2 λ1 2000 A0 1 of calcium carbonate.
Plaster of Paris is obtained when gypsum,
152. (1) n1 T1 = n2 T2 ( Using ideal gas equation;
CaSO4 .2 H 2O, is heated to 393 K.
since P, V and R are constant )
161. (4) Conceptual
 1
⇒ 1× 300 = 1 −  × T2 162. Ans : 2
 5
163. (4) The correct order of basicity in amines
300 × 5
∴ T2 = = 375 K is- 20 > 10 > 30
Here, ( C6 H 5 )2 NH and ( C2 H 5 ) 2 NH , both
153. (3) The hybridization of PF5 molecule is
sp 3 d , hence it is trigonal bipyramidal in
are 20 amines but ( C2 H 5 )2 NH , is more

shape. basic because it has no conjugation where as

3 in ( C6 H 5 )2 NH conjugation is present.
154. (1) KE = n RT
2 164. (4) Both Nitrogen and Sulphur
84 165. (4) a) -(iv) b) -(iii) c) -(ii) d)-(i)
155. (4) 84 g of N 2 = g − molecule = 3 moles 3 2
28 166. (4) PT = PP0 X P + PQ0 X Q PT = 80 × + 60 ×
156. (3) 5 5
C :H :O 167. Ans : 2 Y 
→ CCP array 
wt 24 g : 4 g : 32 g THV’S = 8
24 4 32 2 16
mole ratio : : X = ×8 =
12 1 16 3 3
= 1: 2 :1 X :Y = 4 :3
Formula = X 4Y3
157. (4) X 2 + Y2 → 2 XY
168. (1) The chemical reaction in which energy is
∆H = ( BE ) x − x + ( BE ) y − y − 2 ( BE ) x − y
evolved during the reaction is known as
If B.E of ( x − y ) = a, then B.E. of ( x − x ) = a exothermic reaction i.e. activation energy of
a product is greater than activation energy of
and B.E of (Y − y ) = reactants.
Here, only (I) denotes correct picture of
∆H ( x − y ) = 200 kJ
exothermic reaction.
a 0
∴ 400 ( for 2 moles of xy) = a + − 2a 169. (4) Higher Ereduction means good oxidizing
400 = or = +800 kJ 1
2 170. (3) 1F 
→ mole Cu deposited
2 F 
AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
= 1 mole Cu deposited ← HBr
Peroxide ( anti − markovnikov ' s rule )

= 63.5 g
171. Ans : 1 CH 3 − CH 2 − CH 2 − OH ←
aq . KOH
 CH 3CH 2 − CH 2 Br
2+ ( D) ( Substitution rea ) ( C )

172. (1)  Fe ( H 2O )5 ( NO ) 

173. (3) H 2 SO4 is a moderately strong oxidising

agent which oxidises both metals and non-
metals as shown below
Cu + 2 H 2 SO4 ( conc ) → CuSO4 + SO2 + 2 H 2O
S + 2 H 2 SO4 ( conc ) → 3SO2 + 2 H 2O
While carbon on oxidation with H 2 SO4
produces two types of oxides CO2 and SO2
C + 2 H 2 SO4 ( conc ) → CO2 + 2SO2 + 2 H 2O 182. (4)
174. (3) Chlorine on reaction with cold and dilute
alkalies produces a mixture of chloride and
pypochlorite but on reaction with hot and
concentrated alkalies, it gives chloride and 183. (1) +CrO2Cl2 →
CCl4 or CS2
H O+
chlorate. 3

175. (1) a)-(i) b) -(iii) c) -(iv) d)-(ii) This reaction is known as Etard reaction.
176. (2) 184. (3)
Cr2O7−2 + 6 I − + 14 H + → 2Cr +3 + 3I 2 + 7 H 2O CH 3CH 2OH →
PI 3
CH 3CH 2 I 
→ CH 3CH 2CN
( A) (B)
177. (2) Because they furnish different ion in 
H 3O +
solution. (C )
 PtCl2 ( NH 3 )4  Br2 ↽
⇀  PtCl2 ( NH 3 )4  + 2 Br − 185. (3)
PtBr2 ( NH3 )4  Cl2 ↽
 PtBr2 ( NH3 )4  + 2Cl

178. (2) 1. Cellulose is an example of a natural

2. Cellulose acetate is an example of semi- Z2
synthetic polymer. 186. (4) Let formula for I.E. = + X × J / atom
3. Nylon 6,6 is an example of synthetic 22
polymer. 19.6 × 10−18 = + X ×
4. Starch is an example of natural polymer.
19.6 × 10−18 = X × 4
179. (2) a)-(iii) b) -(vi) c) -(i) d)-(ii)
19.6 ×10−18
180. (3) Uracil is present in RNA =X
Thymine is present in DNA. 4
181. (1) X = 4.9 ×10−18
CH 3CH 2CH 2OH 
→ CH 3CH 2CH 2 Br −18 Z2
4.9 ×10 X 2 J / atom
( A) n
→ CH 3CH = CH 2
alc , KOH
dehydrohalo − genation
(B) −4.9 ×10 −18 × 2 J / atom

AITS GT-15 (23-04-23)
( ∵ T.E. & I.E. have opposite signs & rest 0.295 × 2
K = anti log ⇒ K = 1×1010
formula is the same ) 0.059
32 195. (4) In case of an ore containing ZnS and PbS,
−4.9 ×10−18 × = −4.9 ×10−18 × 9
1 2 the depressant used is NaCN, NaCN
= −44.1×10 J atom −1
−18 selectively prevents ZnS from coming to the
froth but allows PbS to come with the froth.
187. (4) Along a period size decrease while down
the group size increases. 196. (2) [ Rn ] 6d 2 7 s 2
Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 197. (4) d 2 sp 3
C N 198. Ans : 1
− P S 199. ( 3)
kp 3
188. (4) α = =
kp + p p
= = 1/ 2 = 0.5 = 50%
4p /3
189. (2) High concentration of SO2 leads to
stiffness of flower buds which eventually fall
off from plants.
190. Ethers are very good bronsted lowry bases
191. (3)
CH 3 − CH = CH 2 
→ CH 3 − CH ( Br ) − CH 3
alc KOH
→ CH 3 − CH = CH 2 →
O3 , Zn / H 2O

192. (4) Sc : a = 2r; bcc : 3 a = 4r ; fcc : 2 a=
4r 200.
2 – Ethyl-4 – methyl hexa 1,4 diene
2.303 R
193. (1) k = log 0  ∵ R = [ A] − [ B ]
t R
2.303 0.2
k= log
10 0.2 − 0.18
2.303 0.2 2.0303
k= log = ×1 = 0.2303
10 0.02 10
194. (3) According to Nernst equation,
E = E0 − log Q at 250 C
At equilibrium, E = 0, Q = K
0.059 0.059
∴ 0 = E0 − log K ⇒ E 0 = log K
n n
E0 × n 0.295 × 2
log K = ⇒ log K =
0.059 0.059

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