Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that signals threat and promotes
behavior to protect the individual. Commonly, the underlying process is that a noxious stimulus 1
Department of Neurology and
induces physiological processes, referred to as nociception (see Glossary), that translate into TUMNeuroimaging Center, Technische
pain [1]. This translation process is influenced by a broad variety of contextual factors. We Universität München, Munich,
routinely make use of this influence; for example, when comforting an injured child or 2
Departments of Neuroradiology and
when harnessing placebo effects for pain therapy. Pain thus results from the integration of Psychiatry and TUMNeuroimaging
nociceptive and contextual information mediated by feedforward and feedback processes in Center, Technische Universität
München, Munich, Germany
the human brain [7]. This integration process is not static but has to be dynamically adjusted to 3
Institute of Neuroscience and
the continuously changing demands of everyday life. For example, the same noxious input can Psychology, University of Glasgow,
yield no pain when a competing goal has to be achieved (e.g., during a long-distance run) but Glasgow, UK
under other contextual conditions can result in strong pain (e.g., when a severe disease is
feared). Thus, the dynamic integration of sensory and contextual processes plays a preeminent
role in pain that probably exceeds its role in other modalities. [email protected] (M. Ploner).
100 Trends in Cognitive Sciences, February 2017, Vol. 21, No. 2
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In chronic pain states, pain often persists without objective threat to the body. Chronic pain is a Glossary
disease in its own right that affects about a fifth of the adult population in the Western world [8,9], Default mode, salience, and
imposes an enormous economic burden on society [10,11], and causes severe suffering to sensorimotor networks: important
individuals. In chronic pain the relationship between nociception and pain is often weak or lost intrinsic brain networks that are
particularly active during rest and
[12] indicating abnormal integration of nociceptive and contextual information. In particular, there during the detection of and
is a close and mutual relationship between contextual factors and chronic pain [13]. For orientation to salient events and
example, certain psychological factors such as passive coping strategies predispose to the sensorimotor processes, respectively.
development of chronic pain and, conversely, chronic pain yields severe cognitive, affective, and These networks have been shown to
be involved in the processing of pain.
functional deficits [13]. Thus, the adaptive integration of nociceptive and contextual processes is Granger causality: a measure of the
severely disturbed in chronic pain. causal relationship between two time
series. In EEG, MEG, and intracranial
recordings, it is often taken as a
Pain and the Brain
measure of the causal relationship
Pain is associated with the activation of an extended network of brain areas including the between neural signals originating
somatosensory, insular, cingulate, and prefrontal cortices, the thalamus, subcortical areas, and from different locations in the brain.
the brainstem [14]. These areas do not constitute a dedicated pain system but belong to different Infra- and supragranular layers:
the largest part of the cerebral
functional systems of the brain that are transiently orchestrated in the processing of pain. None
cortex, termed the isocortex, is
of these areas exclusively processes or singularly determines the experience of pain [15] (see characterized by a six-layered
[16–19] for an ongoing discussion of this topic). It is thus likely that the integration of neuronal structure. The different layers contain
activity across brain areas eventually determines pain. Structural connections represent the characteristic distributions of neuronal
cell types and connections. From
anatomical basis for this integration process. However, to continuously adjust pain to the
outside to inside, the layers are
momentary behavioral demands, the integration process has to be highly flexible. This flexibility numbered with Roman numerals
requires dynamic changes of neuronal integration at timescales that can be provided not by from I to VI. Layer IV is termed the
changes of structural connections but rather by dynamic changes of functional connections. internal granular layer. Layers I–III are
summarized as the supragranular
Such dynamic changes of functional connections in the processing of pain have recently been layers and V and VI as the
conceptualized as the dynamic pain connectome [20]. This concept does not conceive the infragranular layers. The supra- and
cerebral processing of pain as a static phenomenon but emphasizes that the dynamics of infragranular layers differ in their
functional connections flexibly determine the experience of pain. patterns of feedforward and feedback
Intracranial recordings:
Pain is associated not only with a spatially extended network of dynamically recruited brain areas neurophysiological recordings of brain
but also with complex temporal–spectral patterns of brain activity. In particular, pain-related activity obtained either from
electrodes placed on the cortex
neuronal oscillations at frequencies ranging from infraslow fluctuations below 0.1 Hz (Box 1) via
(electrocorticography) or from
theta (4–7 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), and beta (14–29 Hz) to gamma (30–100 Hz) oscillations [21–31] electrodes inserted in the brain
have been observed. These oscillations have been recorded during different contextual con- (LFPs). In humans intracranial
ditions and at different timescales. However, an overarching framework for the significance of recordings can be obtained during
surgery or after surgical implantation
these oscillations for pain remains lacking.
of electrodes.
Intrinsic brain networks: sets of
The close relationship between chronic pain and psychological factors [13] and the substantial brain areas that exhibit synchronous
comorbidity of chronic pain and mental disorders [32] indicates that brain dysfunction plays a activity in fMRI recordings during the
resting state.
central role in the development and maintenance of chronic pain. Recent neurobiological
Nociception: the neural process of
investigations corroborate the crucial role of the brain in chronic pain by showing substantial encoding noxious stimuli.
structural and metabolic changes of the brain in chronic pain [12,33]. Moreover, neurophysio- Nociceptive: related to noxious
logical and functional imaging studies found abnormalities of the frequency spectrum of brain stimuli.
Slow waves: slow oscillations at
activity ranging from infraslow fluctuations (Box 1) to gamma oscillations in patients with chronic frequencies below 3 Hz observed in
pain [26,27,34,35]. Most recent evidence indicates that some of these changes are causally EEG and LFP recordings. Slow
involved in the development and maintenance of chronic pain [36,37]. waves are mostly observed during
sleep and are likely to play an
important role for memory
Neuronal Oscillations and Synchrony consolidation.
Brain rhythms or brain oscillations refer to rhythmic fluctuations of neural mass signals recorded
by local field potentials (LFPs), electroencephalography (EEG), or magnetoencephalography
(MEG) [38]. Brain oscillations are most prominent at frequencies between 1 and 100 Hz [39].
They originate from the dynamic interplay of excitation and inhibition of neuronal populations
leading to periodic synchronization of action potentials. In addition, infraslow fluctuations of brain
Two physiological aspects of intrinsic brain networks might be of particular interest in the processing of pain. First,
intrinsic brain networks relate to slowly propagating waves of neuronal activity at a timescale of about 1 s for the whole
cortex [112,113]. These waves provide subthreshold depolarization to individual neurons indicating modulation of
neuronal excitability [114]. Changes of infraslow BOLD fluctuations in chronic pain might therefore indicate impairment of
slowly propagating waves. As slowly propagating waves are intimately linked to slow waves during sleep and memory
consolidation [115], changes of infraslow BOLD fluctuations might relate to abnormal learning and memory consolidation
processes in chronic pain [13]. Second, infraslow fluctuations are linked to fluctuations of faster oscillations at alpha and
gamma frequencies [116,117] indicating cross-frequency coupling with infraslow fluctuations shaping faster oscillations.
In chronic pain, abnormal infraslow fluctuations, particularly in the salience and default mode networks [26–29], might
interfere with faster oscillations and the flexible routing of information flow in the brain.
In summary, infraslow fluctuations provide a mechanistic framework that connects slow wave propagation and learning
processes to oscillations at higher frequencies and flexible cerebral information flow. Abnormalities of infraslow
fluctuations and their synchronization might signal abnormal slow wave propagation and related learning processes
and contribute to abnormal routing of information flow in chronic pain.
activity are observed at frequencies below 0.1 Hz by functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) (Box 1). At any frequency the synchronization of brain activity can occur both within and
between brain areas [40,41]. Brain oscillations have been observed in association with a broad
variety of perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral functions. The interpretation of their functional
significance therefore varies substantially between tasks and backgrounds. It is only recently that
these different interpretations have been complemented by a unified physiological framework
indicating that brain oscillations are mechanistically involved in the dynamic routing of information
flow [2–6].
This framework is based on a convergence of anatomical and functional findings in animals and
humans. First, in the visual system anatomical connections have been differentiated into
feedforward (bottom-up) and feedback (top-down) connections [42,43]. This anatomical differ-
entiation is apparent in distinct distributions of both types of connections across the various
layers of the cortex. Feedforward projections typically start in supragranular layers and
terminate in layer IV. Feedback projections predominantly start in infragranular layers and
terminate in layers other than layer IV. Second, the non-homogeneous distribution of feedfor-
ward and feedback connections is complemented by a non-homogeneous distribution of brain
oscillations across cortical layers. Several studies demonstrate that oscillations at alpha and beta
frequencies (8–29 Hz) are stronger in infragranular layers than in supragranular layers. By
contrast, oscillations in the gamma frequency band (30–100 Hz) are stronger in supra- than
in infragranular layers of the cortex [44–47]. In light of the aforementioned laminar distribution of
anatomical connections, this suggests a link between feedforward signaling and gamma
oscillations and feedback signaling and alpha/beta oscillations. A recent study provided direct
evidence for these associations. The study characterized the information flow in human visual
areas based on MEG data [48]. Specifically, measures of directed connectivity (such as Granger
causality) indicated stronger connectivity in the gamma band from lower towards higher
hierarchical areas (feedforward signal) whereas directed connectivity in the opposite direction
(from higher to lower areas) is stronger in alpha/beta frequencies.
In the cortex predictive coding processes are likely to be implemented by various neuronal populations [44]. In particular,
predictions have been related to infragranular neurons and feedback connections while prediction errors have been
related to supragranular neurons and feedforward connections [44]. In light of the predominance of alpha/beta and
gamma oscillations in infra- and supragranular layers, respectively, the relation of predictions and prediction errors to
neuronal oscillations at alpha/beta and gamma frequencies, respectively, is obvious [44,94]. Recent studies have
provided the first experimental evidence for such relationships [106,107].
Taken together these findings indicate that neuronal oscillations and synchrony in distinct
frequency bands serve the dynamic routing of information flow in the brain. Previously seemingly
independent strands of research converged on the notion that alpha/beta oscillations mediate
feedback signals whereas gamma oscillations mediate feedforward signals. In predictive coding
frameworks of brain function, this might correspond to the signaling of predictions and predic-
tion errors, respectively (Box 2). The involvement of neuronal oscillations in the flexible routing of
information flow has been largely demonstrated and developed in the visual system. In the
following section, we apply this concept to findings on neuronal oscillations and synchrony in the
processing of pain.
Phasic Pain
EEG and MEG studies showed that brief noxious stimuli induce a complex spectral–temporal–
spatial pattern of neuronal responses with at least three different components. First, pain stimuli
evoke increased neural activity at frequencies below 10 Hz. These increases occur between 150
and 400 ms after stimulus application. They originate from the sensorimotor cortex and the
frontoparietal operculum including the insula and secondary somatosensory cortex as well as
from the mid-/anterior cingulate cortex. They correspond to the well-investigated pain-related
evoked potentials [49,50]. Second, phasic pain stimuli transiently suppress oscillations at alpha
and beta frequencies [23,24,51,52]. These suppressions are observed at latencies between
about 300 and 1000 ms in the sensorimotor cortex and occipital areas [24,51]. Third, phasic
pain stimuli induce oscillations at gamma frequencies over the sensorimotor cortex at latencies
of between 150 and 350 ms [21,22,25].
The functional significance of the different components of pain-related brain activity is not yet fully
understood. So far the evidence indicates that the components are differentially sensitive to
different modulations of pain. Bottom-up modulations of pain by varying stimulus intensity (i.e.,
nociceptive information) influences all three components [21,22,25,53,54]. Similarly, top-down
modulations by varying attention affect all components [22,51,52,54,55]. However, during
The findings, however, indicate that brain activity at different frequencies provides different
and complementary information about pain. Moreover, they indicate that there is no one-to-
one correspondence between any frequency component of brain activity and pain, which
extends the lack of specificity of brain activity for pain [15] to the frequency domain. Instead,
the relationship between pain and brain activity is variable and context dependent. In the
context of an involvement of oscillations in the flexible routing of information flow, the findings
suggest that different contextual modulations of pain differentially change the information
flow between the involved brain areas (Figure 1, Key Figure). For example, when pain is
mostly driven by nociceptive processing, gamma oscillations in the somatosensory cortex
may serve the feedforward signaling of sensory information to other brain areas involved in
pain processing and behavioral responses to pain [57]. By contrast, when other processes
such as affect or, evaluation dominate, the information flow is changed with gamma
oscillations and feedforward signaling from the somatosensory cortex playing a rather minor
The assessment of brain responses to phasic painful stimuli shows the impact of contextual
modulations on stimulus processing but not the mechanisms of the modulations. A straightfor-
ward approach to the disentangling of contextual processes from stimulus processing is the
assessment of prestimulus activity, which cannot be contaminated by any stimulus-related
processes. The few studies on this topic with respect to pain [58–60] suggest that ongoing
oscillations play an important role in shaping pain perception. Specifically, the amplitude of
prestimulus alpha oscillations over the sensorimotor cortex is negatively correlated with pain
perception [59,60]. Correspondingly, attention to pain [52] and the expectation of analgesia [61]
are associated with changes of alpha oscillations in the sensorimotor and prefrontal cortex,
respectively. In addition, the amplitudes of prestimulus gamma oscillations are correlated with
pain perception [58,59], although the direction of the effect differed. Intriguingly, alpha and
gamma oscillations together have a stronger predictive value than each component alone [59],
which supports the view that they provide different and complementary information about
feedforward and feedback signaling in pain processing.
Studies using intracranial recordings in a few patients with epilepsy investigated the signifi-
cance not only of prestimulus oscillations but also of prestimulus connectivity between brain
areas for pain. The results indicate that attention to pain changes the connectivity between pain-
relevant brain areas at alpha and beta frequencies [62–64]. Intriguingly, the analysis of directed
functional (or effective) connectivity indicates that the information flow is flexibly changed by
attention. Specifically, during attention to a painful stimulus the medial prefrontal cortex exerted
causal influences on the primary sensorimotor cortex whereas during distraction the causal
influences were reversed. These findings provide evidence for the context-dependent routing of
information flow in the processing of pain (Figure 1). Moreover, the findings are well compatible
with a role for synchrony at alpha and/or beta frequencies in the top-down signaling of contextual
factors and/or, in a predictive coding framework (Box 2), predictions of pain. However, these
promising findings originate from three patients and need replication and elaboration in further
Figure 1. Schematic representation of three brain areas in the processing of pain under three different conditions. (A) Pain is mainly driven by stimulus processing. A brain
area associated with stimulus processing sends feedforward information to other brain areas implicated in pain processing. The sending of feedforward information is
associated with gamma oscillations and gamma synchrony across brain areas. (B,C) Pain is mainly driven by contextual processes (e.g., attention, expectation, emotion).
Brain areas associated with the respective contextual factor send feedback information to other brain areas. This is associated with alpha/beta oscillations and alpha/beta
synchrony across brain areas.
Tonic Pain
The above-reviewed evidence relates to the processing of brief experimental pain stimuli. It is,
however, unclear how these findings relate to the brain mechanisms of longer-lasting pain of
months and years, which is the key feature of chronic pain. Experimental studies using longer-
lasting tonic experimental pain stimuli in the range of minutes represent a step further in that
direction. These studies have shown that tonic pain is associated with suppression of oscillations
at alpha frequencies [65–75]. However, as most mental processes suppress alpha oscillations,
the specificity of this effect is unclear. Some studies have claimed it to be pain specific based on
covariation of alpha oscillations and pain intensity [70,71,74]. Another recent study showed that
the suppression of alpha and beta oscillations during tonic pain is more closely related to
stimulus intensity as a proxy for nociception than to the perceived pain intensity [73] indicating
that these suppressions reflect stimulus processing rather than perception. In addition, several
studies have recorded gamma oscillations during tonic pain [72,73,76]. Intriguingly, during tonic
pain gamma oscillations encoded pain rather than nociception [73]. Moreover, in contrast to
phasic pain, they were not recorded over sensorimotor areas but over the medial prefrontal
cortex [73].
Thus, during a few minutes of painful stimulation the encoding of pain shifts from gamma
oscillations over brain areas encoding sensory processes to gamma oscillations over brain areas
encoding emotional–motivational phenomena. These findings indicate that pain-related infor-
mation flow might change not only with the behavioral context but also with the duration of pain.
In the current framework of flexible routing of information flow (Figure 1), these findings suggest
that during longer-lasting pain, signals from brain areas encoding emotional–motivational
processes rather than from sensory brain areas dominate the processing and perception of
pain. In a predictive coding framework (Box 2), this might indicate that longer-lasting pain does
not generate prediction errors at the level of sensory processing but rather at the level of
emotional–motivational processing.
pain [34,35,82–85] has also been observed, abnormal amplitudes of theta oscillations might
It is tempting to relate the interaction
basically represent the unspecific slowing of EEG activity observed in many acute [86] and
between sensory input, contextual
chronic [87] neuropsychiatric disorders. information, and pain to predictive cod-
ing frameworks of brain function. How
A less-noticed finding is an increase of oscillations at alpha and beta frequencies [30,34,35,85]. can this relationship be specified and
experimentally tested? What are the
This is in line with studies in animal models of chronic pain that showed broadband increases of consequences for the understanding
oscillations from theta to beta frequencies in the primary somatosensory and medial prefrontal of pain and chronic pain?
cortex [88–90]. In particular, increases of beta oscillations were observed in frontal brain areas
[34,35,85,91,92]. Considering that beta oscillations are likely to serve feedback signaling [48,93] The analysis of oscillations is concep-
and/or the signaling of predictions [94], this would be compatible with abnormal predictions tually and methodologically well suited
for the investigation of the brain mech-
playing a crucial role in chronic pain [95]. anisms of chronic pain. However, evi-
dence on the role of oscillations and
In summary, the data show mostly changes of theta and beta oscillations in chronic pain, the synchrony in chronic pain is remarkably
limited. Can timely network analyses of
latter particularly in frontal brain areas. Considering disturbed integration of nociceptive and
EEG, MEG, and fMRI data specify
contextual processes in chronic pain, an abnormal balance of feedforward and feedback abnormalities of oscillations and syn-
signaling and thereby an abnormal balance of oscillations at different frequencies might play chrony underlying chronic pain?
an important role in chronic pain. However, the role of neuronal oscillations and synchrony in
chronic pain is a largely unexplored field and the emerging concepts await further empirical Subcortical areas including the ventral
striatum, amygdala, and hippocampus
play an important role in chronic pain.
Although neuronal oscillations from
Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives these areas are well known they have
Recent evidence has shown that oscillations and synchrony play a crucial role in the flexible not so far been investigated during
pain. How can subcortical oscillations
routing of information flow in the brain. In particular, oscillations at gamma and alpha/beta
be recorded and how do they integrate
frequencies have been shown to serve feedforward and feedback processing, respectively. in patterns of cerebral information
The flexible routing of information flow might be particularly relevant in the processing of pain flow?
where the dynamic integration of sensory and contextual processes plays a crucial role (Figure 1).
The results available so far are compatible with these concepts. It has been shown that there is Recent studies discuss the use of pat-
terns of brain activity as markers of
no one-to-one correspondence between oscillations at any frequency or location and the pain. Can patterns of neuronal oscilla-
subjective experience of pain, which extends evidence on the lack of specificity of pain-related tions and synchrony serve as diagnos-
brain activity [15] to the frequency domain. Instead, different modulations of pain are associated tic and/or prognostic markers of pain?
with distinct changes of neuronal oscillations indicating flexible, context-dependent routing of Can we target neuronal oscillations and
synchrony for pain therapy using phar-
information flow. The available evidence does not so far allow more systematic mapping of the macological, behavioral, neuromodula-
relationship between oscillations, cerebral information flow, and the experience of pain and its tory, or neurofeedback approaches?
modulations. This lack of evidence is at least partly due to a lack of a systematic understanding of
pain modulations [96]. Conversely, the systematic assessment of brain oscillations might
represent a promising approach to establish a taxonomy [96] or ontology [97] of different types
of pain modulation based on patterns of oscillations and cerebral information flow.
Furthermore, considering the preeminent role of the integration of contextual and sensory
information in the processing of pain, an application of predictive coding frameworks (Box 2)
to the processing of pain is obvious. In such a framework, contextual and nociceptive informa-
tion might be conceptualized as predictions and sensory evidence, respectively. Pain thereby
results from the comparison and adjustment of predictions, sensory evidence, and prediction
errors rather than directly from nociceptive information. Accordingly, it has recently been
proposed that predictive coding represents a suitable and testable model of pain processing
[7,103–105]. Paradigmatically, a predictive coding model for pain and placebo analgesia has
been presented [103]. In this model placebo-induced treatment expectations were conceptu-
alized as feedback-mediated predictions, which modulate pain by changing the balance of
feedback and feedforward processes at different levels of a neural processing hierarchy. It will be
intriguing to extend this model to other modulations of pain. Moreover, considering the rela-
tionship of predictions and prediction errors with alpha/beta and gamma oscillations, respec-
tively [44,94,106,107], the assessment of oscillations could provide novel insights into predictive
coding processes related to pain. This is even more appealing as abnormally precise predictions
[95] and/or abnormal updating of predictions [7] might play an important role in the pathology of
chronic pain.
Thus, based on recent progress in our understanding of neuronal oscillations, their systematic
assessment might provide a unique window onto the dynamics of cerebral information flow and
related predictive coding processes underlying the experience of pain in health and disease.
M.P. is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (PL 321/11-1). J.G. is supported by the Wellcome Trust
(098433). The authors thank Ulrike Bingel, Henrik Heitmann, Elisabeth May, Moritz Nickel, Son Ta Dinh, Laura Tiemann, and
Katja Wiech for helpful discussions and comments on the manuscript.
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