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Objective Data: Phlebitis Secondary Short term: 1. Discontinue 1. A proactive Short Term
to the Insertion of a After hours of infusion and measure to prevent Goal:
 Warmth, Redness Peripheral Venous nursing intervention, remove catheter further damage to
and Inflammation Catheter Patients should learn the vein, reduce pain After hours of
 Resident to recognize the signs 2. Disinfect the access and discomfort, intervention, the
complaints of heat, and symptoms of site. minimize the risk of client verbalized
stinging phlebitis, including infection, and comfort and
 Discomfort at redness, swelling, support the patient's overall well-being
access site tenderness, and 3. Apply pressure to overall recovery. will be evaluated
 Pain and warmth at the IV site, removal site to to ensure that
tenderness along as well as any prevent bleeding. 2.Proper disinfection they are
pathway of unusual discharge or reduces the risk of experiencing
afflicted vein streaking of redness 4. Apply intermittent introducing bacteria relief from pain
 Induration of vein, along the vein, and warm, moist heat or other pathogens and discomfort
palpable venous also receiving IV for 20 minutes TID, into the and that they are
cord therapy should be per physician’s bloodstream recovering
educated about order. through the IV line. satisfactorily.
proper IV care, Infections related to
including keeping the 5. If infection is IV access sites can
site clean, avoiding suspected, culture lead to serious
unnecessary catheter tip. complications,
movement of the including sepsis,
catheter, and 6. Notify physician of which is life-
promptly reporting phlebitis. threatening.
any discomfort or
issues with the IV 7. Document the 3.Help prevent or
line. observations, minimize the
interventions, formation of
resident’s response hematomas,
and outcome in reducing pain and
resident’s medical discomfort for the
chart. patient and the risk
of complications.

4.Heat therapy can

enhance tissue
elasticity, making it
easier for the
affected area to
move. This is
particularly useful
in conditions
involving scar
tissue or adhesions.

5.The culture can

identify the specific
responsible for the
infection, whether
it's bacteria, fungi,
or other pathogens.
Knowing the type
of pathogen is
essential for
selecting the
antibiotic or

6.To ensure early

diagnosis and
treatment, prevent
address the
underlying causes,
and improve patient
comfort and safety

7. To provide a
comprehensive and
continuous account
of a resident's
health status and
care. Documenting
observations and
ensures that all
healthcare providers
have access to the
same information,
enabling them to
make well-informed
decisions and
provide consistent

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