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Tec 13016:2020

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सं:टीईसी 13016:2020
No.: TEC 13016:2020

मानव शरीर के ननकट उपयोग ककए जाने वाले वायरलेस

कम्युननके शन निवाइसेस का स्पेनसकिक अब्सोर्पशशन रे ट (एस ए

Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) for Wireless

Communication Devices used in close proximity to human

© टीईसी, 2020
© TEC, 2020

इस सर्वाधिकवर सुरक्षित प्रकवशन कव कोई भी हिस्सव, दरू संचवर अभभयवंत्रिकी केंद्र, नई हदल्ली की भलखित
स्र्ीकृतत के त्रिनव, ककसी भी रूप में यव ककसी भी प्रकवर से जैसे -इलेक्ट्रॉतनक, मैकेतनकल, फोटोकॉपी, ररकॉर्डिंग,
स्कैतनंग आहद रूप में प्रेषित, संग्रिीत यव पन
ु रुत्पवहदत न ककयव जवए ।
All rights reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted, in any form and by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, scanning or otherwise, without written permission from the Telecommunication Engineering
Centre, New Delhi.

दरू संचार अभियांत्रिकी केंद्र

ु ीदलाल िवन, जनपथ, नई ददल्ली–110001, िारत
Release 1: September, 2020

No. : TEC 13016:2020 2


Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) functions under Department of

Telecommunications (DOT), Government of India.
Its activities include:
 Issue of Generic Requirements (GR), Interface Requirements (IR),
Service Requirements (SR) and Standards for Telecom Products and
 Field evaluation of products and Systems
 National Fundamental Plans
 Support to DOT on technology issues
 Testing & Certification of Telecom products

For the purpose of testing, four Regional Telecom Engineering Centers (RTECs)
have been established which are located at New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, and


This standard covers the limits and general requirements including specific
measurement criteria, wherever applicable, for assessment of Specific Absorption
Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to human

No. : TEC 13016:2020 3


Clause Particulars Page No.

History Sheet 5
References 6
1. Scope 7
2 Definitions 7
3 Applicability of Standard 7
4 Assessment of Compliance to SAR limits 8
5 Specific Conditions in SAR measurement 19
6 Documentation and Affixation Requirements 20
Appendix-A: SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 22
100 MHz – 6 GHz and ≤ 50 mm
Appendix-B: SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 23
100 MHz – 6 GHz and > 50 mm
Appendix-C: SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 24
< 100 MHz and < 200 mm
Abbreviations 25

No. : TEC 13016:2020 4


Document Title Document No. Remarks

Specific Absorption No. TEC 13016:2020 First edition

Rate(SAR) for
Devices used in
close proximity to
human body

No. : TEC 13016:2020 5

1. IEC 62209-1: 2016
2. IEC 62209-2: 2010
3. IEC 62209-3: 2019
4. IEC 62479: 2010
5. IEC 62630: 2010
6. KDB 447498
7. KDB 248227
8. KDB 616267
9. KDB 648474
10. KDB 941225
i. At the time of publication of this document, the editions indicated above
were valid. All the standards are subject to revision. Thus, editions of the
standards indicated in this clause or their subsequent versions shall be
applicable unless otherwise stated.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 6


This standard covers the limits and general requirements including specific
measurement criteria, wherever applicable, for assessment of Specific Absorption
Rate (SAR) for RF devices used in close proximity to human body (20 cm or less)
and with an operating frequency between 30 MHz to 6 GHz.

i. Specific Absorption Rate(SAR): Power absorbed by (dissipated in) an

incremental mass contained in a volume element of biological tissue when

exposure to a radio frequency electromagnetic field occurs.

ii. Power exclusion threshold (Pmax): Source-based, time-averaged maximum

conducted output power of the RF channel (adjusted for tune-up tolerance)

of a wireless device, used for determining the SAR test exclusion threshold

of the device at a minimum test separation distance.

iii. Test separation distance: Test separation distance is determined by the

smallest distance from the antenna and radiating structures or outer

surface of the device, according to the host form factor, exposure

conditions and platform requirements, to any part of the body or extremity

of a user or bystander.

iv. Limbs and Extremity: In the context of SAR measurement/evaluation, limbs

and extremities refer to hands, wrists, legs and ankles.


3.1 Category of wireless devices
The wireless devices covered under the scope of this standard can be categorized as
i. Hand-held RF devices, which are generally intended to be used close to
the head such as Cellular/ Mobile/Satellite phones etc.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 7

ii. Hand-held RF devices, which will be used in close proximity of 20 cm or

less to the body such as MRTS handsets/VHF/UHF handsets etc.

iii. RF devices which are generally intended to be used in close proximity of

20 cm or less to the body such as Wi-Fi dongles, Mobile data

cards/dongles, laptops, tablets etc.

iv. IoT RF devices, which are generally intended to be worn on the body near

the head.

v. IoT RF devices, which are generally intended to be worn on the body other

than as classified in iv above.

vi. IoT RF devices generally intended to be used in close proximity of 20 cm

or less to the body.


This section covers the different requirements and methodologies for the assessment
of compliance to SAR limits with respect to different RF devices depending on their
usage scenarios, radiated power etc. The requirements and conditions given in the
subsequent subsections, as applicable to a RF device, are to be followed for
exhibiting compliance to SAR limits.
4.1 Criteria for compliance for devices seeking exclusion from SAR testing
For certain low power RF devices standalone, the evaluation of 1-g head or body and
10-g extremity or limb SAR by measurement or numerical simulation is not required
when the corresponding SAR Test Exclusion Threshold condition(s), listed below, is
(are) satisfied:
a. For 100 MHz to 6 GHz and test separation distances ≤ 50 mm, the 1-g and 10-g SAR
test exclusion thresholds are determined by the following:

(max.power of channel (Pmax),including tune−up tolerance,mW)

(min.test separation distance,mm)
× √𝑓 (𝐺𝐻𝑧) ≤ 3.0 (for 1-g SAR)

(max.power of channel (Pmax),including tune−up tolerance,mW)

× √𝑓 (𝐺𝐻𝑧) ≤ 7.5 (for 10-g
(min.test separation distance,mm)
extremity SAR)

No. : TEC 13016:2020 8

 f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
 Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before

 The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
 The values 3.0 and 7.5 are referred to as numeric thresholds in step b)

The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance
is ≤ 50 mm, and for transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When
the minimum test separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to
determine SAR test exclusion.
Some approximate exclusion threshold numerical values at selected frequencies
and distances are at Appendix A.

b. For 100 MHz to 6 GHz and test separation distances > 50 mm, the 1-g and 10-g SAR

test exclusion thresholds are determined by the following:

1) For 100 MHz to 1500 MHz

[(Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 mm in step a)
+ [(test separation distance – 50 mm)] × (f(MHz)/150) mW

2) For > 1500 MHz and ≤ 6 GHz

[(Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 mm in step a)
+ [(test separation distance – 50 mm)] × 10 mW

Some approximate exclusion threshold numerical values at selected frequencies

and distances are at Appendix B.
c. For frequencies below 100 MHz, the following may be considered for SAR test

1) For test separation distances > 50 mm and < 200 mm, the power threshold at
the corresponding test separation distance at 100 MHz in step b) is multiplied by [1
+ log(100/f(MHz))]

No. : TEC 13016:2020 9

2) For test separation distances ≤ 50 mm, the power threshold determined by the
equation in c) 1) for 50 mm and 100 MHz is multiplied by ½

3) SAR measurement procedures are not established below 100 MHz.

Some approximate exclusion threshold numerical values at selected frequencies
and distances are at Appendix C.

In case of SAR test exclusion conditions for Simultaneous transmission for a

particular RF device, the conditions under relevant FCC KDBs as applicable to the
device may be employed.

The RF devices which claim to fall under or satisfy the above mentioned SAR test
exclusion conditions should support the same with documentation and relevant
technical brief detailing the specific conditions, operating power levels and separation
distance which leads to their seeking conformance under SAR test exclusion criteria.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 10

The assessment of SAR Exposure is carried out based on measurement of absorption of radiated power from RF device. For the
equipment/device to be compliant to SAR exposure, the different limits of exposure expressed in W/kg and averaged over a defined
mass of tissue is prescribed. The limits mainly depend on the usage of the device in proximity of the body.
4.2.1 General Public Exposure
General Public SAR exposure limits apply when the general public may be exposed to RF sources in close proximity to their body,
or when persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or do
not exercise control over their exposure.
The tables below provide the limits, applicable test standard for measurement and associated separation distance for measurement
for assessment of SAR exposure from RF devices with respect to general public exposure:

i. Hand-held devices like Cellular/ Mobile/Satellite phones etc. which will be used close to the head.

Table 1

Applicability Region of Body

Localized SAR Localized SAR Localized SAR (Limbs Whole body Average SAR
(Head) (Body) and Extremities)
Applicable SAR
Applicable SAR limits 1.6 W/kg averaged 1.6 W/kg averaged 4 W/kg averaged over 0.08 W/kg
over 1 gm of tissue. over 1 gm of tissue. 10 gm of tissue (refer Note

No. : TEC 13016:2020 11

Applicable SAR standards IEC 62209-1 IEC 62209-2 IEC 62209-2 NA
for measurement
Applicable SAR 0 mm 5 mm or less 0 mm NA
measurement distances
Note 1: Limb SAR is applicable only when the longest diagonal dimension of the device ≥ 15 cm.

ii. Hand-held devices like tablets, phablets etc. which will be used in close proximity of 20 cm or less to the body.

Table 2

Applicability Region of Body

Localized SAR Localized SAR Localized SAR (Limbs and Whole body Average
(Head) (Body) Extremities) SAR
Applicable SAR NA
Applicable SAR limits NA 1.6 W/kg averaged 4 W/kg averaged over 10 0.08 W/kg
over 1 gm of tissue. gm of tissue
Applicable SAR standards NA IEC 62209-2 IEC 62209-2 NA
for measurement
Applicable SAR NA 25 mm or less 0 mm NA
measurement distances

No. : TEC 13016:2020 12

iii. RF devices like Wi-Fi dongles, Mobile data cards which are expected to be used in close proximity of 20 cm or less to the


Table 3

Applicability Region of Body

Localized SAR Localized SAR Localized SAR (Limbs and Whole body Average
(Head) (Body) Extremities) SAR
Applicable SAR NA NA
Applicable SAR limits NA 1.6 W/kg averaged NA 0.08 W/kg
over 1 gm of tissue.
Applicable SAR standards NA IEC 62209-2 NA NA
for measurement
Applicable SAR NA 5 mm or less NA NA
measurement distances

iv. IoT devices expected to be worn on the body.

Table 4

Applicability Region of Body

Localized SAR Localized SAR Localized SAR (Limbs Whole body Average
(Head) (Body) and Extremities) SAR

No. : TEC 13016:2020 13

Applicable SAR NA
Applicable SAR limits NA 1.6 W/kg averaged 4 W/kg averaged over 10 0.08 W/kg
over 1 gm of tissue. gm of tissue
Applicable SAR standards NA IEC 62209-2 IEC 62209-2 NA
for measurement
Applicable SAR NA 5 mm or less 0 mm NA
measurement distances

v. IoT devices expected to be worn on the body near the head.

Table 5

Applicability Region of Body

Localized SAR Localized SAR Localized SAR (Limbs Whole body Average SAR
(Head) (Body) and Extremities)
Applicable SAR NA
Applicable SAR limits 1.6 W/kg averaged 1.6 W/kg averaged NA 0.08 W/kg
over 1 gm of tissue. over 1 gm of tissue.
Applicable SAR standards IEC 62209-1 IEC 62209-2 NA NA
for measurement
Applicable SAR 0 mm 5 mm or less NA NA
measurement distances

No. : TEC 13016:2020 14

vi. IoT devices expected to be used in close proximity of 20 cm or less to the body

Table 6

Applicability Region of Body

Localized SAR Localized SAR Localized SAR (Limbs Whole body Average SAR
(Head) (Body) and Extremities)
Applicable SAR NA
Applicable SAR limits NA 1.6 W/kg averaged 4 W/kg averaged over 10 0.08 W/kg
over 1 gm of tissue. gm of tissue
Applicable SAR standards NA IEC 62209-2 IEC 62209-2 NA
for measurement
Applicable SAR NA 25 mm or less 0 mm NA
measurement distances

4.2.2 Occupational Exposure

Occupational/Controlled limits for SAR exposure apply when persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment provided
these persons are fully aware of and exercise control over their exposure. Such devices include but are not limited to certain
MRTS/VHF/UHF radio handsets etc. Awareness of exposure can be accomplished by use of visual advisories (such as labeling,
embossing, or on an equivalent electronic display) or by specific training or education through appropriate means, such as an RF
safety program in a work environment.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 15

The tables below provide the limits, applicable test standard for measurement and associated separation distance for measurement
for assessment of SAR exposure from RF devices with respect to occupational exposure:

Table 7

Applicability Region of Body

Localized SAR Localized SAR Localized SAR (Limbs Whole body Average SAR
(Head) (Body) and Extremities)
Applicable SAR Applicable if used Applicable if used Applicable if used in Applicable
close to the head # close to the body # extremity conditions #
Applicable SAR limits 8 W/kg averaged 8 W/kg averaged 20 W/kg averaged over 0.4 W/kg
over 1 gm of tissue over 1 gm of tissue 10 gm of tissue
Applicable SAR standards IEC 62209-1 IEC 62209-2 IEC 62209-2 NA
for measurement
Applicable SAR 0 mm 25 mm or less 0 mm NA
measurement distances

# - Manufacturer of the device to declare Applicable SAR (Head/Body/Limbs) as per the actual usage of the device.
For specific procedures and methodologies to be followed for SAR measurement for different categories of RF devices and different
wireless technologies, relevant FCC KDBs may be referred.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 16

4.3.1 Criteria for Test Reduction In SAR Measurement
These criteria for test reduction can be generally employed in case of SAR
measurement systems having the provision to estimate 1-g SAR based on the
interpolated and extrapolated results of a normally required complete area scan. For
RF devices, when the estimated 1-g SAR measured is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, for measurements
≤ 3 GHz a zoom scan measurement is not required when the following criteria are
i. The area scan is measured at a distance ≤ 4 mm from the phantom surface.
ii. The estimated 1-g SAR determined by the area scan for SAR system verification

must be within 3% of the 1-g SAR determined by the corresponding zoom scan.

iii. When all of the SAR results for each exposure condition in a frequency band and
wireless mode are based on estimated 1-g SAR, the 1-g SAR for the highest SAR

configuration must be determined by a regular zoom scan. When the estimated 1-g
SAR (fast SAR) of all the test positions required for head SAR measurements (left,
right, touch and tilt, etc.) are all less than 0.8 W/kg, all the test positions can be
considered as a single exposure condition; a regular zoom scan is then required only

for the highest fast SAR configuration among all the test positions. When the
estimated 1-g SAR (fast SAR) of any test position is greater than or equal to 0.8
W/kg, that test position should be considered as a separate exposure condition; a

regular zoom scan is then required for the highest fast SAR measured for that test
position. If the SAR for the remaining test positions are all less than 0.8 W/kg, these

other test positions can be grouped together and considered as a single exposure
condition. A zoom scan is required for the highest fast SAR measured among these
test positions.

iv. When estimated 1-g SAR is applied to an exposure condition in a specific frequency

band and wireless mode, for the configurations that require zoom scans, the
estimated 1-g SAR determined by the area scan, and the 1-g SAR determined by the

zoom scan must be within 0.10 W/kg of each other. When the difference is greater
than 0.2 W/kg, the estimated 1-g SAR can become highly inaccurate. The estimated

No. : TEC 13016:2020 17

1-g SAR should not be applied to the exposure condition in that frequency band and
wireless mode and regular zoom scans are required.
v. The peak SAR location(s) for example, determining SAR to peak location separation

ratios, is distinctly identified by the area scan result and all SAR levels at 1 cm
surrounding the peak are ≥ 40% of the peak value.

vi. A zoom scan is not required for any other purpose; for example, if the peak SAR
location required for simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion can be
determined accurately by the SAR system, or manually, to discriminate between

distinctive peaks and scattered noisy SAR distributions from the area scan.

vii. There must not be any warning or alert messages due to various measurement
concerns identified by the SAR system; for example, noise in measurements, peaks

too close to scan boundary, peaks are too sharp, spatial resolution and uncertainty
issues, etc. When supported by the SAR system, the 1-g SAR estimation procedures
may be adapted for 10-g SAR measurements.

viii. For further test reductions with respect to SAR measurement for a particular RF
device or a particular operating mode of a RF device covered under the scope of this
document, relevant FCC KDB publications pertaining to that device or operating

mode may be referred. The RF device seeking test reduction using the criteria
referred in any KDB document shall provide documentation and technical brief
explaining the conditions leading to the test reductions.

4.3.2 Fast SAR Measurement Techniques

Fast SAR methods differ from full SAR measurement/evaluation systems (as
mentioned in REFERENCES [1] (IEC 62209-1) & [2] (IEC 62209-2)) and use special
techniques, methods or algorithms, in order to decrease the measurement time. Fast
SAR methods can be used to assess the relative SAR levels for different test
conditions. However, full SAR systems shall be used to assess absolute SAR levels
for the highest SAR test condition and those within the confidence levels given by the
procedures in IEC 62209-2, section 6.6 Method A. The confidence levels are based
on the uncertainty of the fast SAR and full SAR methods. The uncertainty, therefore,
needs to be rigorously analyzed and documented by the test lab and included in the
test report.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 18

Fast SAR methods are classified into two types:
1) Systems meeting requirements of Full SAR system (IEC 62209-1 and IEC
62209-2), but using special techniques to reduce measurement speed.
2) Probe Array SAR measurement system meeting requirements of IEC 62209-3
and described in IEC 62209-1 Annex K.
The individual fast SAR method shall be fully validated to determine its
applicability for testing different wireless devices. For type 1) above, the validation will
be as per the IEC 62209-1 (section D.4.2). For type 2) above (probe array systems),
the validation will be as per the requirements of IEC 62209-3, Annex D. In both cases
validation for the specific method / unit used will need to be documented in the test
report, along with the (yearly) calibration certificate of the system. The system check
results for both methods will also need to be documented in the test report.
The fast SAR method shall not be used with the test reduction alternatives in IEC
62209-1, IEC 62209-2 and the other referenced FCC KDB’s. The use of Fast SAR
methods shall be limited to frequency bands < 3 GHz.


In addition to the above-mentioned conditions for SAR exposure compliance, the
following provisions shall apply when performing a SAR evaluation:
i. If a device has push-to-talk capability, a minimum duty cycle of 50% (on-time) shall be
used in the evaluation. A duty cycle lower than 50% is permitted only if the
transmission duty cycle is an inherent property of the technology or of the design of
the equipment and is not under user control. Proof of the various on-off durations and
a detailed method of calculation of the average power shall be included in the RF
exposure technical brief. Maximum average power levels shall be used to determine
ii. For devices without push-to-talk capability, the duty cycle used in the evaluation shall
be based on the inherent property of the transmission technology or of the design of
the equipment. If the device is designed to operate in front of the mouth, such as PTT
radio, it shall be evaluated with the front of the device positioned at 2.5 cm from a flat
iii. The mid-channel of a transmission band shall first be tested in the SAR evaluation.
However, if the variation of the maximum output power across the required test
channels is more than 0.5 dB above the output power of the mid-channel, the channel

No. : TEC 13016:2020 19

with the highest output power shall first be tested (if different from the mid-channel).
The method for determining the maximum output power, as well as the value of each
channel, shall be documented in the RF exposure technical brief.
iv. Body-worn accessories (e.g. belt clips and holsters) shall be attached to the device
and positioned against the flat phantom in normal use configurations.
v. When multiple accessories supplied with the device or made available by the
manufacturer for the device contain no metallic component, the device shall be tested
with the accessory that provides the shortest separation distance between the device
and the body.
vi. When multiple accessories supplied with the device or made available by the
manufacturer for the device contain metallic components, the device shall be tested
with each accessory containing a unique metallic component. If multiple accessories
share the same metallic component, only the accessory providing the shortest
separation distance between the device and the body shall be tested.
vii. In case of multiple transmitters, relevant FCC KDB publications pertaining to SAR
exposure evaluation for simultaneous transmission and/or Technical Report IEC
62360 may be referred to exhibit compliance.


i. Compliance with this standard does not by itself confer immunity from legal
and regulatory obligations and requirements stipulated by authorities.
ii. The telegraph authority may suspend/cancel equipment certification for
other reasons of safety or hazards etc. that would likely to be caused to
iii. Wherever applicable, the equipment supplier shall provide the SAR related
information, such as the SAR value(s) of the device, the applicable SAR
limits, any usage specific information for the device such as distance of
operation from the body etc., on the display of the device and in printed
form such as in the user guide or as a leaflet or brochure in the equipment
iv. In case of mobile phones, the SAR limits compliance information alongwith
the different SAR values (such as Head, Body, Limb SAR as applicable)
associated with the device shall be displayed on entering the following
code in the device ‘*#07#’.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 20

v. Devices which are designed for occupational use and hence comply to
Occupation SAR exposure limits shall have visual advisories on such
devices, and must be as below;
a. Such visual advisories shall be legible and clearly visible to the user
from the exterior of the device.
b. Visual advisories must indicate that the device is for occupational
use only and should refer the user to specific information on RF
exposure, such as that provided in a user manual.
c. Such instructional material must provide the user with information on
how to use the device in order to ensure compliance with the
occupational/controlled exposure limits.
d. A sample of the visual advisory, illustrating its location on the
device, and any instructional material intended to accompany the
device when marketed, shall be provided alongwith the SAR test
reports and other technical literature to exhibit compliance.
vi. The e-logo and other requirements with respect to MTCTE certification of
TEC shall be as per the prevalent guidelines of the MTCTE scheme.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 21

Appendix A
SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 100 MHz – 6 GHz and ≤ 50 mm
Approximate SAR Test Exclusion Power Thresholds at Selected Frequencies and
Test Separation Distances are illustrated in the following Table. The equation and
threshold in para 4.1 of this document must be applied to determine SAR test

Note: 10-g Extremity SAR Test Exclusion Power Thresholds are 2.5 times higher than the 1-g SAR Test
Exclusion Thresholds indicated above. These thresholds do not apply, by extrapolation or other means, to
occupational exposure limits.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 22

SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 100 MHz – 6 GHz and > 50 mm
Approximate SAR test exclusion power thresholds at selected frequencies and test
separation distances are illustrated in the following table. The equation and threshold
in para 4.1 of this document must be applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 23

SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for < 100 MHz and < 200 mm

Approximate SAR test exclusion power thresholds at selected frequencies and test
separation distances are illustrated in the following table. The equation and threshold
in para 4.1 of this document must be applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

No. : TEC 13016:2020 24


FCC Federal Communication Commission

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IOT Internet of Things
KDB Knowledge Database of FCC, USA
MRTS Mobile Radio Trunking System
MTCTE Mandatory Testing & Certification of Telecom Equipment
NA Not Applicable
RF Radio Frequency
SAR Specific Absorption Rate
UHF Ultra High Frequency
VHF Very High Frequency

___End of the Document___

No. : TEC 13016:2020 25

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