1st BBSc. Microbiology - Summer Q Papers

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[Total No. of Pages : 2 62505 First Basic B.Sc. Nursing Examination, Summer (Phase - II) 2019 » MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75 Instructions : 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only. 2) Donotwmte anything on the blank portion of the ‘question paper. {fwritten anything, such type of act willbe considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. 3) Allquestions are compulsory. 4) The number to the right indicates full marks. 5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 9) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant fo cover entire sylabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper paltem is @ mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any ) paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot clain ) that the Question is out of syllabus. As its only for the placement ‘sake, the distribution has been done. 7) Use a common answer book for all sections, SECTION -A (40 Marks) 1. Short answer question (any five out of six) : [5x 5= 25) a) Laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infection. ~ b) Importance of Microbiology for nurses, ©) Cold chain, ~ d) Grams Staining. . ©) Standard safety Precautions, f) Contribution of Louis Pasteur. 2. Long answer question (any one out of two) : [1 x 15 = 15] » 9) Define Sterilization and Disinfection. Classify methods of Sterilization. Write about principles, structure, fmctioning and uses of Autoclave, b) _ Define immunity. Write difference between live vaccine and killed vaccine, write short note on Anaphylaxis, N-616 nTrn SECTION -B (35 Marks) Short answer question (any four out of five): a) Write short note on Dermatophytes. b) Biomedical waste management. c) Widal test. ) Pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus. e) Characteristics of ideal Disinfectant. Long answer question (any one out of two) + a) Describe chain of infection. Write factors influet methods of prevention of infection. b) Describe opportunistic infection in HIV. Write and laboratory diagnosis of HIV. 383638 62505 [4x 5=20] [a x 15 = 15] sncing infection. Write the modes of transmission 28 “AN 62505 © First Basic B.Sc. Nursing Examination, Summer 2018 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : Section A+B = 3 Hours Total Marks : 75 SECTION ~ A & SECTION-B Instructions: 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only. 2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. Wr written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. 3) All questions are compulsory. 2 The number to the right indicates full marks. 2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 8) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to for the placement sake, the distribution has been done, 7) Use a common answerbook for all Sections, SECTION ~ A (40 Marks) 1. Short answer question (any five out of six) : (5x5=25) 8) Write differences between Active and Passive Immunity. b) Write a note on Candidiasis ©) Write a note on Grams staining, ©) Classy immunoglobulins and write in short about IgG. ©) Contribution of Louis Pasteur, ') Define carrier and describe various types of cartier with example. 2 Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1x15=15) 8) Enlist organisms causing diarthea. Write in detail about pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of cholera, ®) Define Sterilization and Disinfection. Enumerate methods of sterilization. Write the principles and functioning of Autoclave, PTO. 62505 Ma SECTION — B (35 Marks) Short answer question (any four out of five) (4x5=20) a) Bacterial growth curve b) Pathogenicity of Staphylococous aureus. ) Oral Polio Vaccine. d) Biomedical waste management. e) Classify culture media with example. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1x15=15) a) Define Nosocomial infection Describe modes of transmission of Nosocomial infection, Role of a Hospital Infection Control Nurse (HICN). b) Enumerate parasites found in blood smeat Deseribe Life cycle of Malaria parasite, Write in short about Lab diagnosis of Malaria. 40 “Pathan Gy nc 62505 First Basic B.Sc. Nursing Examination, Summer 2017 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : Section’ +B = 3 Hours. - Total Marks : 75 Section— A & Section B Instructions: 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only. 2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. if written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. 3) All questions are compulsory. 4) The number tothe right indicates full marks. 5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 9) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is @ mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any Paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it i$ only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. 7) Use a common answerbook for all Sections. SECTION ~A (40 Marks) 1. Short answer question (any five out of six) (5x5=25) {@)Precipitation reaction. ~ Respeat Summer, Ig >) Widal test. Acpeet Swames is “C) Write contributions of Louis Pasteur to microbiology. wintes-IG6 [swamoet 4 Jrsfo0e A) Grams staining. Stam 2016 ae] ~ ©) Draw diagram of bacterial cell and explain briefly +) Write standard safety precautions while working in microbiology laboratory. Sees 2. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1x15=15) ~8) Define and classify Immunity. Distinguish between Active and Passive Immunity. Write short note on innate Immunity, ») Describe morphology of Bacteriophage with neat and well labelled diagram. Describe in detail about various viral isolation methods. Pro. 62508 MUN SECTION - 8 (35 Marks) 4, ‘Short answer question (any four out of five) : (4x5=20) 2) Biomedical waste management. wintest > [Sunny [2 Ub) Life cyole of malaria parasite. Wimter AS ¢) Describe the normal microbial flora of ifferent parts of the body. _ @) Blood culture. ¢) Laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infections. 4, Long answer question (any one out of two) : (115215) __) Define Sterilization and Disinfection. Classify methods of Sterlization. Write 2 short note on Hot Air oven. stonmet [€ b) Drew aneat diagram of HIV. Write the causes of HIV infection. Write the stages of HIV infection °C : ©\ 62505 First Basic B.Sc. Nursing Examination, Summer 2016 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : Section A+B = 3 Hours Total Marks : 75 SECTION —A & SECTION - B Instructions: 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only. 2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. If written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. 3) All questions are compulsory. 4) The number to the right indicates full marks. 5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 6) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is a mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. 7) Use a common answer book for all Sections. SECTION -A (40 Marks) 4. Short answer question (any five out of six) (6x5=25) a) Grams staining, b) Mention different modes of transmission of infection ¢) Bacterial growth curve. d) Life cycle of Malaria parasite. e) Candidiasis. ) Precipitation reaction. 2. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1x15=15) a) Mention the modes of transmission of HIV. Write in detail about pathogenesis and Laboratory diagnosis of AIDS. b) Define Nosocomial infection. Describe common Nosocomial infections. Role of a nurse in prevention of nosocomial infection. PTO. 62505 {A EA SECTION -B (35 Marks) 3. Short answer question (any four out of five) : (4x5=20) a) Classify culture media with example. b) Difference between Active and Passive immunity. c) Biomedical waste segregation. d) Bacterial Flagella. e) Define carrier. Explain different types with examples. 4 4. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1x15=15) a) Define Sterilization and Disinfection. Write characteristics of good disinfectant, Describe uses, structure, functioning of Hot air oven. b) Enlist organisms causing respiratory tract infection. Write in detail about pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis. ” iS) e ' Swot Mhastke_ (A 62505 First Basic B.Sc. Nursing Examination, Summer 2015 * MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : Section A + B = 3 Hours Total Marks : 75 SECTION — A & SECTION - B Instructions : 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only. 2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. If written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt eer menee 3) All questions are compulsory. 4) The number to the right indicates full marks. 5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 6) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattem is a mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. 7) Use a common answer book for all Sections. SECTION-A (40 Marks) 4. Short answer question (any five out of six) : (5x5=25) a): Blood culture. b) Write a note on bacterial growth curve. © ©) Write a note on Koch's postulates. d) Write pathogenicity of Candida albicans. ) Life cycle of Ascaris Lumbricoides (round worm) 4)’ Write a note on gram staining. 2. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1x15=15) a) Draw a neat, well labelled diagram of HIV. Write modes of transmission of HIV. Write pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis of HIV b) Enumerate respiratory tract infections. Write morphology, pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. P.1.0. 62505 ‘inna SECTION-B (35 Marks) 3. Short answer question (any four out of five) : (4x5=20) ~ a) Write a note on Bacterial Cell wall. b) Agglutination reactions. c) Standard safety precautions while working in microbiology laboratory. 4d) Widal test. +e) Type | Hypersensitivity reaction. 4. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1x15=15) a) Define sterilization, Describe in detail about sterilisation by heat. b) Define Immunity. Classity Immunity. Add a note on National Immunization schedule. . ge eee eS 7 (A000 08 62505 First Basic B.Sc. Nursing Examination, Summer 2014 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : Section A +B +C =3 Hours Section B & C Marks : 60 SECTION —B & SECTION-C Instructions : 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only. 2) Donot write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. If written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. 3) All questions are compulsory. 4) The number to the right indicates full marks. 5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 6) Distribution of sylabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pat- tem is a mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the luestion is out of syllabus. As itis only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. 7) Use a common answer book for all Sections. SCELoANG x eC 70] BLD SECTION- B (30 Marks) 2. Answer the following (any five out of six) : (6x3=15) a) Write a short note on bacterial growth curve. b) Describe the procedure of Grams Staining, ©) Write a short note on Bacillary dysentery. d) Write a shortnote on IgM. <5 ,agh 45D. eat) NAD ®) Mention the contribution of Louis Pasteur. ) Describe Bacterial Cell Wall. 3. Answer the following (any three out of four) : (3x5=15) a) Write contributions of Robert Koch. b) Describe laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis. ©) Describe physical method of sterilization with respect to Dry and Moist Heat. d) Write a note on Nosocomial Infection. SECTION -C (30 Marks) 4. Answer the following (any two out of three) : (2x15=30) a) Define Culture Media and Describe different types of culture media with example, b) Whatis Immunity ? Explain different types of immunity. c) Whats Infection ? Whats infection Control ? Explain the role of Nurses in infection control. ZL C oF

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