11-32 Serra
11-32 Serra
11-32 Serra
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna - Via Irnerio 46 - 40126 Bologna (Italy) - E-mail: [email protected]
It is submitted the catalogue of the meteorites collection preserved at the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto (Bologna
province) updated at September 2017.
Catalogo dei meteoriti del Museo della Terra e del Cielo di San Giovanni in Persiceto (Bologna, Italia).
Viene presentato il catalogo delle di meteoriti conservate presso il Museo del Cielo e della Terra di San Giovanni in Persiceto (provincia di
Bologna) aggiornato a settembre 2017.
Enstatite chondrites
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Abee Canada 1952 Jun. 10 E4 brecciated 1 2.0 S 1
Eagle Nebraska (USA) Found 1947/1984 EL6 1 0.2 S 2
Happy Canyon Texas (USA) Found 1971 E6 1 3.0 S 3
Indarch Azerbaigian 1891 Apr. 7 E4 1 0.2 S 4
NWA 2828 Algeria Found 2005 EL 3 2 189 S 5
NWA 4416 Algeria Found 2006 EL6 1 0,7 S 938
NWA 4556 Morocco Found 2006 EL3 1 9,41 S 942
NWA 6542 Morocco Found 2005 EL6 1 11,2 I 937
NWA 7447 NW. Afrika Found 2007 EL5 1 170 F 940
Sahara 97079 Afrika Found 1997 EH3 1 6.7 S 6
Sahara 97158 Afrika Found 1997 EH3 1 3.85 S 7
Tab. 1. Continued.
12 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 13
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Tab. 1. Continued.
14 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 15
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Tab. 1. Continued.
16 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Juancheng China 1997 Feb. 15 H5 2 23.3 I.I 102
Juanita De Angeles Mexico Found 1993 H5 1 21.0 S 103
Kabo Nigeria 1971 Apr. 25 H4 xenolithic 1 9.4 S 104
Kalvesta Kansas (USA) Found 1968 H4 1 7.8 S 105
Kajgorod Vjatka Russia Found 1993 H5 1 190 S 636
Kendrapara ( Orissa) India 2003 Sep. 27 H4/5 1 1 S 106
Kesen Japan Found 1850 H4 1 0.7 S 107
Kimble County Texas (USA) Found 1918 H6 1 29.3 F 108
Koltsovo Russia Found Jul. 2004 H4 1 12 S 810
Korra Korrabes Namibia Found 1996 H3 1 43.2 F 109
Kosice Slovakia 2010 Feb. 28 H5 1 10 I 792
Laundry East W. Australia Found 1967 H3 1 3.5 S 110
Lago Valscura Italy Found 1995 H5 1 1.5 S 111
Malotas Argentina 1931 Jun. 22 H5 1 6.1 S 752
Markovka Russia Found 1967 H4 1 3,2 FF 112
Mareson de Zoldo Italy Found 2000 H5 1 0.9 S 113
Melvern Lake Kansas (USA) Found 1980 H5 1 8.9 S 114
Mills New Mexico(USA) Found 1970 H6 1 34.0 I 115
Motta de Conti Italy 1868 Feb. 24 H4-6 1 TS 1000
Moravka Czech Republic 2000 May 6 H5 1 0.8 S 116
Mount Baldr Antarctica Found 1976 H6 1 0.9 S 117
Mulga North W. Australia Found 1964 H6 1 40.1 I 118
Mulga South W. Australia Found 1963 H4 1 3.5 S 119
Nadiabondi Burkina Fasu 1956 Jul. 27 H5 2 13.2 I.I 120
New Orleans Louisiana ( USA) 2004 Sep. 23 H5 f 0.2 F 121
North Branch Kansas (USA) Found 1972 H5 1 69.6 S 122
Noventa Vicentina Italy 1971 May 12 H4 1 22.0 ES 123
Nuevo Mercurio Mexico 1978 Feb. 15 H5 2 6.6 I.I 124
Nullarbor 009 S. Australia Found 1991 H5 1 5.4 S 125
NWA 267 Morocco Found 2000 H6 1 4.0 F 126
NWA 4229 Morocco Found 2006 H7 1 0.94 F 935
NWA 4293 NW. Africa Found 2005 H6 1 12.8 I 127
NWA 4696 NW. Africa Found 2003 H6 1 77 F 128
NWA 6683 NW. Afrika Found 2010 H6 1 26,5 S 793
NWA 6684 Morocco Found 2010 H3-6 1 2,9 S 794
NWA 8129 NW. Afrika Found 2013 H4 1 4,7 S 1061
NWA 10321 NW. Afrika Found 2006 H4 1 6 I 1076
NWA 10323 NW. Afrika Found 2006 H5 1 148 I 1079
NWA 10582 Marocco Found 2015 H4 melt breccia 2 5,8 F 1092
NWA 10788 Marocco Found 2014 H4 4 98 F 1094
Oakley (stone) Kansas (USA) Found 1895 H6 1 1.6 S 129
Ochansk Russia 1887 Aug. 20 H4 1 1.6 S 130
Orique Portugal 1998 Dec. 28 H4 1 22.56 F 647
Orlovka Russia Found 1928 H5 1 1.0 F 131
Orvinio Italy 1872 Aug. 31 H6 1 0,34 F, TS 795
Oum Rokba Marocco Found 2000 H5 1 53.5 I.I 132
Oum Dreyga W. Sahara 2003 Oct. 16 H 3-5 2 205.1 FF 133
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 17
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Ovid Colorado (USA) Found 1939 H6 1 3.6 S 134
Tab. 1. Continued.
18 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Ashuwairif 002 Libia Found 2008 L5/6 many 1400 I,F 800x
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 19
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Dar al Gani 488 Libya Found 1998 L6 many 3100 I,F 1010
Tab. 1. Continued.
20 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Dar al Gani 916 Libya Found 2000 L4/5 2 158 I,I 1049
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 21
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Flagg Texas (USA) Found 1950 L5 1 2.0 F 246
Forrest (b) W. Australia Found 1980 L6 1 13.0 S 247
Frontiers Mountains 93005 Antarctica Found 1993 L5 1 0.08 F 754
Fusina Italy 2000 Sep. 01 L6 1 1.3 F 634
Futtehpur India Fell 1806 L6 0,5 F 1105
Ghubara Oman Found 1954 L5 1 6.8 S 248
Girgenti Italy 1853 Feb. 10 L5 1 1.1 S, TS 249
Gold Basin Mohave County (USA) Found 1995 L4 1 24 F 757
Great Sand Sea 007 Egypt Found 1996 Dec. L5 2 41 F.F 740
Great Sand Sea 012 Egypt Found 1996 L6 1 4,5 I 250
Great Sand Sea 025 Egypt Found 2005 L5 1 10.9 I 738
Gretna Kansas (USA) Found 1912 L5 1 6.0 S 251
Hamada alHamra 231 Libya Found 1997 L6 1 38.2 S 252
Hamada alHamra 232 Libya Found 1997 L6 1 2.1 F 253
Hamada alHamra 240 Libya Found 1997 L4 1 18.6 S 254
Hamada alHamra 241 Libya Found 1997 L6 2 1579 I 806
Hamada alHamra 293 Libya Found 2000 L6 1 382 I 255
Holbrook Arizona (USA) 1912 Jun. 19 L/LL6 1 25.3 I 256
Homestead Iowa (USA) 1875 Feb. 12 L5 brecciated 1 6.0 S 257
Hughes 024 S. Australia Found 1991 L5 1 25.6 S 258
Kaffir (C) Texas (USA) Found 1980 L6 1 24.5 I 259
Kyushu Japan fell 1886 L6 1 0.5 F 260
Ikahrarene Algeria Found 1969 L4 1 3.5 S 261
Ingella Station Australia Found 1987 L6 2 51.0 I.S 262
Isoulene-N-Amahar Algeria 1945 May 13 L6 1 5.5 S 263
Jiddat al Harasis 026 Oman Found 2000 L3.1 1 1,45 F 939
Jiddat al Harasis 055 Oman 2002 Feb. L4 1 3.2 S 264
Jiddat al Harasis 073 Oman Found 2002 L6 many 600 I 265
Jesenice Slovenia 2009 Apr. 9 L6 1 0.06 F 807
Julesburg Colorado (USA) Found 1963 L3 1 9.5 S 266
Kagarlyk Ukraine 1908 Jun. 30 L6 1 1.5 F 267
Kaufman Texas (USA) Found 1893 L5 1 2.3 S 644
Katol India 2012 May 22 L6 1 1,2 F 934
Kunashak Russia 1949 Jun. 11 L6 1 1.6 S 779
Kybunga S.Australia Found 1956 L5 1 3.0 ES 269
La Criolla Argentina 1985 Jan. 6 L6 2 30.0 ES 270
Ladder Creek Kansas (USA) Found 1937 L6 1 6.2 S 271
Lake Torrens S.Australia Found 1989 L6 1 3.1 S 272
L’Aigle France 1803 Apr. 26 L6 brecc. 1 0.5 F 273
Laundry West W. Australia Found 1967 L4 1 10.7 S 274
Leedey Oklahoma (USA) 1943 Nov. 11 L5 1 16.3 S 275
Lido di Venezia Italy Found 1999 L4/5 1 1.4 S 276
Long Island Kansas (USA) Found 1891 L5 veined 1 20.7 S 277
Lucè France 1768 Sep. 13 L6 1 0,07 F 809
Macy New Mexico (USA) Found 1984 L6 1 11.1 ES 278
Mauerkirchen Austria 1768 Nov. 20 L6 1 1.31 S 746
Marlow Oklahoma (USA) Found 1936 L5 1 17.5 S 279
Tab. 1. Continued.
22 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 23
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Taiban New Mexico (USA) Found 1934 L5 black veined 1 17.3 S 328
Tab. 1. Continued.
24 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Acfer 364 Algeria Found 2002 LL6 1 650 I 347
Borgo San Donino Italy 1808 Apr.19 LL6 2 0,22 F,F,TS 791
Dar al Gani 672 Libya Found 1999 LL5 brecciated 1 1600 I 357
Dar al Gani 1044 Libya Found 2006 LL6 2 150 I.I 360
Great Sand Sea 006 Egypt Found 1995 LL6 5 0.23 F.F 739
Great Sand Sea 019 Egypt Found 1999 LL6 1 5.1 I 365
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 25
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Chondrites B
Name State / Country Date of fail or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Gujba Nigeria 1984 Apr. 3 Ben 1 1.7 S 386
Chondrites R
Name State / Country Date of fail or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Ouzina Morocco Found 1999 R4 1 0.2 S 387
Carbonaceous chondrites
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Acfer 374 Algeria Found 2002 CO3 2 53 I.F 391
Tab. 1. Continued.
26 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Dar al Gani 1067 Libya Found 2006 CK5 2 296 F,I 1077
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Bilanga Burkina Faso 1999 Oct. 27 Diogenite 1 0.64 S 653
Dar al Gani 262 Libya Found 1996 Lunar breccia 1 0.47 S 420
Dar al Gani 670 Libya Found 1999 Shergottite 2 1.9 S.I 424
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 27
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Dar al Gani 692 Libya Found 1999 Ureilite Anomalous 1 7.8 ES 427
Dar al Gani 879 Libya Found 2000 Ureilite bim. 1 2,3 S 788xx
Dar al Gani 896 Libya Found 2000 Achon Un. 2 3.3 S.S 428
Dar al Gani 897 Libya Found 2000 Ureilite mos 2 0.8 F.F 429
Dar al Gani 1055 Libya Found 2007 Eucrite pmt 1 305 I 846
Dar al Gani 1066 Libya Found 1999 Ureilite pmict 1 125 I 1070
Dhofar 026 Oman Found 2000 Lunar impact melt 1 0.086 S 433
Dhofar 280 Oman Found 2001 Lunar fragm. breccia 1 0.176 S 435
Dhodar 461 Oman Found 2000 Lunar impact melt 1 2.34 S 436
Great Sand Sea 010 Egypt Found 1997 Howardite 1 1.2 F 442
NEA 001 Sudan 2002 Apr. Lunar: An, Reg. Brec 1 0,96 S 755
Norton County Kansas (USA) 1948 Feb. 18 Aubrite 2 4.0 F.F 452
Tab. 1. Continued.
28 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
NWA 482 Morocco Found 2001 Lunar Anor. Breccia 1 0.06 S 455
NWA 2635 NW. Afrika Found 2004 Acon Metac ung 1 3 F 784
NWA 7078 NW. Afrika Found 2011 PAC 2 2,9 I,I 868
NWA 8336 NW. Afrika Found 2014 Eucrit mono gabbro. 1 2,7 S 961
NWA 10503 NW. Afrika Found 2015 Achond ungrouped 1 0,9 I 1090
Peña Blanca Spring Texas (USA) 1946 Aug. 2 Aubrite 2 8.4 S.F 465
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 29
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Irons (Octahedrites)
Name State / Country Date of fall or Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
find frags. (gm)
Agoudal Morocco Found 2012 Oct. IIAB 2 15 I,I 876
Bear Creek Colorado (USA) Found 1866 Oct. III B 1 52.7 S 477
Boxhole N. Australia Found 1937 Oct. Medium (1.0mm) III A 1 13.7 I 479
Bur Abor Kenia Found 1997 Oct. Medium III B 1 3.2 FS 664
Caddo County Oklahoma (USA) Found 1987 Iron an. I AB + silicate 1 12.0 S 481
Campo Del Cielo Argentina Found 1576 Oct. Coarse (3.0 mm) I A 2 80320 I.I 482
Cañon Diablo Arizona (USA) Found 1981 Oct. Coarse (2.0 mm) I A 2 400.0 I.I 483
Castiglione del Lago Italy Found 1970 Oct. IAG-MG 1 29.5 S 633
Cerro del Inca Chile Found 1997 Oct. IIIF 1 7.6 S 486
Gibeon Namibia Found 1836 Oct. Fine (0.3mm) IV A 2 76.0 I.S 490
Hardesty Oklaoma (USA) Found 1986 Oct. Medium III B 1 24.0 S 491
Henbury N. Australia Found 1931 Oct. Med. (0.9mm) III A 1 42.0 I 492
Tab. 1. Continued.
30 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
find frags. (gm)
Lamesa Texas (USA) Found 1981 Oct. Fine (0.3mm) III CD 1 22.5 S 496
Mount Dieu France Found 1994 Oct. + iron sulphides 1 120.0 ES 502
Mundrabilla W. Australia Found 1891 Iron anomalous (0.6mm) 2 88.0 I.ES 504
Murfresboro Tennesse (USA) Found 1847 Oct. III A anomalus 1 1.3 S 505
Nantan China Found 1958 Oct. III CD ott. Media 3 7000 I.I.S 506
NWA 860 (Tafrawet) Sahara (Afrika) Found 2000 Oct. III AB 1 16.1 S 763
NWA 6164 NW. Afrika Found 2007 Oct. I AB-mg 1 1,5 S 946
Odessa Texas (USA) Found 1923 Oct. Coarse (1.7mm) I A 1 36.0 I 508
Patos de Minas oct Brazil Found 1925 Oct. IAB complex 1 0.8 F 770
Pierceville (Iron) Kansas (USA) Found 1917 Oct. III B ? 1 55.0 S 509
Santa Apolonia Mexico Found 1872 Oct. Med. (0.9mm) III A 1 19.2 S 510
Sargin Gobi Mongolia Found 1964 Oct. IAB complex 1 0,45 S 789
Sikhote-Alin Russia 1947 Dec. 2 Oct. Coarse (0.9mm) III B 1 279.0 I 512
Staunton Virginia (USA) Found 1869 Oct. III E (1.6mm) 1 31.5 S 513
Taza ( NWA 859) Morocco Found 2000 Opl. 3 46.9 I.I.I 515
Veevers W. Australia Found 1988 Oct. coarse IIAB 2 5.1 I.I 519
Villa Regina Rio Negro Argentina F. Before 2005 Oct. IIIAB ! 7,3 S 765
Wabar Saudi Arabia Found 1863 Oct. Medium III A 2 12.4 I.I 521
Tab. 1. Continued.
Catalogue of meteorites of the Museum of Earth and Sky of San Giovanni in Persiceto 31
Name State / Country Date of fall or Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
find frags. (gm)
Willamette Oregon (USA) Found 1902 Oct. Medium (1.0mm) 1 65.3 F 523
Wolf Creek W. Australia Found 1947 Oct. Medium (0.85mm) 2 102.7 I.S 525
Zagora Morocco Found 1987 Oct. Medium + Silicate 2 36.0 ES.S 526
Irons (Hexahedrites)
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Boguslavka Russia 1916 Oct. 18 Hexahedrite IIAB 1 15 S 527
North Chile Chile Found 1875 Hexahedrite IIA 2 35.7 S.S 530
Walker County Alabama (USA) Found 1882 Hexahedrite IIA 1 31.7 S 662
Irons (Ataxites)
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Barbianello Italy Found 1960 Ataxite ungrouped 1 139.4 ES 531
Gebel el Kamil Egypt Found 2009 Iron ungr. Atax. 10 8500 III 747
NWA 6259 NW. Afrika Found 2010 Ataxite anom. 1 4,3 S 948
Santa Catharina Brazil Found 1875 Ataxite Ni_rich an. 1 25.0 I 535
Santa Clara Mexico Found 1976 Ataxite IV B (Ni rich) 1 6.8 S 536
Irons (Ataxites)
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Bondoc Philippine Found 1956 Mesosiderite 1 3.5 S 538
Tab. 1. Continued.
32 Romano Serra
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Stony-Irons (Pallasites)
Name State / Country Date of fall or find Class and type N° of Weight Notes N° Cat.
frags. (gm)
Admire Kansas (USA) Found 1881 Pallasite 1 7.5 S 548
Glorieta-Mountains New Mexico (USA) Found 1884 Pallasite - Siderite 1 11.1 I 554
Tab. 1. Notes F = Fragment. ES = End Section. S = Slice. D = Dust. TS = Thin Section. I = Individual
Levi Donati G. R., 1996 - The meteorite collection of “Giorgio Abetti”
Astronomical Observatory and Museum San Giovanni in Persiceto,
Bologna, Italy: An update of the catalog. Meteoritics & Planetary
Science: 31, 181-186.