Grade 11 Life Sciences Lesson Plans
Grade 11 Life Sciences Lesson Plans
Grade 11 Life Sciences Lesson Plans
The following Grade 10, 11 and 12 Lesson Plans were developed by Subject Advisors from 09 March – 13 March 2009. Teachers are
requested to look at them, modify them where necessary to suit their contexts and resources. It must be remembered that Lesson Plans are
working documents, and any comments to improve the lesson plans in this document will be appreciated. Teachers are urged to use this
document with the following departmental policy documents: Subject Statement; LPG 2008; SAG 2008; Examination Guidelines 2009 and
Provincial CASS Policy/ Guidelines.
Lesson planning is the duty of each and every individual teacher but it helps when teachers sometimes plan together as a group. This
interaction not only helps teachers to understand how to apply the Learning Outcomes (LOs) and Assessment Standards (ASs) but also builds
up the confidence of the teachers in handling the content using new teaching strategies.
It must please be noted that in order to help teachers who teach across grades and subjects, an attempt has been made to standardise lesson
plan templates and thus the new template might not resemble the templates used in each subject during the NCS training. However, all the
essential elements of a lesson plan have been retained. This change has been made to assist teachers and lighten their administrative load.
Please note that these lesson plans are to be used only as a guide to complete the requirements of the Curriculum Statements and the work
schedules and teachers are encouraged to develop their own learner activities to supplement and/or substitute some of the activities given
here (depending on the school environment, number and type of learners in your class, the resources available to your learners, etc).
Do not forget to build in the tasks for the Programme of Assessment into your Lesson Plans.
Strengthen your efforts by supporting each other in clusters and share ideas. Good Luck with your endeavors to improve Teaching, Learning
and Assessment.
modern and traditional treatment, Informal: Class test
prevention in South Africa.
Gives project on thrush or athletes foot with Design project in the form of a pamphlet,
respect to Present pamphlet as a group, Textbooks, internet, Informal: Teacher
Causes, Display pamphlet in class magazines, assessment: Pamphlet and
Symptoms, people presentation:
Effects, Rubric
Treatment and
Beliefs, attitudes and values
Prepared by:
Checked by:
FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOME/S LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & problem ✓ L0 2.Construction & Application ✓ LO 3. Life Sciences and its ✓
LO 2: AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3 Solving Skills of Life Sciences Knowledge relationship to Technology,
Society and the Environment.
AS1 Learner identifies and questions ✓ Learner accesses knowledge ✓ Learner explores & evaluates
phenomena and plans an scientific ideas of past and
investigation present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES LOs & ASs: AS2 Learner conducts an investigation ✓ Learner interprets and makes ✓ Learner compares and evaluates ✓
LO 1: AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3 by collecting and manipulating meaning of knowledge uses & development of
LO3: AS 2 and AS 3 data. resources and their products &
their impact on the environment
& society.
AS3 Learner analyses, synthesizes, ✓ Learner shows understanding of ✓ Learner compares the influence ✓
evaluates data and communicates how Life Sciences knowledge is of different beliefs, attitudes and
findings. applied in everyday life values on scientific knowledge
information, to complete.
Assists learners in organising a speaker from the Invite speaker and make necessary
Departments of Health and Welfare to address arrangements for event
school on beliefs, attitudes and importance of
immunization and immunization legislation
Activity 5: LO 2 : AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3
Discusses how pathogenic organisms (viruses and Write down key ideas and complete glossary OHP, transparencies FORMAL:
bacteria) protect themselves against medication of key terms. Charts Teacher assessment:
used to destroy them and ascertain learner CONTROLLED TEST
Verbally revises prior knowledge of Respond to revision questions. Model of skeleton or wall
physiological systems done in grade 10. Access textbook or other sources of chart or drawing (paper or Informal: Teacher
Displays model or wall chart or information to label different parts of transparency), assessment: Verbal
drawing of human skeleton. skeleton Labels, feedback
Supplies learners with a set of labels in Prestik/drawing pins.
jumbled order
Introduces the two main parts of the Draw on prior knowledge and make use Model or chart or diagram Informal: Self assessment
skeleton, i.e. axial and appendicular. of textbooks or other sources of or own body
Asks learners to identify the main information to identify the different
components of each part, e.g. skull, parts of:
vertebral column etc. 1. Axial skeleton
2. Appendicular skeleton
FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOMES: LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & ✓ L0 2.Construction & Application ✓ LO 3. Life Sciences and its ✓
LO 2 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3 problem Solving Skills of Life Sciences Knowledge relationship to Technology,
Society and the Environment.
AS1 Learner identifies and questions ✓ Learner accesses knowledge ✓ Learner explores & evaluates
phenomena and plans an scientific ideas of past and
investigation present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES LOs & ASs AS2 Learner conducts an ✓ Learner interprets and makes ✓ Learner compares and evaluates ✓
LO 1 # AS 1, AS2 and AS 3 investigation by collecting and meaning of knowledge uses & development of
LO3 # AS 2 and 3 manipulating data. resources and their products &
their impact on the
environment & society.
AS3 Learner analyses, synthesizes, ✓ Learner shows understanding of ✓ Learner compares the influence ✓
evaluates data and how Life Sciences knowledge is of different beliefs, attitudes
communicates findings. applied in everyday life and values on scientific
Possible Integration with other subjects English
Knowledge Area Structure, control and processes in basic life systems
Prior Knowledge Blood tissue
Topic Transport in humans and plants
Links to next lesson Excretion
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date
Activity 1: Introduction: Composition of blood: LO 2 # AS 1 and AS
Divides class into three groups:
Assigns the following tasks to groups and refer Textbooks or any other Informal: Teacher and peer
them to appropriate resources: relevant source of assessment
Group 1: composition of blood Each group presents its topic to the class information
Group 2: Functions of blood
Consolidation of discussion
Each group research their topic under the
following headings: causes, symptoms, effects,
prevention and management.
Activity 6: Heart transplants: LO 2 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3; LO 3 # AS 2 and AS 3
Provides learners with articles on:
the history of the first heart transplant, Read articles, Articles from newspapers, Informal: Teacher
subsequent scientific advancements Take part in class discussion magazines, internet, library assessment: learner
made in this field, e.g. minimizing reference books participation
organ rejection, the first artificial
heart transplant etc.
laws governing organ transplants in
South Africa
❖ In the absence of microscopes Learners take down drawings and indicate Chart
the movement of water from
root to path taken by water by means of arrow Textbooks
leaves can be shown by means heads.
of diagrams Translate diagrams into text
Fast Learners: Research the relationship between heart disease and diet Language
Slow Learners: Extra time to complete tasks Infrastructure
More revision tasks Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)
Extra articles on circulatory system and transport in plants Resources
FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOME: LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & LO 3. Life Sciences and its
✓ L0 2.Construction & ✓ ✓
LO 2: AS 1, AS2 and AS 3 problem Solving Skills Application of Life Sciences relationship to Technology,
Knowledge Society and the Environment.
AS1 Learner identifies and Learner accesses knowledge Learner explores & evaluates
✓ ✓ ✓
questions phenomena scientific ideas of past and
and plans an investigation present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES Los & AS2 Learner conducts an Learner interprets and Learner compares and
✓ makes ✓ ✓
Ass: investigation by collecting meaning of evaluates uses &
LO 1: AS1, AS2 and AS3 and manipulating data. knowledge development of resources and
LO 3: AS 1, AS2 and AS3 their products & their impact
on the environment & society.
AS3 Learner analyses, Learner compares the
✓ Learner shows ✓ ✓
synthesizes, evaluates understanding of how Life influence of different beliefs,
data and communicates Sciences knowledge is attitudes and values on
findings. applied in everyday life scientific knowledge
Topic Excretion
safety precautions.
Direct teaching of microscopic Observe and make key - point Charts, slides, models;
structure of the kidney using charts, summaries OHP, transparencies Informal: Peer
models, slides and transparencies assessment:
Direct teaching of the functions of Observe and make key point Charts, diagrams Informal: Peer assessment
the kidneys summaries
Activity 8: Advantages and disadvantages of kidney transplants, ethics and legislation thereof: LO 2 # AS 1, 2 and 3; LO 3 # AS 1,2 and 3
Requests learners to research Research, collect, analyse and Library, Internet, newspaper Informal: Teacher
Advantages and synthesize information. articles, magazines, radio, assessment: Observation
disadvantages of kidney Express opinions, listen to the views television, textbooks, sheet to assess
transplants of other and possibly reshape their information sheets, people participation
Ethical issues concerning ideas on issues.
kidney transplants
Legislation around kidney
Initiates class discussion on above
aspects and consolidates
Fast learners: Research the prevalence of kidney transplants in South Language
Africa/6 African countries and draw conclusions from statistics gathered Socio-economical
Slow learners: Financial constraints
Extra time to complete tasks Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)
More revision tasks
Extra articles on kidneys
Explains the role of neurons, i.e. Learners take notes and make Diagrams Informal assessment
conduction of nerve impulses to and from mind maps to consolidate
the central nervous system, information.
Instructs learners to present their Research topic. Prepare and Library, internet, textbooks, Informal: Teacher assessment
findings in a form of a pamphlet and to present pamphlet media, magazines
present it to the class
Activity 12: Formation of images, eye accommodation and long and short-sightedness: LO 2 # AS 1, 2 and 3
Explains how images are formed by the Write down key facts. Diagrams
eye and then explains eye
Discusses corrective measures for Participate in discussion and Textbooks Informal: Teacher assessment
treatment of long and short-sightedness. write down key facts
Asks learners to observe the changes Work in pairs and observe the Torch Informal: Observation sheet: self,
taking place in the pupil in bright and dilation and constriction of the peer or teacher assessment
dim light using a torch light pupil.
Tells learners to draw a cross and a Work in pairs to discover the Blank A4 pages
square 10 cm apart on blank A4 page. blind spot and at which
Allows learners to discover the existence distance the blind spot is
of the blind spot. experienced
Activity 17: The Tongue: Regions of taste and taste receptors - Hypothesis testing: LO 1 # 1,2 and 3; LO 2 # AS 1,2 and
Divides learners in to groups. Design investigation. Each group determine their Informal: Teacher assessment:
own resources Rubric to assess Investigation
Lets each group plan an investigation to Perform investigation
show whether the tongue has regions of Write a report on investigation
taste. The investigation should have a in which results, conclusion
hypothesis, aim, materials needed and and limitations of investigation
method. are communicated