Grade 11 Life Sciences Lesson Plans

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Grade 11 Life Sciences Lesson Plans

Secondary Education Major in English (Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan)

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The following Grade 10, 11 and 12 Lesson Plans were developed by Subject Advisors from 09 March – 13 March 2009. Teachers are
requested to look at them, modify them where necessary to suit their contexts and resources. It must be remembered that Lesson Plans are
working documents, and any comments to improve the lesson plans in this document will be appreciated. Teachers are urged to use this
document with the following departmental policy documents: Subject Statement; LPG 2008; SAG 2008; Examination Guidelines 2009 and
Provincial CASS Policy/ Guidelines.

Lesson planning is the duty of each and every individual teacher but it helps when teachers sometimes plan together as a group. This
interaction not only helps teachers to understand how to apply the Learning Outcomes (LOs) and Assessment Standards (ASs) but also builds
up the confidence of the teachers in handling the content using new teaching strategies.

It must please be noted that in order to help teachers who teach across grades and subjects, an attempt has been made to standardise lesson
plan templates and thus the new template might not resemble the templates used in each subject during the NCS training. However, all the
essential elements of a lesson plan have been retained. This change has been made to assist teachers and lighten their administrative load.

Please note that these lesson plans are to be used only as a guide to complete the requirements of the Curriculum Statements and the work
schedules and teachers are encouraged to develop their own learner activities to supplement and/or substitute some of the activities given
here (depending on the school environment, number and type of learners in your class, the resources available to your learners, etc).

Do not forget to build in the tasks for the Programme of Assessment into your Lesson Plans.

Strengthen your efforts by supporting each other in clusters and share ideas. Good Luck with your endeavors to improve Teaching, Learning
and Assessment.

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Learning Outcomes (LOs) & Assessment Standards

FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOME/S LO LO1 Scientific Inquiry & problem Solving ✓ L02.Construction & Application of ✓ LO3. Life Sciences and its ✓
LO2: AS1, 2 & 3 Skiils Life Sciences nowledge relationship to Technology,
Society and the Environment.
AS1 Learner identifies and questions ✓ Learner accesses knowledge ✓ Learner explores & evaluates ✓
phenomena and plans an investigation scientific ideas of past and
present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES LOS & AS2 Learner conducts an investigation by ✓ Learner interprets and makes ✓ Learner compares and ✓
ASS: collecting and manipulating data. meaning of knowledge evaluates uses & development
LO 1: AS 1, AS2 & AS 3 of resources and their
LO 3: AS 1, AS2 & AS 3 products & their impact on
the environment & society.
AS3 Learner analyses, synthesizes, evaluates ✓ Learner shows understanding of how ✓ Learner compares the ✓
data and communicates findings. Life Sciences knowledge is applied in influence of different beliefs,
everyday life attitudes and values on
scientific knowledge
Possible Integration with other subjects: Agricultural Sciences, English, Mathematics
Knowledge Area: Tissues, Cells and Molecular Studies
Prior Knowledge: Micro-organisms, Viruses, Bacteria and Protists and related diseases,
Topic Fungi
Links to next lesson Structure, Control and Processes in basic life systems
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date
Activity 1: Fungal disease: LO 2 #AS 1, AS 2, AS 3; LO 3 # AS 1, AS
Explains Rust as a fungal disease under the Take notes, write down new terminologies Informal: Teacher
following headings: and develops own glossary assessment: note-taking
 Causes, (rubric ) and glossaries
 symptoms, Contribute own knowledge of disease (memorandum)

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 Effects,
 modern and traditional treatment, Informal: Class test
 prevention in South Africa.

Gives project on thrush or athletes foot with Design project in the form of a pamphlet,
respect to Present pamphlet as a group, Textbooks, internet, Informal: Teacher
 Causes, Display pamphlet in class magazines, assessment: Pamphlet and
 Symptoms, people presentation:
 Effects, Rubric
 Treatment and
 Prevention
 Beliefs, attitudes and values

Activity 2: Hypothesis testing practical LO 1 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3

Presents learners with resources and Carry out experiment according to instructions Bread, cheese, peanut FORMAL: Teacher assesses
instructions to perform an experiment on given. Learners identify variables, ask butter, jam or any learners' ability to identify
fungal growth on different food substrates questions, hypothesize, follow instructions, other foodstuffs readily variables, ask questions,
record information, interpret and conclude and available. formulate a hypothesis,
present findings Petri dishes/ saucers follow instructions, record
Magnifying glasses, information accurately,
microscope and analyse information,
prepared slides, graph interpret and conclude and
paper present their findings.

Activity 3: Research task: LO 3 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3

Gives the following research tasks to Present their research findings in the form of Various textbooks Informal: Poster to be
learners: flowcharts in poster form Magazines assessed using a rubric
 A comparison between modern and Leaflets/Articles
traditional beer making Internet

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 Cheese making People

 Medicinal value of fungi


Fast Learners: Gives extra articles on micro -organisms Language
Slow Learners Extra time to complete tasks Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)
Extra articles on micro-organisms Resources
More revision tasks

Prepared by:



Checked by:


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DURATION: 8 hours
Learning Outcomes (LOs) & Assessment Standards (ASs)

FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOME/S LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & problem ✓ L0 2.Construction & Application ✓ LO 3. Life Sciences and its ✓
LO 2: AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3 Solving Skills of Life Sciences Knowledge relationship to Technology,
Society and the Environment.
AS1 Learner identifies and questions ✓ Learner accesses knowledge ✓ Learner explores & evaluates
phenomena and plans an scientific ideas of past and
investigation present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES LOs & ASs: AS2 Learner conducts an investigation ✓ Learner interprets and makes ✓ Learner compares and evaluates ✓
LO 1: AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3 by collecting and manipulating meaning of knowledge uses & development of
LO3: AS 2 and AS 3 data. resources and their products &
their impact on the environment
& society.
AS3 Learner analyses, synthesizes, ✓ Learner shows understanding of ✓ Learner compares the influence ✓
evaluates data and communicates how Life Sciences knowledge is of different beliefs, attitudes and
findings. applied in everyday life values on scientific knowledge

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Possible Integration with other subjects: English, Agricultural Sciences

Knowledge Area Tissues, Cells and Molecular Studies
Prior Knowledge Micro-organisms, Viruses, Bacteria and Protists and related diseases,
Topic Immunity
Links to next lesson Structure, Control and Processes in basic life systems
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date
Activity 1: Introduction: LO 3: AS 2
Asks learners to check for immunization Observe arms and account for their observation Learners Informal: Teacher
marks on arms and to account for their Checklist/observation
presence sheet
Activity 2: Concepts and functions: LO 2 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3
Explains to learners: Take notes and develop glossaries Charts
 What immunity is,
 Types of immunity,
 Roles of white blood cells
antibiotics, antibodies and antigens

Activity 3: History of immunization LO 2: AS 1, 2 and AS 3; LO 3: AS 1

Supplies reading material on history of Access and make meaning of reading material. Reading material: Informal: Peer
immunization with a list of questions Answer questions Leaflets assessment
Consolidates Brochures, etc.

Activity 4: Information on immunization LO 2: AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3; LO 3: AS

Displays information, e.g. blank vaccination Study information and complete worksheet Materials collected from Informal: Peer
forms on immunization gathered from local clinic, assessment
clinic. Gives learners a worksheet, based on this Worksheet

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information, to complete.

Assists learners in organising a speaker from the Invite speaker and make necessary
Departments of Health and Welfare to address arrangements for event
school on beliefs, attitudes and importance of
immunization and immunization legislation

Activity 5: LO 2 : AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3
Discusses how pathogenic organisms (viruses and Write down key ideas and complete glossary OHP, transparencies FORMAL:
bacteria) protect themselves against medication of key terms. Charts Teacher assessment:
used to destroy them and ascertain learner CONTROLLED TEST


Fast Learners: Research the impact of mobility of people on the spread of contagious diseases Language
Overcrowded classroom
Slow Learners: More time to do activities and additional material Infrastructure
Financial constraints
Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)

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Learning Outcomes (LOs) & Assessment Standards (ASs)
FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOME: LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & ✓ L0 2.Construction & Application ✓ LO 3. Life Sciences and its ✓
LO 2: AS1, AS2 and AS3 problem Solving Skills of Life Sciences Knowledge relationship to Technology,
Society and the Environment.
AS1 Learner identifies and ✓ Learner accesses knowledge ✓ Learner explores & evaluates ✓
questions phenomena and scientific ideas of past and
plans an investigation present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES LEARNING AS2 Learner conducts an ✓ Learner interprets and makes ✓ Learner compares and ✓
OUTCOMES: investigation by collecting meaning of knowledge evaluates uses & development
LO 1: AS 1, AS2 and AS3 and manipulating data. of resources and their products
LO 3: AS 1, AS2 and AS3 & their impact on the
environment & society.
AS3 Learner analyses, ✓ Learner shows understanding of ✓ Learner compares the influence ✓
synthesizes, evaluates data how Life Sciences knowledge is of different beliefs, attitudes
and communicates findings. applied in everyday life and values on scientific
Possible Integration with other English, Music, Dance Studies, Dramatic Arts, Mathematics
Knowledge Area Structures, control and processes in basic life systems
Prior Knowledge: Bone, muscle and cartilage; organic and inorganic compounds, Digestive system and respiratory system
Topics Human skeleton, joints, skeletal muscles and disorders relate to muscles and joints
Links to next lesson: Circulatory, Urinary and Nervous system
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date
Activity 1: Parts of the human skeleton: LO 2 # AS 1 and AS

Verbally revises prior knowledge of Respond to revision questions. Model of skeleton or wall

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physiological systems done in grade 10. Access textbook or other sources of chart or drawing (paper or Informal: Teacher
Displays model or wall chart or information to label different parts of transparency), assessment: Verbal
drawing of human skeleton. skeleton Labels, feedback
Supplies learners with a set of labels in Prestik/drawing pins.
jumbled order

ACTIVITY 2 Divisions of human skeleton: LO 2# AS 1 and AS 2

Introduces the two main parts of the Draw on prior knowledge and make use Model or chart or diagram Informal: Self assessment
skeleton, i.e. axial and appendicular. of textbooks or other sources of or own body
Asks learners to identify the main information to identify the different
components of each part, e.g. skull, parts of:
vertebral column etc. 1. Axial skeleton
2. Appendicular skeleton

Activity 3: Hands on practical: LO 1 # AS 2 and AS 3

Uses a sheep's skull for hands-on Examine sheep's skull and complete Sheep's skull,
practical and comparative study. worksheet. model or drawing of human Informal: Teacher
Supplies worksheets with questions on: skull, assessment: Worksheet
1. functions of the skull worksheet using a marking
2. structure and functions of memorandum
the jaws and teeth.
Activity 4: Functions of skeletal parts: LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2
Refers learners to textbook and plastic Work in pairs and research the functions Textbooks and any other
model of skeleton and a list of of vertebral column, sternum and ribs. relevant source/s Informal: Peer assessment:
questions on the functions of the Memorandum
vertebral column, sternum and ribs

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Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date

Activity 5: Naming of skeletal parts: LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2
Displays model or chart of skeleton. Identify the pectoral and pelvic girdles Model or chart,
Instructs learner to identify List the main components of the two Textbooks Informal: Peer assessment:
components of the pectoral and pelvic girdles respectively. Memorandum
Activity 6: Direction of movement of different body parts: LO 1 # AS 1 and AS 2
Divides learners, in groups. Dance on beat of music. Laptop/audio Informal: Teacher
Plays music, Identify parts moving in: player/Learners assessment: learner
Instructs learners to dance according to  One direction participation
music moving the different parts of  Two directions
the body, e.g. arms, head, legs etc.  360 degrees

Asks learners to identify parts that

 in one direction
 two directions
 360 degrees

Activity 7: Identification of Joints: LO 2 #AS 1 and AS 2

Explains to learners the different joints: Take notes and draw diagrams OHP and transparencies or Informal: Teacher
 Immovable (bones of skull) charts assessment: monitor
 Freely movable: Synovial (hinge understanding
and ball and socket)
 Partially movable: gliding:
(joints between vertebra and
hand bones) and pivot (joint
between skull and neck)

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Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date

Activity 8: Skeletal muscles: LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2
Asks learners what cause body to Supply answer, Learners,
move Asks learners to locate and Examine own Charts, transparencies, Informal: Teacher
name. major muscle groups by body Models assessment: monitors
examining own body. Take notes and make diagrams understanding
Supplies the correct terminology of
these muscles.
Explains the attachment of muscles to
Introduces concepts like extensor,
flexor and antagonistic muscles.
Activity 9: Hands - on practical: Dissection of chicken wing: LO 1 # AS 3
Divides learners into groups and Follow instructions,
supplies each group with a specimen of Identify joints, muscles, tendons Chicken wings, Informal: Teacher
a chicken wing: cartilage etc. as they dissect, Scissors, assessment: Rubric and
Gives learners a worksheet with Observe safety precautions, worksheets memorandum
instructions and questions complete work sheet .

Activity 1O: Disorders related to muscles and joints: LO 2 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3

Divides learners into groups for role Read information, Learners, information Informal: Teacher and Peer
play: Role play the various diseases with sheets, assessment
Provides material on rickets, respect to: Internet Rubric
osteoporosis, arthritis to be role played  symptoms, Magazines
 causes and textbooks
 prevention
Thereafter supplies learners with
information on various muscle, bone Report back on different types of
and joint injuries and ask learners to injuries, e.g.:
report back on these various injuries  Sprains, Cramps,

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 Dislocations and fractures

Activity 1O: Cultural beliefs on the uses of bones: LO 2 # AS1 and 2; LO 3 # AS 1 and AS
Asks individual learners to narrate their Narrate their experiences/beliefs and Learners
experiences /beliefs with regard to the explain their opinions based on acquired Parents/elders
cultural use of bones. scientific knowledge
Learners can also be encouraged to ask
their parents/elders on this issues and
compare past and present beliefs on
use of bones.
Fast learners: Research on knee and hip replacement operations; research on Language
career opportunities on human/animal bone structure and fractures. Overcrowded classroom
Slow learners: Extra time to complete tasks Financial constraints
More revision tasks Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)
Extra articles on skeleton, joints and muscles

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Duration: 8 hours
Learning Outcomes (LOs) & Assessment Standards (ASs)

FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOMES: LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & ✓ L0 2.Construction & Application ✓ LO 3. Life Sciences and its ✓
LO 2 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3 problem Solving Skills of Life Sciences Knowledge relationship to Technology,
Society and the Environment.
AS1 Learner identifies and questions ✓ Learner accesses knowledge ✓ Learner explores & evaluates
phenomena and plans an scientific ideas of past and
investigation present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES LOs & ASs AS2 Learner conducts an ✓ Learner interprets and makes ✓ Learner compares and evaluates ✓
LO 1 # AS 1, AS2 and AS 3 investigation by collecting and meaning of knowledge uses & development of
LO3 # AS 2 and 3 manipulating data. resources and their products &
their impact on the
environment & society.
AS3 Learner analyses, synthesizes, ✓ Learner shows understanding of ✓ Learner compares the influence ✓
evaluates data and how Life Sciences knowledge is of different beliefs, attitudes
communicates findings. applied in everyday life and values on scientific
Possible Integration with other subjects English
Knowledge Area Structure, control and processes in basic life systems
Prior Knowledge Blood tissue
Topic Transport in humans and plants
Links to next lesson Excretion
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date
Activity 1: Introduction: Composition of blood: LO 2 # AS 1 and AS
Divides class into three groups:
Assigns the following tasks to groups and refer Textbooks or any other Informal: Teacher and peer
them to appropriate resources: relevant source of assessment
 Group 1: composition of blood Each group presents its topic to the class information
 Group 2: Functions of blood

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 Group 3: Where and how blood is

Activity 2: Hands - on practical: Structure functioning of the heart and main blood vessels LO 1 #AS 1 and AS 3; LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2
Uses model or chart to explain broad outline Listen and take notes on key aspects.
of the structure of heart.
Do dissection and complete work sheet
Supplies specimen of sheep heart to groups of Model/chart, Informal: Teacher
learners for dissection. Heart specimen, assessment: observation
Textbooks, sheet and memorandum
Provides worksheet with instructions and worksheet
questions Consult textbooks to ascertain functions of
various structures
Refers learners to textbooks for functions of
different parts of the heart

Activity 3: Cardiac cycle : LO 1 # AS 1 and AS 2; LO 2 #AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3

Teacher explains the diastolic, systolic cycles of Copy drawings into work books. Charts
heart and blood pressure with suitable textbooks Informal: Teacher
diagrams, assessment: Monitor
learner understanding
Invites medical practitioner (doctor, nurse, Observe and participate in discussions. Can Stethoscope
pharmacist, medical laboratory technician) to even take blood pressure of each other.
demonstrate diastole, systole cycle and blood
Activity 4: Structure and function of Arteries veins capillaries : LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2
Asks learners to tabulate the differences Complete table of differences between the Textbooks or other resource Informal: Teacher and peer
between arteries, veins and capillaries with types of blood vessels. assessment
reference to:
 Structure
 Function

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Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date

Teacher Activities Completed
Activity 5: Blood and heart disorders LO 2 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3; LO 3 # AS 2 and AS 3
Divides class into three groups and supplies
the necessary references. Each group is
assigned one of the following topics:

 One heart disorder/disease, e.g. Access resources Textbooks Informal: Teacher

coronary thrombosis, atherosclerosis Write up presentations Internet assessment
etc, Present findings to whole class Magazines Rubric
 Blood disorder/disease: hypertension
and hypotension
 Blood disorder/disease: anaemia and

Consolidation of discussion
Each group research their topic under the
following headings: causes, symptoms, effects,
prevention and management.
Activity 6: Heart transplants: LO 2 # AS 1, AS 2 and AS 3; LO 3 # AS 2 and AS 3
Provides learners with articles on:
 the history of the first heart transplant, Read articles, Articles from newspapers, Informal: Teacher
 subsequent scientific advancements Take part in class discussion magazines, internet, library assessment: learner
made in this field, e.g. minimizing reference books participation
organ rejection, the first artificial
heart transplant etc.
 laws governing organ transplants in
South Africa

Initiates a class discussion/debate on the

ethics, beliefs, and legislation around organ

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Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date

Activity 7: Transport/Support in plants: Identification of Plant tissues: LO 1 #AS 1 and AS 2; LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2
Provides micrographs/charts (L/S and T/S) of
roots, stems and leaves. Micrographs, charts, Informal: Teacher
Microscopes and prepared assessment: Observation
Assists learners to locate transport tissues, Observe, identify, draw and label transport slides sheet
that is, xylem and phloem and support tissues, and support tissues
that is, sclerenchyma and collenchyma

Alternatively microscopes and prepared slides

could be used.
Activity 8: Hands - On practical: Water path in plants: LO 1 # AS 2 and AS 3; LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2
Divides learners into manageable groups. Carry out experimental procedure as per Small plants, 250ml beakers, Informal: Teacher
Provides learners with worksheet that instructions. 1.0% eosin solution or any assessment: Rubric
indicates materials, equipment, procedure Complete worksheet other dye such as ink, clean
used to determine the path followed by water microscope slides, sharp
through plants. knife or blade, cover slips,
whole carrot, microscope

❖ In the absence of microscopes Learners take down drawings and indicate Chart
the movement of water from
root to path taken by water by means of arrow Textbooks
leaves can be shown by means heads.
of diagrams Translate diagrams into text
Fast Learners: Research the relationship between heart disease and diet Language
Slow Learners: Extra time to complete tasks Infrastructure
More revision tasks Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)
Extra articles on circulatory system and transport in plants Resources

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Duration: 8 HOURS

Learning Outcomes (LOs) & Assessment Standards (ASs)

FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOME: LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & LO 3. Life Sciences and its
✓ L0 2.Construction & ✓ ✓
LO 2: AS 1, AS2 and AS 3 problem Solving Skills Application of Life Sciences relationship to Technology,
Knowledge Society and the Environment.

AS1 Learner identifies and Learner accesses knowledge Learner explores & evaluates
✓ ✓ ✓
questions phenomena scientific ideas of past and
and plans an investigation present cultures
INTEGRATED LIFE SCIENCES Los & AS2 Learner conducts an Learner interprets and Learner compares and
✓ makes ✓ ✓
Ass: investigation by collecting meaning of evaluates uses &
LO 1: AS1, AS2 and AS3 and manipulating data. knowledge development of resources and
LO 3: AS 1, AS2 and AS3 their products & their impact
on the environment & society.
AS3 Learner analyses, Learner compares the
✓ Learner shows ✓ ✓
synthesizes, evaluates understanding of how Life influence of different beliefs,
data and communicates Sciences knowledge is attitudes and values on
findings. applied in everyday life scientific knowledge

Possible Integration with other Mathematics, English

Knowledge Area Structures, control and processes in basic life systems

Prior Knowledge Transport System

Topic Excretion

Links to next lesson Coordination

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Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date


Activity 1: Introduction: Concepts: LO 2 # AS 1, and 2

Refers learners to textbook to

ascertain the meaning of the
following terms: Access available resources Textbooks Informal: Peer
 Egestion Leaflets assessment
 Secretion Study Guides
 Excretion

Asks learners to write down their Complete table

responses on the table provided. The
table makes provision for:
 Process
 Organ/s
 Product/s
Activity 2: Excretory organs and excretory products: LO 2 # AS 1 and
Shows models, charts, books etc
to consolidate knowledge of organs Write down key facts Models, charts, books etc. Informal assessment
of excretion and excretory
Activity 3: Hands - on practical: Dissection of the kidney: LO 1 #AS 1and AS 2; LO 2 # AS 1 and 2

Divides learners into groups, Sheep kidneys,

Supplies learners with sheep kidney Perform dissection and complete magnifying glasses, Formal: Teacher
and dissecting equipment as well worksheet textbooks, assessment
as worksheets that, amongst worksheets Rubric and memorandum
explains dissecting procedure and

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safety precautions.

Activity 4: Microscopic structure of kidney: LO 2 # AS 1 and AS 2

Direct teaching of microscopic Observe and make key - point Charts, slides, models;
structure of the kidney using charts, summaries OHP, transparencies Informal: Peer
models, slides and transparencies assessment:

Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date


Activity 5: Functioning of the Nephron and structural suitability: LO 2 # AS 1 and

Direct teaching of the three main
processes with regard to function of Charts, models, OHP, Informal: Peer assessment
the nephron, that is, Observe and make key point transparencies
 Ultra filtration summaries and glossary
 Tubular reabsorption
 Tubular excretion

Points out relationship between Take notes on key points.

structure of nephron and its function

Activity 6: Osmoregulation and other functions of the kidney: LO 2 # AS 1 and 2

Direct teaching of the functions of Observe and make key point Charts, diagrams Informal: Peer assessment
the kidneys summaries

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Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date


Activity 7: Disorders of the kidneys: LO 2 # AS 1, 2 and 3; LO 3 # AS 1, AS 2 and

Gives learners an information sheet Write down key facts and respond to Information sheet,
with clear diagrammatic questions, textbooks, OHP, Informal: Self assessment
illustrations on dialysis. Explore indigenous remedies for kidney transparencies, charts,
Explains what it is and how it disorders Internet, library
takes place,
Gives learners a set of questions to
consolidate the information

Where possible, organises trip to a Observe, interact with

local hospital to observe dialysis patients/nurses/doctors.
machines in action. Prepare Fill in questionare/worksheet.
questionnaire/worksheet to
interact with

Also allows learners to explore

indigenous ways of treating kidney

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Activity 8: Advantages and disadvantages of kidney transplants, ethics and legislation thereof: LO 2 # AS 1, 2 and 3; LO 3 # AS 1,2 and 3

Requests learners to research Research, collect, analyse and Library, Internet, newspaper Informal: Teacher
 Advantages and synthesize information. articles, magazines, radio, assessment: Observation
disadvantages of kidney Express opinions, listen to the views television, textbooks, sheet to assess
transplants of other and possibly reshape their information sheets, people participation
 Ethical issues concerning ideas on issues.
kidney transplants
 Legislation around kidney
Initiates class discussion on above
aspects and consolidates
Fast learners: Research the prevalence of kidney transplants in South Language
Africa/6 African countries and draw conclusions from statistics gathered Socio-economical
Slow learners: Financial constraints
Extra time to complete tasks Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)
More revision tasks
Extra articles on kidneys

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Learning Outcomes (LOs) & Assessment Standards (ASs)
FOCUS LEARNING OUTCOME: LO LO 1 Scientific Inquiry & ✓ L0 2.Construction & ✓ LO 3. Life Sciences and its ✓
LO 2 #AS 1, 2 and 3 problem Solving Skills Application of Life relationship to Technology,
Sciences Knowledge Society and the
AS1 Learner identifies and ✓ Learner ✓ Learner explores & ✓
questions phenomena and accesses evaluates scientific ideas of
plans an investigation knowledge past and present cultures
Integrated Life Sciences LOs and ASs: AS2 Learner conducts an ✓ Learner interprets and ✓ Learner compares and ✓
LO 1: AS 1, AS2 and AS3 investigation by collecting and makes meaning of evaluates uses &
LO 3: AS 1, AS2 and AS 3 manipulating data. knowledge development of resources
and their products & their
impact on the environment
& society.
AS3 Learner analyses, synthesizes, ✓ Learner shows ✓ Learner compares the ✓
evaluates data and understanding of how influence of different
communicates findings. Life Sciences beliefs, attitudes and values
knowledge is applied on scientific knowledge
in everyday life
Possible integration with other subjects English, Life Orientation
Knowledge Area Structures, control and processes in basic life systems
Prior Knowledge Support, transport and excretory systems
Topic Coordination
Links to next lesson Chemical coordination
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date completed
Activity 1: Introduction: LO 2 # AS 2 and
Introduces learners to the role of the Share their answers with
nervous system by asking questions like: learners in their group, Informal: Peer assessment
of verbal responses
 How do you know what happens Conclude that the nervous

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around you, system is responsible for

 How does your body perception of stimuli,
respond/react to changes in transport of and is able to
the environment respond to stimuli inside and
 Which organ is used to think outside the body
 How is the information(stimuli)
from outside or inside the
sent to different parts of the body
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date completed
Activity 2: Main components of nervous system: LO 2 # AS 1 and 2
Displays chart of entire nervous system Learners observe different
and indicate and name the different parts. parts. Chart Informal: Self assessment
Construct flow diagram of
Asks learners to construct a flow diagram main components
of the nervous system to show
relationship amongst various components
of nervous system
Activity 3: Types and structure of neurons: LO 2 #AS 1 and 2
Introduces the three types of neurons: Write down notes on the types Chart , diagrams and
 Motor, of neurons. textbooks, prepared slides, Informal assessment
 Sensory and slide projector
 Connector
Explains the structure of neuron/nerve cell Take notes and observe
with the aid of diagrams and slides structure of neuron.

Activity 4: Conduction of impulses and functions of neurons: LO 2 # AS 1and 2

Explains the role of neurons, i.e. Learners take notes and make Diagrams Informal assessment
conduction of nerve impulses to and from mind maps to consolidate
the central nervous system, information.

Explains electrical and chemical

transmission of impulse

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Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date completed

Activity 5: Brain: LO 2 # AS 1and 2

Uses model to show the structure of the
brain with reference to: Learners observe , draw and Model/diagrams Informal: Teacher assessment:
 Cerebrum label different parts of brain consolidation of functions
 Cerebellum
 Medulla Oblongata
 Pituitary gland

Refers learners to textbooks to establish

the function of each

Activity 6: Hands - on practical: Sheep brain: LO 1 # AS 1, 2; LO 2 # AS 1 and 2

Divides learners in groups. Learners follow and complete Sheep brain,
worksheet Scalpel, old newspaper, Informal: Group assessment:
Supplies each group with the brain of work sheet Rubric
a sheep, scalpel and old newspaper.

Provides learners with a worksheet.

Worksheet requires learners to observe,
draw, record, dissect and examine
different part of the brain

Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date completed

Activity 7: Spinal cord, reflex action and peripheral nervous system: LO 2 # AS 1 and 2
Uses models, charts, prepared slides etc.
 identify and describe the external
appearance of the spinal cord. Draw and take notes Models, charts, prepared Informal: Peer assessment
 describe the transverse section of slides and textbooks

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida ([email protected])


spinal chord. Draw and label

 Show pathway of impulse
between brain and organ Draw and label
 Uses knee jerk reflex to
describe and demonstrate the Draw and label. Indicate
reflex arc and reflex action pathway with arrow heads.
 Define and list components
of peripheral nervous system

Activity 8: Central nervous system(CNS) related diseases: LO 1 # AS 1 and 2; LO 2 # AS 1, 2 and 3; LO 3: AS 2 and 3

Presents learners with a list of CNS related
diseases, e.g. stroke, meningitis,
Alzheimer's Parkinson's, epilepsy etc.
Asks learners to choose one topic from the
list and do research on the:
 causes,
 symptoms,
 treatment,
 prevention
 legislation

Instructs learners to present their Research topic. Prepare and Library, internet, textbooks, Informal: Teacher assessment
findings in a form of a pamphlet and to present pamphlet media, magazines
present it to the class

Activity 9: Class debate: LO 2 # AS 1; LO 3 # AS 3

Initiates class debate on the ethics of
terminating life support systems of "brain Debate Learners Informal: Teacher assessment:
dead" people observation sheet: learner

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Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date completed

Activity 1O: Sense organs: LO 2 # AS 1 and 2
Uses model, chart or diagram to allow
learners to identify the different structures Observe, find out and Models, charts or diagrams, Informal: Self assessment
of the eye. complete table. Textbooks
Instructs learners to look up functions of
the various structures and to present it in
tabular form

Activity 11: Dissection of eye: LO 1 # AS 2; LO 2 # AS 1 and 2

Divides learners into groups. Perform dissection and Ox or eye sheep, scalpel or
complete worksheet. sharp knife, Informal: Teacher assessment:
Supplies groups with specimen of an ox or Share findings with another Chopping board, old Rubric
sheep eye. group. newspaper

Supplies worksheet for dissection.

Activity 12: Formation of images, eye accommodation and long and short-sightedness: LO 2 # AS 1, 2 and 3
Explains how images are formed by the Write down key facts. Diagrams
eye and then explains eye

Discusses corrective measures for Participate in discussion and Textbooks Informal: Teacher assessment
treatment of long and short-sightedness. write down key facts

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida ([email protected])


Activity 13: Pupillary mechanism and the blind spot: LO 1# AS 2; LO 2 # AS 1 and 2

Asks learners to observe the changes Work in pairs and observe the Torch Informal: Observation sheet: self,
taking place in the pupil in bright and dilation and constriction of the peer or teacher assessment
dim light using a torch light pupil.

Tells learners to draw a cross and a Work in pairs to discover the Blank A4 pages
square 10 cm apart on blank A4 page. blind spot and at which
Allows learners to discover the existence distance the blind spot is
of the blind spot. experienced

Explains the blind spot.

Activity 14: Ear - Structure and function: LO 2 # AS 1 and 2
Uses model, chart and diagram to explain Observe and make summaries Model, chart and diagrams,
structure and functions of the different in tabular form Textbooks Informal: Teacher assessment:
parts of the ear verbal questioning

Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date completed

Activity 15: Hearing and balancing: LO 2 # 1 and 2
Explains hearing and balancing of ear Summarise Diagrams and textbooks

Activity 16: Hearing aids and sign language: LO 1 # AS 2; LO 2 # AS1,2 and 3

Instructs learners to research some of the Research and communicate Internet, library, textbooks Informal assessment
provisions made to normalise life for the findings
hearing impaired

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida ([email protected])


Activity 17: The Tongue: Regions of taste and taste receptors - Hypothesis testing: LO 1 # 1,2 and 3; LO 2 # AS 1,2 and
Divides learners in to groups. Design investigation. Each group determine their Informal: Teacher assessment:
own resources Rubric to assess Investigation
Lets each group plan an investigation to Perform investigation
show whether the tongue has regions of Write a report on investigation
taste. The investigation should have a in which results, conclusion
hypothesis, aim, materials needed and and limitations of investigation
method. are communicated

Discusses taste buds and taste receptors

Activity 18: Nose and skin: LO 2 # AS 1 and 2
Discusses the receptors of smell. Write down key facts Diagrams and charts Informal assessment
Discusses the receptors of the skin
Activity 19: Drug misuse and social behaviour: LO 2 # AS 1,2, and 3
Divides class into groups. Allocates one of Library, Internet, textbooks,
the following topics to each group : media, magazines, experts
 stimulants
 pain killers
 hallucinogens
 anabolic steroids

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida ([email protected])


Teacher Activities Learner Activities Resources Assessment Date completed

Tells learners that each group has to Research on allocated drug

determine the effects of their drug on the and report back
body and to report back to the class.

In the form of a discussion teacher

summarises reports backs to illustrate the Write down key ideas
effects of drugs on the nervous system. Participate

Initiates a class discussion on the

relationship between drug abuse and Informal: Peer assessment and
social behaviour Participate in class discussion teacher assessment: report back
and summarise key ideas. and participation: Rubric and
observation sheet


Fast learners: Compare brain size of different mammals Language

More research around eye defects and eye diseases Socio-economical
Research seasickness and space sickness Infrastructure
Research on career opportunities Learners with learning problems (visual, hearing, physical, etc.)
Slow learners: Extra time to complete tasks
More revision tasks
Extra articles on Nervous system

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida ([email protected])

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