Experiment 2

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Circuit Analysis

To find the true cause of a project failure, a construction has to analyze the circuit according to
operation. In doing so, the section of a circuit – i.e., the component failed.. can be identified.

C. Replacing the Defective Component

Once the suspected component is pinpointed, it should be taken out of the circuit and Overified
again. Component failed for a variety of in avoidable reasons. Don't blame anyone. When you
but anything, particularly electronic components, the price you're paying does not risk of buying
a component that will fail in a short time course of soldering or assembly. Nobody can
accurately predict when a particular component will fail

How to Test Electronic Components



1. Read the indicated (color-code) value on the resistor's body.

2. Set the multi tester to the ohm-scale, the range within but not way below the indicated

Good Indication:

- A resistor is good if its resistance is close to the indicated value. Tolerance should
consider with the ohmmeter reading Defective Indication:

Defective Indication:

- No resistance reading at all the Ohm scale settings- Resistor is open.

- Zero resistance reading at all Ohm scale settings- Resistor is shorted.



1. Momentarily short the terminals of the electrolytic capacitor to discharge it. Be careful in
doing these steps to avoid electric shock.
2. Set the multi tester to the Rx10 or Rx1K ohm scale,
3. Connect the tester negative probe to the capacitor positive terminal, the positive probe
to the negative terminal.

Good Indication for Electrolytic Capacitor

- The meter needle will deflect towards zero and move back again to infinite
resistance position

Good Indication for Ceramic, Mylar or Other Capacitor with a Capacitance Less than 1.0μF
- The meter will not deflect at all.

Defective Indication:

- The meter needle will rest on zero or remain stationary at point. - The electrolytic
capacitor is shorted.
- The meter needle won't deflect at al. - The electrolytic capacitor is open.
- The meter will not deflect at all.

Leakage Test:

Leakage test of an electrolytic capacitor is tested by applying cross it the specified

operating voltage where it is used. Then the voltage stored by the capacitor is measured with a
DC voltmeter. The leakage is the difference between the previous V applied voltage across the
capacitor and the actual voltage (charge stored) reading. The percent leakage is usually
tolerable in many circuits



1. Set the Multi tester knob to the appropriate resistance range.

2. Place the two tester probes at the exterior terminals. These two terminals are foxed
resistance terminals; the needle remains stationary even if the shaft is rotated clockwise or
counterclockwise. The middle terminal is the wipe arm. The rightmost terminal is the one
used together with the terminal in most application
3. Rotate the shaft fully clockwise. The needle should be at the highest resistancereading.
4. Slowly rotate the shaft counterclockwise, the resistance reading should gradually fall to

Defective Indication:

- The needle suddenly defects to infinity and back again to a certain point while the
shaft is being rotated. - There is poor or defective wiper contact.
- No resistance reading between exterior terminals. - Open resistive element



1. Set the multi tester knob to any of the resistance position (x1, x10, or x10K ohm).
2. Connect the Positive (+) probe to the anode and the -COM probe to the cathode.
3. Connect the positive (+) probe to the cathode and the -COM probe to the anode.

Good Indication:
- The multi tester needle should deflect considerably toward the zero position. The
actual resistance reading is the forward resistance of the diode.

Common Defective Indication:

- The multi tester needle does not deflect even when the probes are reversed - The
diode is open.
- The multi tester needle deflects at the same or almost the same resistance point –
(reading) for both 2 and 3.



1. Follow the writing guide

2. The anode (A) of the LED is connected to the positive terminal of the 9-volt battery.

Good Indication:

- The LED glows as an indication.

Defective Indication:
- If the LED failed to glow, reverse the connection of the LED to the battery.
- If it still failed to glow, directly (without the resistor connect the LED to the battery.
Try reversing the connection also if it failed to glow.
- If the LED does not glow yet, conclude that it is defective. -It is open.


A transformer is checked for continuity just like a straight wire.


1. Identify the terminals of the transforming windings.

2. Set the multi tester to the x1 or x10 OHM scale for continuity test of the secondary
windings(x10 or x1K for primary windings).

Good Indication:

- Low resistance reading (about 4 ohms for a 750 mA 6-volt secondary transformer).
- The needle should not deflect at all.

Defective Indication:

- The meter needle does not deflect at all. - The transformer winding is open or the
wrong terminal is chosen.
- The needle deflects to zero position. - The windings are shorted.



1. To test a transistor, simply observe if the reading is within the value being Indicated.
2. If the ohmmeter reading is way out of the specified range, the transistor may be

Determining if the Transistor is NPN or PNP:

1. Determine the correct terminals of the transistor.

2. Set the multitester to the Rox1 or Rx10 ohm range.
3. Connect the positive probe of the meter to the emitter and the-COM (negative) probe to
the base of the transistor. Note the reading.
4. Interchange the connection of the probes to the leads of the transistor. Note the reading

Defective Indication:
- Resistance between any pair of terminals is less than 1 ohm. -Transistor is shorted.
- Resistance between base and emitter or base and collector for both the forward and
reverse application of ohmmeter probes is infinity (meter needle don't deflect)-
Transistor is open.
- Transistor overheats (except power transistors during normal operating condition. -
Transistor is shorted.


COMPONENTS VALUE READING Good Defective Indication


Shorted Open Other


Resistor 150 Ω 150Ω Resistor is


Capacitor 16V, 10Ω ✓ Remains

4,700μF stationary

Potentiometer 20kΩ NULL/NO ✓ Open

READING resistive

Diode 10kΩ 120Ω Diode is


LED 9V 460Ω The LED


Transformer 750mA/12V Close to Needle

infinity Ω doesn’t
deflect at

Transistor 90A – 400A 75Ω Good P.N.P

Transistor Transistor


Resistor: the value of the given resistor has a value of 150ohms and has a reading of 150ohms
as well, therefore the resistor has a good indication, because the reading is close to the
indicated value.

Capacitor: it has a value of 16V with 4700 uF and has a reading of 10ohms in resistance,
therefore it is defective because the meter needle remain stationary at a certain point, the
capacitor is shorted.

Potentiometer: it has a value of 20kohms and didn't have a resistance reading, therefore it is
defective, because there is no reading between exterior terminals-open resistive element.

Diode: the diode has a given value of 10kohms and has a reading value of 120ohms, which
makes it a good indication of diode because the multitester needle deflects considerably
towards the zero position.

LED: The led has a value of 9V and on the reading of 460ohms it glows. Therefore it is a good
LED, because it glows when the ohm meter/multimeter is connected.

Transformer: It has a value of 750mA/ 12V and has a reading that is close to infinity ohms,
therefore it is a good indication of the transformer
Transistor: the transistor has a value of 90A-400A, it is a PNP type transistor and is a good
transistor because the reading value (which is 75ohms) I'd not less than 1ohms, not infinity, and
the transistor didn't overheat while testing.

The experiment was about testing the specific electronic components, in order for us to
determine first if that specific electronic component was still applicable, usable, functional and
not a malfunction towards the circuits or a certain circuit.

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion familiarity towards the different characteristics and used of electronic components
are vital in building different circuits, determining kinds of circuits, also in completing a certain
circuits, and to make a circuit a functional because without these electronic components will
lead to malfunction, incompleteness, non usable circuits. For example a resistor is a two
terminal passive electronics component, used to oppose or limit the current, the capacitor made
from two conductive plates with an insulator between them and it stores electrical energy in the
form of an electric field, the diode is a device that allows current to flow in one direction and
usually made with the semi conductor material, the transistor is a three-terminal semi conductor
device that is mostly used as a switching device and also an amplifier, the LED stands for Light-
Emitting Diode, is a semi-conductor material that change carriers like electrons and holes
combine then light can be generated, the transformer is a passive component that transfers
electric energy from one electrical circuit to another circuit, or multiple circuits. A potentiometer
is a manually adjustable variable resistor with 3 terminals, and many other important electronic
components that are important towards the circuit.

Also it is important to test first the electronic components before using or applying/attaching it to
the circuit in order for us to avoid malfunctions, misusage, and wrecking of the circuit. Testing it
to first will also help us to determine if that component or components is still able, usable and
functioning to use, in order for us to build or create a decent and functioning circuit.

As an electronic engineering student it is also vital for us to know further knowledged and
backgrounds toward the different electronic components, as it will fill a big part and role towards
our career as an electronic engineer someday.

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