B.Tech CSE (CS) 5 6 Semester Session 2021-22 Scheme Syllabus Final

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बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर





(V & VI Semester)

Effective for the students admitted in year 2021-22 and onwards

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Approved by …….. academic council meeting held on ……….

Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 1
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
3rd Year – V Semester
(Effective for the students admitted in year 2021-22 and onwards)
S. No. Category Course Course Title Hours Exam Marks Credit
Code Hours
L T P IA ETE Total

1 5CY4-01 Operating Systems 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
2 5CY4-02 Computer Organization 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
and Architecture
3 DC 5CY4-03 Computer Networks 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
4 5CY4-04 Information Security 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
5 5CY4-05 Cryptography and 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
Information Security
6 5CY5-11 Smart Systems 2 - - 3 30 70 100 2
5CY5-12 Introduction to Data
DE 5CY5-13 Distributed Systems
7 5CY5-14 Cloud Computing 2 - - 3 30 70 100 2
5CY5-15 Introduction to
5CY5-16 Data Mining and
Sub Total 19 00 00 - 210 490 700 19
8 5CY4-21 Computer Network Lab - - 2 - 60 40 100 1
9 5CY4-22 Cryptography and - - 2 - 60 40 100 1
DC Information Security Lab
10 5CY4-23 Risk Analysis Lab - - 2 - 60 40 100 1
11 UI 5CY7-30 Industrial Training - - 1 - 60 40 100 3
12 CCA 5CY8-00 SODECA / Co-Curricular - - - - - 100 100 1
Sub Total 00 00 07 - 240 260 500 7
Total 19 00 07 - 450 750 1200 26

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, IA = Internal Assessment, ETE = End Term Exam, Cr = Credits

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 2
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
3rd Year – VI Semester
(Effective for the students admitted in year 2021-22 and onwards)
S. No. Category Course Course Title Hours Exam Marks Credit
Code Hours
L T P IA ETE Total

1 6CY4-01 Compiler Design 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
2 6CY4-02 Design and Analysis of 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
3 6CY4-03 Application and Network 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
DC Security Fundamentals
4 6CY4-04 Network System 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
Vulnerability Assessment
5 6CY4-05 Introduction to Cyber 3 - - 3 30 70 100 3
Crime, Law and
6 6CY5-11 Internet of Things 2 - - 3 30 70 100 2
DE 6CY5-12 Soft Computing and
Evolutionary Algorithms
6CY5-13 Information Theory &
Sub Total 17 00 00 180 420 600 17

7 6CY4-21 Design and Analysis of - - 2 - 60 40 100 1

Algorithms Lab
8 DC 6CY4-22 Network System - - 2 - 60 40 100 1
Vulnerability Assessment
9 6CY4-23 Application and Network - - 2 - 60 40 100 1
Security Fundamentals
10 UI 6CY7-50 Innovation and Design - - 3 - 60 40 100 2
Thinking Hands-on
11 CCA 6CY8-00 SODECA / Co-Curricular - - - - - 100 100 2
Sub Total 00 00 09 - 240 260 500 7
Total 17 00 09 - 420 680 1100 24
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, IA=Internal Assessment, ETE=End Term Exam, Cr=Credits

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 3
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-01: Operating Systems
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70)
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Learn about how Operating System is Important for Computer System.
• Learn about different types of Operating Systems and their services.
• Learn different process scheduling algorithms and synchronization techniques to achieve better performance
of a computer system.
• Learn about device and device management.
• Learn about the concept of memory management and virtual memory.
• Learn about the concept of file system.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to
CO-1: Analyze basic concepts of operating systems and their structures.
CO-2: Analyze various issues related to inter-process communication like process synchronization and
critical section.
CO-3: Synthesize the concepts of I/O management, file system implementation, scheduling, resource
management and deadlocks.
CO-4: Interpret the issues and challenges of memory management.
CO-5: Understand protection and security issues related to the operating system.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction to OS and Process Management: 9
Introduction to operating systems, operating system structure, system calls, Process concept,
Operations on processes, cooperating processes, inter process communication, mutual
exclusion, critical section problem, Synchronization hardware, wait and signal procedures,
Semaphores, Classic problems of synchronization, critical regions, Monitors, process
scheduling and algorithms, threads, multithreading.
CPU Scheduling: Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, Multiple processor scheduling,
Real time scheduling
2 Memory Management: 8
Background, Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation
with paging. Virtual Memory, Demand paging, Page replacement policies, Allocation of
frames, Thrashing, case study.
3 Deadlock and Device Management: 9
Deadlock: System model, Deadlock characterization, Methods for handling deadlocks,
Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock detection, Recovery from deadlock.
Device management: devices and their characteristics, device drivers, device handling, disk
scheduling algorithms, Swap space management.
4 File Systems and Its Implementation: 7
File System Interface, File concepts, Access methods, Directory structure, File system
mounting, Directory implementation, Allocation methods, Free space management –
efficiency and performance, recovery, log structured file systems
5 Protection and Case Studies: 7
Protection: Goals of protection, Principles of protection, Domain of protection, Access
matrix, Implementation of access matrix, Access control, Revocation of access rights, file
security, user authentication
Case Study: Linux Operating System Linux history; Design principles; Kernel modules;

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 4
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

Process management; Scheduling; Memory management; File systems, Input and output;
Inter-process communication, Case studies of Real Time and Mobile OS.
Total 40
Suggested Books:
1. Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
2. Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos, Pearson Education India; Fourth edition
2016. ISBN-13:978- 9332575776
3. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles William Stallings, Pearson Education India; 7 edition
(2013). ISBN-13: 978-9332518803
4. Gary Nutt, “Operating Systems”, Third Edition, Pearson Education
5. Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach, Charles Crowley, International edition, McGraw-Hill
Education (ISE Editions). ISBN-13 978 0071144629

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 5
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-02: Computer Organization and Architecture
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70)
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Learn the principles of computer organization and basic architectural concepts.
• Understand the basics of instructions sets and their impact on processor design.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the design of the functional units of a digital computer system.
• Evaluate cost performance and design trade-offs in designing and constructing a computer processor
including memory.
• Design a pipeline for consistent execution of instructions with minimum hazards.
• Recognize and manipulate representations of numbers stored in digital computers.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Study of the basic structure and operation of a digital computer system.
CO-2: Analysis of the design of arithmetic & logic unit and understanding of the fixed point and floating
point arithmetic operations.
CO-3: Implementation of control unit techniques and the concept of Pipelining.
CO-4: Understanding the hierarchical memory system, cache memories and virtual memory.
CO-5: Understanding the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces.

S. No. Contents Hours

1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Register Transfer and Micro-operations: Register Transfer Language (RTL), Bus and 9
Memory Transfers, Arithmetic Micro-Operations, Logic Micro-Operations, Shift Micro-
Operations, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit (ALU).
3 Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, 8
Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Register-Reference and
Memory- Reference Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupt, Design of Basic Computer.
4 Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction 8
Format, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control, Reduced
Instruction Set Computer (RISC) and Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC).
5 Pipeline and Vector Processing: Flynn's Taxonomy, Parallel Processing, Pipelining, 8
Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline.
Computer Arithmetic: Signed Magnitude Binary Numbers - Addition and Subtraction,
Multiplication- Booth Multiplication Algorithm, Array Multiplier, Division Algorithm.
6 Input-Output Organization: Input-output Interface Modes of Transfer, Daisy Chaining 8
Priority, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Input-Output Processor (IOP)- CPU-IOP
Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative
Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory.
Total 42
Suggested Books:

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 6
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

1. M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, Pearson

2. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky Computer Organization, McGraw-Hill, Fifth Edition,
Reprint 2012
3. John P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, Tata McGraw Hill, Third Edition, 1998.
Reference books
4. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture-Designing for Performance, Pearson
Education, Seventh edition, 2006.
5. Behrooz Parahami, “Computer Architecture”, Oxford University Press, Eighth Impression, 2011.
6. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, “Computer Architecture-A Quantitative Approach”,
Elsevier, a division of reed India Private Limited, Fifth edition, 2012
7. Structured Computer Organization, Tannenbaum(PHI)

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 7
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-03: Computer Networks
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Become familiar with layered communication architectures (OSI and TCP/IP models).
• Understand different services offered by various OSI and TCP/IP model layers.
• Understand the client/server model and key application layer protocols.
• Understand the concept of unreliable data transfer and its role in communication.
• Understand the concepts of reliable data transfer and how TCP implements these concepts.
• Know the principles of congestion control and trade-offs in fairness and efficiency.
• Understand the role and concept of routing in communication.
• Understand the basics of error detection, including parity, checksums, and CRC.
• Familiarize the student with current topics such as security, network management, sensor networks,
and/or other topics.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand basic computer network technology.
CO-2: Understand OSI and TCP/IP reference model and working of each layer of these reference models.
CO-3: Obtain the skills of subnetting and routing mechanisms.
CO-4: Address design and implementation aspects of various essential network protocols and its integration
into network-based applications.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: history and development of computer networks, networks topologies. 6
Layering and protocols. OSI and TCP/IP Protocol Stacks, Basics of packet, circuit and
virtual circuit switching.
Physical Layer: Guided Transmission media: twisted pairs, coaxial cable, fiber optics,
Wireless transmission.
2 Data link layer: Design issues, framing, Error detection and correction. Elementary data link 8
protocols: simplex protocol, A simplex stop and wait protocol for an error-free channel, A
simplex stop and wait protocol for noisy channel. Sliding Window protocols: A one-bit
sliding window protocol, A protocol using Go-Back-N, A protocol using Selective Repeat,
Example data link protocols. Medium Access sub layer: The channel allocation problem,
Multiple access protocols: ALOHA, Carrier sense multiple access protocols, collision free
protocols. Wireless LANs, Data link layer switching, Ethernet bridging.
3 Network Layer: Design issues, Routing algorithms, shortest path routing, Flooding, 8
Hierarchical routing, Broadcast, Multicast, distance vector routing, link state routing,
Congestion Control Algorithms, Quality of Service, Internetworking, Fragmentation, The
Network layer in the internet, IP addressing, IPv4, IPv6. CIDR, NAT, Basics of IP support
protocols (ARP, DHCP, ICMP)
4 Transport Layer: Transport Services, Elements of Transport protocols, Connection 7
management, Error and Flow Control, Congestion Control, TCP and UDP protocols, Sockets.
5 Application Layer: Domain name system, Electronic Mail; the World Wide Web, HTTP, 7
FTP, Streaming audio and video.

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 8
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

6. Current Topics Related to Computer Network: Basic overview of the role and working of 6
topic such as Software-defined Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things,
Cyber-physical systems
Total 42

Suggested Books:
1. Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum and David J Wetherall, 5th Edition. Pearson publication.
2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, James F Kurose and Keith W Ross.
Pearson publication.
3. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Firouz Mosharraf, TMH.
4. Data Communications and Networking – Behrouz A. Forouzan. 4th Edition TMH.
5. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 5th Ed., LL Peterson, BS Davie, Morgan-Kauffman, 2011.
6. Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice, 5th Ed., W Stallings, Prentice-Hall, 2010
7. Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach , by Arshdeep Bagha and Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press,
2015, ISBN: 9788173719547
8. Fundamentals of Cyber-Physical Systems - https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/173235/1/Chapter%201 .%20
Fundamentals%20of%20 Cyber-Physical %20Systems.pdf
9. Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things - https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 9
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-04: Information Security Management
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70)
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• To learn threats and risks within context of the information security
• Explain the importance of Security Governance
• Describe various security Standards
• Learn Security management
• Learn Risk treatment methods.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand basic security standards and framework
CO-2: Understand principles of security management
CO-3: Analyze and evaluate the cyber security risks.
CO-4: Understand the Risk assessment and mitigation method.
CO-5: Analyze and evaluate the information security needs of an organization
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Information Security Standards: Defining Cyberspace and Cybersecurity, Value of
Standards, Good Practice for Information Security, ISO Suite of Information Security
Standards, NIST Cybersecurity Framework and Security Documents, CIS Critical Security 08
Controls for Effective Cyber Defense, COBIT-5 for Information Security, Payment Card
Industry Data Security Standard, ITU-T Security Documents, Effective Cybersecurity
3 Security Governance: Security Governance and Security Management, Security
Governance Principles and Desired Outcomes, Security Governance Components, Security 07
Governance Evaluation, Security Governance
4 Information Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment Concepts, System Assessment 08
Approaches, Asset Identification, Threat Identification, Control Identification, Vulnerability
Identification, Consequences Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Evaluation, Risk Treatment,
Risk Assessment
5 Security Management: Security Management Function, Security Policy, Acceptable Use 08
Policy, Security Management
Information Management: Information Classification and Handling, Privacy, Document
and Records Management, Sensitive Physical Information, Information Management
6 People Management: Human Resource Security, Security Awareness and Education, 08
Physical Asset Management: Hardware Life Cycle Management, Office Equipment,
Industrial Control Systems, Mobile Device Security, Physical Asset Management
Total 40
Suggested Books:
1. Effective Cybersecurity: A Guide to Using Best Practices and Standards by William Stallings, August
2018, Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN: 9780134772929

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 10
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-05: Cryptography and Information Security
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70)
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Explain the objectives of information security.
• Explain the importance and application of each of confidentiality, integrity, authentication and
• Describe public-key cryptosystem.
• Describe the enhancements made to IPv4 by IPSec.
• Discuss the fundamental ideas of public-key cryptography.
• Generate and distribute a PGP key pair and use the PGP package to send an encrypted email message.
• Discuss Web security and Firewalls.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand basic cryptographic algorithms, message and web authentication and security issues.
CO-2: Understand Intrusions and intrusion detection
CO-3: Understand the basic categories of threats to computers and networks.
CO-4: Ability to identify information system requirements for both of them such as client and server.
CO-5: Understand the current legal issues towards information security.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Security Concepts: Introduction, The need for security, Security approaches, Principles of
security, Types of Security attacks, Security services, Security Mechanisms, A model for
Network Security. 07
Cryptography Concepts and Techniques: Introduction, plain text and cipher text,
substitution techniques, transposition techniques, encryption and decryption, symmetric and
asymmetric key cryptography, steganography, key range and key size, possible types of
3 Symmetric key Ciphers: Block Cipher principles, DES, AES, Blowfish, RC5, IDEA, Block
cipher operation, Stream ciphers, RC4. 08
Asymmetric key Ciphers: Principles of public key cryptosystems, RSA algorithm, Elgamal
Cryptography, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Knapsack Algorithm.
4 Cryptographic Hash Functions: Message Authentication, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA- 10
Message authentication codes: Authentication requirements, HMAC, CMAC, Digital
signatures, Elgamal Digital Signature Scheme.
Key Management and Distribution: Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric &
Asymmetric Encryption, Distribution of Public Keys, Kerberos, X.509 Authentication
Service, Public – Key Infrastructure.
5 Transport-level Security: Web security considerations, Secure Socket Layer and Transport 08
Layer Security, HTTPS, Secure Shell (SSH).
Wireless Network Security: Wireless Security, Mobile Device Security, IEEE 802.11
Wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security.
6 E-Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME 08
IP Security: IP Security overview, IP Security architecture, Authentication Header,
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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 11
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

Encapsulating security payload, Combining security associations, Internet Key Exchange

Case Studies on Cryptography and security: Secure Multiparty Calculation, Virtual
Elections, Single sign On, Secure Inter-branch Payment Transactions, Cross site Scripting
Total 42
Suggested Books:
1. Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and Practice: William Stallings, Pearson Education,
6th Edition.
2. Cryptography and Network Security: Atul Kahate, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition.
3. Cryptography and Network Security: C K Shyamala, N Harini, Dr T R Padmanabhan, Wiley India,
1st Edition.
4. Cryptography and Network Security: Forouzan Mukhopadhyay, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Edition.
5. Information Security, Principles, and Practice: Mark Stamp, Wiley India.
6. Principles of Computer Security: WM. Arthur Conklin, Greg White, TMH.
7. Introduction to Network Security: Neal Krawetz, CENGAGE Learning.
8. Network Security and Cryptography: Bernard Menezes, CENGAGE Learning.

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 12
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY5-11: Smart Systems
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 (IA:30, ETE:70)
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• To introduce the fundamental concepts of MEMS based sensors and actuators.
• To acquaint the students with various materials and material properties for Microsystem designing.
• To provide comprehensive understanding of various micromachining techniques and expose the
students to design, simulation and analysis software.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Identify and understand the fundamental concepts and background of MEMS and Microsystems.
CO-2: Familiar with the basics of various sensors and actuators.
CO-3: Recognize and interpret various micromachining techniques and design, analysis and applications of
various MEMS devices micromachining tools and techniques
CO-4: Incorporate simulation and micro-fabrication knowledge for developing various MEMS devices.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction to Sensor Devices, Piezoresistive pressure sensor, Piezoresistive Accelerometer, 5
Capacitive Sensing, Accelerometer and Microphone, Resonant Sensor and Vibratory
Gyroscope, Low-Power, Low Voltage Sensors Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Analysis
and Design of MEMS Devices- Nano Sensors.
2 Interfacing Sensor Information and MCU Amplification and Signal Conditioning, Integrated 6
Signal Conditioning, Digital conversion, MCU Control MCUs for Sensor Interface,
Techniques and System Consideration, Sensor Integration.
3 Control Techniques and Standards Control of Sensors using - State Machines, Fuzzy Logic, 6
Neural Networks, Adaptive Control. Control Application using - CISC, RISC, DSP Control
and IEEE 1451 Standards.
4 Communication For Smart Sensors Wireless Data Communications- RF Sensing, Telemetry, 6
Automotive Protocols, Industrial Networks Home Automation, MCU Protocols.
5 Packaging, Testing and Reliability Implications of Smart Sensors Semiconductor Packaging- 5
Hybrid Packaging- Packaging for Monolithic Sensors- Reliability Implications Testing Smart
Sensors- HVAC Sensor Chip
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. G. K. Ananthasuresh, K J Vinoy, S Gopalakrishnan, KN Bhatt, V K Aatre," Micro and Smart
Systems: Technology and Modeling ", 2012, 1st ed., Wiley, New York.
2. Tai-Ran Hsu, “MEMS & Microsystem, Design and Manufacture”, 2017, 1st ed., McGraw Hill India,
New Delhi.
3. Wolfgang Menz, Jürgen Mohr, Oliver Paul, "Microsystem Technology", 2011, 2nd ed., Wiley, New
4. Banks H.T. Smith R.C. and Wang Y. Smart, ‘Material Structures – Modeling, Estimation and
Control’, 2011, 1st ed., John Wiley & Sons, NewYork.
5. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by S. Russell and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall.

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 13
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY5-12: Introduction to Data Science
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• To understand EDA, inference and regression techniques.
• Apply Matrix decomposition techniques to perform data analysis.
• Understand concepts and importance of data pre-processing techniques.
• Importance and application of Machine Learning Algorithms.
• Knowledge of acquiring data through web-scraping and data APIs
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Utilize EDA, inference and regression techniques.
CO-2: Utilize Matrix decomposition techniques to perform data analysis.
CO-3: Apply data pre-processing techniques.
CO-4: Apply Basic Machine Learning Algorithms.
CO-5: Acquire data through web-scraping and data APIs.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Introduction to data analysis: Introduction and importance of data science. Big Data Analytics, 6
Business intelligence vs Big data, Current landscape of analytics, Exploratory Data Analysis
(EDA), statistical measures, Basic tools (plots, graphs and summary statistics) of EDA, Data
Analytics Lifecycle, Discovery, Data Visualization Principles of Data Visualization
3 Introductory hypothesis testing and statistical inference: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing, 5
Central Limit Theorem, A/B testing. Identifying Potential Data Sources
Linear regression - Introduction to simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, least
squares principle, exploratory vs. inferential viewpoints, Model generalizability, cross
validation, and using categorical variables in regression, logistic regression, Multiple
correlation, Partial correlation
4 Linear Algebra Basics- Matrices to represent relations between data, Linear algebraic 5
operations on matrices – Matrix decomposition: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and
Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
5 Data Pre-processing and Feature Selection - Data cleaning - Data integration - Data Reduction 6
- Data Transformation and Data Discretization, Feature Generation and Feature Selection,
Feature Selection algorithms: Filters- Wrappers - Decision Trees - Random Forests
6 Basic Machine Learning Algorithms - Classifiers - Decision tree - Naive Bayes - k-Nearest 5
Neighbors (k-NN), k-means – SVM Association Rule mining – Ensemble methods
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. Mining of Massive Datasets. v2.1, Jure Leskovek, Anand Rajaraman and Jefrey Ullman., Cambridge
University Press. (2019)
2. Doing Data Science, Straight Talk From The Frontline, Cathy O'Neil and Rachel Schutt, O'Reilly
3. Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, & IPython Wes McKinney, O’Reilly Media
4. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to
Build Intelligent Systems, Aurélien Géron, O’Reilly Media

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V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY5-13: Distributed Systems
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• To Understand hardware and software issues in modern distributed systems.
• To get knowledge in distributed architecture, naming, synchronization, consistency and replication, fault
tolerance, security, and distributed file systems.
• To analyze the current popular distributed systems such as peer-to-peer (P2P) systems will also be analyzed.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: To understand the foundations of distributed systems.
CO-2: To learn issues related to clock Synchronization and the need for global state in distributed systems.
CO-3: To learn distributed mutual exclusion and deadlock detection algorithms.
CO-4: To understand the significance of agreement, fault tolerance and recovery protocols in Distributed
CO-5: To learn the characteristics of peer-to-peer and distributed shared memory systems
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Distributed Systems: Features of distributed systems, nodes of a distributed system,
Distributed computation paradigms, Model of distributed systems, Types of Operating systems:
Centralized Operating System, Network Operating Systems, Distributed Operating Systems
and Cooperative Autonomous Systems, design issues in distributed operating systems. Systems 5
Concepts and Architectures: Goals, Transparency, Services, Architecture Models, Distributed
Computing Environment (DCE).
3 Theoretical issues in distributed systems: Notions of time and state, states and events in a
distributed system, time, clocks and event precedence, recording the state of distributed
Concurrent Processes and Programming: Processes and Threads, Graph Models for Process 5
Representation, Client/Server Model, Time Services, Language Mechanisms for
4 Distributed Process Scheduling: A System Performance Model, Static Process Scheduling
with Communication, Dynamic Load Sharing and Balancing, Distributed Process
Distributed File Systems: Transparencies and Characteristics of DFS, DFS Design and 5
implementation, Transaction Service and Concurrency Control
5 Distributed Shared Memory: Non-Uniform Memory Access Architectures, Memory
Consistency Models, Multiprocessor Cache Systems, Distributed Shared Memory,
Implementation of DSM systems. 6
6 Distributed Agreement: Concept of Faults, failure and recovery, Replicated Data
Management: concepts and issues, Database Techniques, Atomic Multicast, and Update
Propagation. CORBA case study: Introduction, Architecture, CORBA RMI, CORBA Services. 6
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigms, 2nd edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarteen Van
Steen, Pearson Education, (ISBN-13: 978- 0132392273), 2013 IT-89
2. Distributed System: Concepts and Design, 5th edition by Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg,Pearson Ed,
(ISBN-13: 978-0132143011), 2013

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3. Distributed Algorithms: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems by A. D. Kshemkalyani and M. Singhal,

(ISBN-13: 978-0521189842) , 2013

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V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY5-14: Cloud Computing
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• The fundamental ideas behind Cloud Computing, the evolution of the paradigm, its applicability; benefits
• The basic ideas and principles in data center design; cloud management techniques and cloud software
deployment considerations;
• Different CPU, memory and I/O virtualization techniques in cloud
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm
CO-2: Discuss system, network and storage virtualization and outline their role in enabling the cloud
computing system model.
CO-3: Understanding security architecture of cloud infrastructure
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Cloud Computing: Nutshell of cloud computing, Enabling Technology, Historical 5
development, Vision, feature Characteristics and components of Cloud Computing.
Challenges, Risks and Approaches of Migration into Cloud. Ethical Issue in Cloud
Computing, Evaluating the Cloud's Business Impact and economics, Future of the cloud.
Networking Support for Cloud Computing.
3 Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud Reference Model, Layer and Types of Clouds, 6
Services models, Data centre Design and interconnection Network, Architectural design of
Compute and Storage Clouds. Cloud Programming and Software: Fractures of cloud
programming, Parallel and distributed programming paradigms-Map Reduce, Hadoop, High
level Language for Cloud. Programming of Google App engine
4 Virtualization Technology: Definition, Understanding and Benefits of Virtualization. 5
Implementation Level of Virtualization, Virtualization Structure/Tools and Mechanisms,
Hypervisor VMware, KVM, Xen. Virtualization of CPU, Memory, I/O Devices, Virtual
Cluster and Resources Management, Virtualization of Server, Desktop, Network, and
Virtualization of data-centre
5 Securing the Cloud: Cloud Information security fundamentals, Cloud security services, 5
Design principles, Policy Implementation, Cloud Computing Security Challenges, Cloud
Computing Security Architecture . Legal issues in cloud Computing.
6 Data Security in Cloud: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery , Risk Mitigation , 6
Understanding and Identification of Threats in Cloud, SLA-Service Level Agreements, Trust
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej M. Goscinski: "Cloud Computing: Principles and
Paradigms", Wiley, 2011
2. Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, S Thamarai Selvi, Mastering Cloud Computing, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2013
3. Barrie Sosinsky: "Cloud Computing Bible", Wiley-India, 2010

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4. Ronald L. Krutz, Russell Dean Vines: "Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud
Computing", Wiley-India, 2010
5. Tim Mather, Subra Kumara swamy, Shahed Latif, Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise
Perspective on Risks and Compliance, O'Reilly Media, 2009.

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V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY5-15: Introduction to Blockchain
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• The students should be able to understand a broad overview of the essential concepts of blockchain
• To familiarize students with Bitcoin protocol followed by the Ethereum protocol – to lay the
foundation necessary for developing applications and programming.
• Students should be able to learn about different types of blockchain and consensus algorithms.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: To explain the basic notion of distributed systems.
CO-2: To use the working of an immutable distributed ledger and trust model that defines blockchain.
CO-3: To illustrate the essential components of a blockchain platform.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Basics: The Double-Spend Problem, Byzantine Generals’ Computing Problems, Public-Key 5
Cryptography, Hashing, Distributed Systems, Distributed Consensus.
3 Technology Stack: Blockchain, Protocol, Currency. Bitcoin Blockchain: Structure, 5
Operations, Features, Consensus Model, Incentive Model
4 Ethereum Blockchain: Smart Contracts, Ethereum Structure, Operations, Consensus Model, 5
Incentive Model.
5 Tiers of Blockchain Technology: Blockchain 1.0, Blockchain 2.0, Blockchain 3.0, Types of 6
Blockchain: Public Blockchain, Private Blockchain, Semi-Private Blockchain, Sidechains.
6 Types of Consensus Algorithms: Proof of Stake, Proof of Work, Delegated Proof of Stake, 6
Proof Elapsed Time, Deposite-Based Consensus, Proof of Importance, Federated Consensus
or Federated Byzantine Consensus, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance. Blockchain Use
Case: Supply Chain Management.
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. Kirankalyan Kulkarni, Essentials of Bitcoin and Blockchain, Packt Publishing.
2. Anshul Kaushik, Block Chain & Crypto Currencies, Khanna Publishing House.
3. Tiana Laurence, Blockchain for Dummies, 2nd Edition 2019, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Mastering Blockchain: Deeper insights into decentralization, cryptography, Bitcoin, and popular
Blockchain frameworks by Imran Bashir, Packt Publishing (2017).
5. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy by Melanie Swan, Shroff Publisher O’Reilly Publisher
Media; 1st edition (2015).

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V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY5-16: Data Mining and Warehousing
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• To introduce the fundamental processes data warehousing and major issues in data mining
• To impart the knowledge on various data mining concepts and techniques that can be applied to text
mining, web mining etc.
• To develop the knowledge for application of data mining and social impacts of data mining.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Interpret the contribution of data warehousing and data mining to the decision-support systems.
CO-2: Prepare the data needed for data mining using preprocessing techniques.
CO-3: Extract useful information from the labeled data using various classifiers.
CO-4: Compile unlabeled data into clusters applying various clustering algorithms.
CO-5: Discover interesting patterns from large amounts of data using Association Rule Mining
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Introduction to Data Mining: Introduction to data mining-Data mining functionalities- 5
Steps in data mining process- Classification of data mining systems, Major issues in data
mining. Data Wrangling and Preprocessing: Data Preprocessing: An overview-Data
cleaning-Data transformation and Data discretization
3 Predictive Modeling: General approach to classification-Decision tree induction- Bayes 6
classification methods- advanced classification methods: Bayesian belief networks
Classification by Backpropagation- Support Vector Machines-Lazy learners
4 Descriptive Modeling: Types of data in cluster analysis-Partitioning methods- Hierarchical 5
methods-Advanced cluster analysis: Probabilistic model-based clustering- Clustering high
dimensional data-Outlier analysis
5 Discovering Patterns and Rules: Frequent Pattern Mining: Basic Concepts and a Road Map 5
- Efficient and scalable frequent item set mining methods: Apriori algorithm, FP-Growth
algorithm- Mining frequent item sets using vertical data format- Mining closed and max
patterns Advanced Pattern Mining: Pattern Mining in Multilevel, Multidimensional Space
6 Data Mining Trends and Research Frontiers: Other methodologies of data mining: Web 6
mining Temporal mining-Spatial mining-Statistical data mining- Visual and audio data
mining- Data mining applications- Data mining and society: Ubiquitous and invisible data
mining- Privacy, Security, and Social Impacts of data mining
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, third edition ,2013
2. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Anuj Karpatne, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining,
second edition, Pearson, 2019
3. Ian. H. Witten, Eibe Frank and Mark. A. Hall, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and
Techniques, third edition , 2017

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4. Alex Berson and Stephen J. Smith, Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP, Tata McGraw Hill
Edition, Tenth Reprint, 2008.
5. Hand, D., Mannila, H. and Smyth, P. Principles of Data Mining, MIT Press: Massachusetts third
edition, Pearson, 2013

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V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-21: Computer Network Lab
Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:60, ETE:40 )
0L+0T+ 2P End Term Exams: 2 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• To introduce the concepts of LAN, Network topologies
• To write client server based programs
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand fundamentals of networking
CO-2: Implementing server and client connections that facilitate the study of networking concepts and
S. No. List of Experiments
1 Study of Different Type of LAN& Network Equipment.
2 Study and Verification of standard Network topologies i.e. Star, Bus, Ring etc.
3 LAN installations and Configurations.
4 Write a program to implement various types of error correcting techniques.
5 Write a program to implement various types of framing methods.
6 Write two programs in C: hello client and hello server
a. The server listens for, and accepts, a single TCP connection; it reads all the data it can from that
connection, and prints it to the screen; then it closes the connection
b. The client connects to the server, sends the string “Hello, world!”, then closes the connection
7 Write an Echo Client and Echo server using TCP to estimate the round trip time from client to the
server. The server should be such that it can accept multiple connections at any given time.
8 Repeat Exercises 6 & 7 for UDP.
9 Repeat Exercise 7 with multiplexed I/O operations.
10 Simulate Bellman-Ford Routing algorithm in NS2.
11 Analysis of packets using Wireshark, Network simulations
Suggested Books:
1. James F. Kurose, Computer networking: Atop-down approach featuring the internet, 6/E. Pearson
Education India, 2005/2012
2. Ilya Grigori, High Performance Browser Networking: What every web developer should know about
networking and web performance. “O’Reilly Media, Inc.", 2013.
3. Online Resources: Interactive animations, Video notes from Kurose and Ross 2012, Wire shark
assignments, Presentation slides, interactive exercises from the following
4. link:http://wps.pearsoned.com/ecs_kurose_compnetw_6/216/55463/14198700.cw/

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V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-22: Cryptography and Information Security Lab
Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:60, ETE:40 )
0L+0T+ 2P End Term Exams: 2 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Explain the objectives of information security.
• Understand the importance and application of each of confidentiality, integrity, authentication and
• Understand various cryptographic algorithms.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand basic cryptographic algorithms.
CO-2: Understand message and web authentication.
CO-3: Understand various security issues.
CO-4: Identify information system requirements for both of them such as client and server.
CO-5: Understand the current legal issues towards information security.
S. No. List of Experiments
1 Write a C program that contains a string (char pointer) with a value ‘Hello world’. The program should
XOR each character in this string with 0 and displays the result.
2 Write a C program that contains a string (char pointer) with a value ‘Hello world’. The program should
AND or and XOR each character in this string with 127 and display the result.
3 Write a Java program to perform encryption and decryption using the following algorithms
a. Ceaser Cipher b. Substitution Cipher c. Hill Cipher
4 Write a C/JAVA program to implement the DES algorithm logic
5 Write a C/JAVA program to implement the Blowfish algorithm logic.
6 Write a C/JAVA program to implement the Rijndael algorithm logic.
7 Write the RC4 logic in Java Using Java cryptography; encrypt the text “Hello world” using Blowfish.
Create your own key using Java key tool.
8 Write a Java program to implement RSA algorithm.
9 Implement the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange mechanism using HTML and JavaScript.
10 Calculate the message digest of a text using the SHA-1 algorithm in JAVA.
11 Calculate the message digest of a text using the MD5 algorithm in JAVA.
Suggested Books:
1. Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and Practice: William Stallings, Pearson Education, 6th
2. Cryptography and Network Security: Atul Kahate, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition.
3. Cryptography and Network Security: C K Shyamala, N Harini, Dr T R Padmanabhan, Wiley India, 1st
4. Cryptography and Network Security: Forouzan Mukhopadhyay, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition.
5. Information Security, Principles, and Practice: Mark Stamp, Wiley India.
6. Principles of Computer Security: WM. Arthur Conklin, Greg White, TMH.
7. Introduction to Network Security: Neal Krawetz, CENGAGE Learning.
8. Network Security and Cryptography: Bernard Menezes, CENGAGE Learning.

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V Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
5CY4-23: Risk Analysis Lab
Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:60, ETE:40 )
0L+0T+ 2P End Term Exams: 2 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Understanding the attack surfaces, risk landscape.
• Explain the Risk Assessment Methods.
• Evaluate and select appropriate risk treatment options according to the combination of impacts and
probabilities that the risk analysis has produced.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand the principles of risk analysis and management and the purpose and benefits behind such
CO-2: Learn risk, analysis, management, vulnerability, threats, actors, impact, risk matrix.
CO-3: Recognize the difference between vulnerabilities and threats.
CO-4: Classify and describe a number of different risk assessment/management methodologies.
CO-5: Identify and explain various threat sources and the impacts that their materialization may manifest.
S. No. List of Experiments
1 Case Study: Risk Assessment and Management Framework (Any One: OCTAVE-Allegro,
OCTAVE-S, ISMS, any other)
Identify and Prioritize Assets:
For each asset, gather the following information, as applicable:
• Software
• Hardware
• Data
• Interfaces
• Users
• Support personnel
• Mission or purpose
• Criticality
• Functional requirements
• IT security policies
• IT security architecture
• Network topology
• Information storage protection
• Information flow
• Technical security controls
• Physical security environment
• Environmental security
2 Identify Threats: A threat is anything that could cause harm to your organization. While hackers and
malware probably leap to mind, there are many other types of threats.

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3 Identify Vulnerabilities: A vulnerability is a weakness that could enable a threat to harm your
organization. Vulnerabilities can be identified through analysis, audit reports, the NIST vulnerability
database, vendor data, information security test and evaluation (ST&E) procedures, penetration
testing, and automated vulnerability scanning tools.Don’t limit your thinking to software
vulnerabilities; there are also physical and human vulnerabilities.
4 Analyze Controls: Analyze the controls that are either in place or in the planning stage to minimize
or eliminate the probability that a threat will exploit vulnerability. Technical controls include
encryption, intrusion detection mechanisms, and identification and authentication solutions.
Nontechnical controls include security policies, administrative actions, and physical and
environmental mechanisms. Both technical and nontechnical controls can further be classified as
preventive or detective.
5 Determine the Likelihood of an Incident: Assess the probability that vulnerability might actually be
exploited, taking into account the type of vulnerability, the capability and motivation of the threat
source, and the existence and effectiveness of your controls. Rather than a numerical score, many
organizations use the categories high, medium and low to assess the likelihood of an attack or other
adverse event.
6 Assess the Impact a Threat Could Have: Analyze the impact that an incident would have on the
asset that is lost or damaged, including the following factors:
• The mission of the asset and any processes that depend upon it
• The value of the asset to the organization
• The sensitivity of the asset
7 Prioritize the Information Security Risks: For each threat/vulnerability pair, determine the level of
risk to the IT system, based on the following:
• The likelihood that the threat will exploit the vulnerability
• The approximate cost of each of these occurrences
• The adequacy of the existing or planned information system security controls for eliminating
or reducing the risk
A useful tool for estimating risk in this manner is the risk-level matrix.
8 Recommend Controls: Using the risk level as a basis, determine the actions needed to mitigate the
risk. Here are some general guidelines for each level of risk:
• High — A plan for corrective measures should be developed as soon as possible.
• Medium — A plan for corrective measures should be developed within a reasonable period of
• Low — The team must decide whether to accept the risk or implement corrective actions.
9 Document the Results: The final step in the risk assessment process is to develop a risk assessment
report to support management in making appropriate decisions on budget, policies, procedures and so
on. For each threat, the report should describe the corresponding vulnerabilities, the assets at risk, the
impact to your IT infrastructure, the likelihood of occurrence and the control recommendations (In
tabular Form).
Suggested Books:
1. JohnVeiga, Gary McGraw,“Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right
Way”, Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 2001
2. A.Refsdal, B. Solhaug, K. Stolen, “ Cyber-Risk Management”, Springer, 2015/Latest Edition.
3. E. Wheeler, “Security Risk Management”, O’Reilly, 2011/Latest Edition.

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4. R. Bentham, “Cyber Risk Management: Practical Strategies to Protect your Organization from Cyber
Threats”, Kogan Page, 2018/Latest Edition
5. C.J. Hodson, “Cyber Risk Management: Prioritize Threats, Identify Vulnerabilities and Apply
Controls”, Kogan Page, 2019/Latest Edition.

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-01: Compiler Design
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70)
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Familiar with basic ideas and the working of the compiler.
• Learn about syntax analysis.
• Learn about representation in the form of DAG.
• Learn about theory knowledge of Parsing, Code generation, and optimization.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Acquire knowledge of different phases and passes of the compiler and use compiler tools like LEX and
CO-2: Understand the Top-Down and Bottom-up parsers and construction of LL, SLR, CLR, and LALR
parsing tables.
CO-3: Acquire knowledge about runtime data structure, like symbol table organization and different
CO-4: Understand the target machine’s run time environment, its instruction set for code generation, and
techniques for code optimization.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope, and outcome of the course. Compiler, Translator, Interpreter 6
definition, Phase of compiler, Bootstrapping, Review of Finite automata lexical analyzer,
Input, Recognition of tokens, Idea about LEX: A lexical analyzer generator, Error handling.
2 Review of CFG Ambiguity of grammars: Introduction to parsing. Top-down parsing, LL 10
grammars & passers error handling of LL parser, Recursive descent parsing predictive
parsers, Bottom-up parsing, Shift reduce parsing, LR parsers, Construction of SLR, Conical
LR & LALR parsing tables, parsing with ambiguous grammar. Operator precedence parsing,
Introduction of automatic parser generator: YACC error handling in LR parsers.
3 Syntax-directed translation: Construction of syntax trees, S-Attributed Definition, L- 10
attributed definitions, Top-down translation. Intermediate code forms using postfix notation,
DAG, Three address code, TAC for various control structures, Representing TAC using
triples and quadruples, Boolean expression, and control structures.
4 Runtime environments: Storage allocation, Strategies, heap management, Activation 8
records, Accessing local and non-local names in a block structured language, Parameters
passing, Symbol table organization, Data structures used in symbol tables.
5 Definition of basic block control flow graphs: DAG representation of basic block, 6
Advantages of DAG, Sources of optimization, Loop optimization, Loop invariant
computation, Peephole optimization, Issues in the design of code generator, A simple code
generator, Code generation from DAG. Machine Independent Optimization: Idea about
global data flow analysis, constant propagation, liveness analysis, and common
subexpression elimination.
Total 40
Suggested Books:

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1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Second Edition, Alfred Aho, Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi,
Jeffrey D. Ullman, January 2013. ISBN-978-9332518667.
2. Modern Compiler Implementation in Java. Andrew W Appel, Jens Paisberg. Cambridge University
Press, January 2002. ISBN-978-0521820608
3. Modern Compiler Implementation in ML, Andrew W Appel, Cambridge University Press, December
1997. ISBN-0 521 58274 1
4. Modern Compiler Implementation in C, Andrew W Appel, Cambridge University Press, December
1997. ISBN 0-521-60765-5
5. Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice, 1st Edition, Kenneth C. Louden, Cengage Learning; 1
edition (January 24, 1997), ISBN-13: 978-0534939724
6. V Raghvan, “ Principles of Compiler Design,” McGraw-Hill, ISBN:9780070144712

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-02: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Able to analyze asymptotic runtime complexity of algorithms including formulating recurrence relations.
• Able to understand and design algorithms using greedy strategy, divide and conquer approach, dynamic
• Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures and Synthesize efficient algorithms in
common engineering design situations
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to
CO-1: The ability of how to design an algorithm which solves the current problem in hand.
CO-2: To Write efficient algorithms for given problems.
CO-3: To focus on Deriving the complexities of any given algorithm.
CO-4: Learning the programming of various algorithms through assignments
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Concept of algorithmic efficiency, run time analysis of algorithms, 5
Asymptotic Notations. Growth of Functions, Master’s Theorem,
2 Searching and Sorting: Structure of divide-and-conquer algorithms; examples: binary 7
search, quick sort, Strassen Matrix Multiplication; merge sort, heap sort and Analysis of
divide and conquer run time, recurrence relations.
3 Greedy Method: Overview of the greedy paradigm examples of exact optimization solution: 8
minimum cost spanning tree, approximate solutions: Knapsack problem, Kruskal’s algorithm
and Prim’s algorithm for finding Minimum cost Spanning Trees, Dijkstra’s and Bellman
Ford Algorithm for finding Single source shortest paths, Huffman coding, Activity Selection
4 Dynamic programming: Principles of dynamic programming. Applications: Rod cutting 7
problem, Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all pair shortest paths. Matrix multiplication,
travelling salesman Problem, Longest Common sequence, Back tracking: Overview, 8-queen
problem, and Knapsack problem, Traveling Salesman problem.
5 Branch and bound: LC searching Bounding, FIFO branch and bound, LC branch and bound 6
application: 0/1 Knapsack problem
6 Computational Complexity: Polynomial Vs non-polynomial time complexity; NP-hard and 7
NP-complete classes, examples: Circuit Satisfiablity, Vertex cover, Subset Sum problem,
Randomized Algorithms, String Matching, NP-Hard and NP Completeness, Introduction to
Approximation Algorithms,
Total 40
Suggested Books:
1. T .H .Cormen, C .E .Leiserson, R .L . Rivest “Introduction to Algorithms”, 3rd Ed.,PHI, 2011 ( reprint)
2. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and S. Rajsekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,”Galgotia Publication
3. Sara Basse, A. V. Gelder, “ Computer Algorithms,” Addison Wesley
4. Aho ,Ullman “Principles of Algorithms ”
5. S.K Basu- Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Ed., PHI

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-03: Application and Network Security Fundamentals
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Identify security breaches in a computer network.
• Learn standard security tools to locate and fix security leaks in a computer network.
• Develop concept of security needed in communication of data through computers and networks along
with various possible attacks.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand cryptographic algorithms and protocols underlying network security applications.
CO-2: Understand various encryption mechanisms for secure transmission of data and management of key
required for required for encryption.
CO-3: Develop concept of security needed in communication of data through computers and networks along
with various possible attacks.
CO-4: Understand authentication requirements and various authentication mechanisms.
CO-5: Understand different Web security mechanisms
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Basic Cyber Security Concepts: Concepts of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability; 07
Threat Modeling, Overview of Security Models (OSI and TCP/IP Models), Cyber Security
basic Terminologies
3 Security Threats, Vulnerabilities & Attacks: Network Protocols, Threat, Vulnerability and 08
Attack, TCP Handshaking, Password Based, Address Based, Cryptographic Authentication.
Passwords in distributed systems, on-line vs offline guessing, storing. Cryptographic
Authentication: passwords as keys, protocols, KDC’s Certification Revocation, Inter-domain,
groups, delegation. Authentication of People: Verification techniques, passwords, length of
passwords, password distribution, smart cards, biometrics.
4 Application Security: Introduction to Applications, Security for electronic commerce: SSL, 09
SET, System security- intrusion detection, malicious software, firewalls.
Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service,
Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME.
IP Security: IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header,
Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining Security Associations, Key Management.
Kerberos V5: names, realms, delegation, forwarding and proxies, ticket lifetimes, revoking
tickets, multiple Realms
5 Network & Security Devices: Network management security, security hardening guidelines 09
for Network & security devices, Network vulnerability assessment phases, Device Auditing –
Switch, Firewall, Router, Core-Switch.
Web Security: Web Security Considerations, Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer
Security, Secure Electronic Transaction.
6 Security Policies and Handshake: Digital Signatures, Authentication Protocols, Digital 08
Signature Standard, security policy, high and low level policy, user issues, protocol
problems, assumptions, shared secret protocols, public key protocols, mutual authentication,

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reflection attacks, use of timestamps, nonce and sequence numbers, session keys, one-and
two-way public key based authentication.
Total 42
Suggested Books:
1. Stallings, W.,.Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall
2. Stallings, W. Network security Essentials: Applications and standards, Prentice Hall, 2000.
3. Cryptography and Network Security; McGraw Hill; Behrouz A Forouzan.
4. Atul Kahate, Cryptography and Network Security, McGraw Hill
5. Kaufman, c., Perlman, R., and Speciner, M., Network Security, Private Communication in a public
world, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall PTR., 2002.

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-04: Network System Vulnerability Assessment
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Identify operating systems, server applications to widen the attack surface and perform vulnerability
assessment activity and exploitation phase.
• Learn how vulnerability assessment can be carried out by means of automatic tools or manual
• Learn the web application attacks starting from information gathering to exploitation phases
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand the basic principles for information gathering and detecting vulnerabilities in the system.
CO-2: Understand testing the vulnerabilities and identifying threats.
CO-3: Determine the security threats and vulnerabilities in computer networks.
CO-4: Knowledge about the various attacks caused using the network and communication system
CO-5: Knowledge about the tools used for penetration testing.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Secure Coding: Knowing Security Testing Methodology , Secure Development Life-cycle, 07
Application Security Overview
3 Vulnerabilities: Injection, Broken Authentication And Session Management, Cross-Site 08
Scripting (XSS), Insecure Direct Object Reference, Security Misconfiguration, Sensitive
Data Exposure, Missing Function Level Access Control, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF),
Using Components With Know Vulnerabilities, Invalidated Redirects And Forwards
4 Vulnerability Analysis of Application Protocols: Testing for vulnerability web application 08
and resources - Authentication Bypass with Insecure Cookie Handling - XSS Vulnerability -
File inclusion vulnerability - Remote file Inclusion - Patching file Inclusions - Testing a
website for SSI Injection.
5 Wireless Network Vulnerability Analysis: WLAN and its inherent insecurities Bypassing 09
WLAN Authentication uncovering hidden SSIDs MAC Filters Bypassing open and shard
authentication - Attacking the client caffe latte attack Deauthenticating the client cracking
WEP with the hirte attack AP-less WPA cracking - Advanced WLAN Attacks Wireless
eavesdropping using MITM session hijacking over wireless - WLAN Penetration Test
6 Web Security Vulnerabilities: Injection vulnerabilities, cross-Site scripting vulnerabilities, 07
the rest of the OWASP Top Ten SQL Injection vulnerabilities, Cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities. Vulnerability Analysis: Passive Analysis, Source Code Analysis, Binary
Total 40
Suggested Books:
1. Rafay Baloch, Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide, CRC Press, 2015. ISBN : 78-1-4822-
2. Dr. Patrick Engebretson, The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing Ethical Hacking and
Penetration Testing made easy , Syngress publications, Elsevier, 2013. ISBN :978-0-12-411644-3.

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3. Andrew Whitaker and Daniel P. Newman, Penetration Testing and Network Defence The practical
guide to simulating, detecting an responding to network attacks, Cisco Press, 2010. ISBN: 1-58705-
4. Vivek Ramachandran, BackTrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing, Beginners guide Master bleeding
edge wireless testing techniques with BackTrack 5, PACKT Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-1-849515-
5. Mayor, K.K.Mookey, Jacopo Cervini, Fairuzan Roslan, Kevin Beaver, Metasploit Toolkit for
Penetration Testing, Exploit Development and Vulnerability Research, Syngress publications,
Elsevier, 2007. ISBN : 978-1-59749-074-0
6. Abhinav Singh, Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook, PACKT Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-1-
7. Ken Dunham, Mobile Malware Attacks and Defence, Syngress Publisher 2009. ISBN: 978-1-59749-
8. Pallapa Venkataram, Satish Babu, Wireless and Mobile Network Security, First Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2010.
9. Hakima Chaouchi, Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius, Wireless and Mobile Network Security Security
Basics, Security in On-the-shelf and Emerging Technologies, Wiley, 2009
10. Tara M. Swaminathan and Charles R. Eldon, Wireless Security and Privacy- Best Practices and
Design Techniques, Addison Wesley, 2002
11. Sullivan, Bryan, and Vincent Liu. Web Application Security, A Beginner’s Guide. McGraw Hill
Profe ssional, 2011.
12. Stuttard, Dafydd, and Marcus Pinto. The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and
Exploiting Security Flaws. John Wiley Sons, 2011

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-05: Introduction to Cyber Crime, Law and Investigation
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
3L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Explain about the various facets of cyber crimes.
• Explain the Intellectual Property issues in the cyber space and the growth and development of the law
in this regard.
• Learn the cyber world and cyber law in general.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand the need of cyber laws.
CO-2: Understand the various facets of cyber crimes.
CO-3: Understand regulation of cyber space at national and international level.
CO-4: Understand the Intellectual Property issues in the cyber space.
CO-5: Understand the problems arising out of online transactions and provoke them to find solutions
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
2 Cyber World: An overview, The internet and online resources, Security of information, 03
Digital signature.
3 Cyber Law: An Overview, Introduction about the cyber space, Regulation of cyber space – 09
introducing cyber law, Scope of Cyber laws – e-commerce; online contracts; Need for cyber
law in India, History of cyber law in India, Information Technology Act, 2000, Overview of
other laws amended by the IT Act, 2000, National Policy on Information Technology 2012.
4 Cyber Crimes: Classification of cyber crimes, Distinction between cyber crime and 09
conventional crimes, Reasons for commission of cyber crime, Cyber forensic, Cyber
criminals and their objectives, Kinds of cyber crimes – cyber stalking; cyber pornography;
forgery and fraud; crime related to IPRs; Cyber terrorism; computer vandalism etc.,
5 Digital Signature and Electronic signature, Digital Signature under the IT Act, 2000, E- 09
Governance Attribution, Acknowledgement and Dispatch of Electronic Records, Certifying
Authorities, Electronic Signature Certificates, Duties of Subscribers, Penalties and Offences,
6 Data Protection Law: Data Protection Laws, Indian evidence act, Examiner of Electronic 09
evidence, amendments introduced in Indian evidence act, Indian CERT, IT rules 2000,
Ministerial Order on blocking of websites, Cyber laws in Global Prospective
Total 40
Suggested Books:
1. Thomas R. Peltier, “Information Security policies and procedures: A Practitioner’s Reference”, 2nd
Edition Prentice Hall, 2004
2. Jonathan Rosenoer, “Cyber law: the Law of the Internet”, Springer-verlag, 1997
3. Matthew Richardson, Cyber Crime: Law and Practice, Second Edition, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill
Publishing, 2019.
4. Prashant Mali, Cyber Law & Cyber Crimes Simplified, Fourth Edition, Snow White Publications,
5. Pavan Duggal, Textbook on Cyber Law, 2nd Edition, Universal Law Publishing, 2016.
6. Pavan Duggal, Indian Cyberlaw On Cyber Crimes.

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY5-11: Internet of Things
Credit:2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Able to Understand the fundamentals about IoT
• Able to Understand about IoT Access technologies
• Able to Understand the design methodology and different IoT hardware platforms.
• Able to Understand the basics of IoT Data Analytics and supporting services.
• Able to Understand about various IoT case studies and industrial applications.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand the basics and Architecture of IoT
CO-2: Understand design methodology and hardware platforms involved in IoT
CO-3: Analyze the challenges in IoT based design and development
CO-4: Understand IOT Applications in Industrial & real world.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Introduction to IoT: Definition and characteristics of IoT, Design of IOT: Physical design of 6
IOT, Logical Design of IOT- Functional Blocks, communication models, communication
APIs, IOT enabling Technologies- Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud computing, big data
analytics, embedded systems. IOT Levels and deployment templates.
3 IoT Hardware and Software: Sensor and actuator, Humidity sensors, Ultrasonic sensor, 7
Temperature Sensor, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, LiteOS, RIoTOS, Contiki OS, Tiny OS.
4 Architecture and Reference Model: Introduction, Reference Model and architecture, 7
Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style, Uniform Resource Identifiers
(URIs). Challenges in IoT- Design challenges, Development challenges, Security challenges,
Other challenges.
5 IOT and M2M: M2M, Difference and similarities between IOT and M2M, Software defined 7
networks, network function virtualization, difference between SDN and NFV for IoT. Case
study of IoT Applications
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols and Use Cases for Internet of Things, David
Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Rob Barton and Jerome Henry, Cisco Press, 2017
2. Internet of Things – A hands-on approach, Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press, 2015
3. Internet of Things: Architecture, Design Principles And Applications, Rajkamal, McGraw Hill Higher
4. “From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence” Jan
Höller, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stamatis Karnouskos, Stefan Avesand, David Boyle,
Elsevier, 2014.

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY5-12: Soft Computing and Evolutionary Algorithms
Credit:2 Max. Marks: 100 (IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Able to understand basics of Fuzzy Set
• Able to understand the concepts of the genetic algorithms.
• Able to understand the ide of the evolutionary algorithms.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Comprehend the fuzzy logic and the concept of fuzziness involved in various systems and fuzzy set
CO-2: Understand the concepts of fuzzy sets, knowledge representation using fuzzy rules, approximate
reasoning, fuzzy inference systems, and fuzzy logic
CO-3: Describe with genetic algorithms and other random search procedures useful while seeking global
optimum in self learning situations.
CO-4: Develop some familiarity with current research problems and research methods in Soft Computing
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction to Soft Computing: Aims of Soft Computing-Foundations of Fuzzy Sets 5
Theory-Basic Concepts and Properties of Fuzzy Sets- Elements of Fuzzy Mathematics-Fuzzy
Relations-Fuzzy Logic
2 Application of Fuzzy Sets: Applications of Fuzzy Sets-Fuzzy Modeling – Fuzzy Decision 6
Making-Pattern Analysis and Classification-Fuzzy Control Systems-Fuzzy Information
Processing- Fuzzy Robotics.
3 Genetic Algorithms: Main Operators- Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization-Principle of 6
Genetic Algorithm- Genetic Algorithm with Directed Mutation- Comparison of Conventional
and Genetic Search Algorithms Issues of GA in practical implementation. Introduction to
Particle swarm optimization-PSO operators-GA and PSO in engineering applications
4 Neuro-Fuzzy Technology: Fuzzy Neural Networks and their learning-Architecture of 6
Neuro- Fuzzy Systems- Generation of Fuzzy Rules and membership functions - Fuzzification
and Defuzzyfication in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems- Neuro-Fuzzy Identification - Neuro Fuzzy
Control- Combination of Genetic Algorithm with Neural Networks- Combination of Genetic
Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic-Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic Approach in engineering
5 Basic Evolutionary Processes, EV: A Simple Evolutionary System, Evolutionary Systems 5
as Problem Solvers, A Historical Perspective, Canonical Evolutionary Algorithms -
Evolutionary Programming, Evolution Strategies, A Unified View of Simple EAs- A
Common Framework, Population Size
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1.An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm Melanic Mitchell (MIT Press)
2.Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Multi-objective, Optimization Problems (2nd Edition), Collelo, Lament,
Veldhnizer ( Springer)

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3.Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications Timothy J. Ross (Wiley)

4.Sivanandam, Deepa, “ Principles of Soft Computing”, Wiley
5.Jang J.S.R, Sun C.T. and Mizutani E, "Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing", Prentice Hall
6.Timothy J. Ross, "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications", McGraw Hill

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY5-13: Information Theory & Coding
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:30, ETE:70 )
2L+0T+ 0P End Term Exams: 3 Hours
Course Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• To understand information theoretic behavior of a communication system.
• To understand various source coding techniques for data compression.
• To understand various channel coding techniques and their capability.
• To Build and understanding of fundamental concepts of data communication and networking

Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Perform information theoretic analysis of communication system.
CO-2: Design a data compression scheme using suitable source coding technique.
CO-3: Design a channel coding scheme for a communication system.
CO-4: Understand and apply fundamental principles of data communication and networking.
CO-5: Apply flow and error control techniques in communication networks.
S. No. Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course 1
2 Introduction to information theory Uncertainty, Information and Entropy, Information 5
measures for continuous random variables, source coding theorem. Discrete Memory less
channels, Mutual information, Conditional entropy.
3 Source coding schemes for data compaction Prefix code, Huffman code, Shanon-Fane code 5
&Hempel-Ziv coding channel capacity. Channel coding theorem. Shannon limit.
4 Linear Block Code Introduction to error connecting codes, coding & decoding of linear block 5
code, minimum distance consideration, conversion of non-systematic form of matrices into
systematic form.
5 Cyclic Code Code Algebra, Basic properties of Galois fields (GF) polynomial operations 6
over Galois fields, generating cyclic code by generating polynomial, parity check
polynomial. Encoder & decoder for cyclic codes.
6 Convolutional Code Convolutional encoders of different rates. Code Tree, Trllis and state 6
diagram. Maximum likelihood decoding of convolutional code: The viterbi Algorithm fee
distance of a convolutional code
Total 28
Suggested Books:
1. J. A. Thomas and T. M. Cover: Elements of information theory, Wiley, 2006.
2. J. H. van Lint: Introduction to Coding Theory, Third Edition, Springer, 1998.
3. F. J. MacWilliams and N.J. Sloane: Theory of Error Correcting Codes, Parts I and II, North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1977.
4. D. Stinson: Combinatorial Designs: Constructions and Analysis, Springer, 2003
5. P. J. Cameron and J. H. van Lint: Designs, Graphs, Codes and their Links, Cambridge Univ.Press, 2010.
6. C. Fragouli and E. Soljanin: Network Coding Fundamentals, Now Publisher, 2007.
7. M. Medard and A. Sprintson, (editors): Network Coding – Fundamentals and Applications, Acadamic
Press, 2012.
8. C. Fragouli, J. Le Boudec, J. Widmer: Network coding: An instant primer

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VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-21: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:60, ETE:40 )
0L+0T+ 2P End Term Exams: 2 Hours
Course Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Able to understand a solid background in the design and analysis of the major classes of algorithms
• Able to develop their own versions for a given computational task and to compare and contrast their
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Design algorithms using divide and conquer, greedy and dynamic programming.
CO-2: Execute sorting algorithms such as sorting, graph related and combinatorial algorithm in a high level
CO-3: Analyze the performance of merge sort and quick sort algorithms using divide and conquer technique.
CO-4: Apply the dynamic programming technique to solve real world problems such as knapsack and TSP
S. No. List of Experiments
1 Sort a given set of elements using the Quicksort method and determine the time required to sort the
elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements in the list to be
sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. The elements can be read from a file or can be
generated using the random number generator.
2 Implement a parallelized Merge Sort algorithm to sort a given set of elements and determine the time
required to sort the elements. Repeat the experiment for different values of n, the number of elements
in the list to be sorted and plot a graph of the time taken versus n. The elements can be read from a file
or can be generated using the random number generator.
3 a. Obtain the Topological ordering of vertices in a given digraph. b. Compute the transitive closure of
a given directed graph using Warshall's algorithm.
4 Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming.
5 From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using
Dijkstra's algorithm.
6 Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Kruskal's algorithm.
7 a. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method. b. Check
whether a given graph is connected or not using DFS method.
8 Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim’s algorithm.

Suggested Books:
1. T .H .Cormen, C .E .Leiserson, R .L . Rivest “Introduction to Algorithms”, 3rd Ed.,PHI, 2011 (reprint)
2. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and S. Rajsekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,”Galgotia Publication
3. Sara Basse, A. V. Gelder, “ Computer Algorithms,” Addison Wesley
4. Aho ,Ullman “Principles of Algorithms ”
5. S.K Basu- Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Ed., PHI

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Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 39
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-22: Network System Vulnerability Assessment Lab
Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 100 (IA:60, ETE:40 )
0L+0T+ 2P End Term Exams: 2 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Monitoring the network traffic and understand the host and services discovery

Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand the system is susceptible to any known vulnerabilities.
CO-2: Learn to assigns severity levels to vulnerabilities.
CO-3: Design different types of vulnerabilities scanning
CO-4: Understand vulnerability tools
CO-5: Learn Security Frameworks
S. No. List of Experiments
Students are required to perform practical in PHP / Java or hand on practice on vulnerability tools
1 Security Frameworks
1. OWASP ESAPI Security
2. Java – Spring Security, JSR 303 validator
2 Scanning and its types(network, port and vulnerability scanning)
3 Nmap and live scanning on ports and networks NFS ,SMB ,SMTP enumeration
4 Netcat usage on TCP/UDP ports
5 Wireshark basics and capturing data
6 Vulnerability scanning overview
7 Different types of vulnerability scanning
8 Nessus installation and configuration
9 Vulnerability scanning with Nessus
10 Web application assessment with nikto & burp suite
11 Vulnerability analysis with Metasploit framework
Suggested Books:
1. “Gray Hat Hacking-The Ethical Hackers Handbook”, Allen Harper, Stephen Sims, Michael Baucom,
3rd Edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill.
2. “The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook-Discovering and Exploiting Security flaws”, Dafydd
Suttard, Marcus pinto, 1st Edition, Wiley Publishing.

Approved by …….. academic council meeting held on ……….

Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 40
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY4-23: Application and Network Security Fundamentals Lab
Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:60, ETE:40 )
0L+0T+ 2P End Term Exams: 2 Hours
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Find out various vulnerabilities in a network.
• Identify various internal attacks in a defined network.
• Learn techniques to secure network from external attacks
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: Understand and differentiate among security threats.
CO-2: Understand the working of NMAP
CO-3: Understand the working of Wireshark
CO-4: Scan and analyze network dump in a network
CO-5: Understand the concepts of securing the network.
S. No. List of Experiments
1 Reporting and analysing the network related threats using tools
2 Perform the following Scan using Wireshark and analyze your results
(a)Analyze TCP session
(b) Perform and analyze these scans
(i) Start a Wireshark capture. Open a Windows-> command window and perform a Host Scan (using
ICMP packets) on a neighbours machine using nmap –sP [neighbors ip address]. Stop the capture and
filter the traffic for ARP and ICMP packets.
(ii)Start a new Wireshark capture, and then perform a host scan (ICMP scan) on a system out with the
subnet, such as nmap –sP scanme.nmap.org.(Stop the capture and filter the traffic for ARP and ICMP
packets and Compare with previous results.
(iii) Start a new Wireshark capture, and then perform a complete Port Scan (in this case a TCP SYN
scan) and an Operating System Fingerprint on a neighbours machine using nmap –O [neighbours ip
address] . The –O option should provide the OS running on the scanned machine. Stop the capture and
filter for source address == your machines address if necessary.
3 To Analysis Network using Wireshark for
(a)Traffic Monitoring (TCP slow down and HTTP slow down)
(b) Packet Sniffing
4 Explore , execute and analysis traffic using TCP Dump and Net discover tools
5 To explore Shodan for
(a) locating Boats and Ship Locations
(b) Searching and capturing Live Cameras.
(c) To Write a small NSE Script
6 To spoof IP address of your own system using Kali Linux

Approved by …….. academic council meeting held on ……….

Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 41
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

7 To sniff traffic using ARP Spoofing

8 To perform man in middle attack using DNS spoofing
9 Write and execute commands
• To view routing Table
• To view network statistics of a network
• To view all routes
• To update/modify/add/delete routes in a routing table
10 Configuring IPSec VPN Tunnel Mode using Packet Tracer
11 Decryption SSl/TLS Traffic using Wireshark
Suggested Books:
1. Ryan Russell, " Hack Proofing your network ", Wiley,2nd Edition,2002
2. Karen Scarf one, “Guide to Intrusion and prevention System”, NIST Special Publication, 2nd
Learning best Scanning Tools:
• https://www.wireshark.org/
• https://www.tcpdump.org/
• https://www.tenable.com/
• https://nmap.org/

Approved by …….. academic council meeting held on ……….

Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 42
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

VI Semester
B. Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security))
6CY7-50: Innovation and Design Thinking Hands-on Project
Credit: 2 Max. Marks: 100 ( IA:60, ETE:40 )
0L+0T+3P Mode of evaluation: Report and presentation
Course Objectives:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students will:
• Learn about the National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP)of Govt. of India.
• Learn how to ideate, prototype and Iterate solutions.
• Learn about applying Design Thinking Tools and Approaches for Right Problem Identification and Solution
• Learn about Business Plan Development.
• Learn about Legal Structures and Ethical Steps in Establishing Startups.
• Able to design and develop a Prototype.
• Students will be able to pitch their idea.
• Will be able to demonstrate their innovative and design thinking capabilities using mock-up models.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-1: learn about opportunities and challenges for startup and incubation.
CO-2: Students will be able to identify an Opportunity from a Problem using design thinking.
CO-3: Students will be able to frame Product and service ideas.
CO-4: Learn and implement Design Thinking Process.
CO-5: Students will be able to design and develop a Prototype.
CO-6: Students will be able to prepare documentation and pitch their idea.

exp. No. Contents

1 National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP) and Legal Structures and Ethical Steps in Establishing
Startups, Generation and Management of IP at the Early Stage of Innovation and Startup Development,
IPR and IPR policies.
2 Design Thinking, Process of Design Thinking, Empathy, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Testing.
3 Understanding Technology Readiness Level (TRL), Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) and
Investment Readiness Level (IRL) Stages & Implications in Innovation Development
4 Capstone Project:
Students in the group of 3 to 5 students must prepare a project idea using the design thinking process
under the mentorship of the Institute innovation ambassador (For the Institute having IIC cells) or
faculty member(For the Institute not having IIC cells). Students must submit capstone project report
containing various ideas learned in experiment no 1-3 and their implementation or usage in capstone
project to IIC cell along with presentation.
Assessment or Evaluation:
Students need to submit capstone project report to the Institute innovation council (For the Institute having IIC
cells) or the head of department (For the Institute not having IIC cells) containing step by step approach to the
project based on design thinking methodology along with the final presentation to IIC Cell(For the Institute having
IIC cells) or Head of department (For the Institute not having IIC cells).
Suggested Books:

Approved by …….. academic council meeting held on ……….

Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 43
बीकानेर तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय, बीकानेर

1. Idris Mootee, “Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation: What They Can't Teach You at Business or
Design School”, John Wiley & Sons (2013).
2. Tim Brown, “Change by design”, Harper Collins, 2009
3. “Design Thinking- The Guide Book” – Facilitated by the Royal Civil service Commission, Bhutan
4. The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses
5. Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Every
6. National Innovation and Startup Policy 2019 for students and faculty of Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) https://mic.gov.in/assets/doc/startup_policy_2019.pdf
7. Tom Kelley, The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America's Leading Design Firm
8. Roger L. Martin , Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage, Harvard
Business Review Press
9. Online resource

Approved by …….. academic council meeting held on ……….

Office: Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner-334004; Website: https://btu.ac.in Page 44

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