9ebe06613f - خطة الادارة البيئية والاجتماعية لمشروعي تأهيل وانشاء مجمعات ماء في قريتي العكشة والطواورة في محافظة المثنى
9ebe06613f - خطة الادارة البيئية والاجتماعية لمشروعي تأهيل وانشاء مجمعات ماء في قريتي العكشة والطواورة في محافظة المثنى
9ebe06613f - خطة الادارة البيئية والاجتماعية لمشروعي تأهيل وانشاء مجمعات ماء في قريتي العكشة والطواورة في محافظة المثنى
8.1 Consultation Process: ................................................................................................................31
8.2 Consultation Results: ................................................................................................................31
9. Grievance Redress Mechanism ............................................................................................ 32
ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................... 33
Annex 1: Public Consultations Photos ..................................................................................................33
Annex (2): sample of public consultation at these two villages ..........................................................34
Annex (3): Sample individual interviews for both men and women ....................................................37
Annex (4): Donation of the land to the Government to construct the water supply station...............38
List of Figures
Figure 1: location of the two villages (google earth) ................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Current Situation of Al Aksheh water supply station) ............................................ 7
Figure 3 Map of Iraq on the right and Al-Muthanna governorate on the left. ..................... 8
Figure 4 : location of the two water supply station ..................................................................... 9
List of Tables
Table 1: Information about the villages......................................................................................... 8
Table 2: Applicable Laws and Regulations in Iraq .................................................................. 11
Table 3: Summary of Impact Assessment during Construction .......................................... 13
Table 4: Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase. .................................................. 15
Table 5: Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase. ....................................................... 22
Table 6: Monitoring Activities during Construction Phase. ................................................. 26
Table 7: Monitoring Activities during Operation Phase. ....................................................... 28
Table 7: Capacity Development Requirements........................................................................ 30
Table 8: Contact Information for GRM ...................................................................................... 32
List of Abbreviations
CDGs Community Development Groups
ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
EHS Environmental, Health, and Safety
ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework
GIIP Good International Industry Practice
GOI Government of Iraq
GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism
GBV Gender Based Violence
MOE Ministry of Environment
MOP Ministry of Planning
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
OP Operational Policy
PAPs: Project Affected Peoples
PMO Project Manager Office
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RE Resident Engineer
SFD Social Fund Development
WB World Bank
WHO World Health Organization
This ESMP is prepared in accordance to the ESMF requirements of the SFD project. The main objective of
the ESMP is to assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the subprojects (during
construction and operation phases) and to propose mitigation measures to mitigate the impacts associated
with subproject. This subproject includes upgrading Al Aksheh water supply station and construction of Al
INTRODUCTION Tawawreh water supply station in Al-Muthanna governorate. These water supply stations are expected to
result in significant socio-economic benefits for the local communities and surrounding areas as it will
provide potable water to these villages where Al Akshe village suffer from sever lack in the quantity of
treated water and the other village ( Al Tawawreh) has no water supply station in the village and in both
villages they purchasing water in bottles or from water tankers to achieve their daily requirements and
therefore it will protect public health.
The subproject consists of upgrading Al Aksheh water supply station and construction of Al Tawawreh
water supply station in Al-Muthanna governorate. The upgrading of Al Aksheh water supply station will
include increasing the capacity from 14m3/h to 50 m3/h. In Al Tawawreh village the subproject will include
PROJECT construction of a new 100m3/h water supply station. The construction and upgrading activities will need
DESCRIPTION about 20-30 worker per day for each site. Workers are expected to be hired locally, however if a construction
camp is deemed necessary, it will be installed on vacant state-owned land. Also, equipment and
construction materials will be stored on vacant state-owned land. The anticipated duration of all works is
around 180 days for both sites including mobilization and demobilization of contractor.
Al-Muthanna governorate is located in the southern part of Iraq, which has an arid
climate. The major rain, is about 106 mm yearly, falls during the period December thru
ENVIRONMENTA Climate March, with a spread showering in April. The average annual temperature is 23.8 °C.
L AND SOCIAL The average monthly wind velocity is 2.3m/s. Distributaries of Euphrates River will be
BASELINE the water source that will be used for these water supply station which has a turbidity
CONDITIONS ranging from 16 - 30 NTU, and TDS from 1700- 3500mg/l
Air quality The ambient air quality is within normal range.
Land No additional land for the work is needed to proceed with these subprojects.
No protected areas or endangered species (there is no critical or high biodiversity
values that might be affected) in the vicinity of the sites.
Page 1 of 32
Culture heritage The sites adjacent areas do not include any historical or cultural sites.
Applicable Iraqi laws Applicable WB Policies
Law no. 37 of 2008 MoE roles and OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment
responsibilities. OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement
POLICY AND Law no. 27 of 2009 Protection of OP 4.11 Physical and Cultural Resources
LEAGAL Environment BP 17.50 Disclosure of Operational
FRAMEWORK Regulation 2 of 2001 Preserving water Information.
resources WB General Environmental, Health, and
Law No.3,1997 Environment protection Safety guideline.
Law No. 55. 2002 Heritage and antiques Grievance Redress Service
Environmental Receptor Impact Significance
Air Quality Medium
Noise Medium
Water Resources Low
L AND SOCIAL Solid and hazardous wastes Low
IMPACT Flora & Fauna Not significant
ANALYSIS Topography and landforms Not significant
Impacts on local traffic Not significant
Health and Safety High
Socio-Economic impacts Low
Child Labor Medium
PUBLIC Two modalities of consultations were carried out for these subprojects. Public consultation was conducted in
CONSULTATION these villages with men only due to the tribes’ habit where 24 participants attended. The second approach
RESULTS was one-to-one interviews with both men and women to have their views and concerns of potential impacts
during implementation. The number of individuals interviewed was 9 women and 10 men.
The SFD is in the process of establishing a free hotline and is expected to be functioning within the next few
GRIEVANCE months. Meanwhile, in order to comply with the WB requirements, SFD has temporary assigned three
REDRESS staffs as focal points with their cell phone numbers to be disseminated at each road site for receiving calls
MECHANISM and handling complaints. The contact details will be posted at site signboard and the complaint boxes will
be installed in each location.
Page 2 of 32
This ESMP was developed to identify, assess and mitigate the environmental
and social risks and impacts associated with the upgrading Al Aksheh water
supply station and construction of Al Tawawreh water supply station within Al-
Muthanna governorate.
These subprojects involve the upgrading of water supply station from 14- 50 m3/h
and construction of Al Tawawreh water supply station with a capacity of
100m3/h. these subprojects are located in the Governorate of Al-Muthanna
Southest of Iraq. These water supply station will serve Al Tawawreh and Al
Aksheh villages ( about 30Km distance between them). One of these villages
suffer from sever lack in the quantity of treated water and the other village ( Al
Tawawreh) has no water supply station in the village and they purchasing water
in bottles or from water tankers to achieve their daily requirements. Al
Tawawreh and Al-Akesh villages are situated on the banks of tributaries of
Euphrates River as shown in the figure below:
Figure 1: location of the two villages (google earth)
network that will be constructed that have their own ESMP which was already
prepared. The water treatment process that will be used started from taking the
water via the intake from the river a to the rapid mixing tank where the alum
will be added, the followed by the coagulation tank and then, he sedimentation
tanks. After settling the water will enter the filtration process where the filter
water enter to the last stage which is disinfection before pumping to the
consumers. The construction works will include the following activities:
Figure 2: Current Situation of Al Aksheh water supply station)
The anticipated duration of construction works is about 180 days with about 25-
30 workers per day with about 95% of them are local workers and the rest are
engineers and technicians that may be from the closest area.
3.1 The Project Area
The subproject is located in the governorate of Al-Muthanna that is situated in
southern part of Iraq, Al-Muthanna borders Saudi Arabia and shares internal
boundaries with the governorates of Basra, Thi-Qar, Al-Qadisiyah, and Al-Najaf
(as shown in figure 2 below). The proposed location of these water supply station
will be in an open area.
The population in each village is shown in the table below:
Table 1: Information about the villages
No. Village Population
1 Al Aksheh 1173
2 Al Tawawreh 1534
Figure 3 Map of Iraq on the right and Al-Muthanna governorate on the left.
These subprojects are located in flat areas. The area adjacent to the project sites
is characterized as rural residential and semi desertic to agricultural in some
area as shown in the figuers below:
Al Aksheh
Water Supply
Al Tawawreh
Water Supply
irrigated farmland along the Euphrates River in the north. The major rain falls
during the period December thru March, with a spread showering in April.
During the year, about 106 mm of precipitation falls annually. In summer
temperatures easily surpass 40°C, the average annual temperature is 23.8 °C. The
driest weather is in June, July & August, September when no rainfall (precipitation)
occurs. While, the wettest weather is in December - March when rainfall
(precipitation) occurs. The average monthly wind velocity is 2.3m/s.
3.2.2 Air Quality
The subproject sites are located in open areas, so the expected concentration of
air pollutants is low. Air pollutants in the villages are caused mainly from
movement of vehicles and trucks. Therefore, the ambient air quality is expected
to be within the WHO ambient air quality standards.
3.2.3 Site Topography and location
No natural land obstacles are presented in the subproject areas. The subproject
areas are free of mountains, cliffs, and valleys. There are no protected areas or
endangered species (there is no critical or high biodiversity values that might be
affected) in the vicinity of the sites (more than 2 Km).
3.2.4 Land use
The area adjacent to the project sites is characterized as rural residential and
semi desertic to agricultural in some area. However, the rehabilitation activities
will not cause an impact on agricultural are or make any crop damage.
3.2.5 Water Resources and Flooding
The Euphrates river and its distributary will be used as a source of the raw
water for the water supply station. The physical characteristics of one the river
water is turbidity which is ranging from 16-30 NTU, and TDS from 1700-
3500mg/l. There are no records of flooding that occurred previously in the area.
3.2.6 Noise
Currently, there is no traffic congestion and consequently the existed noise level
is within the normal levels.
3.2.9 Land acquisition
The existing water supply station is built on state land and hence there are no
issues related to land acquisition. In addition, and the proposed will be
constructed on state land. The implementation activities will not cause
relocation of people and any individuals.
The existed and the suggested locations of the water supply station will be on
state land, where no land or property expropriation will be necessary. All the
areas around the sites remain clear of any settlement or economic use and are
ready for construction works, no interference is registered from the local
community which is eager for the works to be completed. It is important to
mention that during the implementation of the water supply station, it is not
expected to cause restriction of access or livelihood impacts.
Describes institutional arrangements of the Ministry of
Law no. 37 of 2008 for
Environment and Outlines policies and roles and responsibilities
Ministry of Environment
toward protecting the environment.
Protection and Improvement of Environment Environmental
Law no. 27 of 2009 protection from pollution resulted from petrol and natural gas
Regulations no. 2 of 2001 Preserving water resources.
For legal aspects, the work during construction and operation must follow the
Iraqi laws and regulations for the Environmental Standards. These are laws of
the environment protection No.3 issued in 1997 and the published regulations.
No environmental regulations for gaseous emissions, noise and other air
pollution standards are in force and legally binding. However, limits for water
disposal in any surface waters and main sewers are regulated according to the
regulations no. (25)/1967 and their update modifications released from the
ministry of health and the ministry of the environment. Law of heritage and
antiques no. (55) Issued in 2002, while for a sanitary waste (municipal) the
regulations of the MOE must be followed, and for the rubbles (construction
&demolition waste) the regulations, legislations and instruction of both MOHE
and MOCHPM must be followed. It is important also to mention that, the
contractor will sign employment agreement with all construction workers by
following labor law of Iraq.
It should be noted that legislation relating to social safeguards issued in Iraq
since 2003 has focused primarily on the ratification of international conventions
and protocols on issues such as cultural heritage. As yet there are no formally
adopted requirements for social assessments relating to road works. Hence,
social safeguards issues remain very largely uncovered except to the extent they
are referred to under environmental laws.
4.3 WBG EHS: The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines
These are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific examples of
Good International Industry Practice (GIIP). When one or more members of the WB
Group are involved in a project, these EHS Guidelines are applied as required by their
respective policies and standards.
use will ensure that local community members have an accessible, fair and
transparent means of reporting any emerging adverse impacts, and a means of
obtaining mitigation.
Table 4: Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase.
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Unpaved roads, e.g. which may be utilized for construction vehicles movement
or transportation of construction materials should be prepared in a way to
avoid dust emissions. Watering to suppress dust should take place regularly.
Watering or increase of the moisture level of the open materials storage piles
to reduce dust levels.
Enclosure or covering of inactive piles to reduce wind erosion. Contractor 1000
Loads in all trucks transporting dust-generating materials have to be sprayed
with water to suppress dust, as well as wheels of means moving inside and
outside of the construction-site.
Limiting Speed for vehicles approaching the site to less than 40 km/hr. On
site, speed limit should not exceed 20 km/hr.
1 Air quality
Engines of vehicles and other machinery are kept turned on only if necessary,
avoiding any unnecessary emission.
Machines and equipment are periodically checked and maintained to ensure
their good working condition.
All equipment and machines must be maintained and tested for compliance
Resident Included in
with standards and technical regulations for the protection of the environment Contractor
engineer contractor cost
and have appropriate certifications.
Activities are carried out using the minimum required number of means at
the same time.
Electric small-scale mechanization and technical tools are used when
available and feasible.
Construction activities are to take place within reasonable hours during the day
and early evening. Resident Included in
2 Noise Contractor
engineer contractor cost
Page 15 of 41
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Equipment must be kept in good working order and where appropriate fitted
with silencers which are kept in good working order.
Resident Included in
Equipment to run only when necessary Contractor
engineer contractor cost
Positioning of the noise sources in a concealed area with respect to acoustic
receptors, consistent with the needs of the construction site.
Use of personal protection equipment for workers especially those who use jack Resident
Contractor 500
hammers or near noisy engines or compressors. engineer
Wastewater from the worker rest areas or construction offices should be contained
in sealed containers and should be removed regularly from site by means of Contractor 1000
authorized contractors.
In case of the need to change engine oils or refuel some construction equipment,
a proper maintenance workshop or shelter should be installed to ensure
containment of any fuel or oil spills via provision of secondary containment, drip
trays or other overflow and drip containment measures, for hazardous materials Resident
Contractor 500
containers at connection points or other possible overflow points engineer
3 Water resources No solid wastes are to be thrown into the river.
Damaged parts of the intake structure that might occurred should be carefully
In case of using septic tanks on site, the engineering drawings of these tanks
should be presented to the Resident Engineer for approval. The wastewater in
these tanks should be collected and then transported periodically to the Resident Included in
engineer contractor cost
nearest authorized wastewater treatment plant.
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
engineer for
some sections
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Avoid or minimize driving through community areas and dangerous
routes during daytime
Alert drivers on local speed limits, and monitor implementation
Minimize traffic by purchasing from the local markets to the extent
Closing of trenches on the same day,
If a trench will be left open for the day after, barriers to prevent
community members and unauthorized personnel will be put in place.
Assign local security personnel to prevent unauthorized entry to the site.
Signs and awareness should be installed close to the excavation area to
protect road users and community.
Contractor prepares and implements Traffic Management Plan and
Pedestrian Safety Plan
A complaints register will be kept on site and this will feed into the GRM.
Handling Resident Included in
10 Details of complaints received will be incorporated into the audits as part of PMO
Complaints Engineer contractor cost
the monitoring process.
In case of accidental discovery stop all works and contact the responsible authority within
24 hours;
Provide training to the construction crew on the mode of conduct in case of accidental
Chance find procedures will be used as follows:
Stop the construction activities in the area of the chance find;
Delineate the discovered site or area;
engineer in
Secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of removable objects. In cases of Included in
11 Cultural Heritage Contractor coordination
removable antiquities or sensitive remains, a night guard shall be present until the contractor cost
responsible local authorities and the Ministry of Culture take over; with Heritage
Notify the supervisory Engineer who in turn will notify the responsible local Authority.
authorities and the Ministry of Culture immediately (within 24 hours or less);
Responsible local authorities and the Ministry of Culture would be in charge of
protecting and preserving the site before deciding on subsequent appropriate
procedures. This would require a preliminary evaluation of the findings to be
performed by the archeologists from the Department of Antiquities and the Ministry
Receptor Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
of Culture (within 72 hours). The significance and importance of the findings should
be assessed according to the various criteria relevant to cultural heritage; those
include the aesthetic, historic, scientific or research, social and economic values;
Decisions on how to handle the finding shall be taken by the responsible authorities
from DA and the Ministry of Culture. This could include changes in the layout (such
as when finding an irremovable remain of cultural or archeological importance)
conservation, preservation, restoration and salvage;
Implementation for the authority decision concerning the management of the finding
shall be communicated in writing by the Ministry of Culture; and
Construction work could resume only after permission is given from the responsible
local authorities and the Ministry of Culture concerning safeguard of the heritage
Rigid obligations and penalties will be added to the contractor contracts in order to
warrantee no child labor exist in the subproject
The PMO will oblige the contractor to keep a copy of IDs of laborers in order to
monitor the hired staff (Chapter 11 of the 2015 Labor Law of Iraq sets the age for
hazardous works 18 years old).
Labor influx should also be managed by contractor and ensure Code of Conduct is
Child labor and introduced and applied to avoid impact on local community and provide mitigation
Resident Included in
12 Gender Based measure for GBV risks Contractor
engineer contractor cost
Violence The contractor also will be obliged to maintain daily attendance sheets in order to
verify the attendance of workers in case of accidents and provide the injured persons
with proper health insurance
The code of conduct for workers/contractors should be introduced to prevent
misconducts, including prevention of sexual harassment and gender based violence
and also training and awareness rising for workers should be continued, through daily
toolbox talks and other training opportunities.
Total cost US$ (Construction phase) 7,000
Impact Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Impact Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
All equipment and machines must be maintained and tested for compliance
with standards and technical regulations for the protection of the environment
and have appropriate certifications.
Local Local
1 Air quality Activities are carried out using the minimum required number of means at the No cost
authorities authorities
same time.
Electric small-scale mechanization and technical tools are used when available
and feasible.
Equipment must be kept in good working order and where appropriate fitted with
silencers which are kept in good working order.
Local Local
2 Noise Use of personal protection equipment for workers especially those who use jack No cost
authorities authorities
hammers or near noisy engines or compressors.
Wastewater from the worker rest areas or operation office should be contained in
Sanitary Local
3 sealed containers and should be removed regularly from site by means of authorized Local authorities No cost
Waste authorities
To prevent soil contamination by oil/grease spills, leakages or releases, and provision of
the fuel to the machines should be performed with maximum care; leak proof
4 Soil containers should be used for storage and transportation of oil/grease and wash off Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
from the oil/grease handling area shall be drained through drains and collected and
disposed properly
During the operational period, some littering and waste generation resulting from
Solid and the repair activities will occur. Littering may occur due to wind action. Local Within
Local Authority
5 hazardous All waste should be deposed through licensed haulers/transporters to licensed and Authority municipal
wastes regulated landfill sites appropriate to the type of waste generated (Municipality) budget
6 Flora & Fauna Not applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
7 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
and landforms
The continued operation of a GRM for one year following operating of the Road for use
Handling will ensure that local community members have an accessible, fair and transparent Local
8 Complains Local authorities No cost
means of reporting any emerging adverse impacts, and a means of obtaining authorities
Impact Mitigation Measures Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
The PMO will oblige the contractor to keep a copy of IDs of laborers in order to monitor
the hired staff (Chapter 11 of the 2015 Labor Law of Iraq sets the age for hazardous works
18 years old).
Labor influx should also be managed by contractor and ensure Code of Conduct is
introduced and applied to avoid impact on local community and provide mitigation measure
Child labor for GBV risks
and Gender The Local authority also will be obliged to maintain daily attendance sheets in order to Local authorities Local
9 No cost
Based verify the attendance of workers in case of accidents and provide the injured persons with authorities
Violence proper health insurance
The code of conduct for workers/contractors should be introduced to prevent misconducts,
including prevention of sexual harassment and gender based violence and also training and
awareness rising for workers should be continued, through daily toolbox talks and other training
Provision signage to improve visibility and overall safety of roads, particularly
along stretches located near Roads or other locations where children may be
Having a clear set of emergency Plan and Procedures.
Health and provision of health and safety information; Resident Included in
10 Contractor
Safety engineer contractor cost
regular inspection, review and recording of EHS performance;
Provide appropriate technical means
Install chlorine emission sensors alert
Provide workers with PPEs
Total cost US$ (Operation phase) No Cost
In order to ensure full compliance of the performed activities to the environmental and
social requirements, regular monitoring should be performed. For this purpose, an
environmental and social monitoring program has been established for the construction
phase to ensure the proper implementation of the environmental and social mitigation
The PMO environmental and social field officers will provide the Resident Engineer
with a weekly report briefing their observations and recommendations for action.
Whereas the Resident Engineer shall prepare an environmental and social management
report on monthly basis to PMO in Baghdad and then to the WB safeguard team(s).
Page 25 of 41
Table 6: Monitoring Activities during Construction Phase.
Receptor Monitoring Activities Monitoring Indicators Frequency Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Investigate dust complaints from Recorded and documented Daily visual
workers and residents complaints inspection
Visual inspection of vehicles and Record the status of Once every six
equipment operating or entering equipment and vehicles on month Resident
1 Air quality PMO 1,000
the site and Measurements of site (excessive black or white Engineer
exhaust emissions (CO, SOx, smoke)
NOx, PM10, PM2.5)
Investigate noise complaints from Weekly
workers and neighboring Recorded and documented inspection of
Noise communities in the affected Resident
2 complaints complaints PMO 1,000
locations Recorded tests results Only in case
of complains
Investigate implementation of
mitigation measures and observe
Daily Resident
3 Water resources any oil or fuel spills. Site Investigation report PMO No cost
Investigation Engineer
Investigate wastewater disposal
Observe any soil contamination
with oil or fuel Resident
4 Soil Site Investigation report Monthly PMO No cost
Observe any accumulation of Engineer
Maintain records on waste types Waste management Weekly
and quantities contracts with authorized
Solid and Resident
5 Observe any waste accumulation contractors Weekly PMO No cost
hazardous wastes Engineer
in un approved locations Waste delivery receipts from
local authorities.
Page 26 of 41
Receptor Monitoring Activities Monitoring Indicators Frequency Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Ensure compliance of workers to
Health and Safety requirements
Maintain log on incidents and
Observation report Resident
6 Health and safety accidents. Weekly PMO No cost
Accidents report Engineer
To ensure worker safety, health
insurance must be provided to
all type of workers
Record any observation about wild
animals or plants on site or nearby Resident
7 Flora & Fauna Observation report Upon occurrence PMO No cost
and report to the Environmental Engineer
Topography and
8 No monitoring required Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ensure speed limits and warning Resident
9 Traffic signs are installed Road signs are installed. Monthly PMO No cost
Number of complaints
Handling Ensure that the GRM is effective Resident
10 received, analyzed and Weekly PMO No cost
Complaints and well communicated Engineer
responded to.
Ensuring that children and minors are A copy of IDs of laborers and Daily
not employed directly or indirectly on labor registry.
Child labor and the project. Percentage of workers that Resident
11 Gender Based Ensure to prevent misconducts, have attended the code of PMO No cost
Violence including prevention of sexual Weekly
conduct training and number
harassment and gender based violence.
of GBV training delivered.
Total cost US$ (Operation/Maintenance phase) 2,000
Table 7: Monitoring Activities during Operation Phase.
Receptor Monitoring Activities Monitoring Indicators Frequency Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
Investigate dust complaints from Recorded and documented Daily visual
workers and residents complaints inspection
Visual inspection of vehicles and Record the status of Once every six
equipment operating or entering equipment and vehicles on month Water
1 Air quality Operator 1,000
the site and Measurements of site (excessive black or white Directorate
exhaust emissions (CO, SOx, smoke)
NOx, PM10, PM2.5)
Site inspection measuring the level No
2 Noise of noise Report on the level of noise Weekly Operator additional
Investigate wastewater disposal Water
3 Water resources Site Investigation report Weekly Operator No cost
measures Directorate
Observe any soil contamination
with oil or fuel Water
4 Soil Site Investigation report Monthly Operator No cost
Observe any accumulation of Directorate
Maintain records on waste types Waste management Weekly
and quantities contracts with authorized
Solid and Water
5 Observe any waste accumulation contractors Weekly Operator No cost
hazardous wastes Directorate
in un approved locations Waste delivery receipts from
local authorities.
Ensure compliance of workers to
Health and Safety requirements Observation report Water
6 Health and safety Weekly Operator No cost
Maintain log on incidents and Accidents report Directorate
Receptor Monitoring Activities Monitoring Indicators Frequency Responsibility Supervision estimated
Cost in US$
To ensure worker safety, health
insurance must be provided to
all type of workers
Record any observation about wild
animals or plants on site or nearby Water
7 Flora & Fauna Observation report Upon occurrence Operator No cost
and report to the Environmental Directorate
Topography and
8 No monitoring required Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Ensure speed limits and warning Water
9 Traffic signs are installed Road signs are installed. Monthly Operator No cost
water quality testing for pH, Water No additional
Drinking water
10 Regular water quality testing Turbidity, Daily Operator
quality (EC), Color, (TSS), (TDS), Directorate cost
Number of complaints
Handling Ensure that the GRM is effective Water No additional
11 received, analyzed and Weekly Operator
Complaints and well communicated Directorate cost
responded to.
Ensuring that children and minors are A copy of IDs of laborers and
not employed directly or indirectly on labor registry.
Child labor and the project. Percentage of workers that Water No additional
12 Gender Based Ensure to prevent misconducts, have attended the code of Weekly Operator
Directorate cost
Violence including prevention of sexual
conduct training and number
harassment and gender based violence.
of GBV training delivered.
Total cost US$ (Operation/Maintenance phase) 2,000
The environmental and social consultant will prepare a monthly environmental and
social supervision report after conducting site supervision visits.
On quarterly basis, PMO shall prepare an environmental and social progress report
which will be submitted to the international financial institution (WB) for review and
In order to ensure full compliance of the environmental and social requirements, regular
site visits should be conducted. Dedicated office spaces, office equipment and supplies in
addition to adequate means of transportation should be made available for the
environmental and social management team at the central level and most importantly
on the field level. MOP PMO should ensure the allocation of sufficient budget resources
to ensure availing the required resources to achieve the required tasks.
specifically for the water supply station which is different than those for the people
and was achieved via including a transformer to Bill of Quantities.
11) The rehabilitation of the project will enhance the social relationship among the
locals; improve their achievements and performance via the availability of Water.
2 Mohammed
GRM officer 07803008372 [email protected]
Thamer Fitan
3 Yaser Mohammed
M&E officer 07812542417 [email protected]
The process of managing complaints will be as follows:
1- Complaints should be sorted out according to complexity;
2- Simple inquiries should be resolved on the spot by concerned staff members in 3-
6 working days as a maximum and should be documented and archived as per
the relevant procedure;
3- Complex issues should be investigated and communicated with higher
management for final decisions within a timeframe of 20 working days as a
4- After the completion of the proceedings, the complaint is closed, and information
is included in the system, including the action(s) taken and the result(s) required;
5- The complainant shall be notified of the result and the action immediately and
informed of the possibility of objecting to the procedure.
6- Individuals who submit their comments or grievances have the right to request
that their name be kept confidential. An anonymous complaint can receive a code
and should be investigated appropriately and treated courteously.
In addition to PMO, the MOP, project offices in governorates, and Community
Development Groups (CDGs), the World Bank’s Grievance Redress System (GRS) can
also be approached for reporting and resolving issues.
Annex 1: Public Consultations Photos
Annex (2): sample of public consultation at these two villages
Annex (3): Sample individual interviews for both men and women
Annex (4): Donation of the land to the Government to construct the water supply station.