Azra Demirok
Azra Demirok
Azra Demirok
In the article titled "Summer 2022: Living in a State of Multiple Crisis", Bruyninckx (2022)
discusses the visible effects of climate change; which became a reality this year. The author
emphasizes on extreme heat which is linked to droughts, forest fires, and reduced soil moisture. He
states that Europe was mostly damaged because of this. Bruyninckx (2022) claims that
environmental damage is extremely life-threatening for all living species and risky for climate change.
Moreover, he believes that unsustainable systems of consumption and production are a result of
climate change. Plus, he believes that it will affect the cost of living. On the other hand, the author
states that Europe is taking action for this current issue; they are trying to reduce waste,
consumption, and energy bills. Bruyninckx (2022) also states that the EU and others are trying to use
clean and renewable energy systems and restore the environment, the nature. The author believes
these will cost our time and money, but we have no choice other than acting with all our knowledge.
I completely agree with Bruyninckx (2022) that climate change is fully visible throughout the world
and that we should take action to reverse climate change, immediately.
Bruyninckx (2022) is making us see the reality of climate’s impacts, and inviting us to take
action on transitioning the unsustainable use of our planet's resources. I fully agree with the author
on these matters because currently, it is impossible to say there haven’t been any changes in the
environment due to climate change. Humans are acting and using the world's resources in an
unstoppable way, thinking neither about the human future nor the future of the world. Due to
irresponsible use, we harm the world, the environment, and ourselves, too. As Stazyk et. al (2014)
point out, “Without maintaining supporting ecosystems today and into the future, the continued
health and survival of humanity is questionable” (p.1). It would be impossible to survive in these
circumstances. Furthermore, we will continue to have multiple crises (extreme weather, economic
issues, energy shortages) if we will not start to restore the environment and use clean and
renewable energy sources. This can’t be fixed if the right actions aren't taken immediately. These
damages are human-made, they are not something new or unexpected. As Diamond (2005) states;
“realistically, we do not face insoluble problems….they are ones that we generate ourselves. Because
we are the cause of our environmental problems, we are the ones in control of them, and we can
choose or not choose to stop causing them and start solving them. The future is up for grabs, lying in
our own hands” (p.4). In other words, meaning that these are the issues we have created, and we
can solve them too.
In conclusion, I agree with the author; climate change and the crises we have are completely
visible, and we should not wait any longer to solve these crises and work towards having a
sustainable future. Uniting globally and taking action to speed up the sustainability process is not
something impossible. So, we should be aware of what we are witnessing and start to move in a
more sustainable direction immediately.