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Abstract:- Long Span, Column free structures are the most essential in any type of industrial structures and Pre
Engineered Buildings (PEB) fulfills this requirement along with reduced time and cost as compared to
conventional structures. The present work involves the comparative study and design of Pre Engineered
Buildings (PEB) and Conventional steel frames. Design of the structure is being done in Staad Pro software and
the same is then compared with conventional type, in terms of weight which in turn reduces the cost. Three
examples have been taken for the study. Comparison of Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) and Conventional steel
frames is done in two examples and in the third example, Pre Engineered Building structure with increased bay
space is taken for the study. In the present work, Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) and Conventional steel frames
structure is designed for wind forces. Wind analysis has been done manually as per IS 875 (Part III) – 1987.
Keywords:- Pre-Engineered-Buildings; Conventional Buildings; Staad Pro; Steel Take-off; Tapered Sections.
Steel industry is growing rapidly in almost all the parts of the world. The use of steel structures is not
only economical but also ecofriendly at the time when there is a threat of global warming. Here, “economical”
word is stated considering time and cost. Time being the most important aspect, steel structures (Pre-fabricated)
is built in very short period and one such example is Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB). Pre-engineered buildings
are nothing but steel buildings in which excess steel is avoided by tapering the sections as per the bending
moment’s requirement. One may think about its possibility, but it’s a fact many people are not aware about Pre
Engineered Buildings. If we go for regular steel structures, time frame will be more, and also cost will be more,
and both together i.e. time and cost, makes it uneconomical. Thus in pre-engineered buildings, the total design is
done in the factory, and as per the design, members are pre-fabricated and then transported to the site where they
are erected in a time less than 6 to 8 weeks.
The structural performance of these buildings is well understood and, for the most part, adequate code
provisions are currently in place to ensure satisfactory behavior in high winds. Steel structures also have much
better strength-to-weight ratios than RCC and they also can be easily dismantled. Pre Engineered Buildings have
bolted connections and hence can also be reused after dismantling. Thus, pre-engineered buildings can be
shifted and/or expanded as per the requirements in future. In this paper we will discuss the various advantages of
pre-engineered buildings and also, with the help of three examples, a comparison will be made between pre-
engineered buildings and conventional steel structures.
a) Construction Time: Buildings are generally constructed in just 6 to 8 weeks after approval
ofdrawings. PEB will thus reduce total construction time of the project by at least 40%. This allows
faster occupancy and earlier realization of revenue.
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered Buildings and Conventional Frames
From the numerous advantages of Pre-engineered building, in the present study, the point b is
considered for the study, i.e. to save the steel and reducing cost, while all the other points are self-explanatory.
2.1.1Static Analysis
In the present work, using the Staad Pro software, 2D analysis has been done using Stiffness Matrix
Method. All the components of Pre-engineered building are tapered using the in-built option of the Software.
The software provides options for hinged, fixed, and spring supports with releases so as to analyze as per our
requirement. Herein this work, fixed supports are assigned to the structures. It also facilitates Linear, P-Delta
Analysis, and Non-Linear Analysis with automatic load and stiffness correction. Multiple Analyses can also be
done simultaneously which reduces the time. It also has an option of assigning members as tension-
onlymembers and compression-only members for truss structures.
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered Buildings and Conventional Frames
Design Data-
Main Frame-
Frame Type - Clear Span, Rigid Frame.
Support- Pinned
Building Width (W) – 25 m (O/O Steel Columns)
Building Length (L) – 60 m (O/O Steel Columns)
Bay Spacing- 11 @ 6 m
Eaves height- 6 m
Roof Slope- 1 in10
Grits Type-
Sidewall grits- Continuous
End wall grits- Continuous
Purlin Type-
Roof Purlin- Continuous
Spacing- 1.5m c/c
Panel Type-
Roof- Galvanized sheet.
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered Buildings and Conventional Frames
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered Buildings and Conventional Frames
3.4.2 Weight of the steel for the PEB with primary frame spacing 6 m
In order to calculate steel weight of PEB of primary frame spacing 6 m the following member
properties are used (Table 8). For columns and rafters Tapered “I” sections are assigned. For the purlins and
girts cold formed “Z” sections are used. For bracings Indian standard angle sections are used. Now using the
above parameters the lengths and weights are calculated accordingly.
Table 8 Steel take-off for the PEB with primary frame spacing 6 m
Profile Length (m) Weight (t)
Tapered MembNo: 1 6.00 2.503
Tapered MembNo: 2 12.56 8.975
Tapered MembNo: 3 12.56 7.921
Tapered MembNo: 4 6.00 3.308
ST ISMB300 2.50 1.081
ISA 75X75X6 170.95 11.372
ISA 50X50X6 171.93 7.502
ST 200Z60X2 1560 8.547
Total = 42.66
Weight (Tons)
4.1 Loadings:
All loads are calculated as given in Section 3.1.
Table 9 Steel take-off for the PEB with primary frame spacing 8 m
Profile Length (m) Weight (t)
Tapered MembNo: 1 6.00 2.641
Tapered MembNo: 2 18.56 12.320
Tapered MembNo: 3 12.56 6.794
ST ISMB300 2.50 1.081
ISA 75X75X6 170.95 11.372
ISA 50X50X6 171.93 7.502
ST 200Z60X2 1560 8.547
Total = 41.71
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered Buildings and Conventional Frames
42 41.71
Pre-engineered steel structures building offers low cost, strength, durability, design flexibility,
adaptability andrecyclability. Steel is the basic material that is used in the materials that are used for Pre-
engineered steelbuilding. It negates from regional sources. Infinitely recyclable, steel is the material that reflects
the imperativesof sustainable development.Based on the analytical and design results thereon of conventional
and pre-engineered steel buildings, the following conclusions are drawn.
1. The total steel take-off for PEB with primary frame spacing of 6 m is 76% of the conventional steel
2. The total steel take-off for PEB with primary frame spacing of 8 m is 74.4% of the conventional steel
3. Steel take-off is more for PEB with primary frame spacing of 6 m than PEB with primary frame
spacing of 8 m.
It is also seen that the weight of PEB depends on the Bay Spacing, with the increase in Bay Spacing up
to certain spacing, the weight reduces and further increase makes the weight heavier.
To Conclude “Pre-Engineered Building Construction gives the end users a much more economical and
better solution for long span structures where large column free areas are needed”.
[1] IS 875 (part-1) “Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for building and structures”,
Dead loads, New Delhi, 1987.
[2] IS 875 (part-2) “Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for building and structures”,
Imposed loads, New Delhi, 1987.
[3] IS 875 (part-3) “Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for building and structures”,
Wind loads, New Delhi, 1987.
[4] Jatin D.Thakar, P.G. Patel, “Comparative Study of Pre-Engineered Steel Structure by varying width of
Structure”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Volume IV, Issue III, sept
2013, pp: 56-62.
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered Buildings and Conventional Frames
[5] Kanakambara Rao et al. “Design of Pre-Engineered steel structures building and to choose a material
which offers low cost, strength, durability, design flexibility and recyclability”, International Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 2, April 2012, pp: 267-272.
[6] Kulkarni A.V., “Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of Pre-Engineered Buildings and
Conventional Frames and various advantages of PEB’s”, IOSR journal of mechanical and civil
engineering, Volume 5, Issue 3, Jan. – Feb. 2013, pp: 47-53.