Soak Feet With Warm Water and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy On Blood Pressure in Hypertension Elderly
Soak Feet With Warm Water and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy On Blood Pressure in Hypertension Elderly
Soak Feet With Warm Water and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy On Blood Pressure in Hypertension Elderly
Background: Hypertension is a silent killer. Each year hypertension contributes to the deaths of nearly 9.4 million
people. Non-pharmacological management may use a combination of the therapy of foot soaks in warm water and
progressive muscle relaxation.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of the combination of the treatment of foot absorbs
in warm water and progressive muscle relaxation in blood pressure for the elderly with hypertension.
Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with the pretest and posttest control group design. The
sample is consisting of 2 groups, 20 respondents in each group. Examples were selected by simple random
sampling technique. The instruments were observation sheet, standard operating procedure, and
sphygmomanometer digital. The data were analyzed using the paired t-test.
Results: The mean blood pressures pretest and posttest among control group were 160.70/88.37 mmHg and
160.25/88.67 mmHg. The mean blood pressure pretest and posttest among intervention group were 159.81/85.75
mmHg and 150.31/84.25 mmHg. The decrease in mean pre-posttest systolic and diastolic pressures in the
intervention group were -9.50 mmHg and -1.50 mmHg.This study found that the treatment useful to reduce systolic
(p0.030) and diastolic (p0.0.41). The comparison of systolic and diastolic blood pressure of intervention with the
control group obtained p0.018 and 0.023.
Conclusion: The combination of the therapy of foot soaks in warm water, and progressive muscle relaxation is
useful for lowering blood pressure. Respondents are expected to apply this treatment as a complementary therapy
of hypertension.
Keywords: Blood pressure, elderly, hypertension, progressive muscle relaxation, water therapy
well as loading factors in the water which will strengthen comfortable ambient temperature. Therapy is given every
the muscles and ligaments that affect the joints of the body. day for two weeks. Be applied one time a day, i.e. in the
Soaking warm water is beneficial for vasodilation in blood afternoon within 15 minutes. Soak warm water is done by
flow so that it can reduce blood pressure (Mooventhan & placing the foot in the Waskom which has been filled with
Nivethitha, 2014). In contrast, progressive muscle warm water with 35-40ºC (add warm water if the water
relaxation is stretching and releasing muscle groups that temperature <35-40ºC). During the process of soaking the
will produce different sensations. The benefits of feet in warm water, respondents made progressive muscle
progressive muscle relaxation are to reduce physical relaxation, namely exercising the muscles of the neck,
stress, decrease pulse, blood pressure and breathing face, hands and feet. The steps for progressive muscle
without any side effects (Ain & Hidayah, 2018). The reason relaxation are:
for choosing a combination of a warm foot soak and 1. Bend your neck and head back slowly for 5-10
progressive muscle relaxation is because this procedure is seconds, relax and straighten your neck and head.
more practical, easy, inexpensive, affordable. This therapy 2. Bend your neck and head forward for 5-10 seconds,
can be applied to hypertensive patients and has no side relax and straighten your neck and head.
effects. Research on the combination of a combination of 3. Wrinkle your forehead up for 5-10 seconds, relax the
warm foot baths and progressive muscle relaxation with forehead muscles.
blood pressure has also never been done. 4. Close your eyes as hard as possible 5-10 seconds
relax the eye muscles
METHODS 5. Close the jaw and teeth as hard as possible for 5-10
seconds, relax the jaw muscles and bite
Study Design: This type of research is an experiment with 6. Punch the lips to the front as hard as possible for 5-10
a pretest and posttest control group design. Data were seconds, relax the lip muscles.
collected at Home for the Elderly in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 7. Arch your back for 5-10 seconds straightens and relax
on January 24th to February 6th, 2018. your back.
Samples: The research sample was elderly who suffer 8. Push your chest forward for 5-10 seconds, relax your
from hypertension at the Elderly Home Unit Budi Luhur chest muscles.
Yogyakarta Indonesia. The samples were calculated using 9. Raise both shoulders as if to touch the ears for 5-10
the Federer formula obtained a total of 40 respondents. seconds relax your shoulders.
The sample consisted of 2 groups, intervention groups and 10. Clench your hands and bend your elbows up so that
control groups. Each group with 20 samples. Examples the muscles of the upper arms feel tight and tense for
were selected using random sampling according to 5-10 seconds relax and straighten the elbows and
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria were fingers, feel your upper arms go limp.
willing to be a respondent and sign an informed consent, 11. Clench and tighten both wrists and as healthy as
age 60-90 years old, resident, healthy BMI, Javanese possible for 5-10 seconds, release the fist and feel the
ethnicity, and participate in all research processes. fingers and palms become weak.
Exclusion criteria were trauma or acute inflammation, 12. Bend your palms up with your fingers open as hard as
smoking, consuming alcohol, taking antihypertensive possible for 5-10 seconds, relax and straighten your
drugs, elderly who have limited mobility, and elderly who palms, feel your forearms and palms become limp.
undergo bed rest treatment. 13. Bend your ankles up towards your knees, feel the
Instruments: Research tools are composed of tools for tension in your calves and thighs for 5-10 minutes.
measuring blood pressure, means for soaking feet, and Feel relaxed at the ankles, explore all the pressure in
tools for progressive muscle relaxation. Blood pressure is the calves and thighs disappear.
measured with a digital sphygmomanometer, performed 14. Bend your ankles down to the floor, feel the tension in
according to standard operating procedures, and recorded your calves and thighs for 5-10 seconds, relax your
on an observation sheet. The tools and materials used to ankles, and feel all the pressure in the calves and
soak the foot of warm water are Waskom, water thighs disappear
thermometer, towels, warm water, carried out according to Blood pressure is the result of systolic and diastolic
standard operating procedures, and recorded on an blood pressure measurements. Blood pressure consists of
observation sheet. Research instruments for progressive pretest and posttest blood pressure. Systolic blood
muscle relaxation are standard operational procedures and pressure measurements are measured by researchers in
observation sheets. The result of the digital the left arm in a sitting position after resting for 5 minutes
Sphygmomanometer validity test value was 0.753 (> r before the intervention. Posttest blood pressure was
0.632), while the reliability test value was 0.865 (> r 0.80). measured by researchers in the left arm in a sitting place
Data Collection: The control group did not get any therapy after a 15-minute break of therapy. Blood pressure
for blood pressure. The intervention group received measurements were carried out on posttest 14 days after
treatment in the form of a combination of warm foot baths the last intervention.
and progressive muscle relaxation. Combination therapy of Data Analysis: The data normality test used the Shapiro
warm foot baths and progressive muscle relaxation is an Wilk test with average results, so the statistical analysis
action given to the respondent by immersing the feet in uses the Paired T-Test.
warm water together with progressive muscle relaxation. Ethical Consideration: The ethical approval was obtained
Treatment is carried out in a seated position, quiet from the Health Ethics Committee of Faculty Health
environment without interruption, adequate lighting, and Science of Universitas Respati Yogyakarta with an
approval number of 537.2/UNRIYO/PL/X/2017. The study In the intervention group, the mean difference systolic and
permission was also obtained from the Head of Home diastolic blood pressured were decreased (-9.50 mmHg
Elderly Unit Budi Luhur Yogyakarta Indonesia with an and -1.50 mmHg). There were no significant difference
approval number 074/0725/Kesbangpol/I/2018. pretest and posttest in systolic and diastolic blood pressure
in the control group (p 0.735 and 0.480). There was a
RESULTS significant difference between pretest and posttest in
systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the intervention
Table 1 is known in all groups; the majority of samples are group (p 0.030 and 0.041). Combination of the therapy of
male and elderly. Table 2 shows the mean pre-posttest foot soaks in warm water and progressive muscle
systolic and diastolic blood pressure control group higher relaxation active to reduce systolic and diastolic blood
than the intervention group. The mean pre-posttest systolic pressure for the elderly with hypertension (0.018 and
and diastolic blood pressure control groups were 160.70- 0.023)
160.25 mmHg and 88.37-88.67 mmHg. In contrast, The
mean pre-posttest systolic and diastolic blood pressure Table 1: Distribution of Sample Frequencies based on gender and
intervention groups were 159.81-150.31 mmHg and 85.75- age
84.25 mmHg. Table 3 known there was a significant Control Group Intervention Group
relationship between gender and age to systolic and f % f %
diastolic blood pressure among the intervention group (p Gender
0.020 and 0.036). In the control group, among all gender Male 11 55.0 12 60.0
and age group were increasing difference mean blood Female 9 45.0 8 40.0
pressure. In the intervention group, among all gender and Total 20 100.0 20 100.0
age group were decreasing difference mean blood Age
Elderly 13 65.0 14 70.0
Old 7 35.0 6 30.0
Table 4 shows that there was a decreasing mean
Total 20 100.0 20 100.0
systolic blood pressure and increased diastolic blood
pressure in the control group (-0.45 mmHg and 0.3 mmHg).
Table 2: Pretest dan Posttest of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
Pre-posttest Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) Pre-posttest Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)
Control Group Intervention Group Control Group Intervention Group
Min 145.00-147.00 148.00-122.00 72.00-74.00 65.00-69.00
Max 192.00-190.00 181.00-172.00 110.00-127.00 106.00-103.00
Mean 160.70-160.25 159.81-150.31 88.37-88.67 85.75-84.25
SD 9.78-9.82 9.91-16.33 9.15-9.21 9.25-9.55
SD=Standard Deviation
Table 3. Relationship of Gender and Age with Pre-posttest Blood Pressure
Pre-posttest Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) Pre-posttest Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)
Control Group Intervention Group Control Group Intervention Group
Mean Male 161.5-167.1 164-150.2 82.8-87.4 87.7-86.3
Mean Female 160.9-168.3 152.8-150.5 83.4-85.05 82.5-80.83
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