2011-2013 Faculty and Staff Development Plan

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Approved by Committee: May 8, 2012
Accepted by Consultation Council: May 10, 2012
LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013

Mission and Values ............................................................................................................................................................... 1

Operational Principles .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

1. Contribution to Employee Collaboration ............................................................................................................. 1
2. Contribution to Student Success ......................................................................................................................... 2
3. Meeting Needs ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Allocation of Resources........................................................................................................................................ 2
5. Accountability ........................................................................................................................................................ 2

Planned Activities ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Faculty & Staff Development Goals and Strategies ........................................................................................................... 4

Alignment of Faculty & Staff Development with College Goals ........................................................................................ 5

Faculty & Staff Development Activities Plan ...................................................................................................................... 6

Future Development Activities ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Faculty & Staff Development Committee Members............................................................................................................ 8

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013

LCC Faculty and Faculty and Staff Development Plan

Fall 2011 – Spring 2013

Mission and Values

The Faculty and Staff Development Committee members believe that the educational environment for all students is enriched when
the college invests in the professional skills, academic knowledge, technological competency and cultural proficiency of its
employees. Thus, provision for continued faculty and staff development opportunities for Lassen College employees is essential for
college success.

Operational Principles

The following principles provide a framework for faculty and staff development and serve as criteria for making decisions on faculty
and staff development activities. In general, those principles foster faculty and staff development as the college’s efforts to support
college values by providing resources to build the ability of staff to meet the goals of the college and create a collaborative working
relationship among employees.

Faculty and Staff Development is defined as an activity that has as its goals the development of skills, competencies and personal
qualities that will provide the potential for better performance and satisfaction on the job. To that end, the LCC Faculty and Staff
Development Committee plans, coordinates, and provides financial support for a variety of activities that engage faculty, staff, and
administrators in an active and creative intellectual life.

We group our principles under these headings:

1. Contribution to Employee Collaboration:

Faculty and staff development activities serve as a vehicle for enhancing employee interactions, building a cooperative
environment that accepts ideas and suggestions from individuals across the campus and fosters a healthy working relationship
among employees.

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013

2. Contribution to Student Success:

Faculty and staff development activities must have either a direct or an indirect student benefit. These benefits to students
should increase their success as measured by agreed-upon learning outcomes at the institutional, program and course levels.

Benefits to students may accrue through:

• improvement of the service a staff member provides
• enhancement of a specific course or program of instruction or student service
• enhancement of cultural proficiency of the staff member
• improvement of leadership skills
• enhancement of knowledge of shared governance, collaboration, and relationship building
• improvement of technological skills

3. Meeting Needs
Faculty and staff development activities include those that meet the needs of LCC employees as expressed in needs assessment
surveys, workshop evaluation forms, and internal documents such as program reviews, accreditation self-study reports, district
and college plans, shared governance committee activities, and faculty, classified, or management initiatives. Moreover, the
Faculty and Staff Development Committee should be proactive in identifying college needs and encouraging employees to
explore ideas and competencies that facilitate continuous improvement at the organizational and individual levels.

4. Allocation of Resources
Since resources are limited, we believe that faculty and staff development activities should be designed to provide the greatest
effect on the college, its programs and students. Consequently, college resources should be allocated to activities that have
broad institutional impact. At the same time, we recognize (a) that faculty and staff development may involve activities which
are beyond staff’s ordinary or current job descriptions but are likely to be integrated into their present or future contribution to
the college and (b) the importance of faculty and staff development for all college employees, which requires that resources be
allocated equitably among disciplines, employee categories, and types of activities.

5. Accountability
We evaluate what we do and learn from our evaluations of major training activities. We recognize the importance of ensuring
appropriate accountability for those who engage in faculty and staff development activities. We abide by federal, state,
district, and college policies and regulations as well as by the requirements of funding sources. Our policies and operations are

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013


Planned Activities
NEED Suggested Activities Responsible Suggested Date
1. Instructional Improvement Technology in the classroom Committee Fall and Spring
2. Health and Safety Workplace and Customer Safety Committee Once each academic year
3. Customer Service Technology on the Job Committee Fall and Spring
4. Personal Development Retirement Education Committee Once each academic year

Planned Activities
NEED Suggested Activities Responsible Suggested Date
1. Institutional Effectiveness Accreditation Mechanics Committee Fall and Spring
2. Health and Safety Customer and Workplace Safety Committee Fall
3. Customer Service Customer Interaction Committee Fall
4. Customer Service Tech. on the Job Committee Spring
5. Personal Development Retirement Education Committee Spring
6. Personal Development Collaboration Committee Fall
7. Personal Development Collaboration Committee Spring
8. Instructional Improvement Technology in the Classroom Committee Fall
9. Child Abuse Reporting Group Presentations Committee Fall
10. Institutional Effectiveness New Employee Orientation Partnership with HR Fall and Spring
EEO Training
Disaster Preparedness Training
Family Education Rights to Privacy
Acts (FERPA) Training
11. Maximizing Student Learning WeaveOnline Partnership with Fall and Spring
Cultural Proficiency Academic Services
Tools for Teaching
Learning and Generational Styles
Delivery Modes

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013


Ultimately, the responsibility for faculty and staff development at LCC lies with each employee. The College President and Faculty
and Staff Development Committee must nurture a climate where continued personal and professional growth is valued and pursued.
The Faculty and Staff Development Committee is also responsible for ensuring that adequate opportunities for Faculty and Staff
Development exist. At present, the responsibilities of the Faculty and Staff Development Committee include the following:
 plans and conducts activities for all employees
 provides a forum for explorative and open discussion of new and innovative procedures and strategies
 advises and assists in planning, evaluating and improving interactions
 supports training and re-training opportunities
 distributes information on workshops, seminars, and available resources related to faculty and staff improvement
 provides programs for campus awareness
 develops a comprehensive Faculty and Staff Development plan

Faculty and Staff Development Goals and Strategies

The goals of the Faculty and Staff Development Committee (professional skills, academic knowledge, technological competency and
cultural proficiency) are aligned with the goals of the District and College. Most directly, the Faculty and Staff Development
Committee supports these goals through the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes in the college goal areas of:

 Student Success
 Responsive Curricula
 Student Access
 Resource Development
 Organizational Effectiveness
 Community Leadership

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013


College Goals
Responsive Resource Organizational Community
Student Success Student Access
Curricula Development Effectiveness Leadership
Professional Skills 
    
Academic 
Knowledge     
Cultural proficiency 
    
Technological 
competency     

Objectives, Activities and Performance Outcomes

Faculty and staff development objectives, activities and performance outcomes identified in this plan reflect college planning
directions as of 2011-2012 academic year. As the college updates its plans, new faculty and staff development needs may be
identified and existing needs may change. The Faculty and Staff Development Committee will review the plan on a regular basis and
update it as needed. The document is living and flexible.

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013



9/28/2011 DSPS Cindy Howe Remove Barriers, Student Access

10/10/2011 Automated Attendance Roger Shenkman Technology Resource Development

10/10/2011 New Datatel Elaine Theobald Technology Resource Development

10/10/2011 Eno Boards Victor Rudd – PolyVision Technology Student Success

1/12/2012 Classroom Clickers Kam Vento Technology Student Success/Resource

1/12/2012 Apple Ipad + Education Kam Vento Develop Student Success/Resource

1/12/2012 Computer Security Logan Merchant Technology Resource Development

1/13/2012 CPR/Defibrilation Cheryl Aschenbach Resource Development

3/1/2012 Accreditation Sue Mouck Organizational Effectiveness

3/1/2012 On-line Course Development Cheryl Aschenbach Responsive Curriculum & Resource Development

3/13/2012 Classroom Clickers Kam Vento Technology Student Success

3/13/2012 Apple Ipad + Education Kam Vento Resource Development

3/13/2012 Microsoft 2010 Office/Outlook Kam Vento Responsive Curriculum & Resource Development

3/13/2012 Workplace Ergonomics Phil Clark – Keenan & Assoc. Resource Development

3/13/2012 Sexual Harassment Keenan & Assoc. Online Group Resource Development & Organizational Effectiveness

4/3/2012 CALPers Retirement Maria Alvarez CSEA Resource Development

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013



8/16/2012 Accreditation Mechanics Sue Mouck/Accred. Chairs Organizational Effectiveness

8/16/2012 ROPES Course – Off-Campus Denise Stevenson Resource Development

8/17/2012 CPR Cheryl Aschenbach Resource Development

8/17/2012 Workplace Safety TBA Resource Development

8/17/2012 ENO Boards TBA Technology Student Success

8/17/2012 Clicker Training TBA Technology Student Success

11/21/2012 Students as Customers TBA Resource Devel/ Organizational Effectiveness

1/10/2013 Accreditation Sue Mouck/Accred. Chairs Organizational Effectiveness

1/10/2013 Technology in the Office TBA Technology Resource Development

1/11/2013 Retirement Education STRS/PERS Resource Development

2/14/2013 Strengths Quest TBA Resource Development

4/30/2013 TBA TBA

LCC Faculty & Staff Development Plan 2011-2013

Lassen Community College

Faculty and Staff Development Committee Members

Administration: Kayleigh Carabajal, Dean of Academic Services

Management: Vickie Ramsey and Susie Hart

Classified Staff: Mary Hasselwander, Tami Wattenburg, Sandra Jonas

Faculty: Nancy Bengoa Betterbide, Cindy Howe, Carrie Nyman, Kathy Rhymes

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