Assignment - DMBA104 - MBA1 2 - Set-1 and 2 - Sep - 2023
Assignment - DMBA104 - MBA1 2 - Set-1 and 2 - Sep - 2023
Assignment - DMBA104 - MBA1 2 - Set-1 and 2 - Sep - 2023
You are instructed to download the IA Question Paper, prepare the answers (Soft
Copy), and submit them through the Learning Management System (LMS) Portal
Average of both assignments’ marks scored by you will be considered as Internal
Assessment Marks.
Answers for 10-mark questions should be approximately 400-500 words.
Completed assignments must be typed and formatted neatly and soft copies should
be uploaded on or before the submission cut-off date.
Follow the assignment format and complete all the details for each assignment
individually. Ensure that you answer all questions according to the marks allocated
(not more than 400-500 words for a 10-mark question). The total page limit shall not
exceed 12 pages of A-4 size.
Assignment submissions are accepted only in .pdf format.
Please finalize your response for an assignment before submission. Only ONE
submission is allowed per assignment.
Please restrict the assignment document size to <2 MB. Avoid inserting images of
very high resolution into the document to remain within the size limit. The
assignment response document should NOT contain color images or highlighting of
text content.
Content that has been directly copied from the Internet/SLM and
Assignments that have been copied and shared among students will be
automatically rejected and disqualified.
Upon successful submission of IA in LMS, you can verify using the preview tab the
document submitted against each subject. In case the file submitted has been
corrupted or the wrong document submitted, it will not be considered for evaluation
If your assignment submission file is on a pen drive, please copy the files to the
system's local drive and then upload IA.
Assignments must be typed as per the following instructions: On the Front page, The
name of the learner in Capital Letters with Roll Number, Program, Semester, Course
Name, and Code. Also, maintain a 1-inch margin on all sides and use Times New
Roman font with the size of 12 and the document to be aligned with Justified.
Directorate of Online Education
If the learner submits the wrong assignment or wants to resubmit, it can be done on
or before the cut-off date, and the last submission will be considered for evaluation.
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of
400 - 450 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.