School Counseling Internship Acknowledgement and Action Plan
School Counseling Internship Acknowledgement and Action Plan
School Counseling Internship Acknowledgement and Action Plan
All school counselors in training must accrue 200 total hours in internship, 80 of which must be
direct student contact. Direct student contact may include, but not limited to, one-on-one
counseling, group counseling, classroom presentations, or career counseling. These accrued hours
do not count toward the required hours in the remaining internship courses necessary for
graduation. Regardless of meeting the minimum required hours prior to the completion of the
internship course, you must still be present and actively engaged at your site throughout the
duration of the course.
Throughout the duration of the 10-week course, 200 total hours including 80 direct student
contact hours, 120 indirect hours that include 1 hour of weekly supervision with your clinical site
supervisor (10 hours total), and 1½ hours of weekly group supervision with your instructor and
classmates must be accrued (15 hours total), logged in Lopes Activity Tracker, and approved by
the site and faculty supervisors.
Failure to meet minimum hour requirements for internship will result in a non-passing grade,
which will require the repeating of the course. Hours earned during a course that earns a
nonpassing grade will not be counted towards requirement. Only hours accrued during the start
and end date of the internship/internship course can be counted towards the hour requirement.
I understand that it is my responsibility to track my hours and seek assistance from my field
experience counselor if I have concerns of falling behind on my hours. _JQ__
I also understand that if any changes related to my internship site occur or if I lose my internship
site, I must immediately notify my field experience counselor. ____JQ____
Each School Counselor in Training (SCIT) is required to engage in the following professional
direct hours: individual counseling, group counseling, and core curriculum instruction. SCITs are
Please refer to the following example to guide you in completing your plan:
Direct Services Hours Professional Development Evaluation of Professional Goal(s)
Instruction 8 hrs Improve classroom Site supervisor formative and summative
management skills evaluation
Direct Services Hours Professional Development Evaluation of Professional Goal(s)
Instruction 10 To provide academic Site supervisor formative and
support in forms of class summative evaluation as well as site
lessons. individual supervision feedback.
Appraisal and 30 Provide support to students Site supervisor evaluation and
Advisement in the form of goal creation, feedback during individual
organization of class supervision.
schedules, and grade checks.
Counseling 40 Meet with walk-in students, Site supervisor evaluations, feedback
daily check-ins and small on small groups and individual
groups. counseling sessions during individual
Indirect Services Hours Professional Development Evaluation of Professional Goal(s)
Consultation 20 Consult with site supervisor, Check-ins with site supervisor to
staff and teachers to identify areas of concern and focus
understand and identify for students.
needs of the students and
Collaboration 65 Work with site supervisor to Individual supervision with site
identify scheduling needs, supervisor and evaluations of goals
counseling techniques and through the summative and formative
academic support for evaluations.
Referrals 10 Referrals to outside agencies Documentation under the student’s
or other departments profile and consultation with the site
through the district support supervisor.
for students who need
additional or more long-
term resources than the
counseling department can
Please refer to the following example to guide you in completing your plan:
School Counseling Program Proposed Activities to Support Related GCU Professional
Objectives Professional Development Goals Dispositions of Learners
Human Growth and Development: Plan to observe a minimum of three Respect for the Diversity of
Acquire knowledge and skills to teaching and classroom management Others
meet the diverse needs of individuals styles.
in the context of human growth and
School Counseling Program Proposed Activities to Support Related GCU Professional
Objectives Professional Development Goals Dispositions of Learners
Counselor Identity and Ethics: Consult with site supervisor or Fairness and Professional
Develop best practices and group supervision on ethical Conduct.
counselor identity as informed by dilemmas, and hypothetical
ethical and professional standards situations to identify how to
and GCU dispositional values. approach the situations in an
ethical manner.
Diversity and Advocacy: Gain Collaborate with different diverse Respect for the Diversity of
opportunities to practice ethically groups on campus and incorporate Others.
as advocates for social justice the view points from teachers and
through exposure to multicultural students on how to address and
counseling theories and experiential bring awareness on diverse issues
exercises that promote awareness to the campus.
of cultural bias and diverse
© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Human Growth and Observe different Respect for Diversity of
Development: Acquire knowledge counseling/classroom lessons as Others, and Curiosity.
and skills to meet the diverse needs well as attend professional
of individuals in the context of development courses that focus on
human growth and development. addressing diverse needs of the
Counseling & Helping Work with different diversity Advocacy, and Respect for
Relationships: Cultivate groups on campus, create diversity the Diversity of Others.
counseling and helping skills by groups if none are available, focus
integrating counseling theories and on small group lessons, and
research, engaging in community promote counseling and outreach
collaboration and outreach, and for our students.
developing skills to apply in
professional and therapeutic
Site supervisors approve logged hours and complete evaluations through Thunder Time. An
email will be sent with GCU credentials and a Thunder Time link during the first week of the
course. Please initial below that you have received this email. (Check your Junk/SPAM folder as
well.) If you are unable to locate this email, contact your field experience counselor.
<<Site Supervisor initials here>>
The signatures below indicate concurrence with this Internship Acknowledgement and Action
Plan as developed by the School Counselor in Training.
The specific activities, processes and roles involved are subject to amendment or modification if
all parties involved agree. Successful completion of these plans will be evaluated based on the
SCIT completing all the objectives to the best of the SCIT’s ability. The SCIT will not be
penalized for not completing activities that are beyond the SCIT’s control.