Ee 394 Ethics Essay

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Liam Gossman

Professor Prouty

CprE/EE 394


Engineering Ethics Essay

The discussion of ethics in engineering is an important one to be had. Engineering as a

field is responsible for the invention and improvement of countless goods and services. With

such an integral role in the creation and maintenance of so many important subjects it is vitally

important as engineers to recognize how and where our services are applied. The world is a

complex place and there are many issues in it that are not easily identifiable as black and white.

The purpose of the engineering code of ethics is to outline clear steps to avoid these issues as

well as how to address them when they arise. Engineers possess the skills necessary to perform

potentially vital and dangerous work, so it is equally vital that engineers understand how to

properly conduct themselves in the workplace.

Ethics as a concept in the workplace is certainly not new. People almost universally

agree that harming others or facilitating the harm of others is an immoral act and will attempt to

avoid these scenarios unless they feel justified in doing so. When I am faced with an issue in the

workplace I often consider the problem from 3 perspectives. I think about how this will affect

myself, my coworkers, and my customers as well as considering how each of these groups would

go about fixing the problem if it were up to them. Going through this thought process allows me

to take different perspectives into account, giving me different options for a solution and

ensuring that a fix for one party will not be a problem for another. Engineering is unique in the

fact that seemingly innocent problems can have drastic consequences. For example, one article
discussed in the contemporary issues module focused on the pressures put on engineers in the

workplace and how they can affect their mental health. Obviously mental stress is not a positive

feature for any job, but it is considerably more dangerous for an engineer due to their

responsibilities. Engineers are accountable for the products they create and approve as well as

the potential harm that might come about because of those products. Stress brought on by a poor

work environment, project deadlines, high-stakes decisions, and other work related factors can

affect an engineer’s ability to properly and ethically perform their jobs. The jobs we perform are

important and we will be pushed to produce acceptable results every time. Engineers might be

tempted to take shortcuts in some areas in order to make up for others. A manager might forgo

safety equipment to meet budget demands, or a worker might skip a safety test in order to meet

an upcoming deadline. Engineers have a moral obligation to ensure that the work they perform or

approve is safe and reliable for the people that will be affected by it. Failing to address

work-related mental health issues can lead to problems performing or recognizing these

necessary obligations. My classmates expressed their agreement with the reasoning of the article

regarding the problem and offered potential solutions such as good communication, positive

work environments, and offering mental health resources. I definitely agree with the options

given by my classmates and think personal care is an important issue all engineers need to

recognize. This issue is a good illustration of several Virtues of Ethics, specifically integrity,

responsibility, and self-discipline. Integrity describes exercising good ethical judgment and

ensuring that engineers are mentally fit and alert is the best way for them to do so. Responsibility

describes taking accountability for one’s own moral obligations. Engineers can be responsible by

actively seeking to improve their mental health instead of pushing it aside and allowing it to

become a problem. Self-discipline describes knowing one’s limits and having personal and
professional balance. This plays a large role in maintaining stress levels and dealing with

problems in the workplace. While the other 3 virtues can certainly play parts in this matter

regarding ethical choices, I believe that integrity, self-discipline, and responsibility address the

matter more directly and offer clear advice on how to deal with the issue.

Ethical issues are far more complex and important than many might first think. Of

course there are obvious situations where choices would require little thought, but there are also

many scenarios where people might hesitate or misjudge. It is important as engineers that we

follow strict ethical guidelines to avoid these scenarios as the consequences for misjudging are

far greater in our line of work. Focusing on ourselves is just as important as checking in on those

around us when ensuring proper ethics are being practiced in the workplace. Engineers must

strive to put the needs and safety of others before themselves.

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