- Слова, которые
указывают на время
Present I, you, we, they +V Do+ + V + do not + V always, sometimes,
Simple He, She, It + V –s, - es +does not + V usually, never, often,
Does+ +V every day, seldom
Present I + am Am + +am not now,
Continuous still
He, She, It + is V-ing Is + V-ing +is not V-ing at this moment
You, We, Are + + are not
They + are
Present I, You, We, Have + +have not Already, just, yet,
Perfect They + have since, this year, this
V3 V3 V3 month, this week,
ever, never, lately,
He, She, It + has Has + +has not today
Present I, You, We, Have + been +have not been For an hour(в течении
Perfect They + have been часа), for a month, for
Continuous Ving Ving Ving a long time, since
yesterday, since 5
He, She, Has + been +has not been o’clock, How long?
It + has been Since when?
Present I, You, We, Have + been +have not been For an hour(в течении
Perfect They + have been часа), for a month, for
Continuous Ving Ving a long time, since
Ving yesterday, since 5
Has + been +has not been o’clock, How long?
He, She, Since when?
It + has been
Tenses + ? - Слова-маркери
Past I, you, we, Ved \ V2 Yesterday, last
Simple They, He, + did not + V week, last month,
She, It Did + + V last year,
2 hours ago, 3 days
ago, during the war
Времена + ? - Слова,
указывают на
Future I, we shall tomorrow,next
Simple Shall shall not week, next
They, He, will V V V month, next
She, It, you Will will not year, in 2
hours, in 3
days, day after
Future I, we shall be At 5 o’clock,
Continuous Shall be shall not be from 3 till 4,
They, He,will be Ving Ving Ving all day long,
She, It, you Will be will not be the whole
He said that he would have taken his exams by the 1st of July.
(Он сказал, что он сдаст экзамены к 1му июля.)
I knew that I should have written a report by 6 o’clock..
(Я знал, что я напишу реферат к 6 часам)
Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Главное предложение придаточное предложение
He said that he would have taken his exams by the 1st of July.
(Он сказал, что он сдаст экзамены к 1му июля.)
I knew that I should have written a report by 6 o’clock..
(Я знал, что я напишу реферат к 6 часам)
Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Главное предложение придаточное предложение