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Design Example Report

184 W LLC CV/CC Power Supply Using

Title HiperLCSTM LCS705HG and LinkSwitchTM-TN
90 VAC – 132 VAC Input;
184 W (23 V at 0.5 A - 8 A) Output
Application Battery Charger

Author Applications Engineering Department

Date May 31, 2017

Revision 4.4

Summary and Features

 Integrated LLC stage for a very low component count design
 90-132 VAC voltage doubler input (no PFC)
 100 kHz LLC for wide input/output operating range
 >90% full load efficiency

The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered
by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A
complete list of Power Integrations' patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under
certain patent rights as set forth at <http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm>.

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4
2 Power Supply Specification ................................................................................. 6
2.1 Actual Customer Specification for Output Voltage / Current Limit ..................... 7
3 Schematic ......................................................................................................... 8
4 Circuit Description ............................................................................................ 10
4.1 General Topology ...................................................................................... 10
4.2 EMI Filtering / Voltage Doubler ................................................................... 10
4.3 Primary Bias Supply ................................................................................... 10
4.4 LLC Converter ........................................................................................... 10
4.5 Output Rectification ................................................................................... 13
4.6 Output Current and Voltage Control ............................................................ 13
4.7 Designing Input Undervoltage / Overvoltage Network for U1 ......................... 13
4.7.1 Establishing Voltage Set Points ............................................................. 15
5 PCB Layout ...................................................................................................... 19
6 Bill of Materials ................................................................................................ 20
7 Magnetics ........................................................................................................ 23
7.1 LLC Transformer (T1) Specification ............................................................. 23
7.1.1 Electrical Diagram ............................................................................... 23
7.1.2 Electrical Specifications ........................................................................ 23
7.1.3 Material List ........................................................................................ 23
7.1.4 Build Diagram ..................................................................................... 24
7.1.5 Winding Instructions ........................................................................... 24
7.1.6 Winding Illustrations ........................................................................... 25
7.2 Standby Transformer (T2) Specification ....................................................... 29
7.2.1 Electrical Diagram ............................................................................... 29
7.2.2 Electrical Specifications ........................................................................ 29
7.2.3 Material List ........................................................................................ 29
7.2.4 Build Diagram ..................................................................................... 30
7.2.5 Winding Instructions ........................................................................... 30
7.2.6 Transformer Illustrations ..................................................................... 31
8 LLC Transformer Design Spreadsheet ................................................................ 36
9 Standby Transformer Design Spreadsheet .......................................................... 43
10 Heat Sinks.................................................................................................... 47
10.1 Primary Heat Sink ...................................................................................... 47
10.1.1 Primary Heat Sink Sheet Metal ............................................................. 47
10.1.2 Primary Heat Sink with Fasteners ......................................................... 48
10.1.3 Primary Heat Sink Assembly................................................................. 49
10.2 Secondary Heat Sink .................................................................................. 50
10.2.1 Secondary Heat Sink Sheet Metal ......................................................... 50
10.2.2 Secondary Heat Sink with Fasteners ..................................................... 51
10.2.3 Secondary Heat Sink Assembly............................................................. 52
11 Performance Data ......................................................................................... 53

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11.1 Output Load Considerations for Testing a CV/CC Supply in Battery Charger
Applications ........................................................................................................ 53
11.2 Efficiency .................................................................................................. 54
11.3 V-I Characteristic ....................................................................................... 55
11.3.1 V-I Characteristic, Constant Resistance Load, I Limit = 8 A ..................... 55
11.3.2 Output V-I Characteristic, Constant Voltage Load ................................... 56
12 Waveforms ................................................................................................... 58
12.1 LLC Primary Voltage and Current ................................................................ 58
12.1.1 Results for 8 A Current Limit Setting ..................................................... 58
12.2 Results for 0.5 A Output Current Limit Setting .............................................. 61
12.3 Output Rectifier Peak Reverse Voltage ......................................................... 65
12.4 LLC Start-up Output Voltage and Transformer Primary Current Using Constant
Voltage Output Load ............................................................................................ 66
12.5 LLC Output Short-Circuit............................................................................. 67
12.6 Output Ripple Measurements ...................................................................... 68
12.6.1 Ripple Measurement Technique ............................................................ 68
12.6.2 Ripple Measurements .......................................................................... 69
13 Temperature Profiles ..................................................................................... 75
13.1 Spot Temperature Measurements................................................................ 75
13.2 90 VAC, 60 Hz, 100% Load Temperature Profile ........................................... 75
13.3 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 100% Load Temperature Profile ......................................... 76
13.4 132 VAC, 60 Hz, 100% Load Temperature Profile ......................................... 76
14 Constant Current Output Gain-Phase .............................................................. 77
15 Conducted EMI ............................................................................................. 78
16 Revision History ............................................................................................ 80
Important Notes:
Although this board is designed to satisfy safety isolation requirements, the
engineering prototype has not been agency approved. All testing should be
performed using an isolation transformer to provide the AC input to the
prototype board.

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1 Introduction
This engineering report describes a 23 V (nominal), 184 W reference design for a power
operating from 90 VAC to 132 VAC. The power supply is designed with a constant
voltage / constant current output for use in battery charger applications.

The design is based on the LCS705HG operating from doubled mains, with no PFC input
stage. This design poses special challenges in that the primary and secondary voltages of
the LLC converter both vary over a wide range.

Figure 1 – Photograph, Top View.

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Figure 2 – Photograph, Bottom View.

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2 Power Supply Specification

The table below represents the specification for the design detailed in this report. Actual
performance is listed in the results section. Detailed customer specification is shown
Description Symbol Min Typ Max Units Comment
Voltage VIN 90 132 VAC 3 Wire Input.
Frequency fLINE 47 50/60 64 Hz
Main Converter Output
23 VDC (Nominal – Otherwise
Output Voltage VOUT 0 23 V Defined by Battery Load).

Nominal Current Limit Setting for

Output Current IOUT 6 8 A Design.

Programmed Using Additional

Output Current Limit (optional) 0.5 1 A Resistor.

Total Output Power

Continuous Output Power POUT 184 W 23 V / 8 A
Peak Output Power POUT(PK) N/A W
Total system at Full Load Main 90 % Measured at 115 VAC, Full Load.

Conducted EMI Meets CISPR22B / EN55022B

Safety Designed to meet IEC950 / UL1950 Class II

Surge 1.2/50 s surge, IEC 1000-4-5,
Differential kV Differential Mode: 2 
Common Mode kV Common Mode: 12 
Ambient Temperature TAMB 0 60 C See Thermal Section for Conditions.

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2.1 Actual Customer Specification for Output Voltage / Current Limit

An actual customer specification for output voltage and current is shown below, and is
considerably more complex than the simple implementation described in this report. The
end application will incorporate a microcontroller that performs the function of battery
recognition/authentication, and selection of output voltage and current limit depending
on battery type and state of charge. Output voltage and current limit can be
programmed by manipulating the reference voltages feeding the output voltage/current
sensing amplifiers in the secondary control circuit.

The circuit shown in this report is designed to supply the maximum output voltage of 23
V with output current limit set to a nominal value of 8 A. A pair of holes is provided on
the printed circuit board to allow inserting an extra resistor to program the output
current limit down to 0.5 A in order to examine the behavior of the supply at this current

Description Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Comments

Output Programmed by microcontroller depending
VO 0 12/14/18 23 VDC
Voltage on battery type
Output Programmed by microcontroller when VOUT is
IO1 0.45 0.5 1 A
Current 0-9 V
Programmed by microcontroller when
IO2 4.5 6 A battery voltage is 12-15 V for 18 V battery.
Current limit is pulsed from 4.5 to 6 A.
Full current charging, when battery voltage
IO3 6 8 A
is 15-18 V, set be microcontroller

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3 Schematic

Figure 3a – Schematic. Battery Charger Application Circuit - Input Filter, LLC Stage, Bias Supplies.

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Figure 3b – Schematic. Output Voltage/Current Control.

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4 Circuit Description
4.1 General Topology
The schematic in Figure 3 shows an LLC power supply utilizing the LCS705HG, powered
via a voltage doubler. The LNK302D is utilized in a flyback bias supply that provides
power for both primary and secondary control circuitry. The secondary control circuitry
provides CV/CC control for use in battery charger applications

4.2 EMI Filtering / Voltage Doubler

Capacitors C1 and C2 are used to control differential mode noise. Resistors R1-3
discharge C1 and C2 when AC power is removed. Inductor L1 controls common mode
EMI. The heat sink for U1 and BR1 is connected to primary return to eliminate the heat
sink as a source of radiated/capacitive coupled noise. Thermistor RT1 provides inrush
limiting. Capacitor C16 filters common mode EMI. Inductor L2 filters differential mode
EMI. Capacitors C3 and C4, along with BR1 form a voltage doubler to provide a ~250 -
380 VDC B+ supply from the 90-132 VAC input.

4.3 Primary Bias Supply

Components U2, T2 Q1, VR2-3, D11, C27-28, C30-31, R36-38 and R40 comprise a
regulated 12V flyback bias supply for U1. Components D9 and C29 generate a 12 V bias
supply for the secondary control circuitry via a triple insulated winding on T2 Vr3 and
D11 protect the U2 drain from leakage spikes.

4.4 LLC Converter

The schematic in Figures 3 depicts a 23 V, 184 W LLC DC-DC converter with constant
voltage/ constant current output implemented using the LCS705HG. Two main
transformers are shown in the schematic and layout, T1 (ETD34) and T3
(ETD39). Only the ETD34 transformer, T1, is used in this example.

Integrated circuit U1 incorporates the control circuitry, drivers and output MOSFETs
necessary for an LLC resonant half-bridge (HB) converter. The HB output of U1 drives
output transformer T1 via a blocking/resonating capacitor (C14). This capacitor was
rated for the operating ripple current and to withstand the high voltages present during
fault conditions.

Transformer T1 was designed for a leakage inductance of ~70 H. This, along with
resonating capacitor C14, sets the primary series resonant frequency at ~105 kHz
according to the equation:

fR 
6.28 LL  CR

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Where fR is the series resonant frequency in Hertz, LL is the transformer leakage

inductance in Henries, and CR is the value of the resonating capacitor (C14) in Farads.

The transformer turns ratio was set by adjusting the primary turns such that the
operating frequency at nominal input voltage and full load is greater than, the previously
described resonant frequency at the minimum B+ voltage (bottom of the ripple
waveform) at 90 VAC.

An operating frequency of 100 kHz was found to be a good compromise between

transformer size and operating frequency dynamic range, in view of the wide variation of
input and output voltage encountered in this application.

The number of secondary winding turns was chosen to provide a compromise between
core and copper losses. AWG #42 Litz wire was used for the primary and AWG #40 for
the secondary windings,

The core material selected was Ferroxcube 3F3. This material provided good (low loss)

Components D3, R19, and C6 comprise the bootstrap circuit to supply the internal high-
side driver of U1.

Components R18 and C10 provide filtering and bypassing of the +12 V input and the VCC
supply for U1. Note: VCC voltage of >15 V may damage U3.

Voltage divider resistors R4-10 set the high-voltage turn-on, turn-off, and overvoltage
thresholds of U1. The voltage divider values are chosen to set the LLC turn-on point at
~232 VDC and the turn-off point at 184 VDC, with an input overvoltage turn-off point at
400 VDC. Built-in hysteresis sets the input under voltage turn-off point at 184 VDC.
Components VR1, D2, R8, and R11 change the slope of the input voltage sensing
network to allow U1 to operate over a wide range of input voltage without prematurely
engaging the U1 OV shutdown. Without this clamp circuit, the supply would start at ~85
VAC, but would enter OV shutdown before the nominal 115 VAC operating voltage is

Capacitor C5 is a high-frequency bypass capacitor for the U1 B+ supply, connected with

short traces between the D and S1/S2 pins of U3.

Capacitor C15 forms a current divider with C14, and is used to sample a portion of the
primary current. Resistor R21 senses this current, and the resulting signal is filtered by
R20 and C13. Capacitor C15 should be rated for the peak voltage present during fault
conditions, and should use a stable, low-loss dielectric such as metalized film, SL
ceramic, or NPO/COG ceramic. The capacitor used in the DER-447 is a ceramic disc with

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“COG/NPO” temperature characteristic. The values chosen set the 1 cycle (fast) current
limit at 12.2 A, and the 7-cycle (slow) current limit at 6.8 A, according to the equation:

I CL 
 C15 
   R 21
 C15  C14 

ICL is the 7-cycle current limit in Amperes, R40 is the current limit resistor in Ohms, and
C30 and C31 are the values of the resonating and current sampling capacitors in
nanofarads, respectively. For the one-cycle current limit, substitute 0.9 V for 0.5 V in the
above equation.

Resistor R20 and capacitor C13 filter primary current signal to the IS pin. Resistor R20 is
set to 220  the minimum recommended value. The value of C13 is set to 1 nF to avoid
nuisance tripping due to noise, but not so high as to substantially affect the current limit
set values as calculated above. These components should be placed close to the IS pin
for maximum effectiveness. The IS pin can tolerate negative currents, the current sense
does not require a complicated rectification scheme.

The Thevenin equivalent combination of R16 and R17 sets the dead time at 500 ns and
maximum operating frequency for U1 at 542 kHz. The DT/BF input of U1 is filtered by
C9. The combination of R16 and R17 also selects burst mode “1” for U1. This sets the
lower and upper burst threshold frequencies at 236 kHz and 270 kHz, respectively.

The FEEDBACK pin has an approximate characteristic of 2.6 kHz per A into the
FEEDBACK pin. As the current into the FEEDBACK pin increases so does the operating
frequency of U1, reducing the output voltage. The series combination of R12 and R13
sets the minimum operating frequency for U1 at 83 kHz. This value was set to be slightly
lower than the frequency required for regulation at full load and minimum bulk capacitor
voltage. Resistor R12 is bypassed by C7 to provide output soft start during start-up by
initially allowing a higher current to flow into the FEEDBACK pin when the feedback loop
is open. This causes the switching frequency to start high and then decrease until the
output voltage reaches regulation. Resistor R16 is typically set at the same value as the
parallel combination of R12 and R13 so that the initial frequency at soft-start is equal to
the maximum switching frequency as set by R16 and R17. If the value of R16 is less than
this, it will cause a delay before switching occurs when the input voltage is applied.

Optocoupler U4 drives the U1 FEEDBACK pin through R14, which limits the maximum
optocoupler current into the FEEDBACK pin. Capacitor C12 filters the FEEDBACK pin.
Resistor R15 loads the optocoupler output to force it to run at a relatively high quiescent
current, increasing its gain. Resistors R14 and R15 also improve large signal step
response and burst mode output ripple. Diode D1 isolates R15 from the FMAX/soft start

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4.5 Output Rectification

The output of transformer T1 is rectified and filtered by D4-5 and C17-19. Capacitors
C17-18 are aluminum polymer capacitors chosen for output ripple current rating.
Capacitor C19 provides damping to make frequency compensation easier. Output
rectifiers D4 and D5 are 60 V Schottky rectifiers chosen for high efficiency. Intertwining
the transformer secondary halves (see transformer construction details in section 7)
reduces leakage inductance between the two secondary halves, reducing the worst-case
peak inverse voltage and allowing use of a 60 V Schottky diode with consequent higher

4.6 Output Current and Voltage Control

Output current is sensed via resistors R34 and R35. These resistors are clamped by diode
D8 to avoid damage to the current control circuitry during an output short circuit.
Components R29 and U3 provide a voltage reference for current sense and voltage sense
amplifiers U5A and U5B. The reference voltage for current sense amplifier U5A is divided
down by R31-32, and filtered by C26. The default current limit setting for DER-447
is 8 A, as programmed by R34-35 and R31-32. An extra resistor can be placed
from J3-J4 (across R32) to program a lower current limit. Voltage from the
current sense resistors is applied to the inverting input of U5A via R33. Opamp U5A
drives optocoupler U4 via D6 and R23. Components R30, R33, R23, C24, and C33 are
used for frequency compensation of the current loop. Opamp U5B is used for output
constant voltage control when the current limit is not engaged. Resistors R24 and R27
sense the output voltage. A reference voltage is applied to the non-inverting input of U5B
from U3 via filter components R28 and C22. Opamp U5B drives optocoupler U4 via D7
and R22. Components R22, R24, R25-27, C20, and C21 all affect the frequency
compensation of the voltage control loop.

Components R39, SW1, and U6 provide remote start. When SW1 is opened, the output
transistor of U6 pulls down on the OV/UV pin of U1, activating undervoltage shutdown.
Closing SW1 turns off U6, allowing a normal start-up sequence for U1.

4.7 Designing Input Undervoltage / Overvoltage Network for U1

The UV/OV threshold voltages for the HiperLCS are set to a fixed ratio of 131%
(nominal), optimized for operation with a boost PFC front end. If this part is used with a
voltage doubler input stage instead, the B+ voltage range is too wide to be
accommodated by using a simple voltage divider to feed the OV/UV pin. If the voltage
divider is set so that the HiperLCS starts properly at the low end of the operating range
(~85 VAC), the HiperLCS B+ OV protection will cause the device to shut down before the
nominal operating voltage of 115 VAC is reached.

There are two solutions to this problem – the first is to clamp the voltage at the UV/OV
pin of the HiperLCS so as to disable the OV function. A more desirable solution is to use a
“soft clamp” to shape the output of the UV/OV voltage divider so that OV protection is

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reached at a higher B+ voltage while still retaining the original UV set point. A circuit to
accomplish this is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – UV/OV Divider Network.

Components R8, R9, R11, D2, and VR1 are used to shape the output voltage
characteristics of the divider network as shown in Figure 5, introducing a change of slope
that shifts the OV shutdown threshold to a higher B+ voltage.

Figure 5 – Comparison of Clamped vs. Unclamped UV/OV Voltage Divider Network.

In Figure 5, a clamped voltage divider is compared to a simple unclamped version,
showing the curve shaping that allows a higher B+ VOV setting than an unclamped divider
while keeping the same VUV set point.

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4.7.1 Establishing Voltage Set Points

In order to properly calculate the values needed for the clamped voltage divider network,
five voltage set points are needed. These are: the internal VUV and VOV threshold voltages
for the HiperLCS IC, the desired B+ low voltage turn-on and OV shutdown thresholds
(VON and VOFF), and the inflection voltage (VINF) where the voltage divider curve changes
slope. VUV and VOV

Voltages VUV and VOV are preset inside the HiperLCS IC. The nominal VUV threshold is set
at 2.4 V. The nominal VOV threshold is 131% of this value, or 3.14 V. This is covered in
the HiperLCS data sheet. VON and VOFF

In this design example, the operating input voltage range is defined as 90-132 VAC.
Since the AC input is feeding a voltage doubler, the B+ voltage will be 2.8 X VIN, so the
nominal B+ will vary from 252-370 VDC. For this exercise, the VOFF point will be set at
400 VDC, sufficiently out of the way of normal operating range to prevent nuisance
tripping, but low enough to protect against input voltage swells and surges.

To choose the VON or VBROWNIN point, PIXls was used. A VBULK_NOM of 250 VDC was chosen
in the PIXls input parameters – this yields a VON/VBROWNIN of 232 VDC, as shown in Figure

Figure 6 – Using PIXls to Determine VON/VBROWNIN. Inflection Voltage (VINF)

The HiperLCS PIXls spreadsheet assumes that a normal unclamped voltage divider is
used to feed the HiperLCS UV/OV pin. A VBROWNIN/VON voltage of 232 V, allowing the
HiperLCS to turn on and run reliably at 90 VAC, will result in a overvoltage shutdown
point (VOV_SHUT) of 306 VDC, as shown on line 6 of Figure 6. For a nominal 115 VAC
operating voltage, the B+ is already at 115 X 2.8 = 322 VDC, so the OV shutdown
feature of the HiperLCS would cause the supply to shut down even before a normal AC

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operating voltage is reached. This is the reason for using a clamped voltage divider to
push up the B+ voltage where OV shutdown occurs.

To design a clamped voltage divider a voltage VINF is defined, which sets the B+ voltage
at which the VOUT vs. VIN curve of the voltage divider changes slope. This should happen
somewhat above the nominal low line operating B+ of 250 VDC, but comfortably below
the unclamped VOV_SHUT of 306 VDC as defined in Figure 6. For this design example, a
VINF of 280 VDC was chosen.

Table 1 summarizes the voltages necessary for calculating the clamped voltage divider in
this design example.
Voltages for Calculating Clamped Voltage Divider
2.4 VDC 3.14 VDC 232 VDC 400 VDC 280 VDC
Table 1 – Voltages for Calculating Clamped Voltage Divider Network.Setting Initial Voltage Divider Values.

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In order to set the total values for voltage divider string R4-R6, R9, and R10, an initial
value for R10 is chosen. In this example, R10 = 10.5 k was chosen. This yielded
realizable 1% resistor values for the rest of the resistors in the network. Once R10 is
chosen, the top half of the voltage divider (R4 + R5 + R6 + R9 = RSUM) can be calculated
using the values for VUV and VON:

RSUM = [R10 (VON-VUV)]/VUV = [10.5 (232 - 2.4)]/2.4 = 1004.5 k

This value for RSUM can then be used with the Value for VINF to calculate the value
necessary for R9.

VINF is defined as the point at which the slope of the voltage divider changes. This
happens when the voltage drop across R9 and R10 is equal to the combined voltage
drops of VR1 and D2. VR1 is pre-biased by R11 to its nominal voltage drop of 5.1 V.
Diode D2 will barely start conducting at ~0.5 V. Given this, the combined voltage drops
add up to 5.6 V, and the value for R9 can be calculated as:

R9 = [5.6(RSUM + R10)-(VINF X R10)]/VINF = [(5.6 X 1015)-(280 X 10.5)]/280 = 9.8 k

The closest 1% resistor value is 9.76 k.

Resistor R11 is used to pre-bias Zener diode VR1. This bias current not only applies
reverse bias to diode D2 to keep it from conducting before necessary, but also
establishes a well-defined voltage drop across VR1. The value chosen for R11 results in a
bias current of ~2 mA through VR1.

Since R9 and RSUM are both defined, the rest of the resistors in the RSUM chain can be

R4-R6 = (RSUM - R9)/3 = (1004.5 – 9.76)/3 = 331.58 k

The closest 1% value is 332 k Setting Clamp Resistor R8

In order to set the proper value for clamp resistor R8, it first necessary to find the
voltage VSD across R9 and R10 that will result in OV shutdown for U1. This will be the
voltage across R9 and R10 that will provide 3.14 V to the U1 UV/OV pin.

VSD = VOV [1 + (R9/R10)] = 3.14 (1 + 0.9295) = 6.059 V

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This is the voltage across R9 and R10 necessary to reach the OV threshold at the UV/OV
pin of U1.

It is next necessary to calculate voltage VSD at the junction of R6 and R9 at the B+

shutdown voltage VOFF of 400 VDC. This voltage is calculated as if R8 is open.

VSD = 400[(R9 + R10)/(R4 + R5 + R6 + R9 + R10)] = 7.97 V

Using VSD and VSD’, we can now set up the calculation for R8.

The voltage divider of R4-6, R9, and R10 driven by the VOFF value of 400 V can be re-
expressed as a voltage source VSD driving a Thevenin equivalent resistance. The
Thevenin resistance RTH is equivalent to the parallel combination of the top and bottom
halves of the voltage divider:

RTH = (R4 + R5 + R6) II (R9 + R10) = 19.6 k

Once this is determined, the voltage divider and clamp can be reduced to the schematic
shown in Figure 7.

From the simple equivalent schematic of Figure 7, it is straightforward to calculate R8:

R8 = RTH (VSD - 5.6)/(VSD - VSD) = (19.6(6.059 - 5.6))/(7.97 - 6.059) = 4.704 k

The nearest 1% value is 4.75 k

Figure 7 – Voltage Divider and Clamp Thevenin Equivalent for Calculating R8.

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5 PCB Layout

Figure 8 – Printed Circuit Layout, Top Side.

Figure 9 – Printed Circuit Layout, Bottom Side.

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6 Bill of Materials
Item Qty Ref Des Description Mfg Part Number Mfg
1 1 BR1 600 V, 8 A, Bridge Rectifier, GBU Case GBU8J-BP Micro Commercial
2 1 C1 220 nF, 275 VAC, Film, X2 ECQ-U2A224ML Panasonic
3 1 C2 470 nF, 275 VAC, Film, X2 PX474K31D5 Carli
560 F, 200 V, Electrolytic, 20 %, Gen. Purpose,
4 2 C3 C4 UPB2D561MRD Nichicon
(22 x 52 mm)
5 1 C5 47 nF, 630 V, Film MEXPD24704JJ Duratech
6 1 C6 330 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R FK24X7R1H334K TDK
7 1 C7 1 F, 25 V, Ceramic, X5R, 0805 C2012X5R1E105K TDK
8 2 C8 C20 22 nF, 200 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 08052C223KAT2A AVX
9 2 C9 C12 4.7 nF, 200 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 08052C472KAT2A AVX
10 2 C10 C11 1 F, 25 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1206 C3216X7R1E105K TDK
11 1 C13 1 nF, 200 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 08052C102KAT2A AVX
12 1 C14 CAP FILM 33 nF 1.6 kV METALPOLYPRO B32672L1333J000 Epcos
13 1 C15 47 pF, 1 kV, COG Disc Ceramic 561R10TCCQ47 Vishay
14 1 C16 2.2 nF, Ceramic, Y1 440LD22-R Vishay
82 F, 35 V, l Organic Polymer, Gen. Purpose,
15 2 C17 C18 35SEPF82M+TSS Panasonic
(8 x 12)
470 uF, 35 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR,
16 1 C19 EKZE350ELL471MJ20S Nippon Chemi-Con
23 m, (10 x 20)
17 1 C21 33 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 CC0805KRX7R9BB333 Yageo
18 2 C22 C33 10 nF, 200 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 08052C103KAT2A AVX
C23 C24
19 3 100 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 CC0805KRX7R9BB104 Yageo
20 2 C25 C34 10 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Gen. Purpose, (5 x 11) EKMG500ELL100ME11D Nippon Chemi-Con
21 1 C27 4.7 nF, 1 kV, Thru Hole, Disc Ceramic 562R5GAD47 Vishay
22 1 C28 1 F, 16 V, Ceramic, X5R, 0603 GRM188R61C105KA93D Murata
150 F, 25 V, Electrolytic, Low ESR, 180 m,
23 2 C29 C30 ELXZ250ELL151MF15D Nippon Chemi-Con
(6.3 x 15)
24 1 C31 10 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 C0805C103K5RACTU Kemet
25 1 Heat sink Hardware, Clip LCS_II/PFS EM-340V0B Kang Yang
26 2 D1 D2 100 V, 0.2 A, Fast Switching, 50 ns, SOD-323 BAV19WS-7-F Diodes, Inc.
27 1 D3 600 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 75 ns, DO-41 UF4005-E3 Vishay
28 2 D4 D5 60 V, 30 A, Dual Schottky, TO-220AB STPS30L60CT ST
29 2 D6 D7 75 V, 300 mA, Fast Switching, DO-35 1N4148TR Vishay
30 1 D8 100 V, 1 A, Rectifier, DO-41 1N4002-E3/54 Vishay
31 2 D9 D10 200 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 50 ns, DO-41 UF4003-E3 Vishay
32 1 D11 DIODE ULTRA FAST, SW 600 V, 1 A, SMA US1J-13-F Diodes, Inc.
33 1 F1 5 A, 250 V, Slow, TR5 37215000411 Wickman
34 1 HOTMELT Adhesive, Hot Melt, VO 3748 VO-TC 3M
35 1 HS1 FAB, HEAT SINK, BRIDGE_Esip, DER447 Custom
36 1 HS2 FAB, HEAT SINK, Diodes, DER447 Custom
37 1 J1 3 Position (1 x 3) header, 0.156 pitch, Vertical B3P-VH JST
38 1 J2 4 Position (1 x 4) header, 0.156 pitch, Vertical 26-48-1045 Molex
J3 J4 J5
39 4 PCB Terminal Hole, #30 AWG N/A N/A
40 1 JP1 Wire Jumper, Insulated, #24 AWG, 0.7 in C2003A-12-02 Gen Cable
41 1 JP2 Wire Jumper, Insulated, #24 AWG, 0.4 in C2003A-12-02 Gen Cable
42 1 JP3 Wire Jumper, Insulated, #24 AWG, 1.0 in C2003A-12-02 Gen Cable
43 2 JP4 JP6 Wire Jumper, Insulated, #24 AWG, 0.3 in C2003A-12-02 Gen Cable
44 1 JP5 Wire Jumper, Insulated, TFE, #22 AWG, 1.9 in C2004-12-02 Alpha
45 3 Wire Jumper, Insulated, #24 AWG, 0.2 in C2003A-12-02 Gen Cable
46 1 JP9 Wire Jumper, Insulated, #24 AWG, 0.9 in C2003A-12-02 Gen Cable

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47 1 JP10 Wire Jumper, Insulated, TFE, #22 AWG, 0.6 in C2004-12-02 Alpha
48 1 JP11 Wire Jumper, Non Insulated, #18 AWG, 0.5 in 296 SV001 Alpha
49 1 JP13 Wire Jumper, Non insulated, #22 AWG, 0.5 in 298 Alpha
50 1 JP14 Wire Jumper, Non insulated, #20 AWG, 0.9 in 8020 000100 Belden
51 1 L1 9 mH, 5 A, Common Mode Choke T22148-902S P.I. Custom Fontaine Tech
100 H, 5 A, INDUCTOR TORD HI AMP 100 H
52 1 L2 7447070 Wurth Elect
POST2 Post, Circuit Board, Female, Hex, 6-32, snap,
53 4 561-0375A Eagle Hardware
POST3 0.375L, Nylon
54 1 Q1 PNP, Small Signal BJT, 40 V, 0.6 A, SOT-23 MMBT4403-7-F Diodes, Inc.
55 3 R1 R2 R3 680 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ684V Panasonic
56 1 R4 332 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-332K Yageo
57 2 R5 R6 332 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF3323V Panasonic
58 1 R8 4.75 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6ENF4751V Panasonic
59 1 R9 9.76 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF9761V Panasonic
60 1 R10 10.5 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6ENF1052V Panasonic
61 1 R11 3.3 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ332V Panasonic
62 1 R12 82.5 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6ENF8252V Panasonic
63 1 R13 10.2 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF1022V Panasonic
64 2 R14 R33 2.2 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ222V Panasonic
R15 R22
65 3 4.7 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ472V Panasonic
66 1 R16 11.8 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-11K8 Yageo
67 1 R17 226 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6ENF2263V Panasonic
68 1 R18 4.7 , 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ4R7V Panasonic
69 1 R19 2.2 , 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-2R2 Yageo
70 1 R20 220 , 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ221V Panasonic
71 1 R21 51 , 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ510V Panasonic
72 1 R24 82.5 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-82K5 Yageo
73 1 R25 470 , 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ471V Panasonic
74 1 R26 22 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ223V Panasonic
75 1 R27 10.0 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-10K0 Yageo
76 1 R28 4.7 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film CFR-25JB-4K7 Yageo
77 1 R29 4.7 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ472V Panasonic
78 1 R30 10 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ103V Panasonic
79 1 R31 105 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF1053V Panasonic
80 1 R32 5.11 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Metal Film MFR-25FBF-5K11 Yageo
81 2 R34 R35 0.03 , 5 W, 5%, Current Sense MPR5JB30L0 Stackpole
82 1 R36 100 , 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ101V Panasonic
83 1 R37 1 k, 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ102V Panasonic
84 1 R38 15 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ153V Panasonic
85 1 R39 10 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ103V Panasonic
86 1 R40 1 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Carbon Film CF18JT1K00 Stackpole
87 1 R41 220 , 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ221V Panasonic
88 1 RT1 NTC Thermistor, 2.5 Ohms, 5 A SL10 2R505 Ametherm
89 3 RTV2 Thermally conductive Silicone Grease 120-SA Wakefield
90 1 RV1 175 V, 70 J, 14 mm, RADIAL ERZ-V14D271 Panasonic
91 4 SCREW MACHINE PHIL 4-40 X 1/4 SS PMSSS 440 0025 PH Building Fasteners
92 2 SPACER RND, Steatite C220 Ceramic CER-2 Richco

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93 1 SW1 SWITCH SLIDE SPDT 30 V, 2 A PC MNT EG1218 E-Switch
94 1 T2 Transformer, EE10, Vertical, 8 pins 101 Hical Magnetics
95 1 T3 Transformer, ETD34, Horizontal, 12 pins WS-53404 Win Shine Tech
96 1 U1 HiperLCS, ESIP16/13 LCS705HG Power Integrations
97 1 U2 LinkSwitch-TN, SO-8 LNK302DN Power Integrations
98 1 U3 IC, REG ZENER SHUNT ADJ SOT-23 LM431AIM3/NOPB National Semi
99 2 U4 U6 Optocoupler, 80 V, CTR 80-160%, 4-Mini Flat PC357N1TJ00F Sharp
100 1 U5 DUAL Op Amp, Single Supply, SOIC-8 LM358D Texas Instruments
101 1 VR1 5.1 V, 5%, 250 mW, SOT23 BZX84C5V1LT1G On Semi
102 1 VR2 Diode Zener 12 V 500 mW SOD123 MMSZ5242B-7-F Diodes, Inc.
103 1 VR3 150 V, 400 W, SMA SMAJ150A-13-F Diodes, Inc.
104 4 WASHER FLAT #4 SS FWSS 004 Building Fasteners

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31-May-17 DER-447, 184 W Battery Charger Power Supply

7 Magnetics
7.1 LLC Transformer (T1) Specification

7.1.1 Electrical Diagram

Figure 10 – LLC Transformer Schematic.

7.1.2 Electrical Specifications

Electrical Strength 1 second, 60 Hz, from pins 1-6 to pins 7-12. 3000 VAC
Pins 9-12, all other windings open, measured at 100 kHz,
Primary Inductance 250 H ±10%
0.4 VRMS.
Resonant Frequency Pins 9-12, all other windings open. 2,400 kHz (Min)
Primary Leakage Pins 9-12, with pins 1-6 shorted, measured at 100 kHz,
67 H ±5%
Inductance 0.4 VRMS.

7.1.3 Material List

Item Description
[1] Core Pair ETD34: Ferroxcube 3F3 or equivalent, gap for ALG of 244 nH/T2.
[2] Bobbin: Winshine WS-53404; PI#: 25-01048-00.
[3] Bobbin Cover, Winshine WS-53404-1.
[4] Litz wire: 250/#40 Single Coated, Unserved.
[5] Litz wire: 100/#42 Single Coated, Served.
[6] Tape: Polyester Film, 3M 1350F-1 or equivalent, 6.0 mm wide.
[7] Tape: Polyester Film, 3M 1350F-1 or equivalent, 10.0 mm wide.
[8] Varnish: Dolph BC-359, or equivalent.

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7.1.4 Build Diagram

WD2A: 6T – 250/#40 Unserved Litz
WD1: 32T – 100/#42 Served Litz ..is twisted and wound in parallel with...
WD2B: 6T – 250/#40 Unserved Litz

Figure 11 – LLC Transformer Build Diagram.

7.1.5 Winding Instructions

Prepare 2 strands of wire item [4] 14” length, tin ends. Label one strand to
Secondary Wire distinguish from other and designate it as FL1, FL2. Other strand will be designated
Preparation as FL3 and FL4. Twist these 2 strands together ~20 twists evenly along length
leaving 1” free at each end. See winding illustrations.
Place the bobbin item [2] on the mandrel with small chamber on the left side.
Note: chamber used for primary winding is narrower than chamber used for
secondary. Pins 7-12 will be on left side
WD1 (Primary)
Starting on pin 12, wind 32 turns of served Litz wire item [5] in ~6 layers, and finish
on pin 9.
Secure this winding with 1 layer of tape item [6].
Using unserved Litz assembly prepared in step 1, start with FL1 on pins 1-2 and FL3
WD2A & WD2B on pin 3, tightly wind 6 turns in secondary chamber. Finish with FL2 on pin 4 and FL4
(Secondary) on pins 5-6.
Secure this winding with 1 layer of tape item [7].
Slide bobbin cover [3] into grooves in bobbin flanges as shown. Make sure the cover
Bobbin Cover
is securely seated.
Remove pins 7 and 8 of bobbin. Grind core halves [1] for specified inductance.
Finish Assemble and secure core halves using circumferential turn of tape [6] as shown,
Dip varnish [8].

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7.1.6 Winding Illustrations


Prepare 2 strands of wire
item [7] 12” length, tin
ends. Label one strand to
FL3 distinguish from other and
designate it as FL1, FL2.
Other strand will be
designated as FL3 and FL4.
Secondary Wire
Twist these 2 strands
together ~20 twists evenly
along length leaving 1” free
at each end. See pictures
FL4 below.

Video 1.wmv


Place the bobbin item [2] on

Pin 12 Pin the mandrel with small
1 chamber on the left side.
Note: chamber used for
primary winding is narrower
than chamber used for
WD1 (Primary)
secondary. Pins 7-12 will be
on left side.
Starting on pin 12, wind 32
turns of served Litz wire
item [6] in ~ 6 layers, and
finish on pin 9.

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Using unserved Litz

assembly prepared in step 1,
start with FL1 on pins 1-2
WD1 and FL3 on pin 3, tightly
(Primary) wind 6 turns in secondary
(Cont’d) chamber. Finish with FL2 on
pin 4 and FL4 on pins 5-6.
Secure this winding with 1
layer of tape item [7].



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Slide bobbin cover [3] into

grooves in bobbin flanges as
Bobbin Cover
shown. Make sure cover is
securely seated.

Remove pins 7 & 8 of

bobbin. Grind core halves
[1] for specified inductance.
Finish Assemble and secure core
halves using circumferential
turn of tape [6] as shown.
Dip varnish [8].

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7.2 Standby Transformer (T2) Specification

7.2.1 Electrical Diagram


WD4: 2nd primary WD3: Secondary

76T – #36 AWG 31T – #36AWG_TIW

2 FL2

WD1: 1st Primary WD2: Bias

88T – #36 AWG 31T – #36 AWG


Figure 12 – Transformer Electrical Diagram.

7.2.2 Electrical Specifications

Electrical Strength 1 second, 60 Hz, from pins 1-4 to FL1-2. 3000 V
Pins 1-4, all other windings open, measured at 100 kHz,
Primary Inductance 3.2 mH ±10%
0.4 VRMS.
Resonant Frequency Pins 1-4, all other windings open. 600 kHz (Min.)
Primary Leakage Pins 1-4, with pins 5-8, FL1, FL2 shorted, measured at
20 H (Max.)
Inductance 100 kHz, 0.4 VRMS.

7.2.3 Material List

Item Description
Core: EE10, TDK PC40 material, (PI#: 99-00037-00) or equivalent.
gap for inductance coefficient (AL) of 119 nH/T².
Bobbin, EE10, vertical, 8 Pins (4/4). TDK BE10-118CPSFR, Taiwan Shulin TF-10 (PI#: 25-
00877-00) or equivalent.
[3] Tape, Polyester film, 3M 1350F-1 or equivalent, 6.5 mm wide.
[4] Wire, Magnet #36 AWG, solderable double coated.
[5] Wire, Triple Insulated, Furukawa TEX-E or equivalent, #36 AWG.
[6] Transformer Varnish, Dolph BC-359 or equivalent.

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7.2.4 Build Diagram

WD4: 2nd primary 76T – #36 AWG

WD3: Secondary 31T – #36AWG_TIW
WD2: Bias 31T – #36 AWG
WD1: 1st Primary 88T – #36 AWG

Figure 13 – Transformer Build Diagram.

7.2.5 Winding Instructions

For the purpose of these instructions, bobbin is oriented on winder such that pin
General Note side is on the left side (see illustration).
Winding direction as shown is clockwise.
WD1: 1st Primary Starting at pin 4, wind 88 turns of wire item [4] in 2 layers. Finish at pin 2.
Insulation Use 1 layer of tape item [3] for insulation.
WD2: Bias Starting at pin 6, wind 31 turns of wire item [4] in one layer. Finish at pin 5.
Insulation Use 1 layer of tape item [3] for insulation.
Using wire items [5], leave ~1” floating, and mark as FL1 for start lead. Wind 31
WD3: Secondary
turns and also leave ~1” for end lead and mark as FL2.
Insulation Use 1 layer of tape item [3] for insulation.
WD4: 2nd Primary Starting at pin 2, wind 76 turns of wire item [4] in ~2 layers. Finish at pin 1.
Insulation Use 3 layers of tape item [3] to secure the windings.
Grind core halves for specified primary inductance, and secure core halves with
Remove pins 3, 7, 8.
Dip varnish item [6].

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7.2.6 Transformer Illustrations

For the purpose of these

instructions, bobbin is oriented
on winder such that pin side is
General Note
on the left side (see illustration).
Winding direction as shown is

Starting at pin 4, wind 88 turns

WD1: 1st Primary of wire item [4] in 2 layers.
Finish at pin 2.

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Use 1 layer of tape item [3] for


Starting at pin 6, wind 31 turns

WD2: Bias of wire item [4] in one layer.
Finish at pin 5.

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Use 1 layer of tape item [3] for



Using wire items [5], leave ~ 1”

floating, and mark as FL1 for
WD3: Secondary start lead. Wind 31 turns and
also leave ~1” for end lead and
mark as FL2.



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Use 1 layer of tape item [3] for


Starting at pin 2, wind 76 turns

WD4: 2nd Primary of wire item [4] in ~2 layers.
Finish at pin 1.

Grind core halves for specified

primary inductance, and secure
Assembly core halves with tape.
Remove pins 3, 7, 8.
Dip varnish item [6].

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8 LLC Transformer Design Spreadsheet

HiperLCS_042413_Rev1-3.xls; HiperLCS Half-
Rev.1.3; Copyright
INPUTS INFO OUTPUTS UNITS Bridge, Continuous mode LLC Resonant
Power Integrations
Converter Design Spreadsheet
Enter Input Parameters
Vbulk_nom 220 220 V Nominal LLC input voltage
Brownout threshold voltage. HiperLCS will shut
down if voltage drops below this value. Allowable
Vbrownout 162 V
value is between 65% and 76% of Vbulk_nom. Set
to 65% for max holdup time
Vbrownin 204 V Startup threshold on bulk capacitor
VOV_shut 269 V OV protection on bulk voltage
VOV_restart 259 V Restart voltage after OV protection.
!!! Warning. CBULK is too small. Recommended
CBULK 280.00 Warning 280 uF
value should be greater than 0.7 uF/W
tHOLDUP 15.9 ms Bulk capacitor hold up time
The spreadsheet assumes AC stacking of the
Enter LLC (secondary) outputs
Main Output Voltage. Spreadsheet assumes that this
VO1 23.00 23.0 V
is the regulated output
IO1 8.00 8.0 A Main output maximum current
VD1 0.50 V Forward voltage of diode in Main output
PO1 184 W Output Power from first LLC output
VO2 0.0 V Second Output Voltage
IO2 0.0 A Second output current
VD2 0.70 V Forward voltage of diode used in second output
PO2 0.00 W Output Power from second LLC output
P_LLC 184 W Specified LLC output power
LCS Device Selection
!!! Warning. Device may be too large. Select smaller
Device LCS705 Warning LCS705
RDS-ON (MAX) 0.74 ohms RDS-ON (max) of selected device
Coss 468 pF Equivalent Coss of selected device
Cpri 40 pF Stray Capacitance at transformer primary
Pcond_loss 3.5 W Conduction loss at nominal line and full load
Tmax-hs 90 deg C Maximum heatsink temperature
Thermal resistance junction to heatsink (with grease
Theta J-HS 8.4 deg C/W
and no insulator)
Expected Junction
120 deg C Expectd Junction temperature
Ta max 80.00 80 deg C Expected max ambient temperature
Theta HS-A 3 deg C/W Required thermal resistance heatsink to ambient
LLC Resonant Parameter and Transformer Calculations (generates red curve)
Desired Input voltage at which power train operates
Vres_target 220.00 220 V at resonance. If greater than Vbulk_nom, LLC
operates below resonance at VBULK.
Po 188 W LLC output power including diode loss
Main Output voltage (includes diode drop) for
Vo 23.50 V
calculating Nsec and turns ratio
Desired switching frequency at Vbulk_nom. 66 kHz
f_target 100.00 100 kHz
to 300 kHz, recommended 180-250 kHz
Parallel inductance. (Lpar = Lopen - Lres for
Lpar 183 uH integrated transformer; Lpar = Lmag for non-
integrated low-leakage transformer)
Primary open circuit inductance for integrated
transformer; for low-leakage transformer it is sum of
Lpri 250.00 250 uH primary inductance and series inductor. If left blank,
auto-calculation shows value necessary for slight
loss of ZVS at ~80% of Vnom
Lres 67.00 67.0 uH Series inductance or primary leakage inductance of

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integrated transformer; if left blank auto-calculation

is for K=4
Ratio of Lpar to Lres. Maintain value of K such that
Kratio 2.7
2.1 < K < 11. Preferred Lres is such that K<7.
Series resonant capacitor. Red background cells
produce red graph. If Lpar, Lres, Cres, and
Cres 33.00 33.0 nF
n_RATIO_red_graph are left blank, they will be
Secondary side inductance of one phase of main
Lsec 8.789 uH output; measure and enter value, or adjust value
until f_predicted matches what is measured ;
Leakage distribution factor (primary to secondary).
>50% signifies most of the leakage is in primary
m 50 %
side. Gap physically under secondary yields >50%,
requiring fewer primary turns.
Turns ratio of LLC equivalent circuit ideal
n_eq 4.56
Primary number of turns; if input is blank, default
Npri 32.0 32.0 value is auto-calculation so that f_predicted =
f_target and m=50%
Secondary number of turns (each phase of Main
Nsec 6.0 6.0 output). Default value is estimate to maintain
BAC<=200 mT, using selected core (below)
Expected frequency at nominal input voltage and full
f_predicted 107 kHz
load; Heavily influenced by n_eq and primary turns
Series resonant frequency (defined by series
f_res 107 kHz
inductance Lres and C)
Expected switching frequency at Vbrownout, full
f_brownout 83 kHz
load. Set HiperLCS minimum frequency to this value.
Parallel resonant frequency (defined by Lpar + Lres
f_par 55 kHz
and C)
LLC full load gain inversion frequency. Operation
f_inversion 81 kHz below this frequency results in operation in gain
inversion region.
Vinversion 157 V LLC full load gain inversion point input voltage
Expected value of input voltage at which LLC
Vres_expected 214 V
operates at resonance.
RMS Currents and Voltages
Primary winding RMS current at full load, Vbulk_nom
IRMS_LLC_Primary 2.19 A
and f_predicted
Winding 1 (Lower
secondary Voltage) RMS 6.2 A Winding 1 (Lower secondary Voltage) RMS current
Lower Secondary Voltage
3.7 A Lower Secondary Voltage Capacitor RMS current
Capacitor RMS current
Winding 2 (Higher
secondary Voltage) RMS 0.0 A Winding 2 (Higher secondary Voltage) RMS current
Higher Secondary Voltage
0.0 A Higher Secondary Voltage Capacitor RMS current
Capacitor RMS current
Resonant capacitor AC RMS Voltage at full load and
Cres_Vrms 98 V
nominal input voltage
Virtual Transformer Trial - (generates blue curve)
Trial transformer primary turns; default value is from
New primary turns 32.0
resonant section
Trial transformer secondary turns; default value is
New secondary turns 6.0
from resonant section
Trial transformer open circuit inductance; default
New Lpri 250 uH
value is from resonant section
Trial value of series capacitor (if left blank calculated
New Cres 33.0 nF value chosen so f_res same as in main resonant
section above
New estimated Lres 67.0 uH Trial transformer estimated Lres

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New estimated Lpar 183 uH Estimated value of Lpar for trial transformer
New estimated Lsec 8.789 uH Estimated value of secondary leakage inductance
New Kratio 2.7 Ratio of Lpar to Lres for trial transformer
New equivalent circuit
4.56 Estimated effective transformer turns ratio
transformer turns ratio
V powertrain inversion new 157 V Input voltage at LLC full load gain inversion point
f_res_trial 107 kHz New Series resonant frequency
f_predicted_trial 107 kHz New nominal operating frequency
Primary winding RMS current at full load and
IRMS_LLC_Primary 2.19 A
nominal input voltage (Vbulk) and f_predicted_trial
Winding 1 (Lower
RMS current through Output 1 winding, assuming
secondary Voltage) RMS 6.4 A
half sinusoidal waveshape
Lower Secondary Voltage
4.1 A Lower Secondary Voltage Capacitor RMS current
Capacitor RMS current
Winding 2 (Higher
RMS current through Output 2 winding; Output 1
secondary Voltage) RMS 6.4 A
winding is AC stacked on top of Output 2 winding
Higher Secondary Voltage
0.0 A Higher Secondary Voltage Capacitor RMS current
Capacitor RMS current
Expected value of input voltage at which LLC
Vres_expected_trial 214 V
operates at resonance.
Transformer Core Calculations (Calculates From Resonant Parameter Section)
Transformer Core Auto EER28L Transformer Core
Ae 0.97 0.97 cm^2 Enter transformer core cross-sectional area
Ve 7.63 7.63 cm^3 Enter the volume of core
Aw 120.00 120.0 mm^2 Area of window
Bw 20.90 20.9 mm Total Width of Bobbin
Enter the loss per unit volume at the switching
Loss density 200.0 mW/cm^3
frequency and BAC (Units same as kW/m^3)
MLT 4.0 cm Mean length per turn
Nchambers 2 Number of Bobbin chambers
Winding separator distance (will result in loss of
Wsep 3.0 mm
winding area)
Ploss 1.5 W Estimated core loss
First Quadrant peak flux density at minimum
Bpkfmin 122 mT
AC peak to peak flux density (calculated at
BAC 188 mT
f_predicted, Vbulk at full load)
Primary Winding
Number of primary turns; determined in LLC
Npri 32.0
resonant section
Individual wire strand gauge used for primary
Primary gauge 42 42 AWG
Equivalent Primary Metric
0.060 mm Equivalent diameter of wire in metric units
Wire gauge
Number of strands in Litz wire; for non-litz primary
Primary litz strands 100 100
winding, set to 1
Primary Winding Allocation Primary window allocation factor - percentage of
50 %
Factor winding space allocated to primary
AW_P 51 mm^2 Winding window area for primary
% Fill factor for primary winding (typical max fill is
Fill Factor 29% %
Resistivity_25 C_Primary 59.29 m-ohm/m Resistivity in milli-ohms per meter
Primary DCR 25 C 74.98 m-ohm Estimated resistance at 25 C
Estimated resistance at 100 C (approximately 33%
Primary DCR 100 C 100.48 m-ohm
higher than at 25 C)
Primary RMS current 2.19 A Measured RMS current through the primary winding
Measured AC resistance (at 100 kHz, room
ACR_Trf_Primary 122.81 m-ohm temperature), multiply by 1.33 to approximate 100 C
winding temperature
Primary copper loss 0.59 W Total primary winding copper loss at 85 C

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Primary Layers 2.78 Number of layers in primary Winding

Note - Power loss calculations are for each
Secondary Winding 1 (Lower secondary voltage OR Single output)
winding half of secondary
Output Voltage 23.00 V Output Voltage (assumes AC stacked windings)
Sec 1 Turns 6.00 Secondary winding turns (each phase )
Sec 1 RMS current (total, RMS current through Output 1 winding, assuming
6.2 A
AC+DC) half sinusoidal waveshape
Winding current (DC
4.00 A DC component of winding current
Winding current (AC RMS
4.78 A AC component of winding current
Individual wire strand gauge used for secondary
Sec 1 Wire gauge 40 40 AWG
Equivalent secondary 1
0.080 mm Equivalent diameter of wire in metric units
Metric Wire gauge
Number of strands used in Litz wire; for non-litz
Sec 1 litz strands 250 250
non-integrated transformer set to 1
Resistivity_25 C_sec1 14.92 m-ohm/m Resistivity in milli-ohms per meter
Estimated resistance per phase at 25 C (for
DCR_25C_Sec1 3.54 m-ohm
Estimated resistance per phase at 100 C
DCR_100C_Sec1 4.74 m-ohm
(approximately 33% higher than at 25 C)
Estimated Power loss due to DC resistance (both
DCR_Ploss_Sec1 0.61 W
secondary phases)
Measured AC resistance per phase (at 100 kHz,
room temperature), multiply by 1.33 to approximate
ACR_Sec1 4.80 m-ohm
100 C winding temperature. Default value of ACR is
twice the DCR value at 100 C
ACR_Ploss_Sec1 0.22 W Estimated AC copper loss (both secondary phases)
Total winding 1 Copper Total (AC + DC) winding copper loss for both
0.83 W
Losses secondary phases
Capacitor RMS current 3.7 A Output capacitor RMS current
Co1 634.00 634.0 uF Secondary 1 output capacitor
Peak to Peak ripple voltage on secondary 1 output
Capacitor ripple voltage 0.1 %
Schottky losses are a stronger function of load DC
Output rectifier RMS
6.2 A current. Sync Rectifier losses are a function of RMS
Secondary 1 Layers 1.10 Number of layers in secondary 1 Winding
Note - Power loss calculations are for each
Secondary Winding 2 (Higher secondary voltage)
winding half of secondary
Output Voltage 0.00 V Output Voltage (assumes AC stacked windings)
Secondary winding turns (each phase) AC stacked
Sec 2 Turns 0.00
on top of secondary winding 1
Sec 2 RMS current (total, RMS current through Output 2 winding; Output 1
6.2 A
AC+DC) winding is AC stacked on top of Output 2 winding
Winding current (DC
0.0 A DC component of winding current
Winding current (AC RMS
0.0 A AC component of winding current
Individual wire strand gauge used for secondary
Sec 2 Wire gauge 40 AWG
Equivalent secondary 2
0.080 mm Equivalent diameter of wire in metric units
Metric Wire gauge
Number of strands used in Litz wire; for non-litz
Sec 2 litz strands 0
non-integrated transformer set to 1
Resistivity_25 C_sec2 37290.65 m-ohm/m Resistivity in milli-ohms per meter
Transformer Secondary
3.95 cm Mean length per turn
Estimated resistance per phase at 25 C (for
DCR_25C_Sec2 0.00 m-ohm
DCR_100C_Sec2 0.00 m-ohm Estimated resistance per phase at 100 C

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(approximately 33% higher than at 25 C)

Estimated Power loss due to DC resistance (both
DCR_Ploss_Sec1 0.00 W
secondary halves)
Measured AC resistance per phase (at 100 kHz,
room temperature), multiply by 1.33 to approximate
ACR_Sec2 0.00 m-ohm
100 C winding temperature. Default value of ACR is
twice the DCR value at 100 C
ACR_Ploss_Sec2 0.00 W Estimated AC copper loss (both secondary halves)
Total winding 2 Copper Total (AC + DC) winding copper loss for both
0.00 W
Losses secondary halves
Capacitor RMS current 0.0 A Output capacitor RMS current
Co2 N/A uF Secondary 2 output capacitor
Peak to Peak ripple voltage on secondary 1 output
Capacitor ripple voltage N/A %
Schottky losses are a stronger function of load DC
Output rectifier RMS
0.0 A current. Sync Rectifier losses are a function of RMS
Secondary 2 Layers 1.00 Number of layers in secondary 2 Winding
Transformer Loss Calculations Does not include fringing flux loss from gap
Primary copper loss (from
0.59 W Total primary winding copper loss at 85 C
Primary section)
Secondary copper Loss 0.83 W Total copper loss in secondary winding
Transformer total copper Total copper loss in transformer (primary +
1.41 W
loss secondary)
AW_S 51.39 mm^2 Area of window for secondary winding
% Fill factor for secondary windings; typical max fill
Secondary Fill Factor 49% %
is 60% for served and 75% for unserved Litz
Signal Pins Resistor Values
Minimum frequency when optocoupler is cut-off.
f_min 83 kHz Only change this variable based on actual bench
Dead Time 500 500 ns Dead time
Select Burst Mode: 1, 2, and 3 have hysteresis and
Burst Mode 1 1
have different frequency thresholds
Max internal clock frequency, dependent on dead-
f_max 542 kHz
time setting. Is also start-up frequency
Lower threshold frequency of burst mode, provides
f_burst_start 236 kHz hysteresis. This is switching frequency at restart
after a bursting off-period
Upper threshold frequency of burst mode; This is
f_burst_stop 270 kHz switching frequency at which a bursting off-period
DT/BF pin upper divider
11.78 k-ohms Resistor from DT/BF pin to VREF pin
DT/BF pin lower divider
224 k-ohms Resistor from DT/BF pin to G pin
Start-up resistor - resistor in series with soft-start
capacitor; equivalent resistance from FB to VREF
Rstart 10.24 k-ohms
pins at startup. Use default value unless additional
start-up delay is desired.
Start-up delay; delay before switching begins.
Start up delay 0.0 ms
Reduce R_START to increase delay
Resistor from VREF pin to FB pin, to set min
operating frequency; This resistor plus Rstart
Rfmin 92.1 k-ohms
determine f_MIN. Includes 7% HiperLCS frequency
tolerance to ensure f_min is below f_brownout
Softstart capacitor. Recommended values are
C_softstart 0.33 uF
between 0.1 uF and 0.47 uF
Ropto 1.9 k-ohms Resistor in series with opto emitter
!!! Warning. OV/UV resistor must be between 18 and
OV/UV pin lower resistor 10.50 10.5 k-ohm 25 k-ohms. Too low value results in increased
standby losses; Too large value can affect accuracy

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if OV/UV function
OV/UV pin upper resistor 0.88 M-ohm Total upper resistance in OV/UV pin divider
LLC Capacitive Divider Current Sense Circuit
8-cycle current limit - check positive half-cycles
Slow current limit 6.80 6.80 A
during brownout and startup
1-cycle current limit - check positive half-cycles
Fast current limit 12.24 A
during startup
HV sense capacitor, forms current divider with main
LLC sense capacitor 47 pF
resonant capacitor
LLC current sense resistor, senses current in sense
RLLC sense resistor 51.7 ohms
Limits current from sense resistor into IS pin when
IS pin current limit resistor 220 ohms
voltage on sense R is < -0.5V
IS pin bypass capacitor; forms a pole with IS pin
IS pin noise filter capacitor 1.0 nF
current limit capacitor
IS pin noise filter pole
724 kHz This pole attenuates IS pin signal
Loss Budget
LCS device Conduction loss 3.5 W Conduction loss at nominal line and full load
Output diode Loss 4.0 W Estimated diode losses
Transformer estimated Total copper loss in transformer (primary +
1.41 W
total copper loss secondary)
Transformer estimated
1.5 W Estimated core loss
total core loss
Total transformer losses 2.9 W Total transformer losses
Total estimated losses 10.5 W Total losses in LLC stage
Estimated Efficiency 95% % Estimated efficiency
PIN 194 W LLC input power
This is to help you choose the secondary turns
Secondary Turns and Voltage Centering Calculator - Outputs not connected to any other part of
Target regulated output voltage Vo1. Change to see
V1 23.00 V
effect on slave output
V1d1 0.50 V Diode drop voltage for Vo1
N1 7.00 Total number of turns for Vo1
V1_Actaul 23.00 V Expected output
V2 0.00 V Target output voltage Vo2
V2d2 0.70 V Diode drop voltage for Vo2
N2 1.00 Total number of turns for Vo2
V2_Actual 2.66 V Expected output voltage
Not applicable if using integrated magnetics -
Separate Series Inductor (For Non-Integrated Transformer Only)
not connected to any other part of spreadsheet
Lsep 67.00 uH Desired inductance of separate inductor
Ae_Ind 0.53 cm^2 Inductor core cross-sectional area
Inductor turns 29 Number of primary turns
AC flux for core loss calculations (at f_predicted and
BP_fnom 144 mT
full load)
Expected peak primary
6.8 A Expected peak primary current
Peak flux density, calculated at minimum frequency
BP_fmin 299 mT
Individual wire strand gauge used for primary
Inductor Litz gauge 40 AWG
Equivalent Inductor Metric
0.080 mm Equivalent diameter of wire in metric units
Wire gauge
Inductor litz strands 125.00 Number of strands used in Litz wire
Number of parallel individual wires to make up Litz
Inductor parallel wires 1
Resistivity_25 C_Sep_Ind 29.8 Resistivity in milli-ohms per meter
Inductor MLT 7.00 cm Mean length per turn
Inductor DCR 25 C 60.6 m-ohm Estimated resistance at 25 C (for reference)

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Estimated resistance at 100 C (approximately 33%

Inductor DCR 100 C 81.2 m-ohm
higher than at 25 C)
Measured AC resistance (at 100 kHz, room
ACR_Sep_Inductor 129.8 m-ohm temperature), multiply by 1.33 to approximate 100 C
winding temperature
Inductor copper loss 0.62 W Total primary winding copper loss at 85 C
Feedback section
Output voltage rail that optocoupler LED is
VMAIN Auto 23.0
connected to
ITL431_BIAS 1.0 mA Minimum operating current in TL431 cathode
Typical Optocoupler LED forward voltage at
VF 1.0 V
IOPTO_BJTMAX (max current)
VCE_SAT 0.3 V Optocoupler transistor saturation voltage
Optocoupler minimum CTR at VCE_SAT and at
VTL431_SAT 2.5 V TL431 minimum cathode voltage when saturated
Resistor across optocoupler LED to ensure minimum
RLED_SHUNT 1.0 k-ohms
TL431 bias current is met
Resistor from optocoupler emitter to ground, sets
ROPTO_LOAD 4.70 k-ohms
load current
FB pin current when switching at FMAX (e.g.
IFMAX 222.13 uA
Optocoupler transistor maximum current - when
bursting at FMAX (e.g. startup)
Maximum value of gain setting resistor, in series
with optocoupler LED, to ensure optocoupler can
RLED_SERIES_MAX 8.52 k-ohms
deliver IOPTO_BJT_MAX. Includes -10% tolerance

This transformer design was adjusted so the LLC converter will run above resonance over
its entire operating range, in order to make the control loop easier to stabilize by
avoiding the change in gain/phase characteristics that happens near resonance. This is
accomplished by finding the minimum B+ voltage at 90 VAC (the bottom of the ripple
waveform, using that voltage both as the nominal operating voltage and Vres

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9 Standby Transformer Design Spreadsheet

TN_Flyback_042413; ACDC_LinkSwitch-TN
Rev.1.10; Copyright INPUT INFO OUTPUT UNIT Flyback_042413; Copyright Power
Power Integrations Integrations 2007
VACMIN 180 Volts Minimum AC Input Voltage
VACMAX 265 Volts Maximum AC Input Voltage
fL 60 Hertz AC Mains Frequency
Output Voltage (main) (For CC designs
VO 12.00 Volts
enter upper CV tolerance limit)
Power Supply Output Current (For CC
IO 0.09 Amps
designs enter upper CC tolerance limit)
CC Threshold Voltage 0.00 Volts Voltage drop across sense resistor.
Enter the resistance of the output cable
Output Cable Resistance 0.17 Ohms
(if used)
PO 1.08 Watts Output Power (VO x IO + CC dissipation)
Choose 'BIAS' for Bias winding feedback
and 'OPTO' for Optocoupler feedback
Feedback Type BIAS Bias Winding
from the 'Feedback Type' drop down box
at the top of this spreadsheet
Choose 'YES' in the 'Bias Winding' drop
down box at the top of this spreadsheet
to add a Bias winding. Choose 'NO' to
Add Bias Winding YES Yes
continue design without a Bias winding.
Addition of Bias winding can lower no
load consumption
n 0.6 Efficiency Estimate at output terminals.
Loss Allocation Factor (suggest 0.5 for
Z 0.5
CC=0 V, 0.75 for CC=1 V)
Bridge Rectifier Conduction Time
tC 2.90 mSeconds
CIN 9.40 uFarads Input Capacitance
Choose H for Half Wave Rectifier and F
for Full Wave Rectification from the
Input Rectification Type F F
'Rectification' drop down box at the top
of this spreadsheet
User selection for LinkSwitch-TN.
Ordering info - Suffix P/G indicates DIP 8
LinkSwitch-TN LNK302 LNK302 package; suffix D indicates SO8 package;
second suffix N indicates lead free RoHS
Chosen Device LNK302
ILIMITMIN 0.126 Amps Minimum Current Limit
ILIMITMAX 0.146 Amps Maximum Current Limit
fSmin 62000 Hertz Minimum Device Switching Frequency
I^2f (product of current limit squared
I^2fmin 984.312 A^2Hz and frequency is trimmed for tighter
VOR 80 Volts Reflected Output Voltage
LinkSwitch-TN on-state Drain to Source
VDS 10 Volts
Output Winding Diode Forward Voltage
VD 0.7 Volts
Ripple to Peak Current Ratio (0.6 < KP <
KP 2.81
Core Type EE10 EE10 User-Selected transformer core
Core EE10 P/N: PC40EE10-Z

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AE 0.12 0.12 cm^2 Core Effective Cross Sectional Area
LE 2.61 2.61 cm Core Effective Path Length
AL 850.00 850 nH/T^2 Ungapped Core Effective Inductance
BW 7.00 7 mm Bobbin Physical Winding Width
Safety Margin Width (Half the Primary to
M 0 mm
Secondary Creepage Distance)
L 4.00 4 Number of Primary Layers
NS 31 31 Number of Secondary Turns
NB 31 31 Number of Bias winding turns
VB 12.70 Volts Bias Winding voltage
Bias Diode Maximum Peak Inverse
PIVB 59 Volts
VMIN 250 Volts Minimum DC Input Voltage
VMAX 375 Volts Maximum DC Input Voltage
DMAX 0.11 Maximum Duty Cycle
IAVG 0.01 Amps Average Primary Current
IP 0.13 Amps Minimum Peak Primary Current
IR 0.13 Amps Primary Ripple Current
IRMS 0.02 Amps Primary RMS Current
LP 3255 uHenries Typical Primary Inductance. +/- 10%
LP_TOLERANCE 10 % Primary inductance tolerance
NP 195 Primary Winding Number of Turns
ALG 85 nH/T^2 Gapped Core Effective Inductance
!!! Info. Flux densities above ~ 1500
Gauss may produce audible noise. Verify
BM Info 2028 Gauss with dip varnished sample transformers.
Increase NS to greater than or equal to
44 turns or increase VOR
AC Flux Density for Core Loss Curves
BAC 1014 Gauss
(0.5 X Peak to Peak)
ur 1471 Relative Permeability of Ungapped Core
LG 0.16 mm Gap Length (Lg > 0.1 mm)
BWE 28 mm Effective Bobbin Width
Maximum Primary Wire Diameter
OD 0.14 mm
including insulation
Estimated Total Insulation Thickness (=
INS 0.03 mm
2 * film thickness)
DIA 0.11 mm Bare conductor diameter
Primary Wire Gauge (Rounded to next
smaller standard AWG value)
Bare conductor effective area in circular
CM 16 Cmils
!!! Info. Can decrease CMA < 500
CMA Info 651 Cmils/Amp (decrease L(primary layers),increase
NS,use smaller Core)
Lumped parameters
ISP 0.79 Amps Peak Secondary Current
ISRMS 0.27 Amps Secondary RMS Current
IRIPPLE 0.25 Amps Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current
Secondary Bare Conductor minimum
CMS 54 Cmils
circular mils
Secondary Wire Gauge (Rounded up to
next larger standard AWG value)
Secondary Minimum Bare Conductor
DIAS 0.20 mm
ODS 0.23 mm Secondary Maximum Outside Diameter

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for Triple Insulated Wire

Maximum Secondary Insulation Wall
INSS 0.01 mm
Maximum Drain Voltage Estimate
VDRAIN 563 Volts
(Includes Effect of Leakage Inductance)
Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse
PIVS 71 Volts
Recommended diode is 1N4003. Place
Recommended Bias diode on return leg of bias winding for
1N4003 - 1N4007
Diode optimal EMI. See LinkSwitch-TN Design
CV bias resistor for CV/CC circuit. See
R1 ######### ohms
LinkSwitch-TN Design Guide
Resistor to set CC linearity for CV/CC
R2 3000 ohms
circuit. See LinkSwitch-TN Design Guide
1st output
Main Output Voltage (if unused, defaults
VO1 12.00 Volts
to single output design)
IO1 0.09 Amps Output DC Current
PO1 1.08 Watts Output Power
VD1 0.70 Volts Output Diode Forward Voltage Drop
NS1 31.00 Output Winding Number of Turns
ISRMS1 0.27 Amps Output Winding RMS Current
IRIPPLE1 0.25 Amps Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current
Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse
PIVS1 71.49 Volts
MUR110, UF4002,
Recommended Diodes Recommended Diodes for this output
Pre-Load Resistor 4 k-Ohms Recommended value of pre-load resistor
Output Winding Bare Conductor
CMS1 53.77 Cmils
minimum circular mils
Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger
AWGS1 32.00 AWG
standard AWG value)
DIAS1 0.20 mm Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter
Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple
ODS1 0.23 mm
Insulated Wire
2nd output
VO2 Volts Output Voltage
IO2 Amps Output DC Current
PO2 0.00 Watts Output Power
VD2 0.70 Volts Output Diode Forward Voltage Drop
NS2 1.71 Output Winding Number of Turns
ISRMS2 0.00 Amps Output Winding RMS Current
IRIPPLE2 0.00 Amps Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current
Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse
PIVS2 3.28 Volts
Recommended Diode Recommended Diodes for this output
Output Winding Bare Conductor
CMS2 0.00 Cmils
minimum circular mils
Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger
standard AWG value)
DIAS2 N/A mm Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter
Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple
ODS2 N/A mm
Insulated Wire
3rd output
VO3 Volts Output Voltage
IO3 Amps Output DC Current
PO3 0.00 Watts Output Power

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VD3 0.70 Volts Output Diode Forward Voltage Drop

NS3 1.71 Output Winding Number of Turns
ISRMS3 0.00 Amps Output Winding RMS Current
IRIPPLE3 0.00 Amps Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current
Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse
PIVS3 3.28 Volts
Recommended Diode Recommended Diodes for this output
Output Winding Bare Conductor
CMS3 0.00 Cmils
minimum circular mils
Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger
standard AWG value)
DIAS3 N/A mm Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter
Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple
ODS3 N/A mm
Insulated Wire
Total power 1.08 Watts Total Output Power
If negative output exists enter Output
Negative Output N/A N/A number; eg: If VO2 is negative output,
enter 2

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10 Heat Sinks
10.1 Primary Heat Sink

10.1.1 Primary Heat Sink Sheet Metal

Figure 14 – Primary Heat Sink Sheet Metal Drawing.

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10.1.2 Primary Heat Sink with Fasteners

Figure 15 – Finished Primary Heat Sink Drawing with Installed Fasteners.

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10.1.3 Primary Heat Sink Assembly

Figure 16 – Primary Heat Sink Assembly.

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10.2 Secondary Heat Sink

10.2.1 Secondary Heat Sink Sheet Metal

Figure 17 – Secondary Heat Sink Sheet Metal Drawing.

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10.2.2 Secondary Heat Sink with Fasteners

Figure 18 – Finished Secondary Heat Sink with Installed Fasteners.

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10.2.3 Secondary Heat Sink Assembly

Figure 19 – Secondary Heat Sink Assembly.

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11 Performance Data
All measurements were taken at room temperature and 60 Hz (input frequency) unless
otherwise specified. Output voltage measurements were taken at the output connectors.

11.1 Output Load Considerations for Testing a CV/CC Supply in Battery

Charger Applications

Since this power supply has a constant voltage/constant current output and normally
operates in CC mode in its intended application (battery charging), some care must be
taken in selecting the type/s of output load for testing.

The default setting for most electronic loads is constant current. This setting can be used
in testing a CV/CC supply in the CV portion of its load range below the power supply
current limit set point. Once the current limit of the DUT is reached, a constant current
load will cause the output voltage of the DUT to immediately collapse to the minimum
voltage capability of the electronic load.

To test a CV/CC supply in both its CV and CC regions (an example - obtaining a V-I
characteristic curve that spans both the CV and CC regions of operation), an electronic
load set for constant resistance can be used. However, in an application such as an LLC
converter where the control loop is strongly affected by the output impedance, use of a
CR load will give results for loop compensation that are overly optimistic and will likely
oscillate when tested with an actual low impedance battery load, especially at low input
voltage where the LLC converter is operating closest to resonance.
For final characterization and tuning the output control loops, a constant voltage load
should be used.

Having said this, many electronic loads incorporate a constant voltage setting, but the
output impedance of the load in this setting may not be sufficiently low to successfully
emulate a real-world battery (impedance on the order of tens of milliohms). Simulating
this impedance can be crucial in properly setting the compensation of the current control
loop in order to prevent oscillation at low AC input voltage in a real-life application.

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11.2 Efficiency
To make this measurement, the supply was powered with an AC source. The figure
shown includes the efficiency of the LLC stage combined with that of the standby/bias
flyback supply.

90 VAC
115 VAC
85 132 VAC


Efficiency (%)






0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Output Power (W)

Figure 20 – Efficiency vs. Load, AC Input.

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11.3 V-I Characteristic

The V-I characteristic showing the transition from constant voltage mode to constant
current mode was measured using an electronic load set for constant resistance to allow
proper operation of the DUT in both CV and CC mode. The measurements cut off a ~5 V,
as this is the minimum load voltage attainable by the electronic load in CR mode.

11.3.1 V-I Characteristic, Constant Resistance Load, I Limit = 8 A


90 VAC
115 VAC
Output Voltage (V)

132 VAC



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Output Current (A)

Figure 21 – V-I Characteristic with CR load, Ilim set for 8 A.

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11.3.2 Output V-I Characteristic, Constant Voltage Load

The V-I characteristic in constant current mode was measured using an electronic load
set for constant voltage, as the electronic load used had a wider operating range in CV
mode than in CR mode. In Figure 22, the output was set for a nominal default current
limit value of 8 A. The output current was measured using a 1 milliohm shunt and Fluke
67 DVM, as the current readings were not steady on the metering of the electronic load.
The actual reading was 7.9 A, which is within 1.25% of the nominal set point of 8 A.

The output current limit for the readings in Figure 23 was set to 0.5 A by placing a
resistor in parallel with R32 in the current limit reference divider chain. The value of this
resistor was tweaked to obtain an exact result. In a real world application, some variance
of output current limit could be expected due to the extremely low value of reference
voltage necessary for this current limit setting (7.5 mV), combined with variation in offset
voltage for current limit sense amplifier U5A. Output current was measured using a Fluke
87 DVM, using its internal shunt.
Since the power supply is operating in burst mode, there can be some variance in the
average output current as interpreted by the meter.
90 VAC
115 VAC
132 VAC
Output Voltage (V)



7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9.0
Output Current (A)

Figure 22 – V-I Characteristic with CV load, ILIM Set for 8 A.

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90 VAC
115 VAC
132 VAC

Output Voltage (V)



0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60
Output Current (A)

Figure 23 – V-I Characteristic with CV load, ILIM Set for 0.5 A.

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12 Waveforms
12.1 LLC Primary Voltage and Current

12.1.1 Results for 8 A Current Limit Setting

The LLC stage current was measured by inserting a current sensing loop in series with
the ground side of resonating capacitor C14 that measures the LLC transformer (T1)
primary current. The output was loaded with an electronic load set for constant voltage,
with the current limit of the supply under test at the nominal set point of 8 A. Waveforms
were gathered for output voltages of 22.5 V, 16 V, and 8 V. The waveforms show the
behavior of the supply in the upper portion of the constant current operation.

Figure 24 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 25 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
90 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current Limit, 90 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current
22.5 V Load Setting. Limit, 16 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 2 A / div. Upper: Current, 2 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div.

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Figure 26 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 27 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
90 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current 115 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current
Limit, 8 V Load Setting. Limit, 22.5 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 2 A / div. Upper: Current, 2 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div.

Figure 28 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 29 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
115 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current 115 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current
Limit, 16 V Load Setting. Limit, 8 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 2 A / div. Upper: Current, 2 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div.

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Figure 30 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 31 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
132 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current 132 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current Limit,
Limit, 22.5 V Load Setting. 16 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 2 A / div. Upper: Current, 2 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div.

Figure 30 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,

132 VAC Input, CV Load, 8 A Current
Limit, 8 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 2 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 5 s / div.

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12.2 Results for 0.5 A Output Current Limit Setting

The LLC stage current was measured by inserting a current sensing loop in series with
the ground side of resonating capacitor C14 that measures the LLC transformer (T1)
primary current. The output was loaded with an electronic load set for constant voltage,
with the current limit of the supply under test set at 0.5 A using an outboard resistor
placed across R32. Waveforms were gathered for output voltages of 8 V, 4 V, 2 V, and
0.5 V. The waveforms show the behavior of the supply in the lower voltage portion of
constant current operation. At this current limit setting, the LLC converter
operates in burst mode.

Figure 31 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 32 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
90 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current 90 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current
Limit, 8 V Load Setting. Limit, 4 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 1 A / div. Upper: Current, 1 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div.

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Figure 33 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 34 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
90 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current 90 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current
Limit, 2 V Load Setting. Limit, 0.5 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 1 A / div. Upper: Current, 1 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div.

Figure 35 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 36 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
115 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current 115 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current
Limit, 8 V Load Setting. Limit, 4 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 1 A / div. Upper: Current, 1 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div.

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Figure 37 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 38 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
115 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current 115 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current
Limit, 2 V Load Setting. Limit, 0.5 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 1 A / div. Upper: Current, 1 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 100 V, 500 s / div.

Figure 39 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 40 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
132 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current 132 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current
Limit, 8 V Load Setting. Limit, 4 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 1 A / div. Upper: Current, 1 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 200 V, 500 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 200 V, 500 s / div.

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Figure 41 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current, Figure 42 – LLC Stage Primary Voltage and Current,
132 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current 132 VAC Input, CV Load, 0.5 A Current
Limit, 2 V Load Setting. Limit, 0.5 V Load Setting.
Upper: Current, 1 A / div. Upper: Current, 1 A / div.
Lower: Voltage, 200 V, 500 s / div. Lower: Voltage, 200 V, 500 s / div.

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12.3 Output Rectifier Peak Reverse Voltage

Figure 43 – Output Rectifier (D4 & D5) Reverse Voltage, 132 VAC, 22.5 V, 8 A Load.
Upper: D4 PIV, 20 V / div.
Lower: D5 PIV, 20 V, 2 s / div.
Rectifier PIV at 132 VAC is 93% of maximum rating for 60 V Schottky
diode. If this is not acceptable, use 80 V or 100 V device.

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12.4 LLC Start-up Output Voltage and Transformer Primary Current Using
Constant Voltage Output Load

Figure 44 – LLC Start-up. 90 VAC, 22.5 V / 8 A CV Figure 45 – LLC Start-up. 115 VAC, 22.5 V / 8 A CV
Load. Load.
Upper: LLC Primary Current, 5 A / div. Upper: LLC Primary Current, 5 A / div.
Lower: LLC VOUT, 10 V, 20 ms / div. Lower: LLC VOUT, 10 V, 20 ms / div.

Figure 46 – LLC Start-up. 132 VAC, 22.5 V / 8 A CV

Upper: LLC Primary Current, 5 A / div.
Lower: LLC VOUT, 10 V, 20 ms / div.

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12.5 LLC Output Short-Circuit

The figures below show the effect of an output short circuit on the LLC primary current
and on the output current. Figure 47 shows the output voltage and primary current
response to an output short circuit. Figure 48 shows the output current and output
voltage during a short circuit. A mercury displacement relay was used to short the output
in order to achieve a fast, bounce-free connection. Even so, there is some relay bounce
in the short circuit test shown in Figure 48. The supply shuts down without damage and
recovers when the short is removed.

Figure 47 – Output Short-Circuit Test. Figure 48 – Output Short-Circuit Test.

Upper: LLC Primary Current, 10 A / div. Upper: LLC IOUT, 20 A / div.
Lower: LLC VOUT, 10 V, 20 s / div. Lower: LLC VOUT, 20 V, 100 s / div.

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12.6 Output Ripple Measurements

12.6.1 Ripple Measurement Technique

For DC output ripple measurements a modified oscilloscope test probe is used to reduce
spurious signals. Details of the probe modification are provided in the figures below.

Tie two capacitors in parallel across the probe tip of the 4987BA probe adapter. Use a
0.1 F / 50 V ceramic capacitor and 1.0 F / 100 V aluminum electrolytic capacitor. The
aluminum-electrolytic capacitor is polarized, so always maintain proper polarity across DC

Probe Ground

Probe Tip

Figure 49 – Oscilloscope Probe Prepared for Ripple Measurement (End Cap and Ground Lead Removed).

Figure 50 – Oscilloscope Probe with Probe Master 4987BA BNC Adapter (Modified with Wires for Probe
Ground for Ripple measurement and Two Parallel Decoupling Capacitors Added).

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12.6.2 Ripple Measurements 8 A Output Current Limit Setting

These measurements were taken using the 8 A default current limit setting. Output ripple
voltage measurements were made using an AC coupled probe.

Figure 51 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 22.5 V CV Load, Figure 52 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 16 V CV Load,
8 A Current Limit. 8 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div.

Figure 53 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 12 V CV Load, Figure 54 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 8 V CV Load,
8 A Current Limit. 8 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div.

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Figure 55 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 22.5 V CV Load, Figure 56 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 16 V CV Load,
8 A Current Limit. 8 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div.

Figure 57 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 12 V CV Load, Figure 58 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 8 V CV Load,
8 A Current Limit. 8 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div.

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Figure 59 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 22.5 V CV Figure 60 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 16 V CV Load,
Load, 8 A Current Limit. 8 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div.

Figure 61 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 12 V CV Load, Figure 62 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 8 V CV Load,
8 A Current Limit. 8 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 200 mV, 2 ms / div.

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For this output current setting, the power supply operates in burst mode. Since the CV
electronic load cannot source current (as compared to an actual battery being charged),
the output voltage collapses between bursts. A DC coupled probe is used for
measurements in this instance due to the high amplitude of the ripple voltage compared
to the DC output voltage.

Figure 63 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 8 V CV Load, Figure 64 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 4 V CV Load,
0.5 A Current Limit. 0.5 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 5 V, 1 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 2 V, 1 ms / div.

Figure 65 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 2 V CV Load, Figure 66 – Output Ripple, 90 VAC, 0.5 V CV Load,
0.5 A Current Limit. 0.5 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 1 V, 1 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 1 V, 1 ms / div.

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Figure 67 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 8 V CV Load, Figure 68 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 4 V CV Load,
0.5 A Current Limit. 0.5 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 5 V, 1 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 2 V, 1 ms / div.

Figure 69 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 2 V CV Load, Figure 70 – Output Ripple, 115 VAC, 0.5 V CV Load,
0.5 A Current Limit. 0.5 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 1 V, 1 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 1 V, 1 ms / div.

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Figure 71 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 8 V CV Load, Figure 72 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 4 V CV Load,
0.5 A Current Limit. 0.5 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 5 V, 1 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 2 V, 1 ms / div.

Figure 73 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 2 V CV Load, Figure 74 – Output Ripple, 132 VAC, 0.5 V CV Load,
0.5 A Current Limit. 0.5 A Current Limit.
Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div. Upper: IOUT, 2 A / div.
Lower: VOUT Ripple, 1 V, 1 ms / div. Lower: VOUT Ripple, 1 V, 1 ms / div.

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13 Temperature Profiles
The board was operated at room temperature, with output set at maximum using a
constant voltage load. For each test condition the unit was allowed to thermally stabilize
(~1 hr) before measurements were made.

13.1 Spot Temperature Measurements

Position Temperature (°C)
90 VAC 115 VAC 132 VAC
T1 66.9 (pri) / 68 (sec) 73.6 (pri) / 74.6 (sec) 78.7 (pri) / 80.4 (sec)
BR1 58 54 50.5
L1 69.5 57 52
L2 59 53 49
U1 60 58 59
C3/C4 47 45 41.4
D4/D5 62/64 64.5/64.9 67/67
R34/R35 59 59 59
AMB 24 24 24

13.2 90 VAC, 60 Hz, 100% Load Temperature Profile

Figure 75 – Top View Thermal Picture, 90 VAC.

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13.3 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 100% Load Temperature Profile

Figure 76 – Top View Thermal Picture, 100% Load, 115 VAC.

13.4 132 VAC, 60 Hz, 100% Load Temperature Profile

Figure 77 – Top View Thermal Picture, 100% Load, 132 VAC.

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14 Constant Current Output Gain-Phase

Gain-phase was tested using an electronic load set to constant voltage mode at 22.5 V
with the output current limit of the UUT set for 8 A. This is a worst-case setting that
places the output in constant current mode near the knee of the CV/CC V-I characteristic
so that the output power is maximized and operating frequency is minimized, placing the
operating point of the LLC converter near resonance. Using a CV load maximizes the CC
loop gain (worst case for control loop) and simulates operating while charging a battery.
Using the constant resistance setting for the electronic load will yield overly optimistic
results for gain-phase measurements and for determining component values for
frequency compensation.

Figure 78 – LLC Converter Gain-Phase, 100% Load, Constant Current Output, Constant Voltage Load.
Red/Blue – 90 VAC Gain and Phase Crossover Frequency – 1.3 kHz, Phase Margin – 52°.
Brown/Green – 115 VAC Gain and Phase Crossover Frequency – 730 Hz, Phase Margin – 65°.
Aqua/Pink – 132 VAC Gain and Phase Crossover Frequency – 370 Hz, Phase Margin – 101°.

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15 Conducted EMI
Conducted EMI tests were performed using a floating resistive load (3 ).

Figure 79 – EMI Set-up with Floating Resistive Load.

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Figure 80 – Conducted EMI, 115 VAC, 3 Ω Floating Load.

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16 Revision History
Date Author Revision Description and Changes Reviewed
07-Oct-15 4.1 RH Initial Release. Apps & Mktg
21-Jan-16 4.2 KM Updated Schematic.
15-May-17 4.3 RH Transformer Drawing Updated.
31-May-17 4.4 RH Updated Schematic in Figure 3a.

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