CCS 3201software Engineering

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Contact Hours 45

Pre-requisite Systems Analysis and Design

Purpose of the Course

This course provides an overview of the software engineering process and maintenance.

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course the student should be able to:
 Develop a project plan for a software engineering project as part of a team and to use available CASE
tools to plan, schedule and implement a software product and to produce a test plan;
 Select an appropriate development methodology to analyze the problem and design the system; to
produce on-going documentation for the system under development and refine the work after
 Describe different software life cycle models and how they tackle software development problems;
 Describe the role of the project manager in planning and monitoring the conduct and quality of
projects and in managing project personnel.

Course Content
SOFTWARE PROCESS: Introduction –S/W Engineering Paradigm – life cycle models (water fall,
incremental, spiral, WINWIN spiral, evolutionary, prototyping, object oriented) - system engineering –
computer based system – verification – validation – life cycle process – development process–system
engineering hierarchy.
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Functional and non-functional - user – system –requirement
engineering process – feasibility studies – requirements – elicitation – validation and management –
software prototyping – prototyping in the software process – rapid prototyping techniques – user
interface prototyping -S/W document. Analysis and modeling – data, functional and behavioral models –
structured analysis and data dictionary.
DESIGN CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES: Design process and concepts – modular design – design
heuristic – design model and document. Architectural design – software architecture – data design –
architectural design – transform and transaction mapping – user interface design – user interface design
principles. Real time systems - Real time software design – system design – real time executives – data
acquisition system - monitoring and control system. SCM – Need for SCM – Version control –
Introduction to SCM process – Software configuration items.
TESTING: Taxonomy of software testing – levels – test activities – types of s/w test – black box testing
– testing boundary conditions – structural testing – test coverage criteria based on data flow mechanisms
– regression testing – testing in the large. S/W testing strategies – strategic
approach and issues - unit testing – integration testing – validation testing – system testing
and debugging.
SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Measures and measurements – S/W complexity and science
measure – size measure – data and logic structure measure – information flow measure. Software cost
estimation – function point models – COCOMO model- Delphi method.- Defining a Task Network –
Scheduling Earned Value Analysis – Error Tracking - Software changes – program evolution dynamics
software maintenance – Architectural evolution. Taxonomy of CASE tools.

Mode of delivery
 Lectures
 Tutorials
 Directed reading
 Hands-on laboratory sessions
 Projects.

Course Assessment
Type Weighting (%)
Examination 70%
Continuous Assessment 30%
Total 100%

Core Reading Material:

1. Sommeville, I.(2016),Software Engineering; 10th Edition, Addison Wesley.
2. Pressman, R.S. (2010), Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach; 8th Edition, McGraw –Hill.
3. Sommeville, I.(2011),Software Engineering; 9th Edition, Addison Wesley.
4. Stephens R. (2015), Beginning Software Engineering, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
5. Pfleeger, S. L. (2009), Software Engineering: Theory and Practice; 4th Edition, Prentice Hall.

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