Mte Segt Brochure
Mte Segt Brochure
Mte Segt Brochure
Research Excellence
Networking Oppotunities
2 Sustainable Architecture, Green Building, Air Quality and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
6 Energy Storage, Smart Grid and Sustainable Transport & Mobility / Eco-Friendly Vehicle
Important Dates
Evaluation Criteria
Impact • What kind of impact will/has this initiative bring/had? How big is the problem/pain to be solved. Potential to disrupt
the current industry or market?
• What are the direct benefits and to whom? Market size? We will consider the number of people it has/will be
impacted, policies/legislation changed, etc.
Originality/ • Is this innovation or idea original/unique? IPR/s (patent, industrial design, etc.)?
Uniqueness • What is the level of inventiveness? Stands out from existing solutions? Value of the invention/innovation (compared
to competitor/s)?
Useful Approach/ • How well the innovation performs its intended functions? Is it a breakthrough idea or process, or a whole new way to
Solution address an issue? Level of advancement in the Field? Due diligence has been carried out?
• Is it inclusive? How do you fix the problem? Solution to a real-world issue?
Scalability/Growth • Does this innovation/ initiative have the potential to scale-up or be replicated to create a greater impact?
Potential • Is there any evidence that this has already been done? Its potential for growth and expansion?
Commercial Potential • Can it be applied in multiple contexts or industries, or is it limited to specific use cases?
• Market potential / technology transfer / industrial partner?
Sustainability & Social • Is the invention/innovation promoting sustainable practices or has positive social implications? Meeting SDGs?
Evidence(s) • Credibility, proof (publication, newspaper article, etc), how does it work?, award/s, customer/sales, grant/investor.
Presentation & • Efforts were made to ensure the presentation is informative and attractive. Well communicated to the audience and
Communication judges?
• Knowledge of the innovation/ idea/initiative, scientific thought, and engineering goals.
Next Steps
Entry Submission Steps
Register here
Awards Participation Fees
Award Entry Fee comes complete with:
1. 1 Virtual Booth for your Organisation. You do not need to buy booths separately.
2. 1 Virtual Storefront Showcase for every innovation that you submit
Applicable for: Universities, Research Institutions, Government Agencies, National Groups, Inventors’ Associations, Municipal Councils, Private Organisations.
Note : 10% Discount for SEGT 2023 Conference Participants
1. Award Entry Fee comes c/w 1 Virtual Booth. You do not need to buy booths separately.
Your booth entitlement is as below
2. Award Entry Fee also come c/w 1 Virtual Storefront Showcase for EVERY innovation.
This Virtual Storefront Showcase is worth RM1,000 each. Features in Your Innovation Storefront are below:
• Phone Call
• Innovation Title and Category • Photos
• Whatsapp and Email
• Video of Innovation • Description of innovation Messaging
Awards Participation Fees
Note : 10% Discount for SEGT 2023 Conference Participants
Package Code 1 Award Entry 2 or more Award Entries
RM 1,600.00 RM 1,400.00
Price Per Entry (RM) Award Entry fee comes c/w 1 virtual storefront showcase Award Entry fee comes c/w 1 virtual booth
(worth RM 1,000.00) (worth RM 3,700.00)
• 2 Images
Features in your None • 1 Video
Virtual Booths
• 1 Account for Live chat
Awards Participation Fees
Package Code 1 Award Entry 2 or more Award Entries
RM 800.00
Price Per Entry (RM) RM 1,000.00
this price includes virtual booth
USD 265.00
Price Per Entry (USD) USD 330.00
this price includes virtual booth
• 2 Images
Features in your None • 1 Video
Virtual Booths
• 1 Account for Live chat
Award Entry Fee comes complete with Virtual Booth and/or Virtual Storefront Showcase. You do not need to buy these separately.
Applicable for Individuals, Community Colleges, Polytechnics
* The above fees is subjected to 6% service tax.
The International Conference on Sustainable
Energy and Green Technology 2023 (SEGT 2023)
SEGT 2023 is an upcoming event that aims to promote sustainable energy research and technology, emphasizing
renewable energy, energy efficiency, and cleaner fossil-fuel technology in alignment with sustainable development
goals. The event encourages international cooperation and facilitates the exchange of new ideas among academics,
engineers, scientists, and practitioners, all with the goal of contributing towards the achievement of the SDGs.
SEGT 2023 will feature a diverse range of activities, including plenary, keynote, and invited speeches, as well as oral
presentations and poster sessions covering various topics related to sustainable energy. The event provides a platform
for participants to present their research and engage in fruitful discussions with experts in the field.and promises an
intellectually stimulating and enjoyable experience for all participants, set against the backdrop of the vibrant city of
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Conference Enquiry: [email protected]
Entry Regulations and Guidelines
1. Entries must be submitted to the online awards submission 5. Awards entry submissions, interviews and communications
system by 7 November 2023 - 23:59 (GMT+8). There will be between participants and jurors (if any) will be in English.
no extensions granted under any circumstances.
6. The Organiser restricts content which involves nudity, all
2. There are 5 Award Categories. Entries must be submitted forms of violence and exploitation, cruelty of animals etc.
into the category best described and most relevant to your This restriction is due to the diversity in age and cultural
innovation. If an incorrect category is selected, the Awards backgrounds of our global audience. All content must be
Committee reserves the right to disqualify the entry. appropriate for a general audience. Any inappropriate
content submitted by participants will be duly removed
3. As a guide, Innovation(s) entered for competition must be an
without notice to the participant.
innovation /idea /initiative /programme that is/are directly
contribute to sustainability, eradicating poverty, improving 7. The submitted content can be expressed in words, image,
well-being, protecting our planet, and building peace and sound or a combination of any, to enable efficient delivery
prosperity. We understand that certain innovations often of the critical messages to the judges. Each submission
serve and impact more than one SDG and participants must include items (a) to (d) as explained below:
should choose the category that will benefit the most or
a) Synopsis of work/innovation (200 words –
most positively impacted by their innovation.
MS word document)
We can help you to select the most relevant category for b) Minimum one video (HD 1080p, max 5 mins).
your entry/entries. Feel free to reach us at: A YouTube link is recommended.
c) Photo (minimum 1 – jpg format, max 2mb)
Email : [email protected] or
d) Detailed written description of the innovation
[email protected]
(PDF – about 500 words)
Whatsapp : +6012.2315583 / +6012.3217345
8. The online awards submission system allows participants
4. Entry fees must be made in full upon submission of entries
to submit additional supporting documents such as
using online banking transfer or via local cheque. Payment
powerpoint presentations and other documents.
is non-refundable.
9. The Organisers reserves the right to the use of photos, 13. The jury’s decisions are final and no appeal will be entertained.
videos, synopsis, and write-ups which participants have
14. Results will be announced on 21 December 2023 on MTE
provided in the online awards submission system for the
2023: SDG International Innovation Awards (SDGIIA) virtual
purpose of the promotion of MTE 2023: SDG International
Innovation Awards (SDGIIA) and publicity of your innovation
and participation. 15. MTE 2023: Sustainable Energy & Green Technology
International Innovation Awards & Expo (SEGT) will take
10. The same entry may be submitted into multiple product
place virtually over 3 days. During this period, visitors
categories. If you wish to enter your innovation in more
will contact participants through our virtual platform
than one category, you will need to repeat the online
via messaging app and email. After the event ends, all
submission process for every category that you choose.
innovations will continue to be exhibited virtually for 2
For example, if you are submitting one innovation for 3
different categories, you will be required to make 3 online
submissions. An entry fee is applicable for each submission. 16. Medals and certificates will be shipped to all winners.
11. Entries must meet ALL the following requirements BEFORE 17. By participating in this Awards, each participant / exhibitor
they are qualified for judging: undertakes to guarantee that all information, documentation
and media content submitted are original, accurate, and
a) All required sections and fields of the online entry
there is no violation or infringement of the intellectual
application form are completed.
property and copyright law. Participant(s) is/are solely
b) All requirements of above item 7 are fulfilled.
responsible and liable for any violation or infringement
c) Supported by full payment. Full payment must be
of intellectual property rights or copyright laws. PROTEMP
made by 7 November 2023.
Exhibitions and Conferences Sdn. Bhd. and all stakeholders
d) Incomplete and unpaid entries will be disqualified.
for this event assumes no liability for any form of IP or
The participant is solely responsible for ensuring that
copyright infringement by participants.
their submission is complete.
12. The jury will evaluate entries submitted in the online
submission system. Jurors may request for more information
at any time to support validation which might include
online interviews, emails or telephone calls.