Optical Fiber Communication

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Faculty of Engineering

Assign./Case Title: Fiber Optic Communication

Assign./CaseNo: MID Date of Submission: 1 July 2021
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Course Code: * Section: C
Semester: Summer 2020-21 Degree Program: BSc [EEE]


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Group Name/No.: Sadid,MD.FAHIMUL HAUQE/ 18-39029-3

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1 Sadid,MD.FAHIMUL HAUQE 18-39029-3

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Optical Fiber: circuitry, it converts them into a light signal
An optical fiber can be understood as a with the help of a light source. This source is
dielectric waveguide, which operates at of LED whose amplitude, frequency, and
optical frequencies. The device or a tube, if phases must remain stable and free from
bent or if terminated to radiate energy, is fluctuation in order to have efficient
called a waveguide, in general. Following transmission. The light beam from the
image depicts a bunch of fiber optic cables source is carried by a fiber optic cable to the
destination circuitry wherein the information
Fiber Optic Communication:
is transmitted back to the electrical signal by
The technique of transmitting data from one a receiver circuit.
location to another by transmitting infrared
light pulses using optical fiber is known as
fiber optic communication. Here, the light is
in the form of a carrier signal that is changed
to hold the data. The fiber optic cables
replace the electrical cables whenever long
distance, high bandwidth, and resistance to
electromagnetic interference are necessary.
Fiber-optic communication is mainly used
for transmitting voice, video & telemetry
using LANs. In many telecommunication
companies, optical fiber is used for
transmitting the signals of telephone, cable Parts of a Fiber:
TV signals, Internet communication. In Bell
Labs, the researchers have investigated and
reached a record of BW distance 100 petabit
× kilometers for each second with fiber-
optic communication.
Working procedure:
Unlike copper wire-based transmission
where the transmission entirely depends on
electrical signals passing through the cable,
fiber optics transmission involves the
transmission of signals in the form of light
from one point to the other. Furthermore, a
fiber optic communication network consists
of transmitting and receiving circuitry, a
light source, and detector devices like the
ones shown in the figure.
When the input data, in the form of
electrical signals, is given to the transmitter
Core LED in Fiber Optic Communication:
The core of a fiber cable is a cylinder of In a fiber-optic communication system, LED
plastic that runs all along the fiber cable’s is an essential element. The main function of
length and offers protection by cladding. this component is to change the signal from
The diameter of the core depends on the electrical to an equivalent light signal which
application used. Due to internal reflection, is injected into the fiber optic. The LED
the light traveling within the core reflects characteristics frequently influence the
from the core, the cladding boundary. The performance.
core cross-section needs to be a circular one
Light-emitting diodes are complex
for most of the applications.
semiconductors used to change the current
Cladding from electrical to light. So, this conversion
procedure is quite efficient to generate less
Cladding is an outer optical material that
heat as compared to incandescent lights. So,
protects the core. The main function of the
LEDs are used in fiber optic communication
cladding is that it reflects the light back into
due to the following characteristics.
the core. When light enters through the core
(dense material) into the cladding(less dense • Small in size
material), it changes its angle, and then
• They have a high radiance
reflects back to the core.
• The emitting region is small, similar
to the dimensions of the optical fiber.
The main function of the buffer is to protect
• Offers high reliability
the fiber from damage and thousands of
optical fibers arranged in hundreds of optical • They can be changed at high speeds.
cables. These bundles are protected by the
cable’s outer covering which is called a

Fiber optic cable jackets are available in
different colors that can easily make us
recognize the exact color of the cable we are
dealing with. The color yellow clearly
signifies a single-mode cable, and the
orange color indicates multimode.
Disadvantages of optical fiber • Defense/Government
communication: • Data Storage
The advantages of optical fiber • Used for data transmission
communication include the following. • Telecommunications
• Networking
• Communication is secured • Industrial/Commercial
• Speed • Broadcast/CATV
• Electromagnetic
compatibility Conclusion:
• Distance Fiber-optic communication is used in urban
areas including the best infrastructure,
• Bandwidth
wherever it is suitable to arrange
• No Power loss
communication lines.The bandwidth of
• Interference
Fiber optic is very high including small
• Size electromagnetic interference.This kind of
• Less Weight communication works with the light signals
• Security like a medium of propagation.In optical
Disadvantages of optical fiber communication, the communication can be
communication: done through a fiber optic cable Antennas
are not required in this communicationIn
The disadvantages of optical fiber this communication, the transmission
communication include the following medium is fiber.Optical communication is
• Though fiber optic cables last longer, suitable for point-point less distance
the installation cost is high. communication.In fiber optics, the data rates
are high including less propagation
• The number of repeaters are to be
delays.Fiber optic cables use a lot of
increased with distance.
BW.Installation cost is less Fiber optics is
• They are fragile if not enclosed in a
stationary through design & their utilization
plastic sheath. Hence, more
is incomplete in set locations.Fiber-optic
protection is needed than copper
communication is more dependable The cost
of this cable mainly depends on the distance
The applications of fiber optic among the links & the number of
communication: points.Obviously, the advantages of optical
fiber communication in various aspects
The applications of fiber optic
contribute to the rapid development of
communication include the following.
optical fiber communication.Although it’s
• Medical Industry still with some disadvantages, and it will be
• Mechanical Inspections improved with the future development of
• Communication tech. Let’s expect it together.
• Lighting and Decorations
• Defense
• Broadcasting
• Industries
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/princ
• https://www.elprocus.com/basic-
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiber-
• https://byjus.com/physics/what-is-
• https://www.brainkart.com/article/Th

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