Declaration I
Approval II
Table of contents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------III
List table-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV
List Acronyms-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Back ground of the study 1
1.3 Statement of the Problem 3
1.4 Objectives of the study 4
1.4.1 General objective 4
1.4.2 Specific objective 4
1.5 Researcher Question ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.6. Significance of the Study 5
1.7. Scope and Limitations 6
1.8. Organization of the paper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2. Review of related literature 7
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Micro and small Enterprise Contribution 7
2.2. Constraints Facing the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) 8
2.2.1. Financial Constraints 8
2.2.2. Marketing Constraints 10
2.2.3. Lack of entrepreneur and managerial skill Constraints 11
2.3 Rational for Emphasizing MSES Development 11
3. Research Method 14
3.1 Research Approach Qualitative and Quantities 14
Small enterprise are sensitive and responsive to market changes they often perceive
market opportunity with the owners managerial new work of contacts and information’s
because of their small size better able to form personal relationships with
customars.Micro and small enterprise are sensitive and responsive to market changes they
often perceive make opportunities with the owners managerial new work of contact and
information. Small and micro enterprises caught the attention development production
and policy market the regional governments of Oromia or Bishoftu nation and
nationalities also develops. Ethiopia capital city of Addis Abeba as micro and small
Enterprises development Agency in 1984. The purpose of Micro and small Enterprises
strategy of touch to create an enabling environment for the development growth the
micro and small enterprise sector in Addis abeba
An important services element particularly selling relatively source in differentiated
product the number of small firms it likely to increase not only because of the push
factors of social change such us increasing unemployment and early retirement. The
recent evidence points to importance of Micro and small Enterprises (SME) in providing
employment across countries. Job creation and economic growth through private sector
development have become primarily areas of focus for policy makers around the world in
the global financial Crisis. Yunusm,(2008) Creating A World without poverty, New York
Public Affairs measuring performance of Micro finance institution (2005) (frame),seep
Small enterprise can respond more quality and at least cost than big business to the
quickness rate change in product and service process and markets .It has become more
attractive to flinted, Individualistic men & women small enterprise has the potential to
create or capture on entries on industry.
Micro and source small enterprise caught the attention of development practitioner and
policy makers recently not only because of its, important Interims of generation of
employment also because of other attributes some of these are.
The Ethiopia capital city of Addis Abeba and nation and nationalities also develops a
regional strategy and Bishoftu town as micro and small development agency in 1998.
The objective of the micro and small enterprise strategy of town to create on enabling
environment for the development growth the micro and small enterprise sector in Addis
Micro and small enterprise are sensitive and responsive to market changes they often
perceive make opportunities with the owners managerial new work of contact and
In Addis Abeba Micro and small Enterprises are given Different Meaning at different
times and the detention given by central Static’s Authority in using information analysis
and that given by the Ministry of the trade area in 1984 basic Application Micro trade
work Enterprises means trade organization whose Capital is not exceeding from birr
40,000.00 and consultancy services organization and high technological Enterprises are
not included.
Small and business organizations mean trade work organizations whose Minimum paid
up capital is not less than birr 400,000.00 and not exceeding from birr 60,000.00 not
including service organization.(Ethiopian Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI))
Small and Micro Enterprises work sectors without including those mentioned by the two
capital given above (higher technical consultancy services and other higher technological
institution) trade industry and technical (hand craft) institution
Micro and small enterprises have a vital role to play in the economy with information of
the country. It needs of capital, knowledge skill, and attitude and experience contribution
by individual to establish an enterprise cooperatively.
Small enterprise owner is an individual who established and manager enterprise for the
principal purpose of furthering personal goals most small firms are unlikely to be expert
much influence on their market. They are price takers in classis sense and are likely to
flue significant changes. The tax system of any government is general the product of its
own environment. The tax collect from the operating business has a great important for
raising revenue for government. Several factors that influence the performance of small
enterprise such as production technology availability of raw material, managerial skills
taxation systems imposed, by the government availability and owner awareness about
products modification. But micro and small enterprises also face many challenges in day
to day operations and to development of the population.
Micro and small enterprises are mainly characterized by under developed and rapidly
increasing challenges on the basis of social and economic, unemployment gender
disparity and dependency in economic activities, subsistence income; poverty and poor
access in the town.
This in large extent affecting the prevalence of illiteracy or especially poor women,
crime, divorce loss of munificence to this end the major aggravating factor for arises
This in large extent affecting the problems exist severely on the disadvantaged group or
poor and unemployed in Addis Abeba to this end the major aggravating factor for arises
from fast urban rural migration and inadequate infrastructures and services has made
Addis Abeba town incapable and wide spread socio economic problems are prevalent.
Lack of explicit local socio economic development intervention in the area has made the
problem to exist .therefore it is appropriate intervention mechanism and requires huge
investment of resources commitment of all stake holders. Accordingly the local
government of Addis Abeba adopts micro and small enterprises development as one of
the intervention mechanisms.
Based on the above classification the researcher raise the following basic question to be
answer in this course of study
1. What are the major factor that influence of small enterprise and
2. How the amounts of tax imposed by government affect performance of small
enterprise and entrepreneurs?
3. Why small entrepreneurs have not sufficient capital with their activities?
The general objective of the study is to identify the factors that Influence the performance of
micro and small enterprise Business in Addis Abeba.
The study focuses on factors that influence performance of small enterprise Business in
Arada Subcity
The outcome of this study will be use full for the owner of small enterprise generally
study is believed to the following importance
It provides useful information for the owner of small enterprise concerning problem
facing small enterprise develop strategies to minimize those problems
What factors influence of small enterprise and suggestion to save those problems
To suggest some possible solution with the factors Influence small enterprise it may help
as great importance for the further research who like study on similar in depth
The scope of the study was limited to an analysis of the challenges facing small
enterprises and their prospects in Addis Abeba Town using a descriptive and qualitative
research design and covers assumption the problem that influence of performance in
small enterprise Business in Addis Abeba such as managerial skill of owners financial
problems, taxations system imposed on those small business enterprise and awareness of
small enterprise about product modification.
The proposed research proposal is organized into different chapters according to the
contents pertaining. The first chapter contains back ground of the study, back ground of
the organization, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the
study, limitation of the study and data analysis of the study and the last chapter contains
summery conclusion and recommendation.
The second chapters represent the literature review. The third chapter represents
methodology of the study .The forth includes work plan and budget and the last chapter
contain the summer of the proposal.
2 .Literature Review
Starting a business is not an event but a process which may take many years two evolved
and come to fruition. Small scale industries in Ethiopian has not been able to contribute
substantially as needed to the economic development particularity because of technical
knowledge financial production and marketing problem .there problem are still major
hand japer to be development .lake of adequate ,finance and credit has always been a
majority problem of Ethiopian small business enterprise. An enterprise is an individual
who established and manger business enterprise for the principal purposes of profit and
growth .but small scale enterprise find it difficult to get. The current national micro and
small enterprise development strategy of Ethiopian different theories of growth and the
rational for the development of small enterprise are discussed in this paper.
Niemen etal (2008:44-49) and kolvereid and Isakson (2006:243-244), who studied the
nature of small enterprise have distinguished between promising start –ups and marginal
start –ups. Promising start –ups are those enterprise with the potential for attaining
significant size and profitability ,while marginal start -ups lack such prospects .the few
business that have such glowing prospect for growth are called high potential business
and these are strong that after substantial of small business financial reward for their
owners (lied Holm -2001:67menial 2005:98-99) even in these groups ,there are variations
in style of operations and approaches to growth ,when the business with high technology
start _ups usually growth, faster and make their founders wealthier.
Characteristics of small enterprises refer to those features such as size, age, location and
the legal form of business.
Studies of small enterprises have recognized that business age plays an important role in
an enterprises price’s performance and growth (charmers 2000:17 -19 chinois 2001:118-
120 and Elkan 1988:11-13) Hyytinen and peek (2007:2009-120 and Jovanovich
(1982:694-670) argue that younger businesses grow faster than older ones because of the
willingness of their managers to take risks.
Theoretically,a firm that enjoys limited liability partnership has been said to have
greater incentive to pursue risky projects and Can therefore expect higher profits and
growth rates than sole proprietorship and can therefore expect higher profits and growth
rates than sole proprietorship and joint ventures (berkhametal .1996:22-25 kolvereid and
isaksen 2006:67-67)Arimah (2001 :23-25) argues that firms with limited legal
responsibility have above average growth showing a significant relationship between the
legal status of the firm and level of growth achieved
2.7 Location
Location can play a central role in determining the survival of small enterprises. Those
enterprises that operate in commercial district or on roadsides shown greater growth rates
than those based in homes, or far from main roads (berkham etal 1996 :320-
321:liedlhom 2oo2:20) geographical location have implications foraccess to customers
and other resources such as finance trained labor distribution and transport logistics. The
achievements of small enterprises also depend on neigh bound hood appearance and
status of future business operations in that location.
The business plan is a very important of the business that helps to decide whether to
invest or not and helps to counter balance one’s emotions to avoid serious faults. Lied
Holmand mead (1999:89-90) also argue that entrepreneurs need to develop a business
plan to establish strategy. Set targets for new alliances and allocate resources according to
strategic priority.
2.9 Challenges to Small Enterprises
Despite their significant contribution to the economy. Small enterprises face serious
challenges. According to Muma[2002;99-115] Hall berg [1999;24] and Ishengoma and
Keppel [2006;35-36] this sector is often referred to a small business with big problem
sector type is an important determinant of enterprise growth as different sectors face
different product demands and encounter various cost structures on the supply side [lied
A second variable likely to affect the growth of existing enterprises is location.
Complementary enterprises grouped close together or located close to the final demand
sources might be expected to grow more rapidly than their more isolated
counterpart(Arimah 2001:105-107:harding 2002:23-26).despite the numerous
determinants of growth and expansion in small enterprises market factors, working
premises, policy and legal factors and institutional linkage related problems are identified
as a major obstacles in the way of optimal performance of the small enterprise sector in
Ethiopian(moti 1997:47-60)
The accessibility of finance is crucial for dynamic enterprises whose growth potential
exceeds their internal sources of finance. However because of limitation in the credit
markets of developing countries, the majority of entrepreneurs start their business with
little or on support from formal financial institutions (Barney 1991:112-113)
Furthermore, the low returns expected from small loans provided to small enterprises
have jeopardized their relationship with formal financial institutions. The inability of
entrepreneurs in small enterprises to provide precise information about themselves has
also contributed to the lock of access to credit (Kava Namur
2002:206:Rosmay 2001:98) Banks are unfamiliar with small enterprises because they
consider them high –risk ,not dependable and involving excessive administrative costs
(Michael teal 1996: 389-396) Results of the 1997 CSA survey in Ethiopia show that for
about 50%of the sectors operators, the main difficulty when starting their operation is a
lack of suffient initial capital CSA 2003:22-24).This issue becomes more critical when
they decide to expand their businesses.
2.11 Business Development Services
Access to market is crucial not having access to markets has an adverse effect on the
entre (Beck and Levin 2003 121-130). According to Andulem (19997:33-40) and NE
gash and kena (2003:102-108) market constraints experienced by small enterprises have
been listed as among the most serious obstacles to growth beyond subsistence level. The
CSA’S report (2003:80-91) on Ethiopia, which is based on 31,863 small-scale industries
all over the c0untry indicates that 48% 0f all establishments faced difficulties related to
demand or access to markets and weakness in or total absence of appropriate marketing
channels, exhibition, trade fairs and display centers.
In money countries, the overall economic policies such as trade, pricing, taxation and
credit policy are biased in favor of large enterprises (hag blade, lied Holm and mead
1990:8-9) under trade policy, for example, government can directly allocate import inputs
and this favors large enterprises that are more likely than smaller ones to gain access to
import quotas.
Chapter three
3. Data and Methodology
In this section attempts had been made to describe the study area discuss the sources of
data and specify models used to analyze the data.
Addis Abeba city is located in Arada sub city regional state, east shoe zone at a distance
of 47km from Addis Ababa. According to the national population and housing census
carried out in 2007. The population of the city was 99,928 out of these 47860[47.8%]
were males 52068[52%] were females regarding age distribution 27568[27.58%] were
with in the age group of 0-15years 66501[66.5%] 16-60 years and 5859[5.86%] 60 years
and above. The population growth rate of the city at medium variant 2.9%while the
average house hold size in the sity is calculated to be 3.7%. The city services as werada
administration industry and tourist center. There are 80 manufacturing nine whole sale
trades around 4000 micro enterprise. There are ten banks and ten micro financial
institution giving services in the town. Economic rate activity for both sexes was
56.7%while unemployment rate was 18.4% the average annual revenue of the
municipality with in the 2009-2011 years was 40,044,666.67 birr and the major sources
of revenue were land lease, different rent, tax and service charge .the major investment
opportunities in the town are agro industry processing, hotel and truism development.
(EshetuBekele & Mammo Muchie (2009) Promoting micro, small and medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) for sustainable rural Livelihood,Development, Innovationand
International Political Economy Research)
This study will conduct on small enterprise in Addis Abeba. Which has its own
contribution on the industry base economy formation of the country in employment
creation. Longitudinal is the select of direct conduct of small enterprise.
This study will use both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Qualitative
research approach will be used to triangulate the quantitative data so as to deduce
dependable results. Quantitative research approach will be used to collect and analyze
data quantitatively using numerical values and expressions.
To attain the stated objectives data will be collected both from primary and secondary
sources a cross sectional primary data will be collected from selected micro enterprises
in the study area through structured questionnaires to supplement the primary data
secondary data will be collected from published and unpublished sources so as to
generate information about the general back ground enterprises of the city structured
questionnaire is prepared and used to collect primary data through enterprises survey
the questionnaire is designed in such a way that in can the help the researcher to dig
out detailed information on the factors that influence the financial performance of the
help the researcher to dig out detailed information on the factors that influence the
financial performance of the selected enterprises to make it simple and understandable,
the questionnaire was translated in to local language, Afaan Oromoo with the help of
research and police unit of the questionnaire was pretested and pilot survey is
conducted so as to develop it and make enumerators familiar with the research. Valid, it
is submitted for commented to research advisor and other colleagues final so as to
collet necessary data this questionnaire is presented to household through enumerators
In this study the researcher will use judgmental sampling the researcher a complete
freedom in choosing the sample respondents according to the study so this sampling
method depends entirely on the researcher. The reason why, the researcher used for
judgmental sampling techniques is that it has low cost in terms of money and save time as
well its convenience to use effectively and select target respondent that provide relevant
An appropriate sample size would be taken from the total population to distribute
quaternaries the target groups for this research are 660 population mainly the owners of
small enterprise from total population 290 service 300 merchandise and 20 small scale
Both descriptive and econometric analyses will be employed to meet the specific
objective of the study in the case of descriptive analysis percentage, cross tabulation +
test and chi square tests will be employed. The collected data will be edited classified and
error will be omitted, examined and collected. While the econometric analysis employed
binary log it model to identify the major determinants of factors that influence small
enterprises of selected the financial performance.
While we will do this research the following work plan should be needed
Organize our members to do research and research proposal
Identify the problem that exists in our country especially in urban area relating
with small enterprise.
Organization and collection of materials that required during analysis.
Prepare the strategic guide line for development of small enterprise
Table:-cost plan
Total 375
This chapter is the main part of the study in which small enterprise practice in
BISHOFTU TOWN in made together with problems prevailing in it .The presentation
analysis and interpretation of the data are made depending up on the factors that influence
performance of small enterprise practice in Addis Abeba.
3.13 References
Niementental (2008:44-46) and kolveried (2006:243-244) who the study the nature of
small enterprise.
According to the revised micro and small scale enterprise growth stage guideline of the
Federal Democratic Republic OF Ethiopia (FDRE) No 004/2001(FDRE 2001-15-16)
Studies of small Enterprise have recognized that business age plays an important role in
an enterprises performance and growth (charmers 2000:17-19 chills 2001:118-120 and
Elkan 1988 11-13) Hyytinen and peck (2007; 2009-120and Jovanovich (1982:694-670)
The government policies and regulation is a prerequisite for growth and expansion of
small enterprise (barkhametal 1996:57-63) access to market is crucial not having access
to market has an adverse effect on the entre (beck and Levin 2003;121-130.